About the Authors

Dijiang Huang


Why should I have been the person to write this book? Well, I seem to have accumulated the right mix of experience and qualifications over the last 22 years. I graduated in Telecommunications from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (China) with a Bachelor degree in 1995; my first job was that of a network engineer in the computer center of Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC); having four-year industry working experience, I came to the University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC) in the United States to pursue my graduate study in the joint computer and telecommunication networking program of Computer Science; and I earned my MSc and PhD degrees in Computer Science in 2001 and 2004, respectively. During my study at UMKC, I became interested in the research areas of mobile computing and security, and focused my research on securing Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET).

After graduating with my PhD, I joined the Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) department at Arizona State University (ASU) as an Assistant Professor to start my independent academic life. One of my early research focus areas was securing MANET communication and networking protocols. Later, I realized that the cross-layer approach is extremely important to make a MANET solution more efficient and practical. Gradually, I looked into the research problem on how to build a situation-aware solution to better support MANET applications considering various instability issues due to nodes' mobility and intermittent communication. Considering mobiles trying to utilize all reachable resources to support their applications, this situation is very similar to the resource management scenario for cloud computing; of course, with different context, running environment, programming and virtualization capabilities and constraints.

In 2010, I was awarded the Office of Naval Research (ONR) Young Investigator Program (YIP) award for working on a research project to establish a secure mobile cloud computing system. The main task of the award is to develop a secure and robust mobile cloud computing system to support trustworthy mission-critical MANET operations and resource management considering communication, networking, storage, computation, and security requirements and constraints. With the booming of Internet of Things (IoT), SDx (i.e., Software Defined Everything) in a mobile application scenario such as mobility powered and focused applications for the future smart city, mobile cloud computing has been refocusing its research agenda on a broader definition of “mobile” including cloud infrastructure, software, and services. I hope this book can share my past research and development outcomes and provide a starting point to ride on the next research and development wave for mobile cloud computing, which can benefit both research communities and practitioners.

In summary, my current research interests are in computer and network security, mobile ad hoc networks, network virtualization, and mobile cloud computing. I am currently an Associate Professor in the School of Computing Informatics Decision Systems Engineering (CIDSE) of ASU, and I am currently leading the Secure Networking and Computing (SNAC) research group. Most of my current and previous research is supported by federal agencies such as National Science Foundation (NSF), ONR, Army Research Office (ARO), Naval Research Lab (NRL), National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO); and industries such as Consortium of Embedded System (CES), Hewlett-Packard, NCI Inc., and China Mobile. In addition to ONR Young Investigator Award, I was also a recipient of HP Innovation Research Program (IRP) Award and JSPS Fellowship. I am a cofounder of two start-up companies: Athena Network Solutions LLC (ATHENETS) and CYNET LLC. I am a senior member of IEEE and member of ACM. For more information about my research publications, teaching, and professional community services, please refer to http://www.public.asu.edu/~dhuang8/. By the way, I love all kinds of sports, play guitar, and like traveling :-).

Huijun Wu


Huijun Wu is now an engineer at Twitter Inc. He received his PhD from Arizona State University.

In 2007, Huijun graduated from Huazhong University of Science & Technology, after which he showed interest in database and data processing. He worked on a database kernel project named CacheDB which is an in-memory real-time database kernel. CacheDB was adopted by the China Southern Power Grid to collect meter metrics in Guangzhou, China. When Huijun was working on the CacheDB project, he invented a log merging method and a parallel recovery method, which were patented. For the accomplishments in the database and data processing area, he received his MS degree.

In 2009, Huijun joined Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell to work on the 5060 Wireless Call Server (WCS). The 5060 WCS has served multiple areas worldwide, playing pivotal role in the backbone communication network. Huijun's work helped the 5060 WCS to work reliably.

Huijun did not stop progressing. He joined the SNAC research group and started his PhD journey in 2011. The 5 years spent at SNAC research group were the best time in his life. He worked with the intelligent SNAC colleagues in the mobile cloud area. His research includes mobile cloud application, mobile cloud service framework, and cloud computing. He developed a mobile cloud service framework called POEM, which was awarded the best student paper at the 4th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Services. Besides mobile cloud system, he published several offloading algorithms to optimize computation performance. For the accomplishments in the mobile cloud area, he received his PhD degree.

Huijun joined Twitter Inc. in 2016, working on the Heron project. Heron is a realtime, distributed, fault-tolerant stream processing engine to substitute Apache Storm, and Heron is moving to Apache Incubator. Huijun contributed several new components for Heron, including MetricsCacheManager. Besides developing Heron, he is a technique article author to promote the Heron project.

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