
Activities, meeting people through, 8, 11

Ad campaigns, 8

Addiction, 7188

breaking stigma of, 7274

and community, 7277

and Heroes in Recovery program, 7687

reaching people struggling with, 7476

Adding value, 48

Admiration, showing, 191

Advertising, 164

Advocacy, 22, 168, 186

definition, 43

and disruptive schemas, 61

how conversations become, 6465

tipping conversations to, 6162

Alcoholics Anonymous, 80

Altruism, reciprocal, 168

Amazing Race (television program), 162

Amazon, 180

Ambassadors (The DriVen Class):

selecting, 129131

training, 132134

Amusement, 54

Anonymity, secrecy vs., 7980

Anxiety, 54

Anytime Fitness, 2, 22, 100105, 183. See also Fitness Rebellion

fitness conversation at, 102105

and the fitness industry, 100101

vision of, 101

Apple, 115

Austin Business Journal, 182

Awareness, raising, 8183

Belief, trust and, 2829

Berger, Jonah, 57

The Big Book (Alcoholics' Anonymous), 80

Blogs, 64

Bonding, 8, 11, 185

Bon Secours St. Francis Health System, 9

Boston Consulting Group, 21, 88, 114, 140

Brains on Fire (company), 40, 67, 192

and Anytime Fitness, 101102, 108

being customers' friends at, 32

Community Shepherds at, 189

and DeVry University, 131

Fire Sessions at, 12

and Foundations Recovery Network, 74, 76

“like” at, 54

Love146 story, 55, 57

mission of, ix

and National Center for Family Literacy, 151, 156

truth telling at, 113

Brains on Fire (Phillips, Cordell, Church, and Moore), ixx, 1, 22

Brand, YOU as, 1314

Brand drivers, 140

Broadcasting, online conversations and, 62

Business-to-business conversation, 164

“Called to Serve with _____” (prompt), 910

The Canyon, 72

Cash, Johnny, 192

Catholic Health System, 9

Chanel, 32

Check-the-box marketing strategy, 42, 141, 179

Cheerios, 57

Chief Inspiration Officers, 26

Chief Love Officers, 3, 23, 27

Chilling and watching TV, 67

Chrysler, 24

Church, Geno, 3435, 40, 5051, 73, 108, 193

Brains on Fire, ixx, 1, 22

on DriVen Class, 129, 133

on show and tell, 153154

on Wonderopolis, 157, 162

Closeness, creating, 13

Coke, 57


and addiction, 7277

connections and evolution in, 134135

development of, 188

igniting movements in, 79

impact of addiction on, 76

people as focus of, 137138

process of igniting, 108

role of, in learning, 152

Wonderopolis, 160161

Community engagement, 3132

Community leaders:

