

(*, G) state entry, 10, 49

checking, 50, 96, 289290

data MDT traffic flow, 148149

learning, 3234

multicast reachability failure, 3435

(S, G) state entry, 10, 49

checking, 96

completing, 50

data MDT traffic flow, 148149


access control

firewalls, 83

prefix filtering, 8488

access points (APs), 244

ACI (Application Centric Infrastructure), 258260

data center networks, 227228

fabrics and overlay elements, 229230

Layer 2 IGMP snooping in, 231235

ACKs (acknowledgements), eliminating, 87

actions (MSDP), 4142

activate command, 27

AD (Auto Discovery), 182183

address-family information (AFI)

BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), 28

MBGP (Multiprotocol Border Gateway Protocol), 2728


PIM auto-RP advertisements, 235

SAs (source actives), 40, 4750

AFI. See address-family information (AFI)

Application Centric Infrastructure. See ACI (Application Centric Infrastructure)

APs (access points), 244

ASM (Any-Source Multicast), 6

ASNs (autonomous system numbers), 3

ASs (autonomous systems), 36. See also interdomain design

ASNs (autonomous system numbers), 3

borders of, 2224

intra-AS multidomain design, 6271

Auto Discovery (AD), 182183


badging systems, 253

best-effort forwarding, 14

BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), 2, 5

AD (Auto Discovery), 182183

importance of, 7

inter-AS routing with, 2224

MBGP (Multiprotocol Border Gateway Protocol)

advantages of, 24

configuring for multicast, 2532

MDT (Multicast Distribution Tree) configuration, 145148

prefix table

clearing, 37

multicast prefix acceptance, 36

bidir-neighbor-filter command, 272

Bidir-PM (Bidirectional PIM), 244

BIER (Bit Index Explicit Replication), 202205

bindings, displaying

data MDT MLDP, 180

default MDT MLDP, 170171, 175

Bit Index Explicit Replication (BIER), 202205

Border Gateway Protocol. See BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)

border nodes, 264265

borders/boundaries. See also multicast domains

AS (autonomous system) borders, 2224

BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), 2, 5

AD (Auto Discovery), 182183

importance of, 7

inter-AS routing with, 2224

MDT (Multicast Distribution Tree) configuration, 145148

prefix table, 36, 37

configuration of, 3237

configured multicast boundaries, 3237

MBGP (Multiprotocol Border Gateway Protocol)

advantages of, 24

configuring for multicast, 2532

scoped multicast domains

group scope, 1415

overlapping scopes, 1719

RP scope, 1617

boundary command, 84

brokerage multicast design, 273274

BYOD (bring-your-own-device) services, 240


CAC (Call Admission Control), 280


MDT (Multicast Distribution Tree), 157

MSDP (Multicast Source Discovery Protocol), 298299

Call Admission Control (CAC), 280

campus design, multicast-enabled clinical networks, 238240

CAPWAP (Control and Provisioning of Wireless Access Points), 248251

CE (customer edge) devices

CE-CE multicast routing, 187

CE-PE multicast routing, 186187

definition of, 137

CFS (Cisco Fabric Services), 210

Cisco ACI (Application Centric Infrastructure). See ACI (Application Centric Infrastructure)

Cisco Design Zone, 255

Cisco DNA (Digital Network Architecture), 260261

Cisco Fabric Services (CFS), 210

Cisco ISE (Identity Services Engine), 262

Cisco LISP. See LISP (Locator/ID Separation Protocol)

