
image  A


    building CRUD operations

        adding view

        ADO.NET Entity Data Model

        App_Data folder

        application’s category name and description


        Category entity

        Category model

        create view code

        DbContext class

        index view code

        MDF file-based database

        MyStore.mdf file

        SQL Server Database file selection

        Visual Studio 2012

        Visual Studio IDE

        Web application

    building search query

        Customer entity

        Customer entity data model

        formatting query field


        Razor view

        rendered view

        testing controller code

        WebGrid control

    filtering with URL

        category name

        Cooking Equipment category


        index view code

        products and categories model

        Search engine optimization

        Tents category

image  B

image  C

Canonical functions


        customers and order

        definition of

        Sum(), Count(), and Avg() Functions


        MovieRental entity

        movies retrieval



    DbEntityEntry class


    DbUpdateConcurrencyException object


    EnrollmentDate property

    Entity Framework Updates

    ExecuteSqlCommand() method

    ForumPost entity

    ForumPost object

    “Last Record Wins” strategy

    optimistic concurrency

        product entity

        Table per Type inheritance


    OriginalValues property

    reading uncommitted data

        Employee entity


        NOLOCK query hint


        TransactionScope class



    stored procedures

        account entity

        affected rows

        Agent Model



        DeleteAgent() procedure

        Entity Framework


        ExecuteSqlCommand() method

        InsertAgent() procedure

        insert, update, and delete actions


        OnModelCreating method

        Original Value check box

        Parameter check boxes

        SaveChanges() method

        UpdateAccount() procedure

        UpdateAgent() procedure

    StoreGeneratedPattern property

    T4 Template

    Timestamp Column, Model First

    TimeStamp property

    TimeStamp value

image  D

image  E

Eager loading







Entity data model

    complex type

    conceptual model

        ADO.NET Entity Data Model

        bidirectional model development

        database connection

        Database Schema Name

        database script

        Dispose() method

        entity type

        Person entity type

        scalar property

        using() statement

    eSQL (see Entity SQL (eSQL))

    existing database

        Add() method

        Foreign Key Columns

        navigation property

        object graph building

        poet, poem, and meter entity types


        scalar property

        vwLibrary view

    Is-a and Has-a relationships


        Associate and AssociateSalary Entity Types

        bitwise operators

        Cleanup() method

        DbContext Object

        flattening query results

        LoadData() method

        multiple properties


        remove, load, and fetch data

        SaveChangesAsync() method

        ToList() and SingleOrDefault() method

    many-to-many relationship (see Many-to-many relationship)

    native SQL statements

        @Amount parameter

        ASP.NET TextBox control

        DbContext object

        ExecuteSqlCommand() method

        ExecuteStoreQuery() method

        payment entity

        payment table

        reuse method

        SaveChanges() method

        SQL injection attacks

        SqlQuery() method

        student entity class

        student entity type

        @Vendor parameter


    self-referencing relationship

        association type


        DbContext Subclass




        Print() method

        root node

    table per hierarchy inheritance

        Abstract Employee

        EmployeeType property



        is not null condition

        mapping conditions

        OfType<>() method

        OnModelCreating method


    table per type inheritance

        Add() method

        business table

        concrete type

        eCommerce table

        insert and retrieve entities

        table per hierarchy


        binary large object

        DbContext Subclass

        HighResolutionBits column

        lazy loading

        OnModelCreating method



        Product and ProductWebInfo

        Product Entity Type

        product POCO entity

        vertical splitting

Entity Framework

    ADO.NET Entity Data Model


    conceptual layer




    .edmx file

    existing database

    history of


    mapping layer


    store layer


    Visual Studio

Entity SQL (eSQL)


