The Self-Assessment Process

Peter F. Drucker

The Self-Assessment Tool was intentionally developed as a flexible resource. How you use this book will depend on your setting and the particular purpose for which self-assessment is being undertaken. The Workbook has not arrived on your doorstep on its own. It is in your hands because you have an interest in it or an Assessment Team, an instructor, a manager, or leader has thought through a self-assessment process design, identified a role for you, and asked you to participate. It is the responsibility of that team or individual to explain the purpose for self-assessment and to orient you to specific time and task expectations.

The self-assessment process calls for broad participation to ensure understanding, ownership, and readiness to act. Certain adaptations of the self-assessment process are discrete and may be completed within a matter of weeks. Comprehensive self-assessment for an organization takes place in three phases over a number of months. A detailed Process Guide shows those leading self-assessment how to properly organize and direct it.

This Workbook has a twofold purpose: (1) to guide your individual thinking and (2) to prepare you and others for productive discussion and decision making. To make the most of what is offered here, you will do three things:

  1. Thoroughly review the information that is provided on your organization, its customers, trends in its operating environment, and other self-assessment materials or reports.
  2. Sit down with this Workbook and, in one or more sessions, take the necessary time to read it through and give a thoughtful response to the important questions it asks.
  3. Actively participate in a retreat, group discussions, a one-to-one depth interview, or in other self-assessment meetings.

My final word on how to use this book: Please don't rush through it at the last minute. The five questions appear simple, but they are not. Give them time to sink in; wrestle over them. Properly carried through, self-assessment develops skill, competence, and commitment. Active and attentive participation is an opportunity to enhance your vision and to shape the future.1


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