

adjustable-rate mortgages, 71, 75, 85

affordability, preserving, 152

aggregating capital, 150-152

Americanism, 16

ARMs. See adjustable-rate mortgages


bad-debt deduction, history of, 35


commercial banks, 26

Federal Home Loan Bank System, 32, 50

mutual savings banks, 26

national institutions, 28

nonfarm residential mortgage holdings, by type of institution (1900-2010), 30

savings and loan associations

during Great Depression, 31-33

Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC), 33

first hundred years (1830-1930), 25-31

founding of, 9

postwar growth and diversification, 33-36

shifting of interest-rate risk to borrowers, 70-71

turbulence of 1980s, 36-37

Bauhaus movement, 3

Beijing, China housing prices, 117

below-market interest rate (BMIR) mortgage insurance, 55

BMIR (below-market interest rate) mortgage insurance, 55


covered bonds, 95

housing bonds, 156

mortgage covered bonds

mortgage covered bond use in countries over time, 10-11

as percent of nominal GDP, 13

as percent of residential loans outstanding, 13


mortgage market characteristics, 113

source of funding for home mortgages, 107

Brownstein, Phillip, 55

building societies. See savings and loan institutions



Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, 40

government involvement in the housing market, 97-101

home mortgage debt outstanding by type of holder, 98

homeownership rates, 96

home prices, 96

housing problems in U.S. versus Canada, 95-101

mortgage financing, 100

positive equity in, 101

residential delinquency rates, 97

securitization in, 98

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, 40

CAPC (Community Asset Preservation Corporation), 149


aggregating, 150-152

flexible capital structure, importance of, 174-176

CBs. See commercial banks

CDOs (collateralized debt obligations), 75


mortgage market characteristics, 113

source of funding for home mortgages, 107

China, 115-116

dangers to economy from housing bubble, 134-136

demand factors in real estate market, 134

history of housing provision in (1949 to present), 119-122

housing price-to-income ratio values, 122-127

land-transfer fees, 132-133

land use, 131

mortgage market characteristics, 113

mortgages in, 127-130

property market-related policies, 128-129

property prices in, 116-119

source of funding for home mortgages, 107

state-owned enterprises (SOEs), 134

supply factors in real estate market, 130-133

clearing property logjam, 150

CMHC (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation), 40

collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), 75

commercial banks, 26

Community Asset Preservation Corporation (CAPC), 149

Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), 59-60

covered bonds, 95

CRA (Community Reinvestment Act), 59-60

“cream skimming,” 44

credit analysis, importance of, 173-174

credit enhancement, 157


mortgage market characteristics, 113

source of funding for home mortgages, 107

Czech Republic

mortgage market characteristics, 113

source of funding for home mortgages, 107


decline in home prices, 78

demand factors in Chinese real estate market, 134

demand for shelter capital, 1-2

Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act, 56

Denmark, use of covered bonds in, 95

de Soto, Hernando, 174

developing countries, housing in, 153-154

distribution of prime and subprime mortgage originations by FICO score, 79


economics of housing, 3-4

Edison, Thomas, 3

EEMs (energy-efficient mortgages), 161-162

Emergency Homeowner’s Loan Program, 63

emerging markets

China, 115-116

dangers to economy from housing bubble, 134-136

demand factors in real estate market, 134

history of housing provision in (1949 to present), 119-122

housing price-to-income ratio values, 122-127

land-transfer fees, 132-133

land use, 131

mortgages in, 127-130

property market-related policies, 128-129

property prices in, 116-119

state-owned enterprises (SOEs), 134

supply factors in real estate market, 130-133

depth of mortgage markets in different countries, 103-105

mortgage market characteristics in emerging and newly industrialized economies, 113-116

source of funding for mortgages in emerging and newly industrialized economies, 107-114

energy efficiencies, financing, 159-161

energy-efficient mortgages (EEMs), 161-162

entailed property, 7

environmental efficiencies, financing, 159-161

Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974, 59

European Union countries

depth of mortgage markets in different countries, 103-105

government mortgage market support, 39

homeownership rates in, 21-22, 92-93

house price changes in selected countries, 90-92

mortgage debt-to-GDP ratios, 94

ratio of home mortgage debt to GDP by country, 23-24

sources of funding for home mortgages in selected countries, 2009, 31


Fair Housing Act (Title VIII), 59

Fannie Mae. See Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA)

FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation), 33

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), 33

federal government (U.S.)

government involvement in the housing market, 97-101

GSEs (Government-Sponsored Enterprises), 48

housing initiatives, 38-40

legislation. See legislation

mortgage market support, 37-40

policies to address inner-city housing problems, 54-58

regulation of conventional mortgage lenders, 58-60

Federal Home Loan Bank Act, 32, 50

Federal Home Loan Bank Board (FHLBB), 26, 32

Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLB), 32, 48, 50

Federal Home Loan (FHL) banks, 32

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC), 50, 49

Federal Housing Enterprises Financial Safety and Soundness Act of 1992, 50

Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA), 42, 48

Federal National Mortgage Charter Act of 1954, 54

Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC), 33

FHLBB (Federal Home Loan Bank Board), 26, 32

FHLB (Federal Home Loan Banks), 32, 48, 50

FHLMC (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation), 49-50

financial innovation in housing, 139-140

foreclosure crisis, resolving

aggregating capital, 150-152

clearing property logjam, 150

credit enhancement, 157

EEMs (energy-efficiency mortgages), 161-162

energy and environmental efficiencies, financing, 159-161

housing bonds, 156

housing in developing countries, 153-154

innovative pricing models, 149-150

land trusts, 155

preserving affordability, 152

property tax-based financing, 164-170

revolving loan funds, 156-157

savings models, 154-155

sustainable financial innovation, 157-159

unsecured home improvement loans, 162-163

innovative pricing models, 149-150

people- versus place-based subsidies, 143-144

post-crisis housing markets, 140-141

restoration of partnership with private investors, 145-146

securitizations/structured finance products, 147-148

structural shifts in housing demand, 141-142

supply-side housing innovations, 144

technology and financial innovation, 145


credit analysis, importance of, 173-174

flexible capital structure, importance of, 174-176

history of, 2-3

early shelter and financing, 2-3

first housing finance innovations, 4-8

industrial revolution and housing finance, 8-17

mortgage covered bond use in countries over time, 10-11

mortgage covered bonds

mortgage covered bond use in countries over time, 10-11

as percent of nominal GDP, 13

as percent of residential loans outstanding, 13

mortgages. See mortgages

savings and loan institutions. See savings and loan associations

flexible capital structure, importance of, 174-176

FNMA (Federal National Mortgage Association), 42, 48

foreclosure crisis, resolving, 148-149

aggregating capital, 150-152

clearing property logjam, 150

credit enhancement, 157

EEMs (energy-efficiency mortgages), 161-162

energy efficiency, financing, 159-161

housing bonds, 156

innovative pricing models, 149-150

land trusts, 155

preserving affordability, 152

property tax-based financing, 164-170

revolving loan funds, 156-157

savings models, 154-155

sustainable financial innovation, 157-159

unsecured home improvement loans, 162-163

foreclosure rates, 77-81, 87-90


homeownership rates, 93

house price changes, 90-92

mortgage debt-to-GDP ratios, 94

Freddie Mac. See FHLMC (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation)

