aggression 174

artifacts: material artifacts 219

avatars 176, 185, 18891

behavioral markers see event-based methods

bona fide group perspective 2116, 219, 220, 2225, 229, 231: challenges 2156; definition 211; methodologies 212, tenets of 2134

children 235, 2401, 244

circumplex models of mood 162

collective induction 358;

commitment acts 14

coding: coding schemes/systems 159, 237, 241, 244, 255, 3356, 341; 34243, 363364; discourse units 3324; innovations 3457; limitations 3445; online discussions 344; process 68; procedures 330; reliability 333, 340, 3634; software 346; training coders 3378; transcribing 331332; unitizing 3323, 363364; validity 3367, 364;

cognitive consensus 1345: measurement 141

computational modeling see computer simulation

computer-mediated groups 218, 239

computer simulation 79104: advantages of 802; agent-based modeling approach 927; challenges 97101; formula translation approach 826; generative process modeling approach 8692; purpose of 80; vs. mathematical theories 80; vs. natural language theories 80; See also group discussion, group problem solving

concertive control 229

concept mapping 144

confederates 42, 46, 51, 180

confidentiality 22930

content analysis see theme analysis

conversational analysis 220

counterfactual thinking 2489

data aggregation 271

data analysis 311327: actor-partner interdependence model (APIM) 312, 318320; between groups 313, 315; determining appropriate approach 3123; homogeneity 370; lag-sequential analysis 3723; models of interdependence 31827; moderated dependency analysis 373; multilevel modeling 3158; nonindependence 311, 3145; one-with-many design (OWM) 312, 3213; sequential contingency analysis 365ff, social relations model (SRM) 312, 3236; stationarity 369370, transition matrix 3668; unitariness 378379; within groups 313, 315

data collection: multiple sources 222; network 286297

data, types of: archival data 290291; binary data 294, 298; cognitive social structure (CSS), 287; continuous or valued data 294, 298; incomplete data 299300; “mashing” 297; network data 287304; observational data 290; survey data 287289, 291296

deception 2089: identity deception 204;

dialectical tensions 229

discourse analysis 217231: data selection 2223; discourse units 21820; 2234; 33234, ethical issues 22930; research questions 2223; texts 21820, 224, 230; types of 2202

dynamics 11, 412, 489, 54, 56, 1057, 109, 11418, 161, 165, 180, 212, 235, 2379, 241, 245, 247, 249, 253, 2556, 260, 2623, 2789, 291, 3867, 389, 391, 393, 395, 397, 399403, 405, 407411, 425, 431, 436 see also emergent behavior; multi-level approach; process models

emergent behavior 267: explaining 978; forms of 268; simulating 87

emotional contagion 155, 15860 see also group mood; group afective tone

ethical issues 1667: deception 2089; discourse analysis 22930; informed consent 2089; institutional review board (IRB) 11, 53; privacy 1945; sensitive information 204; virtual worlds 1934

ethnography 627, 212, 237, 256: informants 7, 13; video ethnography 23

event-based methods 397

experimental design 309; 41, 51, 56, 63, 1778, 212

experimental simulation 5878: design 63; high-fidelity simulation 59; simulator session 60; scenario development 66

Facial Affect Coding System (FACS) 158

field experiments 192

field notes field settings 388

field sites 1089, 117

gangs 237

gatekeepers 12, 2023

generalizability 4, 8, 59, 231

generative mechanism 211, 360, 378

groups: definition 1

group affective tone 1556, 159, 163 see also emotional contagion; group mood

group boundaries 21013, 223, 225, 230, 241

group cohesion 154

group data analysis see data analysis

group decision making 318, 43, 44, 459, 81, 148, 254

group discussion 4950, 52, 81, 834, 8690, 140, 253, 320, 3303, 336, 3389, 3467, 372, 375, 379, 381: collective information sampling (CIS) model 834; computer simulations of 8392; dynamic information sampling model (DISM-GD); discussion entry trajectories 846; see also shared vs. unshared information

group envy 156

group identity 220

group inputs 1568

group learning 125, 137

group mood: affective disposition 155; affective diversity 157, 163; brief mood introspection scale 162; coding 15960; consistency 163; convergence 159; ethical issues 1667; induction techniques 1568; measurement 1604; work group mood 159 see also emotional contagion; group affective tone

group outputs 160

group performance: versus individual performance 345 see also team performance

group problem solving 318: ValSeek computer simulation model 937

group process 1, 389, 58, 68, 72, 1546, 159, 211, 2156, 218, 220, 347, 360, 3789

group regret 249

group roles 13, 17, 72, 110, 1401, 144, 146, 148, 160, 1756, 179, 209, 219, 2214, 246, 2514, 264, 286, 290, 301, 321, 389393, 392, 423, 425, 427, 431, 433, 4356: role division 390; role expectations 423, 433; gatekeeper 12; structure 392 see also leader

