
  1. Absorption
    1. engagement and
    2. flow and
    3. Mindful Engagement Zone
    4. mindfulness and
    5. overview
    6. tools for
    7. workplace tactics for mindful engagement
  2. Active constructive responding (ACR)
  3. Adaptation, need for
  4. Adler, Rachel
  5. Air Force (Israel)
  6. Alderfer, Clayton
  7. Aldrin, Buzz
  8. Allende, Isabel
  9. Amabile, Teresa
  10. American Institute of Stress
  11. American Psychological Association
  12. Apollo 11 (NASA)
  13. Apple
  14. Appreciative Coaching (Orem, Binkert, Clancy)
  15. Appreciative Inquiry (AI)
  16. Armstrong, Neil
  17. Asch, Solomon
  18. As If principle
  19. The As If Principle (Wiseman)
  20. Attention
  21. Authenticity for relationships
  22. Autocratic leadership, problems of
  23. Aviva
  24. Avolio, Bruce
  25. Awareness


  1. Bacon, Sir Francis
  2. Bandura, Albert
  3. Barrett, Colleen
  4. Beckett, Samuel
  5. Beckman, David
  6. Begley, Sharon
  7. Benbunan-Fich, Raquel
  8. Benefactor Empowerment Zone
  9. Bennis, Warren
  10. Ben-Shahar, Tal
    1. career of
    2. Happier and Being Happy
    3. The Joy of Leadership
    4. Potentialife inception and
  11. Benson, Herbert
  12. Bersin by Deloitte
  13. Best, George
  14. Binkert, Jacqueline
  15. Blackburn, Di
  16. Bloom, Benjamin
  17. Bloomberg View
  18. The Blue Zones (Buettner)
  19. The Blue Zones Solution (Buettner)
  20. Body language
  21. The Body Shop
  22. Boundarylessness. See also Disaggregated world
  23. Bouskila-Yam, Osnat
  24. Brain
    1. attention and
    2. happiness and
    3. health and
    4. neuroplasticity of
    5. ritualizing behavior for permanent change
  25. Breaks, importance of
  26. Breathing meditation
  27. Brigham Young University
  28. Brin, Sergey
  29. Buckingham, Marcus
  30. Buettner, Dan
  31. Buffett, Warren
  32. Built to Last (Collins, Porras)
  33. Bunderson, J. Stuart
  34. Butternot Box


  1. Cacioppo, John
  2. Career change, fluid nature of
  3. Carter, Ebony
  4. Carter, Jimmy
  5. Cascading failure
  6. Center for Creative Leadership
  7. “CEO disease”
  8. Challenge, need for
  9. Change
    1. adaptation and
    2. alternative thoughts and behaviors for
    3. to become sum total of who you are
    4. as constant
    5. creating pathways for
    6. disaggregation and positive change
    7. obstacles to
    8. overview
    9. pathways to
    10. for personal flourishing
    11. picking and leading phase of
    12. repetition for
    13. strengthening with rituals and reminders
    14. 10X effect for
  10. Charisma
  11. Chen, Jenova
  12. Churchill, Winston
  13. Citrin, Jim
  14. Clancy, Ann
  15. Clayton, Derek
  16. Clifton, Donald
  17. Cognitive reframing
  18. Cole, Steve
  19. Collins, Jim
  20. Commitment
  21. Compliments
  22. Conant, Douglas
  23. Conformity
  24. Control, myths about
  25. Coonerty, Ryan
  26. Cooperrider, David
  27. Cortisol
  28. Counterclockwise (Langer)
  29. Coupe, Mike
  30. Co-working spaces
  31. “Crisis of Confidence” (Carter)
  32. Crum, Alia J.
  33. Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly
  34. Culture of mindfulness
  35. Cutter, Bowman“Bo”
  36. Czeisler, Charles


