Chapter 27: Understanding Class Modules

In This Chapter

• Introducing class modules

• Exploring some typical uses for class modules

• Seeing examples that demonstrate some key concepts related to class modules

What Is a Class Module?

For many VBA programmers, the concept of a class module is a mystery. This feature can be confusing, but the examples in this chapter may help to make it less mysterious.

A class module is a special type of VBA module that you can insert in a VBA project. Basically, a class module enables the programmer (you) to create a new object class. As you should know by now, programming Excel really boils down to manipulating objects. A class module allows you to create new objects, along with corresponding properties, methods, and events.


Examples in previous chapters in this book use class modules. See Chapters 13, 16, and 17.

At this point, you might be asking, “Do I really need to create new objects?” The answer is no. You don't need to, but you might want to after you understand some of the benefits of doing so. In many cases, a class module simply serves as a substitute for functions or procedures, but it could be a more convenient and manageable alternative. In other cases, however, you'll find that a class module is the only way to accomplish a particular task.

Following is a list of some typical uses for class modules:

To handle events associated with embedded charts. (see Chapter 16 for an example.)

To monitor application-level events, such as activating any worksheet. (See Chapter 17 for examples.)

To encapsulate a Windows Application Programming Interface (API) function to make it easier to use in your code. For example, you can create a class that makes it easy to detect or set the state of the Num Lock or Caps Lock key. Or you can create a class that simplifies access to the Windows Registry.

To enable multiple objects in a UserForm to execute a single procedure. Normally, each object has its own event handler. The example in Chapter 13 demonstrates how to use a class module so that multiple CommandButtons have a single Click event-handler procedure.

To create reusable components that can be imported into other projects. After you create a general-purpose class module, you can import it into other projects to reduce your development time.

Example: Creating a NumLock Class

In this section, I provide step-by-step instructions for creating a useful, albeit simple, class module. This class module creates a NumLock class that has one property (Value) and one method (Toggle).

Detecting or changing the state of the Num Lock key requires several Windows API functions and is fairly complicated. The purpose of this class module is to simplify things. All the API declarations and code are in a class module (not in a normal VBA module). The benefits? Your code will be much easier to work with, and you can reuse this class module in your other projects.

After the class is created, your VBA code can determine the current state of the Num Lock key by using an instruction such as the following, which displays the Value property:

MsgBox NumLock.Value

Or your code can change the state of the Num Lock key by changing the Value property. The following instruction, for example, turns on the Num Lock key:

NumLock.Value = True

In addition, your code can toggle the Num Lock key by using the Toggle method:


It's important to understand that a class module contains the code that defines the object, including its properties and methods. You can then create an instance of this object in your VBA general code modules and manipulate its properties and methods.

To better understand the process of creating a class module, you might want to follow the instructions in the next sections. Start with an empty workbook.

Inserting a class module

Activate Visual Basic Editor (VBE) and choose Insert⇒Class Module. This step adds an empty class module named Class1. If the Properties window isn't displayed, press F4 to display it. Then change the name of the class module to NumLockClass (see Figure 27-1).


Figure 27-1: An empty class module named NumLockClass.

Adding VBA code to the class module

In the next step, you create the code for the Value property. to detect or change the state of the Num Lock key, the class module needs the Windows API declarations that detect and set the Num Lock key. That code follows.


The VBA code for this example was adapted from an example at the Microsoft website. The code shown here works only for Excel 2010 and later. The version on this book's website is compatible with previous versions of Excel.

‘ Type declaration


    dwOSVersionInfoSize As Long

    dwMajorVersion As Long

    dwMinorVersion As Long

    dwBuildNumber As Long

    dwPlatformId As Long

    szCSDVersion As String * 128

End Type


‘ API declarations

Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetVersionEx Lib “Kernel32” _

    Alias “GetVersionExA” _

    (lpVersionInformation As OSVERSIONINFO) As Long


Private Declare PtrSafe Sub keybd_event Lib “user32” _

    (ByVal bVk As Byte, _

    ByVal bScan As Byte, _

    ByVal dwflags As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long)


Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetKeyboardState Lib “user32” _

    (pbKeyState As Byte) As Long


Private Declare PtrSafe Function SetKeyboardState Lib “user32” _

    (lppbKeyState As Byte) As Long


‘Constant declarations

Const VK_NUMLOCK = &H90

Const VK_SCROLL = &H91

Const VK_CAPITAL = &H14



Next, you need a procedure that retrieves the current state of the Num Lock key. I called this the Value property of the object, but you can use any name for the property. To retrieve the state, insert the following Property Get procedure:

Property Get Value() As Boolean

‘   Get the current state

    Dim keys(0 To 255) As Byte

    GetKeyboardState keys(0)

    Value = keys(VK_NUMLOCK)

End Property


The details of Property procedures are described later in this chapter, in the “Programming properties of objects” section.

