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EBRD, “Technical Assistance Programme: Proposal Request”, 11 May 1992.

EBRD, “Privatisation in Russia. A Discussion Paper for the Consultative Group in Paris”, 8 June 1993.

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Griffith, Scott, Summary of interview, results with managers, 24 August 1992.

Khasbulatov, Ruslan, Interview for this book, 16 October 2010.

Kwon, Goohoon, “The Regional Distribution of Russian Industrial Enterprises and its Implications for Export”, 16 March 1993.

MacDonald, Paul, Notes on likely participation in programme.

Mostovoi, Piotr, Interview for this book, 19 October 2010.

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Oxford Analytica, Daily brief on Russia 1992–94.

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Pitt-Watson, David, Three notes on inter-enterprise debt,? Summer 1992.

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