
This book wouldn’t have been written without an invitation from Pearson to take on this challenging project. So thanks are due to Sam Jackson, who made the approach and then nurtured the idea through its initial stages. Since then, a host of her colleagues have had a hand in navigating the manuscript through the publication process. This process hasn’t always been straightforward, and considerable persistence and patience have been required by all concerned.

The offer to write Brilliant PRINCE2 came from the success of Brilliant Project Management. So this book owes much to the experience of co-writing its predecessor. Project management is an exciting and colourful profession, and Brilliant Project Management took the view that there’s no reason why a book on the subject should be dull and theoretical. The sales figures back-up this argument, and Brilliant PRINCE2 tackles its subject in a similar spirit.

This book also owes a lot to the many people I’ve worked with on projects over the last twenty years or so. This practical experience has been invaluable and has given me plenty of food for thought. I’m a firm believer in the adage that you learn most when things go wrong – and at least there’s a good war story to be had on the odd occasion that things haven’t quite worked out as planned.

Final thanks go to Wendy, for encouraging me to take the time out to write, and for being a firm but fair reviewer. I’m also grateful for the loan of her copy of the official PRINCE2 manual, whenever I’ve mislaid mine. It hasn’t been returned in quite the same condition as it was when I first borrowed it.

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