
Abuse, 144, 147, 148, 185, 211, 236, 237

Admissibility of evidence, 255257

After-market parts. See Automobile glass replacement company, fraudulent insurance billing

Agency office, internal fraud

background, 6769

investigation, 6972

lessons learned, 73

prevention recommendations, 73, 74

prosecution and plea deal, 72, 73

Agents, fraud in soliciting medical insurance clients

background, 169171

investigation, 172175

lessons learned, 176

prevention recommendations, 176

Anti-fraud training and education, 28, 92, 168, 236

Antique automobile theft claims

background, 103, 104

investigation, 104111

lessons learned, 111

prevention recommendations, 111

prosecution, 111

Application misrepresentation, 39, 43, 44, 46, 202, 203, 205, 254. See also Antique automobile theft claims

Arson fraud

background, 39, 40

investigation, 4045

legal proceedings, 45, 46

lessons learned, 46

prevention recommendations, 46

Attorney-client privilege, 79, 80


employee behavior during, 85

healthcare fraud, 183186, 189

Medicare fraud, 180183, 212214

of monthly trends, 197, 198

vendors, 168

Automobile glass replacement company, fraudulent insurance billing

background, 159164

criminal prosecution, 166, 167

investigation, 164166

lessons learned, 167

prevention recommendations, 168

Automobile insurance

antique automobiles. See Antique automobile theft claims

auto theft. See Automobile theft claims glass replacement. See Automobile glass replacement company, fraudulent insurance billing

and Mexican drug cartel intimidation. See Mexican drug cartels, fraudulent claims

personal injury protection (PIP) claims, 122. See also Medical clinic fraud

Automobile theft claims. See also Antique automobile theft claims

background, 9395

lessons learned, 102

prevention recommendations, 102

prosecution, 101

sting operation (Operation Give and Go), 95101

Background checks

on clients, 138, 150, 155

contractors, 20

employees, 28

importance of, 119

investigative tool, 24, 25, 105, 106, 119, 206

vendors, 28

Behavioral research, 256

Burden of proof, 9, 147, 253

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), 185, 186, 215, 233

Chain of custody, 81, 82, 106, 145, 207, 244, 246

Checks and balances, 27, 38, 73, 74

Civil litigation

defense tactics, 80

Federal Civil False Claims Act, 7

Medicare fraud, 234, 235

settlement, 81, 82, 257

Claims representative, internal fraud

background, 113, 114

investigation, 114119

lessons learned, 119

prevention recommendations, 120

prosecution, 119

Classification system for insurance fraud, xv

Code of ethics, 174, 176

Commercial liability insurance

misappropriation and diversion of fiduciary funds. See Commercial liability insurance fraud

non-admitted insurance providers, 239

requirements, 239

Commercial liability insurance fraud

background, 239, 240

criminal prosecution, 245, 246

investigation, 240245

lessons learned, 246

online sales. See Online insurance sales fraud

prevention recommendations, 247

Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), 186, 211, 237. See also Office of Inspector General (OIG)


index log, 80, 82

management, 246

Durable medical equipment (DME) Medicare fraud

background, 209212

criminal prosecution, 214

investigation, 212214

lessons learned, 214

prevention recommendations, 215, 216

Elder abuse, 144, 147, 148

Employee leasing companies (professional employer organizations), 5863


audits, behavior during, 85

background checks, 28

dishonest employee insurance claim, 72

former employees, blaming for fraud, 183

former employees, interviewing, 6, 125, 166, 186

hotlines, 27, 28, 85, 92, 132, 138, 164, 167, 227

interviewing, 6, 92, 186

retaliation, fear of in reporting fraud, 27, 28

training, 28, 92, 168, 236

trust in, 114, 119

whistleblowers. See Whistleblowers

workers' compensation insurance. See Workers' compensation insurance, claims fraud

Ethical business model (EBM), 27, 28

Ethics and fraud awareness training, 28, 92, 168, 236


admissibility, 255257

burden of proof, 9, 147, 253

chain of custody, 81, 82, 106, 145, 207, 244, 246

index log, 80, 82

physical, 9

Examinations under oath (EUO), 123, 125, 257, 263266. See also Interviews

False Claims Act, 232

False disability and income continuation benefits claim

background, 3133

investigation and surveillance, 3337

lessons learned, 37

prevention recommendations, 38

False medical insurance claims

background, 21, 22

investigation, 2326

lessons learned, 26, 27

prevention recommendations, 27, 28

Federal Civil False Claims Act, 7

Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, 186

Financial elder abuse. See Variable indexed annuities, fraudulent practices in sale of

