Chapter 7
The Investment Journey: From Model Asset Allocations to Goal Based Operational Portfolios

“Creating a new theory is not like destroying an old barn and erecting a skyscraper in its place. It is rather like climbing a mountain, gaining new and wider views, discovering unexpected connections between our starting points and its rich environment. But the point from which we started out still exists and can be seen, although it appears smaller and forms a tiny part of our broad view gained by the mastery of the obstacles on our adventurous way up.”

—Albert Einstein (1879–1955)

While FinTechs largely position themselves as revolutionaries in personal finance, they often rely upon simplified portfolio construction methods which seem incomplete with regard to modern risk-management techniques and scenario analysis, and can ultimately lead to inconsistent graphical representation of the potential performance of model portfolios. Therefore, this chapter outlines key aspects of portfolio modelling, which shape the investment propositions of many Robo-Advisors. First, Mean-Variance and Black-Litterman optimizations are drafted, being the most commonly used techniques to construct model portfolios for private wealth. Second, a recent modification to Mean-Variance is introduced, as a relevant development to address client-centric solutions. Thus, Probabilistic Scenario Optimization is discussed, as a risk-based framework whose building blocks and principles can lead Robo-Advisors 2.0 to achieve advanced Goal Based Investing and insightful Gamification.

7.1 Introduction

J. M. Keynes had already imagined central bankers as orthodontists, intervening with humble fiscal and monetary policy to optimize the dynamics of the economy at large: If economists could manage to get themselves thought of as a humble, competent people, on a level with dentists, that would be splendid.” As Campbell and Viceira (2002) indicated, it is now common wisdom that dentists also pursue the goal of advising on oral hygiene, rather than simply intervening once the pain becomes unbearable. Similarly, investors will be given the tools and the means to rebalance investments with an ex-ante view of the potential drawbacks and opportunities, which is the essence of proactive wealth management. Empowering taxable investors to take transparent care of their own investments, directly or indirectly via the professional work of personal financial advisors or Robo-Advisors, responds to the industry imperative to comply with post-GFC market regulation (e.g., transparency, suitability, and adequacy principles), and should be a key driver to judge the effectiveness of any project of banking digitalization. Individuals need to be better informed a priori, and attain an adequate level of understanding of the risks and uncertainty they are exposed to by investing in financial securities or seemingly diversified portfolios. Nowadays, reliance on the fate of financial markets is not an individual's choice but a de facto necessity: governments require that citizens become more directly responsible for taking care of their retirement savings which are allocated to market portfolios (e.g., Australian superannuation funds). This exposes the essential goals of tax payers to the appropriateness and soundness of investment decisions. Understanding how investment risks and returns can unfold becomes a social imperative, not just in the short term (myopic trading) but also in the long term (capital protection).

“How is the wealth management industry coping with these changes? Are the methods used to describe risk and return sufficiently transparent, intuitive, and robust? Are the techniques adopted to create asset allocations in line with the need to personalize the investment experience around individuals' goals and constraints?”

Unfortunately, the industry seems to be fairly undifferentiated with respect to the methods and solutions of portfolio construction. Although Robo-Advisors have taken the lead in the innovation race, transforming the investment management industry with intuitive reporting and captive engagement models, they still rely upon traditional portfolio theory, even though it might be too restrictive to build and explain long-term optimal asset allocations, particularly if multiple investment horizons and goals have to be accounted for.

Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) relies on the work of Harry Markowitz (1952), whose Mean-Variance proposition combines the basic objectives of investing: maximizing expected return or minimizing risk. This leads to an efficient frontier that indicates the set of portfolios with the best combination of risk/return characteristics given the stated objectives. It has its limitations. The time dependent total return dynamics of many securities (e.g., fixed income and derivatives) cannot be conveniently embedded. Although Robo-Advisors typically rely upon linearized ETF based portfolios, traditional wealth managers might not have such a narrow focus on investment catalogues. Most importantly, adequate modelling of fixed income securities and liabilities would be disregarded, although fundamental to build a competitive GBI proposition. This is a strong limitation for Robo-Advisors, should they want to evolve into holistic solutions for private wealth, and encompass financial planning featuring cumulation and de-cumulation patterns on top of the price stochasticity of model portfolios. Moreover, the Mean-Variance efficient frontier often indicates extreme portfolio weights, forcing portfolio managers to impose tighter constraints to their algorithms and closely guide the construction of model portfolios. Investors' goals do not explicitly enter the framework, but only expected returns and standard deviations of market securities. Professional investors might believe they possess asymmetrical information about these securities, but tweaking the estimates of their expected returns might lead to unstable or over-sensitive portfolio weights.

Black and Litterman (1992) proposed an elegant approach to alleviate some of these limitations. They indicated the positive weights stemming from the market equilibrium as the initial reference portfolio, and thus combined return expectations with wealth managers' subjective views of the market and led to a more reasonable, less extreme, and less sensitive portfolio weighting scheme. Although this approach seems to be popular among Robo-Advisors, it cannot address some relevant risk management challenges: the resulting strategic asset allocation relies on the dynamics of estimated benchmarks or linear products, while embedding professional views in consistent formats is not always convenient. Once more, investors' goals must enter the framework.