Cisco TrustSec infrastructure, 262

Cisco UA (Unified Access), 249250

Cisco Validated Design (CVD), 255

Cisco Viptela, 261

Cisco VMDC (Virtualized Multi-Tenant Data Center), 255256

Cisco VSS (Virtual Switching System), 241

clear ip bgp * command, 37

clear ip msdp peer command, 55

clear ip msdp sa-cache command, 55


BGP table, 37

MSDP peering sessions, 55

clinical network design

campus design, 238240

medical device communications, 240246

three-tier network hierarchy, 238239

wireless networks, 246254

cloud environments, 101

cloud broker-based connectivity, 101103

cloud connectivity to enterprise, 101103

CSPs (cloud service providers), 100

enterprise adoption of, 99100

IaaS (infrastructure as a service), 100

multicast traffic engineering, 117118

DMVPN (Dynamic Multipoint VPN), 118126

intra-regional multicast flow between two spokes, 130132

multicast flow from hub, 129130

unicast spoke-to-central hub communication, 128129

unicast spoke-to-spoke interregional communication, 128

unicast spoke-to-spoke intra-regional communication, 126127

native multicast, lack of, 99

PaaS (platform as a service), 100

service reflection, 105

multicast-to-multicast destination conversion, 105109

multicast-to-unicast destination conversion, 113117

unicast-to-multicast destination conversion, 109113

use cases, 132135

virtual services in, 103105

cloud service providers (CSPs), 100

COLO (colocation) facilities, 133134

commands, 312

activate, 27

bidir-neighbor-filter, 272

boundary, 84

clear ip bgp *, 37

clear ip msdp peer, 55

clear ip msdp sa-cache, 55

connect-source, 39

debug ip msdp detail, 296297, 298299

debug ip msdp details, 48

debug ip msdp peer, 4345

debug ip pim, 34

debug ip pim rp, 48

feature msdp, 51

ip mroute, 24

ip msdp keepalive, 52

ip msdp mesh-group, 54

ip msdp originator-id, 54

ip msdp peer, 3839, 5152

ip msdp reconnect-interval, 53

ip msdp sa-filter in, 55

ip msdp sa-filter out, 55

ip msdp sa-limit, 56

ip msdp sa-policy, 55

ip msdp shutdown, 55

ip msdp timer, 53

ip multicast boundary, 84

ip pim autorp listener, 148

ip pim jp-policy, 84

ip pim sparse-mode, 36, 294

ip pim ssm default, 145

ip pim vrf RED autorp listener, 148

ipv6 mld join-group, 95

ipv6 pim rp-address, 95

mdt data 254 threshold 2, 177

mdt data group-address-range wildcard-bits, 142

mdt data mpls mldp, 177

mdt data threshold, 149, 156

mdt default, 140141

mdt preference mldp, 185

msdp filter-out, 59

no ip sap listen, 8788

peer, 5152, 5456


ping source lo 100, 126, 128129

ping, 7982, 286287, 300

ping, 71, 307, 312

ping FF73:105:2001:192::1, 95

remote-as, 39

router bgp, 27

router msdp originator-id, 54

sa-limit, 56

set core-tree ingress-replication-default, 188

show bgp ipv4 mdt vrf RED, 147148

show interfaces tunnel 1, 153154, 320321

show ip bgp, 31

show ip bgp ipv4 mdt vrf RED, 146147

show ip bgp ipv4 multicast, 31, 3637, 312313

show ip bgp neighbors, 2831

show ip igmp groups, 209, 288289

show ip mfib vrf RED, 159

show ip mroute, 9, 61, 318, 323324

failed PIM path between source and client, 307309

group flow for, 6061

interdomain segregation, verifying, 7071

multicast flow over VPC, 209211

routing table for VRF “default”, 216

service reflection examples, 106116

show ip mroute, 129130

show ip mroute, 7982, 288290, 294, 299300

show ip mroute, 33, 3435

show ip mroute, 130132

show ip mroute, 310312

show ip mroute, 59, 60

show ip mroute vrf BLU, 197198

show ip mroute vrf BLU, 171172

show ip mroute vrf RED, 197198

show ip mroute vrf RED, 152153

show ip mroute vrf SVCS, 196197, 199

show ip msdp sa-cache, 49, 60, 61, 71, 295296, 298299

show ip msdp sa-cache rejected-sa, 297298

show ip msdp summary, 295296

show ip nhrp, 126127, 129

show ip pim, 70

show ip pim neighbor, 150151

show ip pim rp mapping, 59

show ip pim rp mappings, 288289

show ip pim vrf RED mdt, 156157

show ip pim vrf RED mdt send, 157

show ip pim vrf RED neighbor, 150, 321

show ip route, 315316

show ip rpf, 284, 309, 311312

show ipv6 mroute, 96

show mfib vrf RED interface, 144

show mfib vrf RED route, 159160

show mpls forwarding-table, 181, 316317

show mpls forwarding-table labels 31, 174

show mpls forwarding-table labels 36, 179

show mpls ldp neighbor, 317318

show mpls mldp bindings, 170171, 175, 180

show mpls mldp database, 173, 174175, 177178

show mpls mldp database brief, 181

show mpls mldp database p2mp root, 179180

show mpls mldp database summary, 180, 181

show mpls mldp neighbors, 167169

show mpls mldp root, 169170

show mrib vrf BLU route, 172, 189

show mrib vrf RED mdt-interface detail, 157

show mvpn vrf BLU ipv4 database ingress-replication, 189191

show mvpn vrf BLU pe, 189191

show nve peers, 216, 222, 323

show nve vni, 216, 223, 323

show nve vni ingress-replication, 224

show pim vrf RED mdt cache, 157, 158

show pim vrf RED mdt interface, 154155

show pim vrf RED neighbor, 150151

show run interface vif1, 106, 110

show running-config | begin ip msdp, 298

show running-config interface e0/1 command, 293294

show vrf RED, 143144

static-rpf, 24

configuration. See also network design models; troubleshooting

BIER (Bit Index Explicit Replication), 202205

CE-CE multicast routing, 187

CE-PE multicast routing, 186187

configured multicast boundaries, 3237

data MDT (Multicast Distribution Tree)

basic configuration, 142143

example of, 155160

MTI (multicast tunnel interface), 143144, 152155

multicast signaling in the core, 144148

traffic flow, 148149

default MDT (Multicast Distribution Tree)

basic configuration, 139142

example of, 149152

sample network scenario, 148


ingress replication, 224

leaf, 220223

spine, 219220

inter-AS and Internet design, 7282

completed multicast tree, 7982

ISP multicast configurations, 7279

interdomain multicast without active source learning, 88

IPv6 with embedded RP, 9096

SSM (Source-Specific Multicast), 8890

intra-AS multidomain design, 6271

IPv6 MVPN, 202

LISP (Locator/ID Separation Protocol), 265267

MBGP (Multiprotocol Border Gateway Protocol), 2532

BGP address-family configuration, 28

MBGP address-family configuration, 2728

show ip bgp command, 31

show ip bgp ipv4 multicast command, 31

show ip bgp neighbors command, 2831

standard BGP configuration, 25

MLDP (Multicast LDP)

data MDT MLDP, 176181

default MDT MLDP, 164176

FEC (Forwarding Equivalence Class) elements, 161162

in-band signaling operation, 162163

out-of-band signaling operation, 163

topology, 160161

MSDP (Multicast Source Discovery Protocol), 5056

mesh groups, 54

originator IDs, 54

peers, 5053

SAs (source actives), 5556

shutdown commands, 55

multicast boundaries, 3237

multicast extranet VPNs, 192

fusion router, 199200

route leaking, 192195

VASI (VRF-aware service infrastructure), 200202

VRF fallback, 195198

VRF select, 198199

PE-PE ingress replication, 187191


available options, 182

migrating between, 185186

operating system support matrix, 183185

provider multicast transport, 186

scoped multicast domains

group scope, 1415

overlapping scopes, 1719

RP scope, 1617


firewalls, 83

prefix filtering, 8487

service filtering, 8788

service reflection, 105

multicast-to-multicast destination conversion, 105109

multicast-to-unicast destination conversion, 113117

unicast-to-multicast destination conversion, 109113

static interdomain forwarding, 1922

traffic engineering

DMVPN (Dynamic Multipoint VPN), 118126

intra-regional multicast flow between two spokes, 130132

multicast flow from hub, 129130

router configurations, 303306

unicast spoke-to-central hub communication, 128129

unicast spoke-to-spoke interregional communication, 128

unicast spoke-to-spoke intra-regional communication, 126127

connect-source command, 39

Control and Provisioning of Wireless Access Points (CAPWAP), 248249

cross-domain packet forwarding, verifying, 71

CSPs (cloud service providers), 100

CSR 1000v devices, 104

customer edge devices. See CE (customer edge) devices


CE (customer edge) devices

CE-CE multicast routing, 187

CE-PE multicast routing, 186187

definition of, 137

definition of, 137

CVD (Cisco Validated Design), 255


data center environments, 207

ACI (Application Centric Infrastructure), 227228

fabrics and overlay elements, 229230

Layer 2 IGMP snooping in, 231232

Layer 3 multicast in, 232235

VPC (virtual port channel)

conceptual design, 207208

multicast flow over, 208211

orphan ports, 208

VPC peer links, 208

VXLAN (virtual extensible local-area network), 211

EVPNs (Ethernet virtual private networks), 216224

flood and learn mode, 213216

host-to-host multicast communication in, 224226

VTEPs (VXLAN Tunnel Endpoints), 211213

data MDT (Multicast Distribution Tree). See also default MDT (Multicast Distribution Tree)

