List of Acronyms

BR British Railways
BWB British Waterways Board
CABE Commission on Architecture and the Built Environment
CHP Combined Heat and Power
CIL Community Infrastructure Levy
CTRL Channel Tunnel Rail Link
DCLG Department for Communities and Local Government
DfT Department for Transport
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
HCA Homes and Community Agency
GLA Greater London Authority
GNH Great Northern Hotel
KCCP King’s Cross Central Limited Partnership
KCP King’s Cross Partnership
KXCAAC King’s Cross Conservation Area Advisory Committee
KXCD King’s Cross Community Development Trust
KCIG King’s Cross Impact Group
KXDF King’s Cross Development Forum
KXRLG King’s Cross Railways Lands Group
LCA London Communications Agency
LCR London and Continental Railways
LDA London Development Agency
LUL London Underground Limited
NFC National Freight Corporation
PAL Planning Aid for London
RSL Registered Social Landlord
SCI Statement of Community Involvement
SPG Supplementary Planning Guidance
SRB Single Regeneration Budget
TfL Transport for London
UDP Unitary Development Plan
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
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