

Ad hoc observers, information, 12

AI, see Artificial intelligence (AI)

Analysis of variance (ANOVA)

factorial experiment, 402

tier 0 analysis, 402, 403

tier 1 analysis, 402, 404

tier 2 analysis, 402, 405

ANOVA, see Analysis of variance (ANOVA)

Architectures, distributed estimation

appropriate architectures selection, 104105

fusion graph, see Fusion architecture graph

information communicated and common prior knowledge, 104

information graph, 100104

measurements and processors, 9798

sensors, processors and users, 97

Artificial intelligence (AI), 287288


Bar-Shalom-Campo and Speyer fusion rules

cross-covariance, 130

defined, 129130

fused estimation error, 130

likelihood function, 130

naïve fusion rule, 130

repeated track fusion, see Repeated track fusion

simple convex combination rule, 130

Bayes filter

Markov transition density, 203

multisensor measurements, 204

normalization factor, 203

Bayesian distributed fusion algorithm, 259260

equation, 107

Gaussian random vectors, see Gaussian random vectors

goal and measurements, 105

node 1 and 2, 106

private and common information, 106

probability distribution, discrete variable, 105106

Bayesian Formulation, 6970

Bayesian maximum-likelihood fusion (BML) rule

defined, 132133

likelihood function, 133

weight matrices, 133

BDI, see Belief–desire–intention (BDI)

Belief–desire–intention (BDI)

communication and coordination, 445446

description, 445

practical reasoning, 445

Belief network (BN) model

distributed parts, 274, 275

junction tree, 271

situation assessment, 273, 274

Bounded covariance inflation

covariance ellipses, 20, 21

description, 20

inflated covariance matrix, 22

joint covariance matrices, 20

Kalman filter update equation, 21

linear transform, 21

upper and lower bounds, 22

Burst communications, 180


Camera calibration

contextual rules, 454455

definition, copymachine1, 454

description, 453

homography matrix, 453

point correspondence, offline camera, 453, 454

SURV ontology, 453454

Cardinalized PHD (CPHD) filter fusion

double-counting, 236237

known double-counting, 227

measurement-update equations, 219220

T2F, independent sources, 224226

T2F, mathematical derivations, 234235

time-update equations, 218219

XM fusion, 228229, 237238

CCA, see Continuous combinatorial auction (CCA)

Central processing, 126

Channel filter

asynchronous operation, 169, 170

cache vs. filter algorithms, 167168

common and contributed information, 168

common information vs. contributed information, ideal pair, 169

description, 167

lost transmissions, 169, 171

miscommunication, 169

operations, 167168

CI, see Covariance intersection (CI)

Classifier fusion

algorithm-combining approach, 255

MAP, 255

methods, taxonomy, 254

product rule, 256

taxonomic categorization, 253

Closest point of approach (CPA), 301

Common tactical picture (CTP), 272, 276

Communication and decentralized data fusion (DDF)

channel filter approaches, see Channel filter

description, 164165

dynamic systems, see Dynamic systems, DDF

global agreement, nodes, 170

log-likelihood/information form, 169

tree network topology, channel cache, 165167

Communications algorithm, k-tree

data-tag set elimination, 191

description, 190

separator, 190

Complementary sensor

local measurement error covariance matrices, 141

noise intensity level and initial state accuracy, 142143

normalized initial position standard deviation, 142, 143

normalized process noise intensity, 141, 142

position estimation performance, 142

Consistent tactical picture (CTP), 401

Contextual enhancement, tracking

accuracy, system, 456

communicate fusion estimate dialog, 458

expected occlusion situation, 458

sensor agents, 457, 458

Continuous combinatorial auction (CCA), 370

Correlated decisions

Chair-Varshney rule, 83

copula theory, 84

description, 81

LRTs, 82

marginal distributions, 83

M-ary hypothesis, 83

ratio-based tests, 82

suboptimal binary quantizers, 83

Counting rule, 7476

Coupling scalars, 2223

Covariance intersection (CI)

Chen-Arambel-Mehra fusion rule, 135

Chernoff fusion rule, 134

cross-covariance matrix, 133134

error hyper-ellipsoids, 208

fused target-localizations, 209

Shannon fusion rule, 134135

Speyer fusion rule, 134

CPA, see Closest point of approach (CPA)