  1. “Damage control” mind-set, discouraging
  2. Damon, William
  3. Davidson, Richard
  4. Dawson, Drew
  5. De Botton, Alain
  6. Detillion, Courtney
  7. Dhabhar, Firdaus
  8. Diener, Ed
  9. Diet, health and
  10. Disaggregated world
    1. finding happiness in
    2. information fluidity in
    3. overview
    4. people’s fluidity in
    5. positive change and
    6. resistance to change and
    7. role fluidity in
    8. 10X leadership for
  11. Distraction, reducing
  12. Distress
  13. Diversity in teams
  14. “Does Economic Growth Improve the Human Lot?” (Easterlin)
  15. Drucker, Peter
  16. Duhigg, Charles
  17. Dutton, Jane
  18. Dweck, Carol


  1. Easterlin, Richard
  2. Edison, Thomas
  3. Edmondson, Amy
  4. Elliot, Andrew
  5. Emerson, Ralph Waldo
  6. Emmons, Robert A.
  7. Emotion
    1. behavior and change
    2. meditation and
    3. positive emotions
    4. positive emotions for health
    5. “upward spirals” of positive emotion
  8. Emotional contagion
  9. Energy
    1. depletion and recovery of
    2. Energy Creation Zone (ECZ)
    3. managing time versus
    4. See also Health
  10. Energy Project
  11. Engagement
  12. Entrepreneurship
  13. Eustress
  14. External locus of control


  1. Failure in relationships, responding to
  2. Farson, Richard
  3. Faust, Drew Gilpan
  4. Fear of failure
  5. Feedback
  6. The Fifth Discipline (Senge)
  7. Fight-or-flight response
  8. Financial incentive, meaning and
  9. Finding Flow (Csikszentmihalyi)
  10. Finding Time (Perlow)
  11. The 5 Patterns of Extraordinary Careers (Citrin, Smith)
  12. Flow
    1. conditions needed for
    2. defined
    3. overview
    4. for teams
    5. tools for
    6. See also Absorption
  13. flOw (game)
  14. Fluidity
    1. flow versus
    2. of information
    3. of people
    4. of roles
    5. of workplace
  15. Focus. See Absorption
  16. Folkman, Joseph R.
  17. Follow Donal (Food Network UK)
  18. “Followership”
  19. Food Network UK
  20. Forbes
  21. Forstall, Scott
  22. Frames of Mind (Gardner)
  23. Frankl, Viktor
  24. Fredrickson, Barbara
  25. Freiberg, Kevin
  26. Friendship in workplace
  27. Fulfillment, discovery of
  28. Full Catastrophe Living (Kabat-Zinn)
  29. The Future and Its Enemies (Postrel)


  1. Gable, Shelly
  2. Gaiman, Neil
  3. Gallagher, Winifred
  4. Gallup Inc.
    1. on employees’ engagement in work
    2. flow and
    3. Q12
    4. State of the American Workplace
  5. Gandhi, Mohandas
  6. Gardner, Howard
  7. “Genius of the AND”
  8. George, Bill
  9. Geraghty, Joanna
  10. Gilbert, Daniel
  11. Gladding, Rebecca
  12. Globalization
  13. Glynn, Kevin
  14. Goals
    1. appropriateness of
    2. attainability of
    3. flow and
    4. purpose and
  15. Goleman, Daniel
  16. Good Mood Food (blog)
  17. Google
  18. Gottman, John
  19. Graham, Katharine
  20. Grant, Adam
  21. Gratitude
  22. “Gratitude visit”
  23. Great Sioux Nation, as role-fluidity example
  24. Greenblatt, Edy
  25. Greenleaf, Robert
  26. Gross National Happiness (GNH)
  27. Grow (Stengel)
  28. Growth mindset
  29. Gudith, Daniela


  1. Hackman, Richard
  2. Hall, Kevin
  3. Hallowell, Ed
  4. Handbook of Positive Psychology (Watson)
  5. Happier and Being Happy (Ben-Shahar)
  6. Happiness
    1. discovery of fulfillment for
    2. meaning and purpose for
    3. overview
    4. peak experience for
    5. relationships and
    6. relationship strength and
    7. SHARP implementation for
    8. strengths of individuals for
    9. stress and
    10. success and
  7. Harrison, Lee Hecht
  8. Harter, Jim
  9. Hartland, Jon
  10. Harvard Business Review
  11. Harvard University
  12. See also individual names of professors
  13. Hawthorne Works (Western Electric Company)
  14. Health
    1. chronic stress as problem of
    2. depletion and recovery of energy for
    3. identifying areas for improvement
    4. longevity and
    5. managing team energy for
    6. overview
    7. positive emotions for
    8. social relationships and
    9. workplace tactics for
  15. Health and Safety Executive (UK)
  16. Heraclitus
  17. Hierarchy of needs
  18. Hobbs, Nicholas
  19. Holt-Lunstad, Julianne
  20. How Full Is Your Bucket? (Clifton, Rath)
  21. The How of Happiness (Lyubomirsky)
  22. How to Be Exceptional (Zenger, Folkman, Sherwin, Steel)
  23. Huffington Post
  24. “Human moment”


