

Accelerator API

overview of, 157158

querying device orientation, 158161

watching device orientation, 161164

addresses array, specifying contact properties, 225226

Adobe, in history of PhoneGap, 5


debugging PhoneGap applications and, 3738

Notification API and, 307310

allowEdit property, Camera API, 180


accelerator determining device orientation, 157158, 164

Apache Ant and, 337

application status events, 253254

building PhoneGap applications, 1314

button events, 257258, 261

camera simulators, 170

Capture API example on, 200204

Compass API example on, 209

configuring PhoneGap Build for mobile platforms, 143145

contact information, 231

debugging PhoneGap applications, 4143

device object running on, 245

Eclipse plug-in and, 19

errors related to contact information, 229230

geolocation support, 279

JDK (Java Developer Kit) and, 333–334

Media API support, 293

media files, 295

network status events, 256

operating systems supported by PhoneGap, 3

PhoneGap API support, 9

PhoneGap Build support, 141

picture capture process, 168169, 173175

releasing Media objects, 298

searching for contact information, 235

testing applications created with PhoneGap Build, 152

testing applications on physical devices, 3637

watchHeading function on, 213

Android development tools

AVD (Android Virtual Device) for testing PhoneGap applications, 6064

configuring Eclipse development environment, 6466

creating PhoneGap project, 6769

creating PhoneGap project with Eclipse, 7374

installing SDK on Macintosh OSs, 60

installing SDK on Windows OSs, 5859

making changes to Java source files, 7072

managing PhoneGap projects from command-line, 7477

options for creating PhoneGap projects, 6667

steps in installation of, 5758

testing PhoneGap applications, 7779

Android Virtual Device (AVD), testing PhoneGap applications with, 6064, 78

Antenna Volt, types of hybrid applications, 21


Cordova Git repository. See Git repository

history of PhoneGap and, 5

Apache Ant

BlackBerry development environment and, 97

building PhoneGap applications, 7677

installing on Macintosh OSs, 337

installing on Windows OSs, 338339

APIs (application programming interfaces)

