

1.1      A formula in Excel

1.2      The ribbon in Excel 2010

1.3      The Excel Options dialogue box

1.4      Spreadsheet tabs and status bar

1.5      Arrange windows

1.6      The Object dialogue box

1.7      The Microsoft Equation editor

1.8      Equation tools in Excel 2010

1.9      Page Setup

1.10    Sales figures

1.11    Sorting data

1.12    Custom Lists

1.13    Comment

1.14    The Format Cells dialogue box

1.15    Conditional formatting

1.16    Data Validation

2.1      Calculation in Excel

2.2      Formula auditing

2.3      Circular reference warning

2.4      Financial statements

2.5      Financial statements

2.6      Function library

2.7      The Insert Function dialogue box

2.8      Autocomplete

2.9      The SUMPRODUCT function

2.10    Look up in a table

2.11    Addition

2.12    Addition with an array formula

2.13    Arrays

2.14    Arrays

2.15    A set of data and intervals

2.16    The FREQUENCY function

2.17    Frequency table

2.18    Solving a system of linear equations by matrix calculations

3.1      Column chart

3.2      Column chart

3.3      Column chart with two series

3.4      Unit costs diagram

3.5      The Edit Series dialogue box

3.6      Dialogue box for Sparklines

3.7      Sparklines

3.8      Excel table

3.9      Dialogue box for Pivot tables

3.10    Pivot table showing the total amount each customer has spent on each product

3.11    Pivot table

3.12    Pivot table

3.13    The Value Field Settings dialogue box

3.14    Pivot table

3.15    The Value Filter dialogue box

3.16    Filtering

3.17    The Slicer dialogue box

3.18    Pivot table with slicers

3.19    Report for sales assistant Olson

3.20    Pivot table with pivot chart

3.21    Pivot table with pivot chart

3.22    Pivot chart

3.23    Creating a two-dimensional data table

3.24    Data table

3.25    Creating a one-dimensional data table

3.26    One-dimensional data table

3.27    Creating a two-dimensional data table

3.28    Multiplication table

4.1      Goal Seek

4.2      Sensitivity analysis with Goal Seek

4.3      The Solver dialogue box

4.4      The Constraint dialogue box

4.5      Optimization problem

5.1      The Data Analysis dialogue box

5.2      F-test with the data analysis tool

6.1      Present value calculation

6.2      Present value calculation

6.3      Present value calculation

6.4      Present value calculation

6.5      Repayment plan

6.6      Calculation of number of periods

6.7      Calculation of effective interest

7.1      Net present value calculation

7.2      Present value profile

7.3      Internal rate of return calculation using the RATE function

7.4      Internal rate of return calculation using the IRR function

7.5      An annuity loan

7.6      Internal rate of return calculation using Goal Seek

7.7      The IRR dialogue box

7.8      Present value profile

7.9      Present value profiles

7.10    Calculation of payback period using Goal Seek

7.11    Calculation of payback period

7.12    Comparing equivalent annual incomes of different machines

7.13    Calculation of optimal lifespan for a machine

8.1      Calculation of standard deviation

8.2      Calculation of average returns and standard deviations

8.3      Calculation of covariance and correlation coefficient

8.4      Calculation of covariance

8.5      Results from a covariance calculation

8.6      Regression line

8.7      Covariance matrix for a portfolio of the two stocks A and B

8.8      Expected returns and standard deviations for different portfolios of A and B

