


PART I  • How to Write the Right Words and Sentences

      1 The Right Words, The Right Stuff

What You’ll Learn—words you ought to use, and others you shouldn’t

Short Is Better than Succinct—using the simplest words

Learn These, for a Start—the best words for the idea you want to convey

Translating English into Better English—don’t use insider lingo

Translating Other Tongues into English—don’t use foreign words and phrases

Be Dynamic When You Can—how to keep your audience’s attention

Judgmental Verbs May Be Accurate, But Wrong—let the audience reach its own conclusions

Exercises to Hone Your Word Skills—homework or classwork

      2 The Wrong Way to Write It

What You’ll Learn—write the way you talk

The Terms of the Story—words and phrases for the first time

Don’t Abb.—spell it out

I Can’t Hear You—the case against contractions

Turning Numbers into Words—when to spell out numbers, too

Turning $ into Dollars—the case against symbols

Sounding Smart, Saying It Right—saying it in English

English , Revisited—good grammar and split infinitives

English , Revisited Yet Again—good grammar and dependent clauses

When Time Doesn’t Matter—excluding extraneous information

The Important Thing, About Commas—a new use for the comma

Giving It Some Punch—how to emphasize what should be emphasized

Exercises to Hone Your Writing Skills—homework or classwork

      3 Being Perfectly Clear

What You’ll Learn—telling too little or too much

TMI (Too Much Information)—only tell what needs to be told

If It’s a Question, Answer It—don’t raise questions you don’t answer

Generalizing Is Always Wrong—don’t generalize

Exercises to Hone Those Skills Even Sharper—homework or classwork

      4 The Right Way to Write It

What You’ll Learn—the idiosyncrasies of writing

Leaving Expert Judgment to Others—reporting on medical conditions

Giving Credit Only Where Credit Is Due—writing about terrorists

You Don’t Always Have to Attribute Things—don’t attribute the obvious

Print Journalists Don’t Write the Way They Talk—differences between print and broadcast newswriting

Crowds, Dead or Alive—counting crowds, reporting casualty tolls

Personalizing Complex Economics—helping an audience relate to big numbers

Take My Word for It—quoting people effectively

The Final Potpourri—simple traps, simple solutions

Exercises to Further Hone Your Writing Skills—homework or classwork

      5 Saying It Twice

What You’ll Learn—how to use sound

The Terms of the Story—words and phrases for the first time

Is That a Fact?—don’t use sound bites to say what you can say

Is That Gobbledygook?—choosing and editing sound bites judiciously

You’ve Got Your Bite, Now You Write—leading into a sound bite

Tag, You’re It—following a sound bite

Exercises to Say It Twice—homework or classwork

      6 The Story of the Story

What You’ll Learn—being a story teller

The Terms of the Story—words and phrases for the first time

Is That the Telephone Ringing?—keeping it simple for distracted audiences

Start Strong, End Strong—most important parts of a story

The Sounds of Silence—knowing when not to talk

Exercises to Test Your Judgment—homework or classwork

PART II  • But Before You Write…

      7 Organizing Your Facts, Organizing Your Story

What You’ll Learn—organizing yourself to organize your work

The Terms of the Story—words and phrases for the first time

Giving New Meaning to “Running to the Bathroom”—making notes in the worst of conditions

Figuring Out What to Keep, What to Cut—organizing notes and sound bites

What to Note After the Notes—prioritizing notes

Exercises to Hone Your Organizing Skills—homework or classwork

      8 Choosing Your Lead

What You’ll Learn—how to choose your lead

The Terms of the Story—words and phrases for the first time

Burial in My Darkest Hour—about burying the lead

How to Recognize the Lead If It Doesn’t Recognize You—critical elements for a lead

Choosing One Lead From among More Than One—the judgment call

The Exception to Every Rule—when picture or sound help dictate the lead

After You’ve Picked It, You Have to Write It—simplicity, not complexity

Another Exception: Soft as You Go—the soft lead

And on the Second Day—fresh leads for an old story

Exercises to Put Your Lead in the Lead—homework or classwork

      9 Choosing Your Close

What You’ll Learn—how to choose your close

Simplicity—by the end, you should have told the story already

How to Find Your Close—critical elements for a close

What Does the Story Mean?—giving meaning to your close

Where Does the Story Go from Here?—telling the audience what to expect

The Point of the Point—the last thing you might have to do

Exercises to Put an End to All This—homework or classwork

PART III And After You Write

    10 Proof Positive of Proofreading

What You’ll Learn—proofreading

What You Are Looking For—mechanical flaws, reporting flaws

Finding Mistakes Before They Find You—list of traps

Being Noisy—proofreading aloud

Is It a Bother to Proofread Aloud?—learn to ignore external noise

No Excuse Is a Good Excuse—no reason not to proofread

Whoops, More Reasons to Proofread Aloud—for flow, accuracy, background information, length, etc.

