



The broad goals of cost–benefit analysis and cost–benefit assessment are to provide procedures for the estimation and evaluation of the benefits and the costs associated with alternative courses of action, including their analysis and assessment. In many cases it will not be possible to obtain a completely economic evaluation of the benefits of proposed courses of action. In this case the word benefit is replaced by the term effectiveness, and we determine a cost–effectiveness analysis and assessment rather than a strictly economic analysis and assessment of the net benefits associated with alternative courses of action.

We may view economics as a descriptive or as a normative science. The often retrospective study of the decisions people and organizations make with respect to the employment of scarce resources for production and consumption is a descriptive study. The study of the decisions that people and organizations should make with respect to resource allocations is a normative study. Our studies of the behavior of firms and consumers in Chapters 2 to 4 are basically studies of the normative behavior of individual firms and consumers. Often descriptive behavior will be approximately the same as normative behavior, at least in a substantive or “as if” fashion. Of course, normative implies value judgments. Here “normative” would have to imply “assuming that firms and consumers wish to maximize their profit and utility, respectively.” Some related comments may be found in Section 1.8.

In this chapter we restate the fundamental assumptions and requirements for rational (unaided) economic behavior. As we shall see, these requirements are somewhat difficult, especially with respect to their information demands, for consumers and firms to meet, in an unaided, descriptive, or positive sense. They are especially difficult to meet when there are groups, either of individuals or of firms, involved.

In Chapter 5 we introduced concepts from welfare or normative economics. In these situations, there is invariably more than one person or firm present. Thus questions of equity in the distribution of allocations will necessarily arise, unless some very restrictive assumptions are imposed. These assumptions will ensure that all of the requirements for the existence of perfect competition are met. When there is more than one person’s judgment involved, questions generally arise concerning how to combine the judgments of the individuals involved. There are a large number of ways to accomplish this combination, and five are particularly important here. We illustrate these for the case where there are two alternatives under consideration.

1. Unanimity. Alternative 1 is superior to alternative 2 if each member of society individually judges alternative 1 superior to alternative 2.

2. Majority Rule. Alternative 1 is superior to alternative 2 if the majority of the members of society prefer alternative 1 over alternative 2.

3. Pareto Superiority. Alternative 1 is Pareto superior to alternative 2 if at least one person judges alternative 1 superior to alternative 2 and no one judges alternative 2 superior to alternative 1.

4. Potential Pareto Superiority. Alternative 1 is potentially Pareto superior to alternative 2 if those who “gain” by the choice of alterative 1 over alternative 2 could compensate those who “lose,” so that if compensation were paid, the final result would be that no one would be worse off than if alternative 2 had been selected.

5. Social Welfare Superiority. Alternative 1 is superior to alternative 2 in terms of social welfare if the cardinal utility function representing social welfare is larger for alternative 1 than it is for alternative 2.

A brief discussion of each of these criteria is in order. Obviously unanimity is very desirable, but it will often not exist. Majority rule may lead to significant group intransitivity, as we have seen in Chapter 5, even when the preference structure of each individual in the group is transitive. For example, if there are three people with preferences among three alternatives a > b > c, b > c > a, and c > a > b >, then two out of the three people express the preferences a > b, b > c, and c > a and there is a major intransitivity. This can be, in principle, completely resolved by using a cardinal preference scale such that a scalar social welfare function results. There are considerable pragmatic difficulties, however, in constructing a cardinal scalar social welfare function.

Pareto superiority is only a slight weakening of the unanimity conditions in that individuals are now allowed to be indifferent or to judge alternatives as incomparable. It is doubtful that Pareto superiority will exist among many alternatives in realistic situations. Thus we will be left with a Pareto-efficient frontier with no way of determining a single Pareto-superior alternative. The concept of potential Pareto superiority is then of major importance. It is the potential Pareto-superiority criterion that forms the basic criterion for cost–benefit analysis. It is not especially different from the social welfare superiority criterion for cases where a strictly economic analysis can be performed. A key concept contained in the potential Pareto-superiority criterion, which is not explicitly contained in the scalar social welfare criterion, is that of gainers potentially compensating losers. This implies a precise measurement of costs and benefits, which will often be very difficult to accomplish. It will require a cardinal preference scale.

In Section 6.2 we introduce some necessary preliminary concepts. Included among these are various subjects from engineering economics, including net present worth (NPW), rate of return, depreciation, inflation, opportunity costs, portfolios of projects, and discount rates. Then we turn our attention to a more formal definition of cost–benefit analysis. Following this, we discuss the role of consumer and producer surplus, shadow pricing, and valuation of unmarketed goods in cost–benefit analysis. Finally, we present a brief discussion of cost–effectiveness analysis. The generic principles and concepts of cost–benefit and cost–effectiveness analyses are equally applicable in the private and public sectors. Our discussions focus on the usage of these important concepts in both sectors.


Generally, it is not fully meaningful to simply add monetary values when these exist at different points in time. Few of us would be just as happy with $10,000 received five years from now as we are to have the $10,000 now. There are several reasons for this. Normally we value present consumption more than we do future consumption. Also, opportunities may be lost due to not having capital at an earlier point in time. Consequently, we are generally willing to pay a premium for present consumption, or the opportunity for consumption, which is a measure of the worth of money over time. This premium is known as the discount rate or interest rate. This interest rate will vary with the supply and demand for money and with the risk that is associated with the venture. As we have noted, we will not specifically deal with risk and uncertainty considerations here, despite their great importance. The interest rate will also have to include the inflation rate.

6.2.1 Present and Future Worth

When we deposit an amount P0 into a savings account at year 0 and the yearly interest earned on the investment is i times the principal, then we expect to earn iP0 in interest in one year, and to have available at the end of the first year the principal plus interest, or F1 = P0 + iP0 = P0(1 + i). If this amount is invested for the next year, we will have F2 = P1(1 + i) = F1(1 + i) = P0(1 + i)2 at the end of the second year. At the end of N years we will have accumulated


In a similar way, the present value P0 of a future amount FN is


Often amounts are invested over a number of years. As we have noted, it would not be generally meaningful to simply add monies that occur at different points in time. But it is generally meaningful to add the present values of amounts An that occur at different points in time. The relation


expresses the worth, really the discounted worth, at time 0 of an amount A, at time n, when the interest rate is i. We simply add these amounts for all n under consideration and obtain


There is no need for the interest to remain constant from year to year. Should the interest rate from year k to year k + 1 be ik, then we have



This expression represents the present worth of amounts An invested for n years, where the interest rate varies from year to year.

In some cases the annual amounts of a benefit or a cost are constant. Then, if the discount rate is constant over the period under consideration, relatively simple closed-form expressions for present worth result. Many ways can be used to obtain these. One simple way is to note that the present worth, at time 0, of an amount 1 invested forever on an annual basis beginning at year 1 is


This follows in a simple manner from


where a = (1 + i)−1. The present value at time N of an amount i invested annually from time N + 1 is also i−1, and the present value at time 0 of this is i−1 (1 + i)N. We subtract this from the expression i−1 and obtain the expression for the present worth, at time 0, of an amount 1 invested annually for N years. We have therefore determined that the present (discounted) worth P0 of a constant amount A invested at each of the N periods from n = 1 to N is given by


We may easily calculate the future worth, at the Nth period, of annual payments from this relation as


We now drop the subscripts on P and F for convenience. Relations such as these are especially useful for calculating the amount of annuity payments that an initial principal investment will purchase, or for calculating constant-amount mortgage payments. We must, however, be sure that we understand the precise meaning of the calculation, as we will soon see.

Example 6.1:

Traditional home mortgage payments are adjusted such that the monthly payments A are constant. For monthly compounding of interest and monthly payments for N years to retire principal amount P, at annual interest i, we have from Equation 6.7


We may easily obtain a table showing the ratio A/P, which represents the fraction of the principal paid off monthly, and 12NA/P, which is the ratio of total payments of principal and interest over the life of the mortgage to the principal.

Among other things, there is generally great difficulty in coping with fixed monthly payments and a fixed-size mortgage as interest rates increase. For example, if we could afford to pay 1.7% of the mortgage principal per month, we could pay off a loan in about 6.25 years if the interest rate were 8%, whereas it will take 20 years at 20% interest. There is no way that the monthly payment will be less than 1.67% of the principal if the interest rate is 20%. The monthly payments required to service the interest are 0.20/12 = 0.01667 of the principal. Of course, these sorts of facts have led to great difficulty in home purchase in recent times.

There are extensive tables available of the form presented here. With the advent of the handheld stored program calculator, and with inexpensive microcomputers, there seems to be little need for them at this time, however.

Other factors such as inflation and depreciation (or appreciation) need to be considered when evaluating the present or future worth of a project. For the most part these can be considered just as if they were interest. For example, the worth at year n + 1 of an investment at year n of Pn that is subject to interest i, inflation r, and depreciation d is given by


Here in is the interest in year n, rn the inflation in year n, and dn the depreciation in year n. If we assume that this is augmented by an amount An+1 in year n + 1, then the worth of the investment at the start of the next period is




We can solve this difference equation with arbitrary values of the parameters in, rn, dn, and An+1 to yield the future worth of any given investment path and annual investment over time.

In the simplest case the initial investment Pn,n is zero and the annual investment and rates are constant. Then it is a simple matter for us to show that the result of an investment over N years is given by the future amount at year N:




If the percentage rates are all quite small, little error results from using the approximation obtained by dropping the products of small terms. We have


such that we simply use an effective interest rate that is the true interest rate less inflation and depreciation.

6.2.2 Economic Appraisal Methods

There are several existing methods that we can use to yield a single number that is reflective of the economic value of a project. The crudest of these do not consider the time value of money at all. The payback period, for example, is the time required from the start of a project before total cash flow becomes positive. Generally, projects involve initial outflows of capital followed by returns on the investment. As can be easily shown, the payback period is a rather naive criterion to use in evaluating projects.

Another common method of project evaluation is called the internal rate of return (IRR). It is that interest rate that will result in economic benefits from the project being equal to economic costs, assuming that all cash flows can be invested at the IRR. The assumption that it is possible to invest cash flows from the project at the IRR will often be incorrect. Thus the number that results from the IRR calculation may give an unfortunate impression of the actual return on investment (ROI). It tends to favor short-term projects that yield benefits quickly, as contrasted with projects that yield long-term benefits only, because of this reinvestment at the constant IRR assumption.

The relation from which the IRR may be calculated is easily obtained. If we assume that a project, of duration N years, has benefits Bn in year n and costs CN, then the present value of the benefits and costs are, assuming that the interest rate is constant,



The NPW of the project is given by


To obtain the IRR we set the NPW equal to zero and solve the resulting Nth-order algebraic equation for the IRR.