compensation of, 132

selecting, 108

Community of encouragement, 128129

Community support systems, 152

Compensation, for community leaders, 132


in The DriVen Class, 135136

in Heroes in Recovery program, 8485

in Wonderopolis, 159160

Consideration, conversations leading to, 2728

Consumers, social, 141

Consumer-to-business conversations, 164

Consumer-to-consumer conversations, 164

The Container Store, 181182

Content driven websites, 75

Contentment, 54

Conversation(s), 89, 191. See also specific types

and consideration, 2728

and how it becomes advocacy, 6465

motivating, 4243

offline, 169

shared-passion, 6567

sparking, with visual cues, 57

tipping, to advocacy with passion, 6162

Conversation channels, 6365

Conversation tools, 13, 57, 80

Cordell, Greg, ixx, 1, 22, 48, 65, 127, 131

The Cosby Show (television program), 126

COSE Mindspring, 166

Cosmetics, 2526

Costa del Mar sunglasses, 190

Cox, Josh, 108110

Crispin Porter + Bogusky, 33

Culture, organizational, 88, 183184


being realistic about your, 56

centricity, culture of, 8889

connecting with, 6667

creating a dialogue with, 164165

emotional investment in, 186187

falling in love with, 154

influence of advertisers vs. word of mouth on, 2627

lifetime, 65

relationships with employees and, 45, 188192

treatment of existing, 180182

“Customer dance,” 181

Dagys, Laura, 133

Daily Huddles, 10

Data, poring over, 67

“Delivering Happiness,” 185186

Delivering Happiness (Hsieh), 185186

Detractors (customer category), 66

DeVry University, 2, 22, 125129, 183. See also The DriVen Class

community of encouragement at, 128129

early engagers at, 189190

word of mouth movement, 126127

Dialogues, relationships with customers and, 168

Dichter, Ernest, 2326

Diet Coke, 60

Disruptive experiences, 59

Diversity, 192

Doyle, Emily, 34

The DriVen Class, 127, 129141, 182, 183, 189190, 192, 194

connections within, 135136

growth of, 134135

Ed Keller on, 141

Steve Knox on, 140141

measuring return on investment in, 139

and relationships, 137138

rewards of leadership for, 131132

selecting ambassadors for, 129131

training ambassadors for, 132134

word of mouth in, 137

Drug addiction, stigma of, 7274. See also Addiction

DuPont, 24

Early engagers, focusing on, 189190

The Economist, 25

Edgley-Turpin, Anya, 111

Edison, Thomas, 167

“Educational” websites, 155

Eduspeak, 156

Ehrenberg Bass Institute for Marketing Science, 32

Emotion(s), 101

and face-to-face conversations, 6263

high-arousal, 54

low-arousal, 54

showing, 54

Emotional arousal, 54

Emotional conversations, 5261, 74

and disrupting schemas, 5961

face-to-face vs. online, 6263

and Fitness Rebellion, 112113

“like” in, 54

meaningful tools for, 57

and passion, 5557

and showing emotions, 54

stories in, 5859

and visual cues, 57, 58

Emotional investment:

in customers, 186187

return on, 183

Empathy, 112


aiding recovery of, 7374

customers' relationships with, 45, 188192

investing time in, 6567

love for, 14, 182

special recognition of, 182

Employee engagement, 113, 184

Enchantment (Kawasaki), 65

Encouragement, 125128, 138


community, 3132

employee, 113, 184

student, 159

Exciting, keeping it, 190

Experian Digital Marketer, 28

Expertise, social, 50

Exxon, 24

Facebook, 31, 32, 42, 64, 86, 141, 160, 179180

“Facebook Fans” (study), 32

The Face-to-Face Book (Keller), 89, 115, 141

Face-to-face conversations, 89

flowing and continuous nature of, 64

online vs., 6263, 169

Face-to-face meetings, 190

Falling in love, 3, 14

Familiarity, 1112

Family learning, 152, 153

Finding your cause, 68

Fire Sessions, 12

Firms of Endearment (Sisodia, Wolfe, and Sheth), 102

Fiskars, 183184

Fiskateers, 183, 188

Fitness conversation, 102105, 107

Fitness industry, 100101

Fitness Rebels, 108, 192

Fitness Rebellion, 105114, 182

and emotional conversations, 112113

and functional conversations, 110111

individualization of, 109110

Ed Keller on, 115

Steve Knox on, 114115

and measuring success, 113

selecting community leaders for, 107

and sharing little wins, 111112

togetherness and, 108111

Fitness Rebellion Manifesto, 105106

Fitness Rebel logo (Anytime Fitness), 51

Focus groups, 24

Ford, Betty, 73

Foresight, hindsight vs., 41

Foundational truth, 60

Foundations Recovery Network (FRN), 2, 22, 7276, 183, 190, 194. See also Heroes in Recovery program

