
Thanks to the other authors on this book for making this book, and for being open to (most of) the feedback from the technical editor (feedback given in efforts to make functionality and features even better). And thank you, Gentle Editor, development editor Mary Ellen Schutz, for the guidance and wrangling throughout. LucD, thank you for what you do for the community, and for bringing me in on this project. Thank you, Jeffrey Snover, for risking life, limb, and career to make the great changes at Microsoft that then brought PowerShell, and a new attitude, to the world. Thanks also to the Microsofties responsible for PowerShell, and to those from VMware who have made PowerCLI a great product. And, to my wife, thank you much for tolerating the hours and days of me, locked in the office, poring over the manuscript and code—IHLY.


Thanks to my fellow authors and all the people at Sybex who were involved with this book. And a special thanks to “our Gentle Editor, the little old lady from Wisconsin,” development editor Mary Ellen Schutz. She had to organize all this geek talk into the book you’re now holding in your hands. I would also like to thank all the people from VMware who produced such a great product, especially the PowerCLI Development Team in Sofia, Bulgaria, and Carter Shanklin, who made this product what it is today. Thanks also to Pablo Roesch; although we aren’t developers, we appreciate the drive with which you help us evangelize this wonderful piece of software. And finally, thanks to Jeffrey Snover and the PowerShell Team at Microsoft. Without PowerShell, none of this would have been possible. You shook the automation world!


I’d like to thank my wife, Ellen, the love of my life, for patiently supporting me in my ambitions and endeavors, and my children, who bring me such happiness and joy. I would like to thank my parents for their kindness and love and for enabling me to reach my potential.

I’d like to thank Chad Hancock for igniting my desire to learn and grow because of his passion for teaching and empowering his students. I’d also like to thank the other authors for believing in me and allowing me this opportunity to write with them.


Thanks to the other authors for their contributions, especially for helping answer some of my queries. Particular thanks to our development editor Mary Ellen Schutz for taking us on again, despite the experience she had with us the first time around (!), and steering us on the path to getting the book complete. Thanks to Matt Boren for really keeping me on my toes with the quality of my code. Also to John Williams for producing so many great soundtracks that helped me concentrate during the late nights getting this stuff done.


I’d like to thank my wife, Kristine, and children, Zachary and Emma, for being awesome. This was a tough one, but with your understanding and support we did it, again. I would also like to thank Luc for getting the band back together for one last ride. It was an honor and privilege to be invited back into this cabal of automation ninjas. Finally, I would thank all the thousands of professionals with whom I continue to interact. Together we are really making a difference, and moving the needle. Keep it up, gang, and be nice to each other in the process.


Nothing would be possible without my wife, Leslie, without whom I couldn’t make it through the day. Your support, tolerance, and love make me a better person; thank you. To Glenn, your enthusiasm, optimism, and all-around brilliance are an inspiration. Don’t ever change. And finally, to my co-authors, thank you all. The teamwork and help throughout this project has humbled me on many occasions.


Of course the book wouldn’t be possible at all without the Sybex team: Mary Beth Wakefield, content development manager; Stephanie McComb, acquisitions editor; Mary Ellen Schutz, development editor; Matt Boren, technical editor; Christine O’Connor, production editor; Elizabeth Welch, copyeditor; Amy J. Schneider, proofreader; and Nancy Guenther, indexer.

In particular, we would like to thank our development editor, Mary Ellen Schutz, for making us all literate. Without her attention to detail, we wouldn’t have been able to produce the complete manual you’re now reading. Arnim van Lieshout, your writing was missed this time, but your work from the first edition permeates its way throughout this edition. Alan Renouf, we missed you this time from the writing piece, but you were an outstanding help in your new role at VMware in getting us access to betas and answers to questions. Finally, we would like to thank Matt Boren, our technical editor. Matt held us all to the highest standards. He left no script unturned and no explanation unchecked. He served as the gatekeeper, ensuring that any code you find herein will run the first time, every time. While we didn’t always see eye to eye, without the professionals at Sybex this book would never have been possible. Thanks, guys, it was a blast.

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