Part II

World-renowned experts James Kouzes and Barry Posner define leadership as “the art of mobilizing others to want to struggle for shared aspirations.”1 You can't mobilize people unless you have a relationship with them. You can't get them to want to do anything (let alone want to struggle) unless they feel positively about that relationship. And you can't have shared aspirations without common bonds. People in organizations who are connected are more engaged, more satisfied, and higher performers than their disconnected peers.

Leaders achieve their results through the results of others. Leaders who excel at connection multiply their impacts. Expectations are clearer and goals are aligned. Better input is shared before decisions are made. More ideas lead to more innovation.

Connection leads to candor. Connection builds confidence. Connection creates community.

In Part II, you'll learn how to create connection with those you lead. You'll discover the vital role that empathy plays as the basis of connection. You'll see what actions build and enhance your credibility, and what can tear it apart.

It's been said that the best way to test your leadership is to turn around and see who's following you. As you begin to practice and develop the principle of connection, you won't need to turn around and check. You'll already know.

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