Chapter 10
Type 8: The Director/ Powerhouse
In This Chapter
• Live and let live? I don’t think so
• The generator: step aside, I’m energized
• Be reasonable—do it my way!
• In charge on the outside, insecure on the inside
• Sorry! I didn’t mean to step on you
Director/Powerhouses can light up a city with a drive for doing and taking action. Short on patience, what you see is what you get. The most body-instinctive type, 8s tend not to take no for an answer. If there’s an obstacle in the way, slowing down progress, call an 8 for guaranteed action.

Understanding the Type

Preferring action to inaction and driven by impulse, Director/Powerhouses have energy to burn and can’t stand to wait. No brakes, please. 8s feel easily controlled and are on the alert for that possibility. It’s all about the green light and taking charge, so as not to be taken charge of by others. If you test people the way you’d test a new car and push your agenda hard, welcome to your type. You’re an 8!
In 1859, Charles Darwin published The Origin of Species and introduced the idea that only the fittest of any species survive. He called this natural selection. 8s, with their dominant and aggressive behaviors, fit this model perfectly.
Strength is power. You do whatever it takes to be strong or at least project a strength you may not feel. You hide any weakness, for fear you’ll be taken advantage of if you don’t. If you’re tough with others and yourself, you can manage. Charles Darwin was right—life’s a struggle for survival and only the fittest prevail. You have to constantly prove, challenge, and confront.
Who’s afraid of a little conflict? Certainly not the 8! You even like conflict, if it brings out the truth. You want everything brought to the surface. Unlike the 6, who mentally challenges, you physically challenge, if needed. You live in your body and are ready to leap, pounce, jump, push, shove—whatever it takes to protect yourself and anyone important to you. You live by your instincts and are the most purely physical of all the types.
You shoot from the hip and lip and only think later, unaware of your power to affect others. You’re simply trying to get to the truth and are surprised when others are hurt by your directness. You are being more playful and excited than some people can handle. Bear cubs play rough!
You pull your own weight—so should everyone else! You don’t like insecurity, doubt, fear, and weakness of any kind. Open on one hand, guarded on another, you usually are generous when people are straight with you and particularly need help, but dismissive and confrontational if people are shirking or taking advantage of you.

Positive Traits of the Type

Delayed gratification? No way! You work hard at what needs to be done and don’t want to wait for your pleasure or reward. Your energy knows no limits—neither do your plans, dreams, and schemes. You deserve all the good things in life. After all, your hard work makes them happen. Subtlety is not a game you play. There’s nothing hidden. With 8s, what you see is what you get.
Why put things off? You inspire others. You’re not a talker, but a doer. Action makes it happen. Geared for action and focused on results, you don’t let anything get in your way.
You are generous. When someone is down and out, you’ll give anything to help. You protect the vulnerable and fight for justice and freedom. You watch out for bullies and face them. You’re the one who speaks up in the boardroom or office meeting, and your honesty is either a breath of fresh air or a hurricane flattening everyone in its path. With you, there’s no middle ground. Hurricanes can create urban renewal!
Famous 8s include Martin Luther King, Jr., Donald Trump, Rosie O’Donnell, Geraldo Rivera, Rosanne Barr, Danny DeVito, Muhammad Ali, Barbara Walters, George Patton, Winston Churchill, Richard Burton, John Wayne, Johnny Cash, and Debra Winger.
You are independent, trusting your decisions. You don’t need approval before acting. Self-motivated, you accept that life is tough and you’re ready, either alone or on a team, to withstand an enemy, troubles, or storms.
Your humor tends toward the bawdy and you appreciate the rawness of life. A good stout ale, a long and full-out walk in the snow-filled woods, raising a houseful of kids, or raising cane. You’re okay with the basics of life and not afraid to talk about them—food, sex, elimination, going for what you want. Euphemisms are affectations. You call a spade a spade (or maybe a shovel).
In a nutshell, positive traits of the type 8 include …
• Being direct and clear.
• Trusting your instincts.
• An ability to lead and inspire others.
• Passion and energy.
• Being in charge of your life.
• Your ability to face conflict and challenge.

Embracing Your Spiritual Side

Your spirituality is appreciating that which gives life. You don’t back off from life and you appreciate and use what you’ve been given. Some people ask God for guidance.
You do too, but you also realize it’s up to you to do the work. You can surrender to a higher force, but barring a bad connection, you realize that higher force is within you. Most 8s do too much alone. Developed 8s work with others to accomplish their goals.
8s’ spiritual growth is to feel part of the whole, instead of controlling the whole. You tend not to trust the flow of events and rather push the timing of things. More allowance, more tolerance, and awareness of limitations will greatly help in your evolutionary process. When developed you are a model to guide the world to what is good. You protect those who would be misled or hurt by others.