  1. Immune system. See Health
  2. Individuals
    1. changing behavior of (See also Change)
    2. strengths of
    3. 10X effect for
  3. Inertia as mind-set
  4. Information, fluidity of
  5. Inspiration
  6. Intelligence
    1. Dweck on
    2. Gardner on
  7. Internal locus of control


  1. Jacobsen, Lenore
  2. James, William
  3. JetBlue Airways
  4. Job crafting
  5. Jobs, Steve
  6. John Hopkins University
  7. Joiner, Thomas
  8. Journal of Neuroscience
  9. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
  10. Journal of Staff Development
  11. “The Journey to Authenticity” (George)
  12. The Joy of Leadership (Ben-Shahar, Ridgway)
  13. Jung, Carl
  14. “Just do it” (Millman; Nike)


  1. Kabat-Zinn, Jon
  2. Kahneman, Daniel
  3. Kanter, Rosabeth Moss
  4. Kasser, Tim
  5. Kaufer, Daniela
  6. Kelleher, Herb
  7. Kennedy, John F.
  8. King, Laura
  9. King, Rollin
  10. Kitchen Hero (television show)
  11. Klocke, Ulrich
  12. Kouzes, Jim


  1. Laird, James
  2. Langer, Ellen
  3. Lao Tzu
  4. Layton, Bradley
  5. Leadership
    1. charisma and
    2. complexity of
    3. development of
    4. happiness for
    5. inspirational leaders
    6. leaders as role models
    7. personal flourishing for
    8. social media and “followership”
    9. See also Change; Disaggregated world; SHARP (Strengths, Health, Absorption, Relationships, Purpose); 10X effect
  6. The Leadership Challenge (Kouzes, Posner)
  7. Lewin, Kurt
  8. “Lift” (JetBlue Airways)
  9. Lincoln, Abraham
  10. Listening
  11. Littman-Ovadia, Hadassah
  12. Livingston, J. Sterling
  13. Locke, Edwin
  14. Locus of control
  15. Loehr, Jim
  16. Longevity
  17. Luthans, Fred
  18. Lyobomirsky, Sonja


  1. Maguire, Eleanor
  2. Mamet, David
  3. “Managing Oneself” (Drucker)
  4. Man’s Search for Meaning (Frankl)
  5. Mark, Gloria
  6. Maslow, Abraham
  7. Mastery experiences
  8. Matrix of responses
  9. McCullough, Michael E.
  10. McKee, Robert
  11. McKinsey & Company
  12. McKinsey Quarterly
  13. Meaning
    1. finding
    2. purpose as (See also Purpose)
  14. Medellin, Rico
  15. Meditation
  16. Merrill, Ray
  17. Millman, Dan
  18. The Mind & The Brain (Schwartz, Begley)
  19. Mindful Engagement Zone
  20. Mindful living
  21. Mindfulness
    1. culture of mindfulness
    2. importance of
    3. leadership and
    4. Mindful Engagement Zone
    5. neuroplasticity and
    6. tools for
    7. workplace tactics for mindful engagement
    8. See also Absorption
  22. Mindfulness (Langer)
  23. Mind-set
    1. fear of failure and
    2. growth versus fixed
    3. inertia
    4. overwork
    5. perfectionism
    6. underestimating
  24. Mindset (Dweck)
  25. Mindsight (Siegel)
  26. Mirror neurons
  27. Multitasking