Most optimization engines generate model portfolios with a combination of linear products (e.g., ETFs), which Robo-Advisors propose to on-boarding clients directly. Traditional wealth managers, instead, rely on equally simplified rules of thumb to assess the trade-off between investment risks and returns, but refer to a broader set of securities that their clients can invest in. Therefore, they might need to handle a larger diversity of operational portfolios, which do not always reconcile to model portfolios directly (e.g., strategic asset allocations). The developments in portfolio theory outlined in this chapter explain how to move out of this impasse, avoid excessive simplification in product/portfolio selection, yet attain a streamlined and informative set of diversified and personalized investment propositions. The provision of more intuitive and consistent information about potential future states of the world and the simulation of actual investment returns instead of benchmarks –net of commissions, transaction costs, and possibly tax –can contribute to reconciling tactical and strategic portfolio allocations for digital wealth managers. Robo-Advisors might not yet feel compelled to discuss the gap between strategic and operational asset allocations, since they typically on-board new money directly to model portfolios, but the need to differentiate and solve graphically complex and more personalized investment decisions (e.g., retirement planning) requires all market participants to discuss the long-term competitive advantage of embedding enhanced techniques of portfolio construction and simulation.

“Can the optimal portfolio be the same for long-term investors and short-term players? Is cash a risk-free heaven when looking at longer investment horizons, in which reinvestment occurs at today's unknown real interest rates? Can wealth managers provide long-term capital protection but also yield returns stemming from tactical opportunities, in such a way that investments are always optimal during the multi-period?”

Post-GFC market regulation demands more risk transparency and stimulates a revision of portfolio modelling towards clearer risk based approaches, based on actual products, actual investors' preferences, and actual investment goals over the life cycle. A new interpretation of portfolio theory is therefore emerging to realign more consistently investments and goals, which is the essence of Goal Based Investing.

First, a seminal paper by Das, Markowitz, Scheid and Statman (2010) allowed us to make a significant step forward, by demonstrating that working with mental accounts is mathematically equivalent to the original Mean-Variance proposition if the risk measure is replaced by the probability of falling short of an investment goal.

Second, in Sironi (2015) we show that Probabilistic Scenario Optimization (PSO) enriches GBI optimization by modelling scenarios over time and opening up a larger set of investment goals (e.g., retirement income) and insightful Gamification. By simulating the potential evolution of market variables (e.g., inflation expectations, commodity prices, term structures of interest rates) and repricing the investment products on the basis of future world situations, wealth managers can estimate potential total returns of actual investments and liabilities over the life cycle, and access the information hidden in the probability densities of actual products. Thus, they can verify whether a given set of an individual's constraints complies with the simulated total return space of portfolios, by measuring on demand the probability of achieving or under-performing a defined investment goal. In essence, the probability measure becomes the key variable of the min/max objective function used in GBI portfolio modelling, being the key information to discuss where portfolio performance lies against a stated goal, at any point in time of the investment journey.

Final investors and industry commentators should become more aware of the intrinsic advantages and pitfalls of the financial engines operating in the shadow of digital interfaces, which showcase captive user experiences. They should learn to criticize or demand more from Robo-Advisors and digital Wealth Managers when it comes to the graphical representation of future goals and potential portfolio performance. This chapter features a mathematical discussion of portfolio theory. Some formalization is needed, but will be kept to a minimum because this is not a book of quantitative finance, but a discussion about wealth management transformation. However, establishing the key features of the optimization models would be valuable for all readers because the design of these quantitative engines, which operate in the back-office of Robo-Advisors, affects the quality and robustness of their investment propositions and has a strategic impact on all front-end representations. These modelling choices can restrict or enhance the competitiveness of digital architectures in adapting to further changes in business models, client requests, and market conditions.

7.2 Main Traits of Modern Portfolio Theory

Markowitz's brilliant intuition, based on simple Mean-Variance assumptions, has inspired portfolio theory since the early 1950s. It is now widely held that optimal portfolios need to solve a quantification problem, related to the maximization of a measure for central tendency (expected return) or the minimization of a measure of risk (variance). The generation of all possible combinations of the securities inside a portfolio, whose expected return and variance is derived from the estimates of the individual securities (often asset classes), allows us to plot the set of all attainable portfolios on the cartesian plane with the x-axis being the standard deviation (for convenience) and the y-axis the expected return, bounded by the so-called efficient frontier as in Figure 7.1: for any given level of risk, there is no other portfolio with a higher expected return, or vice versa. Knowing the efficient frontier, investors can choose a portfolio that corresponds to their risk/return target, which is the asset allocation that corresponds to the tangent point between the efficient frontier and the utility function.

A graph is plotted between expected returns on the y-axis and standard deviations on the x-axis to depict mean-variance efficient frontier. The graph depicts optimal portfolio, suboptimal portfolio, asset j, and asset i.

Figure 7.1 Efficient frontier

Over the course of time, the original formulation has been further enriched by mathematical refinements that introduced more advanced risk measures (e.g., semi-variance, tracking error, expected shortfall), but the theory is not proof against weaknesses. The model does show excessive sensitivity to the historical calibration of the statistical parameters such as expected returns, covariances, and variances. Variance is a convenient but imperfect risk measure. However, computational convenience has contributed to making Mean-Variance an appealing reference at numerous firms. Notwithstanding the limitations, what certainly stays in portfolio theory about Markowitz's formulation is the explanation of the importance of portfolio diversification: model portfolios are a combination of risky and non-risky assets, so that a suitable return is sought while risk is diversified away, as much as possible. How does portfolio diversification work and what is the efficient frontier?

7.2.1 Asset Diversification and Efficient Frontier

We assume that there are only two assets (namely 1 and 2) in the investment universe, which are denominated in the same currency. It follows that portfolio value VU is indicated by:

7.1 equation

The weights w1 and w2 add up to 1: extreme portfolios can be constructed by investing 100% into either of the two given assets and zero in the other.

