My partner Alicia — You are my waking inspiration every single day of our lives. You’re my constant inspiration and I cannot wait for our future. The times we’ve shared are just the start of the journey ahead.

My father Greg, for telling me to never let fear stand in the way of anything and to give life my best shot.

My mother Cathy, for supporting every single step and motion of my life to date.

My brother Nathan, who has inspired me daily to give life my all, no matter what the circumstance. You’ve guided the light for me on too many occasions.

My sister Alicia, who has inspired me, showed me what is possible and reminds me why family is so important.

My mentors over the years — Chris, Hap, Chris & Bob, Derek, Paul, Baxby, Rainbow, Patrick and all those in between — you have been my real-life university and I wouldn’t be here without your help in understanding the journey and what it all means.

My staff and suppliers, past and present; you know who you are. Thank you. For backing me, for every day guiding my vision of a different breed of business, and for putting up with my antics, obsession and curiosity.

Finally, I’d like to thank the naysayers, the teachers and the bullies for their constant reinforcement that I was not worthy of success because I was so different! You have been my underlying motivation to succeed.

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