CTP, see Common tactical picture (CTP); Consistent tactical picture (CTP)


DARPA, see Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)

Data fusion and resource management (DF&RM), 380

DBNs, see Dynamic Bayesian networks (DBNs)

DDF, see Decentralized data fusion (DDF); Distributed data fusion (DDF)

Decentralized data fusion (DDF)

characterization, constraints, 162

and communication, see Communication and decentralized data fusion (DDF)

communications latencies and failures, 193

description, 162

dynamic systems, see Dynamic systems, DDF

information, 163164

k-tree topologies, redundant and dynamic networks, see K-tree topologies

marginalization, information form, 193194

trajectory information form equivalence, 194196

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)

social network utilization, 351

web information and tools, 353

Delayed and asequent observations

description, 179

destructive prediction estimation, 179

N timesteps, 179

prediction step, 178

small delay, 180

trajectory information matrix, 179

Design of experiments (DOE)

factors and interaction complexity, 397, 398

statistical, 395

test-planning methods, 396

types, 396397

Deterministic dynamics, object tracking, 117118

Developmental test & evaluation (DT&E)

bounded system, 384

engineering design goals, 385

types, testing, 384

DF&RM, see Data fusion and resource management (DF&RM)

Distributed data and information fusion systems (DDIFS), see Test and evaluation (T&E), DDIFS

Distributed data fusion (DDF)

applications, 1

APPs and HCI, 2

cognitive and information processes, 6

content, 18

description, 1, 18

design, 19

Endsley’s situation awareness model, 8, 9

frameworks, 68

HAC design concerns, 4243

HAC opportunities, 4344

implications, 1213

information, 9, 11, 12

information recycling, see Information recycling

IT, 911

JDL, see Joint Directors of Laboratories (JDL)

mathematical sense meaning and redundant observations, 2

military applications and intelligence, 8

multiple observers/sensors, 23

net-centric generation, 4


probabilistic model, computational trust, 35

sensor coordination, see Sensor coordination

stakeholders, see Stakeholders

state estimation, 2

system concept, 18, 19

traditional information, 2

Distributed detection, wireless sensor networks

binary distributed detection, 66

decision-making structures, 65

decision theory/hypothesis testing, 6566

FDR-based decision, 89

ideal communication channels, see Ideal communication channels

nonideal communication channels, see Nonideal communication channels

NP and FDR, 6667

ROI, 90

WSNs, 6667, 90

Distributed estimation

architectures, see Architectures, distributed estimation

Bayesian distributed fusion algorithm, see Bayesian distributed fusion algorithm

description, 9697

fusion architecture and best performance, 96

Gaussian distributions/error covariances, see Error covariances, distributed estimation

MAP, BLUE and cross-covariance fusion, 121

multiple sensors, 96

object classification, see Object classification

object tracking, 117119

optimal Bayesian distributed fusion, see Optimal Bayesian distributed fusion

optimal fusion algorithm, 121

suboptimal Bayesian distributed fusion algorithms, see Suboptimal Bayesian distributed fusion

Distributed fusion environments

centralized, hierarchical, peer-to-peer and grid-based, 277

network, distributed fusion nodes, 276

process observations, 274

Distributed high-level fusion

algorithm, situation assessment, 277282

BN model, situation assessment, 273, 274

CTP, 271272

decentralized processing environment, 273

distributed fusion environments, 274277

distributed Kalman filter, 282285

GIG, 273

NCW, 285286

role, intelligent agents, 286290

SA, 271

Distributed Kalman filter

fusion nodes, 285


target tracking with and without feedback, 284

UAV, 283

Distributed processing, 126

Distributed situation assessment, algorithm

junction tree, 279

junction tree construction and inference, 280282

pairwise communication-link information, 278

sensor network, 278

spanning tree, 278

DNN, see Dual node network (DNN)

DOE, see Design of experiments (DOE)


CPHD/PHD filter distributed fusion, 227

multitarget distributed fusion, 223

T2F, single-target distributed fusion, 206207

DT&E, see Developmental test & evaluation (DT&E)