8.9      Covariance matrix for a portfolio of the stocks 1, 2, 3, …, N

8.10    Calculation of expected return and standard deviation

8.11    Calculation of expected return and standard deviation

8.12    Calculation of expected return and standard deviation

8.13    Calculation of standard deviation

8.14    Minimization of a portfolio’s standard deviation

8.15    Standard deviation calculations

8.16    Expected returns and standard deviations for portfolios of the stocks A, B and C

8.17    The efficient frontier

8.18    Calculations for the efficient frontier

8.19    The efficient frontier

8.20    Market portfolio

8.21    Shares of risk-free investment in a portfolio

8.22    Geometrical considerations

8.23    Calculation of a portfolio’s composition

8.24    Expected return for stock i as a function of expected return for the market portfolio

8.25    Calculation of β-value

8.26    Calculations of β-values

8.27    Monthly prices for 5 different stocks and the index FTSE 100

8.28    Calculation of β-values

8.29    Expected return for stock i as a function of βi

8.30    The Capital Asset Pricing Model

8.31    Normal distribution

8.32    The NORMINV function

8.33    Monthly prices from the London Stock Exchange

8.34    Monthly prices from the London Stock Exchange

9.1      Cash flow from machinery investment

9.2      Cash flow projections for investment in machinery

9.3      Using Goal Seek function in Excel to find cost of capital that returns NPV = 0

9.4      Goal Seek function in Excel

9.5      Market returns and risk-free rate, 1981–2010 (mock numbers)

9.6      Return on equity for a company with a beta of 1.35

9.7      Calculating the cost of equity from the dividend discount model

9.8      Dividend and share buy-back, 2003–2012

9.9      Cost of equity with share buy-back

9.10    Cost of risky debt

9.11    Profit and loss statement, and a balance sheet

9.12    Calculating the cost of capital from actual interest paid

9.13    Transforming nominal cost of capital into real cost of capital

9.14    Depreciation and book value

9.15    Straight-line depreciation and book value using Excel formula

9.16    Depreciation using the declining balance method

9.17    MACRS applicable percentage for various classes

9.18    Depreciation using different methods

9.19    Input in spreadsheet

9.20    Finding the taxable income

9.21    Finding the cash flows and net present value of the project

10.1      Data for similar properties

10.2      Relationship between cap rate and value

10.3      Finding the net cash flow

10.4      Inputs for property valuation

10.5      Income and expenses for office building

10.6      Estimating the cash flow to the firm

10.7      Net present value of property

10.8      Data for a commercial property

10.9      Estimating net cash flow

10.10    Estimating the internal rate of return with no debt

10.11    Estimating the cash flows with 80 per cent debt financing

10.12    Estimating the internal rate of return with 80 per cent debt financing and interest rate of 5 per cent

10.13    Estimating the internal rate of return with 80 per cent debt financing and interest rate of 8 per cent

10.14    Estimating the internal rate of return with 30 per cent increase in property price and no debt financing

10.15    Estimating the internal rate of return with 30 per cent increase in property price and 80 per cent debt financing

10.16    Estimating the internal rate of return with 20 per cent decrease in property price and 80 per cent debt financing

