
I can't imagine anyone taking on a project like this alone. In the year and a half since I first considered putting my thoughts on paper, no one has been more supportive than my beautiful wife, Angel. Without her, I'd be lost and confused, mumbling incoherently about declarative metaclass implementations. There are no words to express how much help she's been throughout the process.

I'd also like to thank George Vilches for stepping up to take on a book he hadn't been involved with from the beginning. He's been an amazing asset, going well beyond what was required of him to make sure this book is as good as we could possibly make it.

Of course, the Lawrence Journal-World and its Internet division are to thank for the Django Web framework's existence and for its release to the public, which made all of this possible in the first place. I don't expect they had any idea how far it would go when designing and releasing it. I have a feeling this is far from the end.

In fact, the entire community that surrounds Django has fueled me in more ways than I can explain. It's because of people like you that I chose to take on this challenge, and it's the thought of a greater community that keeps me going. Thank you.

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