basic configuration, 142143

data MDT MLDP (Multicast LDP), 176181

example of, 155160

MTI (multicast tunnel interface), 143144, 152155

multicast signaling in the core, 144148

traffic flow, 148149

data threshold configuration (MDT), 149150

databases, displaying

data MDT MLDP, 177178, 180181

default MDT MLDP

IOS-XE, 173

IOS-XR, 174175

De Ghein, Luc, 183

debug commands

debug ip msdp detail, 296297, 298299

debug ip msdp details, 48

debug ip msdp peer, 4345

debug ip pim, 34

debug ip pim rp, 48

debugging. See troubleshooting

default MDT MLDP (Multicast LDP)

example of, 165176

basic configuration, 165166

bindings, displaying, 170173, 175

database, displaying, 173175

forwarding tables, 174

neighbors, displaying, 167169

packet capture, 176

root of default MDT trees, verifying, 169170

explanation of, 164

root high availability, 164165

default MDT (Multicast Distribution Tree). See also data MDT (Multicast Distribution Tree)

basic configuration, 139142

default MDT MLDP (Multicast LDP)

example of, 165176

explanation of, 164

root high availability, 164165

example of, 149152

sample network scenario, 148

design, 237238

market applications, 269271

brokerage multicast design, 273274

FSP (financial service provider) multicast design, 273

market data environments, 271272

multicast-enabled clinical networks

campus design, 238240

medical device communications, 240246

three-tier network hierarchy, 238239

wireless networks, 246254

multitenant data centers

ACI (Application Centric Infrastructure), 258260

tenant overlays, 254258

service provider multicast, 274275

IPTV delivery, 279282

PIM-type selection, 275279

RP placement, 275279

software-defined networking

Cisco DNA (Digital Network Architecture), 260261

DMVPN (Dynamic Multipoint VPN), 261

IWAN (Intelligent WAN), 261

LISP (Locator/ID Separation Protocol), 262267

SD-Access, 261262

Viptela, 261

utility networks

design blocks, 267

Distribution Level tiers, 268

PMUs (phasor measurement units), 268269

Radio over IP design, 269

SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition), 267

Substation tier, 268

Design Zone (Cisco), 255

designated forwarder (DF) election, 272

destination conversion, 105

multicast-to-multicast destination conversion, 105109

packet capture before conversion, 107

show ip mroute output at R2, 107108

show ip mroute output at R4, 106107, 109

VIF configuration at R2, 106

multicast-to-unicast destination conversion, 113117

show ip mroute output at R2, 115116

sniffer capture after conversion, 114115

sniffer output after conversion, 116117

VIF configuration at R2, 114

unicast-to-multicast destination conversion, 109113

show ip mroute output at R2, 112

show ip mroute output at R4, 110111, 113

sniffer capture before conversion, 111112

VIF configuration at R2, 110

DF (designated forwarder) election, 272

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), 243

Digital Network Architecture (DNA), 260261

direct cloud connectivity, 101

Distribution Level tiers, 268

DMVPN (Dynamic Multipoint VPN), 118126, 261

configuration snapshot from hub R2, 123

configuration snapshot of regional hub R3, 123125

configuration snapshot of regional spoke R6, 125126

DNA (Digital Network Architecture), 260261

domain boundaries. See borders/boundaries

domains. See multicast domains

draft Rosen model. See default MDT (Multicast Distribution Tree)

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), 243

Dynamic Multipoint VPN. See DMVPN (Dynamic Multipoint VPN)


ECMP (equal-cost multipath), 117

edge LSRs. See PE (provider edge) devices

EGPs (External Gateway Protocols), 5. See also BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)

egress tunnel routers (ETRs), 263265

EIDs (endpoint identifiers), 263

embedded RPs (rendezvous points), 9096


EIDs (endpoint identifiers), 263

EPGs (endpoint groups), 258259

VTEPs (VXLAN Tunnel Endpoints), 211213

EPGs (endpoint groups), 258259

equal-cost multipath (ECMP), 117

Ethernet virtual private networks. See EVPNs (Ethernet virtual private networks)

Ethernet VPN (PBB-EVPN), 277

ETRs (egress tunnel routers), 263265

events (MSDP), 4142

EVPNs (Ethernet virtual private networks), 216218

Ethernet VPN (PBB-EVPN), 277

ingress replication, 224

leaf configuration, 220223

spine configuration, 219220

External Gateway Protocols (EGPs), 5. See also BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)

extranet VPNs, 192

route leaking, 192195

VASI (VRF-aware service infrastructure), 200202

VRF fallback, 195198

VRF select, 198200


fabrics (ACI), 229230

failed PIM path between source and client, troubleshooting, 307309

fallback (VRF), 195198

FANs (field area networks), 268

Fast Reroute (FRR), 280281

feature msdp command, 51

FEC (Forwarding Equivalence Class) elements, 161162

FHRs (first-hop routers), 253

FIB (forwarding information base), 309310

field area networks (FANs), 268


prefixes, 8487

SAs (source actives), 5556

services at edge, 8788

financial applications, 269271

brokerage multicast design, 273274

FSP (financial service provider) multicast design, 273

market data environments, 271272


routed mode, 83

transparent mode, 83

VFW (virtual firewall), 255

first-hop routers (FHRs), 253

flood and learn mode (VXLAN), 213216

flooding, peer-RPF, 49

Forwarding Equivalence Class (FEC) elements, 161162

forwarding tables

data MDT MLDP, 179, 181

default MDT MLDP, 174

forwarding tag (FTAG) trees, 228

forwarding trees

building, 612

completed multicast tree, 7982

FTAG (forwarding tag) trees, 228

OIL (outgoing interface list), 9

sample completed tree, 9

shared trees, 811

shortest path trees, 811

FRR (Fast Reroute), 280281

FSP (financial service provider) multicast design, 273

FTAG (forwarding tag) trees, 228

fusion routers, 199200


GIPo (Group IP outer), 259

GRE (generic routing encapsulation), 47


IGMP (Internet Group Messaging Protocol), 8, 231232, 244

Layer 3 communication, 8

scope, 1415


HA (high availability), 164165

Halabi, Sam, 28

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 240

hellos (PIM), 234

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), 240

hospital network design

campus design, 238240

medical device communications, 240246

three-tier network hierarchy, 238239

wireless networks, 246254

host mobility, LISP (Locator/ID Separation Protocol) support for, 263

host-to-host multicast communication

Layer 2 communication, 224226

Layer 3 communication, 226


IaaS (infrastructure as a service), 100, 254255

IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority), 3

Identity Services Engine (ISE), 262


EIDs (endpoint identifiers), 263

MSDP originator IDs, 54

IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force), 4

IGMP (Internet Group Messaging Protocol), 8, 231232, 244

IGPs (Interior Gateway Protocols), 5

in-band signaling operation, 162163

infrastructure as a service (IaaS), 100, 254255

ingress replication


PE-PE ingress replication, 188189

ingress tunnel routers (ITRs), 263265

Intelligent WAN (IWAN), 261

interdomain design

BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), 2, 5

importance of, 7

inter-AS routing with, 2224

MBGP (Multiprotocol Border Gateway Protocol), 2432

prefix table, 36, 37

characteristics of, 614

configured multicast boundaries, 3237

inter-AS and Internet design, 7282

completed multicast tree, 7982

ISP multicast configurations, 7279

interdomain segregation, verifying, 7071

MSDP (Multicast Source Discovery Protocol)