Mean-Variance is based on the estimate of portfolio expected returns and standard deviations, which are a combination of the expected returns, standard deviations, and pairwise correlations of any potential security in the portfolio. Expected returns need to be explicitly estimated for any given time horizon T: moving from a short-term representation to a long-term representation typically requires re-estimation of all parameters by using a different length of time series. It is conveniently assumed that the longer the time series, the more “appropriate” the estimation of long-term expected returns, as a way to capture long-term trends in the market variables or mean reversion. Therefore, portfolio expected return img is indicated by:

7.2 equation

While the portfolio return is a linear combination of the returns of the underlying assets, weighted by the relative w1 and w2 contributions to total portfolio value VU, standard deviation ρU is not a linear measure but a quadratic function of asset volatility. Therefore, given the volatility and the portfolio weight of each asset, portfolio risk is typically indicated by:

7.3 equation


7.4 equation

One can therefore express the above equation as follows:

7.5 equation

The correlation coefficient ρ can take a maximum value of +1 (i.e., the two assets are perfectly correlated, that is they move in perfect unison) and a minimum of –1 (i.e., they are perfectly negatively correlated, that is their movement is the opposite of the other). To understand how portfolio risk is affected by the correlation assumptions, we can investigate the extreme cases when correlation is equal to –1, is null, or equal to +1.

If pairwise correlation is equal to +1, the covariance between the two assets will equal the product of the two volatilities: the volatility of the portfolio becomes a linear combination of the volatility of the underlying assets. Hence, plotting the relationship between portfolio returns and portfolio risk on the cartesian plane, for any given combination of asset weights, would lead to a straight line.

7.6 equation

Similarly, where correlation equals –1, one can plot on the cartesian plane a segment that, although monotonic in the expected returns, can solve portfolio returns for two different attainable but equally likely asset allocations, that depend on the portfolio relevance of the exposure of each of the two assets against the other:

7.7 equation

When instead correlation equals 0, then the resulting function is not linear:

7.8 equation

Figure 7.2 shows a numerical example in which the expected returns are respectively img and img, while the standard deviations are ρ1 = 8% and ρ2 = 3%. The plotted line representing the risk/return characteristics of a potential model portfolio invested in the two assets is contained in the space identified by the extreme cases, in which the assets are perfectly correlated and perfectly uncorrelated, for any value of ρ(1,2) between −1 and +1.

A graph is plotted between expected returns on the y-axis and standard deviations on the x-axis to depict diversification (two assets). The dark solid line denotes correlation = -1, dashed line denotes correlation = 0, and gray line denotes correlation = 1.

Figure 7.2 Diversification (two assets)

Hence, for any given estimate of ρ(1,2) and any given portfolio composition (w1,w2), one can identify the minimum return portfolio, the maximum return portfolio, and the minimum variance portfolio. As ρ(1,2) is also an input in the optimization exercise, the objective function would solve for a suitable combination of portfolio weights. When the number of assets is greater than two, as in the three assets case represented in Figure 7.3, then pairwise correlations are indicated by a variance-covariance matrix. Allocation constraints are usually specified for the various asset classes: the problem becomes multi-dimensional and mathematically advanced routines are required to identify the global minimum/maximum of the optimization objective function (e.g., minimization of standard deviation). The best mix of risky assets for every maximum level of expected return is a curve, indicated as the efficient frontier.

A graph is plotted between expected returns on the y-axis and standard deviations on the x-axis to depict diversification (three assets).

Figure 7.3 Diversification (three assets)

7.2.2 The Mean-Variance Model Portfolio

Finding the model portfolio, for a given investor and a given set of constraints, requires us to move along the efficient frontier to attain the desired expected return with the minimum portfolio variance. Therefore, the efficient frontier is the “collection” of all portfolios that optimize the objective function, under the same set of constraints but for different target expected returns. We assume that the universe U of the available securities is made up of any jth securities. Each security has been associated with an expected return img corresponding to the mean return of the historical distribution or a subjective opinion of the portfolio manager, while wj denotes each security's fair value exposure within the portfolio. As wj, can equal zero, we can identify a portfolio with the notation U as a set of all securities that an individual can invest or not invest in. We can also assume that σj is the volatility of the jth security, while cov(i,j) refers to the covariance between the returns of any pair of securities (often asset classes).

The classical case identifying the model portfolio by setting a target return and finding the optimal asset allocation to minimize portfolio variance takes the form of a quadratic programming problem:

7.9 equation

subject to:

  1. - the resulting portfolio yields at least a target img
    7.10 equation
  2. - all portfolio weights sum to 1:
    7.11 equation
  3. - short selling is typically not allowed:
    7.12 equation

Varying img between the return of the minimum variance portfolio and the return of the maximum variance portfolio indicates the efficient frontier, as in Figure 7.1.

The optimization engine is usually guided by setting constraints on any amount that can be invested in a particular asset class or currency A⊂U so that the exposure in A is no more than a certain b percentage of VU:

7.13 equation

Once the efficient frontier is built, Robo-Advisors may break it into segments and identify levels of risk and expected return that map onto client profiles as defined in the on-boarding mechanism. Hence, a model portfolio is presented to the investor as a personalized and optimally chosen investment recommendation.

7.2.3 Final Remarks About Mean-Variance

Mean-Variance is the simplest and most convenient optimization case, which limits the representation of real securities to linear products or their equivalent asset class estimates (e.g., indices), deals with a single investment horizon at a time, restricts to the use of expected returns as a measure of future profitability, and plugs in variance as a measure of risk. Although more recent techniques allow enhancing the risk estimate with more refined measures, such as tracking error volatility or expected tail losses, wealth managers would still be asked to optimize portfolios separately for different time horizons, and reduce the conversation about investment ambitions to the expected return instead of discussing the probability of achieving personal goals through the market cycle.

