

aberration, lens 136, 138

accelerators 500

acid 499

acid fixer 36, 500, 504

acuity 7

acutance 139, 259

additive color system 159

adjust film development 198, 199, 243, 255

adjust print contrast 243, 299

after-treatment, negative 204

agitation, film development 196

Airy disc 137

alkaline fixer 36, 504

alternative processes 380

anatomy, human brain 8

anatomy, human eye 7

angle of view 151, 413

aperture accuracy 416

aperture values 491

archival framing 81

archival limits 39, 45, 201

archival mounting 57

archival processing 35, 194

archival research 51

archival storage 167

archival testing 38, 46, 50, 202

archival toning 39, 200

archival washing 45, 201, 451

arithmetic timing 24, 491

artistic evolution 15

ASA film speed 215

average gradient 195, 213, 220, 436

average gradient meter 221, 518

average gradient table 517


backboard, print 58

backlight, studio 365

banding, digital 124

base 499

base+fog density 195, 215, 220, 296, 303

Bayer array 159

bellows extension 192

bellows extension target & ruler 520

binary system 464

bit depth, digital 162

bleaching prints 343, 389

brain, human 8

brightness range 114, 115, 213

brightness ratio, subject 114, 115

buffers 501

burning card 477

burning mask 357, 396, 402

burning prints 33, 374, 378, 393, 477


C41 processing 247

C41 Zone System 246

Calgon 501

calibrating color enlarger 309

calibrating standard paper grades 302

Callier effect, coefficient 434

camera filter 190

camera flare 416

camera focusing 145, 148

camera formats 409

camera lenses 412

cameras 409

camera shake 419

cascade washing 202

characteristic curves 110, 120, 195, 492

template, film 516

template, paper 514

chemical formulae 502

chemical safety 502

chemical shopping list 502

chemistry 498

China ink 78

chromogenic film 246

circle of confusion 133, 445, 509

cleanliness, darkroom 426

close-up correction 192, 520

coin test, safelights 432


additive system 159

subtractive system 310

color conversion, digital 382

color enlarger, calibration 309

color sensitivity 7, 190, 429, 442, 486

combination toning 44

compounds 499

compression, digital 166

condenser enlarger 433

contact frame 455

contact printing 279, 483, 494

contraction development, film 197

contrast control 198, 239, 256, 263, 299, 309, 318, 324, 372, 398, 494

contrast control masks 263

contrast control nomograph 224

contrast, film 139, 195

contrast filter 190, 191, 304, 309

contrast, local 239

contrast measurement 221, 302, 307

contrast, overall 239

contrast, paper & print 28, 302

contrast standards, paper 302

converging lines, darkroom 446

copy negative 282

copy-print process 282

corner-mounting 71

correction curves, digital 494

craft & creativity 11

crisscross method 501

critical focusing 145

cutting film holders 464

cyanotype 380


darkroom cleanliness 426

darkroom design 421

darkroom, dry side 425

darkroom easel 455

darkroom equipment 438, 449

darkroom filter 304, 310, 429, 430

darkroom flashlight 457

darkroom focusing aid 443, 454

darkroom layout 422

darkroom lighting 424

darkroom, light proofing 422

darkroom, light-tight drawer 425

darkroom, light-traps 423

darkroom meter 452

darkroom plumbing 427, 451

darkroom, print evaluation 424, 425

darkroom, safelights 424

darkroom, safelight test 428, 432

darkroom safety 427, 502

darkroom sharpness 438

darkroom sink 426, 427

darkroom timer 452

