

3D and Materials panel, 6, 376

3D effects, 6, 376, 377


Adobe Add-ons, 5

Adobe Authorized Training Partners, 5

Adobe community resources, 5

Adobe fonts, 7, 250253

Adobe Illustrator. See Illustrator

Align to Pixel Grid button, 440, 441, 442


anchor points, 73

artboards, 146147

artwork, 27, 439442

objects, 7075

to pixel grid, 439442

strokes, 21, 97

text, 259

alignment guides, 12, 63, 98, 191

Anchor Point tool, 207208

anchor points

adding, 22, 205, 206

aligning, 73

converting, 195197, 206208

deleting, 204205

editing, 204206

explained, 63

key, 73, 206

selecting, 6364, 189

shapes and, 87

size adjustment, 64

smooth vs. corner, 173

undoing, 199

Android export options, 445

AppData folder (Windows), 4

appearance attributes, 360368

adding multiple, 362363, 364

applying to layers, 294

copying, 226227

deleting, 362, 380

description of, 360

editing, 361362

graphic styles as, 376

reordering, 367368

text with, 364367

viewing hidden, 362

Appearance panel, 360368

attributes edited in, 361362

effects edited in, 370, 383

formatting options in, 367

multiple attributes added in, 362367

overview of options in, 360

patterns applied in, 322323

reordering attribute rows in, 367368

Application bar, 33

Application frame options, 55

area type

adding to documents, 244245

Auto Sizing feature, 246

converting point type to, 246

setting options for, 260

vertically aligning, 259


artboards, 147

documents, 5556

layer content, 286

objects, 7980

arrowheads on paths, 182

Art brushes, 339343, 355

applying existing, 339340

creating from existing artwork, 340341

editing options for, 341343

Artboard Editing mode, 141, 142, 143145, 147, 165

Artboard Options dialog box, 148, 165

Artboard tool, 141, 143, 144, 145, 146

artboards, 141149

adding to documents, 141142

aligning content to, 7475

arranging and aligning, 146147

copying between documents, 145146

creating new, 142143

deleting, 144145

editing, 143145

explained, 11, 31

exporting, 442443, 447

fitting in window, 31

navigating, 5153, 57

options for, 148, 149

renaming, 148

reordering, 148149

resizing, 144, 165

rulers for, 150, 165

Artboards panel, 43, 148149


aligning, 27, 439442

Art brush created from, 340341

combining vector and raster, 409

creating with Pen tool, 199203

editing colors in, 16, 231233

erasing parts of, 122123

file formats for exporting, 442

fills added to, 362363

flattening, 296

gradient applied to, 309

grid behind, 92

placing, 107

positioning, 153

recoloring, 1819, 231233

rotating, 155

scaling, 154155, 156

tracing, 103105

transforming, 1718, 152158

viewing, 4651

warping, 161164

See also objects

aspect ratio of gradients, 311

Asset Export panel, 444446, 447


CC library, 397402

exporting, 444446, 447

attribute rows

deleting, 362

reordering, 367368

See also appearance attributes

Auto Sizing feature, 246


bitmap images, 30

bleed area, 86

blend objects, 317, 318

Blend Options dialog box, 318, 320

Blend tool, 318, 320

blends, 317321

creating, 318

examples of, 317

modifying, 319

smooth color, 320321

spine of, 319

See also gradients

Blob Brush tool, 352354, 355

drawing with, 352353

Eraser tool used with, 354

sizing/resizing, 353

bounding box, 62, 152153

brightness adjustment, 46

Bristle brushes, 350352

changing options for, 350

grouping paths made with, 352

painting with, 351

brushes, 328355

applying, 2223

Art, 339343

Blob Brush tool, 352354

Bristle, 350352

Calligraphic, 331338

creating new, 340341, 345347

editing, 333334, 341343, 348349, 350

libraries of, 334335, 344, 350

Paintbrush tool, 331, 334337

Pattern, 344349

previewing changes to, 334

removing strokes made by, 338

size setting for, 350, 353

types of, 331

Brushes panel, 331, 333, 338

bullet character, 246


Calligraphic brushes, 331338

applying to artwork, 332333

editing options for, 333334

Paintbrush tool and, 334337

removing strokes made by, 338

canvas, rotating, 54

Caps Lock key

Join tool and, 181

Knife tool and, 119, 121

