• accountability 185–186
  • Alicia (fiancée) 20, 34, 47, 52, 65, 120, 121, 144, 215–216
  • anxiety, controlling 196
  • Apple 27, 199–200
  • Australian Dream 166
  • Australian National Basketball Team (NBL) 81
  • balance 47, 52, 55–57, 90
  • Banks, Andrew 219
  • begging 197, 198
  • belief, passionate 82
  • birthday calls 64
  • borrowing see also debt
    • — business, for your 162–163
    • — concept of other people’s money 162–163
    • — property, to buy 163–164
  • borrowing ideas 197, 198–199
  • Branson, Richard 103, 219
  • brother (Nathan) 14, 22, 90–91, 130, 132–133
  • bullying 3–4, 12, 24, 34, 62, 118, 121
  • burnout 75
  • change, value of 83–84
  • clutter 152, 153
  • coachability 81–82
  • coffee currency 67–74
  • comfort zone, out of your 5–8, 15, 55, 62, 101
  • commitment 19, 28–29, 32, 41, 102, 104, 205, 212, 213
  • competitive advantage 115–116
  • confidence 4, 8–9, 13, 14, 114, 119
  • conformity 4
  • connection 81, 95, 146–148
    • — tools for 147–148
  • consumables debt 165
  • conversations, hard 106–109
  • Cook, Stuart 175
  • cool, calm and focused, staying 189, 195–196
  • costs 20, 22–23, 156, 163
  • custom apparel industry, traditional 21, 25, 173–174
  • customisation station, ONTHEGO® Custom Apparel 173–175, 198–199
  • cycling jerseys 21–26, 83–84, 173–175
  • daily break-even analysis 67–70
  • Daily Rocks planner 137–140
  • David Jones Ltd 86, 183, 210, 217
  • debt
    • — bad debt 164–165
    • — borrowing for your business 162–163
    • — borrowing to buy property 163–164
    • — car debt 164
    • — credit card debt 164
    • — good 162–164
    • — good vs bad 157, 161–165
    • — other people’s money 162–163
  • Dell Computers 27–28
  • determination 103–104
  • disrupter, MS as 11, 28
  • dreams, achieving see success, achieving
  • dropouts, school/university 28, 89, 102
  • due diligence 11, 26–27
  • earnings as a child, MS’s 8–12
  • eBay selling 9–11
  • education, MS’s 3–4, 12, 19–20, 25; see also learning
  • efficiency 86
  • Engelbart, Douglas 199
  • excellence, aiming for 173–187
    • — accountability 185–186
    • — innovation 173–175
    • — mentors, finding 178–185
    • — transparency 177–178
  • exercise and meetings 54–56
  • expectations, setting 107
  • faking it 104–105
  • family 3–4, 5, 7, 11, 24, 55, 56, 64, 67, 120, 129–134, 194, 197; see also brother (Nathan); father (Greg); mother (Cathy); sister (Alicia)
  • family, employees as 176–177, 186
  • father (Greg) 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 14, 22, 126, 52, 89, 129, 130–133, 134, 175, 189, 193
  • fear 5, 6, 8, 13–14, 27, 91, 101, 105–106, 196, 216
  • fear and self-doubt 119–123
    • — managing 105, 120–123
    • — Mick’s tips on managing 123
  • financial plan 158–159
  • Fit in or Fuck off (FIFO) policy 177–178
  • freelancers 144
    • — managing 145–146
    • — role description template 146
  • 4Ps philosophy 47–59, 216
    • — balancing 55–56
    • — people 47, 48–51
    • — planet 47, 52–55
    • — profit 47, 55
    • — purpose 47, 48
  • friend currency 143, 160–161
  • funeral, visualising your own 34
  • future, shaping your 31–45
  • Gates, Bill 199–200
  • goals 74, 124, 167–169, 213
    • — how to get where you want to go 141, 167–169
    • — life 40–41
    • — money management 156–158
  • grounding 216–217
  • growth 203
  • gut, sticking with your 73, 193
  • habits, daily 63–64, 90
  • happiness 151–152, 155; see also less, power of
  • hard conversations 106–109
  • health problems 3–4, 6–8, 211–212; see also heart problems
  • heart problems 6–8, 43, 67, 134–135, 196
    • — crises 6–7, 12–13, 15–17, 207–208
  • how do you get where you want to go? 141, 167–169
  • human nature, understanding 189, 191–193
  • impostor syndrome 123–125
  • income as a child, MS’s 8–12; see also ONTHEGO® Sports
  • innovation 173–175, 198–199, 219–221
  • investors
    • — coffee meetings 72, 73
    • — early 43–44, 73
  • investing 166
  • IRONMAN® championships challenge, MS’s 211–213
  • Jackson, Lauren 9
  • Jobs, Steve 199–200
  • jobs, MS’s early
    • — as a child 8–12, 79
    • — sports camp 14–15