capturing settings from another application and adding to bada project, 93

consistency as cross-platform issue, 5051

defining application version in bada, 8890

PhoneGap APIs. See PhoneGap APIs

PhoneGap supported, 10

running web applications within PhoneGap container, 8

suite in PhoneGap, 3

Appcelerator Titanium, types of hybrid applications, 20


development environment. See iOS development environment

iOS. See iOS

iPhone. See iPhone

PhoneGap and, 11

registering as Apple developer, 113114

Application container, designing for, 1113

Application development

on Android. See Android development tools

on bada. See bada development environment

on BlackBerry. See BlackBerry development environment

on iOS. See iOS development environment

with PhoneGap Build. See PhoneGap Build

with Symbian. See Symbian development environment

Windows OSs. See Windows development environment

Application Manager, bada

creating application ID, 88

creating application profile, 8688

defining application version, 8890

defining platform version, 9093

selecting target devices, 9394

Application profile, creating for bada development project, 8688

Application status events, 251254

Applications, PhoneGap. See also Web applications

architecture of, 67

building, 1316, 27

cross-platform issues, 4953

debugging. See Debugging PhoneGap applications

Hello, World! example, 2325

hybrid. See Hybrid applications

initialization, 2528

leveraging PhoneGap APIs, 2830

running on physical device, 3637

running on simulators, 2930, 3334, 3536

testing. See Testing PhoneGap applications

user interface enhancements, 3035

Web 1.0 approach to building, 11

Web 2.0 approach to building, 1112

Arrays, specifying contact properties, 225226

AT&T WorkBench, 21


callback functions, 295297

capture on Android devices, 202

capture with Capture API, 186, 198199

creating Media objects, 294

determining current position while playing, 297

determining duration of playback, 297298

example of use of Media API, 300305

mediaFileURI, 294295

playing clips, 298299

recording, 299300

AVD (Android Virtual Device), testing PhoneGap applications with, 6064, 78


bada development environment

adding manifest file to PhoneGap project, 9495

capturing API settings from another application, 93

configuring application security, 90, 92

creating application ID, 88

creating application profile, 8687

creating PhoneGap project, 8286

defining application version, 8889

defining platform version, 9092

defining unique name for application, 8788

downloading/installing PhoneGap files, 8082

overview of, 7980

preparing PhoneGap for, 329

selecting target devices, 9394

testing PhoneGap applications, 9596

bada (Samsung), PhoneGap supported operating systems, 4

Beep, in Notification API, 310

BES (BlackBerry Enterprise Server), 109


accelerator determining device orientation, 157158

accelerator support and, 161

adding/saving contacts, 232233

Apache Ant and, 337

application status events and, 253

build issues, 151

building PhoneGap applications, 1415

button events, 257258, 261

Capture API on, 196, 204

configuring camera options, 178, 180

configuring PhoneGap Build for mobile platforms, 143145

debugging PhoneGap applications, 4041

device object running on simulator, 245246

E/S (emulator/simulator) and, 3536

errors related to contact information, 229230

FileWriter object and, 274

geolocation support, 279

getting current location of device, 284

HelloWorld application on, 2930, 34

JDK (Java Developer Kit) for building applications, 333

Media API support, 293

mileage tracker example, 322

PhoneGap API documentation, 51

PhoneGap API support, 89

PhoneGap Build support, 141

PhoneGap supported operating systems, 4

picture capture process, 168, 170172

reading directory entries, 269272

running contacts example on, 231

searching for contact information, 234

signing keys, 99

storing contact information, 228

testing applications created with PhoneGap Build, 152

testing applications on physical device, 3637

watching location of device, 286, 288

WebWorks. See WebWorks

BlackBerry development environment

build process, 104107

building PhoneGap applications, 107109

config.xml file, 100103

creating PhoneGap project, 99100

installing WebWorks SDK, 9899

overview of, 97

testing PhoneGap applications on device, 111112

testing PhoneGap applications on simulator, 109111

BlackBerry® Development Fundamentals (Wargo), xxiv, 21, 40, 97, 105, 107

BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES), 109

BlackBerry Mobile Data System (MDS)

