

+ (addition) operator, 47-48

= (assignment) operator, 57

== (equality comparison) operator, 57

// (division) operator, 48

/ (division) operator, 48

% (modulus) operator, 48, 97-98

# (pound sign), commenting, 214, 344

- (subtraction) operator, 48

* (multiplication) operator, 42, 48


antialiasing, 340

append() function, 213, 274

arguments, 164, 165

commas and, 31

naming, 168

passing, 22-23

range() function, 93

self, 247-248

user-defined functions and, 167-170

variables and, 170

arrays, 212

ASCII code, 96

assignment operator (=), 57

asterisk (*), 42

attributes, 244. See also classes


backslash (), 147, 148

battling enemies, 277-279. See also game(s); text-based adventure game(s)

birthday countdown

datetime variable, 151

program flow, 150

requirements, 150

blit() function, 309

bugs, 134


Call of Duty, 122

calling a function, 23, 53

case sensitivity

color variables and, 291

variables and, 25, 26

choice() method, 73

choosing, random items, 38-39

Chromebook, 9, 11

classes, 54, 242

creating, 243-244

datetime, 55, 66

dictionaries and, 243

initializing, 250-251

instantiation, 246

player management system and, 251-255

properties, 244-246

reusability, 243

str, 70, 71

testing, 245-246

code(ing), 124

coloring your output, 260-264

commenting, 43-45, 141, 344

debugging, 134, 136

duplicate, 107, 322

executing, 19

indentation, 58, 77

open source, 286

optimizing, 194-195

planning and, 122-123

pseudo, 197

recursion, 238-239

refactoring, 204-206, 221

reuse, 174

string externalization, 196-201

testing, 73, 129

unit testing, 125

updating, 218-220

whitespace, 25

stripping, 72

collide_rect() function, 331

collision detection, 330-331, 350-351

colons ( : ), 57

Colorama, importing and initializing the library, 259-260

Colossal Cave Adventure, 178

combining, import statements, 218, 307

commas, 31

commenting, 43-45, 141

# (pound sign), 214, 344

computers, 5, 42. See also programming languages

communicating with, 6

microprocessors, 4

randomness and, 37

concatenation, 28, 42, 47, 130

conditional loops, 106-110, 115

indentation and, 106-107

conditions, 57

if statement, 59, 60-61

testing for, 59-62

constants, 156, 157

constructors, 250-251

converting, strings to numbers, 65-66, 115

Crazy Driver. See also Pygame

adding multiple enemies, 357-358

collision detection, 330-331, 350-351

dynamic access to game files, 302-305

frame rate, 293

game area, 294

game concept, 286-288

game loop, 295-299

Game Over! screen, 338-341

adding the high score, 354-356

ice cubes, adding, 348-351

increasing the difficulty, 334-336

initializing Pygame, 290-294

moving the enemy, 320-322

moving the player, 323-326

obtaining images, 289

oil slicks, 356-357

pausing, 341-343

placing the cars, 310-317

setting the background, 305-309

splash screen, 354

sprites, 313-317

tracking the score, 332-334

updating the display, 295

varying enemies, 343-348

work folders, 288-289


classes, 243-244

inventory system, 230-232

lists, 80-82

methods, 247-250

new Python file, 17

user choice component, 207-208

variables, 24

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 363

curly braces ({ }), 225


data files, 362

data types, 43


class, 55, 66

library, 52-54

variable, 151

debugging, 134, 136

decisions. See also loops

elif statement, 66

else statement, 58-59, 75

if statement, 56-58, 65, 66, 67, 73

conditions, 57, 59

indentation and, 58

multiple tests and, 59-61

nested, 77

in operator, 62-63

testing for conditions, 59-62

decrypting messages, 102-103. See also encryption/decryption

def statement, 166, 167, 247. See also user-defined functions


12-sided, 48

rolling, 45-46, 47

dictionaries, 225, 273

classes and, 243

functions and, 227

inventory system, 229-230, 233-237

creating, 230-232

displaying, 238

key:value pairs, 226

lists of, 228

updating, 227

dir() function, 246

display() function, 238

displaying, class properties, 246

duplicate code, 107, 322


editors, 7. See also IDEs (integrated development environments)

elif statement, 66, 116

else statement, 58-59, 75

encoding, 95

encryption/decryption, 95, 96, 99-102

ASCII code, 96

keys, 97-98

modulus operator, 97-98

equality comparison operator (==), 57

errors, in VS Code, 18

escape characters, 148

executing code, 19

Experience Design, 123

extend() function, 85

externalization. See also refactoring, string, 196-201


files. See also code(ing); game(s)

