

adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs), 29–31, 53–54

agribusiness, 161–163

Brazil, 152–160


arable land

Brazil, 152

China, 147–148

farm equipment market, 162

production and consumption, China, 147–151

water, China, 148–151

AIG, 63–67, 75

AIGFP (AIG Financial Products), 64

Alt-A mortgages, 29

alternative energy, 191–192, 195

carbon sequestration, 197

coal, 196

GTL (gas to liquid), 198

natural gas, 198

syngas, 194

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, 76

Americas, water, 148

animal spirits, 84

aquaculture, 210–215

arable land

Brazil, 152

China, 147–148

Argentina, tractors, 162

ARMs (adjustable-rate mortgages), 29–31, 53–54


educational services companies, 237–238

fish consumption, 207

oil demand, 166

Asian tiger model, 119

asset-backed securities, 22


in China and India, 171

fuel efficiency standards, 247

hybrids, 246

average gasoline price survey, 178


bailouts, people’s confidence in, 75

Bank of America, 98

Lehman Brothers, 63

Merrill Lynch, 65

banks, U.S. government and, 97

Barclays, 63

bargain hunters, 2

barrel of oil equivalent (BOE), 179

bear markets, 77

Bear Stearns, 36–39

Enhanced Fund, 36–39

fall of, 58–60

High Grade Structured Credit Fund, 36–39


Brazil, 154

China’s consumption of, 143–146

Bernanke, Ben, 72, 83

bitumen, 193

Blankfein, Lloyd, 45

BOE (barrel of oil equivalent), debt, 179

Brands, China, 134

Brazil, 111–113

agribusiness, 152–160

arable land, 152

corn, 157

feed grain, 159

fertilizer application, 160

grains, 156

International Monetary Fund (IMF), 112

poultry exports, 153

tractors, 162

breaking the buck, 66

Bretton Woods system, 182

budgets of regulatory agencies, 95

BYD (Build Your Dreams), 254


CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy), 247

Canada, oil sands, 192–193

cap-and-trade policies, alternative energy, 197

capitalism, 102

China and, 119

carbon sequestration, 196–197

cars in China and India, 171

Case-Shiller home price index, 49

Cayne, James, 58

CDOs (collateralized debt obligations), 27, 36, 48, 57

CDS (credit default swap), 64

cell phones

China, 136

penetration rates, 242

CFL (compact fluorescent light), 248

changing landscape, 114

character, credit, 19

Chevy Volt, 245, 254

Chile, aquaculture, 213–215

China, 119

agriculture, production and consumption, 147–151

arable land, 147–148

automobiles, 171

beef and poultry consumption, 143–146

brands, 134

capitalism, 119

cell phones, 136

cities, growth of, 131

commodities, 126

construction, 126

consumerism, 128–134

domestic economy, 128–134

earthquakes, 120

education, 219–220

English language training, 225

Gaokao test, 226

higher education, 227–229

online courses, 223–224

spending on, 220–223

tutoring, 225

entrepreneurialism, 105–109

financial crisis of 2008 and 2009, 117

fish consumption, 206

floods, 120

GDP since 1980, 142

generational divides, 129–131

growth, 103

innovation, 108

insurance industry, 129

Internet, 130, 223

natural resources, 122–123

online shopping, 136

products, popular, 135–139

professional testing, 228

rare earths, 249–255

savings, 119–122

second-tier cities, 131

taste preferences, 132–134

technology, 136

third-tier cities, 131

Treasury holdings, 91

urbanization, 126–128

water, 148–151

women in the workforce, 145

China’s sorrow, 120

Cioffi, Ralph, 37

cities in China, growth of, 131

Citigroup, 98

coal, 196

coal-to-liquids market, 197

collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), 27

college endowments, Western institutions, 230–231

commercial paper, 74

Commercial Paper Funding Facility (CPFF), 74


China, 126

future prices, 165

oil. See oil

common owned versus privately owned, 201–202

Community Reinvestment Act of 1977, 21