overview of, 106107

testing PhoneGap applications on, 109111

BlackBerry WebWorks. See WebWorks

Build process. See also PhoneGap Build

accessing contact information and, 230

in BlackBerry development environment, 104107

building applications for BlackBerry, 107109

PhoneGap applications, 1316

in PhoneGap Build, 148

build.xml file, 109

Button events

event listener for, 258262

list of button types, 257

overriding button behavior, 257258

overview of, 256257

running on Android, 261


Callback functions

Capture API, 187188

Contacts API, 236, 242

DirectoryReader object and, 267

File API, 270271, 273274, 277278

Geolocation API, 280281

how PhoneGap works and, 9

Media API, 295297

Notification API, 308309

SQL database, 321322

Storage API, 319320, 326

Camera API

accessing pictures on devices, 165166

allowEdit, 180

Android example, 173175

BlackBerry example, 171172

Capture API compared with, 185

configuring camera options, 176

dealing with issues related to, 182184

default options, 166167

destinationType, 178179

encodingType, 181

inconsistencies between device platforms, 168170

iOS example, 169170

iPhone example, 167168

mediaType, 181182

optic quality and, 177178

overview of, 165

sourceType, 179180

targetHeight and targetWidth, 181

Cameras, testing PhoneGap applications via, 152153

Capture API

audio and video capture, 198199

Camera API compared with, 185

configuring capture options, 189191

image preview on iOS, 197198

inconsistencies between device platforms, 195196

Media API compared with, 293

overview of, 185

running on Android device, 200204

running on BlackBerry device, 204

running on iPhone, 191195

using, 186189

Chrome (Google), 4445

clone method, contacts and, 242


building PhoneGap applications in, 141

packaging PhoneGap applications, 14

Command-line tools

development on BlackBerry and, 98

managing projects with, 7477

testing applications, 7779

Compass API

overview of, 205

querying device orientation, 205206

running on iPhone, 206208

watchHeading function, 210213

watchHeadingFilter function, 213215

watching device orientation, 209

Compression, JPEG format, 177

config.xml file

BlackBerry projects, 100103

PhoneGap Build and, 16

PhoneGap Build projects, 145146, 150

confirm method, in Notification API, 307310

Connection object

example, 219220

overview of, 217219

running on Android device, 220

console object, JavaScript, 3839

Contacts API

adding/saving contact on BlackBerry, 232233

cloning contacts, 242

creating contacts, 224

example, 226230

overview of, 223

removing contacts, 242

running on Android device, 235

running on BlackBerry device, 231

running on iOS device, 235

searching for contact information on BlackBerry, 234

searching for contact information on iPhone, 237

searching for contacts, 235241

specifying contact properties, 224226

Contacts API, W3C, 223

Copying files or directories, 276

Cordova Git repository. See Git repository

createTable function, SQL database, 319320

Cross-platform applications

building native applications, 3

development issues, 4953

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

building cross-platform native application, 3

running web applications within PhoneGap container, 7

Cygwin, building Symbian applications on Windows OS, 126128


Dalvik Debug Monitor Server (DDMS), 4243

database object, transaction method of, 319

DDMS (Dalvik Debug Monitor Server), 4243

Debug mode, in PhoneGap Build, 153154

Debugging camera problems, 183184

Debugging PhoneGap applications

leveraging debugging capabilities, 3743

overview of, 35

in PhoneGap Build, 153154

RMEE (Ripple Mobile Environment Emulator) for debugging, 4446

on Symbian, 134

third-party tools, 4344

Weinre (Web Inspector Remote) for debugging, 4649

on Windows Phone, 139140

destinationType property, Camera API settings, 178179


adding developer tools to Eclipse, 6566

registering as Apple developer, 113114

tools for, 55

Development environments

Android. See Android development tools

bada. See bada development environment

BlackBerry. See BlackBerry development environment

iOS. See iOS development environment

PhoneGap Build. See PhoneGap Build

Symbian. See Symbian development environment

Device APIs and Policy (DAP) Working Group, W3C (Worldwide Web Consortium), 10

Device location

canceling a watch, 289291

getting current location, 280284

setting a watch, 285288

watching location of, 284

Device object

device properties, 244

overview of, 243

running on Android, 245

running on BlackBerry, 245246

running on iPad, 246248

running on iPhone, 246

Device orientation, in Accelerator API

overview of, 157158

querying device orientation, 158161

watching device orientation, 161164

Device orientation, in Compass API

querying device orientation, 205206

watchHeading function, 210213

watchHeadingFilter function, 213215

watching device orientation, 209

device properties, device object, 244

deviceready events, 250251

Devices, physical. See Physical devices

Digital signing, configuring PhoneGap Build for mobile platforms, 143145


accessing, 264

copying, 276

deleting, 275276

errors accessing, 265

moving, 276277

properties, 269272

reading directory entries, 267269

DirectoryEntry object

copying directories, 276

deleting directories, 275276

moving directories, 276277

properties, 269272

DirectoryReader object, 267269

Documentation, PhoneGap API, 1718, 51

Dojo Mobile, 31


bada SDK, 8082

installing PhoneGap and, 327

JDK (Java Developer Kit), 333334

Droid (Motorola), Capture API example on, 201

Drupal, PhoneGap plug-ins, 19

Duration, audio playback, 297298

duration property, Capture API, 190


E/S (emulator/simulator)