Dual node network (DNN), 380

Dynamic Bayesian networks (DBNs), 311, 312

Dynamic systems, DDF

application, trajectory state approach, 177

burst communications, 180

common process noise problem, 177178

delayed and asequent observations, 178180

delayed states, 171

description, 170, 177

filtering, stored filter, 181182

filtering, trajectory state system, 181

observation/communication interruptions, 171

operation, channel caches and trajectory states, 183

solution, trajectory states, 180181

state dynamics, see State dynamics

trajectory state formulation, 183


Electronic support measure (ESM), 374375

EPP, see Expected posterior probability (EPP)

Error covariances, distributed estimation

cross-covariance fusion, 116117

posteriori fusion/best least unbiased estimate, 115116

ESM, see Electronic support measure (ESM)

Expected posterior probability (EPP)

classification vs. number of communications, 267, 268

classification vs. time, 264, 265

object class separation vs. correct classification, 264, 266

transition probability vs. classification, 266, 267

Exponential mixture (XM) fusion

CPHD filter distributed, 228229

GM-PHD tracks, T2F, 232234

multitarget distributed, 223224

particle-PHD tracks, T2F, 234

PHD filter distributed, 229230

single-target distributed fusion, 209212


False discovery rate (FDR)

algorithm to control, 7879

defined, 78

description, 76

distributed detection system, 7981

MCPs, 77

nonidentical decision thresholds, 76

SNRs, 76

in statistics, 7778

FDR, see False discovery rate (FDR)

Finite-set statistics

CPHD Filter, 218220

multitarget calculus, 214216

multitarget recursive Bayes filter, 212214

PHD filters

constant-gain Kalman filters, 216

Markov transition density, 217

SMC, 218

sensor-bias estimation, 221

SLAM, 220

Formal experimental design and statistical analyses

DOE, 396, 397

dominant analysis methodology, 395

factors and interaction complexity, DOE strategies, 397, 398

Monte Carlo replications, 394395

notional layered experimental design, 396, 398

statistical experimental design, 393394

stochastic properties, 393

topological structure, 394

types, DOE techniques, 396397


“a priori” and “a posteriori”, 59

characterizations, sense-making, 60

computer-based information fusion, 57

nonmonotonic logic, 59

Fusion agents

description logics, 450

HLIF, 449450

HLIF and low-level tracking refinement, 452

knowledge model structure, 450

low-and high-level fusion and feedback, 450, 451

top-down rules, 452

update situation knowledge messages, 449

Fusion algorithms

EPP, see Expected posterior probability (EPP)

RMS, see Root mean square (RMS)

Fusion architecture graph

multiply connected fusion, 99100

singly connected fusion, 9899

Fusion rules

Chair-Varshney, 72

composite hypotheses, 72

description, 71

LRT, 72

SR noise, 73

UMP and GLRT, 73

Fusions system

identification, domain complexities, see Intelligence analysis

system design, development and evaluation, see Intelligence analysis


Gaussian random vectors

description, 107

error covariance and filter equations, 108109

fusion equation, 107

fusion node observation equation, 108

information matrix, 107108

information matrix fusion equations, 109

Generic Hub (GH) data model, 330

GIG, see Global information grid (GIG)

Global information grid (GIG), 273, 286


HACs, see Human-agent collectives (HACs)

Hard-soft fusion process

human-system interaction, 421

system architecture, 423

touch point 1, 424

touch point 2, 424425

touch point 3, 425426

touch point 4, 426427

touch point 5, 427428

touch point 6, 428430

HCI, see Human-computer interaction (HCI)

Heterogeneous contracts

inflated independent beta distributions, 3738

Kalman filter trust model, 3839

Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), 312

Hierarchical architecture

fusion with feedback, 110

fusion without feedback, 109

Hierarchical task network (HTN), 308

High-level information fusion (HLIF); see also Fusion agents

CI and DIF, 442

context knowledge, visual IF, 442

description, 441

IF systems, 441

MPEG-7, 442

OWL ontology, 443

RACER, 443

SNAP and SPAN, 443

VERL and VEML, 443

HMMs, see Hidden Markov Models (HMMs)

HTN, see Hierarchical task network (HTN)

