Oliver Ahlers, PhD, completed his PhD in 2013 at the WHU–Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar, Germany, and is currently working as General Manager of the Family Business Friedrich Ahlers GmbH.

Wasim Ahmad is a Lecturer in Finance at Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham, UK. His research interests are in the area of corporate finance and include IPOs, private equity, capital structure, and corporate innovation.

Yan Alperovych is an Associate Professor of Corporate Finance at EMLyon Business School, France, which he joined in 2011. His research interests are in areas such as entrepreneurial finance, venture capital, private equity, and government venture capital initiatives. He has published his works in international peer-reviewed journals such as Journal of Business Venturing (2017), Small Business Economics (2013), European Journal of Operational Research (2013), and others.

Kevin Amess is Associate Professor of Industrial Economics at Nottingham University Business School, UK. He is a Fellow of the Centre for Management Buy-out Research. His research focuses on the impact of private equity and leveraged buyouts for portfolio firms. His research evaluating the consequences of leveraged buyouts on innovation, employees, and performance has been published in a range of journals, including: European Economic Review, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, and Journal of Industrial Economics. He has also co-authored a report for the OECD and advised the US GAO and UK government agencies.

Eileen Appelbaum is Co-Director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research and Visiting Professor at the University of Leicester, UK. She has held positions as Distinguished Professor and Director of the Center for Women and Work at Rutgers University, USA and as Professor of Economics at Temple University, USA. She earned her PhD at the University of Pennsylvania, USA. Her research focuses on financialization, organizational restructuring, and work-family policies. Private equity at work (Russell Sage Foundation xviPress), co-authored with Rosemary Batt, was selected by the Academy of Management as one of the four best books of 2014–2015. In addition to books, she has published numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals.

Nick Bacon is Professor of Human Resource Management at Cass Business School and an Associate of CMBOR. His research explores the impact of human resource management practices on organizational performance and employee outcomes in a wide variety of settings including manufacturing firms, unionized workplaces, small and medium-sized enterprises, leveraged buyouts and the public sector. He edited the Industrial Relations Journal 2004–2008, and co-edited The SAGE handbook of human resource management and The SAGE handbook of industrial relations.

Rosemary Batt is the Alice Hanson Cook Professor of Women and Work at the ILR School, Cornell University, USA. She received her BA from Cornell University and her PhD from MIT, USA. Her current research focuses on financialization and globalization and their impact on firm behavior, HR management, and employment relations. She is a Professor in Human Resource Studies and International and Comparative Labor and editor of the ILR Review. Her most recent book, with Eileen Appelbaum, is Private equity at work (Russell Sage Foundation Press).

Fabio Bertoni is Professor of Corporate Finance and Associate Dean for Research at EMLyon Business School, France. His research focuses on the relationship between financing and firm performance, new listings, sovereign wealth funds, venture capital, and corporate governance. He is author of articles in journals including: Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Journal of Banking & Finance, Journal of Corporate Finance, Research Policy, Small Business Economics, and Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal.

Aline Bos is a PhD student at the Utrecht University School of Governance in the Netherlands. Her PhD project focuses on the role of private equity buyouts in public service organizations, such as nursing homes. She also works as a senior consultant for several public organizations in the Netherlands, mainly in healthcare.

Paul Boselie is Professor of Governance and Human Resource Management at the Utrecht University School of Governance (USG), Utrecht University, Netherlands. He is the USG Research Director, Associate Editor of the International Journal of HRM, author of Strategic HRM: A balanced approach and author of over 100 articles and book chapters on HRM, performance management, private equity, and talent management. Paul earned his PhD at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands. His research focuses on employment relationships in health care, education, and government.