  1. NASA
  2. National Geographic
  3. Netflix
  4. Neuner, Jeremy
  5. Neuroplasticity
  6. New York (magazine)
  7. New York Times
  8. Next American Economy (Roosevelt Institute)
  9. NextSpace
  10. Nike
  11. Nir, Dina
  12. Nixon, Richard
  13. Now, Discover Your Strengths (Clifton, Buckingham)
  14. Nuts! (Freiberg)


  1. Ohio State University
  2. On Becoming a Leader (Bennis)
  3. Optimal relating
  4. Orem, Sara
  5. Organizations
    1. fluidity of workplace (See also Disaggregated world)
    2. 10X effect for individuals and
    3. traditional interpretation of
  6. Outsourcing
  7. Overgeneralization
  8. Overwork as mind-set
  9. Oxytocin


  1. Page, Larry
  2. Parker, John
  3. Pascual-Leone, Alvaro
  4. Passion strengths
  5. Passive constructive responding
  6. The Path to Purpose (Damon)
  7. Pathways to change. See Change
  8. Peak experience. See Flow
  9. Peak Potential Zone
    1. discovering
    2. encouraging
    3. mastery experience and
  10. Pennebaker, James
  11. Perfectionism as mind-set
  12. Performance strengths
  13. Perlow, Leslie
  14. Personal flourishing
    1. change and
    2. defined
    3. overview
  15. Personal History (Graham)
  16. Physical activity
    1. developing routine for
    2. for health
  17. Picasso, Pablo
  18. Picking and leading phase of change
  19. Plato
  20. Porras, Jerry
  21. Positivity
    1. positive emotions
    2. for relationships
  22. Posner, Barry
  23. Postrel, Virginia
  24. Potentialife
    1. Appreciative Inquiry (AI)
    2. forming new pathways to change with (See also Change)
    3. on happiness
    4. inception of
    5. 10X program of
  25. Power, myths about
  26. The Power of Full Engagement (Loehr, Schwartz)
  27. The Power of Habit (Duhigg)
  28. “The Power of Idealistic-Realism” (Conant)
  29. Prairie dogging
  30. Primal Leadership (Goleman)
  31. Psychological Capital (Luthans, Youssef, Avolio)
  32. Psychological safety
  33. Psychology of leadership, overview. See also individual theories and theorists
  34. Purpose
    1. finding
    2. inspiration and
    3. job crafting and
    4. as meaning and commitment
    5. overview
    6. Purposeful Life Zone
    7. storytelling for
    8. tools for purposeful living
    9. workplace tactics for meaningful work experience
  35. The Purpose-Driven Life (Warren)
  36. Pygmalion Effect
  37. “Pygmalion in Management” (Livingston)


  1. Q12 (Gallup Inc.)
  2. Quality of activities


  1. Ramachandran, V. S.
  2. Rapt (Gallagher)
  3. Ratey, John
  4. Rath, Tom
  5. Reagan, Ronald
  6. Recognition
  7. Reid, Kathryn
  8. Relationships
    1. authenticity for
    2. Benefactor Empowerment Zone
    3. friendship in workplace
    4. health and
    5. overview
    6. positivity for
    7. recognition and gratitude in
    8. relationship strength
    9. responding to success and failure in
    10. synergy in
    11. workplace tactics for
  9. The Relaxation Response (Benson)
  10. Religion for Atheists (de Botton)
  11. Reminders
  12. Repetition
  13. Rest
  14. Restore Yourself (Greenblatt)
  15. “Rethinking Stress” (Crum)
  16. Ridgway, Angus
    1. career of
    2. The Joy of Leadership
    3. Potentialife inception and
  17. The Rise of the Naked Economy (Coonerty, Neuner)
  18. Rituals
  19. Roddick, Anita
  20. Rogers, Carl
  21. Role models, leaders as
  22. Roosevelt Institute
  23. Rosenthal, Robert
  24. Rotter, Julian
  25. Rules, flow and
  26. Running to the Top (Clayton)