7.3 Main Traits of Black-Litterman

In 1992 Fischer Black and Robert Litterman published their work on asset allocation which they had built internally at Goldman Sachs. Their Bayesian portfolio construction model has three elements of originality: first, the idea that information about financial returns is asymmetrical and can be divided into long-term market equilibrium (e.g., CAPM) and short-term investors' views; second, that both sets of information are uncertain and can be described by means of probability distributions; third, that a complete set of expected excess returns can be estimated by combining professional views with the market equilibrium, which becomes the new input of the revised Mean-Variance model. Litterman and He (1999) observed that the approach overcomes the tendency of classical theory to generate non-tradable portfolios that are extreme and over-sensitive to the updates of the parameters. Therefore, the Black-Litterman model has been adopted by quite a few Robo-Advisors as it relates to the possibility of embedding subjective beliefs of expected returns and guides the construction of model portfolios accordingly, yet uses quantitative methods. Black-Litterman is quite an elegant model, but shares with Mean-Variance some relevant limitations with regard to reliance on the estimate of expected returns and volatilities, and the need to simplify fixed income securities and derivatives.

The starting point is the identification of the equilibrium market portfolio and the expected excess returns for all assets or indexes which represent the investment universe. The vector of equilibrium expected excess returns does not necessarily need to be observed directly from the time series of the individual assets, as in the original Mean-Variance formulation, but could result from econometric analysis (e.g., CAPM) to feed the so-called reverse optimization which indicates the initial equilibrium market weights, as in Idzorek (2004). Wealth managers can formulate personal views about the expected performance of securities and related confidence levels, modify the initial equilibrium of the expected excess returns, and then re-optimize the objective function to solve for the portfolio weights that reflect the new inputs.

The steps of this approach can be summarized as follows:

  1. Preparation of the inputs: identification of the investment universe, estimation of excess returns, estimation of historical variances-covariances, estimation of the risk aversion coefficient.
  2. Reverse optimization: estimation of equilibrium expected excess returns (e.g., CAPM) and indication of the equilibrium market weights by reverse optimization.
  3. Declaration of wealth managers' beliefs: declaration of professional views about excess returns of the assets, declaration of the confidence level of those views, estimation of the distribution of those views.
  4. Portfolio optimization: estimation of the posterior distribution of expected excess returns and optimization to indicate the optimal tilted weights.

7.3.1 The Equilibrium Market Portfolio

The starting point is the equilibrium market portfolio (denoted by M) which corresponds to the investment decisions of all market participants. Continuous trading enables the market to adjust towards a long-term equilibrium value where the market weights img are governed by frictionless price discovery. Equilibrium market weights can be estimated by assessing the capital value of each asset divided by the total capital value of the whole market:

7.14 equation

The initial investment recommendation would be to hold a combination of the risk-free and the market portfolio (e.g., buy each asset in the universe according to the respective capital weights in the market): for any given level of risk no other portfolio can provide higher expected excess return because trading against the market equilibrium would not be valuable. Yet, trying to construct the real market portfolio would be unrealistic, since the number of assets is enormous in the real world. That is why wealth managers might select a representative market index to approximate the initial equilibrium weights of M.

Alternatively, the approach can be initialized by using the CAPM bet to model the expected excess returns of individual asset classes (as in Sharpe (1964) and Lintner (1965)), thus performing reverse optimization to derive the equivalent CAPM weights that represent the initial market equilibrium. The time series of the excess returns of each jth asset with respect to the risk-free rf are the initial input for the estimation of the CAPM equilibrium, so that:

7.15 equation

in which,

7.16 equation
7.17 equation
7.18 equation

The variance-covariance matrix of the excess returns of all assets in the universe is indicated by Σ and allows us to derive the vector of the initial portfolio weights img by so-called reverse optimization:

7.19 equation

λ indicates the CAPM risk aversion coefficient (Sharpe ratio) that represents the change in the expected return of the investor's portfolio per unit change in portfolio volatility:

7.20 equation

The implied and reverse optimized excess returns indicate the specified market risk premiums, hence a larger λ implies more excess return per unit of risk adding a positive influence on the level of the estimated excess returns. Under the CAPM theory it is assumed that the idiosyncratic risks of the assets are uncorrelated so that risk can be reduced by diversification. Therefore, the coefficient of the linear regression analysis is assumed to be null since the investor holding the market portfolio will be rewarded only for the systemic risk estimated by β(j,M).

7.3.2 Embedding Professional Views

Wealth managers willing to include their own views in the optimization process would be asked to overwrite the Mean-Variance initial market statistics, thus facing excessive sensitivity on the inputs which would in turn lead to extreme portfolios. Instead, according to Black and Litterman, the views do not directly replace the original historical inputs, but add new information to the exercise as they are combined with the prior expectation of market returns by means of a Bayesian model, thus leading to more stable posterior asset allocations. The information contained in the views can be an absolute or a relative expectation, as investors can express their own beliefs about the performance of an individual asset or the expected performance relative to other investments. Black and Litterman deviate from the assumption of symmetric information (i.e., that all market participants invest or are willing to invest in the same efficient frontier). Robo-Advisors and digital wealth management might believe that they possess superior information compared to the market as a whole and, although accepting asset prices as a starting point to indicate initial optimal weights (prior), they might want their views on short-term dynamics of asset prices to be reflected in the building of the final optimal portfolio (posterior). Their expectations indicate the belief that in the short term, a given asset or set of assets would not converge to the equilibrium but would yield a different return. This belief is uncertain, as it refers to a future state of the world, and it can be described by an expectation and a probability distribution, that is, a view. Therefore, a posterior vector of combined expected excess returns and their related uncertainty is supplied for the final optimization process so that the posterior vector of tilted asset weights is derived: this indicates the optimal portfolio.