breaking stigma of addiction at, 7274

reaching people struggling with addiction at, 7476

Foursquare, 141

Fritchle, Chase, 131

FRN, see Foundations Recovery Network

Functional complexity, 47

Functional conversations, 4648

face-to-face vs. online, 6263

and Fitness Rebellion, 110

Functional newness, 47

The Game (Strauss), 8

General Mills, 24, 33

Getting people to talk about themselves, 1314

Gillmar, Justin, 130, 137138

Goodwin-Washington, Margie, 126

Hallett, Josh, 151, 156

Hammond, Vicky, 128, 130

Harley-Davidson, 32, 51

Harris, Tamiera, 125127, 136

Harris Interactive, 28

Harrison, Cathy, 108

Harvard Business Review, 24

Heath, Chip, 58

Heath, Dan, 58

Heroes in Recovery 6K races, 8183, 71

Heroes in Recovery program, 72, 7687, 182, 188, 190, 193194

and addiction, 7687

advocate selection in, 79

and anonymity vs. secrecy, 7980

connections in, 8485

history of, 7677

Journey Box in, 7778

Ed Keller on, 89

Steve Knox on, 8889

measuring success of, 8587

raising awareness about, 8183

HGTV, 126

High-arousal emotions, 54

Hindsight, foresight vs., 41

Hiring for passion, 189

Homer, 34

“How Word-of-Mouth Advertising Works” (Dichter), 24

Hsieh, Tony, 185186

Identity marks, 76

Illiteracy, 155

Incubation, of communities, 194

Indescribable, being, 2931

Individuality, 50


providing customers with, 3133

sharing, 4748

Insight, 41

Inspirational leadership, 189

Inspiring people to talk about your product, 39

Instagram, 63

Intangible benefits, at Wonderopolis, 166

Interest, jumpstarting, 158159

Intimacy, creating, 13

Invisible, being, 2931

Isolation, 104

Ivory Soap, 25

Jack Daniels, 32

Jesus Christ, 10

Johns Hopkins University, 151, 156

Journey Box, 7778

Justice for Children International, 55

Katchuk, Pam, 7173

Kawasaki, Guy, 65

Keeping it exciting, 190

Kelleher, Herb, 182

Keller, Ed, 29, 33, 67, 180

on The DriVen Class, 141

The Face-to-Face Book, 89, 115, 141

on Fitness Rebellion, 115

on Heroes in Recovery program, 89

on Wonderopolis, 169

Keller Fay Group, 2729, 89, 115, 141

Keller School of Management, 126141

Kicking But cards, 110111

Kickstarters, 107

Kimberly-Clark, 33

Kindness, showing, 191

Kirkpatrick, Emily, 152153

Kitchen table passion, 35

Kleinschmidt, Brian, 110

Know-how, knowledge vs., 41

Knowing yourself, 45

Knowledge, know-how vs., 41

Knox, Steve, 21, 67

on disruptive schemas, 5961

on The DriVen Class, 140141

on Fitness Rebellion, 114115

on Heroes in Recovery program, 8889

on Wonderopolis, 164165

Kohn, Shannon, 160

Labels, 73

Lafley, A.G., 88

La Paloma, 72

Las Vegas, Nevada, 60

Leadership, 88

inspirational, 189

and movements/social change, 79

rewards of, 131132

Learning, 152, 153, 191

Learning in the everyday, 155

“Less is more” philosophy, 13

Lifetime customers, 65

“Like,” in emotional conversations, 54

Listening, 6567

Literacy, 155

The little things, noticing, 112

Live and learn, 191

Long-term success, 187188

Louis Vuitton, 32

Love, 183

for employees, 182

falling in, 3, 14

patient and kind nature of, 8

Love146 (organization), 5559, 73

Lovett, Mitchell J., 50

Low-arousal emotions, 54

Mac, Bernie, 74

McKinsey & Company, 2628

Mapping of social networks, 140


common mistakes of, 179181

and deciding what gets talked about, 2627

Marketing mindset, unlearning your, 19

Marketing problems, people problems vs., 20

Marketing research, 3940

Marketing Science Institute, 42

Meetings, face-to-face, 190

Meeting people, 8, 11

Mental illness, stigma of, 7274

Merck Research Laboratories, 126

Messner, Dave, 135137

Michael's House, 72

Micro targeting, 114

Miller, Marcus, 99100

MillerCoors, 33

MINI (automobile), 50

Miracle on the Hudson, 5960


sustaining, 188192

word of mouth-powered, 83

Moore, John, ixx, 1, 22, 29, 40, 51

Morris, Rob, 5558

Morrison, Sean, 83

Mortensen, Dave, 100, 113

on Fitness Rebellion, 106107

Working Out Sucks!, 102, 104

Motivations, consumer, 24

Motivational research, 24

Motivations for conversations, 4243

emotional conversations, 5261

functional conversations, 4548

online vs. face-to-face conversations, 6263

social conversations, 4951

Movements, leaders for, 79

Museum of Modern Art, 184

Music, background, in stores, 25

Nantz, Mark, 9, 10

National Center for Family Literacy (NCFL), 2, 22, 151157, 183. See also Wonderopolis