Formal, informal, and technology (FIT) controls, 27, 28

Former employees

blaming for fraud, 183

interviewing, 6, 125, 166, 186

Fraud, elements of, 142, 143, 147

Fraud, waste, and abuse (FWA), 185, 211, 236, 237

Friends, doing business with, 6774

Health Care Fraud Prevention and Enforcement Teams (HEAT), 215

Healthcare fraud. See also Agents, fraud in soliciting medical insurance clients

experimental medical treatment, 27

false medical claims. See False medical insurance claims

investigation recommendations, 8, 9

kickbacks. See Kickbacks in Medicare fraud

lessons learned, 8

Medicaid. See Medicaid fraud

Medicare. See Medicare fraud

miscoding and false billing, 27

prosecution, 7

History of insurance business, xi–xiv

Hotlines, 27, 28, 85, 92, 132, 138, 164, 167, 227. See also Whistleblowers

Identity theft, 53, 132138, 242, 243, 245

Identity theft based on system access

background, 47, 48

investigation, 4854

lessons learned, 54

prevention recommendations, 54

Index log, 80, 82

Information technology

controls, 28

identity theft based on system access, 4754

Injury claim fraud

background, 11, 12

investigation, 1219

lessons learned, 20

prevention recommendations, 20

prosecution, 19

Insurance agency office, internal fraud

background, 6769

investigation, 6972

lessons learned, 73

prevention recommendations, 73, 74

prosecution and plea deal, 72, 73

Insurance agents, fraud in soliciting medical insurance clients

background, 169171

investigation, 172175

lessons learned, 176

prevention recommendations, 176

Insurance agents, online insurance sales fraud

background, 199202

disciplinary action, 206

investigation, 202205

lessons learned, 206, 207

prevention recommendations, 207

Insurance claims representative, internal fraud

background, 113, 114

investigation, 114119

lessons learned, 119

prevention recommendations, 120

prosecution, 119

Insurance Contract Act (Australia), 19

Insurance industry regulation, 61, 65, 153, 207, 239, 246247

Insurance premiums, misappropriation and diversion of. See Commercial liability insurance fraud; Online insurance sales fraud

Internal auditors, role of, 26

Internal controls

formal controls, 27

importance of, 119, 120

internal auditors, role of, 26

weaknesses, 114, 119

Internal fraud

by claims representative, 113120

false insurance claims, 2126

insurance agency office, 6774

Internet. See Online insurance sales fraud

Interviews. See also Examinations under oath (EUO)

employees, 6, 92, 125, 166, 186

informal, 257

preparing for, 4, 8, 9, 18, 24, 70

rapport, 18, 206

Intuition, 256

Investigative techniques, 9. See also Interviews

Jewelry store fraudulent theft claim (insufficient inventory for line of credit)

background, 217, 218

insurance claim for theft, 223226

inventory count, 218224

lessons learned, 227

prevention recommendations, 227

Jewelry store fraudulent theft claim (insufficient records to prove loss)

background, 259, 260

investigation, 260266

investigation recommendations, 267

lessons learned, 266

settlement, 266

Kickbacks in Medicare fraud

background, 229231

civil settlement and corporate integrity agreement, 234236

investigation, 231234

lessons learned, 235

prevention recommendations, 236, 237

Licensing, 199, 202, 203, 206, 207, 239, 242, 243, 246, 247

Life insurance fraud. See also Pattern of insurance fraud

background, 131, 132

criminal prosecution, 136138

investigation, 132136

lessons learned, 138

prevention recommendations, 138

Lines of credit, 218, 219, 227. See also Jewelry store fraudulent theft claim (insufficient inventory for line of credit)

Litigation, civil. See Civil litigation

Long-term disability claims, 142, 143. See also False disability and income continuation benefits claim

Material misrepresentations, 45, 142, 143, 185, 188, 231, 234, 246

Medicaid comprehensive compliance program, 236, 237

Medicaid fraud

corporate integrity agreements (CIAs), 234236

durable medical equipment billing. See Durable medical equipment (DME) Medicare fraud

medical billing by optometrist. See Medical billing fraud (optometry)

Medicaid Fraud Control Unit (MFCU), 180, 181, 186, 187

Medical billing fraud (optometry)

background, 179182

criminal prosecution, 188

investigation, 182187

lessons learned, 188

prevention recommendations, 189

Medical clinic fraud

background, 121, 122

investigation, 122128

lessons learned, 128

prevention recommendations, 129

Medical coding

Current Procedural Terminology (CPT), 232

International Classification of Diseases (ICD), 232

Medical insurance

false claims, 2128

fraud in solicitation of customers. See Agents, fraud in soliciting medical insurance clients

