

  1. ABE. See Adult Basic Education
  2. Active learning. See Constructivism
  3. ADA. See Americans with Disabilities Act
  4. Adult Basic Education (ABE)
  5. Adult learning: adoption model principles of, andragogy, workplace and, approach to, boundaries of, cell phones as resource for, chain reactions in, challenges of, change as difficult in, change requiring, collaboration benefits in, collaborative learning as independent with, complexities in, complications of, comprehension in, constraints of, context influencing, contracts in, creativity in, critical connection points in, in digital age, diversity awareness in, as dynamic model, effective health topics in, effective motivators for, e-learning as essential for, emotions relevant in, engagement in, feedback in, flexibility in, gaming as tool for, as gradual, holistic paradigm in, immediate application of, as independent, instructor practices for, intentions in, intrinsic motivation driving, job search needing, as lifesaver, MBS awareness strategies in, MBS connections explored in, media portrayals of, mindfulness and, models and stages of, motivation needed for, national transformations significant for, neuroplasticity finding possibilities for, objective clarity for, online resources assisting, opportunities in, personal development in, preferences for, principles of, prior experience as benefit for, research opportunities in, resources for, responsibility in, SDL as central to, skills needed for, social media issues in, spirituality as valuable for, statistics of, strategies and tools for, as success secret, technical support for, technology classes for, technology motivating, time and space constraining, TL as skill set of, types of, virtual environments influence on, wisdom and, workplace exemplifying urgency of
  6. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
  7. Amish
  8. Andragogy: adult learning, workplace and, advancement of, applications of, assumptions of, characteristics of, concepts and background of, critical thinking fostered by, in digital age, illustrating of, principles of, SDL, innovation and, technology needs related to
  9. Animation software
  10. Aristotle
  11. Association of Talent Development (ATD)
  12. Autonomy: confidence created by, pros and cons of


  1. Baltes, P. B.
  2. Banking
  3. Belenky, M.
  4. Berlin Wisdom Project
  5. Biological development: concerns of, education in, stages of
  6. Bloom, B. S.
  7. Bloom's Taxonomy
  8. Bologna Process
  9. Boud, D.
  10. Boyer, E.
  11. Brain: capacity of, education possibilities created by, health practices based on, neuroscience revealing development of, neuroscience studying rewiring of, as not static, technology benefitting from training of, training benefit of
  12. Brain games. See also Edutainment
  13. Brainiac Triathlon
  14. Brockett, R. G.
  15. Buddhism
  16. Bush, George H. W.


  1. Candy, P.
  3. Caregiving: for parents, personal development, technology and
  4. CCSS. See Common Core State Standards
  5. Cell phones: access to, as adult learning resource, cultural exposure from, cultures exposed by, education assisted by, Facebook used on, innovation of, KWL assisted by, learning experiences with
  6. Children
  7. Cognitive development: challenges of, mindfulness addressing, stages of, theories of
  8. Collaborative learning, activities for, adult learning as independent with, development of, natural benefits of, new world views provided by, real-life scenarios for, resources for, techniques for, wikis used for
  9. Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
  10. Communication: as cross-cultural, in cyberculture, discovery learning with, diversity needing cross-cultural, dynamic interaction offered by, e-Mail as form of, generational model of technology and, global citizenry, digital age and, global context of, social media, community and, as strategic, technology facilitating international
  11. Communities: building of, communication, social media and, HEIs resulting in transformation of, HEIs transforming, integration of online, social media needing, spiritual development in, support from, tacit learning taught through
  12. Computers: advent of, programming code for, SDL with
  13. Concept maps
  14. Confidence: autonomy creating, learning experiences building, literacy skills creating
  15. Constructivism: as active learning, facilitation involvement with, problem-solving as active in
  16. Contemplative practices: in daily routine, in education, MBS connections from, mindfulness emphasized by
  17. Corporations, U.S.
  18. Cranton, P. A.
  19. Creating Significant Learning Experiences (Fink)
  20. Creativity: characteristics of, critical thinking connected to, research on, in workplace
  21. Critical thinking: andragogy fostering, application of, creativity connected to, cultivating of, defining of, education cultivating, insight into, mindfulness, MBS and, problem-solving and, resources for, skills of
  22. Cui, G.
  23. Cultures: cell phone exposure from, change pace of innovation in, diversity needing competence elements of, entertainment analyzing, of innovation, materialism focused on, mindfulness origins in, motivation influenced by, social media needing, social media needing community and, text messages as appropriate in. See also Cyberculture
  24. Cyber identity: regard for, skills of
  25. Cyberculture: communication in, evolution of, literature on


