Streamline customer onboarding using products and services
This chapter describes the concepts of products and services within Financial Transaction Manager for ACH and how to define them.
This chapter begins with an overview of Financial Transaction Manager for ACH products and services. It then explains how the products and services tie into the billing services. Lastly it provides a tutorial on defining both inbound and outbound products and services.
This chapter includes the following sections:
2.1 Products and services overview
Products within Financial Transaction Manager for ACH are sets of processing capabilities that an Originating Depository Financial Institution (ODFI), Receiving Depository Financial Institution (RDFI), or Central Bank offer to their customers. For example, an Inbound ACH product solution processes ACH transmissions from the customer to a clearing house. A product defines sets of business rules and workflows that identify the features and rules to be applied during transmission processing. As each transmission is imported into Financial Transaction Manager for ACH, it is assigned a product. The configuration settings of the product determine the handing of the transmission. Products can contain extra configurations for processing each batch within the transmission. In addition, a product can be associated with supplementary services that the customer chooses.
Services within Financial Transaction Manager for ACH are add-on functions that can be included in normal batch processing. Inbound Services can be subscribed to directly for originators and included within an Inbound product definition for sending points. Outbound products and services are subscribed to by receiving points.
By default, products are assigned to batches based on the message standard and if defined a unique identifier. However, a user exit is available for more sophisticated logic to make product assignments.
Products and services include the ability to generate billing data. The billing aspect enables a financial institution to create products that generate revenue. The service can be billed as part of the product or separately as an additional revenue stream.
Financial Transaction Manager for ACH provides the ability for financial institutions to extend the number of products with each having its own business rules, workflows, and add-on services. This versatility allows financial institutions to customize offerings to their customer base. New customers or partners, can be added with minimal configuration settings by subscribing them to the appropriate product and services.
2.2 Incorporating billing for products and services
Financial Transaction Manager for ACH includes a set of tasks that enable Financial Institutions to associate billing codes with each product. Services associated with a product can also have additional associated billing codes. Financial Transaction Manager for ACH billing tasks generates a billing report that summarizes the usage of each billing code over time. The billing report is in XML format and can be integrated into a financial institution’s back office billing systems for customer invoicing.
Billing is built as a set of tasks within the Services Framework. The purpose is to generate billing entries for received transactions (inbound billing) and transactions that are sent (outbound billing). The billing tasks insert entries in the Billing table, which can be exported for external use by the financial institution.
Billing can be associated with inbound and outbound products and services. Services are extra options available in a product and can have extra billing codes associated with them. For example, inbound transactions can have add-on financial institution defined services of types such as creating balancing entries, payment authorization, and settle when requested. The financial institution can define outbound services of the types cutoff and delivery. Currently, Financial Transaction Manager for ACH provides processing functions for many of the inbound service types, but outbound service types exist for billing purposes only. The outbound service types provide user exits, so that processing logic can be extended by the financial institution.
Billing components can consist of fixed or variable fees. Fixed fees can be charged at the daily, transmission or file, and batch levels. Variable fees are charged at the item level. Variable fees can have a set billing code or be tiered so that different items have different billing codes. Each transaction is assigned a four-digit billing service area code and one or more five-digit level billing codes. The billing codes are based on collection type, work type, billing tier, method of presentment, and, depending on the inbound product, transaction dollar amount.
Billing records contain transaction volumes and unit volumes. Transaction volumes refer to the number of fixed entities, whereas unit volume refers to the number of variable entities. Fixed billing records have transaction volumes with a unit volume of zero and the variable billing records have a unit volume with a transaction volume of zero.
2.2.1 Service area and billing tiers
A service area code is a way to categorize associated billing codes within the billing extract.
Entries in the billing table are created whenever a defined product or service processes an item at the associated billing tier. Billing tiers are noted in the following list:
Daily billing
At the start of each business day, a billing entry is added to the billing table for the product or service. Customers subscribed to the product or service are billed the daily rate regardless of whether the product or service is used on that business day.
Transmission or file billing
Upon acceptance of each file transmission, the billing table is updated with an entry for that product or service.
Batch/ICL billing
For each batch within the file, a new billing entry is included in the billing table for the product or service.
Item billing
Each credit or debit item in the batch generates a billing table entry for the product or service.
A product or service can define any number of the billing tiers. Each billing tier is independent of the other tiers.
2.3 Creating an inbound product
This section contains instructions on creating inbound products using either the Control Center console (2.5.1, “Using the Control Center” on page 39) or the data setup utility (2.5.2, “Using the data setup utility (DSU)” on page 41).
