Chapter 6

Keypads and Keyboards


Bullet Considering keypads

Bullet Discovering how keypads work

Bullet Using the Keypad library for easier keypad programming

Bullet Teaching an Arduino how to pretend to be a computer keyboard

This chapter shows you how to use a common input device called a keypad. It also shows you how to use a unique feature of some Arduino boards, including the popular Leonardo, to send information to a computer as if the Arduino were a keyboard.

Using a Keypad

A keypad is a common form of input for devices built with microcontrollers such as the Arduino. You’re probably most familiar with keypads from devices such as calculators and phones — they consist of an array of push buttons arranged in rows and columns. Figure 6-1 shows a typical keypad, with four rows of four push buttons each.

You can purchase keypads such as this one from many different suppliers, including Amazon, Jameco Electronics (, and others. Just search the web for “Arduino keypad,” and you’ll find a wide variety to choose from. Simple keypads such as the one shown in Figure 6-1 cost just a few dollars apiece. You can get nicer ones for a bit more.


FIGURE 6-1: A typical keypad.

How a keypad works

If each push button in the keypad used two leads, a 4 x 4 keypad would have 32 leads. Even if the keypad used a common ground lead for all 16 buttons, a total of 17 leads would be required, taking up 16 digital I/O ports on the Arduino. Unfortunately, a 4 x 4 keypad would use nearly all of an UNO’s available I/O ports if it is wired in this way.

Fortunately, some clever folks have figured out a more efficient way to wire a keypad. The key (pun intended) is to realize that the buttons in a keypad are arranged in an array, with rows and columns. They can be wired with a single lead for each row and a single lead for each column. So, a 4 x 4 keypad can be wired with just eight leads, and a 3 x 3 keypad requires just six leads.

Figure 6-2 shows how the wiring works for a 4 x 4 keypad. As you can see, one lead connects all the buttons in each separate row, and one lead connects all the buttons in each separate column. When any one of the push buttons is pressed, a circuit is completed between the lead that’s connected to the button’s row and the lead that’s connected to the button’s column.

For example, if the button labeled 6 is pressed, a circuit is completed between the lead on row 2 (R2) and the lead on column 2 (C3).


FIGURE 6-2: How the push buttons are connected in a keypad.

Connecting a keypad to an Arduino

Connecting a keypad to an Arduino is a simple task, but it can require a lot of digital I/O pins depending on the number of rows and columns in the keypad. A 4 x 4 keypad requires a total of eight digital I/O pins: four for the row pins and four for the column pins.

Although it’s not required, consecutive pins are commonly used for the keypad, with the lower-numbered pins used for the columns and the higher-numbered pins used for the rows. Avoid pins 0 and 1, because those pins are often used for serial communications.

Tip Unless you have other devices, the easiest way to connect a 4 x 4 keypad is to use pins 2, 3, 4, and 5 for the rows and pins 6, 7, 8, and 9 for the columns. For a 3 x 4 keypad, use pins 2, 3, and 4 for the rows and pins 5, 6, 7, and 8 for the columns.

The leads on a keypad typically have female connectors, which means you need male-to-male adapters to connect them to the female terminal strips on the Arduino or to a solderless breadboard. For a 4 x 4 keypad, you need an eight-pin adapter. For a 3 x 4 keypad, a six-pin adapter will do the trick.

Remember The most important aspect of connecting a keypad to an Arduino is being clear about which leads from the keypad are for rows and which are for columns. If you get this detail wrong, the keypad will seem to work randomly, returning values different from the labels of the buttons you push. If this happens, simply flipping the keypad connector the other way will often correct the error.

Programming a keypad

After you get a keypad connected to an Arduino, you’ll need to add code to your sketch to detect button presses. The programming required for that task can be a bit complicated, but fortunately there are libraries available that simplify the programming.