  1. Devices: benefits of, categories of, children using, e-learning enabled by, in home environment, for mindfulness, as overwhelming, social adoption, technology and, social adoption necessary for
  2. Dewey, John
  3. Dialogue: education utilizing, TL influenced by
  4. Diffusion of Innovation (Rogers, E. M.)
  5. Diffusion tenor imaging (DTI)
  6. Digital age: adult learning in, andragogy in, challenges of, changing demands of, communication, global citizenry and, consequences of, contexts of, diversity intersecting with, entertainment in, essential skills for, evolution of, interdisciplinary boundaries in, intrinsic motivation demands of, learning boundaries of, learning comfort in, learning experiences woven with, life balance as focus in, MBS awareness needed in, new vistas in, opportunities offered by, SDL demanded by, social roles in, spirituality, mindfulness and, spirituality shifted by, stress created in, TL in, understanding of, virtual learning in, workplace demands in, workplace schedules in
  7. Digital recordings
  8. Dirkx, J. M.
  9. Disabilities: awareness of, learning experiences for people with, technology aiding with
  10. Discovery learning: communication by, modes of
  11. Distance learning
  12. Diversity: awareness strategies of, challenges in, cross-cultural communication needed for, cultural competence elements for, digital age intersecting with, dimensions of, education and research in, global understanding of, integrated media displays facilitating, models for, perspective and understanding of, respect for, skills of, technology impacting
  13. Dream careers
  14. DTI. See Diffusion tenor imaging


  1. e-Commerce: banking as sector of, globalization influencing, navigation of, skills in
  2. Economies: changing of, social adoption promoted by, technological innovation advancing, technology advancing, technology implicating
  3. Education: brain creating possibilities for, cell phones assisting, contemplative practices in, critical thinking cultivating, dialogue utilized in, distance learning in, diversity research and, engagement needed in, enrollment by degree of, enrollment in higher, Facebook assisting with LGBT, faculty statistics in, gaming as, historical interview projects in, holistic perspectives of, in human biology and nursing, as informal and formal, instructional design in, internationalization of, KWL utilized for, opportunities for formal, perspective adopted in, philosophy shifts in, problem-solving dependent on, research methods in, social adoption of leadership in, survival depending on, technology supporting health, technology working with, understanding in, workplace training as formal. See also Adult Basic Education (ABE); Higher education institutions
  4. Edutainment
  5. EEOC. See Equal Opportunity Employment Commission
  6. EHEA. See European Higher Education Area
  7. e-Learning: adult learning needing, as asynchronous, benefits of, definitions of types of, devices enabling, formats of, as hybrid, informal learning and, instructional design in, for literacy skills, as mobile, models of, in online communities, responsibility promoted by, social adoption enabling, strategies for using, as synchronous, theories and models of, tools used for
  8. e-Mail: as communication form, confusion created by
  9. English, L. M.
  10. Entertainment: cultural analysis from, in digital age, as on-demand, production and exchange of, television as, virtual reality as
  11. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  12. Epistemology
  13. e-Portfolios
  14. Equal Opportunity Employment Commission (EEOC)
  15. Erikson, E. H.
  16. European Higher Education Area (EHEA)
  17. Experiential learning: abilities used in, as learner centered, models of
  18. Extrinsic motivation: critical role of, faculty incentives for, origination of