Hans Bruining is a former Associate Professor of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Netherlands. He earned his PhD at the School of Economics, Erasmus University, wrote the first Dutch study on performance improvement after management buyout, and co-authored over 75 articles. He is an affiliate member of the Centre for Management Buy-out Research. His research interests include management buyouts, private equity, strategy renewal, and resource management in buyout firms.

xviiIan Clark is Professor of Work and Employment at Nottingham Trent University, UK. Professor Clark is currently working on the British Academy Future of the Corporation program and also works with the Director of Labour Market Enforcement and the Gangmasters Labour Abuse Authority on low productivity employers such as hand car washes and small unit garment manufacturing which use informalized business and employment practices. He has previously worked on HRM in US multinational firms and the diffusion of new business models associated with hedge funds and private equity and the effects of these on work and employment. Ian currently edits Work, Employment and Society and has published in the British Journal of Industrial Relations, the Human Resource Management Journal, the Journal of Management Studies, and Economic and Industrial Democracy. His research has been funded by the ESRC, the Anglo-German foundation, the Ethical Trading Initiative, the Treasury, and the GMB union.

Douglas Cumming is a Professor of Finance and Entrepreneurship and the Ontario Research Chair at the Schulich School of Business, York University, Toronto, Canada. Douglas has published over 140 articles in leading refereed academic journals in finance, management, and law and economics, such as the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of International Business Studies, and the Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. He is the incoming Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Corporate Finance, effective January 2018. He is the Founding Co-Editor of Annals of Corporate Governance, and Co-Editor of Finance Research Letters, and Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. He is the co-author of Venture capital and private equity contracting (Elsevier Academic Press, 2nd edition, 2013), and Hedge fund structure, regulation and performance around the world (Oxford University Press, 2013). He is the Editor of the Oxford handbook of entrepreneurial finance (Oxford University Press, 2013), the Oxford handbook of private equity (Oxford University Press, 2013), the Oxford handbook of venture capital (Oxford University Press, 2013), the Oxford handbook of sovereign wealth funds (Oxford University Press, 2017), and the Oxford handbook of IPOs (Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2018). Douglas’ work has been reviewed in numerous media outlets, including The Economist, The New York Times, the Globe and Mail, Canadian Business, the National Post, and The New Yorker.

Na Dai is an Associate Professor of Finance at the State University of New York at Albany. Her research is primarily focused on corporate finance, financing for entrepreneurship and innovation, venture capital, private equity, and hedge funds. Her scholarly works are published in both finance journals and entrepreneurship journals, such as Financial Management, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Business Venturing, and Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. She is the co-author of the book, Hedge fund structure, regulation and performance around the world (Oxford University Press, 2013) and editor of the book Entrepreneurial finance: managerial and policy implications (World Scientific Publishers, 2017).

Jun Du is Professor of Economics at Economics, Finance and Entrepreneurship Department at Aston Business School, UK. She obtained her PhD degree at the University of Leicester, UK, and is a Research Fellow at the Advanced Institute of Management. Her main research interest is to understand the driving forces and impediments of productivity enhancement and economic growth, from multi-level dimensions of individuals, firms, industries, regions, xviiigovernments, and their interplays, in both developed and emerging economic contexts. She has expertise in applied econometric methodologies using micro-data from both developed and developing countries. Jun has published in International Journal of Industrial Organization, Research Policy, Journal of Productivity Analysis, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Journal of Law and Economics, Journal of Business Venturing, and International Journal of Business Studies. Her research has received external funding from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), Leverhulme Foundation, NESTA foundation, and various UK government agencies including UKTI, DTI, and BIS, local governments and authorities, as well as from the private sector. She led the productivity research projects in the Business Demography Research theme in the UK Enterprise Research Centre (ERC), and is currently the Director of the Lloyds Banking Group Centre for British Prosperity.

Anantha Krishna Divakaruni is the Barclays Research Fellow in Entrepreneurial Finance at Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, UK. His research focuses mainly on private equity, and investigates the structuring and financing of buyouts and the performance outcomes of these transactions. Anantha obtained a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Computer Science from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, India; a Masters in Finance from Vlerick Business School, Belgium; and a PhD in Business Economics from Gent University, Belgium. He has been a visiting scholar at the Schulich School of Business, Toronto, Canada, to conduct research on international buyouts.

Dirk Engel is Professor for Economics and International Business at the University of Applied Sciences Stralsund, Germany, and research fellow of RWI Research Network. Before joining the University, Dirk Engel worked at the RWI Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung in Essen, Germany, and was employed at the ZEW GmbH in Mannheim, Germany. He received his PhD from European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany. His main research interests are in the fields of international business, entrepreneurship & SMEs, technological competiveness of regions, and entrepreneurial finance.