Exercises to Hone Your Proofreading Skills—homework or classwork

    11 The Correct Corrections

What You’ll Learn—how to make script corrections

Bringing Out the Worst—making a bad script better

Just Follow the Roadmap—universally universal pencil corrections

Corrections From the Front of the Class—a system of corrective marks

Exercises to Correct Any Lingering Incorrectness—homework or classwork

PART IV Finding Out What to Write

    12 News Hunters and News Gatherers

What You’ll Learn—use curiosity and persistence

The Terms of the Story—words and phrases for the first time

Who Reports, Who Writes?—everyone’s decisions help shape stories

From the Melodramatic to the Mundane—atlas, almanac, dictionary, and encyclopedia

Making Sure You’re Wired—check it yourself

Wired Language, Your Language—don’t depend on others

The Final Indispensable Tool—research with computer, Internet

An Even More Indispensable Tool: The Interview—sometimes not for sound bites, just information

Not Every Interview Is a Blockbuster—when someone gives information

The Curiosity Factor—what would someone who cares want to know?

The Importance of Persistence—press for clarification, direct response, honesty

Do Not Try This If It’s Not Your Home—sometimes tread cautiously

A Few Tricks to Try at Home—simple rules to get good sound bites

What They Call “Investigative Journalism”—difference between reporting and investigative reporting

Exercises to Hone Your Newsgathering Skills—homework or classwork

    13 Running in Place

What You’ll Learn—story ideas

The Terms of the Story—words and phrases for the first time

Running Down Tips—modest beginnings can have huge outcomes

For a Common Cause—media hanging together

If You Don’t Like That Reason, How About This One?—care even if you don’t care

Seeing Every Color, Every Hue—note the details, whether you care or not

Questions When They’re Not Allowed—don’t let them tell you not to ask

Exercises to Help You Run in Place—homework or classwork

    14 Letting It All Hang Out

What You’ll Learn—the unique value of pictures and sound

The Terms of the Story—words and phrases for the first time

How a Rose Tells the Story—don’t waste words where pictures tell the story

When There’s No Rose Left Alive—using words to highlight the pictures

Wallpaper, Instead of a Rose—using video, no matter how dull

Fight to Avoid a Fight—avoid conflict of pictures and words

When There’s Better Sound Than Just Words—sound tells the story too

Microphones and Cameras Where They’re Not Allowed—fight to use your critical tools

Exercises to Put the Angels in Your Work—homework or classwork

    15 A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

What You’ll Learn—about shooting and editing

The Terms of the Story—words and phrases for the first time

Zooming to Dizzying Heights—don’t overdo it with the zoom

Zooming Cuts Both Ways—give yourself options for the edit

Panning for Gold—don’t overdo it with the pan, either

The Story’s in the Background—choosing a background for a standup

I Was Framed!—don’t waste space

Cut Away for a Cutaway—more options for the edit

Proving the Reporter Is There—why the reporter comes up on camera

Where You Make It or Break It—mediocre material, marvelous editing

Exercises to Put Pizazz in the Picture—homework or classwork

PART V It’s All Part of the Show

    16 If the Shoe Fits, Write It

What You’ll Learn—everyone on the same page

The Terms of the Story—words and phrases for the first time

The Shape of Your Script—how the page looks

The Look of Your Script—upper or lower, single or double, clear or not?

Slug Every Script—for everyone to identify it

Exercises to Fit In—homework or classwork

    17 Fitting It All In

What You’ll Learn—putting a whole broadcast together

The Terms of the Story—words and phrases for the first time

Taking the Lead, Closing It Out—starting and ending the show

Filling in the Holes—the middle of the show

Bridging the Gap—transitions between topics

Change Your Pace—keep the audience’s interest

Ending Your Show—neither too early nor too late

Teasing Your Audience—telling the story without telling it

Exercises to Line Up Your Rundown—homework or classwork

    18 Even More Ways for Radio

What You’ll Learn—the best radio newscast

The Voice of Authority—placing your reporter there

Shifting Your Lead—making old stories sound fresh

Let Us Count the Ways—different radio news packages

Who’s Talking—identifying every speaker but one

Exercises to Sound You Out about Sound—homework or classwork

PART VIBeing the Right Kind of Journalist

    19 Holding onto Your Sources

What You’ll Learn—rules for dealing with sources

Hold On—keeping the lid on temporarily

When You’re Told Not to Tell—trading information for anonymity

Making Sure You Know What to Tell and How to Tell It—comparing terms with sources

Exercises to Hold onto Your Sources—homework or classwork

    20 Holding onto Your Ethics

What You’ll Learn—being fair, honest, respectful

What Passes for the Truth—sometimes there are two truths

No Question about Accuracy—don’t guess

Fairness Above All—putting personal opinion aside

Different Rights to Privacy—public versus private citizens

Benefit of the Doubt on Libel—advantage: journalists, but don’t abuse it

Staging for the Stage—if it isn’t happening, don’t cover it

Gifts Worth Too Much—avoiding even the appearance of bribery

Checkbook Journalism—about paying for stories

Covering the Disorder, Not Creating It—walking that fine line

When You Don’t Have to Treat Everyone Equally—news versus entertainment

How Free Is Information?—the public’s rights, the journalist’s rights: the same

Our Ethical Foundations—constitutional and professional codes

Exercises to Reinforce Your Ethics—homework or classwork

    21 Holding onto Your Dream

What You’ll Learn—starting your career in journalism

How to Get There—internships

What to Take to Get There—college courses

Once You’ve Gotten There—go with the flow of the newsroom

And While You’re There—fulfilling careers

Exercises to Fulfill Your Dream—homework or classwork


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