  1. Facebook: cell phones using, LGBT education through, as online community, patterns of, as social media example, web conferencing with
  2. Facilitation: constructivism involving, mindfulness as experience of, of problem-solving, as rewarding, technology, problem-solving and, of technology and international communication, of TL, types of
  3. Faculty development: Kolb on, literature on, motivation and, Roger's model and
  4. Fear
  5. The Fifth Discipline (Senge)
  6. Fink, L. D.
  7. Flexibility
  8. Flowcharts
  9. fMRI. See Functional magnetic resonance imaging
  10. Foundation for Critical Thinking
  11. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)


  1. Gaming: as adult learning tool, as education, as group activity, learning experiences in, physical experience of, virtual reality linked to
  2. Garrison, D.
  3. Generational model
  4. Geographic information system (GIS)
  5. Global citizenry: communication, digital age and, concept of
  6. Global positioning system (GPS)
  7. Globalization: e-commerce influenced by, examples of, exploring of, impact of, political change and, resources needed for
  8. GNP. See Gross national product
  9. Golf
  10. Government, reorganization of
  11. GPS. See Global positioning system
  12. Graphical user interface (GUI)
  13. Groff, L.
  14. Gross national product (GNP)
  15. GUI. See Graphical user interface


  1. Habits
  2. Han, P. C.
  3. Hart, S.
  4. Health: brain studies assisting, control over, data on, effective adult learning on, as informal learning topic, mindfulness as benefit for, personal development relating to, technology supporting education on, telehealth supporting communication on, tools used for, virtual reality related to
  5. HEIs. See Higher education institutions
  6. Hiemstra, R.
  7. Higher education institutions (HEIs): Bologna Process influencing, community transformation from, traditional forms of
  8. Historical interview process
  9. Holistic perspectives
  10. Hypertext markup language (HTML)


  1. ICD. See integrated course design
  2. ICE. See Intercultural effectiveness
  3. Identity theft
  4. Incidental learning
  5. Informal learning: e-learning and, forms of, health as topic of, illustrative examples of, infiltrating of, innovation as integral to, technology and
  6. Innovation: andragogy, SDL and, of cell phones, cultural change pace in, culture of, economic advancement from technological, goals of, informal learning integrating, in neuroscience, organizational decisions in, perspectives changed through, reflection on, speed of, technology impact on, in workplace
  7. Instant messaging, types of
  8. Instructional design: in education, in e-learning
  9. Integrated course design (ICD)
  10. Intercultural effectiveness (ICE): model for, objectives of
  11. Internationalization: of education, forms of, technology influenced by
  12. Intrinsic motivation: adult learning driven by, digital age demanding, LIMT Toolkit leveraged by, in peer learning, as powerful, SDL promoting


  1. Johnson, Lyndon B.
  2. Jonassen, D. H.
  3. Journaling: benefits of, reflection in, on technology, TL enhanced by
  4. Judgment, as reflective model


  1. Kegan, R.
  2. Khaldi, A.
  3. Kinesthetics
  4. King, K. P.
  5. King, P. M.
  6. Kitchener, K. S.
  7. Kitchenham, A.
  8. Knowles, M. S.
  9. Know-Want-Learn Method (KWL): cell phones assisting with, education utilizing, model of, PBL activities organized by, stages of
  10. Know-Want-Learn-Action Questions Method (KWHLAQ)
  11. Kolb, R.
  12. Krathwohl, D. R.
  13. KWHLAQ. See Know-Want-Learn-Action Questions Method
  14. KWL. See Know-Want-Learn Method


  1. Langer, E. J.
  2. Learning experiences: activities in formal, with case studies, with cell phones, confidence built through, contextual strategies in, as cross-cultural, digital age woven with, for disabled people, in gaming, impact and design of, journey of, in maintenance and repair, MBS connecting, in movies, online communities used for, as on-site, patterns in, pressure in, problem-solving approaches in, as resource, with sexual orientation, in spirituality, workplace opportunities as
  3. Learning management system (LMS)
  4. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT): Facebook educating on, same-sex marriage in
  5. Libraries
  6. Life span, averages of
  7. LIMT Toolkit: intrinsic motivation leveraged by, strategies of
  8. Literacy skills: e-learning for, self-confidence created by, in technology
  9. Livingstone, D. W.
  10. LMS. See Learning management system
  11. LMS virtual whiteboard
  12. Lumosity