darkroom torch 457

darkroom ventilation 423

darkroom, water temperature control 451

darkroom, wet side 425

decimal system 464

dedicated film backs 245, 395

densitometer 452

density 434, 493

first usable, IDmin 303, 429

last usable, IDmax 303, 429

density measurement 219, 434

density range 115, 196, 244, 296, 303

density standards 116, 507

depth of field 131, 354, 444

hyperfocal distance 135, 354

depth-of-field equations 134, 444

depth-of-field markings 354

depth of focus 135, 444

depth-of-focus scale 136

deterioration, print 48

developer additives 500

developer aging 339

developer dilution 339, 342

developer exhaustion 342

developer formulae 503

developer ingredients 500

developer temperature 342

developing agents 500

development agitation 196

development control 197, 251

development correction 255

development deviation 198, 199

development evaluation 253

development, film 194, 197, 214, 225

development, print 35, 340

development records 480, 522

development temp compensation 197, 513

development temperature 196

development time 196

development variations 198, 199, 255, 340

dichroic filter, darkroom 310

differentiating print density 297

diffraction limits 136, 139

diffuse density & reflection 434

diffusion enlarger 433

digital banding 124

digital camera 158, 176

digital camera characteristic curve 112

digital camera histogram 161

digital camera resolution 172

digital camera sensor 158

digital color conversion 382

digital correction curves 494

digital dynamic range 164

digital histogram 161

digital image file formats 165

digital image gradation 124

digital monochrome 382

digital negative 275, 494

digital noise 160

digital photography 157

digital pinhole 153

digital posterization 124, 163

digital quality 170

digital resolution 171, 172, 174, 176, 177, 279

digital resolution limits 161, 176

digital resolution requirements 171, 174, 176, 177

digital sensitometry 112

digital sharpening 165

digital speed 160

digital storage 167

digital tonal control 161

digital tone reproduction cycle 119

digital transfer function 494, 527

digital unsharp mask 165

digital Zone System 107

diluting 501

direct toning 40

display lighting, print 296

Dmax, film 220

Dmax, paper 296, 303

Dmin, film 220

Dmin, paper 296, 303

dodge & burn prints 33, 243, 400

dpi, dots per inch 279

dry-down, print 347

drying film 204

drying prints 47

dry-mounting 58, 64, 66

dry side, darkroom 425

dual-filter method, VC printing 311

dust & scratches 79, 437

dynamic range 164, 170, 173


easel, darkroom 455

edge burning 27, 34

edge effect 139, 259

edition size, print 92

effective film speed 216, 220, 222

EI, exposure index 208, 215

electromagnetic spectrum 5

electronic flash 419

elements 498

emulsion 499

enlarger 309, 433, 444, 445, 510, 511

enlarger alignment 439, 440

enlarger calibration 309

enlarger easel 455

enlarger filter 310

enlarger focusing 442

enlarger heads 433

enlarger height compensation 448, 511

enlarger light sources 433

enlarger magnification 510

enlarger meter 453

enlarger stability 438

enlarger timer 452

enlarger types 433

enlarging lens 441

equilibrium, washing 202

evaluating prints 296, 424

EV, exposure value 186

evolution, artist 15

exhibiting prints 90, 296

expansion development, film 197

exposure 32, 161, 185, 187, 192, 233, 329, 336, 414, 448, 466, 468, 491, 511, 520, 525