The hard way: Doing it manually

Before we look at a Keypad library, it helps to have a general understanding of how a Keypad library is able to determine when a key is pressed. Here’s how it works in a nutshell:

  1. Set up all the digital I/O pins for the rows as OUTPUT pins and all the I/O pins for the columns as INPUT_PULLUP pins.

    Active-Low switch logic will be used, and the Arduino’s internal pullup resistors eliminate the need for external resistors.

  2. Make sure all the output pins are set to HIGH.
  3. Set the output value of the I/O pin for row 1 to LOW; then check each of the input pins for a LOW value.

    If you find a LOW value, you’ve found the row and column for the button that’s pressed.

  4. Repeat step 3 for each remaining row, setting the I/O pin for the row to LOW and looking for a LOW value on all the input pins.
  5. If you never find a LOW value on any of the input pins, no button is pushed; start over again with row 1.

Here’s how this may work in actual Arduino code. Steps 1 and 2 are done in the setup function:

void setup() {
for (int row = 2; row<6; row++) // Set the row pins to OUTPUT
pinMode(row, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(row, LOW);
for (int col = 6; col<10; col++) // Set the column pins to INPUT
pinMode(col, INPUT_PULLUP); // Use INPUT_PULLUP so external
} // resistors are not required

Steps 3 through 5 are done in the loop function:

void loop() {
// Look for a completed circuit
String ButtonPushed = "NONE";
for (int row = 2; row<6; row++)
digitalWrite(row, LOW); // Set the row to LOW
for (int col = 6, col<10) // Test each column
If (digitalRead(col) == LOW) // Button is pressed!
ButtonPushed = 'R’ + row + 'C' + col; // Save the row and column
delay(50); // Debounce the button
digitalWrite(row, HIGH); // Set the row to HIGH

After one pass through this loop function, the ButtonPushed String variable indicates the status of the keypad. If no button has been pressed, ButtonPushed will be NONE. But if a button has been pressed, ButtonPushed will indicate the button's row and column. For example, a value of R2C3 indicates that the button at row 2 and column 3 has been pressed.

The easy way: Using the Keypad library

Fortunately, you don’t have to write all that code every time you want to use a keypad. Instead, you can use one of several libraries that handle the details for you. The one I present in this chapter is known simply as Keypad. You can install it by following these steps:

  1. Open the Arduino integrated development environment (IDE).
  2. Choose Tools⇒  Manage Libraries.

    The Library Manager dialog box, shown in Figure 6-3, appears.

  3. Type Keypad in the search box at the top of the Library Manager and press Enter.

    The Library Manager searches its vast store of libraries and displays every library that includes the word keypad.


    FIGURE 6-3: The Library Manager dialog box.

  4. Select the Keypad library.

    Scroll through the list of libraries until you find the one identified simply as Keypad.

  5. Select the current version.

    Use the Select Version drop-down list to choose the version you want to install. At the time of this writing, the current version was 3.1.0.

  6. Click Install.

    The library is installed.

    You’re done!

After you’ve installed the Keypad library, you can use it to access matrix keypads. To do so, you’ll need to include the following line near the top of your sketch:

#include <keypad.h>

Setting Up a Keypad

After you’ve installed and included the Keypad library, you can write the code necessary to define the characteristics of the keypad. You’ll need to define five things:

  • The number of rows in the keypad
  • The number of columns in the keypad
  • The digital I/O pins that are connected to the keypad’s rows
  • The digital I/O pins that are connected to the keypad’s columns
  • A keymap, which provides a value for each button on the keypad

After you’ve set up these five things, you can create a variable of type Keypad, which you can then use to read key presses from the keypad.

Tip All these items, including the Keypad variable, are usually best outside the setup or loop functions. That way, they're accessible throughout the sketch.

Defining the number of rows and columns

To define the number or rows and columns in the keypad, just create a pair of int variables that represent the number of rows and the number of columns in the keypad, like this:

int rows = 4;
int cols = 4;

Defining the row and column pins

To identify the pins used to connect the keypad’s rows and columns, you must use an Arduino programming feature called an array. An array is a variable that can hold more than one value. The array of row pins will hold one value for each row on your keypad, and the array of column pins will hold one value for each column. The data type of these arrays should be byte.