The scope of the Black-Litterman approach is to combine the probability density function of initial excess returns with the probability density function of the views, so that the posterior probability density function can be used as an input to the traditional Mean-Variance optimization. The original proposition assumes the distributions are normal, but this assumption could also be relaxed:

7.21 equation
7.22 equation

Q is a column vector made up of r number of rows, where each row element represents the subjective expected excess return attached to a view and Ω is the confidence interval of the views. The Bayes theorem allows us to construct the combined posterior distribution so that if Ω = 0, then all views are certain so that for all assets specified in the views the return is given by the views themselves; if Ω = ∞, then the views are totally uncertain so that by simplifying the equation becomes img.

7.3.3 The Black-Litterman Optimal Portfolio

Having derived the probability density function of the posterior distribution of the excess returns, one can optimize the Mean-Variance objective function and estimate the posterior “tilted” weights of the assets that indicate the optimal portfolio. This is achieved by solving the following unconstrained maximization problem:

7.23 equation

Similarly to the Mean-Variance case, wealth managers can estimate the Black-Litterman efficient frontier and break it into segments which identify different levels of portfolio expected return and standard deviation. Thus, map investors' risk/return profiles as indicated by the on-boarding mechanism, leading to a “seemingly” personalized and optimally chosen investment proposal.

7.3.4 Final Remarks on Black-Litterman

The main advantage of Black-Litterman is to facilitate the embedding of explicit professional subjectivity about future return distributions without creating excessive sensitivity by tilting input parameters. However, portfolio construction is still dependent on a very simplified representation of real investment opportunities which does not allow us to move comfortably outside the convenient zone of ETF investing. This can hinder the simulation and risk management of resulting actual portfolios, and disallow a consistent representation of portfolio sensitivities to market scenarios over time.

7.4 Mean-Variance and Mental Accounts

The seminal paper of Das, Markowitz, Scheid and Statman (2010) has been a step forward in portfolio management, and the need to reconcile traditional portfolio theory with the evidence stemming from behavioural finance, that is individuals have mental accounts according to which they make investment decisions, as in Shefrin and Statman (2000). This has facilitated the debate about adopting Goal Based Investing principles as the new normal for personal finance. The Mean-Variance approach features a single efficient frontier which is generated as the best combinations of risky assets to maximize a level of expected return given a volatility target, or vice versa. However, investors seem to be better able to formulate their preferences about expected returns and acceptable risks by discussing individual goals instead of overall portfolios. Moreover, although standard deviation is a simple statistic it does not seem to be an intuitive risk measure, thus its use can lead to opaque decision-making and possibly an inconsistent elicitation of personal risk/return profiles. According to GBI principles, the risk faced by taxable investors can be defined as the probability of not achieving their investment goal. Thus, optimality becomes a set of optimal portfolios which feature the best combination of expected returns and the probability of failing to reach a threshold for each of the mental accounts that map into the different goals. Das, Markowitz, Scheid and Statman indicate that working with mental accounts is mathematically equivalent to Mean-Variance when risk is defined as shortfall probability rather than standard deviation. They also draw an important analytic connection with risk management methods based on quantile measurement, being Value at Risk, a fundamental requirement of most compliance frameworks. The demonstrated mathematical equivalence would allow proponents of classical portfolio theory to advocate the elicitation of goal thresholds and probability of reaching these thresholds for sub-portfolios, rather than eliciting risk/return tolerances by working with risk-aversion coefficients, knowing that mental account optimal portfolios also “lie” on their Mean-Variance efficient frontier. Moreover, wealth managers could aggregate multiple mental account portfolios into an overall allocation, which can also lie on a Mean-Variance efficient frontier. Although it is broadly accepted that the language of probability is more suited to fostering intuitive investment decision-making, much academic debate has been generated in discussing the potential sub-optimality of mental accounts as opposed to the optimization of overall portfolios. The authors also demonstrate that working with mental accounts might be a few basis points less efficient, but yields higher informative value in setting a more transparent and appropriate optimization exercise.

7.4.1 Final Remarks on Mean-Variance and Mental Accounts

Clearly, this approach is a significant step forward in modelling portfolios for private wealth. Yet, it still suffers from key limitations of Mean-variance and Black-Litterman: fixed income cannot be conveniently modelled, multi-period goals and their representation cannot be featured, and derivatives cannot become part of portfolio construction. Most of all, since Robo-Advisors invite final investors to stay the course towards the long term, we believe that long-term simulation techniques need to be the basis of portfolio construction and digital representation; hence, Probabilistic Scenario Optimization.

7.5 Main Traits of Probabilistic Scenario Optimization

Probabilistic Scenario Optimization (PSO) is a risk based approach designed to facilitate Goal Based Investing within institutionalized processes of portfolio management, as described in Sironi (2015), to benefit affluent and wealthier clientele without having to over-standardize the offering in terms of securities selection and portfolio allocations. The probabilistic measure of achieving an investment target becomes the key variable of the objective function, which is maximized within a risk constrained exercise over time so that potential losses are also bounded. Portfolio analysis is not restricted to a Mean-Variance representation, but this exhaustive enumeration technique embraces the full valuation of actual securities conditional on stochastic scenarios, which is best practice for market and counterparty risk management: real market variables can be simulated and investments repriced with full revaluation of actual pay-offs, conditional on perturbed market conditions, so that stress tests can also be modelled to assess individual views about financial markets and criticize or validate the results of the theoretical optimums. Full revaluation techniques allow us to close the gap between strategic asset allocations and operational portfolios, since all securities can be simulated jointly and consistently as part of portfolio construction, rebalancing, or analysis. The set of the investors' ambitions and risk tolerances can be represented as threshold lines, and can be graphically plotted on top of the simulated density function of portfolio total returns. Therefore, the appropriateness of investment targets and risk boundaries can be tested on the space of the risk/return simulation. Reinvestment strategies, money inflows and wealth consumption can also be modelled along the time horizon (e.g., de-cumulation during post-retirement years). Thus, Robo-Advisors and digital wealth managers can connect past and future performance into a single representation to drive performance attribution and portfolio rebalancing with intuition.