Human-agent collectives (HACs)

design concerns, 4243

individual and collective goals, 42

opportunities, 4344

Human-computer interaction (HCI), 2

Human engineering factors

automated processes, 409

characterization, human-fusion system interaction, 410, 411

cognitive system engineering, 430

design and development, 431

human-system integration, 409

identification, fusions system, 418421

military intelligence analysis, 412

system design, development and evaluation, 412418

touch points, hard-soft process, 421430

Hybrid sensing/hybrid cognition, SOA

artificial intelligence and data fusion algorithm, 361

mobile device user, 360361

service-oriented system methodologies, 361

social networks, 361


Ideal communication channels

asymptotic regime, 7374

Bayesian Formulation, see Bayesian Formulation

correlated decisions, see Correlated decisions

counting rule, 7476

decision rule partitions, 68

design, fusion rules, 7173

false discovery rate-based sensor decision rules, Sensor decision rules

hypothesis testing problem, 67

joint density, 69

K sensors, 6768

Neyman–Pearson Formulation, see Neyman–Pearson Formulation

nonidentical decision rules, 69

parallel configuration, 68

Indoor surveillance, VSNs

communicate-fused estimation dialog, 452

computer laboratory, 452, 453

contextual enhancement, tracking, see Contextual enhancement, tracking

continuous surveillance, 452

framework configuration, see Camera calibration

low-level information fusion, see Low-level information fusion

scene interpretation, 459

update situation knowledge dialog, 452

Inflated independent beta distributions, 3738

Informational transactions, 127

Information graph

description, 100101

distributed architectures, 103104

multiply connection, hierarchical fusion, 101103

singly connected graph, singly connected fusion architectures, 101

Information recycling

bounded covariance inflation, 2022

coupling scalars, 2223

decentralized tracking, 23, 24

Information-sharing strategy (ISS), 383

Information technology (IT)

description, 9

“invisible” computers, 9

technology trends impacts, data fusion, 911

traditional sensing/computing networks, 1

Intelligence analysis

comparison, models, 413415

complexities and fusion system capabilities, 418420

decision biases, 418

hard-soft fusion process, see Hard-soft fusion process

information processes, 418

military, 412

nonexhaustive factors, 413, 416417

stages and extended capabilities map, 421, 422

system/process documentation, 430

Intelligent agents

agent-based application, 286

agent properties and data fusion, 287, 288

AI, 287

decentralized data fusion system, 288

description, 287288

graphical Bayesian belief networks, 289

knowledge-based, 290

MADSNs, 290

military hierarchical organizations, 291

NCW, 287

real-time distributed tracking, 289

ISS, see Information-sharing strategy (ISS)

IT, see Information technology (IT)


JDL, see Joint Directors of Laboratories (JDL)

Joint Directors of Laboratories (JDL)


defined high-level processes in, 56

description, 4

subprocesses and functions, 5

target’s kinematics, 6

top level model, 4

Joint multitarget (JoM) estimator, 214

Joint surveillance target attack radar system (JSTARS), 283

JoM estimator, see Joint multitarget (JoM) estimator

JSTARS, see Joint surveillance target attack radar system (JSTARS)


Kalman filter trust model, 3839

K-tree topologies

allowable links, 186

allowable topology, 184186

communications algorithm, see Communications algorithm, k-tree

data-tagged decentralized algorithm, 192

data-tagging sets, 187188

DDF on, 187

description, 184

fully connected topology, 186187

link and node failure robustness, 191193

local neighborhood property, 189190

scalability and correctness, 184

separator property, 188189

spanning-tree algorithms, 184

treewidth, graph, 186


Link and node failure robustness, 191193

Low-level information fusion

fused tracking, fusion agent, 456, 457

ground-truth positions, 456, 457

HLIF knowledge, 456

local tracking, sensor agents, 455, 456

tracking information, 456


MADSNs, see Mobile agent-based distributed sensor networks (MADSNs)

MAP, see Maximum posterior probability (MAP)