GroupScope 290, 347

group talk 236, 2389, 2489, 255: fantasies 2489, 256; social talk 247; story talk 237, 239, 254; task talk 239, 247

group-to-individual transfer 334

high-performance teams 386: multidisciplinary trauma teams 391; US Navy security teams 393

individual differences 121130: aggregating to the group level 1289; data analysis 129; measurement of 1278; multilevel theory 1267 see also personality

informants 7, 13

informed consent 2089

ingroups/outgroups 238

institutional review board (IRB) 6, 9, 112, 15, 18, 246, 53, 68, 166, 194, 199, 202, 2045, 209, 304 see also ethical issues

interdependence 390, 392

Interaction Process Analysis (IPA) 160, 359

interdisciplinary collaboration 71

interpreting data

interviews 7, 18, 213, 26, 85, 106, 10811, 114, 116, 118, 146, 200, 203, 207210, 215, 219, 222, 226, 230, 255, 292, 388, 395, 408, 421, 427, 4323, 435

intertextuality 219, 224

intra-class correlation (ICC) 129, 314, 317

juries 238, 239, 244249, 252, 254, 257

laboratory experiments 4, 412, 44, 50, 56, 141, 162, 194, 260: data collection 55, 133; design of 309; running of 4156; personnel 50, 52; materials 513; set-up 545; subject pool 54; types of laboratory groups 427

language 218: linguistic structure 218; patterns 220; translation 1112;

leader 30, 1123, 158, 201, 245, 272, 294, 313, 3213, 390, 392, 394, 397, 400, 402, 4045, 424, 429, 435

leadership 18, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 122, 155, 181, 228, 239, 267, 279, 2856, 301, 311, 313, 321, 326, 38991, 3934, 397, 400, 4034, 4089, 418: structure 390, 400

measurement: cognitive consensus 141; group data 313; group mood 1604; group performance 70, 3815; individual differences 1278; team cognition 1357, 1389, 1401; team mental models 142147; team performance 393, 3947, 40111

mood induction techniques 1568

multidimensional scaling 146

multilevel approach; dynamics 278; homology 273; linkages 262, 265; modeling 3158; performance measure 4034; theory 1267

mutual enhancement 43, 45, 50

narrative(s): accounts 237; analyses/analysis 2367, 240, 244, 254; data 237241, 255, 256; intervention, 252; logic 236; methodologies 237, 238, 252; talk 248; thematic analysis 241; tools 255; vignettes 245

networks: multi-dimensional 306307; nodes 2845; ties 2845; visualization 3001

network analysis software; C-IKNOW 288289, 293; EgoNet 289; NetDraw 300; NodeXL 300; StatNet 299, 303; UCINET 144, 146, 299300, 303

network metrics 301302; betweenness centrality 301; centralization 302; clique 301302; closeness centrality 301; cyclicality 301; degree centrality 300301; density 286, 302; reciprocity 301; redundancy 301; structural equivalence 300301; transitivity 301

netnography 14

nonindependence 311

observational studies 15, 65, 1123: non-participant observation 15; participant observation 15

online games 17398: Cyberball 489, 175, 1814, 186; massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) 1756, 179; World of Warcraft 173, 1767, 180, 184, 186, 192

ostracism see social exclusion/rejection

parsimony 137

participant observation 7, 1517, 184, 199, 203, 256

participant protection 22930

participant recruiting see recruiting participants

peer groups 2369, 241

personality 122, 124, 126, 1289 see also individual differences

precision 4, 99, 137, 277, 279

prisoners’ dilemma 175, 185

problem-centered research 9

process 358, 3601

process models: evolutionary 380; life cycle 381; Markov 366; multiple sequence 362, 379; Semi-Markov 372; teleological 379; unitary sequence 360

