Git and GitHub Tutorial

Git is one of the most widely used distributed/decentralized version control systems. To use Git, you first need to download and install it on your computer. For Windows, you can download the Git installer (at the time of writing, a file named Git-2.20.1-64-bit.exe) from the following web site:

For other operating systems, check the following web site for details:

Double-click the installer file Git-2.20.1-64-bit.exe to install Git, and accept all the default settings during the installation. After successful installation, run the program named Git GUI, shown in Figure C.1A. Select Create New Repository, and a new window will pop up, as shown in Figure C.1B. Select the directory where your project will be located, in this case, E:MyProject, and then click the Create button. The Git GUI program's main interface will appear, as shown in Figure C.1C. From the Repository menu, select Git Bash, which is a terminal program, as shown in Figure C.1D. This is where you are mainly going to use Git. You can use standard commands, such as pwd to display the current project directory and dir or ls to list its content, as shown in Figure C.1D.

Screen captures depicting the Create New Repository option in Git GUI (A); E:MyProject selected as the directory with Create button (B); Git GUI program’s main interface (C); Git Bash program (D).

Figure C.1: The Git GUI program and Git Bash program

For more details about Git, check this free online Pro Git book:

To start with version control using Git, first you will need to use the git config --global command to configure your name and your email address in the Git Bash program, as shown in Figure C.2 (top). You can also use the git config --list command to list all your configurations.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure C.2: The git config -- global command to configure your name and email (top) and the git init and git status commands (bottom) in the Git Bash program

Then type git init to initialize the version control. This will generate a hidden directory named .git, which will contain all the details about your project version control. You can also type git status to get the status of the project version control, as shown in Figure C.2 (bottom). Each Git project is called a repository.

Now you can add your Java programs to your project, an operation called staging. Let's use the program shown in Example 2.1 in Chapter 2 as an example. Use Windows Explorer to add the program into your project directory at E:MyProject. It is always useful to have a README file in your project to explain what your project is about. You can either use a text editor to create a text file named (not in your project directory or simply type the following command in the Git Bash window:

echo "# MyProject" >> 

To add files to Git version control, type the following command in the Git Bash program:

git add .

This will add all your files in the current directory into the Git version control; see Figure C.3 (top). The git add . command does not add subdirectories; so, to add everything, including files and subdirectories, type

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure C.3: The git add . command and its output (top) and the git commit command and output (bottom) in the Git Bash program

git add --all


git add -A

You can also use the git rm <file name> or git reset <file name> command to remove any files from the version control. When you are happy with your project, you can commit your project, which will save the changes in Git, as shown in Figure C.3 (bottom). You can commit as many times as you like. You can also use git log to trace all the changes, and you can use the git reset --soft HEAD~1 command to revert the commit.

To share the project with others, you will need a remote version control server; the obvious choice is GitHub, one of the most popular web-based version control hosting servers. To use GitHub, just go to its website ( and create an account on GitHub (Figure C.4A). After you sign up and log in, click the Start A Project button and create a new repository for your project (Figure C.4B). Give your project a name, and use all the default settings to create the repository (Figure C.4C). A new Quick setup page will appear, from which you can find the HTTPS link address to your new repository. In this example, it is as follows:

Screen captures depicting GitHub web site for signing up (A), starting a project (B), creating a new repository (C), and quick setup (D).

Figure C.4: The GitHub web site for signing up (A), starting a project (B), creating a new repository (C), and quick setup

If you want to use an SSH link, it will be as follows:

[email protected] :PerryXiao2015/MyProject.git

You can set your GitHub link to your local Git origin and upload, or push, your local repository to the GitHub remote repository, using the following commands:

 git remote add origin
 git push –u origin master


 git remote add origin [email protected]:PerryXiao2015/MyProject.git
 git push –u origin master

Before you can push your local repository to the GitHub remote repository, you need to make sure the contents will be encrypted, by generating a public/private key pair. Figure C.5 (top) shows how to generate an RSA key pair. (The algorithm is named after its creators Rivest Shamir Adleman.) RSA is a public-key encryption algorithm that is widely used for secure data transmission. You can also use different algorithms to generate a public/private key pair. More details about encryption, RSA, and public/private key pairs are available in Chapter 9. The key pair generated is stored in the .ssh hidden directory. By default, the private key is stored in a file named id_rsa, and the public key is stored in a file named Figure C.5 (bottom) shows how to display the .ssh hidden directory and the public key. The content of the public key should start with ssh-rsa.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure C.5: The Git command to generate an RSA public/private key pair (top) and the Git commands to display the .ssh hidden directory, create the Hub remote repository to your Git project, and push your project to the remote repository (bottom)

Copy the public key, and then go to the GitHub website, select Deploy Keys from the project settings, and add a new key. Give it a name, paste the public key into the key content, and click the green Add Key button, as shown in Figure C.6.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure C.6: Add a new key in the GitHub project site.