Three other criteria result from these relations. We have just defined the NPW criterion as the relation from which the IRR is obtained. We note, however, that the interest rate used in the NPW calculation is the actual interest rate, whereas the interest rate obtained from the IRR criterion is a fictitious rate that assumes reinvestment possibilities at the IRR. The benefit–cost ratio (BCR) is just the ratio of benefits to cost and is given by


The ROI is just the ratio of the net present value to the net present costs and is given by


Sometimes the ROI criterion is called the net benefit to cost ratio (NBCR) or the NPW to cost ratio.

It is of considerable interest to contrast and compare these criteria so as to enable a determination of the criterion, or criteria, most appropriate in particular circumstances. We will first consider the selection of a single project from several. An immediate problem that arises is that NPW and IRR may lead to conflicting results. The BCR criterion may result in a different ranking also. Unless costs are constrained, there is no real reason to use a BCR criterion, however.

Two projects may have the NPW versus interest rate curves shown in Fig. 6.1. Here we see that if the actual interest rate i is less than interest rate image, the rate at which the NPW of the two investments are the same, we prefer investment A over investment B if we use the NPW criterion. If the interest rate i is greater than image, we prefer investment B. However, if the actual interest rate is greater than IRRB, we would prefer not to invest at all, if this is possible, since the NPW of each investment is negative.

Figure 6.1. New Present Worth and Internal Rate of Return for Two Simple Projects.


The IRR of project A is IRRA and that of project B is IRRB. Since IRRB is greater than IRRA, we would prefer project B to project A by the simplest IRR criterion. Some analysts would calculate a differential IRR by assuming one project as a base project and calculate a differential IRR (ΔIRR) for switching from the first project to the second. If, for some reason, we are able to select project A as the base project, then the ΔIRR curve is obtained from ΔNPW = NPWB − NPWA, as shown in Fig. 6.2. The ΔIRR of the differential investment is i. If i is greater than the actual interest rate i, or possibly a minimum attractive rate of return (MARR), then we should select project B. This is opposite to the conclusion obtained before. So perhaps we should have computed ΔNPW = NPWA − NPWB, but there is no logic to suggest this. Let us examine these two criteria in greater detail such that we obtain a greater appreciation for what they actually measure.

Figure 6.2. Differential Net Present Worth Curve: Net Present Worth of Investment B Minus That of Investment A.


6.2.3 Comparison of Net Present Worth and Internal Rate of Return Criteria

To set the stage for a comparison of the NPW and IRR as investment rules, it is of value to discuss desirable properties for an investment rule.

The following are four essential properties or assumptions that any rational investment rule or criterion should satisfy:

1. All cash flows should be considered.

2. The cash flows should be discounted at the opportunity cost of capital (OCC) or some specified discount rate.

3. The rule should select, from a set of mutually exclusive projects, the one that maximizes benefit or wealth broadly defined.

4. One should valuate one project independently of all others.

Property 1 is trivially desirable, since we cannot obtain a valid measure of the worth of an investment unless we consider all the cash flows that constitute that investment. The OCC is the interest rate that can be obtained on an investment, and we will obtain an unrealistic picture of the worth of an investment unless we consider this and discount the investment at this or some other specified (social) discount rate. Wealth or benefit maximization is clearly the scalar performance criterion we should use, as this, broadly defined, represents economic effectiveness. Finally, it is desirable that we evaluate a project independently of all others, perhaps by comparing it to an absolute standard. This assures us that economic evaluation will be relatively simple to accomplish. For n projects we need only accomplish n evaluations, as contrasted with a much larger number that would result if the evaluations were not independent. Also, there can exist transitivity difficulties in making selective pairwise alternative comparisons. Thus we prefer to not use evaluation criteria that call for pairwise comparisons or, at least, to approach pairwise comparisons with the greatest of caution.

Some of the many problems with the IRR criterion are the following:

A. The IRR criterion does not discount money at the OCC. There is an implicit assumption inherent in the IRR criterion that the time value of money is the IRR, since all cash flows are discounted at that rate. Thus the IRR criterion violates the implicit reinvestment rate assumption property 2 that money should be discounted at the OCC.

B. Because of problem A, the IRR criterion does not allow one to consider time-varying opportunity costs of capital. Since this often occurs, this is a rather significant potential flaw.

As a consequence of violating rational rule 2, due to either or both problems A and B, use of the IRR as a decision criterion will often lead to choice of an inferior investment. To illustrate a simple example of this, consider two investment alternatives that yield the NPW versus discount rate curves shown in Fig. 6.3. The IRR criterion will select project 2 as being better than project 1, whereas in reality project 1 is better at the OCC shown in Fig. 6.3. The reason why the IRR criterion errs here, and in other cases as well, is that the unstated implicit assumption is made that all cash flows can be reinvested at a rate equal to the IRR. This implicit assumption defies common sense and logic. Thus use of the IRR as a criterion does not assure selection of the project that maximizes wealth.

Figure 6.3. Net Present Worth Versus Interest Rate, Discount Rate, or Opportunity Cost of Capital.


C. Consequently, the IRR criterion violates rule 3. This violation was apparently first discovered by the noted economist, statistician, and decision theorist Savage, together with coauthor Lorie, in 1955 in their famous paper “Three problems in capital rationing.”

One way in which some people propose to avoid this fundamental flaw with the IRR criterion is to use the IRR criterion on the cash flow differences between two investment alternatives. But the difficulties with the IRR do not end by using these differential calculations. Calculations using the incremental rate of return using the algorithms often posed may give precisely the wrong answer. The following steps are often recommended to accomplish the differential IRR calculations:

a. For two alternatives, the incremental rate of return (ΔROR) on the difference between the alternatives is computed. This is compared with a threshold of acceptability called the minimum attractive rate of return (MARR):

If ΔROR ≥ MARR, the higher cost alternative is chosen.

If ΔROR < MARR, the lower cost alternative is chosen.

b. For three or more alternatives the typical procedure used is a bit more complicated. An incremental pairwise analysis is generally used in which the computed incremental IRR is compared to the MARR for essentially all differences between pairwise comparisons of projects. An increment is said to be economically desirable by the IRR criterion whenever ΔIRR ≥ MARR.

The typical steps in the incremental rate of return analysis for more than two alternatives are the following:

1. Compute the rate of return for each alternative and reject any alternatives whose IRR is less than the MARR.

2. Rank the remaining alternatives in their order of increasing present worth of cost. If a higher cost alternative has an IRR greater than that of a lower cost alternative, then the lower cost alternative may be immediately rejected according to the IRR criterion.

3. Consider only those alternatives not rejected in steps 1 and 2. Compute the incremental IRR (ΔIRR) on the differences between the two lowest cost alternatives by subtracting the alternative with the higher present value of cost from that with the lower present value of cost. If the ΔIRR ≥ MARR, the increment is desirable according to this rule. The higher cost alternative should be retained for further consideration and the lower cost alternative rejected. The opposite judgment is made when ΔIRR < MARR.

4. Take the preferred alternative from step 3, consider the next higher cost alternative, and proceed with another two alternative pairwise comparisons.

5. This procedure is continued until all alternatives have been examined and the best of the multiple alternatives has been identified according to this particular criterion.

In all of this analysis, it is implicitly assumed that all positive differential increments of investments—all investments with ΔIRRs that exceed the MARR—are desirable. In every situation, the best project will invariably depend on the assumed discount rate. There cannot, in general, be any “best project” that is independent of the OCC. Thus our “desirable property 2” is indeed desirable. Even if these complexities and difficulties were not present, there are still other problems with the IRR criterion:

D. Use of the IRR necessitates confounding all projects that are under consideration to select the best project, even if the projects are mutually exclusive. Thus if there are N projects, there will need to be N! pairwise comparisons of projects. We cannot, or at least should not, use the simplified approach of eliminating an alternative once it is shown to be inferior to another. This approach is generally not applicable, as its use presumes transitivity of the IRR as an evaluation rule, and transitivity is not guaranteed. If there are 8 mutually exclusive projects to consider, we might need to make 8! = 40,320 differential pairwise comparisons to select the best single project. Thus the amount of computational labor required to select a single project from eight can be enormous. This would be bad by itself, but there are even more significant deficiencies in the IRR as a criterion. When one considers portfolio selection, the problem becomes truly unmanageable, for one must evaluate 2N! portfolios for N projects.

E. Even the addition of independent projects alters project selection when using the IRR as a criterion. This and problem D violate property 4, the value additivity property that is desirable of an investment criterion.

The conclusion that the IRR is only of any value when one has a very “simple” investment, such as an initial cost followed by a constant steady stream of benefits, appears correct and unavoidable. But let us continue with our discussion of the virtues of this IRR criterion. Another problem is the following:

F. The IRR rule can, and generally will, result in multiple rates of return. None of these may make sense because of the violation of rule 2. Furthermore, these multiple rates of return will typically violate rule or property 4.

Example 6.2:

A classic example1 in which this violation occurs is the oil well pump problem. An oil company wants to know whether to install a new, higher-speed pump on a well already in operation. With the existing pump, the cash flow will be $10 million in years 1 and 2, and the oil well will be fully depleted. A new pump costs $1.6 million, but will allow extraction of the $20 million worth of oil in year 1. The basic analysis using the IRR criterion is always a differential or incremental analysis, and the following are incremental cash flows representing the difference between the new pump and the existing pump. For the cash flow due to the new pump, we have the following:

Year Cash flow
0 −1,600,000
1 −10,000,000
2 10,000,000

The reason for the negative cash flow in year 2 is that all of the oil is extricated in year 1 with the new “superpump.” With the old pump, there would be some oil to extract in year 2. The project has two IRRs, 25% and 400%. Suppose the OCC = MARR = 10%. We have an abundance of IRRs (although perhaps not oil) now, and each exceeds the OCC or MARR. Should the project be accepted, since both of these IRR rates are very good? The NPW of this investment is easily shown to be negative, about −773,554, and the oil company should not buy the pump, even though the IRR approach would suggest it.

It is actually possible, however, to use a modified form of IRR correctly. There is a real physical and conceptual problem associated with the IRR criterion. There cannot be more than one rate of return, although incorrect thought may lead to a formal computation of several rates of return. What we should note is that the cash the oil company gives to the project earns at the IRR, but the cash the project gives to the company earns at the OCC. There is simply no way in general that the cash payout at year 1 can be invested at the IRR. The firm invests $1.6 million initially in the project and this is worth, at the end of the first year (in millions of dollars, or M dollars), 1.6(1 + IRR).