Frederick the Great, 9

Freeman, Daniel, 17

FSLIC (Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation), 33

Fuller, Buckminster, 3

future innovations. See financial innovation in housing


Garn–St. Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982, 26

GDP (gross domestic product), ratio of home mortgage debt to GDP by country, 23-24


homeownership rates, 93

house price changes, 90-92

mortgage debt-to-GDP ratios, 94

Ginnie Mae, 49

global housing crisis. See housing crisis

GNMA (Government National Mortgage Association), 49, 65, 72

Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA), 49, 65, 72

Government-Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs), 48

Great Depression, 31-33


homeownership rates, 93

house price changes, 90-92

mortgage debt-to-GDP ratios, 94

Gropius, Walter, 3

GSEs (Government-Sponsored Enterprises), 48

Guanzhou, China housing prices, 118


HELP (Home Energy Loan Program), 163

history of housing

early shelter and financing, 2-3

first housing finance innovations, 4-8

industrial revolution and housing finance, 8-17

mortgage covered bond use in countries over time, 10-11

timeline of developments in housing and mortgages, 5-6

savings and loan associations

1980s, 36-37

during Great Depression, 31-33

first hundred years (1830-1930), 25-31

postwar growth and diversification, 33-36

HOLC (Home Owner’s Loan Corporation), 41, 175

Home Affordable Modification Program, 63

Home Energy Loan Program (HELP), 163

home improvement loans, 162-163

Home Mortgage Disclosure Act of 1975, 59

homeownership, 21-24. See also mortgages

Canada versus U.S., 96

homeownership rates

for selected countries, 92-93

in 2004, 70

nonfarm residential mortgage holdings, by type of institution (1900-2010), 30

ratio of home mortgage debt to GDP by country, 23-24

shared-equity ownership, 152

U.S. versus European Union countries, 21-22

Home Owners’ Loan Act, 32

Home Owner’s Loan Corporation (HOLC), 41, 175

Homestead Movement, 16-17

Hoover, Herbert, 32

horoi, 4

housing. See also financing; mortgages

demand for shelter capital, 1-2

economics of, 3-4

federal housing initiatives, 38-40

federal policies to address inner-city housing problems, 54-58

financial innovation in housing, 139-140

aggregating capital, 150-152

clearing property logjam, 150

credit enhancement, 157

EEMs (energy-efficiency mortgages), 161-162

energy and environmental efficiencies, financing, 159-161

housing bonds, 156

housing in developing countries, 153-154

innovative pricing models, 149-150

land trusts, 155

people- versus place-based subsidies, 143-144

preserving affordability, 152

property tax-based financing, 164-170

restoration of partnership with private investors, 145-146

revolving loan funds, 156-157

savings models, 154-155

securitizations/structured finance products, 147-148

structural shifts in housing demand, 141-142

supply-side housing innovations, 144

sustainable financial innovation, 157-159

technology and financial innovation, 145

unsecured home improvement loans, 162-163

foreclosure crisis, resolving, 148-149

clearing property logjam, 150

credit enhancement, 157

EEMs (energy-efficiency mortgages), 161-162

energy and environmental efficiencies, financing, 159-161

housing bonds, 156

housing in developing countries, 153-154

innovative pricing models, 149-150

land trusts, 155

preserving affordability, 152

revolving loan funds, 156-157

savings models, 154-155

sustainable financial innovation, 157-159

unsecured home improvement loans, 162-163

GSEs (Government-Sponsored Enterprises), 48

history of

early shelter and financing, 2-3

first housing finance innovations, 4-8

industrial revolution and housing finance, 8-17

mortgage covered bond use in countries over time, 10-11

timeline of developments in housing and mortgage, 5-7

homeownership, 21-24. See also mortgages

Canada versus U.S., 96