The individual values in an array are identified using an integer value known as an index. The index value is enclosed in square brackets after the variable name, like this: rowPins[0]. Index values always begin with zero, so rowPins[0] refers to the first value in the array named rowPins.

To create an array, you must declare it using a data type, a variable name, and the number of values in the array. For example:

byte rowPins[4];
byte colPins[4];

In the preceding example, two arrays are defined — one to hold the row pins, and the other to hold the column pins. Both arrays will hold four byte values.

You can assign all the values as part of an array's declaration like this:

byte colPins[4] = {6, 7, 8, 9};
byte rowPins[4] = {2, 3, 4, 5};

In the preceding example, the colPins values are 6, 7, 8, and 9, and the rowPins values are 2, 3, 4, and 5. These values correspond to the Arduino digital I/O pins that the keypad's row and column leads will be connected to.

Defining the keymap

The keymap uses a more complex type of array, called a two-dimensional array, also known as a matrix. This type of array requires two indexes to access a value: The first index is a row index, and the second index is a column index.

Tip The keymap uses char values rather than int or byte values. A char value is a single character enclosed in single quotes. It's important to remember that the char value '4' is not the same as the int value 4. The int value 4 represents the quantity four. A char value '4' represents the numeral 4, which is merely a symbol and does not represent a quantity.

You use a variation of the special syntax used to initialize the values of a simple array with a two-dimensional array as well, like this:

char keymap[rows][cols] = {

As you can see, the matrix of key values closely resembles the physical arrangement of keys on the 4 x 4 keypad.

Using a Keypad variable

The Keypad variable is what allows your program to detect key presses on a keypad. You'll need to define and initialize this variable before you can read the status of the keypad. Here’s an example that defines and initializes a Keypad variable named kp:

Keypad kp = Keypad(makeKeymap(keymap), rowPins, colPins, rows, cols);

The Keypad variable is initialized using the keymap, rowPins, colPins, rows, and cols variables you've created, as described in the previous sections.

Detecting when a key has been pressed

After you’ve created a Keypad variable (see the preceding section), you can use that variable to read the status of the keypad by calling the Keypad variable's waitForKey function. This function waits until one of the keys on the keypad is pressed. It then returns the char value that corresponds to the key that was pressed, according to the Keymap array.

You'll want to call the waitForKey function somewhere in the loop function, like this:

void loop() {
char key = kp.waitForKey();
// Do something based on which key was pressed.

Here's a simple example that just echoes the key value on the serial port, which you can view by opening the Serial Monitor in the Arduino integrated development environment (IDE):

void loop() {
char key = kp.waitForKey();

Note that for this to work, you’ll need to initialize the serial port and provide a baud rate. This is usually done in the setup function with a line like this:


If you open the serial monitor in the IDE (choose Tools⇒  Serial Monitor), you’ll see the character that corresponds to each button pressed on the keypad.

Technical stuff A major drawback of the waitForKey method is that your sketch can't do any other work while it’s waiting for a key press. The Keypad library provides several alternative methods of detecting key presses that don’t hold up the main program waiting for a key to be pressed. I encourage you to research the Keypad library documentation if you want to learn more (see

Building a Keypad Circuit

In this section, you build a simple project that connects a 4 x 4 keypad to an Arduino UNO. Key presses are echoed on the serial port, which you can monitor from the Arduino IDE via the Serial Port Monitor.

The details for building the project are presented in Project 51, and the complete program to run the project is shown in Listing 6-1.

Project 51: Using a Keypad

In this project, you connect a 4 x 4 keypad to an Arduino UNO and learn how to develop sketches that use it.



  • One computer with Arduino IDE installed
  • One Arduino UNO board
  • One USB-B cable
  • One UNO prototyping shield
  • One 4 x 4 matrix-style keypad
  • One eight-pin male-to-male header adapter
  • Eight short (⅜-inch) jumper wires.