Pen tool and, 188

Pencil tool and, 177

cascading documents, 55

center point widget, 87

Character panel, 256

character styles, 262, 273

creating and applying, 265267

editing, 267

Character Styles panel, 266267


formatting applied to, 256257

styles applied to, 262, 265267

circles, creating/editing, 13, 9496

Classroom in a Book training series, 1

Clear Filter button, 253

clip groups, 108, 420

clipping masks

applying to images, 419

creating, 295296, 297

editing, 420421

explained, 295, 419

releasing, 296

See also masks

clipping paths, 108, 419, 420421

clipping set, 419

closed paths, 87

Cloud Document dialog box, 11, 32, 437

cloud documents, 7, 32, 418

cloud icon, 428

CMYK color mode, 213, 214, 226

Collect in New Layer option, 295

color groups, 227228

Color Guide panel, 228230

applying colors from, 230

using for inspiration, 228229

color harmonies, 229, 232, 239

color markers, 232233

Color Mixer panel, 215

color modes, 213, 438

Color panel, 215

Color Picker, 221223

color stops, 301

freeform gradient, 314315

Lines mode for applying, 316317

radial gradient, 310

stroke gradient, 307308

color swatches, 216221

applying colors with, 1516

creating copies of, 217218

editing, 16, 218221

global, 216, 218219, 220, 239

libraries of, 223, 224

non-global, 219221

saving colors as, 216217, 223, 239

spot-color, 224

Color Theme Picker, 233

colors, 214234

applying, 1516, 214, 230

blending, 320321

Color Picker for, 221223

converting between modes, 226

copying with Eyedropper, 226227

creating custom, 215

editing, 16, 1819, 231233

gradient, 307308, 310

grouping, 227228

guidance for choosing, 228229

layer, 279, 297

naming, 216

sampling, 233234

spot, 223, 224225

swatches for, 216221

text or type, 255

tints of, 225226, 239

columns, text, 260

combining shapes, 126132

Pathfinder effects for, 130132

Shape Builder tool for, 127129

Comments panel, 6

compound paths, 124125

constraining handles, 201

Content Aware feature, 412

context-sensitive menus, 45

Control panel, 43, 439


anchor points, 180, 195197, 206208

colors between modes, 226

point type to area type, 246

convert-point icon, 196, 198, 201, 202


appearance attributes, 226227

artboards between documents, 145146

corner points, 173, 188

converting between smooth and, 195197, 206208, 209

creating with Curvature tool, 173174

smooth points distinguished from, 173, 209

corner radius widgets, 15

Create New Layer button, 279, 291

Create New Style button, 263, 264

Create Report option, 436

Creative Cloud desktop application, 250

Creative Cloud Libraries, 397402

adding assets to, 397399

toggling the display in, 398

updating assets in, 401402

using assets in, 400

See also libraries

cropping images, 412414

Curvature tool, 2122, 169174

creating corners with, 173174, 183

drawing paths with, 169171

editing paths with, 172173


combining straight lines and, 197198

Pen tool for drawing, 192195, 209

cutting shapes

Knife tool for, 118121

Scissors tool for, 115116


dashed lines, 175176

default preferences, 45

Delete Selection icon, 380


anchor points, 204205

appearance attributes, 362, 380

artboards, 144145

preferences file, 4

shapes, 127, 128

width points, 134

workspaces, 43

See also removing

deselecting paths, 194, 203

Direct Selection tool, 6364, 65, 189, 194, 209, 420, 441

direction handles, 187, 192, 194, 200202, 207

direction lines, 187, 192, 193, 196

direction points, 187, 192, 194

Discover panel, 7

distorting artwork, 161

distributing objects, 72


panels, 4041

toolbar, 36

Document Setup dialog box, 86

Document window, 33, 55


adding artboards to, 141142

arranging, 5556

categories for, 84, 111

cloud, 7, 32, 418

copying artboards between, 145146

creating, 1011, 8486

cycling between, 55

groups of, 55

panning in, 50

saving, 11

Draw Behind mode, 107, 109

Draw Inside mode, 107108, 111

Draw Normal mode, 106, 109


Blob Brush tool for, 352353

Curvature tool for, 2122, 169171

curves, 192195, 209

