
50-percent rule, 337

64-bit computing, 361


absolute code, 328

absolute path names, 496

abstract data type, 480


anonymous, 503

controlled, 508

file, see file access

access control, in Linux, 728730

access-control list (ACL), 508

access matrix, 608612

and access control, 615616

defined, 608

implementation of, 612615

and revocation of access rights, 616617

access rights, 604, 616617

accounting (operating system service), 57, 672

accreditation, 675

ACL (access-control list), 508

acyclic graph, 497

acyclic-graph directories, 497499

adaptive mutex, 235

additional-reference-bits algorithm, 392

additional sense code, 582

additional sense-code qualifier, 582


defined, 567

linear, 359

logical, 330

physical, 329

virtual, 330

address binding, 328329

logical vs. physical, 329331

virtual, 372373, 711712

address-space identifiers (ASIDs), 348

admission-control algorithm, 294

advanced encryption standard (AES), 653

advanced technology attachment (ATA) buses, 443

advisory file-locking mechanisms, 483, 484

AES (advanced encryption standard), 653

affinity, processor, 288, 289

aging, 279


buddy-system, 410411

of disk space, 527535

contiguous allocation, 527529

indexed allocation, 531533

linked allocation, 529531

and performance, 534535

equal, 397

as problem, 488

proportional, 397

slab, 411413

Amdahl's Law, 167

analytic evaluation, 308

Android, 37, 8586, 115, 334

anomaly detection, 668669, 671

anonymous access, 503

anonymous memory, 458

anonymous pipes, 143144

APCs (asynchronous procedure calls), 185

API (application program interface), 6364

Apple Computers, 59

Apple iOS, iOS

application interface (I/O systems), 571577

block and character devices, 574

blocking and nonblocking I/O, 576577

clocks and timers, 575576

network devices, 574575

vectored I/O, 577578

application programs, 4, 6, 75

multistep processing of, 328329

processes vs., 2425

system utilities, 75

application program interface (API), 6364

application proxy firewalls, 673

application state, 334

arbitrated loop (FC-AL), 445

architecture(s), 1218

clustered systems, 1718

multiprocessor systems, 1416

single-processor systems, 1314

argument vector, 699

armored viruses, 645

ARM processors, 362

arrays, 372

ASIDs (address-space identifiers), 348

assignment edge, 245

asymmetric clustering, 17

asymmetric encryption, 654, 655

asymmetric multiprocessing, 15, 286

asynchronous devices, 572, 573

asynchronous (nonblocking) message passing, 129

asynchronous procedure calls (APCs), 185

asynchronous thread cancellation, 185

asynchronous writes, 541

ATA buses, 443

atomic transactions, 210

attacks, 634635. See also denial-of-service attacks

man-in-the-middle, 635

replay, 634

auditing, 672

augmented reality, 36


breaching of, 634

and encryption, 654657

in Linux, 728

two-factor, 664

automatic variables, 640

automatic working-set trimming, 420

autoprobes, 697

auxiliary rights (Hydra), 617618


back door, 573

background applications, 115

background processes, 7475, 282

backing store, 332

backups, 544545

bad blocks, 454456

bandwidth, disk, 447

barriers, 259

barrier point, 259

base register, 326327

basic file systems, 518

batch files, 484

batch interface, 56

Bayes' theorem, 669

Belady's anomaly, 388

Beowulf clusters, 18

best-fit strategy, 337

big kernel lock (BKL), 706

binary semaphore, 214

binding, 328

biometrics, 665


defined, 9

mode, 22

modify (dirty), 385

reference, 392

valid-invalid, 349, 350

bit-interleaved parity organization, 462463

bit-level striping, 460

bitmaps, 34

bit vector (bit map), 535536

BKL (big kernel lock), 706

black-box transformations, 652

blade servers, 16

block(s), 65, 336, 486487

bad, 454456

boot, 93, 454, 455

boot control, 520

defined, 722

direct, 533

file-control, 519

index, 531532

index to, 488489

indirect, 533

logical, 444

volume control, 520

block ciphers, 652653

block devices, 572, 574, 721723

block groups, 718

blocking, indefinite, 279

blocking I/O, 576577

blocking (synchronous) message passing, 129

block-interleaved distributed parity, 463

block-interleaved parity organization, 463

block-level striping, 460

block number, relative, 488

boot block, 93, 454, 455, 520

boot control block, 520

boot disk (system disk), 93, 454

booting, 9293

boot partition, 454

boot sector, 454

bootstrap programs (bootstrap loaders), 78, 9293, 454, 646

boot viruses, 643

bottlenecks, 86

bottom half interrupt service routines, 705

bounded-buffer problem, 219220

bounded capacity (of queue), 130

bourne-again shell (bash), 695

Bourne shell command interpreter, 58, 59

breach of availability, 634

breach of confidentiality, 634

breach of integrity, 634

browser process, 123


buddy heap (Linux), 707

buddy system (Linux), 707

buddy-system allocation, 410411

buffer, 722

circular, 543

defined, 579

buffer cache, 539

buffering, 129130, 579580

buffer-overflow attacks, 639642

bugs, 86

bus, 443

defined, 562

expansion, 562

PCI, 562

bus architecture, 12

bus-mastering I/O boards, 569

busy waiting, 213, 565

byte, 9


cache, 539

buffer, 539

defined, 580

in Linux, 708710

as memory buffer, 326

in NFS, 551

nonvolatile RAM, 460

page, 539

and performance improvement, 53953

slabs in, 411412

unified buffer, 540, 541

cache coherency, 29

cache management, 2728

caching, 2729, 540, 580581

Cambridge CAP system, 619620

cancellation, thread, 185187

cancellation points, 186

capability(-ies), 613, 619

capability-based protection systems, 617620

Cambridge CAP system, 619620

Hydra, 617619

capability lists, 613

cascading termination, 121

CAV (constant angular velocity), 445

central processing unit, see under CPU

certificate authorities, 657

certification, 675

CFS, see Completely Fair Scheduler

challenging (passwords), 664

character devices (Linux), 723

character-stream devices, 572574

checksums, 466467

children, 116

Chrome browser, 123

CIFS (common Internet file system), 505

cipher-block chaining, 652

circular buffer, 543

circularly linked list, 32

circular SCAN (C-SCAN) scheduling algorithm, 450

classes (Java programs), 623

cleanup handler, 186

CLI (DTrace command-line interface), 56

C library, 69

client(s), in SSL, 659661

client-server systems:

file sharing, 503504

interprocess communication in, 127148

pipes, 142147

remote procedure calls, 138142

sockets, 136139

client systems, 38

clocks, 575576

clock algorithm, 392393

C-LOOK scheduling algorithm, 451

closed-source operating systems, 44

close() operation, 481

cloud computing, 4142, 584

clusters, 17, 453

clustered page tables, 354355

clustered systems, 1718


asymmetric, 17

in Windows, 419420

CLV (constant linear velocity), 444

coarse-grained multithreading, 290291

Cocoa, 84

Cocoa Touch, 84, 85


absolute, 328

reentrant, 350

code books, 665

collisions (of file names), 526

combined scheme index block, 533

command interpreter, 5859

common Internet file system (CIFS), 505


direct, 127

indirect, 128

interprocess, interprocess communication systems programs for, 7475

communications (operating system service), 57

communication links, 127

communication system calls, 7273

compaction, 338, 528529

compiler-based protection enforcement, 620623

compile time, 328

Completely Fair Scheduler (CFS), 300, 301, 702703

computer environments, 3540

client-server computing, 38

cloud computing, 4142

mobile computing, 3637

peer-to-peer computing, 3940

traditional, 3536

virtualization, 4041

computer programs, see application programs

computer system(s):

architecture of:

clustered systems, 1718

multiprocessor systems, 1416

single-processor systems, 1314

distributed systems, 3738

file-system management in, 2627

I/O structure in, 12

kernel data structures in, 3135

memory management in, 2526

operating system viewed by, 5

operation of, 79

process management in, 2425

protection in, 3031

secure, 634

security in, 3031

special-purpose systems:

real-time embedded systems, 43

storage in, 912

storage management in, 2630

caching, 2729

I/O systems, 2930

mass-storage management, 27

threats to, 645650

concurrency, parallelism vs., 166

Concurrency Runtime (ConcRT), 305

concurrent dispatch queues, 182

conditional-wait construct, 230

confidentiality, breach of, 634

confinement problem, 611

conflict resolution module (Linux), 695, 697698

connectionless (UDP) sockets, 137

connection-oriented (TCP) sockets, 137

consistency checker, 542

consistency checking, 542543

consistency semantics, 506507

constant angular velocity (CAV), 445

constant linear velocity (CLV), 444

consumers (DTrace), 89

container objects (Windows 7), 677

contention scope, 285

context (of process), 114

context switches, 114, 591

contiguous disk space allocation, 527529

contiguous memory allocation, 334338

control cards, 66

controlled access, 508

controller(s), 443, 562563

defined, 562

direct-memory-access, 569

disk, 443

host, 443

control programs, 5

control register, 564

convenience, 3

convoy effect, 275

cooperating process, 203

cooperating processes, 122

cooperative scheduling, 272

copylefting, 45

copy-on-write technique, 382383

copy protection, 44

copy semantics, 580

core dump, 86

cores, 16

core services layer, iOS, 85

counting, 537

counting-based page replacement algorithm, 394

counting semaphore, 214

covert channels, 638

CPU (central processing unit), 4, 325326

CPU-bound processes, 113

CPU burst, 270

CPU clock, 326

CPU-I/O burst cycle, 270271

CPU scheduler, see short-term scheduler

CPU scheduling, 20

about, 269270

algorithms for, 273285

criteria, 273274

evaluation of, 308312

first-come, first-served scheduling of, 274275

implementation of, 311312

multilevel feedback-queue scheduling of, 283285

multilevel queue scheduling of, 281283

priority scheduling of, 278279

round-robin scheduling of, 279282

shortest-job-first scheduling of, 275278

dispatcher, role of, 273

and I/O-CPU burst cycle, 270271

models for, 308312

deterministic modeling, 308309

and implementation, 311312

queueing models, 309310

simulations, 310311

multiprocessor scheduling, 286291

approaches to, 286288

and load balancing, 288289

and processor affinity, 288, 289

preemptive scheduling, 271272

real-time, 291298

short-term scheduler, role of, 271

crackers, 634

crashes, 86

crash dumps, 86


of files, 480

process, 116119

critical sections, 206

critical-section problem, 206207

and mutex locks, 212213

Peterson's solution to, 207209

and semaphores, 213218

deadlocks, 217

implementation, 215217

priority inversion, 217218

starvation, 217

usage, 214215

and synchronization hardware, 209212

cryptography, 650661

and encryption, 651658

implementation of, 657659

SSL example of, 659661

C-SCAN scheduling algorithm, 450

current directory, 495496

current-file-position pointer, 480

cycles, CPU-I/O burst, 270271

cycle stealing, 570

cylinder groups, 718


d (page offset), 341342

daemon process, 606

daemons, 7475

daisy chain, 562

data capability, 619

data-encryption standard (DES), 652

data files, 478

data-in register, 564

data loss, mean time to, 459

data-out register, 564

data parallelism, 168

data recovery, 542545

data section (of process), 106

data striping, 460

DDOS attacks, 634

deadlock(s), 217, 242249

deadlock avoidance, 248249

deadlock prevention, 248

debuggers, 66, 86

debugging, 72, 8691

defined, 86

failure analysis, 8687

and performance tuning, 87

using DTrace for, 8791

dedicated devices, 572, 573

default signal handlers, 184

defense in depth, 665

deferred thread cancellation, 184

degree of multiprogramming, 113

deletion, file, 480

demand paging, 375381

basic mechanism, 376378

defined, 375

with inverted page tables, 416

and I/O interlock, 418419

and page size, 414415

and performance, 379381

and prepaging, 413414

and program structure, 416417

pure, 377

and restarting instructions, 378379

and TLB reach, 415416

demand-zero memory, 711

demilitarized zones (DMZs), 672

denial-of-service (DOS) attacks, 634, 649650

dentry objects, 525, 715

DES (data-encryption standard), 652

design of operating systems:

goals, 7576

Linux, 692695

mechanisms and policies, 76

desktop, 59

deterministic modeling, 308309

development kernels (Linux), 689

device controllers, 7, 587, 588. See also I/O system(s)