This returns a gain at year 1 at the IRR, since there is an investment in the project. The amount paid to the firm from the oil extracted exceeds the investment in the project. This money is invested back in the project to the extent of the discounted initial investment. This money, over the next period, earns at the OCC. So we have (in M dollars) 10(1 + i) − 1.6(1 + IRR)(1 + i) as the amount the firm has earned at the end of the second period. The firm then pays $10M at the end of the second interest period, and so we have for the net worth at that time F = −10 + 10(1 + i) + 1.6(1 + IRR)(1 + i). The OCC = i = 10%, and we can easily compute the IRR and obtain, for F = 0, IRR = −43.18%. The IRR is negative as well, as it should be. The project should be rejected. We note that this correct analysis using a modified IRR gives the same conclusion. However, this is a very cumbersome analysis. There are several nonlinear logic steps involved, since one must make a decision at each point concerning whether to use OCC or IRR as the interest rate. The basic IRR approach is much simpler, easy to present, easy to understand, and wrong. We do not advocate it, except in very simple cases, such as the one noted earlier. For complex situations, the calculations needed to obtain meaningful results using the IRR criterion are very tedious to perform and not necessarily easy to understand.

There have been a number of efforts to salvage the IRR concept by developing a taxonomy of investments and then developing IRR procedures for each resulting category. It is perhaps easiest to distinguish between what we might regard as simple conventional and nonsimple nonconventional investments. A simple conventional investment is one in which there is an initial flow of capital into the project in years 0, 1,..., M and an outflow of cash from the project in later years M + 1, M + . . ., N. A nonsimple nonconventional investment is one that is not simple or conventional—an investment has one or more positive cash inflows into the investment after a positive cash outflow from the project. For example, the cash flow from Example 6.1 represents a conventional investment, whereas that in Example 6.2 represents a nonconventional investment. A conventional investment is one whose cumulative net worth from 0 to a point in time T necessarily improves after some point in time where the cash flows first become (and remain) positive. In this sense, a conventional investment is necessarily a pure investment. A nonconventional investment may be a pure investment, but it may also be a mixed investment in the sense that the net worth from 0 to a point in time T may well not be monotonically increasing in T for sufficiently large T; it may become negative for sufficiently large T. A mixed project investment is one that has unrecovered investment balances such that the firm “loans” money to the project and overrecovered investment balances such that the firm “borrows” money from the investment. At a valid IRR, a pure investment is one such that the firm never “borrows” from the project. It is to obtain this valid IRR that we corrected the conventional IRR calculations in Example 6.2, which represents a nonsimple mixed investment strategy. When investments are nonsimple and mixed, we need to use two interest rates: an IRR, perhaps more properly called return from the project on invested capital, and a return on capital loaned to the firm from the project that can only earn at the OCC.

It is easy to examine the cash flow from a project to determine whether we are dealing with a simple or nonsimple investment. If a sequence of positive returns to the firm follows a sequence of negative returns (or investments), we have a simple investment. A simple investment is necessarily pure, and there can exist only one positive IRR.

If we have a nonsimple investment, we can calculate the project investment balances as a function of time using sequences of an IRR that is not yet known and the OCC discount rate. The value of IRR that would cause this balance to go to zero would be determined. If this computed IRR is between the values of interest that produce positive NPW at that point in time, we can generally assume that the project is returning money to the firm at that point in time. After this, the project is loaning money to the firm, and the OCC should be used to compute balances at the next period. A general statement of an appropriate algorithm is available, and contained in the work by Bussey (1978), but we will not present it here.

We have presented a number of discussions here to indicate that the IRR is the interest rate earned only on the unrecovered balances of an investment such that a precise zero balance of costs and benefits occurs at the assumed end of the project. As we will indicate by means of an example, the IRR is not just a rate of interest on the positive investments into the project. When there are positive recovered investment balances, or intermediate cash flows to the firm from the projects, as typically there will be when we compare two project alternatives, we must use a correct interpretation of the ΔIRR calculations if we are to obtain consistent results. Generally this is complex. Even when we have initial simple pure investments, we can only determine whether or not a project is acceptable in terms of whether or not IRR > MARR. We cannot ever justify using IRR as a figure of merit to use in ranking projects. To do this we must use the corrected ΔIRR concept, which generally results in a nonsimple mixed investment project and a tedious evaluation effort.

Example 6.3:

As a final illustration of the IRR and NPW criteria as decision rules, let us briefly consider the cash flow from three very simple investments:


Each of these investments represents a simple pure investment. Suppose that we assume that OCC = 12%. Then we easily calculate the NPW and IRR and obtain the following:

NPV, $ IRR, %
A 20.08 23.35
B 20.09 19.05
C 28.12 21.645

Clearly investment C is the superior investment, as it has the higher NPW. It does not have the highest IRR, however. For all practical purposes, from the viewpoint of initial cost and NPW, investments A and B are equivalent, although investment B has a 1¢ higher NPW and a 1¢ lower initial cost.

If we use the IRR criterion, investment A is the clear winner. In reality, it is the worst loser. We note, incidentally, that if we could purchase investments A, B, and C, the total NPW is just the sum of the NPWs for the three investments, that is, $68.30. This indicates the simplicity of the NPW calculation. But what about the IRR for the combined three investments? It turns out to be IRR(A + B + C) = 21.084% and is obtained from the solution of a nonlinear algebraic equation. There is no way that the three individual IRRs can be combined to yield the total IRR.

If we apply rule 2 for use of the IRR criterion, we note that higher cost alternative A has an IRR greater than the rate of return of all lower cost alternatives; so immediately we may pick A as the winner. Of course, it is the logical loser. The incremental flows are given by the following:

Year Investment A–B, $ Investment A–C, $
0 −0.01 −0.01
1 50 50
2 50 50
3 −118.72 130

Each of these represents a nonsimple mixed investment. We calculate the NPW and ΔIRR and obtain the following:

Project NPW, $ ΔIRR, %
A–B −0.01 12.01, ∞
A–C −8.03 18.82, ∞

If we assume that MARR = OCC = 12%, we see that we should purchase the differential projects (i.e., the higher cost alternative A) in both cases. Even though the ΔIRR criterion says purchase A compared to B, there is virtually no difference between them; the ΔIRR criterion says there is a 12% difference in internal return (whatever that is). Now, the ΔIRR criterion convinces us to purchase project A compared to project C. This differential comparison might even suggest that B is better than C. We see this if we look at the difference between the ΔIRRs for A–B and A–C: A is much more to be preferred to C than it is to B.

But the differential NPW criterion, which we never have to use because of the value additivity property of NPW, clearly shows that the differential projects all have negative worth at the OCC. Once again the use of IRR leads to results that defy logic. Project A is just not better than B or C except at a very large OCC, as a simple sketch of NPW versus i will show.

Again we can formally make the IRR yield the correct answer by correcting for the fundamental conceptual error, the constant reinvestment rate assumption, implicit in our use of the IRR criterion thus far in this example. If we assume that all cash disbursements from the investment to us can only be reinvested at the OCC and that cash balance is obtained at year 2, we obtain −100.01(1 + RII)3 + 50(1.12)2 + 50(1.12) + 50 = 0 as the relation to solve for the return on initial investment (RII). Here project A returns 19.048%, project B returns 19.05%, and project C returns 21.645%. We see that we can rank the investments using this correct, but cumbersome, interpretation of the RII and obtain the correct and proper preference ranking C > B > A.

This conclusion can also be obtained from a corrected interpretation of the incremental cash flows that we have just obtained. Initially the differential projects A–B and A–C result in a cash inflow to the project that earns at the ΔIRR. The returns of 50 for years 1 and 2 represent cash outflows to the firm from the project that can only be invested at the OCC. Thus we have for cash flow balance at year 3


for differential investment project A–B. For differential project A–C we get


We could use another cost than the OCC for i here, but the most useful interpretation of the MARR seems to be that it should be the OCC. Using i = OCC = 0.12, we obtain negative numbers for both IRRs. This indicates that both B and C are better than project A. Project C can easily be shown to be better than B, and so it is the clear winner. We would get these same results in a somewhat more meaningful way by determining the corrected IRRs for project difference C–A.

So while we can get correct answers from a correct interpretation of the IRR criterion, it is very complicated, and it is simply not true that we can generally determine the IRR in a meaningful and correct way without knowledge of a discount rate for return of borrowed capital.

Another potentially fundamental concern arises when we leave the small decision-type problems of selecting pressure relief valve A or B to major impact problems in which we are trying to aid in the decision, say, concerning whether to build a nuclear power plant or a coal-fired power plant. This concern arises because the incremental differences between the two major, perhaps fundamentally different, projects may make no sense at all except perhaps in a life-cycle cost sense. How do we difference the system effectiveness attributes for the two decision alternatives just suggested? How does one trade off the differential IRR when there exist noncommensurate attributes associated with the projects? If we accept the premise that the solution to an economic systems analysis problem is really just the solution of a mathematical equation, then the arguments posed here are not cogent. Of course they are, for it is always necessary that the mathematics we use replicate reality. If this is not done, major troubles can ensue.

In this section, we have examined some salient attributes of the IRR criterion. Of four desired conditions for a rational economic decision criterion, the IRR criterion is shown to satisfy only one of them, that is, we can consider all cash flows. The NPW criterion can, however, accommodate all four criteria. In particular, it obeys value additivity; it correctly discounts at the OCC or social discount rate; and finally, it results in maximization of profit or worth. Furthermore, it is compatible with most forms of microeconomic and welfare economics used today as a basis for planning and decision making in industry and government. Thus it is the criterion of choice to use in comparing individual projects and, as we will see, for portfolios of projects.

Our arguments thus far in this section show that the IRR can often be expected to be a very unreliable criterion, despite the fact that it is, in practice, often used. There is nothing in our argument thus far, however, that assures us that the NPW criterion is the criterion of choice. It is possible to pose a set of very reasonable axioms, or properties of an investment decision, that only the NPW criterion satisfies. We will now do this.

We wish to specify an investment criterion for investments over the interval (0, N). We will require that the investment criterion be

a. Complete: Given any two sequences of cash flows x and y, we can always say that x is not preferred to y[yx or y x] or y is not preferred to x [xy or x y].

b. Transitive: With three cash flow vectors x, y, and z, if x y and y z, then transitivity requires x z.

Next we state five axioms or desirable properties that should be possessed by a preference ordering of cash flow vectors.

Axiom 1. Continuity.

If x is preferred to y [x > y], then for sufficiently small ε > 0, cash flow vector xε is also preferred to y [xε > y]. This continuity axiom is very reasonable in that it assures us that the preference criterion and associated preferences will not be schizophrenic for small arbitrary changes in the return of the investments.

Axiom 2. Dominance.

If cash flow x is at least as large as y at every period in (0, N) and strictly greater in at least one period, then x > y. This dominance criterion is equivalent to greed—more is preferred to less—or consumer satiation. All it says is that if xiyi for all i and xi > yi for at least one i, then xy and x > y.

Axiom 3. Time Value of Money.

If two investments x and y are identical except that an incremental cash flow obtained by investment x at some period n does not result until period n + 1 for investment y, then x is preferred to y. This investment axiom is equivalent to impatience. We would prefer to have an incremental amount of money now than at some future time.

Axiom 4. Consistency at the Margin.