lines, 102103, 178179, 187188

modes for, 106109

Paintbrush tool for, 334335

paths, 169171, 177178

Pen tool for, 187188, 190195

Pencil tool for, 177179

shapes, 1213

Drop Shadow effect, 294, 369370

drop zone, 36


layer content, 291292

linked files, 436

dX and dY measurements, 64

dynamic symbols, 391, 405


Edit Artboards button, 141

Edit Toolbar option, 36, 37


anchor points, 204206

appearance attributes, 361362

artboards, 143145

brushes, 333334, 341343, 348349, 350

character styles, 267

circles, 9596

clipping masks, 420421

color swatches, 16, 218221

colors in artwork, 16, 1819, 231233

Curvature tool for, 172173

effects, 370

ellipses, 9394

envelope warp, 271

Eraser tool for, 122123, 354

global, 403404

gradients, 20, 302303, 307308

groups in Isolation mode, 7778

inside content, 108109

mirror repeats, 160161

opacity masks, 425427

paragraph styles, 265

paths, 172173, 189190, 204, 336337

patterns, 326

polygons, 9899

rectangles, 8890

shapes, 1314, 115125

strokes, 21, 9697

symbols, 390, 391

text, 372

educator resources, 5

Effect menu, 368, 369, 375

effects, 2526, 368376

3D effects, 376

applying, 369370, 372376, 383

Drop Shadow effect, 294, 369370

editing in Appearance panel, 370

Offset Path effect, 373

Photoshop effects, 368, 375376

scaling, 154, 165, 381382

targeting layers with, 294

temporarily disabling, 372

text styling with, 371

Transform effect, 374

vector vs. raster, 368

Warp effect, 371

Zig Zag effect, 26

Ellipse tool, 12, 25, 93, 94

ellipses, creating/editing, 9394

embedded images, 410, 429, 431

endpoints, 87, 117

envelope warp, 270271

Eraser tool

Blob Brush tool and, 354

erasing parts of artwork with, 122123

setting the size of, 354

straight line erasures using, 123, 137

Escape key, 16, 37, 72, 133, 194

Essentials workspace, 31, 43, 44, 277

Export for Screens dialog box, 443, 444, 446, 447

exporting, 442446, 447

artboards, 442443

assets, 444446

file formats for, 442, 447

eye icon, 204, 285, 290, 363, 423

Eyedropper tool

color sampling with, 233234

copying appearance attributes with, 226227

text formatting sampled with, 261262


Fidelity slider, 177


creating PDF, 437

Illustrator preferences, 45

importing plain-text, 247

info about lesson, 2, 3

opening, 31

packaging, 436

Fill color option, 16


adding multiple, 362363, 364

color of, 16, 214

gradient, 301, 302, 304306

text, 364365

Filter Fonts icon, 251

Filter Gallery dialog box, 375376

finding content, 280282

Fit Artboard In Window view, 110

flattening artwork, 296

flipping content, 18, 136, 412

folder icon, 436, 443


activating, 7, 140, 212, 250252

applying to text, 252253

fixing missing, 253, 276

sizing/resizing, 254255

used in this book, 2

See also text


sampling with Eyedropper tool, 261262

type or text, 250259, 261262

Free Transform tool, 158

freeform gradients, 301

applying, 314315

editing in Points mode, 315316

free-form paths, 169, 177


Global Edit, 403404

global rulers, 150, 165

global swatches, 216, 218219, 220, 239


using snapping with, 259

video on working with, 258

Glyphs panel, 258

Go To Link button, 428, 435

GPU performance, 49

GPU Preview mode, 51, 70, 285

gradient annotator, 305, 310

Gradient panel, 20, 301, 302303, 306, 311, 313

gradient slider, 301, 302, 305, 308, 310

Gradient tool, 301, 305306, 310, 312313, 314

gradients, 1920, 301317

adjusting, 304306, 310312

applying to multiple objects, 312313

artwork utilizing, 309

aspect ratio of, 311

color stops in, 301, 307308, 310, 314315, 316317

editing, 20, 302303, 307308

explained, 301, 327

fill, 301, 302, 304306

freeform, 301, 314316

linear, 301, 304306

opacity mask, 426427

radial, 301, 309312

resizing, 311

rotating, 305

saving, 303304

stroke, 306308

transparency added to, 313314

See also blends

Grain effect, 375376

graphic styles, 376381

adding multiple, 381

applying, 377, 378, 381

creating new, 378

explanation of, 376

layers and, 380381, 383

libraries of, 377

text and, 378

updating, 379380