accessing dynamically, 302-305

creating, 17

data, 362

naming, 26-27

path, 302

saving, 27

test, 96

fill() method, 295

folders. See also work folder


for Mac users, 14-15

for Windows users, 13-14

for loops, 90-91. See also loops

Crazy Driver, 297

iteration, 91

looping through items, 90-92

looping through numbers, 92-93

nested, 93-95

frame rate, 292-293

functions, 27, 164. See also classes; methods; variables

append(), 213

append() function, 274

arguments, 22-23, 165

blit(), 309

calling, 23, 53

collide_rect(), 331

dictionary, 227

dir(), 246

display(), 238

extend(), 85

get(), 199, 201, 233

getUserChoice(), 213-217, 236

input(), 28, 38, 65, 102, 126

numeric input and, 63-64

inputYesNo(), 221

int(), 64, 66

join(), 305

len(), 81, 89, 110, 126, 212

list, 88

methods and, 54

move_ip(), 324

now(), 53, 54

ord(), 97, 101

pop(), 85

print(), 28, 30, 31, 32, 46, 47, 55, 81, 84, 132-133

randrange(), 38, 46, 346

range(), 93

recursion, 238-239

render(), 340

returning a value, 28

reusable, 208-212

sleep(), 338

str(), 100

type(), 54

user input, 28-29

user-defined, 165-167

def statement, 166-167

passing arguments, 167-170, 209

returning values, 171-174

variables, 24, 25, 30, 46, 53

naming, 26

rules, 25-26

wrapper, 229-230, 234


game(s), 224. See also Pygame

Colossal Cave Adventure, 178

Crazy Driver

adding multiple enemies, 357-358

collision detection, 330-331, 350-351

displaying the high score, 354-356

frame rate, 293

game area, 294

game concept, 286-288

game loop, 295-299

Game Over! screen, 338-341

ice cubes, adding, 348-351

increasing the difficulty, 334-336

initializing Pygame, 290-294

moving the enemy, 320-322

moving the player, 323-326

obtaining images, 289

oil slicks, 356-357

pausing, 341-343

placing the cars, 310-317

setting the background, 305-309

tracking the score, 332-334

varying enemies, 343-348

work folders, 288-289

development, 364

dynamic access to files, 302-305

files and, 302

folder structure, 302


antialiasing, 340

frame rate, 292-293

pixels, 294

sprites, 313-317

updating the display, 295

Hangman, 124, 125, 138-141

displaying lists, 129-131

displaying remaining lives, 147

loops, 143-145

masking characters, 131-136, 143

restricting user input, 125-128

storing user guesses, 128-129

inventory system, 233-237, 242-243

creating, 230-232

displaying, 238

planning, 224-225

wrapper functions, 229-230

Mad Libs, 30-33

number guessing, 111-120

player management system, 242-243

Pygame and, 286, 287

splash screens, 354

surface, 294

text-based adventure, 178, 184-188

addHealth() function, 270-271

addLife() function, 267-269

battling enemies, 277-279

creating, 180-181

getHealth() function, 269-270

health property, 266

loseHealth() function, 270-271

maxhealth property, 266

processing options, 182-183

prompting for options, 181-182

random events, 275-277

saving and restoring, 280-282

shopping for items, 271-275

testing, 189-190

Zork, 178

generating random numbers, 37-38, 46

number guessing game, 111-120

get() function, 199, 201, 233

getUserChoice() function, 213-217, 236


antialiasing, 340

frame rate, 292-293

pixels, 294

sprites, 313-317

cleaning up, 340-341

moving, 320-322, 323-326

updating the display, 295


Hangman, 124, 125, 138-141

displaying lists, 129-131

displaying remaining lives, 147

loops, 143-145

masking characters, 131-136, 143

restricting user input, 125-128

storing user guesses, 128-129

hard-coded values, 335


IDEs (integrated development environments), VS Code, 9

errors, 18

installing, 10-13

