Chapter 21: Working with Shortcut Menus

In This Chapter

• Identifying shortcut menus

• Customizing the shortcut menus

• Disabling shortcut menus

• Using events with shortcut menus

• Creating a new shortcut menu

CommandBar Overview

A CommandBar object is used for three Excel user interface elements:

• Custom toolbars

• Custom menus

• Customs shortcut (right-click) menus

Beginning with Excel 2007, the CommandBar object is in an odd position. If you write VBA code to customize a menu or a toolbar, Excel intercepts that code and ignores many of your commands. As I describe in Chapter 20, menu and toolbar customizations performed with the CommandBar object appear in the Add-Ins⇒Menu Commands group or the Add-Ins⇒Custom Toolbars group. So, for all practical purposes, the CommandBar object in Excel is now limited to shortcut menu operations.


The new single-document interface for Excel 2013 affects custom shortcut menus. VBA code that creates custom shortcut menus may not work correctly in Excel 2013. I discuss this topic later in this chapter (see “What's different in Excel 2013”).

In this section, I provide some background information about CommandBars.

CommandBar types

Excel supports three types of CommandBars, differentiated by their Type property. The Type property can be any of these three values:

msoBarTypeNormal: A toolbar (Type = 0)

msoBarTypeMenuBar: A menu bar (Type = 1)

msoBarTypePopUp: A shortcut menu (Type = 2)

Even though toolbars and menu bars aren't used in Excel 2007 and later, these UI elements are still included in the object model for compatibility with older applications. However, attempting to display a CommandBar of Type 0 or 1 has no effect in Excel versions after Excel 2003. In Excel 2003, for example, the following statement displays the Standard toolbar:

CommandBars(“Standard”).Visible = True

In later versions of Excel, that statement is ignored.

This chapter focuses exclusively on Type 2 CommandBars (shortcut menus).

Listing shortcut menus

Excel 2013 has 67 shortcut menus. How do I know that? I ran the ShowShortcutMenuNames procedure that follows, which loops through all CommandBars. If the Type property is msoBarTypePopUp (a built-in constant that has a value of 2), it displays the shortcut menu's index, name, and the number of menu items it contains.

Sub ShowShortcutMenuNames()

    Dim Row As Long

    Dim cbar As CommandBar

    Row = 1

    For Each cbar In CommandBars

        If cbar.Type = msoBarTypePopUp Then

            Cells(Row, 1) = cbar.Index

            Cells(Row, 2) = cbar.Name

            Cells(Row, 3) = cbar.Controls.Count

            Row = Row + 1

        End If

    Next cbar

End Sub

Figure 21-1 shows part of the output from this procedure. The shortcut menu index values range from 10 to 156. Also, note that not all the names are unique. For example, CommandBar 10 and CommandBar 39 both have a Name of Cell because right-clicking a cell gives a different shortcut menu when the worksheet is in page break preview mode.


Figure 21-1: A simple macro generates a list of all shortcut menus.


This example is available on the book's website in the show shortcut menu names.xlsm file.

Referring to CommandBars

You can reference a particular CommandBar object by its Index or Name property. For example, the expressions that follow both refer to the shortcut menu that is displayed when you right-click a column letter in Excel 2013:

Application.CommandBars (37)


The CommandBars collection is a member of the Application object. When you reference this collection in a regular VBA module or in a module for a sheet, you can omit the reference to the Application object. For example, the following statement (contained in a standard VBA module) displays the name of the object in the CommandBars collection that has an index of 42:

MsgBox CommandBars(42).Name

When you reference the CommandBars collection from a code module for a ThisWorkbook object, you must precede it with a reference to the Application object, like this:

MsgBox Application.CommandBars(42).Name


Unfortunately, the Index numbers for CommandBars have not always remained constant across the different Excel versions. For example, In Excel 2010, CommandBar 36 has the Name of Cell. In Excel 2013, CommandBar 36 has the Name of Workbook tabs. Therefore, using names rather than index numbers is more reliable.

Referring to controls in a CommandBar

A CommandBar object contains Control objects, which are buttons or menus. You can refer to a control by its Index property or by its Caption property. Here's a simple procedure that displays the caption of the first menu item on the Cell shortcut menu:

Sub ShowCaption()

    MsgBox CommandBars(“Cell”).Controls(1).Caption

End Sub

The following procedure displays the Caption property for each control in the shortcut menu that appears when you right-click a sheet tab (that shortcut menu is named Ply):

Sub ShowCaptions()

    Dim txt As String

    Dim ctl As CommandBarControl

    For Each ctl In CommandBars(“Ply”).Controls

        txt = txt & ctl.Caption & vbNewLine

    Next ctl

    MsgBox txt

End Sub

When you execute this procedure, you see the message box shown in Figure 21-2. The ampersand is used to indicate the underlined letter in the text — the keystroke that will execute the menu item.