Graphic Styles panel, 376, 377, 378, 379, 380


artwork, 92

pixel, 438, 439442

grid repeats, 158, 161

Group Selection tool, 34, 78, 81


clip, 108, 420

color, 227228

document, 55

isolated, 7778

Live Paint, 235238

nested, 7879

object, 17, 7579, 282

panel, 39

path, 352

renaming, 282

rotating, 110

shape, 110


alignment, 12, 63, 98, 191

creating, 150151

Smart, 62, 98


Hand tool, 50, 141, 193, 330


constraining, 201

direction, 187, 192, 194, 200202, 207

width point, 134

harmony rules, 229

HEIF format files, 7

Help resources, 5


bounding box, 152

layers, 289290

objects, 6667, 81

panels, 42, 72

horizontal alignment, 27, 70, 71, 74



installing, 2

native format, 85

new features, 67

preferences file, 45

resources, 5

Illustrator Options dialog box, 11, 86, 403

Image Trace feature, 103105


combining with artwork, 409

creating Art brushes from, 340341

cropping, 412414

embedded, 410, 429

fixing missing, 435

linked, 410, 428430, 435

masking, 419427

Photoshop, 414416, 418

placing, 409411, 414418

replacing, 430, 431

tracing, 103105

transforming, 411412


Photoshop images, 414416

text, 247

installing Illustrator, 2

instances, symbol, 387, 388389, 393394

iOS export options, 445

Isolation mode, 7778, 81, 108, 271, 420, 422


Join command, 117, 180

Join tool, 117, 180181, 183

joining paths, 117118, 180181


key anchor points, 73, 206

key objects, 71

keyboard shortcuts

displayed in tool tips, 34

Fit Artboard in Window, 47

Hand tool, 50

Layers panel, 296

modifying on macOS, 49

resizing brushes, 353

zooming in/out, 46

Knife tool, 118121, 137


layer comps, 415

Layer Options dialog box, 279

layers, 274297

appearance attributes applied to, 294

arranging content on, 286

clipping masks for, 295296, 297

colors for, 279, 297

creating new, 278279

duplicating content of, 291292

effects applied to, 294

explanation of, 277

finding content on, 280282

flattening, 296

graphic styles applied to, 380381, 383

hiding, 289290

locking, 290

moving content between, 283284

naming/renaming, 278, 279

pasting, 292293, 297

Photoshop files with, 416

reordering, 287288, 297

sublayers and, 280

symbol, 396

viewing, 285286

Layers panel

eye icon, 204, 285, 290, 423

features overview, 277

finding content in, 280282

keyboard shortcuts, 296

opening, 278

target icon, 294, 380

leading, text, 256

lesson files, 2, 3


brush, 334335, 344, 350

graphic style, 377

swatch, 223, 224

symbol, 387, 388

See also Creative Cloud Libraries

Libraries panel, 397399, 400, 401

Library folder (macOS), 4

Line Segment tool, 102

linear gradients, 301

adjusting, 304306

applying to fills, 302

applying to strokes, 306


creating/editing, 102103

drawing dashed, 175176

Pen tool for drawing, 187188

Pencil tool for drawing, 178179

rotating, 102, 175176

See also straight lines

Lines mode, 316317

Link Harmony Colors icon, 232

link icon, 19, 427, 435

linked images, 410, 428430

embedded images vs., 410, 429, 431

finding information about, 428

fixing missing, 435

replacing, 430, 431


image, 410, 428430, 435

Library asset, 401

opacity mask, 427

symbol, 387, 393394

text, 248

Links panel, 401, 412, 428, 429, 430, 435

Live Corners widget, 90, 9192, 99

Live Paint Bucket tool, 235, 236237

Live Paint groups, 235238, 239

creating, 235

modifying, 238

painting objects in, 236237

Live Shapes, 13, 88, 111

Locate Object button, 281, 416, 419, 422


layers, 290

objects, 66


macOS commands, 2

magenta alignment guides, 12, 63, 98, 191

magnification level, 46

Make Mask button, 425

Make Pixel Perfect option, 441

marquee selections, 65

Mask button, 419

masks, 419427, 431

applying to images, 419

editing clipping, 420421

opacity, 424427

shape, 421422

text, 422424

See also clipping masks

measurement label, 87, 98

measurement units, 151, 154


layer content, 295

shapes, 1415

swatches, 146

mirror repeats, 158161

applying, 158160

editing, 160161

Missing Fonts dialog box, 140, 212, 276, 300, 358, 397

Mop brush, 350, 351, 352