compact fluorescent light (CFL), 248

compensation expenses, 45

competition, 101–105. See also entrepreneurialism, 105–109

confidence, velocity, 85

Confucian doctrine, 219

Confucian principle, 117

construction, China, 126

consumer credit, 24

Consumer Price Index (CPI), 12

consumer spending, GDP 2003, 10

consumerism, China, 128–134

consumers, 88

corn, Brazil, 157

corn consumption, 158

Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE), 247

Countrywide Financial, 55

CPFF (Commercial Paper Funding Facility), 74

CPI (Consumer Price Index), 12, 182

Cramer, Jim, 62

CRB commodity index, 123

credit, 19–21, 24–25

consumer credit, 24

home equity line of credit, 14

stop of, 67

credit bubble, 46–50

credit default swap (CDS), 64

credit rating agencies, 41

currency, debasement of, 82


debasement of currency, 82

debt. See also household debt, 8, 17, 49, 68

per BOE (barrel of oil equivalent), 179

U.S. government, 90–92

financing, 86

debtor nations, 114

defaults, subprime mortgages, 55–57

deflation, 72

quantitative easing, 80

deleveraging, 67

delinquency rates, 28


overexploitation, oceans, 206–209

for rare earths, 252–255

demand for technology, 242–244

developing countries, fish consumption, 207

diadromous fish, 211

Dimon, James, 59

domestic economy, China 128–134


earthquakes, China, 120

economic recovery, built on borrowed money (2003), 8–13

economy, world economy, 67

education, 217

China, 219–220

English language training, 225

Gaokao test, 226

higher education, 227–229

tutoring, 225

emerging markets, 218–219

household spending on, 220–223

higher education, financial crisis portends continued growth in emerging, 230–234

online courses, 223–224

students, financial issues, 233

technology and, 223–224

education services industry, stocks, 234–236

educational services companies, emerging markets and Asia, 237–238

Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, 73

emerging markets, 217

education, spending on, 220–223

educational services companies, 237–238

financial crisis protends continued growth, 230–234

higher education, 218–219

Emmanuel, Rahm, 76

endowments, Western institutions, 230–231

Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, 157

English language training, China, 225

Enhanced Fund, 36–39

entrepreneurialism, 105–109

equation of exchange, 85

equity risk premium, 85

erbium, 242

ethanol consumption, 157

europium, 241

exploitation, oceans, 204–205

exploration and production (E&P), oil, 172–174, 178


Fannie Mae, 21

subprime mortgages, 61

farm equipment, 162

farmers, U.S., 163

fat tailed, 64

FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation), 45

Federal Housing Enterprises Financial Safety and Soundness Act of 1992, 21

Federal Register, 93–94

Federal Reserve

chairman of, 83

quantitative easing, 89

timing markets, 13

feed grain, Brazil, 159

feed grain multiplier, 155

fertilizer application, Brazil, 160

“Financial Chaos,” 50–52

financial crisis, continued growth in emerging market education services, 230–234

financial crisis of 2008 and 2009, China, 117

financing debt, U.S. government, 86

First Pacific Advisors, 41

Fischer, Franz, 194

Fischer-Tropsch process, 195

fish consumption, 206

Asia, 207

China, 206

developing countries, 207

U.S., 208

fisheries, 203–205

aquaculture, 210–215

salmon, 212

fishers, 209

Fitch, 41

flipping homes, 18–19

floods, China, 120

Florida State University, 232

foreclosure crisis (2008), 60

Frank, Barney, 98

Freddie Mac, 21, 61

Free to Choose, 95

Friedman, Milton, 81, 85, 95

fuel efficiency standards, automobiles, 247

Fuld, Richard, 45, 62


Gaokao test, 226

Garn–St. Germain Depository Institution Act, 47

gas to liquids (GTL), 198

gasoline, average price survey, 178

GDP (Gross Domestic Product)