homeownership rates, 70, 92-93

nonfarm residential mortgage holdings, by type of institution (1900-2010), 30

ratio of home mortgage debt to GDP by country, 23-24

shared-equity ownership, 152

U.S. versus European Union countries, 21-22

house price changes in selected countries, 90-92

post-crisis housing markets, 140-141

structural shifts in housing demand, 141-142

Housing Act of 1961, 55

Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, 43

Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, 56, 62

housing bonds, 156

housing crisis

demand for shelter capital, 1-2

homeownership rates for selected countries, 92-93

house price changes in selected countries, 90-92

lessons learned, 171-173

importance of credit analysis, 173-174

need for flexible capital structure, 174-176

rethinking size of housing, 176-177

value of structured products and secondary markets, 177-178

mortgage debt-to-GDP ratios for selected countries, 94

U.S. housing crisis, 69-90

adjustable-rate mortgages, 75, 85

CDOs (collateralized debt obligations), 75

changes in borrowers’ financial circumstances, 80-82

decline in home prices, 78

distribution of prime and subprime mortgage originations by FICO score, 79

foreclosure rates, 77-81, 87-90

home mortgage debt outstanding by type of holder, 99

homeownership rates, 2004, 70

housing problems in U.S. versus Canada, 95-101

hybrid loans, 84-86

loan-to-value (LTV) ratio, 83

MBSs (mortgage-backed securities), 75

prime mortgage originations, 80, 87

residential delinquency rates, 97

securitization, 72-73

shifting of interest-rate risk to borrowers, 70-71

subprime mortgage market meltdown, 71-78

subprime mortgage originations, 80, 88

housing price-to-income ratio values in China, 122-127

housing provision in China (1949 to present), 119-122


mortgage market characteristics, 113

source of funding for home mortgages, 108

hybrid loans, 84-86



mortgage market characteristics, 113

source of funding for home mortgages, 107-111


mortgage market characteristics, 113

source of funding for home mortgages, 108

industrial revolution and housing finance, 8-17

inner-city housing problems, federal policies for, 54-58

innovations. See financial innovation in housing

insurance, mortgage insurance

BMIR (below-market interest rate) mortgage insurance, 55

development and impact of, 40-47

SRIF (Special Risk Insurance Fund), 56

timeline of, 46-47

Interest Rate Control Act of 1966, 35


homeownership rates, 93

house price changes, 90-92

mortgage debt-to-GDP ratios, 94


homeownership rates, 93

house price changes, 90-92

mortgage debt-to-GDP ratios, 94


Jefferson, Thomas, 15

Land Act of 1796, 16

Land Administration Law (China), 120

Land Ordinance of 1785, 16

land-transfer fees (China), 132-133

land trusts, 155

land-use planning, 144

China versus U.S., 120-122, 131

Lasch, Christopher, 16

lease-to-purchase mortgages., 152


Community Reinvestment Act of 1977, 59

Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act, 56

Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974, 59

Fair Housing Act (Title VIII), 59

Federal Home Loan Bank Act, 32, 50

Federal Housing Enterprises Financial Safety and Soundness Act of 1992, 50

Federal National Mortgage Charter Act of 1954, 54

Garn–St. Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982, 26

Home Mortgage Disclosure Act of 1975, 59

Home Owners’ Loan Act, 32

Housing Act of 1961, 55

Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, 43

Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, 56, 62

Interest Rate Control Act of 1966, 35

Land Act of 1796, 16

Land Ordinance of 1785, 16

National Banking Act in 1863, 37

National Housing Act of 1934, 41

National Housing Act of 1949, 54

Omnibus Housing Act of 1954, 54

Preemption Act of 1841, 16

Revenue Act of 1951, 35

Revenue Act of 1962, 35

Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act, 63

Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982, 35

Tax Reform Act of 1969, 35

Tax Reform Act of 1986, 35

Wilson Tariff Act, 9

lessons of housing crisis, 171-173

credit analysis, 173-174

need for flexible capital structure, 174-176

rethinking size of housing, 176-177

value of structured products and secondary markets, 177-178

liberalization of mortgage terms, 54

Lincoln, Abraham, 17

loan-to-value (LTV) ratio, 83


Malaysia, mortgage market characteristics, 113

MBSs (mortgage-backed securities), 75

McMansion trend, 176

Mexico, mortgage market characteristics, 113

Milken Institute, xii

Millennium Development goals (UN), 1

MMIF (Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund), 41

money market mutual funds, development of, 34

mortgage-backed securities (MBSs), 75

mortgage brokerages, 74

mortgage debt-to-GDP ratios for selected countries, 94

mortgage insurance

BMIR (below-market interest rate) mortgage insurance, 55

development and impact of, 40-47

SRIF (Special Risk Insurance Fund), 56

timeline of, 46-47


adjustable-rate mortgages, 71, 75, 85

changes in borrowers’ financial circumstances, 80-82

credit analysis, importance of, 173-174

depth of mortgage markets in different countries, 103-105

distribution of prime and subprime mortgage originations by FICO score, 79

EEMs (energy-efficiency mortgages), 161-162

flexible capital structure, importance of, 174-176

government mortgage market support, 37-40

government regulation of conventional mortgage lenders, 58-60

history of

first housing finance innovations, 4-8

industrial revolution and housing finance, 8-17

mortgage covered bond use in countries over time, 10-11

timeline of developments in housing and mortgage, 5-7

hybrid loans, 84-86

lease-to-purchase mortgages., 152

liberalization of mortgage terms, 54

loan-to-value (LTV) ratio, 83

MBSs (mortgage-backed securities), 75

mortgage-backed securitization timeline, 53

mortgage brokerages, 74

mortgage covered bonds

as percent of nominal GDP, 13

as percent of residential loans outstanding, 13

timeline of bond use in countries over time, 10-11

mortgage debt-to-GDP ratios for selected countries, 94

mortgage insurance

BMIR (below-market interest rate) mortgage insurance, 55

development and impact of, 40-47

SRIF (Special Risk Insurance Fund), 56

timeline of, 46-47

mortgage market characteristics in emerging and newly industrialized economies, 112-115

nonfarm residential mortgage holdings, by type of institution (1900-2010), 30

origination, 72-73, 80, 87

ratio of home mortgage debt to GDP by country, 23-24

reverse mortgages, 5

Section 203(b) mortgages, 42-43

securitization, 72-73

servicing of, 72-73

source of funding for mortgages in emerging and newly industrialized economies, 107-114

sources of funding for home mortgages in selected countries, 2009, 31

subprime mortgages

subprime mortgage market meltdown, 71-78

subprime mortgage originations, 80, 88

variable-rate mortgages, history of, 35

mortgage stones, 4

MSBs. See mutual savings banks

mutual funds, money market mutual funds, 34

Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund (MMIF), 41

mutual savings banks, 26


NACA (Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America), 151

National Banking Act in 1863, 37

National Community Stabilization Trust (NCST), 149

National Housing Act of 1934, 41

National Housing Act of 1949, 54

national institutions, 28

NCST (National Community Stabilization Trust), 149

Neighborhood Assistance

Corporation of America (NACA), 151

Neighborhood Stabilization Program, 150


homeownership rates, 93

mortgage debt-to-GDP ratios, 94

newly industrialized nations

depth of mortgage markets, 103-105

mortgage market characteristics in emerging and newly industrialized economies, 113-116

source of funding for mortgages in emerging and newly industrialized economies, 107-114