In some cases, Control objects on a shortcut menu contain other Control objects. For example, the Filter control on the Cell right-click menu contains other controls. The Filter control is a submenu, and the additional items are submenu items.

The statement that follows displays the first submenu item in the Filter submenu:

MsgBox CommandBars(“Cell”).Controls(“Filter”).Controls(1).Caption


Figure 21-2: Displaying the Caption property for controls.

Properties of CommandBar controls

CommandBar controls have a number of properties that determine how the controls look and work. This list contains some of the more useful properties for CommandBar controls:

Caption: The text displayed for the control. If the control shows only an image, the Caption appears when you move the mouse pointer over the control.

ID: A unique numeric identifier for the control.

FaceID: A number that represents a built-in graphic image displayed next to the control's text.

Type: A value that determines whether a control is a button (msoControlButton) or a submenu (msoControlPopup).

Picture: A graphics image displayed next to the control's text. This property is useful if you want to display a graphic from the Ribbon.

BeginGroup: True if a separator bar appears before the control.

OnAction: The name of a VBA macro that executes when the user clicks the control.

BuiltIn: True if the control is an Excel built-in control.

Enabled: True if the control can be clicked.

Visible: True if the control is visible. Many of the shortcut menus contain hidden controls.

ToolTipText: Text that appears when the user moves the mouse pointer over the control. (Not applicable for shortcut menus.)

Displaying all shortcut menu items

The ShowShortcutMenuItems procedure that follows creates a table that lists all the first-level controls on every shortcut menu. For each control, the table includes the shortcut menu's Index and Name, plus the ID, Caption , Type, Enabled, and Visible property values.

Sub ShowShortcutMenuItems()

  Dim Row As Long

  Dim Cbar As CommandBar

  Dim ctl As CommandBarControl

  Range(“A1:G1”) = Array(“Index”, “Name”, “ID”, “Caption”, _

    “Type”, “Enabled”, “Visible”)

  Row = 2

  Application.ScreenUpdating = False

  For Each Cbar In Application.CommandBars

    If Cbar.Type = 2 Then

      For Each ctl In Cbar.Controls

          Cells(Row, 1) = Cbar.Index

          Cells(Row, 2) = Cbar.Name

          Cells(Row, 3) = ctl.ID

          Cells(Row, 4) = ctl.Caption

          If ctl.Type = 1 Then

              Cells(Row, 5) = “Button”


              Cells(Row, 5) = “Submenu”

          End If

          Cells(Row, 6) = ctl.Enabled

          Cells(Row, 7) = ctl.Visible

         Row = Row + 1

     Next ctl

   End If

  Next Cbar

  ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, _

    Range(“A1”).CurrentRegion, , xlYes).Name = “Table1”

End Sub

Figure 21-3 shows a portion of the output.


Figure 21-3: Listing the items in all shortcut menus.


This example, named show shortcut menu items.xlsm, is available on the book's website.

Using VBA to Customize Shortcut Menus

In this section, I present some practical examples of VBA code that manipulates Excel's shortcut menus. These examples, which can be modified to suit your needs, will give you an idea of the types of things you can do with shortcut menus.

What's different in Excel 2013

If you've used VBA to work with shortcut menus in previous versions of Excel, you need to be aware of a significant change in Excel 2013.

In the past, if your code modified a shortcut menu, that modification was in effect for all workbooks. For example, if you added a new item to the Cell right-click menu, that new item would appear when you right-clicked a cell in any workbook (and other workbooks that you open). In other words, shortcut menu modifications were at the application level.

Excel 2013 uses a single-document interface, which affects shortcut menus. Changes that you make to shortcut menus affect only the active workbook window. When you execute the code that modifies the shortcut menu, the shortcut menu for windows other than the active window will not be changed. This behavior is a radical departure from how things worked in previous versions of Excel.

And another twist: If the user opens a workbook (or creates a new workbook) when the active window displays the modified shortcut menu, the new workbook will also display the modified shortcut menu. In other words, new windows display the same shortcut menus as the window that was active when the new window was opened. If you write code to delete the shortcut menus, they are deleted only in the original workbook.

Even if a shortcut menu modification is intended to be used only in a single workbook, there's still a potential problem: If the user opens a new workbook, that new workbook will display the customized shortcut menus. Therefore, you might need to modify your code so the macros executed by the shortcut menus work only in the workbook for which they were designed.