camera simulators, 170

contacts example on BlackBerry simulator, 231

device object running on BlackBerry simulator, 245246

device object running on iPad simulator, 246248

launching PhoneGap project in iPhone simulator, 120

onCameraError on iOS simulator, 183

running PhoneGap applications, 3536, 78

testing BlackBerry applications, 109111

testing PhoneGap application in bada emulator, 9596

testing PhoneGap application in iPhone simulator, 123

testing PhoneGap application with AVD, 6064

testing PhoneGap Build applications, 152

Windows Phone Emulator, 136


configuring development environment for, 6466

creating PhoneGap project with, 6774

LogCat window, 4142

Package Explorer, 7071

PhoneGap plug-ins, 19

testing PhoneGap applications, 3637, 77

Workbench, 65

Emulator Web Application, testing application in bada emulator, 9596

encodingType property, Camera API settings, 181

Enterprises, iOS development and, 114


build issues, 150151

camera problems, 182183

Capture API, 188189

Compass API, 206

Contacts API, 228230

database transactions, 319321

directory access, 265

file and directory access, 265266

geolocation, 281

Media API, 295296

Event listeners

for application status events, 251253

creating, 249250

for deviceready events, 250251

Event Log application, BlackBerry, 4041

Events API

application status events, 251254

button events, 256262

creating event listeners, 249250

deviceready events, 250251

network status events, 254256

types of events supported by PhoneGap, 249

ExternalHosts, configuring in Xcode, 305


Facebook, PhoneGap plug-ins, 18

File API

accessing file system, 264267

copying files or directories, 276

deleting files or directories, 275276

FileEntry and DirectoryEntry properties, 269272

moving files or directories, 276277

overview of, 263

reading content from files, 274275

reading directory entries, 267269

storage types, 263264

uploading files to servers, 277278

writing data to files, 272274

File API:Directories and System specification, W3C (Worldwide Web Consortium), 263

File system, accessing, 264267

FileEntry object

copying files, 276

deleting files, 275

moving files, 276277

properties, 269272

FileReader object, 274275

FileTransfer object, 277278

FileURI, for Media object, 294295

FileWriter object, 272274


installing PhoneGap and, 328

location for iOS project, 118

4G networks, connection object and, 218


Geolocation API

canceling a watch, 289291

getting current location of device, 280284

overview of, 279280

setting a watch, 285288

watching device location, 284

Geolocation API specification, W3C (Worldwide Web Consortium), 279

Git repository

delivering application files to build server, 147

downloading/installing files for bada development project, 8081

Google Android. See Android

Google Chrome, 4445

Google Groups, 19

GPS capabilities. See Geolocation API

Graphics. See Images


HP/Palm webOS. See webOS

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

building cross-platform native applications, 3

HTML5 approach to building PhoneGap applications, 1113

HTML5 support for geolocation, 279

HTML5 support for storage, 315

running web applications within PhoneGap container, 7

Web 1.0 (traditional) approach to building applications, 11

Web 2.0 approach to building applications, 1112

Hybrid applications

defined, 3

frameworks of, 1920

Hypertext Markup Language. See HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)


IBM, in history of PhoneGap, 45

IBM Worklight, 22


creating iOS projects, 119

creating PhoneGap Build projects, 145146

as cross-platform issue, 53

IDEs (integrated development environments)

bada as, 8286

Eclipse as, 64

Image capture. See Camera API; Capture API


accessing on mobile devices, 165166

accessing pictures on devices, 165166

displaying image file URI, 169170

mediaType property, 182

rotating graphics with jQuery Rotate, 212


creating PhoneGap project with Eclipse, 7374

delivering application files to build server, 146

Infuse 4G device (Samsung), 204

Initialization, of PhoneGap applications, 2528

INSERT statement, SQL database, 323324

Installing PhoneGap. See PhoneGap installation

Integrated development environments (IDEs)

bada as, 8286

Eclipse as, 64


accessing media files, 295

application status events, 251, 253

building PhoneGap applications, 15

button events, 256257

camera simulators, 170

Capture API example on, 197

configuring camera options, 180

configuring PhoneGap Build for mobile platforms, 143145

device object running on iPad simulator, 246248

displaying image file URI, 169170

Hello, World! application on, 26

image preview on, 197198

Media API support, 293

onCameraError in iOS simulator, 183

PhoneGap API documentation, 51

PhoneGap API support, 9

PhoneGap Build support, 141

PhoneGap plug-in for Drupal, 19

PhoneGap supported operating systems, 3

picture capture process, 168169

searching for contact information, 235

testing applications on physical device, 36

uploading files to server and, 278

iOS development environment

accessing web content for project, 119122

creating PhoneGap project, 116117

folder location for projects, 118

installing Xcode, 114116

naming projects and defining project locations, 117118

overview of, 113

preparing PhoneGap for, 329330

registering as Apple developer, 113114

testing PhoneGap applications, 122123

versioning, 118119


device object and, 246248

PhoneGap support, 34


accelerator support and, 159

Camera API example, 167168, 191195

configuring camera options, 180

device object, 246

inconsistent implementation of PhoneGap APIs, 30

launching PhoneGap project in, 120

PhoneGap support, 3

running HelloWorld application on iPhone simulator, 26

searching for contact information, 237

testing PhoneGap application in, 123

iPhoneDevCamp, 4


Java API, RIM (Research In Motion), 246

Java Developer Kit. See JDK (Java Developer Kit)

