
  • 3Vs (volume, velocity, variety)
  • actionability
  • adequate portfolios PSO
  • admissible portfolios, PSO
  • advisors see digital financial advisors; personal financial advisors; Robo-Advisors
  • affluent clients
  • AISs see Automated Investment Solutions
  • Alexandria, Library of
  • algorithms
    • Gamification
    • portfolio rebalancing
  • Asian tigers
  • aspirational goals
  • aspirational portfolios
  • aspirational risks
  • asset allocations
  • asset diversification
  • asset management
  • assets under management (AUM)
    • Digital-Advisors
    • private banking
    • Robo-Advisors
    • supply and demand
  • authorized participants, ETF providers
  • automated digital businesses
  • Automated Investment Solutions (AISs)
  • automated portfolio indexing
  • automated portfolio rebalancing
  • aviation industry
  • awareness, clients
  • Baby Boomers
  • banks/banking
    • disruptive innovation
    • history
    • personalization
    • private
    • retail
    • shadow banking
  • Bayesian model, Black–Litterman
  • behaviour
    • analytics
    • customer
    • investment
    • personal
  • Behavioural Portfolio, Brunel
  • Big Data analytics
  • Black–Litterman model
    • embedding professional views
    • equilibrium market portfolio
    • optimal portfolio
    • steps required
  • bonds
  • bonus and salary schemes
  • brokerage firms
  • Brunel, Jean L. P.
  • business dilemmas
  • capabilities vs disabilities
  • Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
  • CD (Compact Disc) players
  • Chhabra, Ashvin B.
  • choices, meaningful
  • Christensen, Clayton M.
  • Christensen's five principles
  • client awareness
  • Client Relationship Management (CRM)
  • client-centric advice
  • clients, see also customer...
  • Coates, John
  • cognitive era
  • commission
  • commission and fee schemes
  • commission-only schemes
  • commoditization
  • community influences
  • Compact Disc (CD) players
  • conflicts
  • continuous engagement
  • CRM see Client Relationship Management
  • cryptocurrencies
  • Customer Value in Financial Services (CVFS)
  • customers
    • see also client...
  • customization
  • CVFS see Customer Value in Financial Services
  • debt securities
  • decision-making
  • demand see supply-demand
  • derivatives
  • digital financial advisors
  • digital payments
  • digital technology
  • digital tools, GBI
  • Digital-Advisors
  • digital-native generation
  • digitalization
  • digitalized wealth management
  • dilemmas in business
  • direct investments
  • direct-claim issuers
  • disabilities vs capabilities
  • discovery based planning
  • disintermediation
  • disruptive innovation
  • diversification, asset
  • educational Gamification
  • efficient frontier
  • emotional aspects of investing
  • empowered customization
  • empowerment
  • enrolment processes
  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
  • environmental aspects
  • equilibrium market portfolio
  • equities
  • equity markets
  • ERP see Enterprise Resource Planning
  • essential goals
  • exchange-traded funds (ETFs)
    • asset management
    • creation of shares
    • loss of advantage
    • passive investment management
    • portfolio modelling
    • providers
    • tax-loss harvesting
  • Gamification
    • client-centric advice
    • definition
    • educational
    • engaging clients with
    • mechanics
    • principles
    • wealth management
  • gamma tasks
  • GBI see Goal Based Investing
  • Generation X
  • Generation Y
  • Generation Z
  • generational shifts/transfers
  • Global Financial Crisis (GFC)
    • digital financial advisors
    • direct-claim issuers
    • GBI
    • Robo-Advisors
    • wealth management firms
  • Goal Based Investing (GBI)
    • assessment steps
    • client-centric advice
    • definition
    • digital financial advisors
    • elements preventing acceptance
    • foundations
    • Gamification
    • goals
    • investment process
    • needs, personal
    • performance reporting
    • personalization
    • portfolio modelling
    • portfolio postulates
    • priorities, goal
    • reporting performance
    • risk tolerance
    • risks
    • sustaining innovation
    • time horizons
    • values, personal
    • wealth management
    • workflows
  • goal based operational portfolios
  • goal priorities
  • goals
  • graphical tools
  • High Earners, Not Rich Yet (HENRYs)
  • high net worth (HNW) individuals
  • ICI see Investment Company Institute
  • important goals
  • income orientation
  • independent advice
  • information technology (IT)
  • innovation
    • definitions
    • Fintech ecosystems
    • personalization
    • Robo-Advisors and the iPod
    • theory
    • traditional thinking
    • and trends
  • institutionalization of banking
  • intermediaries
  • investing
  • investment behaviour
  • Investment Company Institute (ICI)
  • investment management
    • historical aspects
    • industry diagrams
    • making money
    • supply-demand chain
  • investors
    • private
    • risk/return profiles
    • taxable
  • iPod
  • IT (information technology)
  • Know Your Customer (KYC)
  • market equilibrium
  • market irrelevance
  • market portfolios
  • market regulation
  • market risks
  • marketing, promotional
  • markets, underserved
  • Markowitz, Harry
  • Maslow, Abraham
  • Mean-Variance proposition
    • Black–Litterman model
    • efficient frontier
    • mental accounts
    • model portfolio
    • optimization
    • portfolio modelling
  • meaningful choices
  • mega-trends
  • mental accounts
  • MFs see mutual funds
  • Millennial generation
  • Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT)
    • asset diversification
    • efficient frontier
    • GBI
    • Mean-Variance proposition
    • portfolio modelling
  • Monte Carlo simulation
  • motivation
  • MPT see Modern Portfolio Theory
  • multiple goals
  • music industry
  • mutual funds (MFs)
  • NAV see net asset value
  • needs
  • Needs Pyramid, Maslow
  • net asset value (NAV)
  • objective function, PSO
  • off-shore tax advantages
  • on-boarding mechanisms
  • open architecture model
  • optimization
  • passive investment management
  • past experiences
  • peer-to-peer lending
  • performance reporting
    • aggregation/disaggregation
    • complexities of
    • examples of reports
    • GBI
    • portfolio performance
  • personal behaviour
  • personal financial advisors
  • personal needs
  • personal risks
  • personal values
  • personalization
    • decision-making
    • GBI
    • limitations
    • “time-squarization” of news
  • Platforms, Robo
  • player journey, Gamification
  • pooled investments
  • portfolio indexing, automated
  • portfolio modelling
    • Black–Litterman model
    • changes
    • GBI
    • Mean-Variance proposition
    • mental accounts
    • MPT
    • PSO
  • portfolio performance
  • portfolio rebalancing
    • algorithms
    • automated
    • digital financial advisors
    • GBI
    • rules
    • tax-loss harvesting
  • portfolio simulation, PSO
  • portfolios
    • see also Modern Portfolio Theory; portfolio...