Move dialog box, 157



artboards, 148

colors, 216

groups, 282

layers, 278, 279

native format, 85

Navigator panel, 50

nested groups, 7879

New Artboard button, 142

New Brush dialog box, 340, 346

New Document dialog box, 10, 8485

New Swatch dialog box, 216, 217, 223

Next artboard button, 70, 148

non-global swatches, 219221



aligning, 7075

arranging, 7980

blended, 317321

coloring, 214

distributing, 72

gradients applied to, 312313

grouping, 17, 7579, 282

hiding, 6667, 81

key, 71

locating, 281

locking, 66

painting, 235, 236237

repeat, 158161

rotating, 155

scaling, 154155

selecting, 6170

shearing, 156157

similar, 6869

stacking order of, 79, 280, 287

text or type, 244, 246

unlocking, 6768, 147

See also artwork

Offset Path effect, 373

online content, 23


appearance attribute, 365

gradient, 313

pattern, 323

opacity masks, 424427

creating, 424425, 431

disabling/enabling, 425

editing, 425427

open paths, 87, 102, 269


appearance attributes, 367368

artboards, 148149

layers, 287288, 297

objects, 79

symbols, 392

Outline mode

selecting in, 6970

viewing artwork in, 5051, 285, 290


stroke, 121, 137

text, 272, 273

overflow text, 248, 273

overset text icon, 264


Package dialog box, 436

packaging files, 436, 447

Paintbrush tool, 331, 334337

drawing with, 334335, 355

editing paths with, 336337, 355

setting options for, 337

painting objects, 235, 236237

See also Live Paint groups

panels, 33, 3941

groups of, 39

hiding/showing, 42

menu options in, 4445

moving and docking, 4041

working with, 3940

See also specific panels

panning documents, 50

PANTONE color system, 223, 224

Paragraph panel, 257258

paragraph styles, 262, 273

creating and applying, 262263

editing, 265

practicing with, 264

Paragraph Styles panel, 263, 264, 265


changing formatting for, 257258

styles applied to, 262265

Paste in Place option, 12, 18

Paste Remembers Layers option, 292293, 297

pasting layers, 292293, 297

Pathfinder effects, 130132, 137

Pathfinder panel, 130, 131


arrowheads on, 182

clipping, 108, 419, 420421

closed, 87

compound, 124125

curved, 192193

deselecting, 194, 203

drawing, 169171, 177178

editing, 172173, 189190, 204, 336337

explained, 63

free-form, 169, 177

grouping, 352

joining, 117118, 180181

open, 87, 102, 269

reshaping, 133

selecting, 189

simplifying, 105

text on, 269270

Pattern brushes, 344349

applying, 344345, 347348

corners for, 345, 347

creating, 345347

editing, 348349

Pattern Editing mode, 323324, 325, 326

Pattern Options panel, 324, 325

pattern tile, 324

patterns, 322326

applying, 322323, 325326

creating your own, 323325

editing, 326

saving a copy of, 325

swatches for, 322, 325, 346, 348

tiling of, 324325, 346347, 349

PDF file creation, 437

Pen tool, 186203

artwork created with, 199203

curves drawn with, 192195, 209

overview on using, 186187

straight lines drawn with, 187188, 190191, 209

Pencil tool, 177179

paths drawn with, 177178, 183

setting options for, 177, 183

straight lines drawn with, 178179

Photoshop effects, 368, 375376, 383

Photoshop images

cloud documents as, 7, 418

placing in documents, 414416

See also images

Photoshop Import Options dialog box, 415, 416

pie widget, 95


adding, 161163

rotating, 163164

pixel-aligned property, 438

pixel grid, 438

aligning artwork to, 439442, 447

turning off, 439

Pixel Preview, 51, 438

Place dialog box, 410, 414, 415, 417

placeholder text, 243, 244, 269

placing images, 409411

cloud documents, 418

multiple images, 417418

Photoshop documents, 414416

point type

adding to documents, 243244

converting to area type, 246


corner, 173174

direction, 187, 192, 194

smooth, 173, 192

width, 134135

See also anchor points

Points mode, 315316

Polygon tool, 97, 98


creating, 9798

editing, 9899

positioning artwork, 153

PPI (pixels per inch), 412, 413

preferences file, 45, 31


Adobe PDF, 437

text warp, 270271


brush edit, 334

modes for viewing, 5051

Pen tool, 188, 192

Pixel Preview, 51, 438