We prefer cash flow x to y if and only if the differential cash flow xy = [x0y0, x1y1,...,xNyN]T is preferred to a cash flow of 0 = [0, 0,...,0]T.

Axiom 5. Consistency in Time.

If we shift all investment returns by some number of periods, the preference order is unchanged.

Surely, it would be difficult to argue that any of these axioms are unreasonable. If only Axioms 1–4 are satisfied, then it is possible to show2 the following:

Theorem A.

The only preferences that satisfy Axioms 1–4 are those given by the NPW criterion in which interest or discount rates, which may vary from period to period, are positive.

This theorem just says that we should value investment x according to an NPW criterion, or decision rule, in which we obtain the present value of the investment component at the nth period xn by using the standard discounting relation


and then add together these present values over all periods to obtain




Here ij − 1 is the interest received in the time interval from period j − 1 to present j.

When we also impose Axiom 5, we require further that the interest or discount rate be constant throughout the investment time interval (0, N). Thus we have the following:

Theorem B.

The only preferences that satisfy Axioms 1–5 are those given by the NPW criterion in which the interest or discount rates are constant and positive.

If we accept these axioms as reasonable, then we can only accept the NPW criterion, or one that would yield the same preference ordering, as truly reasonable. Since the IRR criterion does not generally yield the same preferences as the NPW criterion, it must be rejected as an inferior criterion.

6.2.4 Benefit–Cost Ratio and Portfolio Analysis

In this section we discuss calculation of the BCR. Also, we indicate why and where it is such an important criterion. To do this we need to introduce some concepts from portfolio analysis that concern decisions with a constrained budget. Generally BCRs are always defined by discounted benefits and discounted costs. We compute the BCR from Equations 6.12 and 6.13:


As is easily seen, we do not have to discount the benefits and costs to the present time to determine the BCR. Any time will do. Nor do we need to do this to obtain the ROI as BCR/(1 + BCR). It is convenient, however, to discount benefits and costs to the present time, for then we can easily obtain the NPW from PB0 − PC0.

It is easily seen that ranking projects by BCR will generally lead to results different from those obtained by the use of NPW.

Example 6.4:

Suppose that we have six projects, each of which involves initial costs at year 0 and benefits that flow over a five-year period. Suppose that the discounted present value of benefits, initial costs, and BCR and NPW are given by the following:


If we rank the projects by NPW, we have


However, if we rank them by BCR, we obtain


We see that B is the best alternative from the viewpoint of NPW and the worst alternative from the point of view of BCR.

Actually, alternative B is both best and worst. If we can only pick a single alternative, and have as much as 12 units of money to spend, and have nothing that we can do with the money not spent, then B is indeed our best alternative. NPW is, in this sense, an effectiveness criterion. But if we value projects from the point of view of efficiency only, then clearly BCR is the criterion of choice and project C is the most efficient project. It returns the greatest fraction (2.5 times) of its cost. The next most efficient project E returns 2.25 times its costs; B is not at all an efficient project here.

If we had 12 units of money to spend and could purchase as many units of the same project as we wished, we would surely wish to purchase a number of projects of type C. In this particular case, we can spend all of our money on type C projects. Six of them will cost 12 units of money and will return 30 units, discounted to the present. The most effective, and efficient, use of our 12 units of money would be to purchase 6 units of project C.

Generally we would not expect that we could use all of our money on type C projects and would have some money left over. This suggests that we need to form a number of portfolios of projects, each portfolio costing 12 units, and select from that portfolio the one that has the greatest NPW or BCR. Obviously the NPW and BCR criteria are the same if we constrain PC0.

The precise complete formulation and solution of the above-posed problem is an exercise in integer programming that we will not develop here. An important subcase of this problem occurs when we can incorporate each project in the portfolio at most a single time. Clearly we wish to incorporate the most efficient projects in the portfolio, but we cannot exceed the constraint of 12 units cost. Thus we rank-order the projects according to decreasing BCR and include as many as we can until we exceed the cost constraint. Again we will have problems because of the integral nature of the projects. Often simple heuristics can be posed that will allow easy identification of several candidate best portfolios, and we would then select the one with the highest NPW.

Here, for example, relatively efficient portfolios are the following:


and the {C, E, A} portfolio is clearly the best. The NPW from this portfolio is 10.78, to which we should add the unspent 2.78, from the available funding of 12, to get 13.56.

6.2.5 The Discount Rate

In our discussions thus far in this chapter, we have assumed that there is a market rate of interest, which we have called the discount rate or opportunity cost of capital. However, a perfect capital market will generally not exist, and there is no single interest rate. Several related approaches to determining a discount rate are possible: marginal interest rates, marginal time preference rates (MTPRs) for individuals, corporate discount rates, MARRs, government borrowing rates, and the social opportunity costs of capital.

Corporate discount rates include a premium for risk, a markup for corporate taxes on incomes above a certain level, and a profit to be returned to shareholders. For example, if government bonds return 10% and the corporation expects a 4% premium for risk to be reasonable, then the corporation will have to obtain almost 28% ROI to provide a 14% return to stockholders. This is the case for “large” businesses. Small business corporations can elect to pass all earnings directly to shareholders, who must pay ordinary income taxes on these earnings rather than capital gains taxes, which are generally lower than taxes on ordinary income.

Market interest rates for government and corporate bonds vary, for example, with the perceived risk that the lender of capital takes on an investment. We can compute a market value of outputs, perhaps as a function of industry, and the inputs to the project, all measured in dollars and discounted in time. Then if a return of $112 results from an input investment of $100, we would say that the market interest rate, which would be the realized MARR, is 12%. This would need to be essentially doubled by corporations because of taxes they must pay. In the last paragraph of this section we describe a normative approach to determining a discount rate. Here we describe a descriptive approach.

The individual MTPR or personal discount rate is the rate at which an individual is willing to trade off present personal consumption for future personal consumption. Related to this is the concept of a personal social discount rate. The personal discount rate represents personal deferred consumption preferences. The social discount rate of an individual represents that individual’s preferences in terms of societal behavior. Many modifications to rates such as these can be made. One might believe that individuals will set too high a personal social discount rate to enjoy consumption today at the expense of future generations. Thus one might argue, as does the Pigouvian3 discount rate, for a social discount rate that is lower than the personal social discount rate of present-day individuals.

Doing this will, of course, enhance the NPW of projects with very long-term payoffs. But it seems reasonable to infer a minimum social discount rate on the market rate for the private or public organization potentially undertaking the project. The reasoning behind this is relatively straightforward. Projects must be paid for. If future costs and benefits are discounted at too low a rate, an unfortunately erroneous inference of ability and willingness to pay for the project in the future is obtained. But development projects must be paid for in one way or another. If too low a discount rate is assumed, then the project will not be really paid for when higher existing market rates extract their toll. So the burden of paying for the project will fall on groups that are perhaps not even identified in a cost–benefit analysis.

It would seem better for arguments to be made that important attributes of projects have been omitted and that the benefits of a project are greater than those identified by an analysis than to distort the analysis through use of an unreal discount rate. Thus the argument that the social discount rate should represent the opportunity costs of the project—the returns that could be obtained from these funds if used on some other project—is a very potent one. In other words, resources must be used in the most productive way. To not acknowledge this is to forget, in effect, that there are always resource constraints on the use of capital. The task should be to define productive in an appropriate way and not to artificially lower discount rates such that projects are justified that cannot pay their own way and which thereby cast the burden of payment in an undefined and unexplored manner, perhaps even on the unborn generations the artificially low discount rate is supposed to project. This seems to be wishful thinking in a most maladroit form.

Most of the discussion in this section applies to cost–benefit analysis and discount rates in the public sector. In the private sector, appropriate definition and use of a discount rate seems much less ambiguous and much more straightforward than in the public sector. In fact, it is the effect on the private sector of capital allocations in the public sector that acts to complicate resource allocation concerns in the private sector. At least three related questions arise:

1. To what extent does a public sector decision to implement a project result in a transfer of funds from the private to the public sector?

2. To what extent does implementation of a project in the public sector result in a reduction of private sector resource allocations for similar projects?

3. If there are foregone private sector investments due to a public sector project implementation, what would be the NPW of the foregone private sector projects, and how would this compare with the NPW of the public sector project?

The answer to these questions is clearly project dependent. We might expect to get considerably different answers, for example, for national defense projects and energy projects. Although these questions are both interesting and important, we will not answer them here.

So, where does this leave us with respect to the selection of a discount rate? One of at least three judgment situations typically exists relative to the choice of a discount rate. First, the rate may be fixed by corporate or government policy, and there is then little that can be done except to use the established rates. Second, the decision maker may have strong personal feelings about the appropriate rate. This is especially the case in private sector efforts. One role of the economic systems analyst and assessor is to work with clients in solving problems. This can include consultations with the decision maker concerning the appropriate rate to use, but, ultimately, the decision maker’s wishes must prevail.

In the third situation in which the economic systems analyst and assessor is free to work with the client in the specification of a discount rate, there will generally be no substitute for a sensitivity analysis that will allow determination of the critical discount rate at which decisions switch. Often these critical discount rates are such that arguments about the actual discount rate to use in a problem are futile, in that any reasonable rate will produce the same best decision. A reexamination of the graphs of NPW versus interest rates that have been produced in this section cannot help but reinforce this conclusion. An important use of sensitivity analysis is to allow pertinent parameters to vary over the imprecise values identified by the client.


Identification and quantification of the benefits and costs of possible alternative courses of action, or projects, or decisions, is usually a difficult task. It is generally not as difficult, perhaps, as formulation of the issue and identification of the alternatives themselves, but it is still not an easy task.

Here we use the word benefits to mean the possible effects of a project, both positive benefits and negative benefits, or disbenefits. We must first identify benefits and then we should quantify them by assigning a value to them. Many benefits (and disbenefits) will be intangible and will occur to differing groups or individuals in differing amounts. Problems with intangibles may be especially difficult in the public sector, where associated agencies are designed primarily to deliver services or public goods, rather than products for individual consumption. A major goal, however, of a private sector organization is profit maximization, and it is relatively easy to measure profit as a benefit. The benefits of a public service, such as a school, or a public good, such as a subway system, are much more difficult to define and identify because they are intangible or indivisible (or both). The very political environment of many public sector efforts further complicates measurements—and this means that factors other than variables associated with efficiency, economy, and equity need to be measured.

One valuation philosophy that we might adopt is based on two premises:

Premise A. The value of a project to an individual is equal to the fully informed willingness of the individual to pay for the project.

Premise B. The social value of a project is the sum of the values of the project to the individual members of society.

The fundamental conclusion of microeconomics, under perfect competition conditions, ensures us that these two premises should, under ideal conditions, serve as good guideposts for cost–benefit analysis. As we have seen, when faced with a given price for a good, the rational individual seeking to maximize satisfaction will purchase a number of units of that good so that, at the margin, the individual’s willingness to pay for that good is precisely equal to its price.