inspiring adults at, 154156

relationship between parent, child, and teacher at, 156157

show and tell at, 153154

word of mouth project for, 151153

Net Promoter Score (NPS), 6566

Newness, functional, 47

New York Times, 24

Nike, 32

NPS (Net Promoter Score), 6566

Obama, Barack, 56

Offline conversations, 169

“On Brands and Word of Mouth” (Peres, Shachar, and Lovett), 42, 54

One Million Eggs, 157

Online conversations, 7

face-to-face vs., 6263, 169

intermittent and sporadic nature of, 64

Pampers, 88, 114

Paramore, 57

Partnerships, with customers, 154

Passion, 12

and advocacy, 22, 6162

contagious nature of, 34

in emotional conversations, 5557

emotions as triggers of, 55

finding shared, 6567

and functional conversations, 48

hiring for, 189

kitchen table, 35

as reason people talk, 39, 4243

signaling, 50

social, 50

and social conversations, 51

Passion conversation, 166167, 185187, 191

Passion Explorations, 67

Passion statements, 101, 115

Passives (customer category), 66

Patagonia, 51


believing in, 2829

as focus of marketing, 2021

as focus of social media, 179180

listening to, 5

making connections with, 7

thinking like, 181

uniting, through shared passions, 39

what people talk about, 63, 6567

why people talk, 4, 40. See also Motivations

The people business, being in, 14, 19, 40

People opportunities, 2123

People problems, marketing problems vs., 20

“People Talking About This” (PTAT) measurement, 32

Pepper, Lee, 7287, 188

Perception, 139

Peres, Renana, 50

Periodic Table of WOMology, 44

Persistence, 11

Phillips, Robbin, 9, 48, 131, 183, 193194

Brains on Fire, ixx, 1, 22

on shared passion, 192193

Phoenix Multisport, 82, 8485

Physician Scientist Training Program (PSTP), 126

Pinterest, 42, 179180

Platforms, for customers' stories, 13

Positive experiences, 115

Positivity, 183

Procter & Gamble, 21, 24, 60, 88, 114, 140


inspiring people to talk about, 39

“souls” of, 25

Projects to PhD (Harris), 127

Promoters (customer category), 66

Promotional messages, 3133

Proximity, 1112

PSTP (Physician Scientist Training Program), 126

The Psychology of Everyday Living (Dichter), 25

PTAT (“People Talking About This”) measurement, 32

Ptolemy, 34

Ramsey, Greg, 7678, 8182

Realistic, being, 56, 11

Reciprocal altruism, 168

Red Bull, 88

Reframing of marketing problems, 20

Relationships, 138

and advocacy, 6162

as basis for world, 21

building, 168

of customers and employees, 45, 188192

The DriVen Class and, 137138

and knowing yourself, 45

maintaining, 188192

meaningful, 3132, 6567

online, 3132

social conversations in, 164165

at Wonderopolis, 165166, 168

Reputation, 139


marketing, 3940

motivational, 24

Respect, 191

Returning visitors, 166

Return on emotional investment, 183

Return on investment (ROI), 139, 182

Role models, 125128

Runyon, Chuck, 100, 113

on Fitness Rebellion, 106107, 112

on return on emotional investment, 183

Working Out Sucks!, 102, 104

Sadness, 54

Schemas, disrupting, 5961

Scully, Katie, 163

Search engine optimization, 180

Secrecy, anonymity vs., 7980

Secrets, telling, 1213

Shachar, Ron, 50

Shakespeare, William, 34

Shared-passion conversations, 6567

Shared understanding, 193194

Sharing, 23

Sharpie, 29

Sheth, Jagdish, 102

Short-term wins, 187188

Show and tell, 153154

Sinek, Simon, 5, 166167

Sisodia, Rajendra, 102

Skype, 130

SlideShare, 40

Social change, 79