exposure correction 192, 254, 315, 448, 520

exposure correction table 317

exposure deviation 228

exposure evaluation 253

exposure index, EI 208, 215

exposure latitude 229

exposure masks 263

exposure meter 108, 190, 416, 468

exposure range, film 230

exposure range, negative 115

exposure range, paper 304, 515

exposure records 480, 522

exposure table, print 317

exposure target 192, 520

exposure timing 23, 186, 414, 492, 508

exposure value, EV 186

eye, human 6


factorial development 340

Farmer’s Reducer 205, 343, 505

FB, fiber-base paper 35

file compression, digital 166

file formats, digital 165

fill light, studio 365

film, average gradient 195, 213, 220, 436

film backs, dedicated 245, 395

film characteristic curve 111, 195, 516

film, chromogenic 246

film, contraction development 197

film contrast 195

film curve 111, 215, 220

film developer 503

film development 194, 197, 214, 225, 513

film development adjustment 197, 243, 255

film development evaluation 253

film development template 516, 518, 519

film development test 214, 216, 519

film, Dmin & Dmax 220

film drying 204

film, expansion development 197

film exposure 188, 216, 225, 231

film exposure correction 228, 254

film exposure evaluation 253

film exposure range 230

film fixer 504

film fixing 194, 200, 203

film flatness, darkroom 439

film formats 411

film grain 159, 209, 210, 249

film holder dimensions 146

film holder identification 463

film, infrared 369

film latitude 229

film overdevelopment 227, 228

film overexposure 226

film, overexposure 231

film plane 134

film pre-exposure 233

film processing 194, 247

film processing control 255

film processor 450

film reciprocity failure 187

film resolution 208, 209

film resolution requirement 133, 509

film scanner 175

film sensitivity 491

film sharpness 208, 209

film, spectral sensitivity 190

film speed 208, 209, 215, 222, 250, 491

film speed point 213

film speed test 216

film stabilization 203

film standard 211, 215, 220

film storage 206

film template 516, 518, 519

film testing 214, 216, 519

film thickness 146

film toning 200

film underdevelopment 227, 228

film underexposure 226

film, underexposure 231

filter, camera 190

filter, darkroom 304, 310, 429, 430

filter, dichroic 310

filter factors 191

filter numbers 304

fine-tuning print exposure & contrast 295

first usable density, IDmin 303, 429

fixed-contrast paper 28

fixer additives 500

fixer capacity, prints 39

fixer formulae 504

fixer ingredients 500

fixer, rapid 36

fixer strength 37

fixer test solution 505

fixing agents 500

fixing film 194, 200

fixing, optimum time 38

fixing prints 36

fixing process 37

fixing test, film 203, 505

fixing test, prints 38, 505

fixing time, optimum 38

fixing time, prints 37

flare test 416

flash, electronic 419

flashing prints 329, 456

flashlight, darkroom 457

flash triggering 419

flatbed scanner 176

focal-length assessment 413

focal plane 134

focus error 148

focus finder, darkroom 443, 454

focusing aid, darkroom 443, 454

focusing, camera 145, 148

focusing, darkroom 443, 454

focusing, enlarger 442

focus target 148

fogging prints 329

formulae, chemical 502

framing prints 81

framing techniques 84

Fresnel lens 147

f/stop, definition 491

f/stop timer 453, 454

f/stop timing 23

f/stop timing table 26, 508


gamma 195, 213, 436

geometric timing 25, 491

glass cleaning 84

glazing prints 82

gold toning 44

gradation, image 120, 124

graded paper 28

gradient, negative 195, 213, 436

grain, film 159, 209, 210, 249

grain focuser 443, 454

gray card 105, 252

ground-glass position 146

gum print 381


halftone negative 275, 288

halftone pattern 280

halftone printing 275

hardeners 500

height compensation, enlarger 448, 511

high-contrast scene 198, 236, 240, 372, 396, 402

high dynamic range, HDR 164

highlight contrast 195

highlight control, print 266, 270, 327, 332, 343, 347, 357, 378, 389, 477

highlight discrimination 297

highlight exposure, print 32

highlight gradient 195

histogram, digital 161

historic processes 380

human brain 8

human eye 6

human vision 6

human vision limits 131, 297

human visual system 9

hybrid printing 275

hybrid scanner 176

hyperfocal distance 135, 354

hypo-clearing agent 45, 504

hypo estimator 46, 505

hypo test 46, 203, 505


identification, film holder 463