There is much that is contained in these two premises, and in this fundamental conclusion of the microeconomic theory of the consumer, that needs to be more fully explained. Willingness to pay seems like a reasonable concept, but it is a meaningful measure of value only if it is based on a sound knowledge of all the true benefits of a project. Premise A also implies that the consumer knows best what is good for them, or consumer sovereignty, and that the existing distribution of income is necessarily the most equitable. Postulate B assumes additivity and the equal weighting of individual values. Under these conditions, society is better off if one individual gains a value of 2 + ε from a project while another individual gains nothing than it is if each individual gains one unit of value.

Thus, there are information-related measurement difficulties associated with these premises, and there are potential equity problems as well. Measurement problems arise from the difficulty of assigning comparable values that reflect the value of a complex project. Generally, decomposition of the benefit of a project into attributes and assigning number values to these attributes will result in a more reliable indication of the value of a project than unaided wholistic judgment. A number of studies in behavioral psychology have shown this. We will look at ways to accomplish this decomposition later.

Example 6.5:

The benefits associated with a project can be due to an increased value of the project outputs compared with some basic do-nothing alternative, or to reduced costs. A change can result, as we have indicated, in positive or negative benefits. For a manufacturing project, for example, we might develop the attribute tree of benefits shown in Fig. 6.4. For cost–benefit analysis, we need to quantify these values in strictly economic terms. In cost–effectiveness analysis, we do not need to necessarily associate economic value with benefits.

Figure 6.4. Hypothetical Attribute Tree of Project Benefits.


Example 6.6:

A balance sheet or profile of quantified costs and benefits for the projects may be tabulated after they have been identified. This has great value in indicating the identified and quantified costs and benefits of alternative projects, including secondary and intangible costs and benefits. Sometimes it will be possible to quantify secondary and intangible effects. In many instances, the presence of a large number of important secondary and intangible effects should serve as an indication that a cost–effectiveness analysis might be more suitable than a cost–benefit analysis, which, traditionally, converts all costs and benefits into monetary terms. For example, we could show a balance sheet of benefits for one hypothetical project alternative associated with implementation of a new transportation system within a city. A similar balance sheet can be displayed for costs. Balance sheets of this sort have existed at least since the time of Benjamin Franklin, who called them “decision balance sheets.” de Neufville and Stafford (1971) have presented a useful impact incidence matrix that is an alternate “sheet” and can also be used for these purposes.

In practice, it will not be often that a complex project can be displayed in a simple single-page profile, such as we have shown here. Much information is contained in a very well-constructed balance sheet. We can display benefits and costs, discounted to the present using an acceptable discount rate. We can illustrate these impacts spatially. They can be shown for various income groups, for various city services, perhaps private industry groups affected by the system, and in different regions of the community, and at the state (or national) level.

The net economic value added due to a project is its monetary benefits less its monetary costs. The “costs” of a project represent the external inputs to the project. If the project has merit, there are internal values added to it in the form of the economic value of labor and capital. The project benefit is the output from the project. There must be a money flow in the reverse direction that represents the money paid for private goods and services, or their value in terms of what we will call shadow prices. This revenue payment from the customers of the firm in a private sector example, or from use (broadly defined) of a public good or service in the public sector, pays for the internal factors of production in the private sector and generates a net benefit in the public sector that may be used as a social dividend to further enhance the welfare of various publics.

This model may be further disaggregated by sectors, according to region, the type of service provided, the income level of workers in the region, etc. It is this disaggregation that results in the need for the transfer payments, due to internal exchanges within these sectors.

The implementation of any project will alter the supply of “inputs,” which are consumed by the production or service process, and the supply of “outputs,” the products or services that result from the project. The identification and quantification of the benefits and costs of projects involve exploring the difference between inputs and outputs with and without the “project.”

This notion is a relatively simple and comfortable one when we are evaluating operational-level projects such as the possible introduction of word processing equipment into an office to replace electric typewriters. However, strategic-level concerns, especially in the face of changing environments, involve changed situations that might prevail if a project is not implemented. Many projects are considered for implementation because of contingencies that will result, if they materialize, in increased costs and/or reduced benefits if one or more new projects are not implemented. In situations such as this, the “no-project” or do-nothing alternative must be described as evolving over time and it must include benefit reductions, or cost increases. Useful descriptions of situations such as these often require complex judgments.

The development of alternative future scenarios is generally of value in situations such as these. It would take us somewhat away from our primary objectives to describe scenario construction in detail; however, the essential steps are easily stated. Definitive discussions of scenario construction are found in Porter et al. (1980). These involve the fundamental steps of the systems process. The formulation step involves identification of the needs, constraints, and alterables that may influence environmental change. Potential impacts from these alterables are determined in the analysis step, and these may be evaluated in an interpretation effort if desired. The result of this is a set of possible future scenarios that may or may not occur. The probabilities of each scenario occurring may be obtained. Proposed projects, including the do-nothing alternative, are then embedded into these scenarios and evaluated.

Usually a financial accounting of the various alternative projects results in the information that is needed to identify and quantify economic benefits and costs, perhaps in the format of a balance sheet as illustrated in Fig. 6.4. Adjustments to the financial accounting data are often needed. Sometimes we will find that the financial accounting will neglect some benefits and costs, particularly those of a secondary and/or intangible nature, that are necessary for a useful analysis of the economic benefits and costs of a project. Also, it will often be necessary to adjust or revalue financial data to reflect the fact that market prices either do not exist or do not reflect true economic value even if they do exist. We will now identify some types of economic information that may be missing in financial data; then we will discuss the important topic of “shadow” pricing to obtain true economic value from market prices.

Among information that reflects economic benefits and costs and that may be omitted, or need exclusion, from financial data are the following:

1. Transfer Payments Often there are intersectoral flows of benefits and costs that do not reflect the production of goods or services. Suppose, for example, a before-project state in which one unemployed person receives $100 per week in unemployment benefits. This $100 comes from the taxes of another person (or group). Suppose that the after-project state is such that the unemployed person is employed by the public sector at a weekly salary of $200, delivers benefits to society of $150, and loses the unemployment benefits. The group’s taxes are increased to $200 to cover this salary. The before-project costs and benefits are each $100 per week. The costs represent consumption foregone by the group, and the benefits represent the consumption enjoyed by the unemployed person. The with-project costs are $200, which represent the taxes paid by the group. The benefits to society are the $200 economic value of consumption of the one formerly unemployed person and the $150 value to society of the product of this person’s labor. The net value to society of the project is the increase in benefits less the increase in costs, or ($200 + $150 − $100) − ($200 − $100) = $150. We see that the implementation of the project has resulted in the employment of one unemployed person, and this has resulted in an increase in the aggregate societal value of this unemployed person’s labor. We note also that there is zero aggregate social cost associated with employing an unemployed person. In a similar way there are zero costs associated with using otherwise unemployed capital or land on a project. Of course, there may be a transfer of costs associated with using otherwise unemployed labor, capital, or land.

Payment of interest by a project transfers this amount of purchasing power from the project to the lender of the money. So we should treat a loan principal investment as a real economic cost, a cost that occurs at a point in time when this loan principal is spent. We should not be concerned, however, with the interest involved in financing the investment. In a similar way, depreciation should not be considered in economic valuation as the economic cost of using an investment is the initial investment less the (discounted) terminal value of the investment. There are other transfer payments, such as taxes and subsidies, that are also improperly treated as costs or benefits.

2. Sunk Costs Economic sunk costs are those that have occurred prior to the time at which a project decision is made. They represent money already spent and are costs that cannot be avoided (any more), regardless of the wisdom or judgment once used in making this resource allocation. It is a very common failure of people to not ignore sunk costs. Sometimes this is due to realistic concerns, but more generally it is not. Often a person who makes a partial investment in a project will discover that the project is not working well at all. Rather than suffer the immediate self-admitted criticism of poor judgment, or criticism by others for poor judgment, the person will continue the project investment. Whether the “embarrassment deferral” made possible by strategies such as this is worth the cost is determinable using cost–effectiveness analysis, or decision analysis. We would simply consider “embarrassment deferral” as an attribute and evaluate the extent to which it has value, or utility, relative to other attributes.

3. Secondary Effects and Externalities Often some of the impacts of a project are such that they do not produce an immediate benefit or cost within the immediate environment of the project, as narrowly defined over a restricted planning horizon. However, if they produce an effect on other entities, then they should be considered as part of an economic cost–benefit analysis. These secondary effects and externalities, which are often very difficult to identify and quantify, should certainly be considered. Often, there is a presumption that secondary effects and externalities are harmful. This is not necessarily so. While inflation, pollution, and traffic congestion may be “bads,” education and learning are “goods.” Any of these may be secondary effects and externalities that result from the implementation of a project. Often the implementation of a project will have a beneficial, or detrimental, multiplier effect on other projects. To the extent possible, all of these factors must be considered.

4. Contingencies and Risk Often, perhaps more often than not, a project is implemented without precise knowledge of the environment that will exist over the entire planning horizon for the project. Consequently, various contingency plans are considered to account, to the extent possible, for risks should these materialize. Generally the costs and benefits of these, such as contingencies to account for anticipated product price rises, should be included. Changes in interest rates represent, however, a contingency that should generally not be included. The key point in this is that projects are evaluated prior to being implemented, and it is the expected project costs and benefits that are estimated. It is reasonable that these be used to judge the success of projects and not the actual outcomes, which may differ from the expected outcome. In other words, cost–benefit analysis is an approach to enhance judgment quality. There is no assurance that good outcomes necessarily follow from good judgments. As a case in point, we exercise good judgment if we pay $100 for a “project” that will return $1000 with probability 0.9 and $0 with probability 0.1. But even with this “good judgment,” we may lose our $100.

To be sure, there are many cases in which market prices exist but where they are not reflective of the economic value of a product or service. A perfectly competitive economy, as we have discussed throughout this book, is one such that the price of everything precisely represents the value the last unit of that product or service contributes to production and consumption. Under conditions of perfect competition, there will generally exist an economic equilibrium. In this economic equilibrium, the “best” use of all productive units, yielding economic efficiency, will be achieved. There will be no alternate use of the resources of labor, capital, and land that would result in more efficient production and in greater total satisfaction in consumption. But markets are imperfect, and so prices will not, in all cases, perfectly reflect value. This inadequacy of market prices as a true value measurement is a strong reason why we should make a separate determination of value, and not just equate value to price, in all instances except those of private individual investments, where market price is what the individual is concerned with.

In those cases where the production of goods or services increases with the price of the good or service remaining constant, the social benefit of increased production is just the fixed price times the change in production quantity. However, when there is a substantial change in price, we must use an alternate approach. We need to determine a quantity called the compensating variation, which, we will show, is essentially equivalent to the concepts of consumer surplus and producer surplus. Our earlier discussions concerning consumer and producer surplus in Chapter 4 are of interest here.

