Praise for Achieving Class A Business Excellence: An Executive’s Perspective
From day one, the three overarching principles of The Oliver Wight Companies have been:
• advocate only the proven processes, often the latest, but leave the untested theories for academia to debate.
• consult only with companies truly committed to succeed in transforming their business to be the best it can be.
• only coach the company’s people, through knowledge transfer, so that they, not us, can lead and make the changes.
Many years and thousands of companies later, these principles still differentiate our associates.
This book continues this successful formula. The authors have created people you’ll recognize, dealing with problems that confront all companies. It may be entertaining to read about their struggles; the greater value, however, is to grasp how they changed from an out-of-control operation to an effective team capable of achieving ambitious company goals.
Accomplishing this dramatic journey of change is demystified; no longer a reactive hit or miss effort. What is presented to you as foresight comes from the collective experiences of the authors and their colleagues, 20/20 hindsight, in helping companies avoid the pitfalls and focusing them on the prerequisites in order to make smart decisions and timely progress. To ensure the many events are done in the proper sequence, even a road map is included!
Armed with helpful advice always makes a tough task easier, yet implementing company-wide change remains a major challenge. Staying on course is vital—the tenacity of the leaders will be frequently tested.
Although this representative company and its characters are “figments of the authors’ imagination,” take good notes as the lessons are real.
—Walt Goddard
Chair Emeritus, Oliver Wight International
“An excellent book! The issues identified here are the kind that can keep business executives awake at night; however, with identified critical tasks and a proven path, the resultant change can be both transformational and sustainable. This book clearly articulates the manner in which this type of change takes place and a method for achieving that change.”
—Jason Thorne
Director, ABeam Consulting USA
“Multi-national operating companies, global brand proliferation, outsourced design and manufacturing, and mass-customization capabilities, enabled by multi-language/multi-currency enterprise-scale information systems . . . this is the arena in which senior management is innovating and competing, irrespective of industry or geography.
Achieving Class A Business Excellence articulates a contemporary, pragmatic, and comprehensive example for business model innovation. Leaders who equip their senior management team with these catalytic mechanisms, and oversee the deployment and execution, will transform companies and cultures.”
—Jim Denney,
President, CAP, Inc.
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