This procedure, which uses the GetKeyboardState Windows API function to determine the current state of the Num Lock key, is called whenever VBA code reads the Value property of the object. For example, after the object is created, a VBA statement such as this executes the Property Get procedure:

MsgBox NumLock.Value

You now need a procedure that sets the Num Lock key to a particular state: either on or off. You can do this with the following Property Let procedure:

Property Let Value(boolVal As Boolean)


    Dim keys(0 To 255) As Byte

    o.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Len(o)

    GetVersionEx o

    GetKeyboardState keys(0)

‘   Is it already in that state?

    If boolVal = True And keys(VK_NUMLOCK) = 1 Then Exit Property

    If boolVal = False And keys(VK_NUMLOCK) = 0 Then Exit Property

‘   Toggle it

    ‘Simulate Key Press

    keybd_event VK_NUMLOCK, &H45, KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY Or 0, 0

    ‘Simulate Key Release



End Property

The Property Let procedure accepts one argument, which is either True or False. A VBA statement such as the following sets the Value property of the NumLock object to True by executing the Property Let procedure:

NumLock.Value = True

Finally, you need a procedure to toggle the NumLock state. I called this procedure the Toggle method.

Sub Toggle()

‘   Toggles the state


    o.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Len(o)

    GetVersionEx o

    Dim keys(0 To 255) As Byte

    GetKeyboardState keys(0)

    ‘Simulate Key Press

    keybd_event VK_NUMLOCK, &H45, KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY Or 0, 0

    ‘Simulate Key Release



End Sub

Note that Toggle is a standard Sub procedure (not a Property Let or Property Get procedure). A VBA statement such as the following one toggles the state of the NumLock object by executing the Toggle procedure:


Using the NumLockClass class

Before you can use the NumLockClass class module, you must create an instance of the object. The following statement, which resides in a regular VBA module (not the class module), does just that:

Dim NumLock As New NumLockClass

Note that the object type is NumLockClass (that is, the name of the class module). The object variable can have any name, but NumLock certainly seems like a logical name for this.

The following procedure sets the Value property of the NumLock object to True, which turns on the Num Lock key:

Sub NumLockOn()

    Dim NumLock As New NumLockClass

    NumLock.Value = True

End Sub

The next procedure displays a message box that indicates the current state of the Num Lock key (True is on; False is off):

Sub GetNumLockState()

    Dim NumLock As New NumLockClass

    MsgBox NumLock.Value

End Sub

The following procedure toggles the Num Lock key:

Sub ToggleNumLock()

    Dim NumLock As New NumLockClass


End Sub

Note that you can also toggle the Num Lock key without using the Toggle method:

Sub ToggleNumLock2()

    Dim NumLock As New NumLockClass

    NumLock.Value = Not NumLock.Value

End Sub

Using the NumLock class is much simpler than dealing directly with the API functions. After you create a class module, you can reuse it in any other project simply by importing the class module.


The completed class module for this example is available on the book's website. The workbook, named keyboard classes.xlsm, also contains class modules to detect and set the state of the Caps Lock key and the Scroll Lock key.

More about Class Modules

The example in the preceding section demonstrates how to create a new object class with a single read/write property named Value and a single method named Toggle. An object class can contain any number of properties, methods, and events.

The name that you use for the class module in which you define the object class is also the name of the object class. By default, class modules are named Class1, Class2, and so on. Usually, you'll want to provide a more meaningful name for your object class.

Programming properties of objects

Most objects have at least one property, and you can give them as many as you need. After a property is defined and the object is created, you can use it in your code using the standard dot syntax:

The VBE Auto List Members option works with objects defined in a class module, which makes it easier to select properties or methods when writing code.

Properties for the object that you define can be read-only, write-only, or read/write. You define a read-only property with a single procedure — using the Property Get keyword. Here's an example of a Property Get procedure:

Property Get FileNameOnly() As String

    Dim Sep As String, LastSep As Long

    Sep = Application.PathSeparator

    LastSep = InStrRev(FullName, Sep)

    FileNameOnly = Right(FullName, Len(FullName) - LastSep)

End Property

You may have noticed that a Property Get procedure works like a Function procedure. The code performs calculations and then returns a property value that corresponds to the procedure's name. In this example, the procedure's name is FileNameOnly. The property value returned is the filename part of a path string (contained in a Public variable named FullName). For example, if FullName is c:datamyfile.txt, the procedure returns a property value of myfile.txt. The FileNameOnly procedure is called when VBA code references the object and property.

For read/write properties, you create two procedures: a Property Get procedure (which reads a property value) and a Property Let procedure (which writes a property value). The value being assigned to the property is treated as the final argument (or the only argument) of a Property Get procedure.