2.3.1 Using the Control Center
To create a new inbound product, log in to the Control Center and select the following menu options: Configuration → Inbound → Products → Add Product.
The Add Product (inbound) dialog box is shown in Figure 2-1.
Figure 2-1 Add inbound product
To create the inbound product, complete the following actions:
Code or Product Code {REQUIRED}
User defined maximum four alphanumeric product code. This code is used within Financial Transaction Manager for ACH as a way to reference the product within the system.
Description {REQUIRED}
A maximum 80 character descriptive name for the product.
Identifier {OPTIONAL}
The identifier is a unique maximum four character alphanumeric string that can be used as an identifier within the incoming data to determine the product association within Financial Transaction Manager for ACH.
Configure General Box {OPTIONAL}
 – Batch/ICL Validation Rule or Batch Rule Name
A drop-down box of the available validation rule sets. A selection of a valid rule set forces that rule set to be applied on transactions assigned to this product. Leaving the value as --choose a batch/ICL validation rule-- applies the rule set defined by the transmission type definition. This setting allows the financial institutions to create products with specific customized rule sets, which can be different than their default rule set. Selecting a Batch/ICL Validation Rule overrides the rule set defined for the transmission type.
 – Business Rules Workflow Name
The name of the Business Rules workflow to be used instead of the workflow defined by the transmission type definition. This category gives the Financial Institution the ability to create their own custom workflows applicable to specific products. Setting Business Workflow Name overrides the workflow rules defined for the transmission type.
 – Holdover Work Type or Holdover Work Type
Identifies the work type that is used for any transactions that are held over. The transactions can either be set to Forward or Return.
 – Balance Rule or Balance Type
This drop-down list selects which balance rule is used when determining the balance state set for the batch associated with the inbound product. The balance rules have the folowing valid choices:
 • None {DEFAULT}
 • Control
 • Transaction
 • Use Adjustment General Property
 – Move Restriction
This is the move restriction that is associated with the product. Current Batch/ICL is the default setting, and changing it overrides the settings at the default file definition. If the move restriction is set to All Batches, the transaction association can be moved beyond the batch/ICL. Unless required, this is NOT a preferred practice.
 – Settlement Type
This field sets the accounting type that is associated with the product. The Check accounting can exclude some exceptions from the prime load, whereas ACH accounting includes exceptions in the prime load.
 – Approval Required or Approval Indicator
This switch indicates whether the transactions that are associated with this inbound product are put into a pending state after ingestion. Batches in pending states must be released or approved before any further processing. By default, approval is NOT required.
 – Adjustment Required
A switch that indicates whether the transactions associated with this product are required to select adjustment codes when a total control record adjustment is performed. By default, an adjustment code must be selected.
Billing Related Box {OPTIONAL}
 – Enable Billing or Billing Indicator
The Yes/No buttons determine whether billing entries should be generated for the product. Billing-related fields cannot be edited if the default value of No is selected. If Yes is selected, a billing coded can be defined in the billing tiers. In addition, a Service Area code is required when enabling billing at the product level.
 – Service Area {REQUIRED if Enable Billing = Yes}
This four digit user-defined billing category code is required to define billing entries for a product.
 – Daily Billing Code {OPTIONAL}
Five digit user-defined code for fixed fee daily billing of the service.
 – File Billing Code {OPTIONAL}
Five digit user-defined code for fixed fee transmission billing of the service
 – Batch/ICL Billing Code {OPTIONAL}
Five digit user-defined code for fixed fee batch billing of the service
 – Item Billing Code {OPTIONAL}
Five digit user-defined code for fixed fee item billing of the service
 – Enable Tiered Product Billing or Tiered Product Indicator
The Yes/No radio buttons indicate whether this product uses tier-based billing. If Yes is selected, a default billing tier code must be provided.
 – Default Billing Tier {REQUIRED if Enable Tiered Product Billing = Yes}
Billing code to be applied in a tiered billing structure when no other applicable code is found.
After all the fields on this page are complete, clicking Save completes the addition of the product. Clicking Next continues to the next stage, where inbound services can be added to the product. This procedure in explained in 2.5, “Adding inbound services to an inbound product” on page 39.
Figure 2-2 provides an example of the definition of the inbound product ACHI, which uses the transmission batch/ICL validation rule set and business rules workflow. It forwards any holdover work, has no balance rule, and can only move items within the batch. Approvals and adjustments are required. The product sets up billing on a daily and transmission or file level. There is no tiered billing for this product.