  • learning 102, 104
    • — active 61–63
    • — coachability 81–82
  • legacy, your 34, 35
  • less, power of 151–171; see also money management
  • loyalty 189, 194–195
  • meetings
    • — coffee 72–73
    • — coffee currency 70–74
    • — exercise and 54–56
    • — succeeding in 115–116
  • mentors 50, 124–125, 143, 167, 178–185, 217
    • — characteristics of 179–182
    • — connecting 182–185
    • — Mick’s tips for setting up 184–185
    • — moving on from 184–185
    • — organising 184–185
    • — plug and play 178–179
  • Mick’s tips
    • — coffee currency 72–73
    • — investing 166
    • — learning, active 63
    • — mentorship, setting up 184–185
    • — negotiation 111–116
    • — networking 85–87
    • — purpose, finding your 37
    • — reaching goals sooner 213
    • — social media 93–98
    • — sussing people out 193
  • Millennials 161, 165–166, 194, 217
  • money management 156–160
    • — borrowing to buy property 163–164
    • — budget 159
    • — debt, good vs bad 157, 161–165
    • — financial plan 158–159
    • — goals 156–158
    • — investing 165–166
    • — Millennials and 165–166
    • — money, value of 156–158
    • — savings 156, 159–160, 165
    • — sacrifice 154–155, 158
    • — tight-arse, being a 159–160, 165
    • — tools for 158
    • — where you are / where you want to go money planner 167–169
  • Mother (Cathy) 6–7, 10, 11, 13, 15–16, 21, 24, 129, 130, 131, 132
  • mouse, story of computer 199–200
  • National Basketball Leagues (NBL) 190–191
  • nature, importance of 52, 53, 54–56, 64, 137
  • naysayers see negativity
  • near-sightedness see short-sightedness
  • needs vs wants 151, 154
  • negative thinking, Stoic 151
  • negativity 88–89, 91, 106
  • negotiation 110–116, 205
    • — Mick’s tips 111–116
  • networking 50, 84–87; see also connection
    • — follow-up 86–87
    • — Mick’s tips 85–87
    • — social media 91–98
    • — for support 105–106
  • neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) 62, 137, 209
  • No Dickheads Policy (NDP) 177–178
  • North Face, The 88, 167, 217
  • no to yes, getting from 116–117
  • Now/Future/How/What planner 140–146
    • — freelancers 144, 145–146
    • — how you get there 141
    • — outsourcing 143–146
    • — what you need 141
    • — where you are now 140
    • — where you want to be 141
  • ONTHEGO® Custom Apparel
    • — chairman 121, 180, 186
    • — charity programs 152, 159
    • — competitors 173–174
    • — culture, company 176–177
    • — decisions 48
    • — early days 40–41, 55–56, 89, 130, 154, 175–177, 190–191
    • — employees 121, 133–134, 154, 176–178, 180, 186, 204–205,
    • — environmental concerns 54
    • — first capital raise 43–45
    • — first job 20–21
    • — football team contract 105
    • — fraud 204–205
    • — future 219–221
    • — goals 124
    • — growth 26, 176, 205, 219–221
    • — innovation 173–175, 198–199, 219–221
    • — interns 175, 194–195
    • — investor, first 43–44
    • — meeting with listed company 115–116
    • — MS’s roles 23–24
    • — No Dickheads Policy (NDP) 177–178
    • — office 26, 175
    • — origins 15, 20
    • — profits 25, 154
    • — purpose 38, 210–211
    • — second job (cycling jerseys) 21–26, 83–84
    • — suppliers 21–23, 62, 81, 154, 174–176, 211
    • — trademark registration 74
    • — trust 191–193
    • — Wesfarmers partnership 219–221
  • openness 103, 106
  • outsourcing 143–146
  • parachute, building your 105–106
  • parents see father (Greg); mother
  • partnership 215–216
  • Peking Duk 28
  • people 47, 48–51
  • persistence 14, 41–42, 43, 73, 116–117, 198, 210
  • planet 47, 52–55
  • planning tools
    • — Daily Rocks planner 137–140
    • — Now/Future/How/What planner 140–146
  • planning vs unpredictability 43–45
  • preparation, importance of 28
  • pressure, dealing with 74–75, 195–196, 206–210
  • profit 47, 55
  • purpose 32, 43, 47, 48, 205
    • — finding your 36–40
  • quadruple bottom line 47
  • recycling 54
  • rejection 3, 34, 118–119, 216
  • rejuvenation 203
  • respect 88
  • risk, managing 22–23, 121, 130, 165
  • ROI (return on investment) 144, 156, 159