  1. Manipulatives
  2. Marsick, V. J.
  3. Materialism
  4. MBS. See Mind, body, and spirit
  5. Media: adult learning portrayed in, diversity facilitated by, examples of popular, project ideas for. See also Social media
  6. Mental acuity
  7. Mentoring: metacognition in, systems used in, types of
  8. Mergers
  9. Metacognition, for mentors, process of
  10. Mezirow, J.
  11. Mind, body, and spirit (MBS): activities for exploring, adult learning exploring connections of, adult learning strategies for awareness of, connections of, contemplative practices enlivening, digital age needing awareness of, learning experiences connected by, learning model of, mindfulness, critical thinking and, relief for, skills for, theories of
  12. Mind maps
  13. Mind orders
  14. Mindfulness: as ability, and adult learning, cognitive development barriers addressed by, contemplative practices emphasizing, critical thinking, MBS and, cultural origins of, devices used for, examples of, as facilitation experience, habits changed by, as health benefit, instructions for, as integrated, spirituality, digital age and, for stress, technology supporting, value of
  15. Model of Researching Adult Learning and Innovation (MoRALI)
  16. Moore, M. G.
  17. Moore's Law
  18. MoRALI. See Model of Researching Adult Learning and Innovation
  19. Motivation: adult learning needing, cultural differences influencing, definition of, essential role of, evidence of, resources for, technology resources used for. See also Extrinsic motivation; Intrinsic motivation
  20. Movies: learning experiences in, virtual reality introduced by
  21. Multicultural skills


  1. National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES)
  2. Neurobiology
  3. Neuroplasticity: adult learning possibilities based on, development of
  4. Neuroscience: brain development capacity based on, brain rewiring studied in, complex thinking emerging from, innovations in
  5. Nursing


  1. Online communities: discussion sites in, e-learning in, Facebook as, integration of, learning experiences using, participation from, problems analyzed in
  2. Online learning, communities for, drawbacks of, model of, strategies for, types of


  1. Partnership for 21st Century Skills
  2. PBL. See Problem-based learning
  3. Peer learning, intrinsic motivation in, model of, as powerful resource, project development helped by, roles in, strategies for
  4. Perry, W. G.
  5. Personal development, in adult learning, caregiving, technology and, health needs in
  6. PET. See Positron emission tomography
  7. Pew Research Internet
  8. Piaget, J.
  9. Pink, D.
  10. Pithers, R. T.
  11. PjBL. See Project-based learning
  12. Plumbing
  13. Podcasts
  14. Policy brief project
  15. Political change: globalization and, social media focus on, technology supporting
  16. Positron emission tomography (PET)
  17. Problem-based learning (PBL): case problems applying to, KWL organizing activities for, PjBL compared to
  18. Problem-solving: complications with, constructivism as active, critical thinking and, cultivating of, defining of, education depending on, facilitation of, in learning experiences, LMS virtual whiteboard as tool for, model of, practice in, resources for, SDL benefitting from, situations utilizing, skills of, stages of, strategies for, technology, facilitation and, tools for, in virtual development, virtual environments in
  19. Project-based learning (PjBL)
  20. PSA. See Public service announcement
  21. Psychology: of social adoption, technological adoption applications of, technological strategies of, of technology, technology applying
  22. Public service announcement (PSA)


  1. Reflection, learning model of
  2. Relaxation exercises: practicing of, for stress release
  3. Responsibility
  4. Rogers, C.
  5. Rogers, E. M.
  6. Role-playing games (RPGs): as capturing, examples of
  7. Roman Catholic Church
  8. RPGs. See Role-playing games