identification, negative 463, 482

identification, print 71, 75

IDmin & IDmax, paper 303, 429

illuminance 185, 186

illumination, enlarger 435

image clarity 139, 140

image contrast 139

image file formats, digital 165

image formation 150

image gradation 120

image gradation, digital 124

image identification 482

image magnification 134, 191

image paths 129

image permanence 50

image quality 17, 225, 231

imagesetter 278

image stabilizer 47, 203

incident light 186

incident lightmeter 417

India ink 78

indirect toning 40

infrared film 369

infrared radiation 6

inkjet characteristic curve 112

inkjet negative 288

inorganic compound 499

intensification, negative 205

inverse-square law 448

ISO film speed 215

ISO film standard 215

ISO paper grades 298, 303, 309, 515

ISO paper standard 296, 303


key light, studio 365

kicker, studio lighting 365

Kodak Gray Card 105, 252


large-format cameras 410

laser alignment tool 440, 526

last usable density, IDmax 303, 429

latent image stability, paper 339

latitude, film 229

leaf shutter 415

lens aberration 136, 138

lens, angle of view 151, 413

lens aperture 491

lens, camera 412

lens diffraction 138

lens, enlarger 441

lens extension 191

lens flare 416

lens, focal length 413

lens, Fresnel 147

lens resolution 132, 138

lens testing 132

life expectancy, media 167, 201

light, definition 6

lighting conditions, display 296

lighting, darkroom 424

lighting portraits 365

lighting ratio 114, 115

lighting shiny objects 362

lighting, studio 365

lighting, three-point 368

lightmeter 416

lightmeter flare 416

light metering 108, 416

lightmeter, spectral sensitivity 190

lightmeter, zone dial 468

light painting 376

light proofing, darkroom 422

light-tight drawer, darkroom 425

light transmittance 83, 493

light-traps, darkroom 423

light value, LV 187

liquid light 343, 389

litmus test 499

local contrast 239

logarithms 491

long-focus lenses 413

low-contrast scene 199, 241, 372, 396

lpi, lines per inch 279

luminance 186

luminance range 114, 115, 213

LV, light value 187


magnification, camera 191

magnification, enlarger 445, 509, 510

magnification target 192, 520

masking 256, 263, 357, 398, 403

masking kit 458

matching monitor & print appearance 495

mat cutter 64

matting prints 57, 70

measuring contrast, negative 221

measuring contrast, paper 302, 307

media life expectancy 167, 201

medium-format cameras 410

midtone gradient 195

midtones 111

minimum viewing distance 132, 509

mixing chemicals 501

modulation transfer function, MTF 141

moiré 160

monitor matching 495

mount-board 58

mounting jig 65

mounting & matting 57

mounting styles 58

MTF 141

MTF, digital 175

MTF, measuring resolution & sharpness 172

MTF system performance 180

mural prints 444


negative after-treatment 204

negative average gradient 195, 213, 220, 436

negative carrier 439

negative characteristic curve 111, 195, 516

negative, chromogenic 246

negative contrast 195, 221

negative density range 115, 196, 244

negative density table 116, 507

negative development 194, 197, 214, 216, 225, 519

negative, digital 275

negative exposure range 115

negative flatness, darkroom 439

negative formats 411

negative gradient 195, 213, 436

negative, halftone 275, 288

negative identification 463, 482

negative, inkjet 288

negative intensification 205

negative masking 256, 263

negative quality 17

negative reduction 205

negative, shadow control 235

negative spotting 76

negative stabilization 203

negative storage 206

negative toning 200

negative zones 114

Newton’s rings 176, 279, 439

noise, digital 160

non-image exposure 329

normal development, film 197

normal focal length 413

normal viewing distance 132

notching film holders 465

number sequences 491


OC filter 428, 429, 430

oil print 381

optical center 63

optimal pinhole diameter 153

optimizing film speed & development 214

optimizing print exposure & contrast 295

optimum fixing time 38

organic compound 499

orthochromatic film 190

overall contrast 239

overdevelopment, film 227

overexposure, film 226, 231

overmat 58

oxid 499


painting with light 376

panchromatic film 190

panel of prints 90

paper aging 339

paper characteristic curve 111

paper contrast 28, 302

paper contrast change 315

paper contrast loss 339

paper curve 111, 296, 303