The Dark Side

When you are sad or afraid or stressed or guilty, it’s likely to come out as anger. Anger is easy for you to feel and put across, an expression of not getting what you want, feeling held back, or being misunderstood. Anger is relieved when you express it or get what you want.
Others can be intimidated by your anger, which blows over more easily for you than for them. Others will remember the intimidation and control they felt when you unloaded your demands or fury. Best to watch this!
Instead of trusting to a natural unfolding of events and believing people will support you and accept you, you tend to overprotect and control—just in case! You tend to feel it’s better to take charge and make the first move than to be on the receiving end. You sometimes think the worst in regard to people’s motivations, yet you’re open to the good when you see it.
Your recklessness can get you into trouble, and you may need to apologize when the consequences of your rapid actions don’t pan out the way you’d intended. You tend to leap instead of treading lightly. It’s best to wait until the time is right or take things in stages. Float some ideas first, get some feedback, and think about the future before acting.
You tend to rebel. You are the bad boy/bad girl of the Enneagram and don’t like to follow rules, though you can demand that others follow yours. You want fairness but can treat others unfairly if you’re upset. You can stick a firecracker in the mud and light it, just to see how big a hole it will make!
Excess is an interesting trait of 8s. You may drive too fast, drink too much, overeat, or party till dawn when you want no stops and fast action. You have a hard time with limits and see no need for them, unless you develop enough to value them. Should others try to set limits for you, look out!
Worst traits of the type include these foibles:
• Uncontrolled anger and bluntness
• Lack of impulse control
• Not following the rules you make for others
• Taking charge when others need to lead
• Taking action when waiting is required

Stress Type

The Stress type of 8 is 5, the Observer/Thinker. When things go bad, you hurt and go into retreat to lick your wounds. It’s hard for you to talk about your pain. You become more private and struggle to share what is happening and what you want, including your vulnerability. Your physical energy lessens and you read, brood, or stay hurt. Typically, you wait for the feelings to subside and then reemerge. Notice if you are retreating too much and get help.
The positive side of 5 can be developed, too—be more objective, study the situation more thoroughly, wait till the timing is right, and be less outspoken. Keep developing the 5 to be detached, more thorough in your thinking, and less impulsive. Objectivity and seeing others’ positions puts a stop on heavy on the pedal action.


You are decisive, often to the extreme. You trust your first impulse, partially to avoid any wavering thoughts or feelings. You don’t like the slightest edge of ambivalence. You thrive on black or white, strong or weak, right or wrong. Any decision is better than no decision! Watching time pass without a decision is a real stressor. Inaction would suit you well, at times, so that decisions are thought through.
8s often decide for others, which obviously can cause conflict. Waiting or being inconvenienced by others is not in your game plan, so you’ll speed things along, running over the slower or indecisive types in the process. You don’t know what is best for others, and you’ll either get resistance or anger projected toward you if you control or dominate. Try the velvet glove approach. Give decision-making support or nudge others in your direction.
Decision-making is what life is about. I make my best decisions from pure intuition.
—Bill, 48

Picking the 8s Out of the Crowd

8s are one of the easier types to spot. 8s are strong, opinionated, sometimes jovial, and can use language that tends to startle or bypass the norms. You don’t mind some reactions. Your energy is bigger than most people’s and you easily slip into take-charge mode. Some 8s, however, have a softer tone, are more introverted, and only speak when it’s necessary.

Nonverbal Cues

8s can show their independence in dress, actions, or beliefs. 8s are not hiding or trying to create an image to impress. It’s more of a take-it-or-leave-it attitude. 8s can speak bluntly and might not realize how others will be affected. Practical jokes are fine with 8s, particularly if the 8 is the initiator! Other nonverbal cues:
• 8s can handle challenge and confrontation.
• 8s have a commanding presence.
• 8s do what they do full tilt—they play hard, work hard, and go after what they want 100 percent.
• 8s often are strong with big builds—strong chests and shoulders.
• 8s often enjoy a good belly laugh.

Verbal Cues

8s love to talk about subjects most people don’t touch—sex, politics, and religion—and are willing to disagree with others. Sometimes you challenge just to test. Not much is forbidden, if it gets a rise or the truth out of people. You like language that affects.
• 8s are more than happy to complain to a manager or owner.
• 8s have a hard time filtering what they say.
• 8s share opinions as facts.
• 8s can say “no” easily.
• 8s talk in a strong or aggressive tone but also can have a teddy-bear heart.
• 8s use aggressive words such as “kill, destroy, demolish, slap, choke, push.” Curse words are not unusual!

Maturity Within Type

A developed 8 is inspirational. Martin Luther King, Jr., a natural leader, led by example—sharing and encouraging the leadership and bravery of others. Not everything had to be his way. He kept a higher and more mature vision for others to follow. A developed 8 is direct, yet compassionate; self-aware, yet generous; strong, yet open to the comments of others. Inclusive, kind, and grounded on solid principles, 8s are the top of the line, when developed.
Most 8s are strong, but if this is your type, you may overprotect your weaknesses. Needing at times to dominate others and feel a sense of ego, you might not realize you’re making some enemies along the way. You may miss out on the beauty and value of your own sensitivities and seeing your own subtler strengths and those of others. Still seeing the world from power plays and stand-offs, instead of cooperation and power-sharing, most 8s miss out on support, on bonding through vulnerability, and having a good blend of strength and openness.
Undeveloped 8s are bullies. They have to win at all costs and are insensitive to the hurts and needs of others. Protecting their insecurities is their main focus. They’re always on guard, projecting that others are trying to dominate them. If someone invades their turf, or they think someone is challenging them, revenge is swift.
In the political tyrant arena, undeveloped 8s include Henry VIII, Saddam Hussein, Idi Amin, Benito Mussolini, and Attila the Hun. More positive 8 leaders include Winston Churchill, Rudy Giuliani, Geronimo, Mikhail Gorbachev, Lyndon Johnson, Jesse Jackson, and Indira Gandhi.