promotion-prevention focus 1612

quasi experiments 64

qualitative research 627, 656, 106, 140, 199210, 211235, 235259, 41841: data analysis 1134, 116, 237, 239, 247, 255; Owen's criteria, 241 see also ethnography

quantitative research 309; 4257; 5878; 260283; 284310; computer simulation 79104; data analysis 311328, 35885 see also experimental design; laboratory experiments

random number generators: in computer simulation 90, 101;

rating scales 127, 147: behaviorally anchored rating scales 396; behavior observation scales 396; reliability 127; validity 127; see also survey questions

realism 4, 5960, 62, 65, 72: mundane realism 1778

recruiting participants 534, 201: gaining access 237, 245, 246, 247, 252, 255; in online games 191, 1934

reflexivity 223

reliability 127, 159, 163, 237, 244, 255, 2712, 295, 331, 334, 337340, 3445, 3634, 3958, 400, 437

research design 4, 56, 133, 142, 23640, 239, 244, 255, 2602, 264, 312, 323

research questions 34, 6, 810, 23, 256, 56, 110, 146, 157, 160, 2223, 2415, 247, 292, 314, 330, 332, 345, 347, 433; grand tour questions 20;

sampling 11, 83, 8790, 113, 145, 177, 208, 210, 261, 297, 423: nonrepresentative 178; respondent driven sampling (RDS) 297; theoretical 11

sensemaking 230

shared (vs. unshared information) 45, 47: defined 83; discussion entry trajectories 8492

social combination approach 312; 36

social desirability, 294295

social exclusion/rejection 43, 489, 1734, 1814, 237, 240, 241, 244

social impact theory 46

social ostracism see social exclusion/rejection

social relations model see data analysis

statistics: Exponential Random Graph Modeling (ERGM/p*) 3034; inferential network statistics 302304; multiple regression quadratic assignment procedure (MRQAP) 303; nonparametric analysis 241; quadratic assignment procedure (QAP) 303

story: storytelling 236, 238, 239, 247, 249, 254; story-thinking, 238, 248;

survey questions 2401, 246; frequency questions 240; instrument 237, 244; narrative questions 240; scaled questions 240; story stem/stem questions 238, 245, 255

structure: communication 390; temporal 390

task analysis 69

taskwork 391

teams: definition 263; classification 4101; features of 387

team building 425

team cognition 132148: conceptual framework 134; definition 134, measurement 1357, 1389, 1401

team interventions 392, 419, 4212, 421429

team mental models 132, 134, 137: conceptual framework 142; definition 142; measurement 1427

team performance 386411: best practices for team management 4045, see also group performance

team task 3889: complexity 390; identity 390; environment 390

team situational awareness 134

team training 132

teamwork 391: attributes 4234; dimensions 4246

technology 15, 23, 26, 134, 148, 1656, 175, 190, 199, 210, 266, 292, 386, 390, 398, 425: dependence 390

terms of service (TOS) 2012

texts see discourse analysis

theme analysis 241: ATLAS 222; narrative 241; NVivo 241

theory, role of 35, 89, 11, 301, 367, 39, 46, 56, 7982, 87, 89, 92, 97, 100, 105, 1134, 1167, 1256, 1289, 162, 166, 185, 2156, 221, 2289, 231, 241, 2489, 2556, 2605, 2723, 2779, 329, 337, 347, 3613, 382, 386, 394, 402, 4201, 437

theories: bona fide groups 211216, 255; decisional regret theory 249, 256; general systems theory 264; narrative paradigm 256; process theory 361, 3623; symbolic convergence theory 248, 256; symbolic-interpretive perspective 238; variance theory 361

time see emergent behavior, multi-level approach, process models

transactive memory 134, 137

type I errors 315

typology/typologies 248249, 255

validity 4, 489, 64, 127, 147, 271, 277, 292, 295, 300, 331, 3368, 3634, 395, 400, 437: ecological validity 49

virtual games see online games

virtual reality 174

virtual game environments: designer-developed 1824; privacy 1945; typology 17880; user-developed 1846; 186192

virtual worlds 173198; Exploratorium 185; Second Life 173, 176, 17980, 18592; The Sims 1767, 184

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