device directory, 490. See also directories

device drivers, 12, 518, 562, 587589

device-management system calls, 7172

device queues, 111

device reservation, 581

DFSs (distributed file systems), 503, 505506

digital certificates, 657

Digital Rights Management (DRM), 44

digital signatures, 656

digital-signature algorithm, 656

dining-philosophers problem, 222223, 227229

direct access (files), 487488

direct blocks, 533

direct communication, 127

direct I/O, 574

direct memory access (DMA), 12, 569571

direct-memory-access (DMA) controller, 569

directories, 490500

acyclic-graph, 497499

general graph, 499500

implementation of, 526527

recovery of, 542545

single-level, 492493

tree-structured, 495496

two-level, 493495

direct virtual memory access (DVMA), 570

dirty bits (modify bits), 385

disinfection, 670

disk(s), 441443. See also mass-storage structure

allocation of space on, 527535

contiguous allocation, 527529

indexed allocation, 531533

linked allocation, 529531

and performance, 534535

bad blocks, 454456

boot, 93, 454

boot block, 454, 455

efficient use of, 538539

electronic, 11

formatting, 453454

free-space management for, 535538

hard, 10

host-attached, 445

low-level formatted, 444

network-attached, 445446

performance improvement for, 539542

raw, 395, 490, 523

scheduling algorithms, 446452

C-SCAN, 450

FCFS, 447448

LOOK, 451

SCAN, 449450

selecting, 451452

SSDs, 452

SSTF, 447448

solid-state, 28

storage-area network, 446

structure of, 444445

system, 454

disk arm, 442

disk controller, 443

dispatched process, 112

dispatcher, 273, 302

dispatcher objects, 233

dispatch latency, 273, 293

distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) attacks, 634

distributed file systems (DFSs), 503, 505506

distributed information systems (distributed naming services), 504505

distributed lock manager (DLM), 18

distributed systems, 3738

distributions (GNU/Linux), 45

DLLs (dynamic link libraries), 331332

DLM (distributed lock manager), 18

DMA, direct memory access

DMCA (U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act), 44

DMZs (demilitarized zones), 672

domains, 505

domain-name system (DNS), 504

domain switching, 605

DOS (denial-of-service) attacks, 634, 649650

double buffering, 579

double caching, 540

double indirect blocks, 533

doubly linked list, 32

down time, 529

DRAM (dynamic random-access memory), 9

driver end (STREAM), 589590

driver registration module (Linux), 696697

DRM (Digital Rights Management), 44

DTrace, 8791

DTrace command-line interface (CLI), 56

dual-booted systems, 523

dual-core design, 16

dumpster diving, 636

DVMA (direct virtual memory access), 570

dynamic linking, 714715

dynamic link libraries (DLLs), 331332

dynamic loading, 331

dynamic protection, 604

dynamic random-access memory (DRAM), 9

dynamic storage-allocation problem, 336337, 528


earliest-deadline-first (EDF) scheduling algorithm, 296297

ease of use, 4

ECBs (enabling control blocks), 90

ECC (error-correcting code), 451452, 462

EDF (earliest-deadline-first) scheduling algorithm, 296297

effective access time, 379

effective memory-access time, 348

effective transfer rates, 444, 471

effective UID, 31

efficiency, 3, 538539

elevator algorithm, 449450

emulation, 40

emulators, 77

enabling control blocks (ECBs), 90

encapsulation (Java protection), 624

encrypted passwords, 663664

encrypted viruses, 644

encryption, 651658

asymmetric, 654, 655

authentication, 654657

key distribution, 657, 658

symmetric, 652653

entry section, 206

entry set, 232

environment vector, 699

EPROM (erasable programmable read-only memory), 93

equal allocation, 397

erasable programmable read-only memory (EPROM), 93

Erlang, 241

error(s), 581582

hard, 456

soft, 453

error conditions, 372

error-correcting code (ECC), 451452, 462

error detection, 57

eSATA buses, 443

escalate privileges, 31

escape (operating systems), 573

events, 233

exceptions (with interrupts), 567

exclusive locks, 482

exec() system call, 183

executable files, 106107, 478

execution of user programs, 713

execution time, 329

exit section, 206

expansion bus, 562

exponential average, 276277

ext2fs (second extended file system), 717

extended file attributes, 479

extended file system, 519, 717719

extent (contiguous space), 529

external data representation (XDR), 140

external fragmentation, 337338, 528


failure, mean time to, 459

failure analysis, 8687

failure modes (directories), 505506

false negatives, 669

false positives, 669

FAT (file-allocation table), 531, 532

fault tolerance, 14

FC (fiber channel), 445

FC-AL (arbitrated loop), 445

FCB (file-control block), 519

FC buses, 443

FCFS scheduling algorithm, first-come, first-served scheduling algorithm

fiber channel (FC), 445

fiber channel (FC) buses, 443

FIFO page replacement algorithm, 387389

FIFO queuing system, 32

50-percent rule, 337

file(s), 2627, 477478. See also directories

accessing information on, 487490

direct access, 487488

sequential access, 487

attributes of, 478480

batch, 484

defined, 478

executable, 106107

internal structure of, 485486

locking open, 482483

operations on, 480484

protecting, 507512

via file access, 508512

via passwords/permissions, 511512

recovery of, 542545

storage structure for, 491492

file access, 482, 508512

file-allocation table (FAT), 531, 532

file-attribute cache, 551

file-blocks cache, 551

file-control block (FCB), 519

file descriptor, 522

file extensions, 484485

file handle, 522

file info window, 479

FileLock (Java), 482

file management, 74

file-management system calls, 71

file mapping, 407

file modification, 74

file objects, 525, 715

file-organization module, 519

file pointers, 482

file session, 506

file sharing, 502507

and consistency semantics, 506507

with multiple users, 502503

with networks, 504506

and client-server model, 503504

and distributed information systems, 504505

and failure modes, 505506

file systems, 477, 517519

basic, 518

creation of, 492

design problems with, 518

distributed, distributed file systems

extended, 518

implementation of, 520526

mounting, 523524

partitions, 523524

virtual systems, 524526

levels of, 518

Linux, 715721

log-based transaction-oriented, 543544

logical, 518

mounting of, 500502

network file systems, 545554

remote, 503506

File System Hierarchy Standard document, 690

file-system management, 2627

file-system manipulation (operating system service), 56

file transfer protocol (FTP), 503

file viruses, 643

fine-grained multithreading, 290, 291

firewalls, 35, 672674

firewall chains, 727

firewall management, 727

firmware, 8, 93

first-come, first-served (FCFS) scheduling algorithm, 274275, 447448

first-fit strategy, 337

first in, first out (FIFO), 32

fixed-partition scheme, 336

flow control, 590

flushing, 348

folders, 59

foreground applications, 115

foreground processes, 282

fork() and exec() process model (Linux), 698700

fork-join strategy, 172

fork() system call, 183

formatting, 453454

forwarding, 455

forward-mapped page tables, 353

fourth extended file system (ext4), 717

fragments, packet, 727

fragmentation, 337338

external, 337338, 528

internal, 337, 487

frame(s), 341

stack, 640641

victim, 385

frame allocation, 395399

equal allocation, 397

global vs. local, 398

proportional allocation, 397398

frame-allocation algorithm, 386

frame pointers, 640641

free-behind technique, 541

free objects, 412, 709

Free Software Foundation (FSF), 45

free-space list, 535

free-space management (disks), 535538

bit vector, 535536

counting, 537

grouping, 537

linked list, 536537

and space maps, 537538

front-end processors, 591

FSF (Free Software Foundation), 45

FTP (file transfer protocol), 503

full backup, 544

functional programming languages, 241242

FUSE file-system, 519


Gantt chart, 275

garbage collection, 500

GB (gigabyte), 9

gcc (GNU C compiler), 690

GCD (Grand Central Dispatch), 182183

GDT (global descriptor table), 358

general graph directories, 499500

gigabyte (GB), 9

global descriptor table (GDT), 358

global replacement, 398

GNU C compiler (gcc), 690

GNU General Public License (GPL), 45

GNU/Linux, 45

GNU Portable Threads, 169

Google Android, see Android

Google Chrome browser, 123

GPL (GNU General Public License), 45

graceful degradation, 14

Grand Central Dispatch (GCD), 182183

granularity, minimum, 703

graphs, acyclic, 497

graphical user interfaces (GUIs), 5962

grappling hook, 646

green threads, 169

group identifiers, 31

grouping, 537

group rights (Linux), 729

guests, 4041

GUIs (graphical user interfaces), 5962


handheld computers, 5

handshaking, 565, 586

hands-on (interactive) computer systems, 20

hard affinity, 288

hard-coding techniques, 128

hard disk(s), 10, 441443. See also disk(s)