7.5.1 The PSO Process

PSO is a step-by-step process of portfolio filtering and ordering according to a probability measurement criterion, as synthesized in Figure 7.4: the end result is the asset allocation that shows the highest probability of achieving an investment goal, while complying with given allocation constraints and risk limits.

Figure depicting the PSO process where in potential portfolios alphabets P, S, and O are randomly arranged in a circle. In admissible portfolios, letters S and O are randomly placed in the circle. In risk-adequate portfolios letter O is randomly placed in the circle. The last is the optimal goal-based portfolio represented in a graphical manner plotted between probability and sorted portfolios.

Figure 7.4 The PSO process

Advanced risk management methods are required to deal with the estimation of uncertainty about risk/return realizations of actual financial products. Such estimates involve the generation of tens of thousands of stochastic scenarios about the evolution of the market risk factors, that drive fair value pricing of financial securities. The accuracy and meaningfulness of this process are influenced by the quality of the input data and the methodology adopted to simulate the future states of the world for each class of risk factor. The process can be represented by the following steps:

  1. Definition of the optimization problem: selection of the investment universe, indication of the allocation constraints, declaration of the investment risk/return profile to depict the investment goal and the risk limit.
  2. Generation of the space of future total returns by simulating real securities over time, conditional on probabilistic scenarios.
  3. Exhaustive generation of the quasi-random space of the admissible asset allocations and reduction to the risk-adequate set: filtering of all admissible allocations that fulfil the asset allocation constraints and reduction to the set of risk-adequate portfolios with respect to the investor's risk profile.
  4. Probability measurement and portfolio ranking: optimization of the objective function and graphical representation of the resulting asset allocation and its characteristics.
  5. Performance measurement and portfolio comparison: investment performance can be tracked over time and the distance to optimality can be measured by computing the residual probability to achieve a target across time.

Exhaustive enumeration techniques are very unrestricted methods and can be applied to any type of investment problem. Hence, Robo-Advisors and traditional wealth managers are provided with a framework that can scale up irrespective of their business focus (e.g., human or unmanned advice), securities universe (e.g., ETF or fixed income), or target clientele (e.g., affluent or UHNW).

7.5.2 The Investor's Risk and Return Profile

The process starts with the elicitation of the risk/return profile of the investor, which is a combination of the client's tolerance for risk as well as their declared ambition. Clearly, while risk tolerance is expressed in terms of a statistical moment or a quantile loss of the distribution of potential returns of the final portfolio, the ambition does not refer to any moment or quantile a priori. Yet, portfolio construction will allow achievement of the desired combination of risks so that the resulting model portfolio maximizes the probability that the return sought is achieved, that is the one corresponding to the equivalent lowest right-tail quantile. Robo-Advisors and digital wealth managers can gain three benefits:

  1. encompass both tails of the distribution at once, moving out of the restrictions of the expected return;
  2. assess convexity of products and portfolios in the joint assessment of risks and returns;
  3. create a much larger set of goals and risk combinations, which operate on multiple time steps at once.

For example, Sironi (2015) reports in Figure 7.5 the case of a hypothetical moderate investor willing to take an opportunity (hence risk) in the short term, but achieving capital protection in the medium or long term (i.e., a balanced risk/return profile). Figure 7.6 illustrates the hypothetical case of a risk tolerant individual.

Figure depicting a graph plotted between risk/return on the y-axis (on a scale of -0.40 to 0.40) and time on the x-axis (on a scale of 1Y to 5Y) to represent example of investor's profile (risk mitigating). The solid, dashed, and dash dotted lines denote ambition profile, optimization node, and risk appetite profile.

Figure 7.5 Example of investor's profile (risk mitigating)

Figure depicting a graph plotted between risk/return on the y-axis (on a scale of -0.40 to 0.40) and time on the x-axis (on a scale of 1Y to 5Y) to represent example of investor's profile (risk tolerant). The solid, dashed, and dash dotted lines denote ambition profile, optimization node, and risk appetite profile.

Figure 7.6 Example of investor's profile (risk tolerant)

The method is sensitive to the setting of the risk tolerance profile as well as the ambition level. Having elicited a risk tolerance, investors can assess how strong their ambition appears when compared to existing market conditions and volatility levels. Given any portfolio that complies with the risk limit, the greater the ambition, the lower the probability of achieving the target. Clearly, different portfolios can exhibit a higher probability of achieving the target, yet comply with the risk constraint. The PSO process allows for multi-period verification of the risk limit, constraints, and objective function. Therefore, the time discretization assumption for compliance checks and rebalancing can be customized to fit wealth managers' or clients' preferences.

7.5.3 Generation of Scenarios and Scenario Paths

PSO is based upon the full revaluation of security prices, conditional on Monte Carlo scenarios of the underlying risk factors (e.g., inflation expectations, stock prices, term structures of interest rates, credit spreads). In Figure 7.7, a scenario h is a potential state of the world at a particular time, featuring a defined set of risk factors that take on values which are potentially different from their respective evaluation at the beginning of the holding period. A scenario path H is a sequence over time of scenarios h∈H and models the potential evolution of a set of risk factors at any point t along the investment horizon Γ. The set of all scenario paths H is denoted by S.