compared to protein consumption, 144

growth (2003), 8

per head since 1980, China and India, 142

Geithner, Timothy, 59, 63

General Motors (GM), 245

GMAC, 48, 66

Hummers, 16–17

U.S. government’s rescue of, 97

generational divides, China, 129–131

Getty, Paul, 165

Global Competitiveness Index, 103–111

global economies, changing landscape of, 114

Global Purchasing Priorities Survey, 221

GM. See General Motors

GMAC, 48, 66

Goldilocks economy, 13–14

Goldman Sachs, 37

government regulation, 93–98

government take over of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, 61

grain prices, relationship to oil prices, 161–162

grains, Brazil, 156

Great Britain, 92

Great Depression, household debt, 49

green economies, rare earths, 245–249

Greenspan, Alan, 24

inflation, 86

Greenwich Associates, 24


of cities in China, 131

GDP 2003, 8

government regulation, 94–98

in monetary base of U.S., 80

of prosperity China and India, 142

regulation, 93

GTL (gas to liquid), 198–199


Hardin, Garrett, 201

hedge funds, 23–24

Enhanced Fund, 36–39

High Grade Structured Credit Fund, 36–39

High Grade Structured Credit Fund, 36–39

higher education

China, 219–220, 227–229

emerging markets, 218–219

financial crisis portends continued growth in emerging market, 230–234

home equity line of credit, 14

home price index, 12

home prices, 11–12

median house price versus median income, 39

home values, 11

homes, flipping, 18–19

household debt, 8, 17, 49

divided by household net worth, 68

household net worth, divided by household debt, 68

household spending on education in emerging markets, 220–223

houses, vacant homes, 53

human behavior, 201–203

oceans, 203–205

overexploitation, 206–209

Hummer, 16–17

hybrid vehicles, 246

hydrocarbons, 192

hyperinflation, Brazil, 111


IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standard), 229

ILCs (Industrial Loan Companies), 47

in-situ process, oil sands, 193


automobiles, 171

education, spending on, 221

GDP since 1980, 142

Industrial Loan Companies (ILCs), 47

IndyMac Corp., 60

Infectious Salmon Anemia (ISA), 214

Inflation, 81–86

Brazil, 111

risk, 3

initial public offering (IPO), 36

innovation, China, 108

insurance industry, China, 129

interest-only loans, 29

International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS), 229

International Monetary Fund (IMF), Brazil, 112

Internet, China, 130

Internet usage, China, 223

IPO (initial public offering) 36

ISA (Infectious Salmon Anemia), 214


J.P. Morgan, 59

Washington Mutual, 66

Jintao, President Hu, 127

June 25, 2003, 7


Keju, 219

Keynes, John Maynard, 84

Korea Development Bank, 62


LCD panels, 243

Lehman Brothers, 39–45, 63

fall of, 62–64

lending money, criteria for, 19

Lewis, Ken, 65

liar loans, 30

LIBOR (London InterBank Offered Rate), 29

Lifton, Jack, 248

light bulbs, 248

Little Emperors, China, 129

Lloyd, William Forster, 201

loans, real estate loans as percentage of total loans, 46

London InterBank Offered Rate (LIBOR), 29

Lynas Corp. of Australia, 251


Mack, John, 45

Madoff, Bernie, 93

market distortions, oil, 179–184, 191

McMahon, Ed, 61

McMansions, 16

Me Generation, China, 130

measures of volatility, 65

Merrill Lynch, 38, 65

Middle East, oil consumption, 167

miniaturization, rare earths, 242

Molycorp, 250

monetary base of U.S., growth of, 80

monetary expansion, 80–84

money, lending (criteria for), 19

money market funds, 66

Money Mischief, 85

money policy, oil, 183

Moody’s, 41

Morgan, J. Pierpont, 19

mortgage brokers, 25, 28

mortgage-backed securities, 22


Alt-A, 29

ARMs, 29–31, 53–54

delinquency rates, 28

subprime, 26–33

U.S. chartered commercial banks’ total mortgages, 45

Mount Weld project, 251

Mountain Pass, California, 250


The National Bureau of Economic Research, 76

nationally held oil companies versus privately held, 174, 178

natural disasters, China, 120–121

natural gas, 198

natural resources, China, 122–123

negative amortization loans, 30

neodymium, 242, 253

net worth of U.S. households, 15

New Zealand, quotas for fishers, 209

Norway, salmon fishing, 214


O’Neal, Stanley, 65

Obama, President Barack, 68


human behavior, 203–205

overexploitation, demand, 206–209

OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), 17

oil, 17, 165