If you want to use a custom shortcut menu as a way to execute a macro in an add-in, that menu item will be available only in workbooks that are opened after the add-in is opened.

Bottom line: In the past, if you opened a workbook or add-in that modified shortcut menus, you could be assured that the modified shortcut menus would be available in all workbooks. With Excel 2013, you no longer have that assurance.

Resetting a shortcut menu

The Reset method restores a shortcut menu to its original, default condition. The following procedure resets the Cell shortcut menu to its normal state:

Sub ResetCellMenu()


End Sub

In Excel 2013, the Reset method affects the Cell shortcut menu only in the active window.

As I noted previously, Excel has two shortcut menus named Cell. The preceding code resets only the first one (index of 10). To reset the second Cell shortcut menu, you can use its index number (39) instead of its name. But remember, the index numbers aren't consistent across Excel versions. Here's a better procedure to reset both instances of the Cell shortcut menu in the active window:

Sub ResetCellMenu()

    Dim cbar As CommandBar

    For Each cbar In Application.CommandBars

        If cbar.Name = “Cell” Then cbar.Enabled = False

    Next cbar

End Sub

The following procedure resets all built-in shortcut menus to their original states:

Sub ResetAllShortcutMenus()

    Dim cbar As CommandBar

    For Each cbar In Application.CommandBars

        If cbar.Type = msoBarTypePopup Then


            cbar.Enabled = True

        End If

    Next cbar

End Sub

In Excel 2013, the ResetAllShortcutMenus procedure works only with the active window. To reset the shortcut menus in all open windows, the code gets a bit more complex:

Sub ResetAllShortcutMenus2()

‘   Works with all windows

    Dim cbar As CommandBar

    Dim activeWin As Window

    Dim win As Window

‘   Remember current active window

    Set activeWin = ActiveWindow

‘   Loop through each visible window

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    For Each win In Windows

        If win.Visible Then


            For Each cbar In Application.CommandBars

                If cbar.Type = msoBarTypePopup Then


                    cbar.Enabled = True

                End If

            Next cbar

        End If

    Next win

‘   Activate original window


    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

The code starts by keeping track of the active window and storing it as an object variable (activeWin). The code then loops through all open windows and activates each one — but skips hidden windows because activating a hidden window makes it visible. For each active window, it loops through each CommandBar and resets those that are shortcut menus. Finally, the code reactivates the original window.


Both versions of the ResetAllShortcutMenus procedure are available on the book's website in the reset all shortcut menus.xlsm file.

Disabling a shortcut menu

The Enabled property lets you disable an entire shortcut menu. For example, you can set this property so that right-clicking a cell does not display the normal shortcut menu. The following statement disables the Cell shortcut menu for the workbook in the active window:

Application.CommandBars(“Cell”).Enabled = False

To reenable the shortcut menu, set its Enabled property to True. Resetting a shortcut menu does not enable it.

If you want to disable all shortcut menus in the active window, use the following procedure:

Sub DisableAllShortcutMenus()

    Dim cb As CommandBar

    For Each cb In CommandBars

        If cb.Type = msoBarTypePopup Then _

          cb.Enabled = False

    Next cb

End Sub

Disabling shortcut menu items

You may want to disable one or more items on certain shortcut menus while your application is running. When an item is disabled, its text appears in light gray, and clicking it has no effect. The following procedure disables the Hide menu item from the Row and Column shortcut menus in the active window:

Sub DisableHideMenuItems()

    CommandBars(“Column”).Controls(“Hide”).Enabled = False

    CommandBars(“Row”).Controls(“Hide”).Enabled = False

End Sub

This procedure doesn't prevent a user from using other methods to hide rows or columns, such as the Format command in the Home⇒Cells group.

Adding a new item to the Cell shortcut menu

The AddToShortcut procedure that follows adds a new menu item to the Cell shortcut menu: Toggle Wrap Text. Recall that Excel has two Cell shortcut menus. This procedure modifies the normal right-click menu but not the right-click menu that appears in page break preview mode.

Sub AddToShortCut()

‘   Adds a menu item to the Cell shortcut menu

    Dim Bar As CommandBar

    Dim NewControl As CommandBarButton


    Set Bar = CommandBars(“Cell”)

    Set NewControl = Bar.Controls.Add _


    With NewControl

        .Caption = “Toggle &Wrap Text”

        .OnAction = “ToggleWrapText”

        .Picture = Application.CommandBars.GetImageMso _

           (“WrapText”, 16, 16)

        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption

    End With

End Sub

Figure 21-4 shows the new menu item displayed after right-clicking a cell.