if statement, 56-58, 65, 66, 67, 127, 132

conditions, 57, 59, 60, 61, 115

elif and, 62

in Hangman, 145-146

indentation and, 58

inline, 145, 249

multiple tests and, 59-61

nested, 77

in operator, 62-63

Rock, Paper, Scissors game, 74, 75

while statement and, 107

import statements, combining, 218, 307

incrementing variables, 119

indentation, 58, 77

loops and, 91-92, 106-107

index values, 81, 82-83


classes, 245, 250-251

lists, 82

Pygame, 290-294

inline if statement, 145, 249

input() function, 28, 38, 65, 102, 126. See also user input

numeric input and, 63-64

inputYesNo() function, 221


VS Code, 10-13

Pygame, 288

Python, 9-10

third-party libraries, 258-259

instantiation, 246

int() function, 64, 66

inventory system, 233-237, 242-243. See also player management system

creating, 230-232

displaying, 238

planning, 224-225

wrapper functions, 229-230

iteration, 91, 94


JavaScript, 363

join() function, 305

len() function, 81, 89, 110, 126, 212

libraries, 36

colorama, 259-260

combining, 218

datetime, 52-54

Flask, 363

naming, 200

os, 304

pickle, 280-281

random, 36-37, 73, 141

SDL, 287

string, 155

third-party, installing, 258-259

lists, 40, 41, 80, 125, 212

accessing, 82-83

adding and removing items, 84-85

changing list items, 83-84

creating, 80-82

of dictionaries, 228

displaying, 129-131

finding items in, 85-86

initializing, 82

of lists, 213

looping through items, 90-92

multiline, 142

sorting, 86-88

storing user guesses, 128-129

syntax, 81

tuples and, 292

for loops, 101

loops, 89, 90. See also if statement

conditional, 106-110

Crazy Driver and, 295-299

for, 101

in Hangman, 143-145

indentation and, 91-92

iteration, 91, 94

lists and, 90-92

nested, 93-95

numbers and, 92-93

while statement, 106-107, 108, 109, 110, 113, 143, 146

lower() method, 71


Mac users, creating a work folder, 14-15

Mad Libs, 30, 31, 33

user input, 32

variables, 30-31

masking characters, 125, 143

methods, 54, 164

append(), 345

choice(), 73

constructors, 250-251

creating, 247-250

fill(), 295

lower(), 71

properties and, 55

self argument, 247-248

strip(), 71

update(), 227

upper(), 71

microprocessors, 4

Microsoft Visual Studio Code. See VS Code

Minecraft, 122

mobile app development, 364

modulus operator, 97-98

encryption and, 48

move_ip() function, 324


lists, 142

text, 200



arguments, 168

files, 27

libraries, 200

variables, 26

nested if statement, 77

nested loops, 93-95

now() function, 53, 54


ASCII code, 96

looping through, 92-93


open source software, 286

in operator, 62-63

operators, 48, 60

addition, 47-48

assignment, 57

division, 48

equality comparison, 57

in, 62-63

modulus, 48, 97-98

multiplication, 48

subtraction, 48

ternary conditional, 249

optimizing your code, 194-195

ord() function, 97, 101

os library, 304

Overwatch, 122


parentheses, calling a function, 53

passing arguments, 22-23

passthrough variable, 173

password generator, 156

program flow, 155

requirements, 154

path, dynamic access to game files, 302-305

pickle library, 280-281

pixels, 294

plain text, 42

player management system, 242-243

classes and, 251-255

pop() function, 85

pound sign (#), 214

print() function, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 46, 47, 55, 66, 81, 84, 132-133

programming languages, 5, 364. See also code(ing); IDEs (integrated development environments); Python

C#, 364

editors, 7

JavaScript, 363

Python, 9

creating a new file, 17

installing, 9-10

running code, 19

syntax, 8

spoken languages and, 6-7

syntax, 6, 7

programs. See also game(s)