  1. Insert the jumper wires in the prototype shield’s breadboard.



    Digital pin D2 on the right header


    Digital pin D3 on the right header


    Digital pin D4 on the right header


    Digital pin D5 on the right header


    Digital pin D6 on the right header


    Digital pin D7 on the right header


    Digital pin D8 on the right header


    Digital pin D9 on the right header


  2. Attach the prototype shield to the UNO.
  3. Insert the eight-pin header on the prototype shield.

    The header should be inserted into pins H1 through H8.

  4. Connect the keypad to the eight-pin header.

    The pin for column 1 should be on the H1 side of the header.

  5. Connect the UNO to the computer.

    Use the mini-B USB connector.

  6. Upload the keypad test program (see Listing 6-1) to the UNO.
  7. Open the serial monitor by choosing Tools⇒  Serial Monitor in the Arduino IDE.
  8. Press each button on the keypad.

    As you press each button, the serial monitor will show the button that was pressed (refer to Figure 6-4).


FIGURE 6-4: Monitoring the serial output from the keypad program.

LISTING 6-1: Testing a Keypad

// Keypad Tester
// Doug Lowe
// December 5, 2021

#include <Keypad.h>

const byte rows = 4;
const byte cols = 4;

char keymap[rows][cols] = {

byte colPins[rows] = {6, 7, 8, 9};
byte rowPins[cols] = {2, 3, 4, 5};

Keypad keypad = Keypad(makeKeymap(keymap), rowPins, colPins, rows, cols);

void setup() {

void loop() {
char x = keypad.waitForKey();

Using an Arduino for Computer Keyboard Input

All Arduino boards have a USB port that you use to upload sketches from a Windows computer to the Arduino. Wouldn’t it be great if you could write sketches that would reverse the flow of this USB port, sending data back to the Windows computer?

You can’t with an UNO, but some Arduino boards do provide this capability. The most popular is the Arduino Leonardo, shown in Figure 6-5.


FIGURE 6-5: An Arduino Leonardo board.

In many respects, the Leonardo is very similar to the UNO. In particular, the I/O pin headers are the same, which means that most programs and circuits that will work on an UNO will also work on a Leonardo. All the projects presented so far in this minibook are interchangeable between UNO and Leonardo. In other words, any of the prototype boards built for the projects can be attached to a Leonardo instead of an UNO, and any of the sketches can be run on a Leonardo instead of an UNO.

One major difference, however, is that a Leonardo board contains the same USB circuitry that is found in most computer keyboards. As a result, the Leonardo can emulate a standard computer keyboard. That means you can write sketches that send keystrokes to a Windows computer. The program that happens to be running on the computer will receive those keystrokes and act as if you had typed them on a normal keyboard.

This type of Arduino project can be incredibly useful. For example, you could adapt Project 47 (see Book 6, Chapter 4) to send range information to a computer. If Excel is open on the computer, the range data will fill up the rows of the spreadsheet.

In this section, I show you how to create a Leonardo project that uses a 4 x 4 keypad to send Windows shortcut keys to the computer so you can use the keypad to lock or unlock the computer, minimize windows to reveal the desktop, or start programs from the taskbar.

One other difference between a Leonardo and an UNO is the type of USB port that’s installed on the board. The UNO uses an old-fashioned USB-B connector, the same type that’s commonly used on printers. The Leonardo, in contrast, uses a more modern and smaller USB-C connector. You’ll need to pick up a USB-C cable to connect a Leonardo to a computer, both to upload sketches to the Leonardo and to enable the Leonardo to send keyboard input to the computer.

Using the Keyboard library

The secret to emulating a computer keyboard on a Leonardo lies in the Keyboard library. This library is a built-in part of the Arduino IDE, so you don’t have to use the Library Manager to install it. However, you do have to tell the Arduino IDE that you’re working with a Leonardo board rather than an UNO board. If you forget to do this, the compiler won’t recognize any of the Keyboard calls.