advantages of, 38

configuration of, 5056

debug ip msdp peer command, 4345

peers, 3840, 5053

RPF (reverse path forwarding) checks, 4647

SAs (source actives), 40, 4750

state machine events and actions, 4142

scoped multicast domains

group scope, 1415

overlapping scopes, 1719

RP scope, 1617

security, 8283

static interdomain forwarding, 1922


design interface map, 287

high-level ASM network design, 286287

methodology overview for, 285286

multicast reachability from source to client, 286287

receiver checks, 288290

source checks, 290292

state verification, 292301

without active source learning, 88

IPv6 with embedded RPs, 9096

SSM (Source-Specific Multicast), 8890

interdomain segregation, verifying, 7071

Interior Gateway Protocols (IGPs), 5

Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System (IS-IS), 5

Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), 3

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), 4

Internet Group Messaging Protocol. See IGMP (Internet Group Messaging Protocol)

Internet Routing Architectures (Halabi), 28

Internet service providers (ISPs), 2, 7279

Internet-based cloud connectivity, 101

intra-AS multidomain design, 6271

intra-regional multicast flow between two spokes, 130132


CSR 1000v device, 104

data MDT MLDP (Multicast LDP)

data threshold configuration, 177

database, displaying, 177178

database summary, 180

forwarding tables, 179, 181

data MDT (Multicast Distribution Tree)

basic configuration, 143

BGP MDT address family, 145

cache entries, displaying, 157

data MDT in operation, 158

data threshold configuration, 149, 156

MDT BGP adjacency, verifying, 146147

MTI (multicast tunnel interface), 144, 152153

packet count, 159

PIM neighbor for VRF RED, 150

PIM VRF data, 157158

verifying, 156157

default MDT MLDP (Multicast LDP)

basic configuration, 166

bindings, displaying, 170

database, displaying, 173

forwarding table, displaying, 174

neighbors, displaying, 167

root of default MDT trees, verifying, 169

show ip mroute vrf BLU command, 171172

default MDT (Multicast Distribution Tree) configuration, 140141

MBGP (Multiprotocol Border Gateway Protocol)

address-family configuration, 2627

BGP IPv4 multicast prefix acceptance, 36

show ip bgp neighbors command, 2831

MSDP (Multicast Source Discovery Protocol)

debug ip msdp peer command, 4344

final configuration for Mcast Enterprises, 6469

mesh group commands, 54

originator ID commands, 54

peer configuration commands, 38, 5051

peer description commands, 51

peer password authentication and encryption, 52

peer password timer commands, 5253

SA filter in/out commands, 5556

SA limit commands, 56

show ip msdp sa-cache command, 49

shutdown commands, 55

multicast boundary configuration, 84

MVPN support matrix, 183184

profiles, migrating between, 185

static entry configuration, 24

VASI (VRF-aware service infrastructure) configuration, 201

VRF (Virtual Route Forwarding) fallback

configuration, 196

extranet RPF rule, 198

fallback interface, 197198

verification, 197

VRF (Virtual Route Forwarding) select

configuration, 199

validation, 199


data MDT MLDP (Multicast LDP)

bindings, displaying, 180

data threshold configuration, 177

database brief, 181

database summary validation, 181

P2MP, 179180

data MDT (Multicast Distribution Tree)

basic configuration, 143

BGP MDT configuration, 146

data threshold configuration, 150, 156

MDT BGP adjacency, verifying, 147148


MTI (multicast tunnel interface), 144, 154155

packet count, 159160

PIM neighbor for VRF RED, 150151

PIM VRF data, 157158

SSM configuration, 145

default MDT MLDP (Multicast LDP)

basic configuration, 166

bindings, displaying, 171, 175

database, displaying, 174175

neighbors, displaying, 168169

root of default MDT trees, verifying, 170

show mrib vrf BLU route command, 172

default MDT (Multicast Distribution Tree) configuration, 141

MBGP (Multiprotocol Border Gateway Protocol), 2728

MSDP (Multicast Source Discovery Protocol)

mesh group commands, 54

originator ID commands, 54

peer configuration commands, 39, 5051

peer description commands, 51

peer password authentication and encryption, 52

peer password timer commands, 52

peer reset timers, 53

SA filter in/out commands, 5556

SA limit commands, 56

shutdown commands, 55

multicast boundary configuration, 84

MVPN support matrix, 183184

PE-PE ingress replication, 188191


applying, 185

migrating between, 185

route leaking, 193195

static entry configuration, 24

ip mroute command, 24

ip msdp keepalive command, 52

ip msdp mesh-group command, 54

ip msdp originator-id command, 54

ip msdp peer command, 3839, 5152

ip msdp reconnect-interval command, 53

ip msdp sa-filter in command, 55

ip msdp sa-filter out command, 55

ip msdp sa-limit command, 56

ip msdp sa-policy command, 55

ip msdp shutdown command, 55

ip msdp timer command, 53

ip multicast boundary command, 84

ip pim autorp listener command, 148

ip pim jp-policy command, 84

ip pim sparse-mode command, 36, 294

ip pim ssm default command, 145

ip pim vrf RED autorp listener command, 148

IPTV (IP Television) delivery, 279282

IPv6 embedded RPs (rendezvous points), 9096

ipv6 mld join-group command, 95

IPv6 MVPN, 202

ipv6 pim rp-address command, 95

ISE (Identity Services Engine), 262

IS-IS (Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System), 5

ISPs (Internet service providers), 2, 7279

ITRs (ingress tunnel routers), 263265

IWAN (Intelligent WAN), 261


Label Distribution Protocol. See MLDP (Multicast LDP)

label-switched routers (LSRs), 137

last-hop routers (LHRs), 50, 245, 253

LDP (Label Distribution Protocol). See MLDP (Multicast LDP)

leaf configuration (EVPN VXLAN), 220223

leaking, route, 192195

LFA (Loop-Free Alternate), 184

LHR (last-hop router), 245, 253

LHRs (last-hop routers), 50

limits on SAs (source actives), 5556

LISP (Locator/ID Separation Protocol), 262263

configuration example, 265267

MRs (map resolvers), 263264

MSs (map servers), 263264

PETRs (proxy egress tunnel routers), 264265

PITRs (proxy ingress tunnel routers), 264265

Loop-Free Alternate (LFA), 184

LSRs (label-switched routers), 137


map resolvers (MRs), 263264

map servers (MSs), 263264

market applications, 269271

brokerage multicast design, 273274

FSP (financial service provider) multicast design, 273

market data environments, 271272

MBGP (Multiprotocol Border Gateway Protocol)