Marginalization, information form, 193194

Market architecture for sensor management (MASM)

architecture, 368, 369

market-oriented programming techniques, 368

models network resource, 369

optimal bidding strategy, 371

optimal resource allocation, 370

target destruction, 373

tatonement process, 369

Widrow–Hoff learning rule, 374

Market-oriented programming

CCA, 370

current error, 374

deterministic optimization, 372

genetic algorithms, 373374

market algorithms, resource allocation, 368

MASM, 368

multiperiod optimization, 372

optimal resource allocation, 371

sensor networks, 371

target destruction, 373

Tatonement, 369

Markov transition density, 217

MAS, see Multi-agent systems (MAS)

MASM, see Market architecture for sensor management (MASM)

Maximum posterior probability (MAP), 255

Max-sum algorithm

art approximate algorithms, 27

decentralized coordination algorithm, 27

defined messages, 26

description, 25

factor graph, 25

function to variable, 26

sensor network, 25

variable node, 26

variable to function, 26

Measurement-to-track fusion (MTF), 200

Measures of Effectiveness (MOEs), 358

Measures of Performance (MOPs), 382

Military operations, threat analysis

operational environment, 318

predictability of the behavior, 317

susceptibility to coercion, 317

symmetry, 318

task complexity, 316

time, 316317

uncertainty, 316

Minimum-variance (MV) fusion rule, 132

Mobile agent-based distributed sensor networks (MADSNs), 290

MOEs, see Measures of Effectiveness (MOEs)

MOPs, see Measures of Performance (MOPs)

MTF, see Measurement-to-track fusion (MTF)

Multi-agent systems (MAS)

computational models, trust, 34

data fusion and decision-making node, 18

stakeholders, 18


autonomous and social abilities, 444

BDI, see Belief–desire–intention (BDI)

description, 443444

detected objects, 444

FIPA ACL messages, 448

fusion agents, see Fusion agents

high-level hierarchical and partially distributed architecture, 446, 447

ontologies, 444

sensor agents, see Sensor agents

standard communication protocols, 444

Multiple-target tracking problems, 125

Multiple trajectory states

banded matrix, 175

information matrix and vector, 174175

nonadditive form, 176

timestep, 176

total information, trajectory system, 175

trajectory state system propagation, 176

Multitarget calculus

integral-differential, 214

multitarget probability distribution, 216

Poisson process, 215

Multitarget distributed fusion

known double-counting, T2F, 223

T2F, independent sources, 222223

XM fusion, 223224

Multitarget recursive Bayes filter

cardinality distribution, 213

defined, 213

JoM, 214

Multitarget T2F

independent sources, 222223

known double-counting, 223


Network-centric concepts

description, 47

operational advantages, 48

role, fusion, 47, 5253

self-organization and self-synchronization, 6061

sense-making, 5253

“share-ability”, 48

value chain, 4849

value of information, decision-making, 5152

Network-centric warfare (NCW)

cognitive domain, 286

conceptual vision, 285, 286

GIG, 286

information domain, 285

physical domain, 285

Network value chain, measures and metrics

degree dimensions-to-attributes and measures/metrics, 386, 388

NCO, 386

quality and degree measures, 386, 387

Neyman–Pearson Formulation, 7071

Nondeterministic dynamics, object tracking

augmented state vector and approximation, 119

cross-covariance, single time, 119

description, 118119

Nonideal communication channels

Chair-Varshney fusion rule, 86

distributed detection and no channel state information, 8889

distributed detection and partial channel state information, 8788

ECG fusion rule, 8687

MRC fusion rule, 86

optimal likelihood ratio-based fusion rule, 8586

parallel fusion model, 84, 85

signal model and fusion center, sensor, 85


Nonmyopic sensor management

defined, 365

market-oriented programming, 368374

network resources policies, 365

PE, simulation test bed, 374376

stochastic dynamic programming, 366368

Nontemporal probabilistic approaches, threat analysis

Bayesian network, 310

decision trees, 309

sensitivity analysis, 311

Normalized standard error (NSE), 41

NSE, see Normalized standard error (NSE)


Object classification

algorithms, 120121

architectures, 119120

Bayesian, 256268

classifier fusion, 253256

declaration fusion process, 248

discriminative approaches, 247, 248

explicit double-counting, 251

generative approaches, 247, 248

imaging techniques, 259

implicit double-counting, 251252

information-sharing strategies, 250

legacy systems, 252

mathematical/formal integrity, 250

mixed uncertainty representations, 253

NCTR methods, 247

notional multisensor object classification process options, 248, 249

support vector machines, 247

types, data, 250

Object tracking

deterministic dynamics, 117118

nondeterministic dynamics, 118119

Observe-orient-decide-act (OODA), 7, 8

OGC, see Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)