Sally Gibson is Of Counsel at law firm Debevoise & Plimpton LLP. She advises sponsors of private investment funds and has extensive experience working with clients to navigate the regulatory issues affecting the private equity and fund management sectors. She has been named by various media outlets as among the top funds’ lawyers in the world. These include being named a “2015 Rising Star” by Law360, being named as one of Private Funds Management’s “30 Under 40,” being included in The Lawyer’s annual “Hot 100” list, and being named as one of Financial News’ “40 Under 40.”

John Gilligan has worked in the private equity and venture capital industry for over 25 years. He started his career in 1988 at 3i Group plc as a financial analyst. He was a Corporate Finance partner of Deloitte and latterly BDO for 20 years. He is the Director of the Finance Lab at Oxford Said Business School, UK, and a Non-Executive Director and Investment Committee Member of Big Issue Invest, one of the largest social impact investors in the UK. He is also a Visiting Professor at Imperial College Business School, UK, and has degrees from Southampton University, Nottingham University, and London Business School, all UK.

Alexander Groh is Professor of Finance and Director of the Entrepreneurial Finance Research Centre at EMLyon Business School, France. He has held visiting positions at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, IESE Business School, Barcelona, and INSEAD, xixFrance. His research focuses on entrepreneurial finance topics, and includes performance measurement and socio-economic determinants for the development of vibrant risk capital markets. His papers have been published in the European Economic Review, the Journal of Banking and Finance, the Journal of Corporate Finance, the Journal of International Money and Finance, the European Financial Management Journal, the Journal of Alternative Investments, the Emerging Markets Review, and Venture Capital, among others. He was involved in management training courses for the Invest Europe (formerly EVCA), and has worked for Quadriga Capital, a Frankfurt based private equity fund, since 1996.

Andreas Hack is the Director of the Institute of Organization and Human Resources Management, University of Bern, Switzerland, and visiting Professor at the Witten Institute for Family Business, University of Witten-Herdecke, Germany. His research interests are incentive systems, leadership, decision-making, and family businesses.

Michelle Haynes is an Associate Professor in Industrial Economics at Nottingham University Business School, UK. She has co-authored papers on corporate divestment in a range of journals including the Journal of Industrial Economics, International Journal of Industrial Organization, and the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. She has also contributed to a number of books and undertaken research on the funding of higher education in the UK commissioned by the Russell Group of Universities.

Kim Hoque is Professor of Human Resource Management at Warwick Business School, UK. His recent research has focused on: new forms of union representation; equal opportunities (particularly with regard to disability); HRM in the SME sector; and agency working in health and social care. He has published in journals including British Journal of Industrial Relations, Human Relations, Work Employment and Society, Human Resource Management, and Public Administration. He is an Associate Editor of Human Relations.

Robert E. Hoskisson is the George R. Brown Emeritus Chair of Strategic Management at the Jones School of Business at Rice University, USA. He received his PhD from the University of California–Irvine, USA. His research focuses on corporate and international diversification strategies, corporate governance, innovation and entrepreneurship, acquisitions and divestitures, business groups and strategies of emerging-economy firms, and co-operative strategy. His research has appeared in over 100 peer-reviewed and he has co-authored over 30 books. He is Fellow of the Strategic Management Society and has served as President of the Society. He has served on the Board of Governors and is also a Fellow of the Academy of Management and a charter member of the Academy Journal’s Hall of Fame.

Carole Howorth is Chair in Sustainable and Ethical Entrepreneurship at the University of York, UK. She was previously Associate Dean for Research and Interim Dean at the Bradford University School of Management and Professor of Entrepreneurship and Family Business at Lancaster University Management School, both UK. Carole researches entrepreneurship in family and social contexts and has been Chair of the Global STEP Family Enterprising Project since 2015. She is Academic Advisor to the Institute for Family Business Research Foundation.

Ranko Jelic is Professor of Finance and Head of Finance subject group at University of Sussex Business School, UK. He has published over 30 academic papers and contributions xxto research monographs and is ranked among the top 10% authors on the Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN). Ranko’s research focuses on corporate finance, including management buyouts, IPOs, private equity, and corporate bonds.