advantages of, 24

configuring for multicast, 2532

BGP address-family configuration, 28

MBGP address-family configuration, 2728

show ip bgp command, 31

show ip bgp ipv4 multicast command, 31

show ip bgp neighbors command, 2831

standard BGP configuration, 25

Mcast Enterprises example

BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), 2, 5

importance of, 7

inter-AS routing with, 2224

MBGP (Multiprotocol Border Gateway Protocol), 2432

prefix table, 36, 37

configured multicast boundaries, 3237

inter-AS and Internet design, 7282

completed multicast tree, 7982

ISP multicast configurations, 7279

interdomain segregation, verifying, 7071

intra-AS multidomain design, 6271

MSDP (Multicast Source Discovery Protocol)

advantages of, 38

configuration of, 5056

debug ip msdp peer command, 4345

peers, 3840, 5053

RPF (reverse path forwarding) checks, 4647

SAs (source actives), 40, 4750

state machine events and actions, 4142

scoped multicast domains

group scope, 1415

overlapping scopes, 1719

RP scope, 1617

static interdomain forwarding, 1922


design interface map, 287

high-level ASM network design, 286287

methodology overview for, 285286

multicast reachability from source to client, 286287

receiver checks, 288290

source checks, 290292

state verification, 292301

traffic engineering problems, 301313

MDT (Multicast Distribution Tree), 139, 275. See also profiles

data MDT

basic configuration, 142143

example of, 155160

MTI (multicast tunnel interface), 143144, 152155

multicast signaling in the core, 144148

traffic flow, 148149

data MDT MLDP, 176181

default MDT

basic configuration, 139142

example of, 149152

sample network scenario, 148

default MDT MLDP

example of, 165176

explanation of, 164

root high availability, 164165


partitioned MDT, 182183

service provider multicast, 275277

mdt data 254 threshold 2 command, 177

mdt data group-address-range wildcard-bits command, 142

mdt data mpls mldp command, 177

mdt data threshold 2 command, 156

mdt data threshold command, 149

mdt default command, 140141

mdt preference mldp command, 185

medical device communications, 240246

mesh groups (MSDP), 54

MFIB (Multicast Forwarding Information Base), 89

mGRE (multipoint generic routing encapsulation), 118

migrating between profiles, 185186

MLDP (Multicast LDP)

data MDT MLDP, 176181

default MDT MLDP

example of, 165176

explanation of, 164

root high availability, 164165

FEC (Forwarding Equivalence Class) elements, 161162

in-band signaling operation, 162163

out-of-band signaling operation, 163

topology, 160161

MP2MP (Multipoint-to-Multipoint) trees, 140

MPLD (Multicast Label Distribution Protocol), 138

MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) VPNs, 137138

BIER (Bit Index Explicit Replication), 202205

CE (customer edge) devices, 137

CE-CE multicast routing, 187

CE-PE multicast routing, 186187

customers, 137

data MDT (Multicast Distribution Tree)

basic configuration, 142143

data MDT MLDP, 176181

example of, 155160

MTI (multicast tunnel interface), 143144, 152155

multicast signaling in the core, 144148

traffic flow, 148149

default MDT (Multicast Distribution Tree)

basic configuration, 139142

default MDT MLDP, 164176

example of, 149152

sample network scenario, 148

IPv6 MVPN, 202

MLDP (Multicast LDP)

data MDT MLDP, 176181

default MDT MLDP, 164176

FEC (Forwarding Equivalence Class) elements, 161162

in-band signaling operation, 162163

out-of-band signaling operation, 163

topology, 160161

multicast extranet VPNs, 192

fusion router, 199200

route leaking, 192195

VASI (VRF-aware service infrastructure), 200202

VRF (Virtual Route Forwarding) fallback, 195198

VRF (Virtual Route Forwarding) select, 198199

MVR (multicast VLAN registration), 281282

PE (provider edge) devices, 137

PE-PE ingress replication, 187191


available options, 182

migrating between, 185186

operating system support matrix, 183185

provider multicast transport, 186

providers, 137

troubleshooting, 314322

MRIB (Multicast Routing Information Base), 10

MRs (map resolvers), 263264

MSDP (Multicast Source Discovery Protocol)

advantages of, 38

configuration of, 5056

mesh groups, 54

originator IDs, 54

peers, 5053

SAs (source actives), 5556

deployment use case, 5661


clearing, 55

configuration of, 3840, 5053

mesh groups, 54

peer-RPF flooding, 49

timers, 5253

RPF (reverse path forwarding) checks, 4647

SAs (source actives)

definition of, 40

explanation of, 4750

filters, 5556

limits, 56

shutdown commands, 55

state machine events and actions, 4142


cache repair, 298299

configuration check, 298

debugging, 4345, 296297

peering check, 295296

msdp filter-out command, 59

msdp-peer configuration mode, 50

MSs (map servers), 263264

MTI (Multicast Tunnel Interface), 143144, 152155

multi-address family support, 262263

Multicast Distribution Tree. See MDT (Multicast Distribution Tree)

multicast domains. See also borders/boundaries

BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), 2, 5

importance of, 7

inter-AS routing with, 2224

MBGP (Multiprotocol Border Gateway Protocol), 2432

prefix table, 36, 37

characteristics of, 614

configured multicast boundaries, 3237

hospital network design, 253

inter-AS and Internet design, 7282

completed multicast tree, 7982

ISP multicast configurations, 7279

inter-AS multicast, 7282

interdomain segregation, verifying, 7071

intra-AS multidomain design, 6271

MSDP (Multicast Source Discovery Protocol)

advantages of, 38

configuration of, 5056

debug ip msdp peer command, 4345

peers, 3840, 5053

RPF (reverse path forwarding) checks, 4647

SAs (source actives), 40, 4750

state machine events and actions, 4142

scoped multicast domains, 258

group scope, 1415

overlapping scopes, 1719

RP scope, 1617

security, 8283

firewalls, 83

prefix filtering, 8487

push data model, 82

service filtering, 8788

static interdomain forwarding, 1922

without active source learning, 88

IPv6 with embedded RPs, 9096

SSM (Source-Specific Multicast), 8890

Multicast Forwarding Information Based (MFIB), 89

Multicast Label Distribution Protocol (MLDP), 138

Multicast Routing Information Base (MRIB), 10

Multicast Source Discovery Protocol. See MSDP (Multicast Source Discovery Protocol)