nonfarm residential mortgage holdings, by type of institution (1900-2010), 30


Omnibus Housing Act of 1954, 54

origination of mortgages, 72-73

Oxford Provident Building Association, 25


people- versus place-based subsidies, 143-144

PMI (private mortgage insurance), 43-44

Poland, mortgage market characteristics, 113


homeownership rates, 93

house price changes, 90-92

mortgage debt-to-GDP ratios, 94

post-crisis housing markets, 140-141

PPP (purchasing power parity), 115

Preemption Act of 1841, 16

preserving affordability, 152


in China, 116-119

innovative pricing models, 149-150

prime mortgage foreclosures, 87

prime mortgage originations, 80, 87

PRIs (program-related investments), 151

private investors, restoring partnership with, 145-146

private mortgage insurance (PMI), 43-44

program-related investments (PRIs), 151

property logjam, clearing, 150

property rights, importance of, 174

property tax-based financing, 164-170

purchasing power parity (PPP), 115


Recovery Through Retrofit plan, 165

regulation of conventional mortgage lenders, 58-60

residential delinquency rates, U.S. versus Canada, 97

restoration of partnership with private investors, 145-146

rethinking size of housing, 176-177

Revenue Act of 1951, 35

Revenue Act of 1962, 35

reverse mortgages, 5

revolving loan funds, 156-157

Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act, 63


mortgage market characteristics, 113

source of funding for home mortgages, 110


savings and loan associations

founding of, 9

FSLIC (Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation), 33

history of

first hundred years (1830-1930), 25-31

founding of, 8

Great Depression, 31-33

postwar growth and diversification, 33-36

turbulence of 1980s, 36-37

national institutions, 28

nonfarm residential mortgage holdings, by type of institution (1900-2010), 30

shifting of interest-rate risk to borrowers, 70-71

U.S. League of Local Building and Loan Associations, 28

savings models, 154-155

secondary markets, value of, 177-178

Section 203(b) mortgages, 41-45, 56-59

securitization, 72-73

mortgage-backed securitization timeline, 53

restoring, 147-148

U.S. versus Canada, 98

Self-Help, 152

servicing of mortgages, 72-73

Shanghai, China housing prices, 117

shared-equity ownership, 152

Shenzhen, China housing prices, 118


mortgage market characteristics, 115

source of funding for home mortgages, 110

size of housing, rethinking, 176-177

S&L associations. See savings and loan associations

The Snail House, 116

SOEs (state-owned enterprises), 120, 134

South Africa

mortgage market characteristics, 115

source of funding for home mortgages, 110

South Korea

mortgage market characteristics, 115

source of funding for home mortgages, 111


homeownership rates, 93

house price changes, 90-92

mortgage debt-to-GDP ratios, 94

Special Risk Insurance Fund (SRIF), 56

SRIF (Special Risk Insurance Fund), 56

State Budgetary Funding (China), 119

state-owned enterprises (SOEs), 120, 134

structural shifts in housing demand, 141-142

structured finance products

restoring, 147-148

value of, 177-178

subprime mortgages

distribution of prime and subprime mortgage originations by FICO score, 79

subprime mortgage market meltdown, 71-78

subprime mortgage originations, 80, 88

subsidies, people- versus place-based, 143-144

Summers, Lawrence, 83

supply factors in Chinese real estate market, 130-133

side-side housing innovations, 144

sustainable financial innovation, 157-159


Taiwan, mortgage market characteristics, 115

Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982, 35

Tax Reform Act of 1969, 35

Tax Reform Act of 1986, 35

TDR (transfer of development rights), 144

technology and financial innovation, 145


mortgage market characteristics, 115

source of funding for home mortgages, 111


developments in housing and mortgages, 5-7

mortgage-backed securitization, 53

mortgage covered bond use in countries over time, 10-11

mortgage insurance, 46-47

Title IV, National Housing Act, 33

transfer of development rights (TDR), 144


UN. See United Nations

United Kingdom

homeownership rates, 93

house price changes, 90-91

mortgage debt-to-GDP ratios, 94

United Nations, Millennium Development goals, 1

unsecured home improvement loans, 162-163

U.S. housing crisis, 69-90

adjustable-rate mortgages, 75, 85

CDOs (collateralized debt obligations), 75

changes in borrowers’ financial circumstances, 80-82

decline in home prices, 78

distribution of prime and subprime mortgage originations by FICO score, 79

foreclosure rates, 77-81, 87-90

home mortgage debt outstanding by type of holder, 99

homeownership rates, 21-22, 70, 93

housing problems in U.S. versus Canada, 95-101

hybrid loans, 84-86

loan-to-value (LTV) ratio, 83

MBSs (mortgage-backed securities), 75

mortgage debt-to-GDP ratios, 94

prime mortgage originations, 80, 87

ratio of home mortgage debt to GDP, 23-24

residential delinquency rates, 97

securitization, 72-73

shifting of interest-rate risk to borrowers, 70-71

subprime mortgage market meltdown, 71-78

subprime mortgage originations, 80, 88

U.S. League of Local Building and Loan Associations, 28


variable-rate mortgages, history of, 35

Wilson Tariff Act, 9

Wood, John, 8

zoning, 144

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