Java, making changes to source file using Eclipse, 7071


alert method, 307

bada source code files, 329

build cross-platform native applications, 3

building PhoneGap applications, 1314

console object, 3839

cross-platform issue, 51

loading JavaScript library, 27

running web applications within PhoneGap container, 78

Web 2.0 approach to building applications, 1112

WebWorks providing JavaScript methods, 246

JDK (Java Developer Kit)

Android development and, 57

bada and, 80

BlackBerry development and, 97

configuring Windows Path environment, 335336

confirming installation of, 336

downloading, 333334

installing, 334

JRE (Java Runtime Environment) included in, 337

JPEG format

compression, 177

images, 181

mode property of Capture API, 190


$() function, 212

reasons for using, 268

rotating graphics with, 212

jQuery Mobile (jQM)

as application interface, 192, 200

creating interface for directory reader, 268

creating interface for media application, 300301

creating interface for notification application, 313

searching for contact information, 237

use in application development, 3035

JRE (Java Runtime Environment), 333334, 337


Key/value pairs, local storage and, 316


Launch screens, creating iOS PhoneGap project, 119

LG Thrill device

device object on, 245

video capture on, 202203

limit property, Capture API, 190

Linux OSs

building Symbian PhoneGap applications on, 125

configuring Eclipse development environment, 64

launching Unix applications from command line, 75

options for PhoneGap development on Android, 57

Local storage, Storage API, 316317

LogCat window, Eclipse, 4143


Macintosh OSs

bada development tools and, 79

building Symbian PhoneGap applications on, 125127

configuring Eclipse development environment, 64

development environment. See iOS development environment

installing Android SDK on, 60

installing Apache Ant on, 337

Installing BlackBerry WebWorks SDK, 9899

JDK (Java Developer Kit) and, 333

launching Unix applications from command line, 75

options for PhoneGap development on Android, 57

packaging Symbian PhoneGap projects, 131

testing Symbian PhoneGap projects, 132

Windows Phone development and, 135

Magnetic poles, device orientation and, 206

Make utility

installing, 126127

packaging PhoneGap projects, 131132

Makefiles, 126, 131132

Manifest file, adding to PhoneGap project in bada, 9496

Media API

callback functions, 295297

creating Media objects, 294

determining current position while playing media files, 297

determining duration of playback, 297298

example of use of, 300305

FileURI, 294295

overview of, 293

playing audio clips, 298299

recording audio, 299300

releasing Media objects, 298

Media Capture API, W3C (Worldwide Web Consortium), 185

Media files, using Capture API, 186187

Media objects

creating, 294

releasing, 298

mediaType property, Camera API settings, 181182

Memory cards, 61

Microsoft Windows. See Windows OSs

Mobile browsers. See also Web browsers, 279

Mobile Data System (MDS)

BlackBerry and, 106107

testing PhoneGap BlackBerry applications on, 109111

mode property, Capture API, 190191

Motorola Droid, Capture API example on, 201

Moving files or directories, 276277



defining unique name for application, 8788

iOS PhoneGap project, 117

PhoneGap Build project, 145

Navigation, as cross-platform issue, 52

Navigator object, instantiating APIs from, 28

Network status events, 254256

Networks, connection object and, 217218

New project dialog, PhoneGap Build, 147148


history of PhoneGap and, 45

support offered by, 19


Symbian. See Symbian

Web Tools, 125126

Notification API

beep, 310

example application of, 310313

overview of, 307

vibrate, 310

visual alerts, 307310


offline events, network status events, 254

online events, network status events, 254

onStatus function, media playback and, 296297

Open source frameworks

PhoneGap as, 3

support and, 19

Optic quality, cameras and, 177

Oracle JDK. See JDK (Java Developer Kit)

organizations array, specifying contact properties, 226

OSs (operating systems)

application requirements as cross-platform issue, 52

bada. See bada (Samsung)