Previous artboard button, 74, 148

process color inks, 223

profiles, variable-width, 135

Properties panel

overview on working with, 3839

positioning artwork using, 153

scaling artwork using, 154, 382

Puppet Warp tool, 161164, 165


radial gradients, 301

adjusting, 310312

applying to artwork, 309

editing colors in, 310

radial repeats, 158, 161

raster effects, 368, 375376

raster images, 30

combining with vector artwork, 409

creating Art brushes from, 340341

tracing and converting, 103105, 111

See also images

Rearrange All Artboards dialog box, 147

Recolor Artwork dialog box, 1819, 231234, 239

editing colors with, 1819, 231233

sampling colors with, 233234

Rectangle tool, 12, 25, 87, 424, 439440

rectangles, 8792

creating, 8788

editing, 8890

rounding corners of, 9092

Relink button, 430, 435

Remove Brush Stroke button, 338


assets from Asset Export panel, 444

brush strokes from artwork, 338

color stops from gradients, 308

See also deleting

renaming. See naming/renaming

reordering. See ordering/reordering

repeats, 158161

grid and radial, 158, 161

mirror, 158161


images, 430, 431

symbols, 395396

Reset Essentials command, 31, 43, 44

Reshape tool, 133


paths, 133

type objects, 261

resizing. See sizing/resizing

resolution, 412, 413

resources, Illustrator, 5

Reverse Gradient button, 310

RGB color mode, 213, 226, 438

Rotate tool, 155, 175, 235

Rotate View tool, 54, 57


canvas, 54

gradients, 305

groups, 110

lines, 102, 175176

objects, 155

pins, 163164

shapes, 88, 98, 101

rubber band, 188

ruler origin, 150, 152, 165


artboard vs. global, 150, 165

working with guides and, 150152



appearance attributes, 226

colors, 233234

text formatting, 261262

Save a Copy option, 325


colors as swatches, 216217, 223

documents, 11

gradients, 303304

patterns, 325

PDF files, 437

preferences file, 4

selections, 69, 81

workspaces, 4344

Scale Strokes & Effects option, 154, 165


effects, 154, 165, 381382

objects, 154155, 156

strokes, 154, 165, 381382

user interface, 42

See also sizing/resizing

Scissors tool, 115116, 137

scrubbing across paths, 181

segments, path, 63, 173, 187

selected-art indicator, 283, 291


anchor points, 6364, 189

objects, 6170

paths, 189

similar text, 7

selection indicator, 38, 281, 288

Selection tool, 6163, 65, 81, 264, 271, 396, 439


bounding box of, 62

marquee, 65

Outline mode, 6970

saving, 69, 81

similar object, 6869

tools for making, 6164

Shape Builder tool, 1415, 127129, 137, 176

shape modes, 131132, 137

Shaper tool, 37

shapes, 87103

circles, 9496

combining, 1415, 126132

creating, 1213, 126

deleting, 127, 128

editing, 1314, 115125

ellipses, 9394

explanation of, 87

grouping, 110

lines and, 102103

Live, 13, 88, 111

masking with, 421422

polygons, 9799

rectangles, 8792

rotating, 88, 98, 101

stars, 100101

strokes edited for, 9697

widgets for, 87, 90, 9192, 99

shared assets, 6, 397

Shear tool, 157

shearing objects, 156157

shortcuts. See keyboard shortcuts

Show Activated Fonts button, 252

Show All Layers command, 290

Simplify command, 105106


artboards, 144, 165

brushes, 350, 353

fonts, 254255

gradients, 311

See also scaling

Smart Guides

components of, 87, 191

explanation of, 62, 98

turning off/on, 97, 98, 190, 191, 394

smooth color blends, 320321

smooth points, 173, 192

converting between corner and, 195197, 206208, 209

corner points distinguished from, 173, 209

Snap To Grid option, 92

Snap To Pixel option, 439

spine of a blend, 319

spot colors, 223, 224225

stacking order, 79, 280, 287

Star tool, 100, 101

stars, creating/editing, 100101

static symbols, 389

Status bar, 33, 53

straight lines

combining curves and, 197198

erasing in, 123, 137

Pen tool for drawing, 187188, 209

Pencil tool for drawing, 178179

See also lines

Stroke panel, 21, 97, 175, 182


aligning, 21, 97

color of, 21, 97, 214

dashed line, 175176

editing, 21, 9697

gradients on, 306308

outlining, 121, 137

scaling, 154, 165, 381382

text, 366367

variable-width, 7, 134135