The effects on the welfare of individuals that result from changes in the prices of products and services are measured by the consumer surplus. People obtain similar effects from changes in the wages of the factor services that they supply. These changes are denoted as producer surplus. A producer surplus also results to producers who are able to sell goods at a price higher than the smallest price they are willing to accept for these products and services.

We have indicated that willingness to pay is equivalent to the approximate area under a demand curve. A useful way to interpret a demand curve follows from the willingness to pay concept. Let D(q) be the demand curve for a specified time interval. Then if the price is constant at p0 the consumer will purchase q0 over that interval; if the price is p1 the consumer will purchase q1 for that interval; and if the price is p2 the consumer will purchase q2. The demand curve does not mean that, strictly speaking, if the price is initially at p0 the consumer will instantly purchase q0; it says that over the time horizon for which the demand curve was constructed, the consumer will purchase q0 if the price is constant at po. What this might also mean is that if the price drops to p1 during the time interval for which the demand curve is valid, the consumer will purchase an additional q1q0 times the fraction of the total demand horizon time that the price is p1. If it drops again to p2 the consumer might purchase an additional q2q1 times the fraction of the total demand horizon time that the price is p1. While this interpretation needs to be verified against whatever construct was used to derive it, and modified to give it precision for the true dynamic case, it is easy to see that it is this interpretation on which the consumer surplus concepts are based. We have commented before on the dynamic interpretation of demand curves in Chapter 1.

To derive a measure of the value of a price decrease, it is convenient to pose the question in the following way: What is the maximum amount of money one would be willing to pay to buy as much as they want of the product or service at the decreased price rather than at the initial price? The answer should be that amount of money that results in the same level of utility at the lower price as at the higher price. This amount of money is called the compensating variation. To determine a consumer’s compensating variation, we must either know the consumer utility function or measure the compensating variation, perhaps through measurement of the utility function.

The following are two approximations that are generally valid and will eliminate the need to measure the compensating variation:

a. The smaller the price change, the closer the consumer surplus is to the compensating variation.

b. The smaller the income portion of the consumer spent on the product or service, the closer the consumer surplus is to the compensating variation.

Some discussions in Chapter 4 contain additional commentary relative to consumer surplus and these approximations. If the price changes are small, then, as we have previously noted, we do not really need the consumer surplus concept. In advanced economies, almost every product or service purchased, with housing as one possible exception, is a small proportion of total consumer expenditures. Thus consumer surplus is a close measure of the value of a price change. This measure is the compensating variation.

What we are noting here is that when implementation of a project results in lowered prices to consumers, this effect must be considered in determining the value of the project, as consumers would be willing to pay more for some of the quantity of the product or service consumed than they pay with the project. We have shown that the compensating variation for an individual is the value measure to the consumer that results from the project. Also, we have indicated that this compensating variation is in practical circumstances equivalent to the consumer surplus. If the social welfare gain is set equal to the sum of the individual welfare gains, then the aggregation of the compensating variation over all people gives a measure of social welfare. A government agency may wish to assign a higher value for consumer surplus accruing to poor people than it does to rich people. Also, the government might wish to encourage consumption rather than savings and may wish to assign a higher weight to consumer surplus components that result in consumption as contrasted with consumer surplus components that result in investments. Squire and van der Tak (1975) expanded considerably on the concept of “weight” in cost–benefit analysis, and their work should be consulted for further details.

Shadow prices may also be used as a measure of project value. As we have seen, the dual variables of linear programming, the Lagrange multipliers, may be interpreted as shadow prices. These represent the amount by which a cost function will change with changes in the marginal unit of a product or service that is consumed. Thus when we maximize social welfare, the Lagrange multiplier takes on particular meaning. Lagrange multipliers, which are shadow prices, are the social values of goods that are created by a project. The need for these shadow prices arises when market prices do not reflect social value. When a value other than market price is used in a cost–benefit analysis, that value is a shadow price. The justification for shadow pricing is that decisions must be made, and decisions imply that valuations have been made. If market values are not available, or appropriate, then other values must be used. These values should reflect social values if they are to improve decisions in a social context.

We have already discussed some approaches to determining “shadow prices” in this section. It is useful to view shadow prices as the dual variables in a linear program. We now consider a simple economy. There are two types of products: final consumption products X and raw materials Y. Society has somehow valued the final goods by associating prices with them, pi, i = 1, 2,..., N. A linear technology, through which the raw materials are transformed into final consumption products,




is assumed to exist. Here Xi is the number of units produced of product i and Yji the amount of raw material j used in the production of product i. Aij are nonnegative production process parameters. The raw material available for use is constrained. The production process must also satisfy the raw material constraints


Our goal here is to maximize the social value of production. This is


Thus we wish to maximize


subject to the equality constraint


where Yi represents the vector of raw materials going into product Xi. We also have the inequality constraint equation


Example 6.7:

We consider the performance of two projects involving new methods of extracting raw materials. Project A involves taking one unit of Y1 and two units of Y2 out of the present use in the production of final goods and using them instead to increase extraction of Y3 by three units. The new Y3 is used in the production of consumer products X. Project B uses two units of Y1 and one of Y3 to get two more units of Y2. The shadow prices of Y1, Y2, and Y3 are somehow computed as 1, 2, and 3.

We are interested primarily in the output production of final consumer products X. Our interest in raw materials is their effect on production. Raw materials have no value by themselves to us. We determine how projects A and B affect the value of the final output, which is J. We need a way to relate changes in Y to J. This is the role of the shadow price or Lagrange multiplier.

The benefit–cost analysis may be performed using the known shadow prices. The do-nothing alternative involves zero benefit and zero cost. Project A results in an increased benefit of 9 and an increased cost of 5, whereas project B results in an increased benefit of 6 and an increased cost of 4. So project B increases J by 2, whereas A increases J by 4 and is the preferred alternative.

Benefit–cost analysis is simple here. We should ask: How did we get the shadow prices? Somehow we determine the value of ∂J/∂Yi. One answer is through use of the technology matrix Xi = AiYi. We determine ∂J/∂X and ∂X/∂Yi, and then we multiply these terms. The term ∂J/∂X is just the given price vector p. Determination of ∂X/∂Yi must be made at the optimum operating condition. This involves linear programming solutions to the problem. This may not be a simple task if there are a large number of products in the economy such that determination of the technology production coefficient matrix A is difficult.

In this section, we have discussed approaches toward the identification and quantification of costs and benefits. The fundamental concept here is willingness to pay. Much of our discussion concerned approaches that could be used to identify the value of costs and benefits when prices did not exist or when they were biased. It is not easy to get people to “willingly” reveal their willingness to pay. The clever use of questionnaires and public participation efforts are sometimes useful toward these ends, in addition to experimental and empirical results.


In Section 6.3 we discussed various approaches toward the identification and quantification of economic costs and benefits associated with alternative action options or projects. Often there will be a variety of reasons why people will be uncomfortable with providing a strict economic measure for benefits. The word effectiveness is often used for benefit when a strictly economic valuation is not intended. When effectiveness is substituted for benefit we obtain a cost–effectiveness analysis.

In cost–effectiveness analysis, we desire to rank projects in terms of economic costs and effectiveness. The reason for this is that there are noncommensurate attributes of a project. Certainly we would wish to eliminate dominated or inferior projects—projects that are more expensive and less effective than other projects—from consideration for selection. Beyond this, a cost--effectiveness analysis does not specify which of the several nondominated projects is “best.” This can be accomplished if one is willing to trade off cost for effectiveness, so as to obtain a scalar performance index. It can be done by considering cost as one of the attributes in the effectiveness evaluation approach we will now briefly describe. This is but one of the many generally similar approaches in the subject area of decision analysis, an important field, but one that we are unable to explore in any depth here.

The effectiveness of an alternative is the degree to which that alternative is perceived by the decision maker as satisfying identified objectives. The effectiveness assessment approach described here provides an explicit procedure for the translation of qualitative impressions of values, or effectiveness indices, into a quantitative evaluation of alternatives when the impacts of the alternatives are described by multiple attributes. This is accomplished by identifying and organizing the attributes or proposed alternatives into a tree-type hierarchy, attribute tree, or worth structure that is used, together with measures of effectiveness, to compare alternatives as a basis of choice making. Effectiveness assessment is most appropriate when a single approach is desired that will enable us to specify and interpret the effectiveness of the impacts of proposed policies on individuals or groups, and to rank or prioritize programs in terms of effectiveness such as to enable the selection of that policy which has maximum effectiveness for a particular group.

The typical final results or product of the effectiveness evaluation approach we describe is an explicit evaluation of the worth or value of the outcomes or impacts associated with specific proposed policies in terms of the attributes or objectives that have led to the policy proposals or projects. The procedure that we describe also results in an easily communicable picture of the effectiveness, value, or importance that individuals or groups place on different attributes or objectives associated with the impacts of the proposed projects. Typically, also, there results a significant amount of learning by decision makers concerning their own preference structure and the consistency of their evaluations and associated decisions with their preferences. An increased understanding of the decision situation through a careful definition of alternatives, outcomes, and their relationship, and of decision-maker preferences for possible outcomes is another result of the effort. Generally an effectiveness assessment study involves the following major steps:

0. Preanalysis: Formulation or Framing of the Issue The individual, group, or organization whose effectiveness measures or preferences among alternative projects are to be assessed is identified. The scope of the effort is determined by the objectives or attributes of the impacts of projects that are important in the problem. The attributes should be restricted to those of the highest degree of importance, and all relevant attributes that can be identified should be included. No attribute should encompass any other attribute, and the attributes or objectives should be “independent” in the sense that the decision maker is willing to trade partial satisfaction of one objective for reduced satisfaction of another objective without regard for the level of satisfaction attained by either. Once the high-level effectiveness attributes or objectives have been established, they must be disaggregated into lower-level attributes. Each of these is further subdivided until the decision maker feels that project effectiveness can be measured. This dividing and subdividing process results in a tree-type hierarchical structure of effectiveness attributes. This preanalysis should be performed in detail using other methods for issue formulation and analysis as we have described in Chapter 1.

1. Selection of Appropriate Attributes or Effectiveness Performance Measures Some physical characteristic of performance or effectiveness for an alternative is assigned to each lowest-level attribute to measure the degree of attribute or objective satisfaction.

2. Definition of the Relationship Between Low-Level Attributes and Physical Attribute Measures This relation is established by assigning a worth or effectiveness score w to all possible values of a given attribute measure. The worth score given a particular attribute measure can range from 0 to 1. Zero is the worst score that any alternative project can have on any given project, and 1 is the best score. In determining the worth or effectiveness score of each alternative on all lowest-level attributes, several questions must be answered:

a. Is the scale of attribute measure values continuous or discrete? Generally it is continuous; occasionally it can be discrete, such as a good or bad outcome.

b. For a continuous scale, does the attribute measure possess either a logical upper bound or a logical lower bound or both? If this is not the case, the particular attribute in question needs to be redefined.

c. What values of each attribute measure are identified with worth scores of 0 to 1?

d. Does the rate of change of worth or effectiveness with respect to attribute measures stay fixed, increase, or decrease?

e. If the rate of change of worth with respect to the attribute measure changes, does it always decrease (increase) or does it first decrease (increase) and then increase (decrease)?