One-time track fusion

Bar-Shalom-Campo and Speyer fusion, 129130

BML rule, see Bayesian maximum-likelihood fusion (BML) rule

calculation, cross-covariance matrix, 133134

characterization, Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model, 138

CI methods, see Covariance intersection (CI)

complementary sensor case, see Complementary sensor

constant-velocity model/small-white-noise model, 137

description, 127128

estimation error covariance, 129

fusion rules, 129

Gaussian approximation, 128

joint probability density function, 128

linear combination, 129

linear Gaussian estimation, 128

local data processor, 128

local estimation error, 128

maneuvers approaches, 139

MV fusion rule, see Minimum-variance (MV) fusion rule

optimality, 135137

Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model, 137

supplementary sensor case, see Supplementary sensor

tracklet fusion rule, 130132

zero-mean Gaussian random vector, 127

Ontological structures, distributed fusion

annotation, regions and objects, 339, 340

computer domain, 329

embargoed Port situation, 343

geographical feature ontology, 338, 339

geographical regions, 338341

GH, 330

inferring relevant repositories, 336337

information annotation and processing, 341

information integration, 328

information producers and consumers, 327, 328

interoperability and inference, 334336

net querying, 330334

ontological reasoning, 328

OWL, 330

RelevantThing, 337338

SIS, 327, 328

STO, 341, 342

types, information sources, 327

UML, 330

Ontology web language (OWL), 442443

OODA, see Observe-orient-decide-act (OODA)

Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), 353

Optimal Bayesian distributed fusion

arbitrary distributed fusion architecture, 110111

hierarchical architecture, 109110

Optimal Bayesian object classification

centralized algorithm, 258

communication, local agent, 261

comparison, fusion algorithms, 264268

DBN, 257

distributed fusion algorithm, 259260

extrapolation, high-level agent, 261262

fusion, high-level agent, 262

performance evaluation approach, 263264

probability distance measures, 263

sensor measurements, 262

simulation scenario and data generation, 263

Optimality track fusion

covariance matrix, 136

description, 135

extrapolation step, 136

Koch-Govaers fusion rule, 136

linear-Gaussian systems and off-line information, 137

local variance matrices, 136

MAP, 135

OWL, see Ontology web language (OWL)


Participatory sensing and sensor webs

DARPA, 351353

data networks, 349

information fusion community, 354

mobile sense, 349350

OGC, 353

PEIR, 350

SPS, 353

TML, 353

voluntweeters, 350351

PDA, see Probabilistic Data Association (PDA)

PE, see Performance evaluation (PE)

PEIR, see Personal Environmental Impact Report (PEIR)

Performance evaluation (PE)

comparison, sensors, 375, 376

data fusion and resource management architecture, 389390

ESM, 374375

evaluative metrics, 391, 392

MASM, 375

notional time-based, 391, 392

Pareto optimal front, 393

T&E system, 390

Personal Environmental Impact Report (PEIR), 350354

Person-by-Person optimization (PBPO) approach, 70

PHATT, see Probabilistic Hostile Agent Task Tracker (PHATT)

Plan recognition

automation, 307

dynamic process, hypotheses formulation, 304

evolution, time, 315

goal recognition, 305

HTN plan representation, 308

mental state modeling, 314

model manipulation, 315

nontemporal probabilistic approaches, 309311

perception, problems, 306

plan revision, 315

probabilistic approaches, temporal dimension, 311314

symbolic approaches, 309

Probabilistic Data Association (PDA), 357

Probabilistic Hostile Agent Task Tracker (PHATT), 313

Probability hypothesis density (PHD) filters

Chernoff information, 239240

independent sources, T2F, 226

known double-counting, 227

T2F fusion, mathematical derivations, 236

XM fusion, 229230

Process management, 382, 393


Querying technology

information producers, 331

logic-based systems, 331

MetaCarta’s technology, 331

natural language expression, 330

query ontology, 332, 333

SQL, 331


RACER, see Renamed Abox and Concept Expression Reasoner (RACER)

