The naturalness of software

E.T. Barr*; P. Devanbu    * University College London, London, United Kingdom
UC Davis, Davis, CA, United States


Of all that we humans do, it is our use of language that most sets us apart from animals. Honed by millions of years of cultural and biological evolution, language is a natural, ordinary, even instinctive part of everyday life [2]. However much we authors may labor to fashion lucid prose for this learned tome, we speak and write spontaneously and freely in daily life: most of what we say is simple, repetitive, and effortless. This quotidian aspect of natural, human linguistic behavior, together with large online corpora of utterances, modern computing resources, and statistical innovations, has triggered a revolution in natural language processing, whose fruits we enjoy every day in the form of speech recognition and automated language translation. If one were to view programming as a speech act, is it driven by the “language instinct”? Do we program as we speak? Is our code largely simple, repetitive, and predictable? Is code natural?


Programming; n-gram language models; Cross-entropy; Code suggestions and completions; Naturalness of software; Semantic properties; Assistive technologies


Of all that we humans do, it is our use of language that most sets us apart from animals. Honed by millions of years of cultural and biological evolution, language is a natural, ordinary, even instinctive part of everyday life [2]. However much we authors may labor to fashion lucid prose for this learned tome, we speak and write spontaneously and freely in daily life: most of what we say is simple, repetitive, and effortless. This quotidian aspect of natural, human linguistic behavior, together with large online corpora of utterances, modern computing resources, and statistical innovations, has triggered a revolution in natural language processing, whose fruits we enjoy every day in the form of speech recognition and automated language translation.

But then, there is this funny thing about programming: it is primarily (even if sometimes unintentionally) an act of communication, from one human to another. Knuth said as much, 30 years ago:

Let us change our traditional attitude to the construction of programs: Instead of imagining that our main task is to instruct a computer what to do, let us concentrate rather on explaining to human beings what we want a computer to do.


If one, then, were to view programming as a speech act, is it driven by the “language instinct”? Do we program as we speak? Is our code largely simple, repetitive, and predictable? Is code natural?

Surely, not all code is. Turn to any sample code in Knuth’s own Art of Computer Programming, and see just how simple and repetitive it is! However, that code is carefully wrought by an expert hand to stand forth as an exemplar of the programmer’s art. Assuredly, most workaday programmers do not have the time to craft such masterpieces.

So, then, how much software is natural, that is to say, simple, repetitive, and effortlessly written? If a lot of “quotidian” code is, indeed, simple, and repetitive, can we use statistical methods from natural language processing to assist programmers in developing better code, faster? Can statistical methods help understand and characterize programmer behavior? Can these methods be used to build models to help beginners avoid and correct common mistakes? Can algorithms automatically translate between Java and C#, as we do from English to French?

These questions are representative of an entirely new direction of research in software engineering: the study and exploitation of the naturalness of software, using large, online corpora of open-source and other code. To investigate this new area, we first used n-gram models [4]. These models assign a probability to the next token based on the previous n − 1 tokens. These models have a long history in natural language processing. Modern n-gram models have sophisticated ways of dealing with issues like data sparsity: ie, some words never occur during model training, but are then encountered in practice. We gathered a large corpus of source code in C and Java, trained a modern n-gram model over that corpus, and measured the predictive accuracy of these models using 10-fold cross-validation. A standard measure here is cross-entropy, which evaluates the “surprisingness” of the code; it is the average negative log of the probability assigned by the model to each token in a test corpus. Intuitively, it measures the average information content of each token in bits.

Typically, the cross-entropy of English falls between 7 and 8 bits using modern n-gram models over words. What about code? Its syntax is simpler than natural language, but contains more neologisms and sometimes defines terms quite far from their uses. To our surprise, we found that source code was not only repetitive and predictable, but much more so than natural language, coming in around 3–4 bits. We remind the reader that this measure is log-scaled, and thus, code is roughly 8–16 times more predictable than English! This encouraging finding led us to seek applications.

The first application we tried was improving integrated development environments (IDEs) like Eclipse1 and IntelliJ Idea2. IDEs have long offered code suggestions and completions (S&C). Completions complete a token fragment; suggestions complete token sequences. IDEs use sophisticated engines that exploit nonlocal information, like token types and variable scope; in contrast, the n-gram models we used were purely local. Our daring idea was that we could, nonetheless, improve the Eclipse S&C engine. We succeeded, using a fairly simple regimen of blending its suggestions from higher-probability ones offered by the n-gram model. In retrospect, it is reasonable to expect that these two approaches complement each other: Eclipse suggests tokens that are allowed to appear in a given context; the n-gram model, by comparison, suggests tokens that have most frequently appeared in similar contexts. This paper was published in ICSE 2012 [5] and, to our knowledge, was the first to explicitly observe the “naturalness of software” and lay out a research vision of work that studied and exploited this phenomenon. We followed up this success by engineering a robust Eclipse plug-in that uses our locality-enhanced cache-based language model [6] to provide more accurate suggestions and completions to enhance developer productivity.

Transforming Software Practice

Beyond its successful application to S&C tasks, the naturalness of software promises to transform software practice through its application to seminal problems like porting, effective community formation, program analysis, and assistive technologies.