The result of doing this is generally either a scale or curve of effectiveness score versus attribute measure, as indicated in Fig. 6.5.

Figure 6.5. Determination of Lowest-Level Attribute Scores: Two Alternate Approaches: (a) Direct Determination of Effectiveness (Worth) Score on One Attribute and (b) Determination of Effectiveness in Terms of an Indirect Measure.


3. Establishment of Relative Importance of Each Level of the Attributes Some of the attributes within a certain level may be more important than others, and the effectiveness attribute weights are defined to indicate the perceived relative importance of satisfying one attribute or objective with respect to satisfying others. The first step in this process is to rank the subattributes of a particular attribute by relative importance with respect to overall satisfaction. The most important subattribute is assigned a temporary value of 1.0. If the second most important subattribute is three-fifths as important as the first, it is assigned a temporary value of 1.0 × (3/5) = (3/5). If the third is two-thirds as important as the second, it is assigned a temporary value of (3/5) × (2/3) = 2/5. This is accomplished by determining the relative importance of the alternative value scores of 0 and 1 for the two attributes in question. This process is continued until all subattributes have been assigned temporary weights. Then these temporary weights are scaled so that the sum of attribute weights (for each particular attribute) is unity.

4. Determination of the Equivalent Weights for Each Lowest-Level Attribute Appropriate scaled weights in the hierarchy are multiplied. Because of the sum to one property of the weights at each hierarchical level, the sum of equivalent weights is unity.

5. Effectiveness Is Calculated The effectiveness of each project is calculated by multiplying the equivalent weights by the individual worth scores and summing to yield an overall effectiveness score. We obtain for the effectiveness of an alternative


Here νi(a) are the effectiveness scores of alternatives on the ith lowest-level attribute i and ρi are the weights.

6. Sensitivity Analysis The sensitivity of the effectiveness scores to variation in parameters is determined by a sensitivity analysis in which different values are assigned to the attribute worth scores or effectiveness scores on lowest-level attributes, and the worth scores are recalculated.

7. Final Results Are Used for the Comparison, Ranking, and Prioritization of Alternatives According to Effectiveness Figure 6.6 presents a flow chart of the activities involved in conducting an effectiveness analysis.

Figure 6.6. Flow Chart for Effectiveness Assessment.


Among the appropriate conditions for use of this effectiveness analysis approach,

a. there is a need to evaluate systematically the effectiveness or desirability of many proposed activities, or projects, to assist in choice making;

b. there is a need to predict the decision behavior of individuals;

c. there is a need to communicate individual or group values to others;

d. there are multiple objectives and assessment criteria that are not easily quantified in strictly economic benefit terms (these need to be considered and arranged in an organized form); and

e. the events that follow from alternative actions are predictable, such that risk is not a dominant part of the effectiveness analysis situation.

Effectiveness assessment can be very useful for the interpretation and evaluation of the results of an analysis effort. To use the approach we need a set of attribute or objective measures deemed to be of importance for issue resolution, information on the relative importance of attributes or objectives, and sufficient knowledge about project alternatives and their outcomes to be able to assign effectiveness scores to the attribute measures that characterize the impacts of each outcome.

Example 6.8:

As an example, we consider the purchase of an automobile. We decide to use effectiveness assessment to guide our decision. We assume that we have reduced our choice to a set of three feasible automobiles. Any of the three automobiles would be acceptable if it were the only possible purchase. To illustrate the approach we will initially consider cost as an attribute. Thus we obtain an overall worth assessment of effectiveness and cost. We define the first-level performance attributes as (1) cost, (2) esthetics, and (3) safety. The subdivision of these attributes and the resultant hierarchy are obtained as are the selected attribute measures. The sum of the scaled weights is unity for each subdivision of attributes. These weights are obtained from the decision maker by eliciting the relative importance of the attributes on the difference between the best and worst performing alternatives for the attributes under consideration. The cost objective will be analyzed in detail here.

Cost is one of the three first-level performance attributes that we have identified for consideration in the purchase of an automobile. Cost can be divided into two subattributes: initial cost and maintenance cost. The maintenance cost can be subdivided into two more specific attributes: scheduled maintenance and repairs. Initial cost, scheduled maintenance, and repairs are considered as lowest-level cost attributes. Suppose that initial cost and maintenance cost carry normalized branch weights of 0.6 and 0.4, respectively. The sum of these weights equals 1.0, as required, and these weights may be obtained as follows. The individual evaluating the attributes determined initial cost to be more important than maintenance cost with respect to the difference between best and worst performing alternatives on these attributes. Thus it is reasonable to assign a temporary weight of 1.0 to initial cost (w1). The individual determined maintenance to be two-thirds as important as initial cost with respect to the difference between best and worst performance on these attributes. Thus we may assign it a temporary value (w2) of 1.0 × 2/3 = 2/3. From these temporary values the scaled weights were obtained.

Here we have combined the cost parameters with effectiveness parameters. The decision maker may not wish to do this. It might be argued here that the scheduled maintenance costs and average repair costs have nuisance value (rather than economic value) only. There might be no difference in fuel economy among the three cars. Thus we could use the worth measure that we have calculated less that due to initial cost as an effectiveness measure. To explore these concerns fully would take us into the primary subject area for yet another textbook—one in multiple objective decision analysis.


As we have noted, cost–benefit analysis is a method used by systems analysts and assessors to aid decision makers in the evaluation and comparison of proposed alternative plans or projects. Objectives must be identified and alternatives generated and defined carefully prior to initiation of formal analysis efforts. Then the costs as well as the benefits of proposed projects are identified. These costs and benefits are next quantified and expressed in common economic units whenever this is possible. Discounting is used to compare costs and/or benefits at different points in time. Present worth is the discount criterion of choice. Overall performance measures, such as the total costs and benefits, are computed for each alternative. In addition to this quantitative analysis, an account is made of qualitative impacts due to intangibles such as social, esthetic, and environmental effects. Equity considerations are considered to determine the distribution of costs and benefits across various societal groups. The cost–benefit method is based on the principle that a proposed economic condition is superior to the present state if the total benefits of a proposed project exceed the total costs, so that if there are provisions whereby gainers compensate losers, everyone is better off. Distribution or equity issues are addressed in the qualitative part of the analysis. Results are presented to the decision makers, who may use them to select one or more of the proposed project alternatives.

Among the results of a cost–benefit analysis are the following:

1. tables containing a detailed explanation of the economic costs and benefits over time of each alternative project and the present value of costs or benefits of each alternative project (see Section 6.2);

2. computations and comparisons of overall performance measures, in terms of benefits and costs, or effectiveness and costs if a cost-effectiveness determination is desired, for each of the alternative projects (Section 6.3 discusses this topic and presents a balance sheet that is useful in presenting a summary of this information); and

3. an accounting of intangible and secondary (social, environmental, aesthetic) costs and benefits associated with each alternative project.

The following major activities are generally accomplished in a cost–benefit analysis:

1. Formulation of the Issue This is generally done using techniques specifically suited for issue formulation, such as identification of objectives to be achieved by projects, some bounding of the issue in terms of constraints and alterables, and generation of alternative projects. The result of this formulation of the issue consists of a number of clearly defined alternatives, the time horizon for the study and its scope, a list of impacted individuals or groups, and perhaps some general knowledge of the impacts of each alternative.

2. Identification of Costs (Negative Impacts) and Benefits (Positive Impacts) of Each Alternative A list is made of the costs and benefits for each project. Measures for different types of costs and benefits are specified and, if possible, conversion factors derived to express different types of costs or benefits in the same economic units. For example, one of the benefits of a proposed highway project might be the reduced travel time between two cities. To make this comparable to monetary costs, we have to determine how many dollars per time unit are gained by the reduction of the travel time. The determination of such conversion factors can be a sensitive issue, since the worth of various attributes can be totally different for different stakeholders. For example, consider the difficulties involved in transforming additional safety benefits of a proposed project, measured in human lives saved, into monetary benefit units. Further complicating economic benefit evaluation issues are equity considerations. The costs and benefits of a project may be allocated in different amounts to different groups. It is not unusual for one group to pay the costs and for another group to receive the benefits.

3. Collection of Data Concerning Costs and Benefits Specific information is gathered concerning the economic costs and benefits of each alternative. Much of this may be available from other analysis and assessment efforts involving modeling and optimization.

4. Quantitative Analysis of Costs and Benefits Quantified costs and benefits are expressed in common economic units as far as possible. Comparisons of projects may also be made with respect to two different quantified units, such as dollars (of cost) and human lives (for benefits). When free-market considerations do not exist, market prices may not reflect the true costs or benefits to society of the projects. In such cases, shadow prices should be computed to replace market prices in the cost–benefit analysis. Economic discounting by means of the present value criterion is used to convert costs and benefits at various times to values at the same point in time. Subsequently, various measures of performance may be computed, for example, the net present value, equal to the total balance of benefits and costs converted to present values, and the BCR, equal to the ratio of total costs and total benefits converted to present values.

Much of the data used in a cost–benefit analysis are based on uncertain assumptions about future conditions. The choice of a discount rate may be highly controversial. Owing to all of these factors, a sensitivity analysis of the quantitative results is generally desired. Results of the sensitivity analysis may give an indication of how the overall performance indices for different alternatives change for different assumptions or controversial choices.

5. Analysis of Qualitative Impacts The impacts that cannot easily be quantified are assessed for each alternative project. This usually includes intangible and secondary or indirect effects such as social and environmental impacts, legal considerations, safety, esthetic aspects, and equity considerations.

6. Communication of Results This usually takes the form of a report on both the quantitative and qualitative parts of the study. The report may include a ranking or prioritization of alternative projects or a recommended course of action. It is important that all assumptions made in the study are clearly stated in the report. The report should be especially clear with respect to

a. the costs and benefits that have been included in the study;

b. the costs and benefits that have been excluded from the study;

c. the approaches used to attach instrumental values to the costs and benefits;

d. the discount rates that have been used; and

e. relevant constraints and assumptions used to bound the analysis.

Figure 6.7 illustrates typical steps of a cost–benefit analysis. The following are appropriate conditions for the use of a cost–benefit approach:

Figure 6.7. Flow Chart for Typical Cost–Benefit Analysis Process.


1. One or more proposed policies or projects have to be evaluated and compared with an existing situation.

2. Many of the costs and benefits associated with the alternative project can be quantified.

3. There is a legal mandate for a cost–benefit analysis and assessment, for example, by a government agency.

4. The distribution of costs and benefits is a concern, and it is desired to use cost–benefit analysis to determine the extent to which equity does or does not exist.