Figure C.7A shows how to add your GitHub project site and how to push the local Git repository to the remote GitHub repository. A GitHub login window will appear, as shown in Figure C.7B. Type in your GitHub login username and password, and your GitHub project site will be updated with your files, as shown in Figure C.7C.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure C.7: Git commands to add GitHub site (A), GitHub login window (B), and updated GitHub project site (C)

Now, let's modify the program to make it like Example 2.2, with args[0] used. If you run the git status command, it will show that the program has been modified by displaying it in red (Figure C.8). The red color markup here indicates that the changes have not been staged to commit. You need to use the git add . or git add -A command to add changed files to the local repository. If you run git status again, it will show that the program has been modified by displaying it in green. The green color markup here indicates the changes are ready to commit.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure C.8: Git commands to update the changes

You can commit the program again and push it to the GitHub master repository. In Figure C.9, you can see that the files in the GitHub site have been updated accordingly. The GitHub web site also shows how many commits have been made, along with details and corresponding files of each commit. Each commit represents a different version of your project code.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure C.9: Git commands to commit the changes and push the local repository to the GitHub remote repository (top) and the result in the updated GitHub project site (bottom)

You can also use the git log --online command to show the history of commits from the Git Bash window, as shown in Figure C.10 (top). Each commit has a unique number, presented in hexadecimal format. If a disastrous event happens, you can always revert to the previous version of a program by using the git checkout <unique number> command, as shown in Figure C.10 (bottom). Now your local repository files will revert to the previous version.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure C.10: Git commands to display the history of commits through the online log file (top) and check out different versions of a program (bottom)

Terms and Definitions

The following is a list of Git terms.

  • Repository (or Repo) The directory that stores all the files and all the subdirectories of your project
  • Stage To add files and subdirectories to your repository
  • Commit To save the changes to your repository
  • Branch A version of the repository that diverges from the main working project
  • Master The primary branch of all repositories
  • Origin The conventional name for the primary version of a repository
  • Head The most current commit of your repository
  • Clone To make a copy of a repository
  • Fork To create a copy of a repository
  • Push To update a remote repository with the local repository
  • Pull To fetch and download content from a remote repository and immediately update the local repository to match that content
  • CheckOut To switch to different versions of the repository

Cheat Sheet

Table C.1 is a cheat sheet summarizing the Git commands.

Table C.1: Git Command Cheat Sheet

Configuration git config --global "Your_Name" Sets up your name in Git
git config --global " [email protected] " Sets up your email address in Git
git config --list Lists your Git configuration
Starting a Repository git init Initializes Git
git status Gets the status of Git
Staging Files git add <filename> <filename> … Adds files to the local repository
git add . Adds all files in the current directory (subdirectories not included) to the local repository
git add –all Adds all files in the current directory and subdirectories to the local repository
git add –A Adds all files in the current directory and subdirectories to the local repository
git rm <filename> Removes a file from the local repository
git reset <filename> Removes a file from the local repository
Generating an SSH Public/Private Key Pair ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C " [email protected] " Generates an RSA key pair
ls –la ~/.ssh Lists the content of the .ssh hidden directory
cat ~/.ssh/ Displays the content of the RSA public key
Committing to a Repository git commit –m "Your message here" Saves changes to the local repository
git commit --amend -m "Your amend message here" Modifies the commit
git reset --soft HEAD~1 Reverts the commit
git log Displays the history of commits
Pushing and Pulling from GitHub git remote add origin <your GitHut link> Sets your GitHub link to the local Git origin
git push –u origin master Uploads the local repository to the GitHub remote repository
git clone <project name> Gets a copy of an existing Git repository
git pull Fetches and downloads content from a remote repository and immediately updates the local repository to match that content
git log --oneline Displays the history of the remote repository commits
git remote rm origin Removes the remote origin
Branching git branch Creates a version of the repository that diverges from the main working project
git branch <branch name> Creates a version of the repository with a given name
git checkout <branch name> Sets the current branch as the main working project
git merge <branch name> Merges changes from one branch into another
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