  1. Sainsbury, John James
  2. Sainsbury’s (supermarket chain)
  3. Schwartz, Jeffrey
  4. Schwartz, Tony
  5. Scientific American
  6. “Screen off, mind on”
  7. Search Inside Yourself (Tan)
  8. “The Secrets of Living Longer” (Buettner)
  9. Self-confidence, building
  10. Self-directed neuroplasticity
  11. Self-management
  12. Seligman, Martin
  13. Selye, Hans
  14. Senge, Peter
  15. Sensitive listening
  16. Servant leadership
  17. Seventh-Day Adventists
  18. Shafir, Rebecca
  19. SHARP (Strengths, Health, Absorption, Relationships, Purpose)
    1. absorption (SHARPening moment)
    2. balanced approach to
    3. defined
    4. health (SHARPening moment)
    5. implementing, for happiness
    6. overview
    7. purpose (SHARPening moment)
    8. relationships (SHARPening moment)
    9. strengths (SHARPening Moment)
    10. See also Absorption; Health; Purpose; Relationships; Strengths
  20. Sherwin, Robert H.
  21. Siegel, Daniel
  22. Skehan, Donal
  23. Smith, Richard
  24. Smith, Timothy
  25. “Social Aims” (Emerson)
  26. Social media
    1. leadership and“followership” in
    2. relationships and
  27. Socrates
  28. Sorkin, Aaron
  29. Southwest Airlines
  30. Spark (Ratey)
  31. Spencer Stuart
  32. Srivastva, Suresh
  33. Stanford University


  1. The State of Employee Recognition in 2012 (Bersin by Deloitte)
  2. State of the American Workplace (Gallup)
  3. Steel, Barbara A.
  4. Stefanyszyn, Karen
  5. Stengel, Jim
  6. Storytelling
  7. Strengths
    1. building self-confidence and
    2. discovering Peak Potential Zone
    3. focusing on
    4. leading with
    5. making connections for
    6. myths about weakness
    7. overview
    8. recognizing
    9. workplace tactics for strengths-based leadership
  8. Stress
    1. advantages of
    2. chronic stress as health problem
    3. meditation for
    4. relationships in workplace for reducing
  9. Stumbling on Happiness (Gilbert)
  10. Success
    1. recalling successes
    2. in relationships (See also Relationships)
  11. Synergy


  1. Tan, Chade-Meng
  2. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (Bloom)
  3. Taylor, John
  4. Tchaikovsky, P.
  5. Teams
    1. culture of mindfulness for
    2. diversity in
    3. effectiveness of
    4. managing team energy for health
  6. 10X effect
    1. balanced approach to
    2. for changing behavior
    3. for changing workplace
    4. for growth
    5. for individuals and organizations
    6. The Joy of Leadership (Ben-Shahar, Ridgway) on
    7. overview
    8. Potentialife inception and
    9. program length
    10. self-leadership and
    11. See also SHARP (Strengths, Health, Absorption, Relationships, Purpose)
  7. Tepper, Bennett J.
  8. Thich Nhat Hanh
  9. Thompson, Jeffery A.
  10. Thrash, Todd
  11. 3M Company
  12. 360-degree feedback
  13. Time affluence/poverty
  14. Time management, managing energy versus
  15. “Top-down attention”
  16. Towers Perrin
  17. Tucker, Anita
  18. 24/7 Wall St. (website)
  19. Tyler, Tom
  20. “Tyranny of the OR”


  1. Uber Technologies
  2. Unfreezing tactics
  3. University of California-Berkeley. See also individual professors
  4. “Upward spirals”
  5. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics


  1. The Verdict (film)
  2. Vision


  1. Wagner, Rodd
  2. Warren, Rick
  3. Washington Post
  4. Watson, David
  5. Wawrinka, Stanislas
  6. The Way of the Peaceful Warrior (Millman)
  7. Weakness, myths about
  8. Weight loss, perfectionism and
  9. Welch, Jack
  10. Western Electric Company
  11. The West Wing (television show)
  12. Williams, Mark
  13. Wiseman, Richard
  14. Woollett, Katherine
  15. Workplace
    1. as disaggregated world
    2. friendship in (See also Relationships)
    3. as psychologically safe environment
  16. Worstward Ho (Beckett)
  17. Wozniak, Steve
  18. Wrzesniewski, Amy


  1. Yale University
  2. You Are Not Your Brain (Schwartz, Gladding)
  3. Youssef, Carolyn M.


  1. Zenger, John H.
  2. The Zen of Listening (Shafir)
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