configuring Eclipse development environment, 64

emulator/simulators and, 3536

installing Apache Ant on, 337339

JDK (Java Developer Kit) and, 334

Linux OSs. See Linux OSs

Macintosh OSs. See Macintosh OSs

PhoneGap supported, 34

Windows OSs. See Windows OSs

OTA (over the air)

deploying applications to BlackBerry smartphones, 108109

testing PhoneGap applications, 152


Packaging PhoneGap projects

cloud-based service, 14

with Symbian, 131132

Palm webOS (HP). See webOS

pause events, application status events, 251254

pause method, Media objects, 298299

Persistent storage, file storage options, 263264

PhoneGap APIs

accelerometer. See Accelerator API

camera. See Camera API

capture. See Capture API

capturing API settings from another application and adding to bada project, 93

compass. See Compass API

connection. See Connection object

contacts. See Contacts API

defining application version in bada, 8890

devices. See Device object

events. See Events API

files. See File API

geolocation capabilities. See Geolocation API

leveraging, 2830

media. See Media API

notifications. See Notification API

responding to JavaScript calls, 2728

storage. See Storage API

supporting multiple mobile platforms, 89

PhoneGap Build

build process, 148

building applications with, 27

cloud-based packaging service, 14

configuring, 143145

configuring projects, 148150

config.xml file, 16

creating accounts, 142143

creating application for, 145146

creating projects, 146

dealing with build issues, 150151

debugging applications, 153154

delivering application files to build server, 146147

development environments compared with, 142

need for, 328

new project dialog, 147148

overview of, 141

testing applications, 152153

PhoneGap installation

overview of, 327328

preparing for bada development, 329

preparing for iOS development, 329330

preparing for Windows Phone development, 330331

PhoneGap, introduction to

building applications, 1316

designing for application container, 1113

history of, 45

how it works, 610

hybrid application frameworks, 1922

limitations of, 1718

overview of, 34

plug-ins, 1819

reasons for using, 56

support options and resources, 19

Photos. See Images; Pictures

Physical devices

testing accelerator on, 158

testing applications created with PhoneGap Build, 152

testing BlackBerry applications on, 111112

testing Eclipse applications on, 7879

testing PhoneGap applications on, 3637

Pictures. See also Images

accessing on devices, 165166

mediaType property, 182

play method, Media object, 298299

Playback, of media files

determining current position, 297

determining duration of, 297298

playing audio clips, 298299


Eclipse, 64

jQuery Rotate, 212

for use with PhoneGap, 1819

PNG format, 181, 190


connection object, 217218

contact, 224226

device object, 244245

FileEntry and DirectoryEntry, 269272

geolocation, 280281


quality property, Camera API settings, 177178

Queries, SQL databases, 324325


Raw images, 178179


content from files, 274275

directory entries, 267272

Recording audio, 299300

remove method, contacts, 242

Research In Motion. See RIM (Research In Motion)

resume events, application status, 251254

RIM (Research In Motion)

BlackBerry. See BlackBerry

emulator/simulators and, 3536

Java API, 246

PhoneGap supported operating systems, 4

RMEE (Ripple Mobile Environment Emulator), 4446

RMEE (Ripple Mobile Environment Emulator), 4446



bada development environment. See bada development environment

Infuse 4G device, 204

PhoneGap supported operating systems, 4

SDKs (software development kits)

downloading/installing bada SDK, 8082

installing Android SDK on Macintosh OSs, 60

installing Android SDK on Windows OSs, 5859

installing BlackBerry WebWorks SDK, 9899

Nokia, 125126

PhoneGap Build compared with, 142

testing PhoneGap applications, 7879

Windows Phone 7.1, 135136

Searches, for contacts, 235241


configuring in bada development environment, 90, 92

PhoneGap Build projects and, 145

seekTo method, Media objects, 298299

Sencha Touch, use in application development, 31


BES (BlackBerry Enterprise Server), 109

DDMS (Dalvik Debug Monitor Server), 4243

delivering application files to build server, 146147

uploading files to, 277278

Session storage, local storage, 316

Signing keys

BlackBerry applications, 99

configuring PhoneGap Build for mobile platforms, 143145

Simulators. See E/S (emulator/simulator)


