
We would like to acknowledge the following people for their help and support in getting this book to our readers:

Jay Baer
Nigel Dessau
Ann Handley
Joe Pulizzi
John Neeson
Ted Rubin
Robert Scoble
Mike Volpe
Tony Zambito

Our relationship gurus, Jane Shannon and Sandy Brisentine at MyExecutiveSolutions; our talented illustrators, Thomas Upson and Josh Carpenter; our social officer, Eileen Foran; our air traffic controller, Danielle Mitropoulos; our web design goddess, Jenn Moreira; our editor, Shannon Vargo; and our bail bondsman, James Todd.

And, most of all, our wives and families, who semi-cheerfully put up with our late nights, “emergency meetings,” angst, and anxiety, and who provided care, feeding, support, and help during our journey.

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