Porting and Translation

Automated translation is a success story of statistical natural language processing. These tools are based on models trained using aligned corpora where parallel texts in two different languages are available. Here, the question is whether we successfully train a translation engine to translate between, say Java and C#, using parallel implementations in the two languages? Nguyen et al. [7,8] built a lexical translation engine that translated between Java and C#. Its training corpora contained projects with parallel Java and C# implementations, with method-level alignments. Using aligned code, this project also demonstrated the efficacy of statistical methods in detecting Application Program Interface (API) mappings across different languages and platforms [7]. More recent work has moved beyond lexemes to learning phrase-based translation [9].

The “Natural Linguistics” of Code

Linguistics has, inter alia, two notable aspects: (1) the study of language itself and (2) the study of related subjects (eg, psychology, sociology, anthropology) as they are manifested in linguistic behavior. If we view programming as a form of human linguistic behavior, one could study how large corpora of programs are written and evaluate the different language features they use. Allamanis et al. showed that language models can distinguish project-specific linguistic phenomena, and leveraged this finding to develop a tool that learns and enforces coding standards [10]. This finding suggests that code manifests “linguistic culture.” The National Science Foundation has recently funded the pursuit of the second line of work, that is to say, the social and human aspects of code linguistics. This work aims to identify whether project members have coding styles that “signal” to others that they are in-group rather than out-group, similar to the way in which speech patterns and behavior can indicate whether a person belongs to a group. Success here may, for instance, provide ways to establish development processes that are more welcoming to newcomers.

Analysis and Tools

The predictability of code suggests that semantic properties of code are also predictable. In the extended version of our ICSE 2012 paper [5], we hypothesized that:

Semantic properties (of code) are usually manifest in superficial ways that are computationally cheap to detect, particularly when compared to the cost (or even infeasibility) of determining these properties by sound (or complete) static analysis.

We described (Section VI.D) the possibility of estimating a statistical model over a corpus of code, well-annotated with static analysis facts; and then using this translation approach to provide maximum a-posteriori probability guesses as to likely semantic properties, given easily detected “surface” features. A recent paper realized this approach, using Conditional Random Fields, for the task of suggesting reasonable names and likely type annotations in Javascript programs [11].

Assistive Technologies

Assistive technologies enable users with motion impairments to use computers. They must extract useful signals from constrained movements (such as limited hand movements with just one or two degrees of freedom) or from noisy signals (eg, speech or jittery movements). The user’s observed input can be considered a sample drawn from a distribution conditioned on the intended input, and the task of the assistive device is to identify the intended input. In such settings, a good predictive model is essential.

Dasher [12] replaces a keyboard, allowing the rapid input of English text using motion limited to two dimensions. The user chooses the next letter from a streaming menu of letters that fly at him/her, based on the previous five letters. Dasher works remarkably well, since the hexagram-based entropy of letters in English is quite low, on the order of a few bits. Unfortunately, the token (ie, word) entropy of English is too high to allow Dasher to stream words instead of letters. In code, however, the token entropy is low enough that it is possible to choose tokens. We built a Dasher for code prototype to demonstrate this approach, which you can view online3.


Software is a natural product of human effort, and shares many statistical properties with natural language. This phenomenon promises a wealth of applications, leveraging prior work on statistical methods in natural language; it also offers the promise of using new scientific methodologies to investigate the human and social aspects of software, drawn from approaches in cognitive and social linguistics.


[1] Devanbu P. The naturalness of software, ICSE 2015 NIER Track.

[2] Pinker S. London: Penguin; The language instinct: the new science of language and mind. 1994;vol. 7529.

[3] Knuth D.E. Literate programming. Comput J. 1984;27(2):97–111.

[4] Sparck Jones K. Natural language processing: a historical review. In: Zampolli A., Calzolari N., Palmer M., eds. Current issues in computational linguistics: in honour of Don Walker. Amsterdam: Kluwer; 1994.

[5] Hindle A, Barr E, Gabel M, Su Z, Devanbu P. On the naturalness of software., 2012 [Extended version of the work published at the International conference on software engineering; 2012, Online; accessed 08-Feb-2015].

[6] Tu Z., Su Z., Devanbu P. On the localness of software. In: Proceedings of the joint meeting on foundations of software engineering; New York: ACM; 2014:269–280.

[7] Nguyen A.T., Nguyen H.A., Nguyen T.T., Nguyen T.N. Statistical learning approach for mining API usage mappings for code migration. In: Proceedings of the conference on automated software engineering; New York: ACM; 2014:457–468.

[8] Nguyen A.T., Nguyen T.T., Nguyen T.N. Lexical statistical machine translation for language migration. In: Proceedings of the joint meeting on foundations of software engineering; New York: ACM; 2013:651–654.

[9] Karaivanov S., Raychev V., Vechev M. Phrase-based statistical translation of programming languages. In: Proceedings of the 2014 ACM international symposium on new ideas, new paradigms, and reflections on programming & software; New York: ACM; 2014:173–184.

[10] Allamanis M., Barr E.T., Sutton C. Learning natural coding conventions. In: Proceedings of the joint meeting on foundations of software engineering; 2014.

[11] Raychev V., Vechev M., Krause A. Predicting program properties from “big code”. In: Proceedings of the symposium on the principles of programming languages; 2015.

[12] Wills S.A., MacKay D.J. Dasher-an efficient writing system for brain-computer interfaces? IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng. 2006;14(2):244–246.

Copyright © 2016 E. T Barr and P. Devanbu. Published by Elsevier Inc. Adapted with permission from, New Initiative: The Naturalness of Software, by Premkumar Devanbu, 2015 IEEE/ACM 37th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering, 16–24 May 2015, Copyright IEEE Press, All Rights Reserved.




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