Renamed Abox and Concept Expression Reasoner (RACER)

inference engine, 450

scene interpretation, 443

SURV ontology, 454

Repeated track fusion

architectures, distributed tracking systems, 143

categorization, fusion rules, 144

description, 143

estimation error covariance matrices and sensors, 144

with feedback

Bar-Shalom-Campo, Speyer and CI rules, 149150

description, 148

information graphs, 148, 149

MV fusion rule, 150

normalized process noise intensity, 149

optimal distributed fusion algorithm, 150

tracklet rule, 150

without feedback

Bar-Shalom-Campo, Speyer and CI fusion rules, 145

decorrelation form, 148

and decorrelation method, 146

deterioration, distributed tracking, 148

informational transactions, 145

information graphs, processing architectures, 144

MV fusion rules, 145146

normalized process noise intensity, 147

Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model, 147

RMS, see Root mean square (RMS)

Root mean square (RMS)

classification probability error vs. object class separation, 264, 266

defined, 264

probability error vs. average number of communications, 267, 268

time vs. classification probability error, 264, 265

transition probability vs. classification probability error, 266, 267


Semantic information services (SIS), 327328


“community of interest”, 57

definitions, 53

dynamics, 56, 57

forms of ignorance, 54, 55

frame-building process, 53

problem characteristics, 54, 56

process characterization, 5759

utility-type function, 54

Sensor agents, 448449

Sensor coordination

description, 24

max-sum algorithm, 2527

target tracking, 2728

Sensor Planning Service (SPS), 353

Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC), 218

Service-oriented architecture (SOA)

distributed human-centric information fusion, 348

distributed sensors, participatory sensing, 348

GPS, 347

high-level assessments, 354359

hybrid sensing/hybrid cognition, 360361

information fusion community, 348

mobile device usage, 347

participatory sensing and sensor webs, 349354

pyramid, see Service-oriented fusion pyramid

Service-oriented fusion pyramid

composite operations, 356359

human-centric information fusion, 355

low-level operations, 355356

Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), 220

Single-target distributed fusion

Bayes filter, 202204

covariance intersection, 207209

exponential mixture fusion, 209212

independent sources, T2F, 204205

T2F, known double-counting, 206207

SIS, see Semantic information services (SIS)

Situation assessment (SA)

BN model, 272

NCW, 271

Situation theory ontology (STO), 341, 342

SLAM, see Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM)

SMC, see Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC)

SOA, see Service-oriented architecture (SOA)

SPS, see Sensor Planning Service (SPS)

SQL, see Structured query language (SQL)


communication network, 30

computational mechanism, 29

description, 28, 29

governmental and nongovernmental organizations, 29

MAS, 31

mechanism, 3334

multisensor network target tracking, 30

ROI, sensor, 34

sensor network system and communication allocation, 34, 35

sensor-net-work topology, 31

valuation function, 3132

State dynamics

dynamic transformation, 172

equivalence, conventional approach, 173174

linear discrete time state dynamic model, 172

multiple trajectory states, see Multiple trajectory states

trajectory information approach, 172173

trajectory state approach, 171

STO, see Situation theory ontology (STO)