Cost–effectiveness analysis is, as we have seen, a very similar approach to analyze, assess, and compare the costs and benefits of various alternative projects. In principle, it is possible to adjust alternative plans of different generic types such that the same effectiveness index results from each project. Then the least costly project should be selected. In practice, this is difficult to do for many “discrete” projects in which alternatives have parameters that are continuously adjustable. Methods such as multiattribute utility theory can be used to evaluate effectiveness. In conjunction with cost analysis we are able to use the resulting effectiveness indices to assist in making trade-offs between the quantitative and qualitative attributes of the alternative projects.


1. A person borrows $5000 at a bank to purchase a car. The loan agreement calls for constant monthly payments at 16% interest per year compounded monthly. The loan period is four years, and monthly compounding is used to determine interest.

a. What is the amount of the monthly payment?

b. How much of the principal is owed to the bank at the end of two years?

c. The bank offers to charge 10% interest, compounded monthly, if the person will agree to assign a promissory note for an amount larger than the $5000 actually received and make principal and interest payments on this larger amount. What is the value of this larger amount that will make this value of the modified payment plan equivalent to that originally offered?

2. An investment has the following cash flow:

Year Amount
0 −1000
1 250
2 300
3 350
4 −500
5 400
6 450

The OCC, or discount rate, is 8%. What is the

a. present worth of benefits?

b. present worth of costs?

c. net present worth?

d. return on investment?

e. internal rate of return?

3. How much should your agreement to pay $100,000 ten years from now be worth today if the interest rate is 12%?

4. A piece of equipment is purchased today for $12,000. The life of the equipment is five years when it will be sold for $2000. The discount rate is 12%. What is the depreciation each year using (a) straight line, (b) double declining balance, and (c) sum of the year’s digits depreciation? What is the book value of the equipment each year for each of the three depreciation schedules? What is the net present worth of depreciation for the three depreciation methods?

5. This year your company had operating expenses of $250,000, interest expenses of $160,000, a depreciation of $85,000, and a cost of merchandise of $500,000. The income tax rates are 20% on the first $25,000 of taxable income, 22% on all income over $25,000, and 48% for all income over $50,000. What are the tax due and the tax rate if sales volume was (a) $1,000,000 or (b) $1,280,000?

6. You have just borrowed $100,000 to purchase a home. You are charged 3 points (3%) of the loan amount in the form of a discount such that you really receive $97,000 but sign a note for $100,000. The interest rate on this $100,000 note is 14%. The mortgage is for 30 years, and you make equal monthly payments. Interest is deductible from income for income tax purposes, and your marginal tax rate is 40%. What is the effective rate of interest you are really paying?

7. What is the IRR for the projects listed in Problem 6? Rank the projects by IRR. What is the differential IRR (the IRR for the difference in cash flow between two projects) for projects A–B, B–C, and A–C? Are these consistent? Rank the projects by differential IRR. Contrast and compare the results of this example with those of Problem 2.

8. Suppose that an investment produces the following returns:

Year Return
0 −20,000
1 10,000
2 15,000
3 −8,000
4 −7,000
5 20,000

What is the NPW as a function of interest rate? What is the IRR? Contrast and compare the IRR and NPW criteria when used as decision rules for this problem.

9. You have the opportunity to purchase a small manufacturing plant. Your planning horizon is 10 years. The price of your product will be $100 for the next year and can be expected to increase by 10% a year. The plant costs $2,500,000 and will be valueless at the end of 10 years. Fixed yearly costs are estimated at $350,000 per year now and increase at 10% per year. The cost per item produced is $45 for the next year and will increase at 10% per year. The effective tax rate is 48%. How many items need be sold each year to obtain an ROI of (a) 10% or (b) 20%? The OCC for your firm is 10%.

10. Many works that encourage use of the IRR criterion say that it is a simple criterion that does not need specification of an (externally determined) discount rate to enable prioritization of projects. Comment on this statement.

11. What is the rate of return for the investment of Problem 8 if the external discount rate is 10%? Contrast and compare this rate of return with the IRR.

12. You are having trouble selling your home and, consequently, offer a mortgage at zero interest for five years. You had hoped to issue a mortgage at 16% interest compounded monthly for 30 years. Equal monthly payments for each mortgage are required. By what factor would the initial mortgage have to be increased such that the net present value of the two schemes will be the same? What will be the monthly payments for each mortgage?

13. A frequently occurring problem in practice is the allocation of resources to several operating units from a central budgetary unit. Suppose that the net (discounted) present worth of an allocation of nonnegative resources aj to the jth unit is νj(aj). The units may be assumed to be independent in the sense that the value of a total allocation a = [a1, a2,..., aJ] is additive:


There is a budget constraint, in that


a. What are the necessary conditions for allocation of a budget B in the general case just posed?

b. Suppose that


What are the necessary conditions for optimality?

c. If j = 2, α1 = 1, α2 = 1, β1 = 0.5, and β2 = 0.1, what are the optimum allocations as a function of B?

14. Write a brief paper indicating modifications that need to and can be made to the NPW criterion to reflect a “borrowing” interest rate that is different from a “lending” interest rate.

15. Conduct a sensitivity analysis of Problem 1 for varying interest rates (stated at 16% in Problem 1). At what interest rate does the offer in part (c) of this problem cease to be attractive?

16. Conduct a sensitivity analysis of Problem 9 for changes in the inflation rate, indicated as 10% per year in Problem 9.

17. Consider a large privately owned resort. There are presently 5000 hotel rooms available whose prices are determined by competitive market conditions. Of the rooms occupied, 80% are occupied by residents of distant states. A price increase of 10% would reduce the number of rooms demanded by distant-state visitors by 15%, and would reduce it by 25% for near-state visitors. Examine the cost–benefit feasibility of a new 200-room hotel that should be expected to earn a revenue of $3000 per year. Describe any reasonable assumptions that you make.

18. A possible new firm employs 2000 workers for a 40-h work week. It is anticipated that opening of the firm will result in a wage increase from $5 per hour to $5.50 per hour, but will result in existing firms reducing their employment from 5000 to 4200 workers. No immigration of new workers is anticipated owing to the new firm. Suppose that the government takes a 10% income tax. What are the costs and benefits of the new firm to (a) employees, (b) owners of the new factory, (c) the aggregate industry in the region, and (d) the government?

19. A government agency is considering whether to allow the public to use a section of land for recreation. The costs of operating the facility will be $1,000,000 per year. The public will be charged $3 per person for use of the facility. It is (reliably) estimated that 400,000 people will visit the facility each year. What will be some of the concerns that enter into a cost–benefit analysis of the option to allow the public to use the facility?

20. Consider a typical linear supply–demand curve in a perfectly competitive economy. The government introduces a per unit tax collected from producers, and this shifts the production curve upward and results in a new equilibrium point. What are the social costs and benefits of the change to consumers, firms, and the government?

21. Repeat Problem 20 for the case where the per unit tax is replaced by a per unit subsidy.

22. Consider typical linear supply–demand curves in a perfectly competitive economy. Suppose that the government imposes a maximum price on the product of the competitive firm. What are the social cost and benefits of the changed conditions to consumers and firms?

23. Discuss the preparation and use of a benefit–cost analysis that will enable a corporation to determine whether to expand into a new product line.

24. Write a brief paper in which you contrast and compare effectiveness, as used in cost effectiveness, which is a measure of the degree to which objectives are achieved, and benefit as a measure of economic efficiency.

25. Write a critical review and discussion of one of the many formal cost–benefit analyses that you may find in the literature.


Our first discussions in this chapter concerned the time value of money. A classic paper in this area, which first discussed some of the fundamental limitations with the IRR criterion and presented a Lagrange multiplier solution to the capital budgeting under constraint problem, is

Lorie J, Savage LJ. Three problems in capital rationing. J Business 1955;28(4):229–239.

The mathematical optimization approach to capital budgeting is discussed in

Peterson PP, Fabozzi FJ. Capital budgeting: theory and practice. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley; 2002.

Weingartner HM. Mathematical programming and the analysis of capital budgeting problems. Chicago: Markham Publishing; 1967.

The axiomatic development that justifies the net present worth concept for project evaluation may be found in

Williams AC, Nassar JJ. Financial measurement of capital investment. Manag Sci 1966;12(12):85l–863.

There are many discussions of discount rates in the literature; especially recommended are

Baumol WJ. On the social rate of discount. Am Econ Rev 1968;58:788–802.

Marglin SA. The social rate of discount and the optimal rate of investment. Q J Econ 1963;77:95–111.

Contemporary works that present discussions of cost–benefit analysis and references to many cost–benefit studies that have been performed include

Brent RJ. Applied cost benefit analysis. 2nd ed. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar; 2006.

Mishan EJ, Quah EH. Cost–benefit analysis. 5th ed. New York: Routledge; 2007.

Prest AR, Turvey R. Cost benefit analysis: a survey. Econ J 1965;75:683–735.

Sassone PG, Schaffer WA. Cost–benefit analysis—a handbook. New York: Academic; 1978.

Squire L, van der Tak HG. Economic analysis of projects. Baltimore: John Hopkins University; 1975.

Sugden R, Williams A. The principles of practical cost–benefit analysis. London: Oxford University; 1978.

Most of the aforementioned works concern cost–benefit analysis in the public sector. Works that discuss engineering project investments and decisions in the private sector and which are especially recommended include

Bussey LE. The economic analysis of industrial projects. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall; 1978.

Copeland TE, Weston IF. Financial theory and corporate policy. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley; 2006.

Rose LM. Engineering investment decisions. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1976.

The above-mentioned three texts discuss aspects of resource allocation under uncertainty considerations, an important topic that we have been unable to discuss here.

Two recent works that integrate public and private sector considerations are

Miller C, Sage AP. Application of a methodology for evaluation, prioritization and resource allocation to energy conservation program planning. Comput Electr Eng 1981;8(1):49–67.

Miller C, Sage AP. A methodology for the evaluation of research and development of projects and associated resource allocation. Comput Electr Eng 1981;8(2):123–152.

Especially valuable are two general works in systems science and engineering that provide much discussion concerning cost–benefit and cost–effectiveness analyses as well as related topics:

de Neufville Richard, Stafford JH. Systems analysis for engineers and managers. New York: McGraw-Hill; 1971.

Porter AL, Cunningham SW. Tech mining: exploiting new technologies for competitive advantage. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley; 2004.

Porter AL, Rossini FA, Carpenter SR, Roper AT. A guidebook for technology assessment and impact analysis. New York: North-Holland; 1980.

1Due to Lorie and Savage (1955).

2See Williams and Nassar (1966).

3Named after Cecil Pigou, a noted nineteenth-century economist.

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