Medicare fraud

audits, 180183, 212214

durable medical equipment billing. See Durable medical equipment (DME) Medicare fraud

kickbacks. See Kickbacks in Medicare fraud

medical billing by optometrist. See Medical billing fraud (optometry)

national provider identifier (NPI) system, 214

Office of Inspector General (OIG), 211, 213, 214, 235237

Operation Whack-A-Mole, 211, 212, 215

program safeguard contractors (zone program integrity contractors), 211, 212

Mexican drug cartels, fraudulent claims

background, 191193

insurance industry response, 195197

investigation, 193195

lessons learned, 197

prevention recommendations, 198

Misappropriation and diversion of fiduciary funds. See Commercial liability insurance fraud; Online insurance sales fraud

Money laundering, 124, 127, 245, 246

National Association of Insurance Commissioners, 207

National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB), 69, 124, 148

Office of Inspector General (OIG), 211, 213, 214, 235237

Online insurance sales fraud

background, 199202

disciplinary action, 206

investigation, 202205

lessons learned, 206, 207

prevention recommendations, 207

Operation Give and Go, 95101

Operation Whack-A-Mole, 211, 212, 215

Optometry services, fraudulent billing. See Medical billing fraud (optometry)

Original equipment manufacturer. See Automobile glass replacement company, fraudulent insurance billing

Pattern of insurance fraud

automobile theft claim, 254

background, 249, 250

civil lawsuits, 251

criminal prosecution, 255

homeowners' claim (property theft), 250254

lessons learned, 256, 257

life insurance, 252255

murder charges, 254, 255

prevention recommendations, 257

Social Security fraud, 254

staged burglaries, 254

Plea bargains, 146, 257

Predictive analytics and modeling, 182, 215

Premiums, misappropriation and diversion of. See Commercial liability insurance fraud; Online insurance sales fraud

Professional employer organizations (PEOs), 5863

Property damage fraudulent claim

background, 75, 76

investigation, 7681

investigation recommendations, 82

lessons learned, 81

settlement, 81

Property theft, fraudulent insurance claim

background, 83, 84

investigation, 8490

lessons learned, 92

prevention recommendations, 92

prosecution and settlement, 90, 91

Property theft, fraudulent insurance claims by business owners

insufficient inventory to support line of credit, 217227

insufficient records to prove loss, 259267

Qui tam claims, 79

Regulatory agencies, working with, 69, 73, 202, 206, 247

Retaliation, fear of in reporting fraud, 27, 28

Search warrants, 63, 64, 110, 111, 166, 167, 179, 180, 243, 244, 254

Segregation of duties, 27, 74


civil litigation, 81, 82, 257

and cost of litigation, 81

Medicare fraud, civil settlement and corporate integrity agreement, 234236

Shell corporations, 57, 58, 63, 244


anti-fraud/fraud detection, 182, 189

forensic analysis, 207

Straw accounts, 69, 71, 72, 74

Subpoenas, 3, 6, 7981, 108, 145, 164, 165, 186, 203, 204, 252, 257

Surveillance, 1518, 3338, 96, 97, 107110, 141145, 147, 155, 257

System access. See Identity theft based on system access


antique automobiles. See Antique automobile theft claims

automobile theft. See Automobile theft claims

of premiums. See Commercial liability insurance fraud

property theft. See Property theft, fraudulent insurance claim

property theft, fraudulent claim by business owner. See Jewelry store fraudulent theft claim (insufficient inventory for line of credit); Jewelry store fraudulent theft claim (insufficient records to prove loss)

Training, 28, 92, 168, 236

Transaction analysis, 24

Trust in employees, 114, 119

Variable indexed annuities, fraudulent practices in sale of

background, 149152

disciplinary action, 156

investigation, 152155

lessons learned, 156

prevention recommendations, 156


audits, 168

background checks on, 28

fictitious vendors, payments to, 116119

training, 138

Waste, 185

Weaknesses in internal controls, 114, 119

Whistleblowers. See also Hotlines

dealing with, 7779, 81

protection, 27, 28, 167, 168

relator actions, 231

treatment of, 167

Wire fraud, 64, 202, 245, 246

Workers' compensation insurance, claims fraud

background, 139

criminal prosecution, 143146

investigation, 139143

lessons learned, 146, 147

prevention recommendations, 147, 148

Workers' compensation insurance, coverage fraud

background, 5760

investigation, 6065

lessons learned, 65

prevention recommendations, 65

prosecution, 64, 65

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