Multicast Tunnel Interface (MTI), 143144, 152155

multicast VLAN registration (MVR), 281282

multicast VPNs. See MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) VPNs

multicast-to-multicast destination conversion, 105109

packet capture before conversion, 107

show ip mroute output at R2, 107108

show ip mroute output at R4, 106107, 109

VIF configuration at R2, 106

multicast-to-unicast destination conversion, 113117

show ip mroute output at R2, 115116

sniffer capture after conversion, 114115

sniffer output after conversion, 116117

VIF configuration at R2, 114

multipoint generic routing encapsulation (mGRE), 118

Multipoint Label Distribution Protocol. See MPLD (Multicast Label Distribution Protocol)

Multipoint-to-Multipoint (MP2MP) trees, 140

Multiprotocol Label Switching. See MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) VPNs

multitenant data centers

ACI (Application Centric Infrastructure), 258260

software-defined networking

Cisco DNA (Digital Network Architecture), 260261

DMVPN (Dynamic Multipoint VPN), 261

IWAN (Intelligent WAN), 261

LISP (Locator/ID Separation Protocol), 262267

SD-Access, 261262

Viptela, 261

tenant overlays, 254258

MVPNs. See MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) VPNs

MVR (multicast VLAN registration), 281282


NAN (neighborhood area network) level, 268

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 259

NDP (Network Data Platform), 262

neighborhood area network (NAN) level, 268

NERC (North American Electric Reliability Corporation) assets, 268269

Network Data Platform (NDP), 262

network design models, 237238

market applications, 269271

brokerage multicast design, 273274

FSP (financial service provider) multicast design, 273

market data environments, 271272

multicast-enabled clinical networks

campus design, 238240

medical device communications, 240246

three-tier network hierarchy, 238239

wireless networks, 246254

multitenant data centers

ACI (Application Centric Infrastructure), 258260

tenant overlays, 254258

service provider multicast, 274275

IPTV delivery, 279282

PIM-type selection, 275279

RP placement, 275279

software-defined networking

Cisco DNA (Digital Network Architecture), 260261

DMVPN (Dynamic Multipoint VPN), 261

IWAN (Intelligent WAN), 261

LISP (Locator/ID Separation Protocol), 262267

SD-Access, 261262

Viptela, 261

utility networks

design blocks, 267

Distribution Level tiers, 268

PMUs (phasor measurement units), 268269

Radio over IP design, 269

SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition), 267

Substation tier, 268

Network Virtualization Endpoint (NVE), 323

NFV (network functions virtualization), 103

NHRP (Next Hop Resolution Protocol), 118

NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), 259

no ip sap listen command, 8788

North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) assets, 268269

NVE (Network Virtualization Endpoint), 323


MSDP (Multicast Source Discovery Protocol)

mesh group commands, 54

originator ID commands, 54

peer configuration commands, 39, 5051

peer description commands, 51

peer password authentication and encryption, 52

peer password timer commands, 5253

SA filter in/out commands, 5556

SA limit commands, 56

shutdown commands, 55

multicast boundary configuration, 84

MVPN support matrix, 183184

static entry configuration, 24


OIF (outgoing interface list), 233

OIL (outgoing interface list), 9

Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), 5

originator IDs (MSDP), 54

orphan ports, 208

OSPF (Open Shortest Path First), 5

outgoing interface list (OIF), 233

outgoing interface list (OIL), 9

out-of-band signaling operation, 163

overlapping domain scopes, 1719

overlays, 229230, 254258


P (provider) multicast transport, 186

PaaS (platform as a service), 100

package installation envelope (PIE), 51

packet count (MDT), 159160

partitioned MDT (Multicast Distribution Tree), 182183

PBB-EVPN (Ethernet VPN), 277

PBR (policy-based routing), 118

PE (provider edge) devices

CE-PE multicast routing, 186187

definition of, 137

PE-PE ingress replication, 187191

peer command, 5152, 5456

peer links (VPC), 208

peer-RPF flooding, 49

peers (MSDP)

clearing, 55

configuration of, 3840, 5053

mesh groups, 54

peer-RPF flooding, 49

state verification, 295296

timers, 5253

PETRs (proxy egress tunnel routers), 264265

phasor measurement units (PMUs), 268269

PIE (package installation envelope), 51

PIM (Protocol Independent Multicast), 1

auto-RP advertisements, 235

Bidir-PM (Bidirectional PIM), 244

forwarding trees

building, 612

completed multicast tree, 7982

OIL (outgoing interface list), 9

RPs (rendezvous points), 10

sample completed tree, 9

shared trees, 811

shortest path trees, 811

hellos, 234

multicast domains

characteristics of, 614

configured multicast boundaries, 3237

group scope, 1415

overlapping scopes, 1719

RP scope, 1617

static interdomain forwarding, 1922

neighbors, checking for, 150151, 292293

RPF (reverse path forwarding), 78

selection for hospital networks, 244246

service provider multicast, 275279

SM (sparse mode), 8

SSM (Source-Specific Multicast), 140, 144145, 245

troubleshooting, 301302

debugging, 34

failed PIM path between source and client, 307309

R1 unicast RIB and FIB entries, 309310

static mroute, adding to R1, 310312

static mroute, adding to R2, 312314

traffic engineering router configurations, 303306

verification, 293294

ping command

ping source lo 100

unicast spoke-to-central hub communication, 128129

unicast spoke-to-spoke interregional communication, 128

unicast spoke-to-spoke intra-regional communication, 126

ping, 7982, 286287, 300

ping, 71, 307, 312

ping FF73:105:2001:192::1, 95

PITRs (proxy ingress tunnel routers), 264265

platform as a service (PaaS), 100

PMUs (phasor measurement units), 268269

points of presence (POPs), 271

policy-based routing (PBR), 118

POPs (points of presence), 271

port channels, virtual

conceptual design, 207208

multicast flow over, 208211

orphan ports, 208

VPC peer links, 208

prefix filtering, 8487

prefix table

clearing, 37

multicast prefix acceptance, 36


available options, 182

migrating between, 185186

operating system support matrix, 183185

Protocol Independent Multicast. See PIM (Protocol Independent Multicast)

Provider Backbone Bridging, 277

provider edge devices. See PE (provider edge) devices


definition of, 137

PE (provider edge) devices

CE-PE multicast routing, 186187

definition of, 137

PE-PE ingress replication, 187191

provider multicast transport, 186

proxy egress tunnel routers (PETRs), 264265

proxy ingress tunnel routers (PITRs), 264265

Pseudowire services, 277

public cloud services. See cloud environments

push data model, 82


Radio over IP design, 269

receiver checks, 284

interdomain multicast network

checking RP for (*, G), 289290

receiver checking output on SP1–1, 288289

MVPN support matrix, 314

VXLAN (Virtual Extensible LAN), 322

reflection. See service reflection

remote-as command, 39

rendezvous points. See RPs (rendezvous points)


