Definitions of Terms

  1. Action steps: Detailed plans and activities directed toward meeting an organization's objectives.
  2. Appraisal: Process for monitoring progress in meeting objectives and achieving results; point at which the plans for meeting objectives may be modified, based on experience or changed conditions.
  3. Budget: The commitment of resources necessary to implement plans—the financial expression of a particular plan of work.
  4. Customers: Those who must be satisfied in order for the organization to achieve results. The primary customer is the person whose life is changed through the organization's work. Supporting customers are volunteers, members, partners, funders, referral sources, employees, and others who must be satisfied.
  5. Customer value: That which satisfies customers' needs (physical and psychological well-being), wants (where, when, and how service is provided), and aspirations (desired long-term results).
  6. Depth interviews: One-on-one interviews used to highlight the insights of a select group of individuals inside the organization. Interview findings provide a touchstone for group discussions and decision making.
  7. Goals: A set of three to five aims that set the organization's fundamental, long-range direction.
  8. Mission: Why you do what you do; the organization's reason for being, its purpose. Says what, in the end, you want to be remembered for.
  9. Objectives: Specific and measurable levels of achievement.
  10. Plan: Your proposed approach to achieving the organization's goals, objectives, and action steps. To be effective, plans must contain firm target dates for completion; specific individuals who will be responsible and accountable for achievement and completion of goals, objectives, and action steps; and necessary human (people) and financial (money) resources.
  11. Results: The organization's bottom line. Defined in changed lives—people's behavior, circumstances, health, hopes, competence, or capacity. Results are always outside the organization.
  12. Vision: A picture of the organization's desired future.


Except for the entry for Plan, the preceding text is from Peter F. Drucker, The Drucker Foundation Self-Assessment Tool: Participant Workbook, rev. ed. (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1999), 9–10.

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