application status events, 251

button events, 256

Capture API example on, 201

connection object, 217

current location of, 280

deploying applications to, 108109

device object example, 245

emulator/simulators and, 3536

file storage options, 263264

geolocation capabilities, 279

how PhoneGap works, 6

memory cards, 61

mimicking native applications, 31

Ripple emulator and, 46

running HelloWorld application on, 2425

specifying contact properties and, 226

SQLLite and, 315, 326

testing PhoneGap applications, 152153

Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 technologies, 12

sourceType property, Camera API settings, 179180

Splash screens, PhoneGap Build projects, 145146

SQL databases

creating transactions, 317318

example of mileage tracker application, 322

executing SQL statements, 320324

opening, 317

passing functions to transactions, 319320

querying SQL statements, 324325

SQL (Structured Query Language), 317

SQLLite database engine, 315, 326

stop method, Media object, 298300

Storage API

creating database transactions, 317318

executing SQL statements, 320324

local storage, 316317

mileage tracker example on BlackBerry Torch 9800, 322

opening SQL database, 317

overview of, 315

passing functions to transactions, 319320

querying SQL statements, 324325

SQLLite and, 326

Storage types, files, 263264

Strings, specifying contact properties, 224225

Strobe, types of hybrid applications, 22

Structured Query Language (SQL), 317


building PhoneGap applications, 15

cross-platform issues, 51

PhoneGap Build support, 141

supported operating systems, 4

Symbian development environment

configuring application settings, 129130

creating PhoneGap project, 128129

installing Make utility, 126127

installing Nokia Web Tools, 125126

modifying HelloWorld application for, 130131

overview of, 125

packaging PhoneGap projects, 131132

testing applications created with PhoneGap Build, 152

testing PhoneGap applications, 132134


Tables, SQL database, 319320

Tablets, support for WebWorks tablet applications, 103

targetHeight/targetWidth properties, Camera API settings, 181

Temporary storage

accessing temporary sandbox storage, 264265

file storage options, 263264

Testing PhoneGap applications

on Android emulator, 78

on AVD (Android Virtual Device), 6064

in bada development environment, 9596

in BlackBerry development environment, 109112

in iOS development environment, 122123

overview of, 35

in PhoneGap Build, 152153

on physical device, 3637, 7879

on simulator, 3536

in Symbian development environment, 132134

in Windows development environment, 139140

Tiggr, types of hybrid applications, 22

Titanium Appcelerator, 20

Torch simulators. See also BlackBerry

contacts example running on, 231

getting current location of device, 284

HelloWorld application running on, 2930

mileage tracker example, 322

reading directory entries, 269272

watching location of device, 286, 288

transaction method, of database object, 319

type property, connection object, 217218


UIs (user interfaces). See also jQuery Mobile (jQM)

cross-platform issues related to, 52

enhancements, 3035

Universities, iOS development and, 114

Uploading files

to build server, 146147

to servers, 277278


Camera API and, 165

camera destinationType properties, 177178

camera quality properties, 177178

capture process and, 173175

configuring camera options, 176

FileURI for media objects, 294295

iOS example displaying image file URI, 169170


running PhoneGap applications on physical device, 78

testing PhoneGap BlackBerry applications, 111

User interfaces (UIs). See also jQuery Mobile (jQM)

cross-platform issues related to, 52

enhancements, 3035


Versions, in bada development project

defining application version, 8889

defining platform version, 9092

Versions, in iOS development project, 118119

Vibrate, in Notification API, 310

Video capture

on Android devices, 202204

with Capture API, 186, 198199

Video, mediaType property, 182

Virtual machines (VMs)

developing applications for Windows Phone, 135

running Windows OS on Macintosh, 79

Visual alerts, in Notification API, 307310

Visual Studio 2010 Express

creating Windows Phone project, 136139, 330

testing Windows Phone project, 139140

VMs (virtual machines)

developing applications for Windows Phone, 135

running Windows OS on Macintosh, 79

Voice recorders, audio capture on Android devices, 202203


W3C (Worldwide Web Consortium)