  1. Scaffold skills
  2. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL)
  3. Schugurensky, D.
  4. Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)
  5. SDL. See Self-directed learning
  6. Second Life
  7. Self-directed learning (SDL): adult learning requiring, andragogy, innovation and, background of, challenges of, with computers, core concepts of, cultivating of, definition of, development of, digital age demanding, dimensions of, directions for, discovering of, as essential, intrinsic motivation promoted by, master plan in, principles of, problem-solving as benefit to, resources for, spirituality increased with, technologies used for, technology utilized in, workplace settings supporting
  8. Self-expression
  9. Senge, P. M.
  10. Sexual orientation: awareness of, learning experiences with, podcasts assisting with, social media influencing
  11. Smoker, P.
  12. Social adoption: brainstorming about, devices needing, economic factors promoting, of education leadership, e-learning enabled by, exploring of, psychology of, technology, devices and, widespread use of
  13. Social media: adult learning issues in, benefits of, communication, community and, culture needed for, examples of, extended audience of, Facebook as example of, flaws of, impact of, inappropriate use of, opportunities and challenges of, participation in, political change topics focused in, power of, sexual orientation influenced by, thought compared to action in
  14. Social roles: challenges of, in digital age
  15. Socialization
  16. Socrates
  17. Soden, R.
  18. Sorokin's model
  19. SOTL. See Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
  21. Spiral of information
  22. Spirituality: activities for developing, adult learning valuing, communities developing, digital age shifting, learning experiences in, mindfulness, digital age and, SDL increasing, technology encouraging
  23. Statistical software
  24. STEM. See Science, technology, engineering and mathematics
  25. Stimuli, areas of
  26. Stress: alarms creating, digital age creating, mindfulness training for, relaxation exercises for release of, technology creating
  27. Suanmali, C.


  1. Tacit learning: communities teaching, examples of, potential of, socialization as example of
  2. TASC. See Thinking actively in a social context
  3. Taxonomy
  4. Techies
  5. Technological adoption, categories of, model and stages of, organizational roles of, psychology applications of, student perspectives of
  6. Technology: adult disabilities aided by, adult learning classes in, adult learning motivated by, andragogy related to needs of, brain training as benefit for, common uses of, as complex, daily uses of, databases in, dependence on, dilemma of, distribution of, diversity impacted by, economic advancement from, economic implications of, education working with, fear of, generational model of communication and, health education supported by, holistic perspectives inspired by, impact illustrations of, influential sectors of, Informal learning and, innovation impact of, interactions changed by, international communication facilitated by, internationalization influencing, journaling on, as less expensive, life differentiated from, literacy skills in, malfunctions in, mindfulness supported by, motivation using resources of, opportunities created by, personal development, caregiving and, political change supported by, problem-solving, facilitation and, product appeal in, psychology applied in, psychology of, psychology strategies of, quality of life influenced by, refuge sought from, research inquiry of, SDL utilizing, social adoption, devices and, spirituality exploration encouraged by, stress as result of, tools of
  7. Telehealth
  8. Television
  9. Text messages: appropriate culture of, feelings manifested in, overdependence of
  10. Thinking actively in a social context (TASC)
  11. Three-Dimensional Modeling Software
  12. TL. See Transformative learning
  13. TLOM. See Transformative Learning Opportunities Model
  14. Tough, A.
  15. Transactional distance
  16. Transcendental Meditation
  17. Transformative learning (TL): as adult learning skill set, challenges navigated through, coping strategies of, current issues as important for, dialogue as meaningful for, in digital age, examples of, facilitating of, group discussions promoting, journaling enhancing, perspectives of, research on, specifics of, stages of, strategies for
  18. Transformative Learning Opportunities Model (TLOM)
  19. Trends
  20. Turkle, S.
  21. 21st century skills


  1. Universal intellectual standards


  1. Virtual consultations
  2. Virtual environments: adult learning influenced by, problem-solving in
  3. Virtual learning
  4. Virtual reality: as entertainment, gaming linked to, as health related, movies introducing, programs for, as simulation
  5. Virtual think tanks


  1. Watkins, K. E.
  2. Web conferencing
  3. Wellness. See Health
  4. Wiki platforms
  5. Wisdom
  6. Women, knowledge model for
  7. Workplace: adult learning urgency exemplified by, andragogy, adult learning and, benefits and limitations in, creativity in, digital age demands of, digital age schedules in, formal education as training in, innovation in, learning experiences as opportunities in, SDL supporting settings of, training areas of, transformation in


  1. Zen Buddhism
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