Figure 2-2 Inbound Product definition in Control Center
2.3.2 Using the data setup utility (DSU)
Creating an inbound product using the DSU requires validation and updates in several files distributed with Financial Transaction Manager for ACH. The default names of the files to be validated or updated are in the following list:
Where install_directory is the directory specified when Financial Transaction Manager for ACH was installed.
Table 2-1 shows the correlation from the Control Center command links to the workbook tabs.
Table 2-1 Inbound product Control Center command to workbook tab
Control Center link
Workbook - tab
Configuration → Inbound → Products → Add Product
 – Inbound Products
In the properties file, validate that the workbook reference tags have the correct file names for the Cross Reference, Map, and Configuration Data workbooks. If the workbook names are different from the defaults, update the designated files according to the instructions under the default name. The specific tags to be validated are shown in Example 2-1.
Example 2-1 Workbook reference tags
mapFileName = ..//xls//SharedMap.xls
XREFFileName = ..//xls//SharedXREF.xls
inRulesFileName = ..//xls//SampleAchConfiguration.xls
In the Map workbook, validate that the Inbound Products tab has the correct mapping of column names to database table columns. It is unlikely that this file will need to be modified or updated.
In the Cross Reference workbook, on the Import tab, ensure that the row defining Inbound Products contains the value Y in the Import column is and the Mode column is set to InsertUpdate for the row with the Import sheet name column whose value is Inbound Products.
In the Configuration Data worksheet, on the Inbound Products tab in a single row, enter the data necessary to define the new product. The column names will match the parameters that are used in the Control Center. See 2.5.1, “Using the Control Center” on page 39 for more information about each field. Figure 2-3 illustrates the same example shown in Figure 2-2 on page 32for the definition of the Inbound Product ACHI.
Figure 2-3 Inbound product definition in the Control Center
After all the services the you want have been added into the Configuration Data workbook, import the data using the DSU tool import command. The execution of the DSU tool should be done from the install_directory/shared/v300/pfs/DSU/importexport/cmd. For larger workbooks, use the 64-bit version from install_directory/shared/v300/pfs/DSU/importexport/cmd64 using the following commands:
dsu import or dsu64 import
The DSU tool logs the results of the command to a log file for later inspection. The log file is in install_directory/shared/v300/pfs/DSU/importexport/cmd or wherever the properties file specifies in the logFileLocation tag.
Additional information about the Data Setup Utility can be found in 1.5, “Importing and exporting system configuration” on page 20.
2.4 Creating an inbound service
This section provides a tutorial for creating an inbound service using either the Control Center console (2.4.1, “Using the Control Center” on page 34) or the DSU (2.4.2, “Using the data setup utility (DSU)” on page 37).
2.4.1 Using the Control Center
To create an inbound service, log in to the Control Center and click Configuration → Inbound → Services → Add Inbound Service.
The Add Inbound Service window is shown in Figure 2-4.
Figure 2-4 Add Inbound Service
A Send Notification check box will appear after the drop-down box, when a service that supports that capability is selected. Currently, only the Control Total Verification service supports this option.
Each inbound service is associated with a processing level. The processing level determines when the service functionality are applied within the workflow. The processing levels are predefined within Financial Transaction Manager for ACH and cannot be modified by the financial institution. Inbound services with a transmission level set to YES are applied to each transmission. Inbound services with YES for the product level are applied to each batch within the transmission. If both the transmission level and product level for an inbound service are set to YES, then the service is applied at both levels. One such example is the create balancing entries service.
To create the inbound service, complete the following settings:
Inbound Service Code or Service Code {REQUIRED}
The internal code that is used to reference the service is a unique alphanumeric string with a maximum of four characters.
Service Type {REQUIRED}
The type of the service being defined. Service types that are predefined by the product are listed in the drop-down list.
Select a service type from the menu. The following services are available:
 • Archive
Transmission Level = “No
Product Level = “Yes
This service type enables long-term storage of codeline and image data.
 • Control Total Verification
Transmission Level = “Yes
Product Level = “No
The service enables control total verification on transmissions. When enabled, the gateway verifies the inbound transmission and matches the sending points control total file before processing the transmission. The transmission is not processed until a matching control total is received.
 • Create balancing entries
Transmission Level = “Yes
Product Level = “Yes
This service has the Settlement module create balancing entries for out of balance batches.
