12. Hero

WHENEVER WE TEACH WORKSHOPS, there are two things we hear from people over and over again.

The first is this:

We’re still doing content wrong in our company, and I’m really embarrassed about it.

Even if these aren’t the exact words attendees use, it’s the message they’re sending loud and clear every time they raise their hand to ask a question. “Sorry my company is so behind the curve, but ...” or “I realize everyone else knows what they’re doing, but ...”

The thing is, there are very, very few organizations that actually have their acts together when it comes to content. So, if you’re sitting in a content strategy workshop, you’re actually ahead of the game. You’re not late to the party. The content strategy conversation has only begun.

Here’s the second thing people say:

This is hard.

Well, HELL YES, it’s hard. You’re not going to leave a workshop or a one-hour talk and go back to your company and suddenly find yourself with funding and staff and group hugs.

So what you need, dear friend, is friends. Content strategy friends. There are so many of them out there, and they’re just as smart and curious as you are. (For some reason, they’re pretty funny, too.)

Here’s what you can do.

Get in a Group

Whether you actively participate or just lurk in the shadows, there are a few amazing, active online groups to check out. Two of our favorites:

Content Strategy Google Group: http://groups.google.com/group/contentstrategy

LinkedIn Content Strategy Group: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/Content-Strategy-1879338

Follow the Hashtag

If you’re a tweeter, follow #contentstrategy on Twitter.com for the best curated content strategy content around.

Go to—or Start—a Meetup

Meetup.com is a great website that allows absolutely anyone to schedule an event and open it up to all interested parties. Meetup.com has been absolutely essential in helping content-loving folks find each other in cities around the world. Some content strategy meetups have started with three people and grown to three hundred in less than a year!

How can you find one of these magical events? It’s easy. Go here:


Enter your ZIP code to see if there’s one in your area. If there is, then register for the next one and go! Meet friends. Learn things. Be happy.

If there’s not, then start one. Yes. Looking at you. Just follow the instructions, post your link wherever you can (those groups we mentioned would be great places), and see what happens. It’s super simple, and it’s low risk: If at least one person shows up, then at least you can enjoy a drink together while venting about how no one at your company gets content except for you.

Bonus: If you do start a Meetup, find Kristina (@halvorson) on Twitter and let her know. She’ll help you advertise it. And don’t forget to use the #contentstrategy hashtag wherever you can!

Share the Dream

Once you connect with all of these fellow content lovers, ask them to keep reminding you of the following:

Content is a huge, pain-in-the-butt, expensive, out-of-control problem. And, as with any big, messy problem, getting to a solution is going to take time.

Be. Patient.

Creating a smart content strategy means research and reflection, trial and error. And selling it to The Powers That Be—winning attention, approval, and resources—may take even longer. And you know what? That’s okay. You have time. (Remember: It’s only the Internet.)

Along the way, keep reminding everyone (including yourself) of the benefits:

• More lasting website improvements

• Huge savings on content licensing

• Streamlined, more efficient workflow

• Vastly improved user experiences

• New types of cross-team collaborations

• More consistency in multi-platform content

• Better realization of overall business goals

These are the things you get when you put content strategy to work for your organization. What’s not to love?

And That About Covers It

Congratulations! Because you have now read Content Strategy for the Web, we hereby anoint you as a member of The Order of People Who Have Read Content Strategy for the Web. As a member of TOOPWHRCSFTW, it’s now your job to get out there and figure out what can be done to improve the way you and your clients or colleagues create, deliver, and govern your web content. With your help, we can all consider content at the strategic level, so we can start to deliver the right stuff: content that matters, both to our audiences and to our bottom line.

So, get busy! There’s a whole lot of content out there in the world that needs your help. Be brave. Be informed. Be awesome. Be the hero you were born to be.

All of us here at TOOPWHRCSFTW wish you well as you begin your quest for content success. Now, go put on your cape and get to it. We’re counting on you!

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