The Keyboard library includes the following functions to help your sketches send keyboard input to a computer attached via the USB port:

  • Keyboard.begin: Starts a keyboard emulation session. You'll typically call this function from the sketch’s setup function.
  • Keyboard.end: Ends a keyboard session. You may not need this in your sketch, but if you want the Leonardo to act like a keyboard at some times but not others, you can use Keyboard.end to turn off the keyboard.
  • Keyboard.print: Sends a complete string, as if you had typed the string on the computer.
  • Keyboard.println: Works just like Keyboard.print, but also sends the Enter key at the end of the string.
  • Keyboard.write: Sends a single keystroke.
  • Presses and holds a key. The key is not released until you call the Keyboard.release or Keyboard.releaseAll function.
  • Keyboard.release: Releases a specific key.
  • Keyboard.releaseAll: Releases all keys that are currently pressed.

Warning You must consider the ramifications of sending keyboard input to a computer from an Arduino sketch without ensuring that those keystrokes are triggered by some other form of input to your sketch. In particular, you should never use any of the keyboard functions that send keystrokes (such as Keyboard.println) unconditionally in the loop function of your sketch. If you do, the Leonardo will start sending keystrokes to your computer the moment you plug it in to a USB port on the computer. The only way to stop it will be to unplug the Leonardo. What's worse, you’ll lose the ability to upload other sketches to the Leonardo. That’s because the Leonardo will be too busy sending keystrokes to the computer to accept a new sketch. The Arduino IDE won’t be able to communicate properly with the Leonardo. You’ll effectively have ruined the Leonardo. (You can discover ways of fixing this by scouring the Internet, but the process is convoluted and you may be better just buying another Leonardo.)

With that warning duly noted, let’s look at some code. To use the Keyboard library, you must include it. Use this command near the start of your sketch:

#include <Keyboard.h>

Then use a command such as this in the setup function to start a Keyboard session:

void setup() {

Sending a line via the keyboard

Here’s a snippet of code from a loop function that waits for a key to be pressed on a keypad. Then the program types one of four Shakespearean insults based on which key was pressed on the keypad:

char x = keypad.waitForKey();
if (x=='A')
Keyboard.println("Thine face is not worth sunburning.");
if (x=='B')
Keyboard.println("Would thou were clean enough to spit upon.");
if (x=='C')
Keyboard.println("I'd beat thee, but I would infect my hands.");
if (x=='D')
Keyboard.println("The tartness of his face sours ripe grapes.");

Using the switch statement to simplify choices

Input via a keypad cries out for a simpler way to determine which key was pressed than a bunch of if statements, one after the other. Fortunately, the Arduino language provides such a simplification via a statement called switch. The switch statement tests the value of a single variable and provides several different outcomes based on that value.

The snippet of code in the preceding section, which generated Shakespearean insults based on a key press, can be written with a switch statement like this:

char x = keypad.waitForKey();
switch (x)
case 'A':
Keyboard.println("Thine face is not worth sunburning.");

case 'B':
Keyboard.println("Would thou were clean enough to spit upon.");

case 'C':
Keyboard.println("I'd beat thee, but I would infect my hands.");
case 'D':
Keyboard.println("The tartness of his face sours ripe grapes.");

Here are the important rules to follow when composing switch statements:

  • The keyword switch names a variable in parentheses and is followed by one or more case statements, all of which are enclosed within a set of curly brackets.
  • Each case statement provides a value that is matched with the variable. The value is not enclosed in parentheses. The value is followed by a colon.
  • The statements after the colon are executed if the variable matches the value. Like other statements, these statements must end with a semicolon.
  • You can write as many statements as you want after a case statement. You can also use other structural statements, such as if statements or for loops.
  • Use the break statement to mark the end of a group of statements that should be executed for each case value. When the break statement is executed, the entire switch statement finished and no other case statements are processed.
  • If the variable doesn't match the value of the first case statement, the next case statement is evaluated. If that doesn't match, the case statement after that is evaluated, until all case statements have been checked.