 • Create return item posting
Transmission Level = “No
Product Level = “Yes
This service directs the Settlement module to post return items to the originator’s account.
 • Extended RAID
Transmission Level = “No
Product Level = “Yes
This service type enables high priority long-term storage of codeline and image data. It is similar to the Archive service.
 • General Service Type 1 - General Service Type 5
Transmission Level = “No
Product Level = “Yes
These generic service types are provided to enable the financial institution to create custom services.
 • Payment Authorization
Transmission Level = “No
Product Level = “Yes
This service enables a billing code to be associated with any payment authorizations against an account.
 • Same day settlement
Transmission Level = “No
Product Level = “Yes
This service allows the Originator to receive distribution settlement on the same day as the transaction’s business day for eligible items.
 • Settle when requested
Transmission Level = “Yes
Product Level = “Yes
This service allows the Originator to request when settlement occurs, even if the request is before the distribution settlement date.
Note: The service types Retrieval and Return Repair are valid only in Financial Transaction Manager for Check and are excluded from the previous list. Some options specific to these service types are also excluded, unless specified within the workbook used by the DSU.
Send Notification or Notify {OPTIONAL; Service Type Dependent}
A check box is available to indicate whether notifications are sent to the subscriber if the service results in an error. Only services of type Control Total Verification have this option.
Image Archive Selector Code {OPTIONAL; Service Type Dependent}
This setting is not applicable for any service types that are defined in Financial Transaction Manager for ACH. It only appears for service types that are supported by Financial Transaction Manager for Check.
Description {REQUIRED}
A descriptive name for the service that is limited to eighty characters. This value is not used within Financial Transaction Manager for ACH. It only displays within the Control Center as a means to provide additional information about the service.
Daily Billing Code {OPTIONAL}
Five digit user-defined code for fixed fee daily billing of the service
Transmission Billing Code or File Billing Code {OPTIONAL}
Five digit user-defined code for fixed fee transmission billing of the service
Batch/ICL Billing Code or Batch Billing Code {OPTIONAL; Service Type Dependent}
Five digit user-defined code for fixed fee batch billing of the service
Item Billing Code or TX Billing Code {OPTIONAL; Service Type Dependent}
Five digit user-defined code for fixed fee item billing of the service
Service Area {OPTIONAL}
Four digit user-defined billing category code
Figure 2-5 illustrates example settings for adding a control total verification service for billing each transmission.
Figure 2-5 Control Total Verification Service definition in the Control Center
Note: Service Type: Control Total Verification does not have Batch/ICL or Item Billing code options, and is the only service that can send notifications.
2.4.2 Using the data setup utility (DSU)
Creating an inbound service using the DSU requires validation and updates in several files that are distributed with Financial Transaction Manager for ACH. The default names of the files to be validated and updated are as follows:
Where install_directory is the directory that was specified when installing Financial Transaction Manager for ACH.
Table 2-2 shows the correlation of the Control Center command links to the workbook tabs.
Table 2-2 Inbound Service Control Center command to workbook tab
Control Center Link
Workbook - Tab
Configuration → Inbound → Services → Add Inbound Service
 – Inbound Services
In the properties file, validate that the workbook reference tags have the correct file names for the Cross Reference, Map, and Configuration Data workbooks. If the workbook names are different from the defaults, update the designated files according to the instructions under the default name. The specific tags to be validated are shown in Example 2-2.
Example 2-2 Workbook reference tags
mapFileName = ..//xls//SharedMap.xls
XREFFileName = ..//xls//SharedXREF.xls
inRulesFileName = ..//xls//SampleAchConfiguration.xls
The Map workbook should not require any modifications unless tab names or column names were modified in either the Cross Reference or Configuration Data workbooks. The names of the tabs and columns must match between the Map and the Configuration Data workbooks.
In the Cross Reference workbook, on the Import tab, ensure that the value in the Import column is Y and the Mode column is InsertUpdate for the row where the Import sheet name value is Inbound Services.
In the Configuration Data worksheet, on the Inbound Services tab, enter a single row of data completing all the fields necessary to define the new service. The column names on the worksheet match the input boxes that are used in the Control Center. See 2.4.1, “Using the Control Center” on page 34 for more information about each field. Figure 2-6 illustrates an example of adding a Control Total Verification service to be billed for each transmission.