Stochastic dynamic programming

adaptive Lagrangian relaxation, 367

approximation techniques t, 367

Bellman’s optimality principle, 366

research approach, 368

sensor measurements, 367

Stored filter, 181182

Structured query language (SQL), 331

Suboptimal Bayesian distributed fusion

Bhattacharyya fusion, 114115

channel filter fusion, 112113

Chernoff fusion, 113114

description, 111112

naïve fusion, 112

Supplementary sensor

Bar-Shalom-Campo rule, 141

BML rule, 140

conditional probability density, 140

description, 139

inter-sensor cross-covariance matrix, 140

normalized initial position standard deviation, 140, 141

normalized process noise intensity, 139, 140

process noise intensity and stationary velocity covariance, 141


Temporal probabilistic approaches, threat analysis

DBN, 311, 312

HMMs, 312

PHATT, 313

types, 311

Test and evaluation (T&E), DDIFS

ANOVA, 402405

complexities, error audit trails, 393

CTP, 401

DF&RM, 380

DNN, 380

DT&E, 384

experimental design, 381

formal experimental design and statistical analyses, 393398

fusion estimates and truth states, 388389

information fusion processes and algorithms, 404

inter-tier(tiers1and2), ANOVA, 402, 406

ISS, 383

MOPs, 382

network value chain, 386388

notion, PE tree, 389393

PE process, 382

“production prototype” program, 381

SOA, 386

software testing, 385

statistical/mathematical analysis techniques, 379

strategies, T&E, 398399

subjectively judged properties, 383, 384

two-aircraft configuration, 399, 400

two vs. six offensive sweep scenario, 399, 400

Theoretical foundation, distributed fusion

CPHD/PHD filter distributed fusion, 224230

exact T2F formulas, 230232

finite-set statistics, 212221

mathematical derivations, 234241

MTF, 200

multi-Bernoulli filters, 201

multitarget distributed fusion, 222224

Pedigree techniques, 201

single-target distributed fusion, 202212

XM implementation, 240241

XM T2F formulas, 232234

Threat analysis, distributed environments

action, event and reference point, 298299

advantages, 320

analytical challenges, 321322

capability indicators, 302

centralized and decentralized control, 319

collaboration challenges, 322

CPA, 301

data fusion model, 303304

definitions, 297298

dual perspective, 303

goal and plan recognition, 304306

impact assessment, 300

intent indicators, 302

intentionality, 299300

military operations, 315318

and network-centric operation, 322323

operational challenges, 320321

opportunity indicators, 302

plan recognition, see Plan recognition

reasoning processes, 296

TML, see Transducer Markup Language (TML)

Track association

Bar-Shalom metric, 153

Chong-Mori-Chang metric, 153154

CI metric, 153

comparison, metrics, 155156

description, 150151

expanded state metric, 154

problem definition, 151152

sensor biases and the track association, 155

Singer-Kanyuck metric, 152

Track fusion

one-time, see One-time track fusion

repeated, see Repeated track fusion

Track-to-track fusion (T2F)

CPHD filter distributed fusion, 224226

general multitarget distributed fusion, 222223

GM-PHD tracks, 231232

independent sources, 204205

known double-counting, 206207

multitarget distributed fusion, 222223

particle-PHD tracks, 232

PHD filter distributed fusion, 226

Trajectory information form equivalence, 194196

Transducer Markup Language (TML), 353

Tree network topology, channel cache

algorithm, 166

communicated terms, 166167

DDF, 166

description, 165

disjoint subsets, 166

observation and communication cache, 167

transmission, communication term, 167

Trust and reputation

effective models, 35


covariance matrix and normalized error, 40

estimated expected utility, 41

expected information content vs. NSE, 40, 41

Kalman filter encode, 40

reputation system, 39

simulation run, 40

single-dimensional trust models, 42

expected utility, contract, 3537

heterogeneous contracts, see Heterogeneous contracts

interaction partners, 3435


UAV, see Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)

UML, see Universal Modeling Language (UML)

Universal Modeling Language (UML), 330

Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), 282283


Value chain

concepts, 4849

individual nodes, 51

ISS, 50

multilayered process, 49

NCW conceptual framework, 50, 51

self-organization and self-synchronization, 6061

VEML, see Video event markup language (VEML)

VERL, see Video event representation language (VERL)

Video event markup language (VEML), 443

Video event representation language (VERL), 443

Visual sensor networks (VSNs)

camera calibration, 437438

classification, 439

communication, 437

context-based approaches, HLIF, see High-level information fusion (HLIF)

description, 436

DETER system, 440

DIF software architectures and techniques, 441

disadvantage, classical systems, 441

indoor surveillance, see Indoor surveillance, VSNs monitoring and surveillance tasks, 436

multi-agent architectures, 441

multi-agent systems, see Multi-agent systems, VSNs

object detection, 438

object tracking, 438439

process enhancement, 439

reliability and accuracy, 436437

requirements and issues, 437

scalability, 440

third-generation surveillance systems, 440

third-generation video systems, 436

VSAM, 439

VSNs, see Visual sensor networks (VSNs)


XM fusion, single-target distributed fusion

model, 210

multidimensional Gaussian distribution, 209

optimization approaches, 212

Wasserstein distance, 211

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