BIER (Bit Index Explicit Replication), 202205

ingress replication


PE-PE ingress replication, 188189

reverse path forwarding (RPF), 6, 78, 118

RFCs (requests for comment)

RFC 2283, 24

RFC 3306, 91

RFC 3446, 38, 59

RFC 3618, 41, 47

RFC 3956, 96

RFC 4364, 138

RFC 4607, 90

RFC 4760, 24

RFC 5036, 138

RFC 5415, 248249

RFC 5771, 90

RFC 6996, 3

RFC 7371, 91

RFC 7441, 139

RFC 7606, 24

RIB (router information base), 7, 309310

RLOCs (routing locators), 263

Rosen, Eric, 139

Rosen model. See default MDT (Multicast Distribution Tree)

route leaking, 192195

route policy language (RPL), 185

router bgp command, 27

router information base (RIB), 7

router msdp configuration mode, 50

router msdp originator-id command, 54

routing locators (RLOCs), 263

RPF (reverse path forwarding), 6, 78, 118

checks, 4647

peer-RPF flooding, 49

state verification, 292

RPL (route policy language), 185

RPs (rendezvous points). See also MSDP (Multicast Source Discovery Protocol)

checking for (*, G), 289290

definition of, 10

IPv6 with embedded RPs, 9096

market data environments, 272274

medical device communications, 245

MSDP peers

clearing, 55

configuration of, 3840, 5053

mesh groups, 54

peer-RPF flooding, 49

state verification, 295296

timers, 5253

multitenant data centers, 258260

scope of, 1617

service provider multicast, 275279

traffic engineering, 122

wireless networks, 253


SAFI (subsequent address family identifiers), 145

sa-limit command, 56

SAP (Session Advertisement Protocol), 87

SAs (source actives)

definition of, 40

explanation of, 4750

filters, 5556

limits, 56

SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition), 267

scalability. See cloud environments

scoped multicast domains, 258

group scope, 1415

overlapping scopes, 1719

RP scope, 1617

SD-Access, 261262

SDDCs (software-defined data centers), 260

SDP (Session Description Protocol), 87

SD-WAN. See software-defined networking

security, 8283

firewalls, 83

routed mode, 83

transparent mode, 83

VFW (virtual firewall), 255

prefix filtering, 8487

service filtering, 8788

Security Group Access Control Lists (SGACL), 262

Security Group Tags (SGTs), 262

select feature (VRF), 198199

service filtering, 8788

service provider multicast, 274275

IPTV delivery, 279282

PIM-type selection, 275279

RP placement, 275279

service reflection, 105

multicast-to-multicast destination conversion, 105109

packet capture before conversion, 107

show ip mroute output at R2, 107108

show ip mroute output at R4, 106107, 109

VIF configuration at R2, 106

multicast-to-unicast destination conversion, 113117

show ip mroute output at R2, 115116

sniffer capture after conversion, 114115

sniffer output after conversion, 116117

VIF configuration at R2, 114

unicast-to-multicast destination conversion, 109113

show ip mroute output at R2, 112

show ip mroute output at R4, 110111, 113

sniffer capture before conversion, 111112

VIF configuration at R2, 110

Service Set Identification (SSID), 241, 247248

Session Advertisement Protocol (SAP), 87

Session Description Protocol (SDP), 87

set core-tree ingress-replication-default command, 188

SGACL (Security Group Access Control Lists), 262

SGTs (Security Group Tags), 262

shared trees, 811

shared-to-source tree process, 149

shortest path trees, 811

show commands

show bgp ipv4 mdt vrf RED, 147148

show interfaces tunnel 1, 153154, 320321

show ip bgp, 31

show ip bgp ipv4 mdt vrf RED, 146147

show ip bgp ipv4 multicast, 31, 3637, 312314

show ip bgp neighbors, 2831

show ip igmp groups, 209, 288289

show ip mfib vrf RED, 159

show ip mroute, 9, 61, 318, 323324

failed PIM path between source and client, 307309

group flow for, 6061

interdomain segregation, verifying, 7071

multicast flow over VPC, 209211

routing table for VRF “default”, 216

service reflection examples, 106116

show ip mroute, 129130

show ip mroute, 7982, 288290, 294, 299300

show ip mroute, 33, 3435

show ip mroute, 130132

show ip mroute, 310313

show ip mroute, 59, 60

show ip mroute vrf BLU, 197198

show ip mroute vrf BLU, 171172

show ip mroute vrf RED, 197198

show ip mroute vrf RED, 152153

show ip mroute vrf SVCS, 196197, 199

show ip msdp sa-cache, 49, 60, 61, 71, 295296, 298299

show ip msdp sa-cache rejected-sa, 297298

show ip msdp summary, 295296

show ip nhrp, 126127, 129

show ip pim, 70

show ip pim neighbor, 150151

show ip pim rp mapping, 59

show ip pim rp mappings, 288289

show ip pim vrf RED mdt, 156157

show ip pim vrf RED mdt send, 157

show ip pim vrf RED neighbor, 150, 321

show ip route, 315316

show ip rpf, 284

show ip rpf, 309, 311312, 313

show ipv6 mroute, 96

show mfib vrf RED interface, 144

show mfib vrf RED route, 159160

show mpls forwarding-table, 181, 316317

show mpls forwarding-table labels, 174, 179

show mpls ldp neighbor, 317318

show mpls mldp bindings, 170171, 175, 180

show mpls mldp database, 173, 174175, 177178

show mpls mldp database brief, 181

show mpls mldp database p2mp root, 179180

show mpls mldp database summary, 180, 181

show mpls mldp neighbors, 167169

show mpls mldp root, 169170

show mrib vrf BLU route, 172, 189

show mrib vrf RED mdt-interface detail, 157

show mvpn vrf BLU ipv4 database ingress-replication, 189191

show mvpn vrf BLU pe, 189191

show nve peers, 216, 222, 323

show nve vni, 216, 223, 323

show nve vni ingress-replication, 224

show pim vrf RED mdt cache, 157, 158

show pim vrf RED mdt interface, 154155

show pim vrf RED neighbor, 150151

show run interface vif1, 106, 110

show running-config | begin ip msdp, 298

show running-config interface e0/1, 293294

show vrf RED, 143144

shutdown commands, 55


in-band, 162163

out-of-band, 163

SM (sparse mode), 8

snooping (IGMP), 244

software-defined data centers (SDDCs), 260

software-defined networking

Cisco DNA (Digital Network Architecture), 260261

DMVPN (Dynamic Multipoint VPN), 261

IWAN (Intelligent WAN), 261

LISP (Locator/ID Separation Protocol), 262263

configuration example, 265267

MRs (map resolvers), 263264

MSs (map servers), 263264

PETRs (proxy egress tunnel routers), 264265

PITRs (proxy ingress tunnel routers), 264265

SD-Access, 261262

Viptela, 261

source actives. See SAs (source actives)