hard errors, 456

hard links, 499, 558

hard real-time systems, 291

hardware, 4

I/O systems, 562571

direct memory access, 569571

interrupts, 566569

polling, 565

for storing page tables, 346349

synchronization, 209212

hardware objects, 603

hardware transactional memory (HTM), 240

hash collision, 33, 34

hashed page tables, 354355

hash functions, 3334, 656

hash maps, 34

hash tables, 526527

hash value (message digest), 656

heaps, 106

heavyweight processes, 163

hierarchical paging, 352354

high availability, 17

high memory (Linux), 707

high-performance computing, 17

hijacking, session, 635

hit ratio, 348, 415

holes, 336337

homogeneity, 286

honeypot, 668

host(s), 41

host adapter, 563

host-attached storage, 445

host controller, 443

hot spare disks, 465

hot-standby mode, 17

HTM (hardware transactional memory), 240

human security, 636

hybrid cloud, 42

hybrid operating systems, 8386

Hydra, 617619



file, 478

group, 31

user, 31

idle threads, 302

IDSs (intrusion-detection systems), 668

IKE protocol, 658

immutable shared files, 507

imperative (procedural) languages, 241


of CPU scheduling algorithms, 311312

of operating systems, 7677

implicit threading, 177183

Grand Central Dispatch, 182183

OpenMP, 181182

thread pools, 179181

incremental backup, 545

indefinite blocking (starvation), 217, 279

independent disks, 459

independent processes, 122

index, 488489

index block, 531532

indexed disk space allocation, 531533

indirect blocks, 533

indirect communication, 128

information-maintenance system calls, 72

infrastructure as a service (IaaS), 42

inode, 519

inode objects, 525, 715

input/output, see under I/O

input queue, 328

InServ storage array, 467

instruction-execution cycle, 10, 325326

instruction register, 10

integrity, breach of, 634

integrity label (Windows 7), 676

Intel IA-32 processor, 357361

Intel x8664 architecture, 361


batch, 56

defined, 571

interlock, I/O, 418419

internal fragmentation, 337, 487

Internet Protocol (IP), 657659

interprocess communication (IPC), 122130

in client-server systems, 127148

pipes, 142147

remote procedure calls, 138142

sockets, 136139

in Linux, 689, 724725

Mach example of, 131134

in message-passing systems, 126130

POSIX shared-memory example of, 130131

in shared-memory systems, 124126

Windows example of, 135136

interrupt(s), 89, 566569

defined, 566

in Linux, 705706

interrupt chaining, 567

interrupt-controller hardware, 567

interrupt-driven data transfer, 410

interrupt-driven operating systems, 2124

interrupt-handler routine, 566

interrupt latency, 292293

interrupt priority levels, 567

interrupt-request line, 566

interrupt vector, 89, 334, 567

intruders, 634

intrusion detection, 667670

intrusion-detection systems (IDSs), 668

intrusion-prevention systems (IPSs), 668

inverted page tables, 355357, 416

I/O (input/output), 4, 12

memory-mapped, 409410

programmed, 410

I/O-bound processes, 113

I/O burst, 270

I/O channel, 591

I/O interlock, 418419

I/O operations (operating system service), 5657

I/O ports, 409

iOS, 37, 84, 85, 115, 334

I/O subsystem(s), 2930

kernels in, 578586

procedures supervised by, 586

I/O system(s), 561562

application interface, 571577

block and character devices, 574

blocking and nonblocking I/O, 576577

clocks and timers, 575576

network devices, 574575

vectored I/O, 577578

hardware, 562571

direct memory access, 569571

interrupts, 566569

polling, 565

kernels, 578586

buffering, 579580

caching, 580581

data structures, 582584

error handling, 581582

I/O scheduling, 578579

and I/O subsystems, 586

power management, 583585

protection, 582, 583

spooling and device reservation, 581

Linux, 721723

block devices, 721723

character devices, 723

STREAMS mechanism, 589590

and system performance, 590594

transformation of requests to hardware operations, 586589

IP (Internet Protocol), 657659

IPC, interprocess communication

IPSec, 658

IPSs (intrusion-prevention systems), 668

ISCSI, 446

ISO Reference Model, 658

Itanium, 361



file locking in, 482483

file types, 484

monitors in, 232

protection systems in, 623625

Java threads, 176178

Java Virtual Machine (JVM), 179, 623625

jobs, processes vs., 106

job pool, 20

job queues, 111

job scheduler, 112

job scheduling, 20

journaling, 719720

journaling file systems, 543544

JVM (Java Virtual Machine), 179, 623625


KB (kilobyte), 9

kernel(s), 6, 578586

buffering, 579580

caching, 580581

data structures, 3135, 582584

bitmaps, 34

hash functions/maps, 3334

Linux, 35

lists, stacks, and queues, 3133

tree(s), 33

error handling, 581582

I/O scheduling, 578579

and I/O subsystems, 586

Linux, 693694

nonpreemptive, 207

power management, 583585

preemptive, 207

protection, 582, 583, 621622

spooling and device reservation, 581

task synchronization (in Linux), 704706

kernel memory allocation, 410413

kernel mode, 22, 693

kernel modules, 695698

conflict resolution, 697698

driver registration, 696697

management of, 695696

kernel threads, 169

Kernighan's Law, 87

keys, 614, 617

private, 654

public, 654

key distribution, 657, 658

key ring, 657

keystreams, 653

keystroke logger, 645

kilobyte (KB), 9


language-based protection systems, 620625

compiler-based enforcement, 620623

Java, 623625

LANs (local-area networks), 16, 37

last in, first out (LIFO), 32

latency, in real-time CPU scheduling, 291293

layers (of network protocols), 657

layered approach (operating system structure), 7981

lazy swapper, 375

LDAP (lightweight directory-access protocol), 505

LDT (local descriptor table), 358

least-frequently used (LFU) page-replacement algorithm, 394

least privilege, principle of, 602603

least-recently-used (LRU) page-replacement algorithm, 388389

LFU page-replacement algorithm, 394

lgroups, 399


Linux system, 693, 694

shared, 332, 372

licenses, software, 257

LIFO queuing system, 32

lightweight directory-access protocol (LDAP), 505

lightweight process (LWP), 187

limit register, 326327

linear addresses, 359

linear lists (files), 526

line discipline, 723


communication, 127

defined, 497498

hard, 499, 558

resolving, 498

soft, 558

linked disk space allocation, 529531

linked lists, 536537

linked scheme index block, 533

linking, dynamic vs. static, 331332, 714715

Linux, 4546, 687730

adding system call to Linux kernel (project), 98100

design principles for, 692695

file systems, 715721

ext3, 717719

journaling, 719720

process, 720721

virtual, 715717

history of, 687692

distributions, 691

kernel, 688690

licensing, 691692

system description, 690

interprocess communication, 724725

I/O system, 721723

block devices, 721723

character devices, 723

kernel data structures, 35

kernel memory allocation, 413

kernel modules, 695698

memory management, 706715

execution and loading of user programs, 713

physical memory, 707710

virtual memory, 710713

network structure, 725727

page size in, 344

process management, 698701

fork() and exec() process model, 698700

processes and threads, 701

and processor affinity, 288

process representation in, 110

scheduling, 702706

kernel synchronization, 704706

process, 702703

real-time, 703704

symmetric multiprocessing, 706

scheduling example, 298302

security model, 727730

access control, 728730

authentication, 728

swap-space management in, 458

synchronization in, 234235

system components, 688, 693695

threads example, 189191

Linux distributions, 688, 691

Linux kernel, 688690

lists, 3133, 372

Little's formula, 310

LiveCD, 45

LiveDVD, 45

living document, 666

loadable kernel modules, 82

load balancing, 288289


dynamic, 331

in Linux, 713

load sharing, 286

load time, 328

local-area networks (LANs), 16, 37

local descriptor table (LDT), 358

locality model, 401, 402

locality of reference, 378

local replacement, 398

local replacement algorithm (priority replacement algorithm), 401

location, file, 478

lock(s), 209, 614

acquire, 69

advisory, 483, 484

exclusive, 482

in Java API, 482483

mandatory, 483484

mutex, 214

reader-writer, 220222

release, 69

shared, 482

lock-key scheme, 614

lock() operation, 482

log-based transaction-oriented file systems, 543544

log files, 86

logging, 672

logical address, 330

logical address space, 329331

logical blocks, 444

logical file system, 519

logical formatting, 453

logical memory, 21, 372. See also virtual memory

logical records, 487

logical units, 445

login, network, 505

long-term scheduler (job scheduler), 112

LOOK scheduling algorithm, 451

loopback, 138

lottery scheduling, 315

low-level formatting (disks), 453

LRU-approximation page replacement algorithm, 392394

LWP (lightweight process), 187


MAC (message-authentication code), 656

Mach operating system, 8182, 84, 131134

Mac OS X, 84

macro viruses, 643

magic number (files), 485

magnetic tapes, 443444

mailboxes, 128129

mailbox sets, 134

mainframes, 5

main memory, 910

and address binding, 328329

contiguous allocation of, 334338

and fragmentation, 337338

mapping, 335

methods, 335337

protection, 335

and dynamic linking, 331332

and dynamic loading, 331

and hardware, 326328

Intel IA-32 example:

paging, 359361

segmentation, 358359

Intel x8664, 361

and logical vs. physical address space, 329331

paging for management of, 340357

ARM processors, 362

basic method, 341346

hardware, 346349

hashed page tables, 354355

hierarchical paging, 352354

Intel IA-32 example, 359361

Intel x8664 example, 361

inverted page tables, 355357

Oracle SPARC Solaris, 357

protection, 349350

and shared pages, 350351

segmentation for management of, 355357

basic method, 338339

hardware, 339341

Intel IA-32 example, 358359

and swapping, 332334

main TLB, 362

MANs (metropolitan-area networks), 37

mandatory file-locking mechanisms, 483484

man-in-the-middle attack, 635

many-to-many multithreading model, 170171

many-to-one multithreading model, 169

mapping, 34

Mars Pathfinder, 218

maskable interrupts, 567

masquerading, 634

mass-storage management, 27

mass-storage structure, 441444

disk attachment:

host-attached, 445

network-attached, 445446

storage-area network, 446

disk management:

bad blocks, 454456

boot block, 454, 455

formatting of disks, 453454

disk scheduling algorithms, 446452

C-SCAN, 450

FCFS, 447448

LOOK, 451

SCAN, 449450

selecting, 451452

SSTF, 448449

disk structure, 444445

magnetic tapes, 443444

RAID structure, 458468

performance improvement, 460

RAID levels, 461465

reliability improvement, 459460

solid-state disks, 443

stable-storage implementation, 468470

swap-space management, 456458

master book record (MBR), 454

master file directory (MFD), 493

master file table, 520

master key, 617

master secret (SSL), 660

matchmakers, 140

MB (megabyte), 9

MBR (master book record), 454

mean time between failures (MTBF), 474

mean time to data loss, 459

mean time to failure, 459

mean time to repair, 459

mechanisms, 76

media services layer, iOS, 84

medium-term scheduler, 113, 114

megabyte (MB), 9


anonymous, 458

direct memory access, 12

direct virtual memory access, 570

logical, 21, 372

main, see main memory

over-allocation of, 383384

physical, 21

secondary, 378

semiconductor, 11

shared, 122, 374

unified virtual memory, 539

virtual, see virtual memory

memory-address register, 329

memory allocation, 336337

memory management, 2526

in Linux, 706715

execution and loading of user programs, 713

physical memory, 707710

virtual memory, 710713

memory-management unit (MMU), 330

memory-mapped I/O, 409410, 563

memory mapping, 335, 404410

basic mechanism, 404407

defined, 404

I/O, memory-mapped, 409410

in Linux, 713714

in Windows API, 407409

memory protection, 335

memory-resident pages, 376

memory stall, 290

memory-style error-correcting organization, 462

memory transaction, 239

message-authentication code (MAC), 656

message digest (hash value), 656

message modification, 634

message passing, 122

message-passing model, 72, 126130

metadata, 505

metaslabs, 537

methods (in Java programs), 623

metropolitan-area networks (MANs), 37

MFD (master file directory), 493

MFU page-replacement algorithm, 394

microkernels, 8182

Microsoft Interface Definition Language (MIDL), 140

Microsoft Windows, see Windows

micro TLBs, 362

middleware, 7

MIDL (Microsoft Interface Definition Language), 140

minicomputers, 5

minimum granularity, 703

mirroring, 459

MMU (memory-management unit), 330

mobile computing, 3637

mobile systems:

multitasking in, 115

operating systems for, 67

power management, 584585

swapping on, 334

mode bit, 22

modify bits (dirty bits), 385

modules, 8283, 589590

module loader (Linux), 695, 696

module management (Linux), 695696

monitors, 223232

dining-philosophers solution using, 227229

implementation of, using semaphores, 229230

resumption of processes within, 230232

usage of, 225227

monitor calls, see system calls

monoculture, 645

Moore's Law, 6

Morris, Robert, 646648

most-frequently used (MFU) page-replacement algorithm, 394

mounting, 523524

mount points, 500

mount protocol, 548

mount table, 523, 587

MTBF (mean time between failures), 474

multicore processors, 289291

multicore programming, 166169

programming challenges, 167168

types of parallelism, 168169

multicore systems, 166

MULTICS operating system, 606608

multilevel feedback-queue scheduling algorithm, 283285

multilevel index, 533

multilevel queue scheduling algorithm, 281283

multipartite viruses, 645

multiple-partition method, 336


asymmetric, 15, 286

in Google Chrome browser, 123

memory access model for, 15

symmetric, 15, 287, 706

multiprocessor scheduling, 286291

approaches to, 286288

examples of:

Linux, 298302

Solaris, 305307

Windows, 302304

and load balancing, 288289

and multicore processors, 289291

and processor affinity, 288, 289

multiprocessor systems (parallel systems, tightly coupled systems), 1416, 166

multiprogramming, 1921, 113

multitasking (time sharing), 20


benefits of, 165166

cancellation, thread, 185187

coarse-grained, 290291

and exec() system call, 183

fine-grained, 290, 291

and fork() system call, 183

models of, 169171

pools, thread, 179181

and scheduler activations, 187188

and signal handling, 183185

and thread-local storage, 187

mutex locks, 212214, 234235, 244245


named pipes, 145147

named semaphores, 237238

named shared-memory object, 407

namespace, 699

naming, 127129, 504505

domain name system, 504

of files, 478

lightweight directory-access protocol, 505

network(s). See also local-area networks (LANs); wide-area networks (WANs)

defined, 3738

in Linux, 725727

metropolitan-area (MANs), 37

security in, 636

small-area, 37

threats to, 645650

wireless, 35

network-attached storage (NAS), 445446

network computers, 35

network devices, 574575, 722

network file systems, 545554

about, 545547

mount protocol, 548

NFS protocol, 548550

path-name translation, 550

remote operations, 551

network information service (NIS), 504

network-layer protocol, 657

network login, 505

network operating systems, 38

new state, 107

NFS protocol, 547550

nice value (Linux), 300, 702

NIS (network information service), 504

nonblocking I/O, 576577

nonblocking (asynchronous) message passing, 129

noncontainer objects (Windows 7), 677

nonmaskable interrupt, 567

nonpreemptive kernels, 207

nonpreemptive scheduling, 272

nonrepudiation, 656657

nonsignaled state, 233

non-uniform memory access (NUMA), 16, 398399

nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM), 11

nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM) cache, 460

nonvolatile storage, 1011

Noop scheduler, 452

NUMA (non-uniform memory access), 16, 398399

NVRAM (nonvolatile RAM), 11

NVRAM (nonvolatile RAM) cache, 460, 470



access lists for, 612613

in cache, 411412

free, 412

hardware vs. software, 603

in Linux, 709

used, 412

object types, 525

obscurity, security through, 667

off-line compaction of space, 529

one-time pad, 665

one-time passwords, 664

one-to-one multithreading model, 170

on-line compaction of space, 529

open-file table, 481

OpenMP, 181182, 240241

open() operation, 481

open-source operating systems, 4348

operating system(s):

choice of interface, 6162

closed-source, 44

defined, 3, 6

design goals for, 7576

features of, 3

functioning of, 46

implementation of, 7677

interrupt-driven, 2124

mechanisms for, 76

network, 38

open-source, 4347

operations of:

modes, 2123

and timer, 24

policies for, 76

real-time, 43

as resource allocator, 5

security in, 636

services provided by, 5558

structure of, 1921, 7886

hybrid systems, 8386

layered approach, 7981

microkernels, 8182

modules, 8283

simple structure, 7879

study of, 48

system's view of, 5

user interface with, 45, 5862

optimal page replacement algorithm, 388389

ordinary pipes, 142145

ordinary (anonymous) pipes, 142145

orphans (orphan processes), 121122

out-of-band key delivery, 657

over allocation (of memory), 383384

owner rights (Linux), 729


p (page number), 341

packets, 727

packing, 486


defined, 341

shared, 350351

page address extension (PAE), 360

page allocator (Linux), 707

page-buffering algorithms, 394395

page cache, 539, 710

page directory pointer table, 360

page fault, 377

page-fault-frequency (PFF), 403405

page-fault rate, 381

page number (p), 341

page offset (d), 341342

pageout (Solaris), 420

pageout policy (Linux), 712

pager (term), 375

page replacement, 383395. See also frame allocation

and application performance, 395

basic mechanism, 384387

counting-based page replacement, 394

FIFO page replacement, 387389

global vs. local, 398

LRU-approximation page replacement, 392394

LRU page replacement, 390392

optimal page replacement, 388389

and page-buffering algorithms, 394395

page replacement algorithm, 386

page size, 414415

page slots, 458

page table(s), 341346, 378

clustered, 354355

forward-mapped, 353

hardware for storing, 346349

hashed, 354355

inverted, 355357, 416

Oracle SPARC Solaris, 357

page-table base register (PTBR), 346

page-table length register (PTLR), 350

paging, 340362

ARM processors, 362

basic method of, 341346

hardware support for, 346349

hashed page tables, 354355

hierarchical, 352354

Intel IA-32 example, 359361

inverted, 355357

in Linux, 712

and memory protection, 349350

Oracle SPARC Solaris, 357

priority, 421

and shared pages, 350351

swapping vs., 456

paging mechanism (Linux), 712

paired passwords, 664

PAM (pluggable authentication modules), 728


concurrency vs., 166

types of, 168169

parallelization, 17

parallel regions, 181

parallel systems, See multiprocessor systems

parent process, 116

partition(s), 336, 489, 523524

boot, 454

raw, 457

root, 523

partition boot sector, 520

partitioning, disk, 453

passwords, 661665

encrypted, 663664

one-time, 664665

vulnerabilities of, 661663

path name, 494

path names:

absolute, 496

relative, 496

path-name translation, 550

PCBs (process control blocks, task control blocks), 107109

PCI bus, 562

PCS (process-contention scope), 285

PC systems, 3

PDAs (personal digital assistants), 11

peer-to-peer computing, 3940

penetration test, 666

percentage speedup, 473


and allocation of disk space, 534535

and I/O system, 590594

performance improvement, 460, 539542

performance tuning, 87

periodic processes, 294

permissions, 510

per-process open-file table, 521

personal computer (PC) systems, 3

personal digital assistants (PDAs), 11

personal firewalls, 673

personal identification number (PIN), 664

Peterson's solution, 207209

PFF (page-fault-frequency), 403405

phishing, 636

physical address, 329

physical address space, 329330

physical formatting, 453

physical memory, 21, 372, 707710

physical security, 635

PIC (position-independent code), 715

pid (process identifier), 116

PIN (personal identification number), 664

pinning, 419

PIO (programmed I/O), 410, 569

pipe mechanism, 724

pipes, 142147

named, 145147

ordinary, 142145

platform as a service (PaaS), 42

platter (disks), 441442

pluggable authentication modules (PAM), 728

plug-in processes, 123

policy(ies), 76

policy algorithm (Linux), 712

polling, 565

polymorphic viruses, 644


of free pages, 382

of storage, 468

thread, 179181

pop-up browser windows, 638

ports, 409, 562

portals, 35

port scanning, 649

position-independent code (PIC), 715

positioning time (disks), 442


interprocess communication example, 130131

real-time scheduling, 298, 299

possession (of capability), 613

power collapse, 585

power management, 583585

power-of-2 allocator, 410

power users, 61

P + Q redundancy scheme, 463464

preemptive kernels, 207

preemptive multitasking, 701702

preemptive scheduling, 271272

premaster secret (SSL), 660

prepaging, 413414

principle of least privilege, 602603

priority-based scheduling algorithm, 293294

priority-inheritance protocol, 218, 236

priority inversion, 217218, 236

priority number, 230

priority paging, 421

priority replacement algorithm, 401

priority scheduling algorithm, 278279

private cloud, 41

private keys, 654

privileged instructions, 22

privileged mode, see kernel mode

probes (DTrace), 89

procedural (imperative) languages, 241

process(es), 20

background, 282

communication between, see interprocess communication

components of, 106107

context of, 114, 700

and context switches, 114

cooperating, 122

defined, 105

environment of, 699700

foreground, 282

heavyweight, 163

independent, 122

I/O-bound vs. CPU-bound, 113

job vs., 106

in Linux, 701

multithreaded, see multithreading

operations on, 116122

creation, 116119

termination, 120121

programs vs., 2425, 106107

scheduling of, 110114

single-threaded, 163

state of, 107, 108

as term, 105106

threads performed by, 109

process-contention scope (PCS), 285

process control blocks (PCBs, task control blocks), 107109

process-control system calls, 6671

process file systems (Linux), 720721

process identifier (pid), 116

process identity (Linux), 698699

process management, 2425, 698701

process mix, 113

processor affinity, 288, 289

processor sets, 288

process representation (Linux), 110

process scheduler, 111

process scheduling:

Linux, 702703

thread scheduling vs., 269

process synchronization:

about, 203206

bounded-buffer problem, 219220

critical-section problem, 206207

hardware solution to, 209212

and mutex locks, 212213

Peterson's solution to, 207209

dining-philosophers problem, 222223, 227229

examples of:

functional programming languages, 241242

Java, 232

Linux, 234235

OpenMP, 240241

Pthreads, 237238

Solaris, 235237

transactional memory, 239240

Windows, 233234

monitors for, 223232

dining-philosophers solution, 227229

resumption of processes within, 230232

semaphores, implementation using, 229230

usage, 225227

readers-writers problem, 220222

semaphores for, 213218

production kernels (Linux), 689

profiling (DTrace), 88

programs, processes vs., 106107. See also application programs

program counters, 25, 106

program execution (operating system service), 56

program files, 478

program loading and execution, 74

programmable interval timer, 575

programmed I/O (PIO), 410, 569

programming languages, functional, 241242

programming-language support, 74

program threats, 637638

logic bombs, 639

stack- or buffer overflow attacks, 639642

trap doors, 638

Trojan horses, 637638

viruses, 642645

projects, 307

proportional allocation, 397398

proportional share scheduling, 297298

protection, 73, 601602

access control for, 508512

access matrix as model of, 608612

control, access, 615616

implementation, 612615

capability-based systems, 617620

Cambridge CAP system, 619620

Hydra, 617619

in computer systems, 3031

domain of, 603608

MULTICS example, 606608

structure, 604605

UNIX example, 605606

error handling, 581582

file, 478

of file systems, 507512

goals of, 601602

I/O, 582, 583

language-based systems, 620625

compiler-based enforcement, 620623

Java, 623625

as operating system service, 5758

in paged environment, 349350

permissions, 510

and principle of least privilege, 602603

and revocation of access rights, 616617

security vs., 633

static vs. dynamic, 604

protection domain, 604

protection mask (Linux), 729

providers (DTrace), 89

PTBR (page-table base register), 346

Pthreads, 172174

scheduling, 285286

synchronization in, 237238

thread cancellation in, 186187

PTLR (page-table length register), 350

public cloud, 41

public domain, 691

public keys, 654

pull migration, 289

pure code, 350

pure demand paging, 378

push migration, 289


queue(s), 32, 111112

capacity of, 130

input, 328

ready, 111, 112, 333

queueing diagram, 112

queueing-network analysis, 310


race condition, 205

RAID (redundant arrays of inexpensive disks), 458468

extensions, 466

levels of, 461465

performance improvement, 460

problems with, 466468

reliability improvement, 459460

selecting a level, 466

structuring, 459

RAID array, 459

RAID levels, 461466

RAM (random-access memory), 9

random-access devices, 572, 573

random-access memory (RAM), 9

random-access time (disks), 442

rate, of periodic task, 294

rate-monotonic scheduling algorithm, 295296

raw disk, 395, 490, 523

raw I/O, 453454, 574

raw partitions, 457

RBAC (role-based access control), 615

read-ahead technique, 541

read-end, 142

readers, 220

reader-writer locks, 220222

readers-writers problem, 220222

reading files, 480

read only devices, 573

read-only memory (ROM), 9293, 454

read-write devices, 573

ready queue, 111, 112, 333

ready state, 107

real-time class, 302

real-time CPU scheduling, 291298

earliest-deadline-first scheduling, 296297

Linux, 703704

minimizing latency, 291293

POSIX, 298, 299

priority-based scheduling, 293294

proportional share scheduling, 297298

rate-monotonic scheduling, 295296

real-time operating systems, 43

real-time range (Linux schedulers), 702

real-time systems, 43

real-time value (Linux), 300


logical, 487

master boot, 454


backup and restore, 544545

and consistency checking, 542543

of files and directories, 542545

red-black trees, 35

redundancy, 459. See also RAID

redundant arrays of inexpensive disks, see RAID

Reed-Solomon codes, 463464

reentrant code (pure code), 350

reference bits, 392

Reference Model, ISO, 658

reference string, 386

register(s), 65

base, 326327

limit, 326327

memory-address, 329

page-table base, 346

page-table length, 350

for page tables, 346

relocation, 330

registry, 74

regressive round-robin scheduler, 316

relative block number, 488

relative path names, 496

relative speed, 207

release() operation, 482

relocation register, 330

remainder section, 206

remote file systems, 503506

remote operations, network file system, 551

removable storage media:

hard disks, 441443

magnetic tapes, 443444

solid-state disks, 443

renderer processes, 123

rendezvous, 129

repair, mean time to, 459

replay attacks, 634


in RAID, 465

in WAFL, 553554

repositioning (in files), 480

request edge, 245

request manager, 722

resolution, and page size, 415

resolving links, 498

resource allocation (operating system service), 57

resource-allocation graph, 244248

resource allocator, operating system as, 5

resource sharing, 165

resource utilization, 5

response time, 20, 273274


data, 545

state, 114

reverse engineering, 44

revocation of access rights, 616617

rich text format (RTF), 670

rights amplification (Hydra), 618

risk assessment, 666

roles, 615

role-based access control (RBAC), 615

ROM (read-only memory), 9293, 454

root partitions, 523

root uid (Linux), 729

rotational latency (disks), 442, 447

round-robin (RR) scheduling algorithm, 279282, 316

RTF (rich text format), 670

running state, 107

running system, 93

run queue, 316

RW (read-write) format, 27


safe computing, 670

sandboxes, 123, 670

SANs, see storage-area networks

SATA buses, 443

save, state, 114

Scala, 241242

scalability, 166

SCAN (elevator) scheduling algorithm, 449450

scatter-gather I/O method, 578

scheduler(s), 112114

long-term, 112113

medium-term, 113, 114

short-term, 113

scheduler activation, 187188


cooperative, 272

CPU, see CPU scheduling

disk scheduling algorithms, 446452

C-SCAN, 450

FCFS, 447448

LOOK, 451

SCAN, 449450

selecting, 451452

SSTF, 448449

I/O, 578579

job, 20

in Linux, 702706

kernel synchronization, 704706

process, 702703

real-time, 703704

symmetric multiprocessing, 706

multiprocessor, see multiprocessor scheduling

nonpreemptive, 272

preemptive, 271272

thread, 285286

scheduling classes, Linux, 300

script kiddies, 642

SCS (system-contention scope), 285

SCSI (small computer-systems interface), 12

SCSI buses, 443

SCSI initiator, 445

SCSI targets, 445

search path, 495

secondary memory, 378

secondary storage, 10, 517. See also disk(s)