Contacts API, 223

Device APIs and Policy (DAP) Working Group, 10

File API:Directories and System specification, 263

Geolocation API specification, 279

Media API and, 293

Media Capture API, 185

Web SQL Database Specification, 315

Web Storage API Specification, 315

Widget Packaging and XML Configuration specification, 145

widget specification, 125

watchHeading function, Compass API, 210213

watchHeadingFilter function, Compass API, 213215

watchID variable, geolocation API

canceling a watch, 289291

overview of, 284

setting a watch, 285288

Web 1.0, 11

Web 2.0, 1112

Web App Simulator

Nokia Web Tools for Windows OSs, 126

packaging Symbian PhoneGap projects, 126

testing Symbian PhoneGap projects, 132134

Web applications

building into PhoneGap application, 25

building PhoneGap applications, 1316

PhoneGap application types and, 37

running within PhoneGap container, 78

Web browsers

geolocation support, 279

running web applications within PhoneGap container, 78

storage and, 315, 317

Web content

accessing for iOS PhoneGap project, 119122

adding to Windows Phone PhoneGap project, 138

creating PhoneGap project using PhoneGap Build, 145146

folder structure as cross-platform issue, 51

Web Inspector, debugging Symbian PhoneGap projects, 134

Web Inspector Remote (Weinre)

debugging applications created with PhoneGap Build, 154

debugging PhoneGap applications, 4649

Web Runtime (WRT) widgets

configuring application settings for PhoneGap project on Symbian, 129130

running PhoneGap applications on Symbian as, 125126

Web sites, PhoneGap resources, 19

Web SQL Database Specification, W3C (Worldwide Web Consortium), 315

Web Storage API Specification, W3C (Worldwide Web Consortium), 315316

Web Tools, Nokia, 125126

Web views, rendering, 7


building PhoneGap applications, 1415

PhoneGap Build support, 141

PhoneGap supported operating systems, 3

testing applications created with PhoneGap Build, 152


Nokia Web Tools for Mac OSs, 126

testing Symbian PhoneGap projects, 132

WebWorks. See also BlackBerry

accessing contact information and, 230

build process, 104107

creating PhoneGap project, 99100

debugging web content, 37

installing SDK, 9899

JavaScript methods provided by, 246

overview of, 21

Weinre (Web Inspector Remote)

debugging applications created with PhoneGap Build, 154

debugging PhoneGap applications, 4649

.wgz files, packaging PhoneGap projects, 131

Wi-Fi networks, connection object and, 217218

Widget Packaging and XML Configuration specification, W3C (Worldwide Web Consortium), 145


configuring application settings for PhoneGap project on Symbian, 129130

running PhoneGap applications on Symbian as, 125

Wikis, PhoneGap resources, 19

Windows development environment

creating PhoneGap project, 136139

installing Windows Phone development tools, 135136

overview of, 135

testing PhoneGap applications, 139140

Windows OSs

bada development tools and, 79

building Symbian PhoneGap applications on, 125126

configuring Eclipse development environment, 6465

installing Android SDK on, 5859

installing Apache Ant on, 338339

Installing BlackBerry WebWorks SDK, 9899

options for PhoneGap development on Android, 57

packaging Symbian PhoneGap projects, 131

testing Symbian PhoneGap projects, 132134

Windows Path environment

configuring for use with JDK, 335336

installing Apache Ant on Windows OSs, 338339

Windows Phone

building PhoneGap applications, 15

creating PhoneGap project for, 136139

installing development tools, 135136

PhoneGap supported operating systems, 3

preparing PhoneGap for, 330331

support for, 135

Windows Phone Emulator, 136, 140

Workbench. See AT&T WorkBench

Worklight, types of hybrid applications, 22

Worldwide Web Consortium. See W3C (Worldwide Web Consortium)

Writing data, to files, 272274

WRT (Web Runtime) widgets

configuring application settings for PhoneGap project on Symbian, 129130

running PhoneGap applications on Symbian as, 125126


X coordinates. See Device orientation, in Accelerator API


accessing web content for iOS project, 119122

configuring ExternalHosts, 305

creating iOS project, 116122

installing, 114116

naming projects and defining project locations, 117118

new project window, 117

preparing PhoneGap for iOS development, 329

welcome screen, 116



Y coordinates. See Device orientation, in Accelerator API


Z coordinates. See Device orientation, in Accelerator API

Zip archives

options for delivering application files to build server, 146

packaging PhoneGap projects, 131

PhoneGap files distributed via, 328

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