birthday countdown

program flow, 150

requirements, 150

password generator, 156

program flow, 155

requirements, 154

tip calculator

program flow, 153

requirements, 152

properties, 244-246. See also variables

displaying, 246

initializing, 245

methods and, 55

pseudocode, 197

Pygame, 286, 287

displaying text, 339-341

initializing, 290

installing, 288

updating the display, 326

working with images, 308-309

Python. See also; classes; functions; methods; VS Code, 9

classes, datetime, 55

comments, 43-45

creating a new file, 17

creating a work folder

for Mac users, 14-15

for Windows users, 13-14

functions, 27

arguments, 22-23

calling, 23

now(), 53

returning a value, 28

type(), 54

user input, 28-29

variables, 24, 25-26

if statement, conditions, 57

installing, 9-10

libraries, 36

datetime, 52-54

installing, 258-259

string, 155

lists, 40, 41

accessing, 82-83

adding and removing items, 84-85

changing list items, 83-84

creating, 80-82

finding items in, 85-86

initializing, 82

looping through items, 90-92

sorting, 86-88

running code, 19

serializing/deserializing data, 280

syntax, 8

variables, 43

writing your first program, 15

selecting your work folder, 16-17


QR codes, 9

quotes, 31, 42

random items

choosing, 38-39


generating, 37-38, 46

number guessing game, 111-120

randrange() function, 38, 46, 346

range() function, 93

recursion, 238, 239

refactoring, 204-206, 221

render() function, 340

restoring your game, 280-282

restricting user input, 125-128

returning a value, 28


classes and, 243

creating a user choice component, 207-208

functions and, 208-212

getUserChoice() function, 213-217

RGB (Red, Green, Blue) values, 291

Rock, Paper, Scissors, 72-74, 75, 76

rolling dice, 47

12-sided, 48


saving files, 27

saving your game, 280-282

scope, 174

SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) library, 287

serializing/deserializing data, 280

sleep() function, 338

sorting, lists, 86-88

splash screens, 354

spoken languages, programming languages and, 6-7

sprites, 313-317

cleaning up, 340-341

moving, 320-322, 323-326

SQL, 363

storage, 224

dictionaries, 225

string, 201

str() function, 100

string library, 155

strings, 42, 70, 71

adding to, 158

case and, 71

converting to numbers, 65-66, 115

encryption and, 100-102

externalization, 196-201

numbers and, 64

storage, 201

whitespace, stripping, 72, 70

strip() method, 71

stripping whitespace, 72

surface, 294

syntax, 6, 7, 142

[ ] notation, 127

colons, 57

commas, 31

indentation and, 58

lists, 81

Python, 8

quotes, 31, 42


ternary conditional operator, 249

test files, 96


classes, 245-246

code, 73

for conditions, 59-62

getUserChoice() function, 215-217

text-based adventure game, 189-190

unit, 125


externalizing, 196

multiline, 200

text-based adventure game(s), 178, 179, 184-188

battling enemies, 277-279

Colossal Cave Adventure, 178

creating, 180-181

health and lives

addHealth() function, 270-271

addLife() function, 267-269

getHealth() function, 269-270

health property, 266

loseHealth() function, 270-271

maxhealth property, 266

processing options, 182-183

prompting for options, 181-182

random events, 275-277

saving and restoring, 280-282

shopping for items, 271-275

testing, 189

work folders, 183-184

Zork, 178

third-party libraries, installing, 258-259

three-dimensional arrays, 212

tip calculator

program flow, 153

requirements, 152

tuples, 292

two-dimensional arrays, 212

type() function, 54


unit testing, 125. See also testing

Unity, 364

update() method, 227


code, 218-220

dictionaries, 227

upper() method, 71

user choice component, creating, 207-208

user input, 28-29, 146

Mad Libs, 32

restricting, 125-128

user-defined functions, 165-167

def statement, 166-167

passing arguments, 167-170

returning values, 171-174



constant, 156

constants, 157

hard-coded, 335

RGB (Red, Green, Blue), 291

user-defined functions and, 171-174

variables, 23-24, 30, 39, 40, 42, 43, 46

__file__, 303

case sensitivity, 26, 291

concatenation, 28

creating, 24

data types, 43

datetime, 151

functions and, 53

importing, 299

incrementing, 119

initializing, 108

instantiation, 246

lists, 80

accessing, 82-83

adding and removing items, 84-85

changing list items, 83-84

creating, 80-82

finding items in, 85-86

looping through items, 90-92

sorting, 86-88

Mad Libs, 30-31

moveSpeed, 334-335

naming, 26

passthrough, 173

QUIT, 299

rules, 25-26

scope, 174

user-defined functions and, 170

values, 27, 41-42, 119

whitespace, 25

VS Code. See also Colorama

colors, 25

comments, 45

creating a work folder, 13-15, 183-184

errors, 18

Extensions panel, 12-13

installing, 10-13

Terminal window, 19, 258-259

coloring your output, 260-264


web development, 362-363

while loops, 106-107, 108, 109, 110, 113, 143, 146. See also conditional loops

Crazy Driver, 296-297

if statement and, 107

whitespace, 25, 72

Windows, 122

creating a work folder, 13-14

installing Python, 9

work folder

creating, 183-184

for Mac users, 14-15

for Windows users, 13-14

selecting, 16-17

wrapper functions, 229-230, 234

writing your first program, 15

selecting your work folder, 15


x,y coordinate, 309

Zork, 178

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