Social consumers, 141

Social conversations, 4951, 6263

Social expertise, 50

Social Fresh (conference), 73

Social media, 179180

Social movements, 8889

Social networks, 62, 140. See also specific networks

Social passion, 50

Social signaling, 5051, 80

Social uniqueness, 50

“Soul” of product, 25

Southwest Airlines, 182

“Spider web” network, 75

Starbucks, 31, 51, 187

Starcom MediaVest, 33

Start with Why? (Sinek), 5, 166167

Stern, Howard, 74

Stigma, of drug addiction and mental illness, 7274

Stories, 5859

Strauss, Neil, 8

Student engagement, 159

StumbleUpon, 86


long-term, 187188

measuring, 8587, 113, 180

Sweatman, Oliver, 34

Taking a stand, 11

Talking, 191

deciding what gets talked about, 2627

getting people to talk about themselves, 1314

inspiring people to talk about your product, 39

passion and why people talk, 39, 4243

shaping what people talk about with conversation channel, 6365

what people talk about, 63, 6567

why people talk, 4, 40. See also Motivations for conversations

TalkTrack® surveys, 33

Target, 6

Tarr, 8485

Tattoos, 51

Taylor, Amy, 102105

Technology, 7, 40, 179

Temple University, 126

Texting, 64

Theatrical productions, 2930

Therapy, cosmetics as, 2526

Tiffany & Co., 32

Time-distortion, 8, 11

Time magazine, 163

Tindell, Kip, 181182

Title, ditching your, 19

Togetherness, 108111

Tom's shoes, 51

Training, of ambassadors, 132134

Tremor, 21, 88, 114, 140

Tribes, 88, 195


and belief, 2829

developing, 8, 13, 168, 169

earning, 7

Trusting the journey, 159160

Twitter, 31, 42, 64, 86, 141, 160, 179180

Understanding, shared, 193194

Uniqueness, signaling, 50

Universal McCann, 33

University of Chicago, 126

University of South Australia, 32

University of Toronto, 126

Unlearning your marketing mindset, 19

Ursa Major (brand), 3435

US Airways, 5960

Value, adding, 2

Villanova University, 126

Virtual Try-On, 4748

Visual cues:

and development of Wonderopolis, 158

sparking conversation with, 57, 58

Visual journal of recovery, 77

Voice-to-voice conversations, 169

Walden University, 127

Walmart, 6

Warby Parker (eyewear company), 4748

Watching TV, chilling and, 67


content-driven, 75

educational, 155

traffic to, 166

We Love Our Employees Day, 182

Whole Foods Market, 2931, 187

Wins, short-term, 187188

Wolfe, David, 102

WOM, see Word of mouth

WOMMA, see Word of Mouth Marketing Association

“Wommology” (presentation), 40

WOMMY awards, 182

Wonder Jar®, 158159

Wonder of the Day®, 157160, 163164

Wonderopolis, 151, 157169, 182, 190

comments from community on, 160

connecting through, 159160

creating dialogues with, 163165

growth of, 161162

intangibles benefits of, 166

Ed Keller on, 169

Steve Knox on, 168169

measuring success of, 165

messengers within, 162163

relationships at, 158, 165166

visual cues and, 158

and why passion matters, 166167

and Wonder Jar®, 158159

and Wonder of the Day®, 157160

Wonderopolis Lead Families, 161162

Word of mouth (WOM):

for brand-related conversation, 29

in the classroom, 137

opportunity with, 41

Word of mouth marketing:

advocacy as ultimate goal of, 186

and deciding what gets talked about, 2627

future of, 2326

successful strategy for, 89, 141

Word of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA), 40, 132, 182

Working Out Sucks! (Runyon and Mortensen), 102, 104

Zappos, 33, 185186

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