Figure 2-6 Control Total Verification definition in the workbook
After all the services that you want have been added into the Configuration Data workbook, import the data by using the DSU tool import command. The execution of the DSU tool should be done from the install_directory/shared/v300/pfs/DSU/importexport/cmd or for larger workbooks use the 64-bit version from install_directory/shared/v300/pfs/DSU/importexport/cmd64 using the command:
dsu import or dsu64 import
The DSU tool logs the results of the command to a log file for later inspection. The log file is in install_directory/shared/v300/pfs/DSU/importexport/cmd or wherever the properties file specifies in the logFileLocation tag.
Additional information about the data setup utility can be found in 1.5, “Importing and exporting system configuration” on page 20.
2.5 Adding inbound services to an inbound product
To bundle optional Services with a product, the services must be added to the product. Only product level services can be bundled to a product. Transmission level services are added through partner subscriptions and not associated with a specific product.
To add an inbound service to an inbound product, proceed to Step 2 of Add Product (2.3, “Creating an inbound product” on page 29) by selecting Next instead of Save. If the services already exist, proceed to Step 2 of the Product Details View in edit mode as shown in 2.5.1, “Using the Control Center” on page 39. The service must exist and be in the list of available services to be added to a product.
This section provides a tutorial for adding an inbound service to an inbound product using either the Control Center console (2.5.1, “Using the Control Center” on page 39) or the DSU (2.5.2, “Using the data setup utility (DSU)” on page 41).
2.5.1 Using the Control Center
To add an inbound service to an existing inbound product, log into the Control Center and open the Manage Inbound Products view by clicking Configuration → Inbound → Products.
Select the (view details) button for the product to which the services are to be added. When in the Inbound Product Details view, Select Next to continue on to Step 2. Select the (edit mode) button to enable selection of services between the Available List and the Selected List.
Figure 2-7 illustrates Step 2 of the window to add inbound services to inbound products.
Figure 2-7 Add inbound services to inbound product
Select the services that you want from the Available List and click Add Selected to include the services as part of the product. Multiple services can be selected by using the Ctrl key when you select the available services.
Figure 2-8 shows the Create Balancing Entries service added to the ACHI inbound product.
Figure 2-8 Inbound services by inbound product definition in the Control Center
2.5.2 Using the data setup utility (DSU)
Adding an inbound service to an inbound product by using the DSU requires validation and updates in several files that are distributed with Financial Transaction Manager for ACH. The default names of the files to be validated or updated are as follows:
Where install_directory is the directory that is specified when Financial Transaction Manager for ACH was installed.
Table 2-3 shows the correlation with the Control Center command links to the workbook tabs.
Table 2-3 Inbound product Control Center command to workbook tab
Control Center Link
Workbook - Tab
Configuration → Inbound → Products → (view details) → Next → (edit mode)
 – Inbound Services by products
In the properties file, validate that the workbook reference tags have the correct file names for the Cross Reference, Map, and Configuration Data workbooks. If the workbook names are different from the defaults, update the designated files according to the instructions under the default name. The specific tags to be validated are shown in Example 2-3.
Example 2-3 Workbook reference tags
mapFileName = ..//xls//SharedMap.xls
XREFFileName = ..//xls//SharedXREF.xls
inRulesFileName = ..//xls//SampleAchConfiguration.xls
In the Map workbook, validate that the Inbound Products tab has the correct mapping of column names to database table columns. It is unlikely that this file will need to be modified or updated.
Verify the Import tab in the Cross Reference workbook, has the Import column set to Y and the Mode column set to InsertUpdate for the row where the Import sheet name is Inbound Services by Product.
To associate a service with a product, an entry needs to be added to the Inbound Services by Product tab in the Configuration Data workbook. Enter the product code and service code into a single row of the worksheet. Figure 2-9 illustrates an example of adding the create balancing entries to the ACHI product.
Figure 2-9 Inbound service by inbound product in the workbook
After all services are added to all products, run the DSU tool on the set of updated files by running the following command:
dsu import or dsu64 import
2.6 Creating an outbound product
This section contains instructions on creating outbound products using either the Control Center console (2.7.1, “Using the Control Center” on page 46) or the DSU (2.8.2, “Using the data setup utility (DSU)” on page 51).
2.6.1 Using the Control Center
To create a new outbound product, log in to the Control Center and select the following menu options: Configuration → Outbound → Products → Distribution → Add Product.
The Add Outbound Product window is shown in Figure 2-10.
Figure 2-10 Add Outbound Product
To create the Outbound Product, complete the following items:
Product Code {REQUIRED}
User defined alphanumeric product code with a maximum of four characters. This code is used within Financial Transaction Manager for ACH as a way to reference the product within the system.