A graph is plotted between scenario return on the y-axis and time on the x-axis to depict an example of 3 paths with 8 scenarios. From a point on the y-axis three saw-tooth-shaped curves are present denoting paths H1, H2, and H3. Point corresponding to (H1,3Y) denotes scenario h.

Figure 7.7 Example of scenario set

The measurable uncertainty about the realization of scenario returns is called risk. Conditional on the state of the risk factors in each future scenario, all securities can be repriced and their cashflows tracked to estimate their total return contribution to any portfolio performance over time.

7.5.4 Stochastic Simulation of Products and Portfolios Over Time

A Monte Carlo simulation can be computed for each of the elements of ΨU. This represents the future space of the potential total returns of each portfolio, as a linear combination of the potential total returns of each security conditional on scenarios h∈H∈S and weighted by its portfolio contribution, as in Figure 7.8.

A graph is plotted between total returns on the y-axis and time on the x-axis to depict an example of Monte Carlo simulation.

Figure 7.8 Example of Monte Carlo simulation

7.5.5 Potential and Admissible Portfolios: Allocation Constraints

The scope of PSO is to investigate the density function of potential returns of all portfolios which are admissible, which means that they comply with a given set of allocation constraints and clients' preferences. VU,H,t is an initial amount of capital to be invested across a universe of opportunities indicated by U, at time t = 0 and conditional on base scenario path H = 0. ΦU indicates the space of elements identifying all the unrestricted potential portfolio allocations (i.e., the set of the vectors of the potential allocation weights on each of the j assets in the universe). The elements of ΦU correspond to the individual percentage weights wj,0,0 which are constant through scenario paths and time step, since only the fair value of each j security is allowed to change:

7.24 equation

Investments can also be added and money can be withdrawn from existing allocations by modelling potential capital inflows and outflows over time (e.g., income streams, dividends, real estate investments), so that weights can change according to defined rebalancing rules. The amount invested in a particular category A of portfolio U (e.g., asset class, sector, or currency) can be floored (fragmentation limit a) or capped (concentration limit b), in order to avoid over-concentration or under-representation of specific names, sectors, regions, or currencies:

7.25 equation

ΨU is the final set of admissible portfolios, that is the subset of the unrestricted potential portfolio compositions of ΦU complying with the allocation constraints. The number of admissible portfolio allocations can grow exponentially with the number of the assets in U and the minuteness of the investment step size, ranging from a few millions to more than one sextillion. Therefore, techniques based on low discrepancy sequences allow us to alleviate the computational burdens without losing accuracy and meaningfulness. In Sironi (2015) we argued for the non-binding adoption of a lexicographical ordering to generate an ordered series of portfolios in an unambiguous canonical order that is similar, but not restricted, to an alphabetical representation (from which the name is taken). Similarly, the explicit list of the ordered asset allocations that make up ΨU can be generated by ordering the compositions in such a way that the order associated to each individual asset allocation in the portfolio is preserved throughout the sequence, and is normalized to the unit interval [0,1]. The low discrepancy sequence methods generate a sequence of draws from such a unit interval, in such a way that every draw is far away from the preceding, that is, clustering is avoided (groups of numbers close to each others), and that the draws are maximally avoiding each other, that is larger gaps are avoided. The resulting uniform distribution in the unit interval is used to derive the samples from the ordered universe of the admissible portfolios, that is the final set ΨU.

7.5.6 Adequate Portfolios: Risk Adequacy

ΘU is the subset of the sampled admissible portfolios in ΨU which also comply with the risk limit definition. A risk limit can be imposed as a hard line or as a boundary condition, so that the risk measure (e.g., VaR) of the simulated portfolio is lower than a risk limit or falls within a target bandwidth at preselected time steps, as in Figure 7.9. The risk limit can be idiosyncratic or chosen out of a set of standard profiles that the wealth manager has created ex-ante and underlie the on-boarding risk assessment mechanism.

For a given confidence level 1-α, img is a risk-limit function over the investment horizon Γ:

7.26 equation
A graph is plotted between total returns on the y-axis and time on the x-axis to depict an example of Monte Carlo simulation depicting a step-like pattern.

Figure 7.9 Example of Monte Carlo simulation

In the case of a hard limit, the probabilistic risk-limit function states a constraint on ξαU,S,t which is the α-quantile profile of the investor applicable to portfolio returns RU,H,t.

7.27 equation

This translates into the following statement: the left quantile img of the optimal portfolio at any selected time point t, with confidence interval 1-α, shall be contained within the investor's risk appetite img.

Clearly, the risk-limit function can operate on a number of reallocation steps which is smaller than the one contained in the simulation framework. Thus, it can incorporate the form of a single point in time constraint. The optimization exercise will check the risk limit only at specified verification points and leave it open otherwise.

7.5.7 Objective Function: Probability Maximization

The optimization journey started with an initial space ΦU of quasi-random potential allocations, reduced the dataset to a space of quasi-random ΨU admissible compositions, and further reduced the set to the risk-adequate initial allocations ΘU. Thus, the objective function can now be imposed on the risk/return properties of the portfolios contained in ΘU. The total return distribution of the investment returns over time which entered the optimization exercise can be plotted on digital tools without any discrepancy between the optimal asset allocation and the operational portfolio. Figure 7.10 shows a Monte Carlo simulation and the overlapping of the ambition line and the risk limit.