Tip Shakespeare truly was one of the greatest composers of insults ever to pick up a pen. Search the Internet for “Shakespearean insults” to see what I mean. You can even find Shakespearean insult generators that will create a customized Shakespearean insult just for you!

Pressing and holding keys

One of the important features of a standard keyboard is to use keys in combination. For example, pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del brings up a menu that lets you select actions such as locking the computer, signing out, switching users, or calling up the Windows Task Manager.

The function lets you use keys in combination, by pressing and holding one or more keys and then using Keyboard.print or Keyboard.write to send keystrokes along with the modifier keys.

To facilitate this, the Arduino language defines a set of constants that represent the modifier keys. These constants are listed here. Note that some keys have two versions — one on the left side of the keyboard and the other on the right.

  • KEY_F1
  • KEY_F2
  • KEY_F3
  • KEY_F4
  • KEY_F5
  • KEY_F6
  • KEY_F7
  • KEY_F8
  • KEY_F9
  • KEY_F10
  • KEY_F11
  • KEY_F12

Here's an example of a code snippet that types the Windows shortcut sequence Windows+L, which locks the computer:;

In this example, the function is called to press and hold the left graphical user interface (GUI) key, which is the Windows key. Then the letter l is sent. Finally, all keys are released. The result is that the computer is immediately locked.

Building a Windows Keypad Gadget

I want to wrap up this chapter with a project that uses a 4 x 4 keypad to provide handy shortcuts to several commonly used Windows shortcut key combinations. This project actually uses the same prototype breadboard built for Project 51. The only difference is that the breadboard is placed on a Leonardo rather than an UNO, and a different program is used.

The following functions are provided by this gadget:

Keypad Press

Windows Function


Locks the computer.


Unlocks the computer by entering a PIN or password.


Minimizes all windows.


Restores all windows.


Opens one of the programs pinned to the taskbar. (The programs are opened in the order in which they appear on the taskbar.)

Project 52: A Windows Keypad Gadget

In this project, you connect a 4 x 4 keypad to an Arduino Leonardo and learn how to use it to send keystrokes to a Windows computer.



  • One computer with Arduino IDE installed
  • One Arduino Leonardo
  • One USB-C cable
  • The assembled prototyping shield from Project 51, including the 4 x 4 keypad


  1. If you haven’t already done so, follow the steps in Project 51 to assemble the prototyping shield and the keypad.
  2. Attach the assembled prototyping shield to the Leonardo.
  3. Connect the Leonardo to the computer.

    Use the USB-C USB connector.

  4. Upload the Keypad Gadget program (Listing 6-2) to the Leonardo.

    Note: You’ll need to change the PIN or password supplied in the program to your computer’s PIN or password if you want the Unlock function to work.

  5. Press each button on the keypad.

    As you press each button, the Windows shortcut keys will be invoked.

LISTING 6-2: The Windows Keypad Gadget Sketch

// Windows Keypad Gadget
// Doug Lowe
// December 10, 2021

#include <Keyboard.h>
#include <Keypad.h>

// Keypad setup
const byte rows = 4;
const byte cols = 4;
byte colPins[rows] = {6, 7, 8, 9};
byte rowPins[cols] = {2, 3, 4, 5};
char keymap[rows][cols] = {

Keypad kp = Keypad( makeKeymap(keymap), rowPins, colPins, rows, cols);

void setup() {


void loop() {
char x = kp.waitForKey();
int number = 0;
switch(x) {
case 'A': // Lock computer;

case 'B': // Unlock computer;;;
Keyboard.println("******"); // Use your PIN here!

case 'C': // Minimize all windows;

case 'D': // Restore all windows;;

case '1':

case '2':

case '3':

case '4':

case '5':

case '6':

case '7':

case '8':

case '9':


void OpenProgram(int num) {;;

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