    • Behavioural Portfolio
    • equilibrium market
    • goal based operational
    • market
    • PSO
    • Robo-Platforms
    • traditional techniques
  • potential portfolios, PSO
  • private banks/banking
    • changing banking
    • institutionalization
    • wealth management
  • private investors
  • Probabilistic Scenario Optimization (PSO)
    • adequate portfolios
    • admissible portfolios
    • allocation constraints
    • Gamification
    • generation of scenarios
    • investor risk/return profile
    • multiple problem advantage
    • objective function
    • optimization exercises
    • portfolio modelling
    • potential portfolios
    • probability maximization
    • process
    • risk adequacy
    • simulations
    • time horizons
  • probability maximization, PSO
  • product simulation, PSO
  • professional views
  • promotional marketing
  • prospect theory
  • PSO see Probabilistic Scenario Optimization
  • quantitative finance
  • questionnaires
  • rebalancing portfolios see portfolio rebalancing
  • redistribution of wealth
  • regulation
    • banking
    • market
    • tightening of
  • relationships, CRM
  • reporting performance see performance reporting
  • resource dependence
  • retail banks
  • retirement
    • crisis
    • income
    • planning
  • retrocessions
  • returns
    • GBI
    • investor risk/return profile
    • Mean-Variance proposition
    • portfolio expected
  • reverse optimization
  • reward mechanics
  • risk-adequate portfolios
  • risk aversion
  • risk capacity
  • risk measures
  • risk tolerance
    • GBI
    • PSO
  • risk/return profiles, investors
  • risks
    • see also risk...
    • GBI
    • market
    • portfolio, MPT
  • Robo-4-Advisors
    • digital financial advisors
    • Digital-Advisors
    • digitalized wealth management
  • Robo-Advisors
    • see also Robo-4-Advisors
    • achievements
    • automated digital businesses
    • automated process
    • challenges
    • decision-making
    • definition
    • digital financial advisors
    • disruptive nature
    • ETFs
    • expanding propositions
    • five facets
    • Gamification
    • historical aspects
    • innovation
    • iPod
    • passive investment management
    • personalization
    • portfolio modelling
    • portfolio rebalancing
    • private banking
    • retirement
    • Robo-Advisors 2.0
    • single-mindedness
    • Smart Data
    • tax-loss harvesting
    • terminology
    • wealth management
    • what they are
    • what they do
  • Robo-Advisors 2.0
  • Robo-as-a-Service
  • Robo-Platforms
  • Robo-Retirement
  • robo-technology
  • S&P 500 time series 1954–2009
  • safety portfolios
  • salary and bonus schemes
  • scenarios see Probabilistic Scenario Optimization
  • securities
  • self-assessment
  • services
    • CVFS engine
    • financial
    • Robo-as-a-Service
    • wealth management
  • shadow banking
  • shares, ETF
  • simplicity
  • simulation, Monte Carlo
  • single mindedness
  • Smart Data
  • social media
  • social trends
  • specialization
  • sponsors, ETF providers
  • strategic tactical asset allocation
  • strategies, CVFS engine
  • structure, Gamification
  • success measures
  • supply-demand
    • chain
    • gap
  • sustaining innovation
  • systems, CVFS engine
  • tax-loss harvesting
  • taxable investors
  • TaxAlpha advantages
  • technology
    • see also digital...; Robo...
    • IT
    • robo-technology
    • theory of innovation
    • trends
  • theory of innovation
  • time horizons
  • “time-squarization” of news
  • traditional asset managers
  • traditional banking
    • changing banks
    • disengagement
    • Fintech innovation
  • traditional portfolio techniques
  • traditional wealth management
  • Traditionalist generation
  • transfer of wealth
  • transparency
  • trends, mega
  • trust
  • ultra high net worth (UHNW) individuals
  • uncertainty
  • underserved markets
  • user experience (UX)
  • Value-at-Risk (VaR)
  • values, personal
  • VaR see Value-at-Risk
  • variance see Mean-Variance proposition
  • variety, 3Vs
  • velocity, 3Vs
  • vertically integrated solutions
  • Veteran generation
  • views of professionals
  • volume, 3Vs
  • wash sales
  • Wealth Allocation framework, Chhabra
  • wealth management
    • digitalization
    • Gamification
    • after GFC
    • portfolio modelling
    • private banking
    • Robo-Advisors
    • services
  • wealth pyramid
  • wealth transfer
  • workflows, GBI

Index compiled by Indexing Specialists (UK) Ltd

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