Jing Jin is an Assistant Professor of Strategic Management at the School of Business at Renmin University of China. She received her PhD from Rice University, USA. Her research focuses on impression management, corporate governance, acquisitions, and top executive compensation.

Andrew McAlpine is a second year analyst in the Investment Banking Group at Sandler O’Neill & Partners, L.P., USA, a full-service investment banking firm focused on the financial services sector. Since joining in 2016, he has worked on several merger and acquisition and capital raising transactions for clients in the community banking and financial technology industries. He is a summa cum laude graduate from the University at Albany, State University of New York, where he graduated with a BSc in Business Administration, a BSc in Accounting, and a BA in Economics.

Alexandra Michel, PhD, completed her PhD in 2016 at the University of St. Gallen, Center for Family Business and is currently working as Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Institute of Organization and Human Resources Management, University of Bern, Switzerland, as well as a financial advisor of family firms.

Victor Murinde is AXA Professor in Global Finance in the School of Finance & Management at SOAS University of London, UK.

Bach Nguyen is an Assistant Professor at Beijing Normal University–Hongkong Baptist University, United International College. He obtained his PhD degree at Aston University, UK. His research expertise includes small business and entrepreneurship. Before joining academia, he spent several years in the financial industry as a professional analyst.

Luc Renneboog is Professor of Corporate Finance and Head of the Finance Department at Tilburg University, Netherlands. He graduated with a BSc/MSc in Management Engineering and a BA in Philosophy from the University of Leuven, Belgium, with an MBA from the University of Chicago, USA, and with a PhD in Financial Economics from London Business School, UK. His work has been published in the Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, American Economic Review, Management Science, Strategic Management Journal, etc. His research interests span: corporate governance, M&A, remuneration contracting, law and economics, shareholder activism, corporate social responsibility, and the economics of art.

Nick Robinson is a third generation family member who opted out of the family business. He is Managing Director of Media Dialogue, a writing and editing company who copyedit and proofread papers and journal articles for academics all over the world. He has authored works of fiction and non-fiction, sometimes with his wife Carole Howorth.

Louise Scholes is Reader in Entrepreneurship at Loughborough University, UK. Her main research interests include family firms and their characteristics, and management buyouts and their consequences. Louise is on the editorial board of the International Small Business xxiJournal. She has published articles in a number of mainstream academic journals including Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Human Relations, Industrial Relations, International Small Business Journal, Journal of Business Ethics, Small Business Economics, Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, California Management Review, and Thunderbird International Business Review. She has also published many practitioner-focused articles on private equity and family firms.

Wei Shi is currently an Assistant Professor of Management at Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, USA, and will join University of Miami, USA, as an Associate Professor of Management in June 2018. He obtained his PhD from Rice University, USA. His research takes a behavioral approach to examine how corporate governance and top executives influence firms’ corporate strategy. His research has been published in Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Global Strategy Journal, Journal of Corporate Finance, and Academy of Management Perspectives.

Donald Siegel is Professor of Public Policy and Management and Director of the School of Public Affairs at Arizona State University, USA. He is an editor of the Journal of Management Studies and the Journal of Technology Transfer and a former Dean of the School of Business at the University at Albany, SUNY, USA. In 2016, he was elected a Fellow of the Academy of Management.

Joel Stiebale is Professor of Empirical Industrial Economics at the Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics, Germany. Previously, he was employed as an Assistant Professor at the University of Nottingham, UK, and as a postdoctoral researcher at RWI–Leibniz Institute for Economic Research, Germany. He received his PhD at the University of Bochum, Germany, in 2010. His research interests lie in the areas of empirical industrial organization, international trade and multinational firms, economics of innovation, and corporate finance.

Steve Thompson has taught economics and strategy in universities in the UK, Ireland, the USA, and Africa and published over 100 academic papers. His recent work has been on corporate governance, and on the functioning of electronic markets. He recently concluded his second term as economist on the Doctors’ and Dentists’ Pay Review Body, the independent body responsible for recommending annual pay/contract adjustments for all NHS doctors and dentists.