11.1      Using the PV function in Excel

11.2      Using the RATE function in Excel

11.3      Using the YIELD and IRR function in Excel

11.4      Using the PRICE function in Excel

11.5      Calculating the duration and using the DURATION function in Excel

11.6      Using the MDURATION function to find the volatility

11.7      Yield to maturity, duration and volatility

11.8      Prices, durations and volatilities for two bonds with different times to maturity

11.9      Duration and price of a bond

11.10    Yield to maturity/Internal rate of return for uneven dates

11.11    Calculation of yield to maturity, duration and volatility

11.12    Portfolio of two bonds for duration matching

11.13    Using the Goal Seek function in Excel

11.14    Rising spot rates

11.15    Market values and yield to maturity for bond A and bond B

11.16    Increasing spot rates

11.17    Yield to maturity with different spot rates

11.18    Yield to maturity for a 5 per cent coupon bond with different maturities and rates

11.19    Yield to maturity for bond in example (b)

11.20    Norwegian government bond yields

11.21    Bond ratings from leading rating agencies

11.22    Probability of combinations of rating A at time 0 and at end of period 2

11.23    Probability of combinations of rating A at time 0 and at end of period 3

11.24    Expected return on a risky bond

12.1      Return from stock investment

12.2      Finding the stock price with different growth rates

12.3      Formulas used to find the return with respect to the internal rate of return

12.4      Finding the return when the stock is bought for 400 using the Goal Seek function

12.5      Mock data for stock market return and risk-free return

12.6      Estimating the expected return from historical average

12.7      Value of stock using the free cash flow to firm method

12.8      Balance and profit and loss statement for a company

12.9      Assumptions for pro forma model

12.10    Pro forma model

12.11    Estimating cash flow from earnings

12.12    Value of equity

12.13    Companies with same operating profit, but different price-earnings ratios

12.14    Overstating value by using the price–earnings ratio inappropriately

12.15    Data for two companies

12.16    Estimating enterprise value

12.17    Comparing different valuation methods

13.1      Pay-off diagrams for a call option

13.2      Pay-off diagrams for a put option

13.3      Protective put

13.4      Bought strangle

13.5      Bull spread

13.6      A bull spread can be obtained by a combination of a bought call option and a sold call option

13.7      Possible cash flows for a stock

13.8      Possible cash flows for a call option

13.9      Binomial model for valuing options

13.10    Binomial model for valuing options

13.11    Possible cash flows for a put option

13.12    Binomial model for valuing options

13.13    Binomial model for valuing options

13.14    Lognormal distribution

13.15    Valuation of options by the Black–Scholes formula model

13.16    Value of a call option as a function of the underlying stock price months and 3 months before maturity

13.17    Time value and intrinsic value for a call option

13.18    Bear spread

13.19    Straddle

13.20    Synthetic stock

13.21    Butterfly

14.1      Simulation

14.2      Uniform probability distribution for units sold per year

14.3      Simulation of operating income per year

14.4      Normal distribution for price per unit

14.5      Dialogue box for the NORMINV function

14.6      Binomial probability distribution

14.7      Discrete probability distribution for fixed cost per year

14.8      Intervals for probabilities

14.9      The VLOOKUP function in Excel

14.10    Data table

14.11    Dialogue box for data table

14.12    The FREQUENCY function dialogue box

14.13    Frequency table and bar charts

14.14    Simulation with the data analysis tool in Excel

14.15    Dialogue box for Random Number Generation

14.16    The histogram dialogue box

14.17    Simulation of a call option’s value

14.18    Simulation of a call option’s value

15.1      The Developer tab on the ribbon

15.2      The VBE

15.3      The VBE

15.4      The Project Explorer window

15.5      The Properties window

15.6      The Project Explorer window with two modules

15.7      Automatic formatting in VBE

15.8      Compiler (syntax) error detected

15.9      The Record Macro dialogue

15.10    (a) List of students with scores. (b) List after running the AboveAverage macro

15.11    Select macro storage

15.12    Macro settings

15.13    Security warning displayed when opening a workbook with macros

15.14    Select Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook when saving a workbook containing macros

15.15    Trying to save a workbook with a wrong type

16.1      The Options dialogue

16.2      Worksheet after running the CalculateSalary subroutine

16.3      A small part of Excel’s object hierarchy

16.4      Run-time error message

16.5      CurrentRange and UsedRange

16.6      Sales worksheet

16.7      Pivot table example worksheet

17.1      A flowchart for adding numbers from 1 to 100

17.2      An If…End If statement

17.3      An If…Else…End If statement

17.4      Example worksheet

17.5      The Select Case Statement

17.6      The Do While…Loop Statement

17.7      The For…Next Statement

17.8      Repayment plan for serial loan

18.1      The Excel Help dialogue

18.2      Displaying a list of methods and properties

18.3      Showing a list of arguments

18.4      Displaying a list of constants

18.5      The Object Browser dialogue

18.6      Syntax error message

18.7      Run-time error message

18.8      Line with a breakpoint

18.9      The Debug toolbar

18.10    VBA message box

18.11    VBA message box with Icon

18.12    VBA message box with second button as the default button

18.13    VBA input box

18.14    VBA input box

18.15    Excel input box

18.16    Validation error

18.17    Using Excel’s input box to select a range

18.18    The File Open dialogue

18.19    The File Save dialogue

19.1      Call-by-value

19.2      Progress indicator in the status bar

19.3      Erroneous attempt at swapping two variables

19.4      Correct attempt at swapping two variables

19.5      Call-by-reference

19.6      Add Procedure dialogue box

19.7      Simulation of stock prices

20.1      Array after insertion of an element at position 2

20.2      students array after insertion of three elements

20.3      Error message

20.4      Price of stocks

20.5      Reversing the order of the array elements

20.6      Array with 3 rows and 4 columns

20.7      Noughts and crosses board after the code above has executed

20.8      Example worksheet

20.9      The generated table

20.10    Selection sort. The sorted part of the table is shaded

20.11      Result after running the procedure Test above

21.1      New blank UserForm and Toolbox window

21.2      Setting the Name of a UserForm

21.3      UserForm with various controls

21.4      The VBE Options dialogue

21.5      The Tab Order dialogue

21.6      The Call/Put Option dialogue

21.7      UserForm Code window

21.8      The Restaurant worksheet

21.9      The Restaurant Picker Form

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