Two example procedures follow:

Dim XLFile As Boolean


Property Get SaveAsExcelFile() As Boolean

    SaveAsExcelFile = XLFile

End Property


Property Let SaveAsExcelFile(boolVal As Boolean)

   XLFile = boolVal

End Property


Use Property Set in place of Property Let when the property is an object data type.

A Public variable in a class module can also be used as a property of the object. In the preceding example, the Property Get and Property Let procedures could be eliminated and replaced with this module-level declaration:

Public SaveAsExcelFile As Boolean

In the unlikely event that you need to create a write-only property, you create a single Property Let procedure with no corresponding Property Get procedure.

The previous examples use a Boolean module-level variable named XLFile. The Property Get procedure simply returns the value of this variable as the property value. If the object were named FileSys, for example, the following statement would display the current value of the SaveAsExcelFile property:

MsgBox FileSys.SaveAsExcelFile

The Property Let statement, on the other hand, accepts an argument and uses the argument to change the value of a property. For example, you could write a statement such as the following to set the SaveAsExcelFile property to True:

FileSys.SaveAsExcelFile = True

In this case, the value True is passed to the Property Let statement, thus changing the property's value.

You'll need to create a variable that represents the value for each property that you define within your class module.


Normal procedure-naming rules apply to property procedures, and you'll find that VBA won't let you use some names if they are reserved words. If you get a syntax error when creating a property procedure, try changing the name of the procedure.

Programming methods for objects

A method for an object class is programmed by using a standard Sub or Function procedure placed in the class module. An object might or might not use methods. Your code executes a method by using standard notation:


Like any other VBA method, a method that you write for an object class will perform some type of action. The following procedure is an example of a method that saves a workbook in one of two file formats, depending on the value of the XLFile variable. As you can see, nothing about this procedure is special.

Sub SaveFile()

    If XLFile Then

        ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:=FName, _



        ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:=FName, _


    End If

End Sub

The CSVFileClass example in the next section should clarify the concepts of properties and methods for object classes defined in a class module.

Class module events

Every class module has two events: Initialize and Terminate. The Initialize event occurs when a new instance of the object is created; the Terminate event occurs when the object is destroyed. You might want to use the Initialize event to set default property values.

The frameworks for these event-handler procedures are as follows:

Private Sub Class_Initialize()

‘    Initialization code goes here

End Sub


Private Sub Class_Terminate()

‘    Termination code goes here

End Sub

An object is destroyed (and the memory it uses is freed) when the procedure or module in which it is declared finishes executing. You can destroy an object at any time by setting it to Nothing. The following statement, for example, destroys the object named MyObject:

Set MyObject = Nothing

Example: A CSV File Class

The example presented in this section defines an object class called CSVFileClass. This class has two properties and two methods:


ExportRange: (Read/write) A worksheet range to be exported as a CSV file

ImportRange: (Read/write) The range into which a CSV file will be imported


Import: Imports the CSV file represented by the CSVFileName argument into the range represented by the ImportRange property

Export: Exports the range represented by the ExportRange property to a CSV file represented by the CSVFileName argument


The example in this section is available on the book's website in the csv class.xlsm file.

Class module–level variables for the CSVFileClass

A class module must maintain its own private variables that mirror the property settings for the class. The CSVFileClass class module uses two variables to keep track of the two property settings. These variables are declared at the top of the class module:

Private RangeToExport As Range

Private ImportToCell As Range

RangeToExport is a Range object that represents the range to be exported. ImportToCell is a Range object that represents the upper-left cell of the range into which the file will be imported. These variables are assigned values by the Property Get and Property Let procedures listed in the next section.

Property procedures for the CSVFileClass

The property procedures for the CSVFileClass class module follow. The Property Get procedures return the value of a variable, and the Property Let procedures set the value of a variable.

Property Get ExportRange() As Range

    Set ExportRange = RangeToExport

End Property


Property Let ExportRange(rng As Range)

    Set RangeToExport = rng

End Property


Property Get ImportRange() As Range

    Set ImportRange = ImportToCell

End Property


Property Let ImportRange(rng As Range)

    Set ImportToCell = rng

End Property

Method procedures for the CSVFileClass

The CSVFileClass class module contains two procedures that represent the two methods. These are listed and discussed in the sections that follow.

The Export procedure

The Export procedure is called when the Export method is executed. It takes one argument: the full name of the file receiving the exported range. The procedure provides some basic error handling. For example, it ensures that the ExportRange property has been set by checking the RangeToExport variable. The procedure sets up an error handler to trap other errors.

