List of Tables

4.1 PSNR Obtained for “Luigi” by Quantizing Amplitude-Phase Information Using USQ (Am: Amplitude, Ph: Phase) 33

4.2 PSNR Obtained for “Luigi” by Quantizing Real-Imaginary Information Using USQ (Re: Real Part, Im: Imaginary Part) 34

4.3 PSNR Obtained for “Luigi” by Quantizing Shifted Distance Information Using USQ 34

4.4 PSNR Obtained From ASQ and USQ on Amplitude-Phase (Am, Ph) and Shifted Distance (D(1),D(2)) 36

4.5 PSNR Obtained From LBG-VQ on Amplitude-Phase (Am, Ph) and Shifted Distance Information of Three Objects 37

5.1 BD-PSNR Improvements in (dB) Compared to the DWT Mallat, per Decomposition, With and Without DA-DWT 67

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