second-chance page-replacement algorithm (clock algorithm), 392393

second extended file system (ext2fs), 717

section objects, 135

sectors, disk, 442

sector slipping, 455456

sector sparing, 455

secure single sign-on, 505

secure systems, 634

security. See also file access; program threats; protection; user authentication

in computer systems, 3031

firewalling, 672674

implementing defenses, 665672

accounting, 672

auditing, 672

intrusion detection, 667670

logging, 672

security policy, 665666

virus protection, 670, 672

vulnerability assessment, 666667

kernel-based vs. compiler-based, 621622

levels of, 635636

in Linux, 727730

access control, 728730

authentication, 728

as operating system service, 5758

as problem, 633637

protection vs., 633

and system/network threats, 645650

denial of service, 649650

port scanning, 649

worms, 646649

use of cryptography for, 650661

and encryption, 651658

implementation, 657659

SSL example, 659661

via user authentication, 661665

biometrics, 665

passwords, 661665

in Windows 7, 675677

security access tokens (Windows 7), 675

security context (Windows 7), 676

security descriptor (Windows 7), 676677

security domains, 672

security policies, 665666

security through obscurity, 667

seeds, 664

seek, file, 480

seek time (disks), 442, 447

segmentation, 338339

basic method, 338339

defined, 338339

hardware, 339341

Intel IA-32 example, 358359

segment base, 340

segment limit, 340

segment tables, 340


consistency, 506507

copy, 580

immutable-shared-files, 507

session, 507

semaphore(s), 213218

binary, 214

counting, 214

and deadlocks, 217

defined, 214

implementation, 215217

implementation of monitors using, 229230

and priority inversion, 217218

and starvation, 217

usage of, 214215

semiconductor memory, 11

sense key, 582

sequential access (files), 487

sequential devices, 572, 573

serial ATA (SATA) buses, 443

serial dispatch queues, 182

server(s), 5, 659661

server subject (Windows 7), 676

services, Android, 115

services, operating system, 5558, 74

session hijacking, 635

session semantics, 507

sharable devices, 572, 573

shares, 307

shared files, immutable, 507

shared libraries, 332, 374

shared lock, 482

shared memory, 122, 374

shared-memory model, 73, 124126


load, 286

and paging, 350351

time, 20

shells, 58

shell scripts, 61, 484

shortest-job-first (SJF) scheduling algorithm, 275278

shortest-remaining-time-first scheduling, 277278

shortest-seek-time (SSTF) scheduling algorithm, 448449

short-term scheduler (CPU scheduler), 113, 271

shoulder surfing, 662


Linux, 724

UNIX, 183185

signaled state, 233

signal handlers, 183185

signatures, 668

signature-based systems, 668

simple operating system structure, 7879

simple subject (Windows 7), 676

simulation(s), 310311

single indirect blocks, 533

single kernel spinlock, 706

single-level directories, 492493

single-processor systems, 1314, 269

single-threaded processes, 163

singly linked list, 32

64-bit computing, 361

SJF scheduling algorithm, 275278

slab (Linux), 708

slab allocation, 411413, 708710

slim reader-writer locks, 254

small-area networks, 37

small computer-systems interface, see under SCSI

SMP, see symmetric multiprocessing

snapshots, 544

sniffing, 662

social engineering, 636

sockets, 136139

socket interface, 574

soft affinity, 288

soft error, 453

soft links, 558

soft real-time systems, 291, 704

software as a service (SaaS), 42

software capability, 619

software interrupts (traps), 567

software objects, 603

software transactional memory (STM), 240

Solaris, 46

paging with SPARC CPU, 357

scheduling example, 305307

swap-space management in, 457458

synchronization in, 235237

virtual memory in, 420421

solid-state disks (SSDs), 11, 28, 443, 452

source-code viruses, 643

source files, 478

space maps, 537538

SPARC, 357

sparseness, 355, 374

special-purpose computer systems, 43


of operations (I/O devices), 573

relative, 207

spinlock, 213

spoofed client identification, 504

spoofing, 673

spool, 581

spooling, 581

spyware, 638

SSDs, see solid-state disks

SSL 3.0, 659661

SSTF (shortest-seek-time) scheduling algorithm, 448449

stack, 65, 106

stack(s), 32

stack algorithms, 391

stack frame, 640641

stack inspection, 624625

stack-overflow attacks, 639642

stalling, 326

starvation, see indefinite blocking

state (of process), 107, 108

stateless DFS, 506

state restore, 114

state save, 114

static linking, 331332, 714715

static protection, 604

status information, 74

status register, 564

stealth viruses, 644

STM (software transactional memory), 240

Stoll, Clifford, 672

storage, 912. See also mass-storage structure

definitions and notations, 9

nonvolatile, 1011

secondary, 10, 517

tertiary, 27

volatile, 1011

storage-area networks (SANs), 18, 445, 446

storage array, 459, 467

storage management, 2630

caching, 2729

I/O systems, 2930

mass-storage management, 27

stream ciphers, 653

stream head, 589

streaming transfer rates, 471

stream modules, 589590

STREAMS mechanism, 589590

string, reference, 386

stubs, 331

subsystems, 74

SunOS, 46

superblock, 520

superblock objects, 525, 715

supervisor mode, see kernel mode

swap map, 458

swapper (term), 375

swapping, 113, 332334

defined, 20

and demand paging, 375

in Linux, 712

on mobile systems, 334

paging vs., 456

standard, 332334

swap space, 378

swap-space management, 456458

switch architecture, 12

switching, domain, 605

symmetric encryption, 652653

symmetric mode, 17

symmetric multiprocessing (SMP), 15, 287, 706

synchronization, 129. See also process synchronization

synchronous devices, 572, 573

synchronous message passing, 129

synchronous writes, 541

SYSGEN (system generation), 9192

system administrators, 61

system boot, 9293

system calls (monitor calls), 8, 6273

and API, 6364

for communication, 7273

for device management, 7172

for file management, 71

functioning of, 6265

for information maintenance, 72

for process control, 6671

system-call firewalls, 674

system-call interface, 6465

system-contention scope (SCS), 285

system disk, see boot disk

system files, 495

system generation (SYSGEN), 9192

system libraries (Linux), 693, 694

system mode, see kernel mode

system programs, 7475

systems programs, 6

system resource-allocation graph, 244248

system utilities, 7475, 693695

system-wide open-file table, 520


table(s), 372

file-allocation, 531, 532

hash, 526527

master file, 520

mount, 523, 587

open-file, 481

page, 378

per-process open-file, 521

segment, 340

system-wide open-file, 520

tags, 613

tapes, magnetic, 443444

target latency, 703

target thread, 185

tasks (Linux), 701

task control blocks (process control blocks, PCBs), 107109

task parallelism, 168

TCBs (trusted computer bases), 674675

TCP sockets, 137

terminal concentrators, 591

terminated state, 107


cascading, 121

process, 120121

tertiary storage devices, 27

text files, 478

text section (of process), 106

theft of service, 634

third extended file system (ext3), 717719

thrashing, 400401

cause of, 400401

defined, 400

and page-fault-frequency strategy, 403404

and working-set model, 401403

threads. See also multithreading

cancellation, thread, 185187

components of, 163

functions of, 163168

idle, 302

implicit threading, 177183

JVM and host operating system, 179

kernel, 169

libraries, 171177

in Linux, 189191, 701

and multicore programming, 166169

pools, thread, 179181

and process model, 109

scheduling of, 285286

target, 185

user, 169

in Windows, 188189

thread libraries, 171177

about, 171172

Java threads, 176178

Pthreads, 172174

Windows threads, 174176

thread-local storage (TLS), 187

thread scheduling, 269

threats, 634. See also program threats

throughput, 273

tightly coupled systems, see multiprocessor systems


compile, 328

effective access, 379

effective memory-access, 348

execution, 329

of file creation/use, 478

load, 328

response, 20, 273274

turnaround, 273

waiting, 273

time profiles, 72

time quantum, 279

timers, 24, 575576

time sharing (multitasking), 20

time slice, 702

TLB (translation look-aside buffer), 347, 362

TLB miss, 347

TLB reach, 415416

TLB walk, 357

TLS (thread-local storage), 187

top half interrupt service routines, 705

Torvalds, Linus, 687

touchscreens, 60

trace listings, 87

trace tapes, 311

tracks, disk, 442

traditional computing, 3536


atomic, 210

defined, 719

in Linux, 719720

in log-structured file systems, 543544

transactional memory, 239240

transfer rate (disks), 444

translation look-aside buffer (TLB), 347, 362

transport-layer protocol (TCP), 657

traps, 21, 377, 568

trap doors, 638

tree(s), 33

tree-structured directories, 495496

triple DES, 652653

triple indirect blocks, 533

Tripwire file system, 671

Trojan horses, 637638

trusted computer bases (TCBs), 674675

tunnels, 673

tunneling viruses, 644

turnaround time, 273

turnstiles, 236

two-factor authentication, 664

two-level directories, 493495

two tuple, 339

type safety (Java protection), 624


UDP sockets, 137

UFD (user file directory), 493

UFS (UNIX file system), 519

UI, see user interface

UMA (uniform memory access), 16

UMS (user-mode scheduling), 304305

unbounded capacity (of queue), 130

unified buffer cache, 540, 541

unified virtual memory, 539

uniform memory access (UMA), 16

universal serial buses (USBs), 443

UNIX file system (UFS), 519

UNIX operating system:

consistency semantics for, 506507

domain switching in, 605606

and Linux, 687

permissions in, 510

signals in, 183185

swapping in, 334

unnamed semaphores, 238

upcalls, 188

upcall handler, 188

U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), 44

USBs (universal serial buses), 443

used objects, 412, 709

users, 45, 502503

user accounts, 675

user authentication, 661665

with biometrics, 665

with passwords, 661665

user control list, 514

user-defined signal handlers, 184

user file directory (UFD), 493

user identifiers (user IDs), 31

effective, 31

for files, 478

user interface (UI), 56, 5852, 6162

user mode, 22, 693

user-mode scheduling (UMS), 304305

user programs (user tasks), 106, 713

user rights (Linux), 729

user threads, 169

utility storage, 467


valid-invalid bit, 349, 350

variable class, 302

variables, automatic, 640

variable timer, 24

vectored I/O, 577578

vector programs, 646

vfork() (virtual memory fork), 383

VFS, see virtual file system

victim frames, 385

virtual address, 330

virtual address space, 372373, 711712

virtual file system (VFS), 524526, 715717

virtualization, 4041

virtual machine manager (VMM), 22

virtual memory, 21, 371374

and copy-on-write technique, 382383

demand paging for conserving, 375381

basic mechanism, 376378

with inverted page tables, 416

and I/O interlock, 418419

and page size, 414415

and performance, 379381

and prepaging, 413414

and program structure, 416417

pure demand paging, 378

and restarting instructions, 378379

and TLB reach, 415416

direct virtual memory access, 570

and frame allocation, 395399

equal allocation, 397

global vs. local allocation, 398

proportional allocation, 397398

kernel, 712713

and kernel memory allocation, 410413

in Linux, 710713

and memory mapping, 404410

basic mechanism, 404407

I/O, memory-mapped, 409410

in Windows API, 407409

page replacement for conserving, 383395

and application performance, 395

basic mechanism, 384387

counting-based page replacement, 394

FIFO page replacement, 387389

LRU-approximation page replacement, 392394

LRU page replacement, 390392

optimal page replacement, 388389

and page-buffering algorithms, 394395

separation of logical memory from physical memory by, 372

size of, 372

in Solaris, 420421

and thrashing, 400401

cause, 400401

page-fault-frequency strategy, 403404

working-set model, 401403

unified, 539

in Windows, 419420

virtual memory fork, 383

virtual memory regions, 711

virtual private networks (VPNs), 658

virtual run time, Linux, 300

viruses, 642645

virus dropper, 643

virus protection, 670, 672

VMM (virtual machine manager), 22

vnode, 524

voice over IP (VoIP), 40

volatile storage, 1011

volumes, 490

volume control block, 520

volume table of contents, 490

von Neumann architecture, 10

VPNs (virtual private networks), 658

vulnerability assessments, 666667


WAFL file system, 544, 551554

waiting state, 107

waiting time, 273

wait queue, 724

watchdogs, 679

wide-area networks (WANs), 17, 37

WiFi networks, 34


interprocess communication example, 135136

scheduling example, 302304

security in, 675677

synchronization in, 233234

threads example, 188189

user-mode scheduling, 304305

virtual memory in, 419420

Windows API, 407409

Windows Task Manager, 87, 88

Windows thread library, 174176

wireless (WiFi) networks, 34

working sets, 401, 405

working-set maximum (Windows), 420

working-set minimum (Windows XP), 420

working-set model, 401403

workstations, 5

world rights (Linux), 729

World Wide Web, 503

worms, 646649

WORM (write-once, read-many) format, 27

worst-fit strategy, 337

write-anywhere file layout (WAFL), 551. See also WAFL file system

write-end, 142

write only devices, 573

writers, 220

writing files, 480


XDR (external data representation), 140

Xerox, 59

XML firewall, 674


yellow pages (network information service), 504



zero capacity (of queue), 130

zero-day attacks, 669

zero-fill-on-demand technique, 383

ZFS file system, 466467, 537538, 544

zombie process, 121

zombie systems, 649

zones (Linux), 707

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