Description {REQUIRED}
A descriptive name for the service that is limited to 80 characters. This value is not used within Financial Transaction Manager for ACH. It only displays within the Control Center as a means to provide additional information about the service.
Configure General Box {OPTIONAL}
 – Collection Type
A drop-down list for the selection of a collection type. This setting is specific to Financial Transaction Manager for Check.
 – Work Type or Fed Work Type
A two character normalized Federal Reserve work type. This setting is specific to Financial Transaction Manager for Check.
 – Building Option or Building Options Name
A drop-down list that contains the defined build options. The building options are used by Distribution to determine the criteria in generating outbound transmission characteristics. For Financial Transaction Manager for ACH, the building option must have the Batch To Batch = Yes. The detailed building options can be found on the Building Options Details window. From the Manage Build Options window (Configuration → Outbound → Distribution → Building Options), select the building option to view the details.
Note: Settings and selections in the General Box override the setting of the item from the endpoint definition settings.
Billing Related Box {OPTIONAL}
 – Enable Billing or Billing Indicator
The Yes/No buttons determine whether billing entries should be generated for the product. Billing-related fields cannot be edited if the default value of No is selected. If Yes is selected, a billing code can be defined in the billing tiers. In addition, a Service Area code is required when enabling billing at the product level.
 – Service Area {REQUIRED if Enable Billing = Yes}
Four digit user-defined billing category code. This code is required to define billing entries for a product.
 – Daily Billing Code {OPTIONAL}
Five digit user-defined code for fixed fee daily billing of the service.
 – File Billing Code {OPTIONAL}
Five digit user-defined code for fixed fee transmission billing of the service.
 – Distribution Billing Code or Presentment Billing Code {OPTIONAL}
Five digit user-defined code for fixed fee batch billing of the service.
 – Tiered Product Indicator
The Yes/No buttons indicate whether this product uses tier-based billing. If No is selected, a non-tiered billing tier code must be provided.
 – Non Tiered Billing Code {REQUIRED if ‘Tiered Product Indicator’ = No}
Five digit user-defined code to be applied for all transactions. This billing code is applied only once per day.
After all the fields on the Add Outbound Product window are complete, clicking Save completes the addition of the product. Clicking Next moves you to where Outbound Services can be added to the product. This procedure is explained in 2.8, “Adding outbound services to an outbound product” on page 49.
Figure 2-11 contains an example of an Outbound Product ACHO using the NACHA building option rules and enabling billing at the file and batch levels.
Figure 2-11 Outbound product definition in the Control Center
2.6.2 Using the data setup utility (DSU)
Creating an Outbound Product using the DSU requires validation and updates in several files that are distributed with Financial Transaction Manager for ACH. The default names of the files to be validated or updated are as follows:
Where install_directory is the directory that is specified during the installation of Financial Transaction Manager for ACH.
Table 2-4 shows the correlation of the Control Center command links to the workbook tabs.
Table 2-4 Outbound service Control Center command to workbook tab
Control Center Link
Workbook - Tab
Configuration → Outbound → Products → Distribution → Add Product
 – Outbound Products
In the properties file, validate that the workbook reference tags have the correct file names for the Cross Reference, Map, and Configuration Data workbooks. If the workbook names are different than the defaults, update the designated files according to the instructions under the default name. The specific tags to be validated are shown in Example 2-4.
Example 2-4 Workbook reference tags
mapFileName = ..//xls//SharedMap.xls
XREFFileName = ..//xls//SharedXREF.xls
inRulesFileName = ..//xls//SampleAchConfiguration.xls
In the Map workbook, validate that the Outbound Products tab has the correct mapping of column names to database table columns. It is unlikely that this file will need to be modified or updated.
In the Cross Reference workbook, on the Import tab, ensure that the row defining Outbound Products contains the value Y in the Import column is and the Mode column is set to InsertUpdate in the row where Import sheet name is equal to Outbound Products.
In the Configuration Data worksheet, on the Outbound Products tab in a single row enter the data necessary to define the new product. For more information about the meanings of the columns in the workbook tab, see 2.7.1, “Using the Control Center” on page 46. Fields in the workbook but not included in 2.7.1, “Using the Control Center” on page 46 are for Financial Transaction Manager for Check only.
Figure 2-12 illustrates the same example as Figure 2-11 on page 44 used for the Control Center for adding the ACHO Outbound Product with transmission and batch level billing.