Figure 21-4: The Cell shortcut menu with a custom menu item.

The first command, after the declaration of a couple of variables, calls the DeleteFromShortcut procedure (listed later in this section). This statement ensures that only one Toggle Wrap Text menu item appears on the shortcut Cell menu. Note that the underlined hot key for this menu item is W, not T, because T is already used by the Cut menu item.

The Picture property is set by referencing the image used on the Ribbon for the Wrap Text command. Refer to Chapter 20 for more information about images used in Ribbon commands.

The macro executed when the menu item is selected is specified by the OnAction property. In this case, the macro is named ToggleWrapText:

Sub ToggleWrapText()

    On Error Resume Next

    CommandBars.ExecuteMso (“WrapText”)

    If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox “Could not toggle Wrap Text”

End Sub

This procedure simply executes the WrapText Ribbon command. If an error occurs (for example, the worksheet is protected), the user gets a message.

The DeleteFromShortcut procedure removes the new menu item from the Cell shortcut menu:

Sub DeleteFromShortcut()

    On Error Resume Next

    CommandBars(“Cell”).Controls (“Toggle &Wrap Text”).Delete

End Sub

In most cases, you want to add and remove the shortcut menu additions automatically: Add the shortcut menu item when the workbook is opened and delete the menu item when the workbook is closed. Just add these two event procedures to the ThisWorkbook code module:

Private Sub Workbook_Open()

    Call AddToShortCut

End Sub


Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)

    Call DeleteFromShortcut

End Sub

The Workbook_Open procedure is executed when the workbook is opened, and the Workbook_BeforeClose procedure is executed before the workbook is closed. Just what the doctor ordered.

By the way, if shortcut menus are used only in Excel 2013, you don't need to remove them when the workbook closes because the shortcut menu modifications are applied only to the active workbook window.


The workbook described in this section is available on the book's website in the add to cell shortcut.xlsm file. The file also includes a version of the macro that adds the new shortcut menu item to all open windows.

Adding a submenu to a shortcut menu

The example in this section adds a submenu with three options to the Cells shortcut menu of the active window. Figure 21-5 shows the worksheet after right-clicking a row. Each submenu item executes a macro that changes the case of text in the selected cells.


Figure 21-5: This shortcut menu has a submenu with three submenu items.

The code that creates the submenu and submenu items is as follows:

Sub AddSubmenu()

‘   Adds a submenu to the six shortcut menus

    Dim Bar As CommandBar

    Dim NewMenu As CommandBarControl

    Dim NewSubmenu As CommandBarButton



    Set Bar = CommandBars(“Cell”)

‘   Add submenu

    Set NewMenu = Bar.Controls.Add _


    NewMenu.Caption = “Ch&ange Case”

    NewMenu.BeginGroup = True

‘   Add first submenu item

    Set NewSubmenu = NewMenu.Controls.Add _


    With NewSubmenu

        .FaceId = 38

        .Caption = “&Upper Case”

        .OnAction = “MakeUpperCase”

    End With

‘   Add second submenu item

    Set NewSubmenu = NewMenu.Controls.Add _


    With NewSubmenu

        .FaceId = 40

        .Caption = “&Lower Case”

        .OnAction = “MakeLowerCase”

    End With

‘   Add third submenu item

    Set NewSubmenu = NewMenu.Controls.Add _


    With NewSubmenu

        .FaceId = 476

        .Caption = “&Proper Case”

        .OnAction = “MakeProperCase”

    End With

End Sub

The submenu is added first, and its Type property is msoControlPopup. Then the three submenu items are added, and each has a different OnAction property.

The code to delete the submenu is much simpler:

Sub DeleteSubmenu()

    On Error Resume Next

    CommandBars(“Cell”).Controls(“Cha&nge Case”).Delete

End Sub


The workbook described in this section is available on the book's website in the shortcut with submenu.xlsm file.

Limiting a shortcut menu to a single workbook

As I've noted, in Excel 2013, shortcut menu modifications are applied only to the active workbook window (workbook A). For example, you might add a new item to the Cell right-click menu in workbook A. But if the user opens a new workbook when workbook A is active, the new workbook will also display the modified shortcut menu. If you want the shortcut menu to work only when workbook A is active, you can add some code to the macro that's executed by the shortcut menu.

Assume that you wrote code that adds a shortcut menu that, when clicked, executes the MyMacro procedure. To limit this procedure to only the workbook in which it's defined, use code like this:

Sub MyMacro()

    If Not ActiveWorkbook Is ThisWorkbook Then

        MsgBox “This shortcut menu doesn't work here.”