Sub Export(CSVFileName)

‘   Exports a range to CSV file

    If RangeToExport Is Nothing Then

        MsgBox “ExportRange not specified”

        Exit Sub

    End If


    On Error GoTo ErrHandle

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    Set ExpBook = Workbooks.Add(xlWorksheet)


    Application.DisplayAlerts = False


    With ExpBook


        .SaveAs FileName:=CSVFileName, FileFormat:=xlCSV

        .Close SaveChanges:=False

    End With

    Application.CutCopyMode = False

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

    Application.DisplayAlerts = True

    Exit Sub


    ExpBook.Close SaveChanges:=False

    Application.CutCopyMode = False

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

    Application.DisplayAlerts = True

    MsgBox “Error “ & Err & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Error(Err), _

      vbCritical, “Export Method Error”

End Sub

The Export procedure works by copying the range specified by the RangeToExport variable to a new temporary workbook, saving the workbook as a CSV text file, and closing the file. Because screen updating is turned off, the user doesn't see this happening. If an error occurs — for example, an invalid filename is specified — the procedure jumps to the ErrHandle section and displays a message box that contains the error number and description.

The Import procedure

The Import procedure imports a CSV file specified by the CSVFileName argument and copies its contents to a range specified by the ImportToCell variable, which maintains the ImportRange property. The file is then closed. Again, screen updating is turned off, so the user doesn't see the file being opened. Like the Export procedure, the Import procedure incorporates some basic error handling.

Sub Import(CSVFileName)

‘   Imports a CSV file to a range

    If ImportToCell Is Nothing Then

        MsgBox “ImportRange not specified”

        Exit Sub

    End If


    If CSVFileName = “” Then

        MsgBox “Import FileName not specified”

        Exit Sub

    End If


    On Error GoTo ErrHandle

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    Application.DisplayAlerts = False

    Workbooks.Open CSVFileName

    Set CSVFile = ActiveWorkbook

    ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Copy Destination:=ImportToCell

    CSVFile.Close SaveChanges:=False

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

    Application.DisplayAlerts = True

    Exit Sub


    CSVFile.Close SaveChanges:=False

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

    Application.DisplayAlerts = True

    MsgBox “Error “ & Err & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Error(Err), _

      vbCritical, “Import Method Error”

End Sub

Using the CSVFileClass object

To create an instance of a CSVFileClass object in your code, start by declaring a variable as type CSVFileClass in a standard VBA module. Here's an example:

Dim CSVFile As New CSVFileClass

You might prefer to declare the object variable first and then create the object when needed. This requires a Dim statement and a Set statement:

Dim CSVFile As CSVFileClass

‘ other code may go here

Set CSVFile = New CSVFileClass

The advantage of using both a Dim statement and a Set statement is that the object isn't actually created until the Set statement is executed. You might want to use this technique to save memory by not creating an object if it's not needed. For example, your code might contain logic that determines whether the object is actually created. In addition, using the Set command enables you to create multiple instances of an object.

After creating an instance of the object, you can write other instructions to access the properties and methods defined in the class module.

As you can see in Figure 27-2, the VBE Auto List Members feature works just like any other object. After you type the variable name and a dot, you see a list of properties and methods for the object.


Figure 27-2: The Auto List Members feature displays the available properties and methods.

The following procedure demonstrates how to save the current range selection to a CSV file named temp.csv, which is stored in the same directory as the current workbook:

Sub ExportARange()

    Dim CSVFile As New CSVFileClass

    With CSVFile

        .ExportRange = ActiveWindow.RangeSelection

        .Export CSVFileName:=ThisWorkbook.Path & “ emp.csv”

    End With

End Sub

Using the With-End With structure isn't mandatory. For example, the procedure could be written as follows:

Sub ExportARange()

    Dim CSVFile As New CSVFileClass

    CSVFile.ExportRange = ActiveWindow.RangeSelection

    CSVFile.Export CSVFileName:=ThisWorkbook.Path & “ emp.csv”

End Sub

The following procedure demonstrates how to import a CSV file, beginning at the active cell:

Sub ImportAFile()

    Dim CSVFile As New CSVFileClass

    With CSVFile

    On Error Resume Next

        .ImportRange = ActiveCell

        .Import CSVFileName:=ThisWorkbook.Path & “ emp.csv”

    End With

    If Err <> 0 Then _

      MsgBox “Cannot import “ & ThisWorkbook.Path & “ emp.csv”

End Sub

Your code can work with more than one instance of an object. The following code, for example, creates an array of three CSVFileClass objects:

Sub Export3Files()

    Dim CSVFile(1 To 3) As New CSVFileClass

    CSVFile(1).ExportRange = Range(“A1:A20”)

    CSVFile(2).ExportRange = Range(“B1:B20”)

    CSVFile(3).ExportRange = Range(“C1:C20”)


    For i = 1 To 3

        CSVFile(i).Export CSVFileName:=”File” & i & “.csv”

    Next i

End Sub

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