A.11. Chapter 11

  1. Privileges can be grouped and assigned as a unit by using what database object?

    Answer: A role can be used to group system and object privileges and assign them as a unit to database users.

  2. When granting privileges with the GRANT statement, what does the clause WITH GRANT OPTION do?

    Answer: The WITH GRANT OPTION clause allows the grantee to pass on the privilege to another database user.

  3. DROP USER and CREATE SESSION are examples of what kind of privileges?

    Answer: DROP USER and CREATE SESSION are examples of system privileges.

  4. What is the name of the table, owned by the user SYS, that contains all audit records?

    Answer: The table SYS.AUD$ contains all audit records.

  5. Write a SQL statement that will create audit records when UPDATE statements fail against the HR.EMPLOYEES table.

    Answer: The following SQL statement will create audit records when UPDATE statements fail against the HR.EMPLOYEES table:

    audit update on hr.employees whenever not successful;

  6. Which system privilege allows a user to make a connection to the database?

    Answer: The CREATE SESSION system privilege allows a user to make a connection to the database.

  7. In addition to assigning a default tablespace to a user, what else must be assigned to a user before that user can create objects in the tablespace?

    Answer: A quota must be assigned to a user before that user can create objects in the tablespace.

  8. Which tablespace is assigned to a user for the user's permanent objects if one is not explicitly assigned in the CREATE USER statement?

    Answer: The SYSTEM tablespace is assigned to a user for permanent objects if no tablespace is explicitly assigned in the CREATE USER statement.

  9. DELETE, INSERT, and EXECUTE are examples of what kind of privileges?

    Answer: DELETE, INSERT, and EXECUTE are examples of object privileges.

  10. A profile controls which kinds of database resources?

    Answer: A profile controls things such as concurrent connections to the database, CPU time used, continuous idle time, disk reads performed, failed login attempts, how often a password needs to be changed, and elapsed time connected.

  11. Which keyword can be used in a GRANT command to assign one or more privileges to every user in the database?

    Answer: The PUBLIC keyword can be used instead of an individual username or role in a GRANT command to assign one or more privileges to every user in the database.

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