Figure 2-12 Outbound product definition in the workbook
After all the services have been added into the Configuration Data workbook, import the data by using the DSU tool import command. The execution of the DSU tool should be done from install_directory/shared/v300/pfs/DSU/importexport/cmd. Larger workbooks use the 64-bit version from install_directory/shared/v300/pfs/DSU/importexport/cmd64 using the following commands:
dsu import or dsu64 import
The DSU tool logs the results of the command to a log file for later inspection. The log file is in install_directory/shared/v300/pfs/DSU/importexport/cmd or wherever the properties file specifies in the logFileLocation tag.
Additional information about the DSU can be found in 1.5, “Importing and exporting system configuration” on page 20 of this document.
2.7 Creating an Outbound Service
Outbound Services can be created by a user with the proper privileges by using either the Control Center console (2.7.1, “Using the Control Center” on page 46) or the DSU (2.7.2, “Using the data setup utility (DSU)” on page 48).
2.7.1 Using the Control Center
To create an outbound service, log in to the Control Center and select the following menu options: Configuration → Outbound → Distribution → Services → Add Service.
The Add Outbound Service window is shown in Figure 2-13.
Figure 2-13 Add outbound service
To create the outbound service, complete the following items:
Service Code {REQUIRED}
The internal code that is used to reference the service is a unique alphanumeric string that has a maximum of four characters.
Service Type {REQUIRED}
Select a service type from the menu. The menu includes these available services:
 – Archive
This service enables long-term storage of codeline and image data.
 – Cutoff
This service provides extra methods to associate billing codes with outbound transmissions when you are varying the normal delivery cutoff times.
 – Delivery
This service enables premium or expedited delivery of outbound transmissions.
 – Discount
This service provides extra methods to associate billing codes with outbound transmissions for the receiving point partners.
 – Extended RAID
This service enables long-term storage of transmission similar to the Archive service but with a higher priority.
 – File
This service provides extra methods to associate billing codes with outbound transmissions for the receiving point partners.
 – General Service Type 1 - General Service Type 5
These are generic service types that can be used for custom services defined by the financial institution.
 – Retired
This service provides extra methods to associate billing codes with outbound transmissions for the receiving point partners.
Note: Service types such as Forward Repair, Outsort, Reclear, and SDS Service are available in Financial Transaction Manager for Check only. Options specific to these service types are also excluded.
Description {REQUIRED}
A descriptive name for the service limited to 80 characters. This value is not used within Financial Transaction Manager for ACH. It only displays within the Control Center as a means to provide additional information about the service.
Daily Billing Code {OPTIONAL}
Five digit user-defined code for fixed fee daily billing of the service.
Transmission Billing Code or File Billing Code {OPTIONAL}
Five digit user-defined code for fixed fee transmission billing of the service.
Batch/ICL Billing Code or Batch Billing Code {OPTIONAL; Service Type Dependent}
Five digit user-defined code for fixed fee batch billing of the service.
Item Billing Code or Primary Billing Code {OPTIONAL; Service Type Dependent}
Five digit user-defined code for fixed fee item billing of the service.
Service Area {OPTIONAL}
Four digit user-defined billing category code.
Image Archive Selector Code {OPTIONAL; Service Type Dependent}
This setting is not applicable for any service types that are defined in Financial Transaction Manager for ACH. It only appears for service types that are supported by Financial Transaction Manager for Check.
Figure 2-14 illustrates example settings for adding a same day settlement service to be billed for each batch.
Figure 2-14 Cutoff service definition in Control Center
Note: Service Type: Reclear does not have Transmission or Batch/ICL Billing code options.
2.7.2 Using the data setup utility (DSU)
Creating an Outbound Service using the DSU requires validation and updates in several files that are distributed with Financial Transaction Manager for ACH. The default names of the files to be validated or updated are as follows:
Where install_directory is the installation directory for Financial Transaction Manager for ACH.
Table 2-5 shows the correlation of the Control Center command links to the workbook tabs.
Table 2-5 Outbound service Control Center command to workbook tab
Control Center Link
Workbook - Tab
Configuration → Outbound → Distribution → Services → Add Service
 – Outbound Services
In the properties file, validate that the workbook reference tags have the correct file names for the Cross Reference, Map, and Configuration Data workbooks. If the workbook names are different from the defaults, update the designated files according to the instructions under the default name. The specific tags to be validated are shown in Example 2-5.