breakeven costs measured in oil prices per barrel by source of supply, 199

exploration and production, 172–174, 178

future prices, 165

market distortions, 179–184, 191

money policy, 183

reserve growth, 184

reserve replacement, 184

supply and demand, 166–169

oil consumption, relation to prosperity, 170–172

oil prices, relationship to grain prices, 161–162

oil sands, 194

Canada, 192–193

online education, 223–224

online shopping, China, 136

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 17


fisheries, 204–205

oceans, demand, 206–209


packaging home loans, 20

Pandit, Vikram, 98

Paulson, Henry, 59, 72

penetration rates

cell phones, 242

LCD panels, 243

petrocommodities, 161

Pickard, Lee, 43

Poole, William, 63

poultry, China’s consumption of, 143–146

poultry exports, Brazil, 153

printing money, 80–82

privately held oil companies versus nationally held, 174, 178

privately owned versus common owned, 201–202

production, oil, 172–174, 178

productivity, U.S., 102

products, popular in China, 135–139

professional testing, China, 228


growth of, 142

relationship to oil consumption, 170–172

protein consumption

China 143–146

compared to GDP, 144

public versus private resources, 201


quantitative easing, 80, 89

quotas for fishers, 209


rare earths, 241–242

China, 249–255

demand for, 252–255

green economies, 245–249

neodymium, 253

real estate, flipping homes, 18–19

regulation, 93–98

regulators, SEC, 93

regulatory agencies, budgets, 95

reserve currency, 82

reserve growth, 184

reserve replacement, oil, 184

revenues, Lehman Brothers, 45

risk, inflation, 3

risk aversion, 85

Rodriguez, Robert, 41


salmon, 212–213

Norway, 214

Sasol, 195, 198

Saturday Night Live, 117

savings, China, 119–122

savings rates, 8

Schumer, Charles, 98

Schwartz, Alan, 58

Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 16

SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission), 43

Madoff, Bernie, 93

second-tier cities, China, 131

securities, 21

asset-backed, 22

mortgaged-backed, 22

securitization market, 20

shadow banking system, 74

Shell, 198

Shiller, Robert, 11

Singapore, 118

Singaporean model, 118

small business, regulation, 96

smartphones, 243

soybean oilseeds, 147

Brazil, 154

spending on education in emerging markets, 220–223

U.S. government, 86–89

spendulus package, 77

Standard and Poor’s 1500 Education Services Subgroup Index, 235

stimulus package, 77

stock market valuations, 78

fourth quarter 2008, 77

stocks, education services industry, 234–236

students, financial issues, 233

subprime mortgages, 26–33

defaults, 55–57

supply and demand, oil, 166–169

surveys, average gasoline price, 178

syngas, 194

synthetic fuel, 195


TALF (Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility), 74

TaoBao, 136

TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program), 73

taste preferences, China, 132–134

technology, 255

China, 136

demand for, 242–244

education and, 223–224

Templeton, Sir John, 1–2, 11

education stocks, 236

“Financial Chaos,” 50, 52

Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF), 74

Thain, John, 65

third-tier cities, China, 131

thrift certificates, 47

Toyota, hybrids, 247

Toyota Prius, 245–246

tractors, 162

Treasuries, 89

Treasury bonds, 86

Treasury holdings, China, 91

Tropsch, Hans, 194

Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), 73

trust, break down in, 72

tutoring, China, 225



education, 218

spending on, 221

farmers, 163

fish consumption, 208

meat consumption, 143

productivity, 102

renewable fuels, 157

U.S. consumers, 88

U.S. dollar, 3

U.S. federal budget deficits, 87–89

U.S. government

banks and, 97

debt, 90–92

financing, 86

rescue of GM, 97

spending, 86–89

urbanization, China, 126–128

utility-scale wind turbines, 247


vacant homes, 53

value investors, 2

velocity, confidence, 85

volatility index (VIX), 65


Wachovia, 66

Washington Mutual, 66

water, China, 148–151

wealth, 15

Wells Fargo, Wachovia, 67

Western big oil, 174

Western consumer goods, Chinese opinion of, 133–134

Western schools, financial crisis, 230

women in the workforce, China, 145

world economy, 67


Xiaoping, Deng, 103, 117–118, 241


Yale, loss of endowments, 232

Yangtze River, China, 120

Yellow River, China, 121

Yew, Lee Kuan, 118

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