‘       [Macro code goes here]

    End If

End Sub

Shortcut Menus and Events

The examples in this section demonstrate various shortcut-menu programming techniques used with events.


I discuss event programming in Chapter 17.

Adding and deleting menus automatically

If you need to modify a shortcut menu when a workbook is opened, use the Workbook_Open event. The following code, stored in the code module for the ThisWorkbook object, executes the ModifyShortcut procedure (not shown here):

Private Sub Workbook_Open()

    Call ModifyShortcut

End Sub

To return the shortcut back to its state before the modification, use a procedure such as the following. This procedure, which is executed before the workbook closes, calls the RestoreShortcut procedure (not shown here):

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)

    Call RestoreShortcut

End Sub

If this code is used exclusively in Excel 2013, it's not necessary to restore the shortcut menus when the workbook is closed because the modifications are applied only to the active workbook and disappear when the workbook is closed.

Disabling or hiding shortcut menu items

When a shortcut menu item is disabled, its text appears in a faint shade of gray, and clicking it has no effect. When a menu item is hidden, it doesn't appear on the shortcut menu. You can, of course, write VBA code to enable or disable shortcut menu items. Similarly, you can write code to hide shortcut menu items. The key is tapping into the correct event.

The following code, for example, disables the Change Case shortcut menu item (which was added to the Cells menu) when Sheet2 is activated. This procedure is located in the code module for Sheet2:

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()

    CommandBars(“Cell”).Controls(“Change Case”).Enabled = False

End Sub

To enable the menu item when Sheet2 is deactivated, add the following procedure. The net effect is that the Change Case menu item is available at all times except when Sheet2 is active.

Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate()

    CommandBars(“Cell”).Controls(“Change Case”).Enabled = True

End Sub

To hide the menu item rather than disable it, simply access the Visible property instead of the Enabled property.

Creating a context-sensitive shortcut menu

You can create a new shortcut menu and display it in response to a particular event. The code that follows creates a shortcut menu named MyShortcut and adds six menu items to it. These menu items have their OnAction property set to execute a simple procedure that displays one of the tabs in the Format Cells dialog box (see Figure 21-6).


Figure 21-6: A new shortcut menu appears only when the user right-clicks a cell in the shaded area of the worksheet.

Sub CreateShortcut()

    Set myBar = CommandBars.Add _

      (Name:=”MyShortcut”, Position:=msoBarPopup)


‘   Add a menu item

    Set myItem = myBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)

    With myItem

        .Caption = “&Number Format...”

        .OnAction = “ShowFormatNumber”

        .FaceId = 1554

    End With


‘   Add a menu item

    Set myItem = myBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)

    With myItem

        .Caption = “&Alignment...”

        .OnAction = “ShowFormatAlignment”

        .FaceId = 217

    End With


‘   Add a menu item

    Set myItem = myBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)

    With myItem

        .Caption = “&Font...”

        .OnAction = “ShowFormatFont”

        .FaceId = 291

    End With


‘   Add a menu item

    Set myItem = myBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)

    With myItem

        .Caption = “&Borders...”

        .OnAction = “ShowFormatBorder”

        .FaceId = 149

        .BeginGroup = True

    End With


‘   Add a menu item

    Set myItem = myBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)

    With myItem

        .Caption = “&Patterns...”

        .OnAction = “ShowFormatPatterns”

        .FaceId = 1550

    End With


‘   Add a menu item

    Set myItem = myBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)

    With myItem

        .Caption = “Pr&otection...”

        .OnAction = “ShowFormatProtection”

        .FaceId = 2654

    End With

End Sub

After the shortcut menu is created, you can display it by using the ShowPopup method. The following procedure, located in the code module for a Worksheet object, is executed when the user right-clicks a cell:

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeRightClick _

  (ByVal Target As Excel.Range, Cancel As Boolean)

    If Union(Target.Range(“A1”), Range(“data”)).Address = _

      Range(“data”).Address Then


        Cancel = True

    End If

End Sub

If the active cell is within a range named data when the user right-clicks, the MyShortcut menu appears. Setting the Cancel argument to True ensures that the normal shortcut menu isn't displayed. Note that the mini toolbar isn't displayed.

You can also display this shortcut menu without even using the mouse. Create a simple procedure and assign a shortcut key by using the Options button in the Macro dialog box.

Sub ShowMyShortcutMenu()

‘   Ctrl+Shift+M shortcut key


End Sub


The book's website contains an example (named context-sensitive shortcut menu.xlsm) that creates a new shortcut menu and displays it in place of the normal Cell shortcut menu.

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