Example 2-5 Workbook reference tags
mapFileName = ..//xls//SharedMap.xls
XREFFileName = ..//xls//SharedXREF.xls
inRulesFileName = ..//xls//SampleAchConfiguration.xls
In the Map workbook, validate that the Outbound Services tab has the correct mapping of column names to database table columns. It is unlikely that this file needs to be modified or updated.
In the Cross Reference workbook, on the Import tab, ensure that the row defining Outbound Services contains the value Y in the Import column is and the Mode column is set to InsertUpdate in the row where Import sheet name is equal to Outbound Services.
In the Configuration Data worksheet, on the Outbound Services tab in a single row enter the data necessary to define the new service. The column names are matched up with the fields defined in the Control Center windows. For more information about those fields, see 2.7.1, “Using the Control Center” on page 46. Figure 2-15 illustrates same example as used in the Control Center for adding a cutoff service with batch level billing.
Figure 2-15 Adding a cutoff service with batch level billing
After all the services have been added into the Configuration Data workbook, import the data using the DSU tool import command. The execution of the DSU tool should be done from install_directory/shared/v300/pfs/DSU/importexport/cmd. For larger workbooks, use the 64-bit version from install_directory/shared/v300/pfs/DSU/importexport/cmd64 using the following commands:
dsu import or dsu64 import
The DSU tool logs the results of the command to a log file for later inspection. The log file is in install_directory/shared/v300/pfs/DSU/importexport/cmd or wherever the properties file specifies in the logFileLocation tag.
Additional information about the data setup utility can be found in 1.5, “Importing and exporting system configuration” on page 20.
2.8 Adding outbound services to an outbound product
Bundling Services with a Product requires that those services be added to the product. Only product level services can be bundled to a product.
To add an outbound service to an outbound product, proceed to Step 2 of Add Outbound Product (2.6, “Creating an outbound product” on page 42) by selecting Next instead of Save. If the services already exist, proceed to Step 2 of the Product Details View in edit mode as shown in 2.8.1, “Using Control Center” on page 49. The service must exist and be in the list of available services to be added to a product.
2.8.1 Using Control Center
To add an outbound service to an existing outbound product, log in to the Control Center and open the Manage Outbound Products view by clicking Configuration → Outbound → Distribution → Products.
Select the (view details) button for the product to which the services are to be added. When in the Outbound Product Details view, select Next to continue. Select the (edit mode) button to enable selection of services between the Available List and the Selected List.
Figure 2-16 illustrates the Step 2 window for adding a service to a product.
Figure 2-16 Add Outbound Service to Outbound Product
Select the services from the Available Services and click Add Selected to include the services as part of the product. Multiple services can be selected by holding the Ctrl key when you select the available services.
Figure 2-17 shows the cutoff service added to the ACHO Outbound product.
Figure 2-17 Outbound services by outbound product definition in the Control Center
2.8.2 Using the data setup utility (DSU)
Adding an outbound service to an outbound product using the DSU requires validation and updates in several files that are distributed with Financial Transaction Manager for ACH. The default names of the files to be validated or updated are as follows:
Where install_directory is the directory that is specified during the installation of Financial Transaction Manager for ACH.
Table 2-6 shows the correlation of the Control Center command links to the workbook tabs.
Table 2-6 Outbound service Control Center command to workbook tab
Control Center Link
Workbook - Tab
Configuration → Outbound → Distribution → Products → (view details) → Next → (edit mode)
 – Outbound Services by Products
In the properties file, validate that the workbook reference tags have the correct file names for the Cross Reference, Map, and Configuration Data workbooks. If the workbook names are different from the defaults, update the designated files according to the instructions under the default name. The specific tags to be validated are shown in Example 2-6.
Example 2-6 Workbook reference tags
mapFileName = ..//xls//SharedMap.xls
XREFFileName = ..//xls//SharedXREF.xls
inRulesFileName = ..//xls//SampleAchConfiguration.xls
In the Map workbook, validate that the Outbound Products tab has the correct mapping of column names to database table columns. It is unlikely that this file needs to be modified or updated.
Verify the Import tab in the Cross Reference workbook, has the Import column set to Y and the Mode column set to InsertUpdate for the row whose Import Sheet name value is Outbound Services by Product.
To associate a service with a product, an entry needs to be added to the Outbound Services by Product tab in the Configuration Data workbook. Enter the product code and service code into a single row of the worksheet.
Figure 2-18 illustrates an example of adding the same day settlement service to the ACHO outbound product.
Figure 2-18 Outbound services by product definition in the workbook
After all services are added to all products, run the DSU tool on the set of updated files by running the following command:
dsu import or dsu64 import
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