    CreateQuery() method

    customer entity

    DateTime property

    DbDataRecord object

    default values

    derived types

        discriminator property

        mediatype variable

        OnModelCreating method

        parent and child entity types


    flattening query results

    left-outer join

        DefaultIfEmpty() method


        product entity type

        TopSeller navigation property

        TopSelling entity

    master-detail relationship

    multiple columns

    multiple properties

    multiple result sets

    object services and EntityClient

    paging and filtering

    Read() method

    related entity

        CreateSourceQuery() method

        DbContext object

        Include() method

        ToList() method

        worker entity class

    SaveChanges() method

    vs. LINQ

image  F

image  G

image  H

image  I, J, K

Inheritance modeling

    base entity

    complex conditions

        member table

        SavingChanges Event

        stored procedures

        teen entity

    concrete table

        BMW and toyota entities

        car entity

        CarId column

    independent and foreign key association

        LicenseNumber column

        Model First

        referential constraint

        user and password history

        vehicles and tickets

    link table

    many-to-many association

    many-to-many relationship

        DbContext subclass

        POCO entity class

        related products collection

    multiple criteria

        conceptual model

        entity set mapping


        stored procedure/action mapping


        WebOrder table

    null conditions

        AcceptedDate property

        drug table

        TPH Mapping

    self-referencing relationship

        abstract person POCO entity class

        DbContext subclass

        firefighter, teacher, and retired


        person table

        POCO entity class

        retrieving person entities

        self-referencing category table

    table per type inheritance

        employee table

        insert, update, and delete actions


        staff, principal, and instructor tables

        toy and RefurbishedToy tables

image  L

image  M

Many-to-many relationship

    without payload

        artists and albums model

        EntityCollection type



    with payload

        count property

        link table

        OrderItem entity

        refactoring model

        SaveChanges() method

Model-defined function

    anonymous type

        hotel reservations


    associate types

    complex type



        patient visit

    computed column

        eSQL and LINQ

        <Schema> tag

        typical properties

    entity collection filtering



        from clause

        customer and invoice

        GetInvoices() function

        Include() method

        where clause

    entity references

        events and sponsors

        <ReferenceType> element

        PlatinumSponsors() Function

    navigation properties

    query the model

    scalar value

        AnyElement operator

        AverageUnitPrice() Function

        best practices

        conceptual model


        LINQ query

        MyFunction class


        products and categories

        query model

image  N

N-Tier applications


        Service Contract

        single Order entity


    deleting entities

    WCF service (see Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service)

    Web API application

        ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Application project

        Cleanup action method

        Client.DeleteAsync method

        client-side change tracking

        Connection string for

        context class

        Customer and Phone Entity Classes

        Customer and Phone Numbers model

        Customer Web API Controller

        DeleteAsync method

        Entity Base class and TrackingState enum type

        Entity Framework Model Compatibility check

        GetAsync method

        HttpClient object

        HttpResponseMessage object


        model for orders

        model for Travel Agents and Bookings


        order entity class

        Post Action Method

        PostAsync method

        PutAsJsonAsync method

        Retrieve Action Method

        RouteConfig Class, RPC-Style Routing

        SaveChanges method

        single disconnected entities


        Travel Agent and Booking Entity Classes

        Travel Agent Web API Controller

        UpdateCustomer Action Method

        Windows Console Application, test client

image  O

Objects customization

    code execution


        job applicant model

        Resume File deletion


    default value assignment


        Paid property

        PurchaseOrder table

        SaveChanges event

        store layer

    entity deletion

        cascade rule

        Course, Class, and Enrollment tables


        generic way

        SQL Server Management Studio

    entity validation

        business rules

        customers and orders

        IValidatable interface



    logging database connection

    original association

        fulfillment steps for order



        Order and OrderStatus

    original value retrieval


        business rule

        employee entity

        overridden event

    property validation

        IsActive property

        monitoring the change

        OnUserNameChanging() method

        partial methods

        PropertyChanging and PropertyChanged events

        User entity

    property value recalculation

        AssociationChanged event

        CartItems collection

        cart model


        EntityCollection and EntityReference

        Sum() method

    server-generated value

        ParkingTicket entity

        ParkingTicket table

        Populated Back



    XML data retrieval

        candidate entity

        CandidateResume Property

        Changed event

        Resume property

        scalar property

image  P

Performance improvement

    auto-caching LINQ query

    CreateProxyTypes() method

    Include() method


        customer, creditcard, and transaction entity classes

        DbContext Object



    read-only access

    resume entity, body property

    search query


        DbContext object

        keyword and explicit condition

        LINQ/SQL query

        reservation entity

    single entity retrieval


        DbContext object

        Find() method

        LINQ query

        painting entity type

    Table per Type inheritance model

Plain Old CLR Objects (POCO)

    Change Tracker

        Change-tracking proxies

        DetectChanges() method

        SaveChanges() method

        snapshot change tracking

        working principle

    change-tracking proxies


        donors and donations


        virtual and ICollection<T> type

        working principle

    complex types

        delete/update entity

        employee model

        Name class


        working principle

    database model

    Entity Framework model



        steps involved

        working principle

    integration testing

        BookRepository Class

        working principle

    lazy loading

        Entity Classes Generation and Properties

        traffic tickets, offending vehicles and violation details

        working principle

    load related entities

        Eager Loading

        Explicit Loading

        Include() method

        lazy loading

        venues, events, and competitors

        working principle

    retrieve object

        Entry() Method

        single Item entity

        working principle

    unit testing

        Fake Object Set and Fake Object Context


        IReservationRepository class

        IValidate Interface

        reservations, schedules and trains

        SaveChanges() method override

        Tests project

        working principle

image  Q

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image  T

image  U

image  V

image  W

image  X, Y, Z

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