paper density range 115, 296, 303

paper developer 503

aging 339

dilution 339, 342

exhaustion 342

temperature compensation 342

paper development template 514, 518

paper, Dmax & Dmin 296, 303

paper exposure range 304, 515

paper, fixed-contrast 28

paper fixer 504

paper flasher 456

paper flashing 329, 456

paper flatness 442

paper, graded 28

paper-grade dial 523

paper grade meter 518

paper grades 29, 244, 298, 303, 309, 515

paper, latent image stability 339

paper negatives 483

paper processing 36

paper range 304

paper range meter 518

paper reciprocity failure 336

paper, spectral sensitivity 429, 442, 486

paper speed point 316

paper standard 296, 298, 303, 515

paper, variable-contrast 30, 245, 304

pen-lining easel 456

periodic table 498

permanence 50

perspective distortion, darkroom 445

pH 499

photographic chemistry 499

photographic printing 31

photographic quality 16

photon sieve 156, 524

pictorial range 105, 115

pinhole dial 156, 525

pinhole diameter 153

pinhole exposure 155

pinhole photography 149

pin registration 263, 458

pixel, digital 158

plastic glazing 83

point light source 435

polysulfide toning 40

portrait lighting 365, 374, 386

positioning, print 63, 65

posterization 124, 163

ppi, pixels per inch 279

pre-exposure, film 233

preservatives 500

pre-soak, film 200

print bleaching 343, 389

print burning 33, 374, 379, 393, 477

print contrast 28, 32, 295, 299

print density differentiation 297

print density discrimination 297

print density limits 296, 303

print density range 115, 296, 303

print density table 116, 507

print deterioration 48

print developer 503

print development 35

print display lighting 296

print, Dmax & Dmin 296, 303

print dodging 33

print dry-down 347

print drying 47

print easel 455

print edition size 92

printer resolution 177

print evaluation 296, 424, 425

print exhibition 90

print exhibition lighting 296

print exposure 23, 32, 295

print exposure table 317

print exposure timing 23

print finishing 57, 76, 81

print fixer 504

print fixing 36

print flashing 329, 456

print flatness 442

print fogging 329

print framing 81

print glazing 82

print highlights 32

print identification 71, 75

print illumination 296

printing basics 31

printing frame 455

printing map 27, 34

printing mask 357, 396, 402

printing records 480, 522

print, latent image stability 339

print magnification 445, 509, 510

print manipulation 374

print & monitor matching 495

print mounting & matting 57

print orientation 63

print panel 90

print permanence 50

print positioning 63, 65

print processing 36

print processor 450

print protection 81

print quality 18, 225, 231

print records 480, 522

print shadow control 32, 263, 326

print spotting 76

print stabilization 47

print storage 49

print toning 39

print viewing 296

print viewing distance 132, 509

print visualization 106, 466

print washer 451

print washing 45

print zones 114

process control 255

processing chemicals 502

processing, film 194

processing, print 36

process timer, darkroom 452


quality 16, 139, 170, 225, 231

quality control 251


rangefinder camera 145, 410

rapid fixer 36

Rayleigh criterion 137

RC, resin-coated paper 35

reciprocity failure 187, 336

record keeping 480, 522

reduction, negative 205

reduction, print 343

reflected light 186

reflected lightmeter 416

reflection density 434, 493

reflection density table 507

reflection step tablet 306

reflective objects, lighting 362

rendering intent 495

reproduction 103

reproduction cycle 117

residual thiosulfate limits 45, 201

resolution, digital 171, 174, 177, 279

resolution, digital camera 176

resolution equations 180

resolution, film 208, 209

resolution, halftone 280

resolution, human eye 8, 132

resolution, lens test 132

resolution limits 138

resolution limits, digital 161, 176

resolution, MTF measurements 172

resolution, printer 177

resolution requirements, digital 171, 174, 176, 177

resolution requirements, film 133, 509

resolution, scanner 176, 178

resolution, sensor 172

resolution, system performance 180

resolution target 132

restrainers 500

rim light, studio 365

roll film 146, 201, 411


safelights 424

safelight test 428, 432

safety 427, 502

salt 499

scanner resolution 176, 178

scanners 175

Scheimpflug principle 445

seawater 501

selenium toning 42

sensitometry 110