Steven Toms is Professor of Accounting at the University of Leeds, UK. He earned his PhD at the University of Nottingham, UK, and is author of over 70 articles in peer-reviewed journals. His research focuses on the role of accounting, accountability, and corporate governance in the development of organizations, particularly from a historical perspective. He is a past editor of the journal Business History.

Cara Vansteenkiste is a researcher at Tilburg University, Netherlands. She graduated with a BSc/MSc in Business Economics from the University of Leuven, Netherlands, and attended Harvard University, USA, as a visiting researcher during her PhD in Finance at Tilburg University. Her research interests lie in the area of corporate finance and corporate governance, focusing on the international M&A market. Her research has been published in the Journal of International Business Studies.

xxiiNick Wilson is Professor of Finance at Leeds University Business School, UK, Head of the Accounting & Finance Division, and Director of the Credit Management Research Centre. He gained his PhD from the University of Nottingham, UK. His research focuses on corporate performance, governance, financial distress and bankruptcy risk, family business, SME financing, and entrepreneurial finance. He has published in a wide range of academic and practitioner journals.

Simon Witney is a Special Counsel with law firm Debevoise & Plimpton LLP and teaches company law and private equity at London School of Economics. He completed his PhD on corporate governance issues in private equity-backed companies in 2017. A prominent member of the UK and European private equity communities, he has served in senior positions within the British Private Equity and Venture Capital Association and the European industry association, Invest Europe. Private Equity International has named him one of the 30 most influential lawyers in global private equity.

Geoffrey Wood is Dean and Professor of International Business at Essex Business School, UK. Previously he was Professor of International Business at Warwick Business School, UK. He has authored/co-authored/edited 16 books, and over 160 articles in peer-reviewed journals. Previously he was Professor of International Business at Warwick Business School, UK. He holds honorary positions at Griffith and Monash University in Australia, and Witwatersrand and Nelson Mandela Universities in South Africa. Geoff’s research interests center on the relationship between institutional setting, corporate governance, firm finance, and firm level work and employment relations. Geoffrey Wood is Editor in Chief of the British Journal of Management, the Official Journal of the British Academy of Management (BAM), Associate Editor of Academy of Management Perspectives, and co-editor of the Annals of Corporate Governance. He also serves on the BAM Council. He is also editor of the Chartered ABS Journal Ranking list. He has had numerous research grants, including funding councils (e.g., ESRC), government departments (e.g., US Department of Labor; UK Department of Works and Pensions), charities (e.g., Nuffield Foundation, Albert Einstein Foundation), the labor movement (e.g., the ITF), and the European Union.

Mike Wright is Professor of Entrepreneurship and founding Director of the Centre for Management Buy-out Research at Imperial College Business School, UK. He is a Fellow of the British Academy, a Fellow of the Strategic Management Society, and an Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences. He earned his PhD at the University of Nottingham, UK, and is the recipient of honorary doctorates from the Universities of Ghent, Belgium, and Derby, UK. He has authored/co-authored/edited over 50 books and over 400 articles in peer-reviewed journals. His research focuses on entrepreneurial ownership mobility, including management buyouts, returnee entrepreneurs, habitual entrepreneurs, and family firms.

Xiwei Yi is an Assistant Professor at Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, China. She received her PhD from Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Business, Rice University, USA. Her research focuses on CEO succession, internationalization of emerging market firms, and entrepreneurship.

Simona Zambelli is Associate Professor at University of Bologna, Italy, in the field of Economics of Financial Intermediation. After her PhD, Dr. Zambelli specialized in Finance at Birkbeck College, UK, and on Venture Finance at Harvard University, USA. Afterwards, she xxiiiworked as a Visiting Professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA, and York University, Toronto, Canada. Her main research interests are related to the field of Financial Intermediation and Alternative Investment Funds. She enjoys using an interdisciplinary approach, with a law and empirical finance perspective. She has won a number of grants and awards for her research activity, including two international awards sponsored by the Government of Canada (Faculty Research Program, FRP). Her main publications are in the fields of venture capital and private equity, leveraged acquisitions, buyout regulation and corporate governance, and impact investing. She has written a number of books on entrepreneurial finance, alternative investment funds, venture philanthropy, and mergers and acquisitions.

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