  • routine, creating 61; see also time; time management
  • rules, dealing with other people’s 213–214
  • sacrifice 154–155, 158
  • schooling, MS’s 3–4, 143, 175
  • self
    • — looking out for 189, 193, 197
    • — putting first 197
    • — restoring 52
  • self-acceptance 36–37, 41–42
  • self-belief 41–42
  • self-doubt 101, 119–123, 208–209
    • — managing 105, 120–123
    • — Mick’s tips 123
  • self-promotion 80–81, 84, 88, 91–92, 110–111
  • selling 110–111, 117
  • sharing 79, 80–81, 84
  • Shark Tank 219
    • — opportunity passed up 26–27
  • short-sightedness 3–4, 6, 34
  • sister (Alicia) 8, 9, 84, 133–134
  • sleep 64–65, 66, 121
  • smarts, 6 principles of 101–104
    • — be committed 104
    • — be determined 103–104
    • — be informed 103–104
    • — be open 103
    • — be selective 102
    • — disadvantages 92–93
    • — do’s and don’ts 93–98
    • — never stop learning 104
  • social media 91–98
    • — cautions 92–93
    • — effective use 92
    • — Mick’s tips 93–98
    • — self-promotion 92–93
  • sourcing, ethical 54
  • startups, business 165
  • starting before you are ready 5–6, 27–28
  • stealing ideas 197, 199–200
  • Stoicism 151–152
  • street smarts 189–201
    • — begging 197, 198
    • — borrowing 197, 198–199
    • — cool, calm and focused 189, 195–196
    • — defined 189
    • — everyone looking out for themselves 189, 193, 197
    • — human nature, understanding 189, 191–193
    • — loyalty 189, 194–195
    • — negatives of 197–200
    • — putting yourself first 197
    • — stealing 197, 199–200
    • — thinking fast 189, 190–191
  • success 47, 189
    • — achieving 203–217
    • — basics of 35
    • — belief in a sale 117
    • — faking it 104–105
    • — fear and self-doubt 119–123
    • — focus on the bigger picture 125
    • — hard conversations 106–109
    • — impostor syndrome 123–125
    • — necessities for 101–104
    • — negotiation 111–116
    • — persistence 116–117
    • — rejection 118–119
    • — selling 110–111
    • 6 principles of smarts 101–104
    • — support 105–106
  • success, achieving 203–217
    • — digging deep 204–210
    • — going the extra mile 210–213
    • — other people’s rules, dealing with 213–214
    • — taking action 214
  • support 105–106
  • Take a moment features
    • — balancing 4 Ps 58
    • — clutter 153
    • — daily break-even analysis 68
    • — Daily Rocks planner 139
    • — fear and self-doubt 122
    • — future, taking hold of your 33
    • — good vs bad debt 157
    • — hard conversations 109
    • — how you spend your time 69
    • — identity, your 39
    • — mentors, finding 181
    • — Now/Future/How/What planner 140–146
    • — people around you 51
    • — planet/place 53
    • — pressure, dealing with 76
    • — profit 57
    • — purpose 39, 49
    • — routine 66
    • — sacrifice 155
    • — sleep 66
    • — success, basics of 35
    • — time, managing 136
  • tall poppy syndrome 90–91
  • thinking fast 189, 190–191
  • time see also time management
    • — coffee currency 67–74
    • — competing with time 67
    • — daily break-even analysis 67–70
    • — habits, daily 63–64, 90
    • — healthy pressure 74–75
    • — how you spend your time 69
    • — managing 61, 135–146
    • — routine, creating 61, 64–65, 66
    • — valuing 17, 61–77, 129–149
  • time management 61, 135–146; see also time
    • — connecting 146–148
    • — Daily Rocks planner 137–140
    • — Now/Future/How/What planner 140–146
  • transactional website 177
  • transparency 177–178
  • trust 190–193
  • vision, personal 43, 79–99, 217
    • — belief, passionate 82
    • — change, value of 83–84
    • — coachable, being 81–82
    • — networking 84–87
    • — self-promotion 80–81, 84, 88, 91–92, 110–111
    • — sharing 79, 80–81, 84
    • — social media, use of 91–98
    • — tall poppy syndrome 90–91
  • Wesfarmers Ltd 219–221
  • what you need to get where you want to go? 141, 167–169
  • where are you now? 140, 167–169
  • where do you want to be? 141, 167–169
  • white labelling 219
  • why see purpose
  • win-win outcomes 113–114
  • Xerox 199–200
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