source checks, 284

interdomain multicast network, 290292

MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) VPNs, 284

traffic engineering, 301

VXLAN (Virtual Extensible LAN), 322

source trees, 811

Source-Specific Multicast. See SSM (Source-Specific Multicast)

sparse mode (PIM), 8

spine configuration (EVPN VXLAN), 219220

SSID (Service Set Identification), 241, 247248

SSM (Source-Specific Multicast), 6, 8890, 140, 144145, 245

state machine (MSDP), 4142

state verification, 284

interdomain multicast network

LHR RP MSDP SA state, 295

mroute state on LHR, 299300

MSDP cache repair, 298299

MSDP configuration check, 298

MSDP debugging, 296297

MSDP peering check, 295296

PIM configuration, 293294

PIM neighborships, 292293

ping test, 300

rejected CA cache entries, 297298

RPF information, 292

MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) VPNs, 315322

traffic engineering, 301302

failed PIM path between source and client, 307309

R1 unicast RIB and FIB entries, 309310

router configurations, 303306

static mroute, adding to R1, 310312

static mroute, adding to R2, 312314

VXLAN (Virtual Extensible LAN), 322325

static interdomain forwarding, 1922

static mroute, adding

to R1, 310312

to R2, 312314

static-rpf command, 24

subsequent address family identifiers (SAFI), 145

Substation tier, 268

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), 267


TCP (Transport Control Protocol), 38, 87

TDP (Tag Distribution Protocol), 138

tenants. See multitenant data centers

TIBCO Rendezvous, 270

timers (MDSP), 5253

time-to-live (TTL), 87

trade floors, multicast in, 269271

brokerage multicast design, 273274

FSP (financial service provider) multicast design, 273

market data environments, 271272

traffic engineering, 19, 117118

DMVPN (Dynamic Multipoint VPN), 118126

configuration snapshot from hub R2, 123

configuration snapshot of regional hub R3, 123125

configuration snapshot of regional spoke R6, 125126

intra-regional multicast flow between two spokes, 130132

multicast flow from hub, 129130

troubleshooting, 301302

failed PIM path between source and client, 307309

R1 unicast RIB and FIB entries, 309310

router configurations, 303306

static mroute, adding to R1, 310312

static mroute, adding to R2, 312314

unicast spoke-to-central hub communication, 128129

unicast spoke-to-spoke interregional communication, 128

unicast spoke-to-spoke intra-regional communication, 126127

traffic flow (MDT), 148149

translation. See service reflection

Transport Control Protocol (TCP), 38, 87

transport diversification. See cloud environments

trees. See forwarding trees


interdomain multicast networks

design interface map, 287

high-level ASM network design, 286287

methodology overview for, 285286

multicast reachability from source to client, 286287

receiver checks, 288290

source checks, 290292

state verification, 292301

MSDP (Multicast Source Discovery Protocol), 296297

cache repair, 298299

configuration check, 298

debugging, 4345, 48, 296297

peering check, 295296

MVPN, 314322

PIM (Protocol Independent Multicast), 301302

debugging, 34

failed PIM path between source and client, 307309

R1 unicast RIB and FIB entries, 309310

static mroute, adding to R1, 310312

static mroute, adding to R2, 312314

traffic engineering router configurations, 303306

three-step methodology, 283284

VXLAN (Virtual Extensible LAN), 322325

TrustSec infrastructure, 262

TTL (time-to-live), 87


UA (Unified Access), 249250

unicast spoke-to-central hub communication, 128129

unicast spoke-to-spoke interregional communication, 128

unicast spoke-to-spoke intra-regional communication, 126127

unicast-to-multicast destination conversion, 109113

show ip mroute output at R2, 112

show ip mroute output at R4, 110111, 113

sniffer capture before conversion, 111112

VIF configuration at R2, 110

Unified Access (UA), 249250

use cases

MSDP (Multicast Source Discovery Protocol), 5661

multicast in cloud environments, 132135

utility networks

design blocks, 267

Distribution Level tiers, 268

PMUs (phasor measurement units), 268269

Radio over IP design, 269

SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition), 267

Substation tier, 268


Validated Design, 255

VASI (VRF-aware service infrastructure), 200202

VFW (virtual firewall), 255

VIFs (virtual interfaces), configuring for service reflection

multicast-to-multicast destination conversion, 106

multicast-to-unicast destination conversion, 114

unicast-to-multicast destination conversion, 110

Viptela, 261

Virtual Extensible LAN. See VXLAN (Virtual Extensible LAN)

virtual firewall (VFW), 255

virtual port channel. See VPC (virtual port channel)

Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS), 277

virtual private networks. See VPNs (virtual private networks)

Virtual Route Forwarding. See VRF (Virtual Route Forwarding)

virtual services, 103105

Virtual Switching System (VSS), 241

VMDC (Virtualized Multi-Tenant Data Center), 255256

VNIs (VXLAN network identifiers), 323324

VPC (virtual port channel)

conceptual design, 207208

multicast flow over, 208211

orphan ports, 208

VPC peer links, 208

VPLS (Virtual Private LAN Service), 277

VPNs (virtual private networks). See also MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) VPNs

DMVPN (Dynamic Multipoint VPN), 118126, 261

configuration snapshot from hub R2, 123

configuration snapshot of regional hub R3, 123125

configuration snapshot of regional spoke R6, 125126

EVPNs (Ethernet virtual private networks), 216218

ingress replication, 224

leaf configuration, 220223

spine configuration, 219220

VRF (Virtual Route Forwarding), 262

VRF fallback, 195198

VRF select, 198199

VSS (Virtual Switching System), 241

VTEPs (VXLAN Tunnel Endpoints), 211213

VXLAN (Virtual Extensible LAN), 211

EVPNs (Ethernet virtual private networks), 216218

ingress replication, 224

leaf configuration, 220223

spine configuration, 219220

flood and learn mode, 213216

host-to-host multicast communication in

Layer 2 communication, 224226

Layer 3 communication, 226

troubleshooting, 322325

VNIs (VXLAN network identifiers), 323324

VTEPs (VXLAN Tunnel Endpoints), 211213


wireless LAN controllers (WLCs), 246247

wireless networks, multicast considerations for, 246254

WLCs (wireless LAN controllers), 242, 246247

zones, 256258

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