character, 262, 265267

graphic, 376381

paragraph, 262265

sublayers, 280

Substance materials, 6

Swatch Conflict dialog box, 146

Swatch Options dialog box, 16, 218, 220


color, 1516, 216221

gradient, 303304

pattern, 322, 325, 346, 348

Swatches panel, 16, 216217, 220, 222, 224, 304

Symbol Options dialog box, 391, 392, 393

Symbol Scruncher tool, 395

symbol sets, 395

Symbol Sprayer tool, 395

symbolism tools, 395

symbols, 387396

adding default, 387389

benefits of using, 405

breaking links to, 393394

creating, 392393

dynamic, 391

editing, 390, 391

explanation of, 387

instances of, 387, 388389, 393394

layers for, 396

libraries of, 387, 388

reordering, 392

replacing, 395396

tools for working with, 395

viewing names of, 388

Symbols panel, 387, 388389, 392


target icon, 294, 380

text, 2324, 240273

adding, 23, 26, 243245

aligning, 259

area type as, 244245

Auto Sizing feature, 246

character formatting, 256257

color applied to, 255

converting between types of, 246

creating columns of, 260

editing with effects, 372

fills added to, 364365

fonts used for, 250255

graphic styles applied to, 378

importing from files, 247

library assets as, 400

masking objects with, 422424

outlines created from, 272

paragraph formatting, 257258

path-based, 269270

placeholder, 243, 244, 269

point type as, 243244

sampling attributes of, 261262

selecting similar, 7

strokes added to, 366

styles applied to, 262267

threading, 248249

warping, 2425, 270271, 371

wrapping, 268

See also fonts; type objects

Text Import Options dialog box, 247

threading text, 248249, 273


document, 5556

pattern, 324325, 346347, 349

tints, color, 225226, 239

tool tips, 34

toolbar, 33, 3437

appearance of, 214

docking, 36

extra tools in, 3637

resizing and floating, 35

selecting tools in, 34


finding extra, 3637

selecting hidden, 34

See also specific tools

traced artwork, 103106

cleaning up, 105106

creating, 103105

Transform Each dialog box, 156

Transform effect, 374

Transform panel, 91

transforming artwork, 1718, 152158

bounding box for, 152153

Free Transform tool for, 158

menu commands for, 157158

placing images and, 411412

positioning objects, 153

rotating objects, 155

scaling objects, 154155, 156

shearing objects, 156157


gradient, 313314

pattern, 323

spot colors and, 225

Transparency panel, 323, 365, 424, 425427

tutorials, Illustrator, 5

type objects, 244

converting between, 246

reshaping, 261

See also text

Type tool, 23, 243, 244, 250, 257, 271, 273


unembedding images, 429

Unite button, 131


layers, 292, 295

objects, 6768, 147

Update Link button, 401


graphic styles, 379380

Library assets, 401402

symbol instances, 390

user interface

brightness adjustment, 46

scaling, 42


variable-width strokes, 7, 134135

vector effects, 368

vector graphics, 30, 409

vertical alignment, 73, 74, 146, 147, 259

vertical distribution, 72


on 3D effects, 376

on area type auto sizing, 246

on fixing missing fonts, 253

on Free Transform tool, 158

on glyph snapping, 259

on Glyphs panel, 258

on grid and radial repeats, 161

on panning documents, 50

on ruler origin, 152

viewing artwork, 4651

modes for, 5051

panning for, 50

rotating the canvas for, 54

view commands for, 4647

Zoom tool for, 4849


Warp effect, 371

Warp Options dialog box, 270, 371

warping artwork, 161164

warping text, 2425

envelope warp for, 270271

Warp effect for, 371

Web Edition of book, 3

web-based resources, 5

WebP format files, 7

weight, stroke, 97, 136


center point, 87

corner radius, 15

Live Corners, 90, 9192, 99

pie, 95

width, stroke, 7, 134135

Width Point Edit dialog box, 134, 135

width points, 134135

Width tool, 134135

Windows commands, 2

workspaces, 3345

overview of, 33

panel features in, 3941, 4445

Properties panel in, 3839

resetting, 11, 31, 44

saving, 4344

switching, 4243

toolbar in, 3437

wrapping text, 268


Zig Zag effect, 26

Zoom tool, 4849

zooming in/out, 46, 4849

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