sensor resolution, digital 172

shadow contrast 195

shadow control, negative 235

shadow control, print 32, 263, 326

shadow discrimination 297

shadow gradient 195

sharpness 131, 139, 140, 143, 208, 209, 256, 437, 438

sheet film 146, 201, 411

shopping list, chemicals 502

shoulder, film & paper 111, 120, 195

shutter 412

shutter accuracy 414

shutter speed 491

shutter tester 414, 470

silver estimator 39

silver stabilizer 47

single-filter method, VC printing 311

sink, darkroom 426, 427

slot processor 451

SLR, single-lens reflex camera 410

small-format cameras 410

solarization 111

spectral sensitivity, camera filter 190

spectral sensitivity, darkroom filter 429

spectral sensitivity, film 190

spectral sensitivity, human eye 7, 190

spectral sensitivity, lightmeter 190

spectral sensitivity, paper 429, 442, 486

specular density & reflection 434

speed point, film 213

speed point, paper 316

spi, samples per inch 279

split-grade printing 318, 324, 359

split toning 44

spotmeter 416

spotting 76

stabilization 47, 203

standard density table 507

standard paper grades 515

standards 215, 220, 296, 303

stop bath 200, 500, 503

stop, definition 491

storage 49, 167, 206

studio lighting 365

subject brightness range 114, 115, 213

subject brightness range table 517

subject magnification 191

subject zones 114

subtractive color system 310

sulfide toning 40

system performance, optical 180


tables & templates 506

tacking iron 64

telephoto lenses 413

temperature compensation

film development 197, 513

print development 342

temperature control, darkroom 451

temperature conversion 512

test strip 24, 218, 306, 316, 473, 474

test strip printer 472

test target, exposure 192, 520

test target, focusing 148

test target, magnification 192, 520

test target, resolution 132

test target, Zone System 252

textural range 105, 115

three-point lighting 368

timer, darkroom 452

timing exposure 23, 186, 414, 492, 508

toe, film & paper 111, 120, 195

tonal discrimination 297

tonal reproduction, digital 119

toner 40, 42, 44, 501, 504

tone reproduction 103, 113, 115

tone reproduction cycle 117

tone reproduction, digital 161, 494

tone visualization 106

toning, color change 41

toning film 200

toning prints 39

torch, darkroom 457

transfer function 277, 285, 494, 527

transmission density 493

transmission density table 507

transmission step tablet 306

transmittance 83, 493

tri-color filter 304, 319

tripods 417

two-bath fixing 36


ultraviolet radiation 6

underdevelopment, film 227

underexposure, film 226, 231

unsharp masking 165, 256, 263

unsharp masking kit 458

USAF/1951 test pattern 132


VC, variable-contrast filter 304, 310

VC, variable-contrast paper 30, 245, 304

ventilation, darkroom 423

vibration, enlarger 438

view camera, depth-of-focus scale 136

view camera, exposure target 192

view camera, film-holder identification 463

view camera, focusing 146

view camera, Fresnel lens 147

view camera, ground glass 146

view camera, portraits 386

viewing distance, prints 132, 509

viewing prints 296

vision, human 6, 131, 297

visual acuity 7

visualization 106, 466


warm-tone developer 503

washer, prints 451

washing 45, 201

washing aid 45, 201, 501

washing test, prints 46

water temperature control 451

wavelength 6, 138

wet side, darkroom 425

wide-angle lenses 413

Wratten 8, 11, 15, 25 filter 191

Wratten 47b & 58 filter 304, 319


zone compression 116, 117

zone density table 507

zone dial 468, 521

zone placement 106

zone plate 156, 524

zone reproduction 114

zone ruler 466

Zone System 105

Zone System, 35 mm 245

Zone System boundaries 212

Zone System, C41 246

Zone System, dedicated film backs 245, 395

Zone System development 197

Zone System, digital 107

Zone System, high-contrast scene 198, 240

Zone System, low-contrast scene 199, 241

Zone System metering 108

Zone System, pictorial range 105, 115

Zone System, pinhole dial 156, 525

Zone System placement 394

Zone System, ruler 466

Zone System standard 211, 213, 220

Zone System, standard values 116, 507

Zone System table 116, 517

Zone System target 252

Zone System testing 214

Zone System, textural range 105, 115

Zone System, tone reproduction 114

Zone System, visualization 106, 466

Zone System, zone dial 468, 521

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