A graph is plotted between total returns on the y-axis and time on the x-axis to depict an example of Monte Carlo simulation depicting a step-like pattern. The plot also depicts prob. target 3Y.

Figure 7.10 Example of Monte Carlo simulation

The optimization problem can be performed in the multi-period where t∈Γ. Hence, one needs to have a notion of preference that determines at which level of the target function a particular point in time dominates another. This can be achieved by introducing a multi-period weighting scheme K which is a vector of k∈K that allocates a positive weight at each t∈Γ. The weighting scheme is phrased rather generally and need not necessarily integrate to 1, since it might incorporate a normalization of the target function over time as well. Alternatively, one could estimate a more refined indicator of the multi-period probability by computing at the final investment horizon the conditional probability of reaching such a final step given the probability measurement at all previous allocation steps.

The process can be summarized in Table 7.1.

Table 7.1 The PSO Process

Generate all potential portfolios
Identify only the admissible portfolios
Filter the risk-adequate portfolios
Indicate the optimal goal based portfolio

Objective function: maximize the probability of complying with a minimum, time-dependent ambition or target return img, subject to a multi-period weighting scheme K over a time horizon Γ and across all elements in ΘU, so that:

7.28 equation

in which, img is the ambition line expressed as a total return function over the investment horizon Γ:

7.29 equation

Clearly, the multi-period optimization can be turned into a discrete or single point in time optimization by assigning full weight to a discrete set of points or a single point only. However, if the weight is not allocated to a single point only, the construction of the weighting scheme should reflect the nature of the respective variable and its term structure to allow for meaningful results.

The probability measures, such as the probability of beating the investment goal or of falling short of the risk appetite limit, can be plotted for the optimal or any other portfolio (as in Figure 7.11).

A graph is plotted between probability on the y-axis (on a scale of 0–1) and time on the x-axis (on a scale of 1Y–5Y) to depict an example of probability measurement. The dark vertical line with a black circle denotes positive return, while gray vertical line with an open circle denotes beating target.

Figure 7.11 Example of probability measurement

Robo-Advisors performance over time can also be investigated to highlight whether the investment goals are still attainable, have been achieved, or are challenged by adverse market movements (as in Figure 7.12).

A graph is plotted between total returns on the y-axis (on a scale of -100 to 200%) and time on the x-axis (on a scale of -3Y to 3Y) to depict an example of GBI performance reporting. The graph is divided into two parts, namely, ex-post (ranging from -3 to today) and ex-ante (ranging from today to 3Y).

Figure 7.12 Example of GBI performance reporting

Robo-Advisors can indicate minimum probability targets for each time step and verify ex-ante and ex-post the compliance of both the strategic and the tactical asset allocations with the ambitions and risk appetite of final investors. This allows us to anticipate the needs for a proactive revision of the asset allocation, in case the investment has performed better than expected, as the market turned in favour of the elected strategy (indicating the possibility of cashing in and entering into a new portfolio to enhance investment returns) or in case the investment has under performed, as the market turned against the elected strategy or might not provide enough drift or volatility to achieve the stated ambition within the investment horizon (indicating the need to revise the asset allocation and optimize the timing of such a decision).

An appealing feature of PSO is that we can operate multiple problems without having to recalibrate the full set of simulation inputs: we can redefine time horizons, time steps, allocation constraints, client ambitions, or risk appetite levels and operate on the same stochastic distribution of the total returns of individual products. This should facilitate the institutionalization of the methodology across advisory networks, well outside the specialized desks of quantitative professionals, hence allowing sell-side institutions to deliver better and more transparent support to buy-side players. Moreover, we can identify an intuitive metric that permits us to compare strategic and tactical asset allocations with a certain level of intuition. Probability is such a measure, such as the probability of beating a financial goal, of yielding a minimum total return, or avoiding a capital loss.

7.5.8 Final Remarks on PSO

PSO is a fairly unrestricted framework based on exhaustive enumeration that can encompass a large variety of optimization exercises in terms of:

  1. timeline discretization;
  2. definition of the risk limit (e.g., VaR, Worst Case, Tail-Loss);
  3. definition of the ambition (e.g., total return, asset value, income stream);
  4. definition of the objective function (e.g., maximum probability of achieving a return target, maximum probability of affording an annuity);
  5. a different combination of ambitions, risk tolerances, and time discretization.

In particular, the framework is suited to meaningful stress test analysis of operational and model portfolios because it is based on scenario analysis. Economic cycles can be conveniently modelled over time to test the robustness of investment policies and rebalancing assumptions, which can be a relevant input to Gamification exercises.

7.5.9 Conclusions

Goal Based Investing seeks to facilitate the implementation of investment policies which are more transparent and consistent with individual preferences and long-term ambitions. The probability of reaching or falling short of an investment target becomes a mainstream indicator to establish the adequacy of model portfolios with regard to individual ambitions and risk tolerance. Markowitz and his co-authors (Das et al., 2011) have recently innovated beyond the original Mean-Variance and Black-Litterman propositions, by replacing the standard deviation with the shortfall probability measure. Probabilistic Scenario Optimization provides a more flexible and consistent framework for the maximization of goal probabilities in the multi-period, within a risk constrained scenario simulation framework. The adoption of probabilistic scenarios requires thorough understanding of modern risk management techniques, based upon full revaluation methods of actual securities by means of multi-period stochastic simulations. The next chapter discusses scenario analysis in the context of educational Gamification, which is a relevant example of sustaining innovation that can enhance Robo-Advisors' propositions, and facilitate the understanding of the impact of personal investment behaviour with regard to otherwise complex investment decisions.

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