Type 8 Childhood

8 children fight back if they are bullied or controlled. Whether parents, teachers, or peers are the source of their distress, 8 kids are on guard to protect themselves and others. 8s lead and are the rallying point for friends, protecting them. They expect allegiance and are hurt or angry if one of their people pulls away from them. Leadership gives them a role and they like it. 8 children don’t like adults telling them what to do when it makes no sense. They can’t wait to grow up and be on their own. 8s decide what they want to do, do it, and steel their defenses if their parents resist or punish them. If there’s strife, running away is an option. Otherwise, they can enjoy childhood and have opportunities to develop their interests. If 8 children are supported, childhood is a blast with fun and challenges to absorb their energy.
8 kids are a challenge for others, as they can be loud and overly independent. They go after what they want, or think they want, and don’t look for feedback. Others may admire their strength and spirit. Sometimes 8s will be oppositional just to prove a point. If they trust others’ intentions, there is less to rebel against.

Type 8 Parents

As an 8 parent, you can be too strong and definite. You sound out your commands and lack patience. Be less dictatorial and controlling, and your children will both trust you more and be more responsive to you. Be careful not to instill fear in your children by cutting off options, barking, or being too demanding. Make sure your children have opportunities to speak their opinions and wants and try not to decide for them, unless necessary. Support their independence.
You are a protective parent and will do anything for your children. You are protective of others’ kids, too, and watch out for danger. You teach your children to be strong and independent, as well as generous, particularly with people who genuinely need help. When you are happy, you model laughter, that the world is your showboat, and that you can do anything you want.
If you are too controlling with your children or bully them, they can grow up to avoid you or hate you. It’s so important to be more moderate, even tender with many kids.
You are an inspiring model for living a self-directed life without fear, but you don’t always know what is right. Be patient, process before any quick actions, and let your children have their own pace. Your own is so quick, it can overwhelm children, even more than it does adults. Remind yourself to constantly slow it down if necessary. Develop yourself and you’ll find the right balance between being yourself and growing as a parent. Be open to feedback from your children and be willing to apologize.

What the 8 Thinks About

You think a lot about protection, control, who has the power, who’s a jerk, who’s trustworthy, and what actions need to be taken. You think about what you want and how to get there. Occasionally you feel guilty for overstepping your bounds. You look at scenarios on how to influence and effect the changes you want. You think about your fears and go right back to solutions. You think about how to be strong.
What else your type thinks about:
• I wish I hadn’t blurted that out.
• How could someone not know what they want?
• I wish I could stop eating.
• God, they are slow.
• This is the quick and right solution.
What 8 adults wish they could say:
• I apologize for what I said. I spoke too hastily.
• That’s fine. Your way is as good as mine. There really isn’t one right way.
• Let me slow down when I eat and stop before I’m full.
• I’m really not feeling as brave as I sound. I’m actually not sure what the right thing to do might be.
• Let me hear their side. Let’s find a compromise here.


Relationships are important to you and also a bit scary. You like people and can be loyal, but you hate that relationships bring up fears and insecurities and you struggle with differences between people. You wish people could see things your way and don’t understand why they can’t. You wonder why others are being stubborn and don’t see that the stubborn one is you!
My 8ness led to the demise of my closest friendship. I was self-absorbed, not focusing on her. I talked about me too much. I was waiting for her to be more assertive.
—Toby, 61
You think there is a right way to end this conflict and you convince and convince, yet don’t see your need to compromise. Recognizing the validity of different approaches is essential for your relationship health and protecting against others withdrawing from your one-sided views. Best to take a course of negotiation and communication. Yet, when you feel good, and if someone has a good position or desire, and it makes sense, you go for it immediately. Why waste time thinking about it?
You really struggle when others are withdrawn, indirect, or manipulative, and you’ll hound them until they speak straight. Realize there are many forces that encourage indirectness, hinting, and roundabout ways of communication that may cause challenge and conflict. There are valid reasons why others choose a less direct route than you do.
You are wonderful in relationship, as you are full of life, create all manner of positive things in the world, and don’t accept excuses for why things can’t happen or change. You challenge your partners to act, be courageous, and don’t take no for an answer. You support a can-do spirit and don’t like whining, helplessness, or depression.

Tough Lessons

You are powerful, yet hide your feelings of powerlessness even from yourself. You don’t realize that insecurity and doubt and mixed feelings are natural and have a place. Too-quick action can cause blunders and corrections and bad relationships, actually slowing down positive change. You make things happen too much from pushing and pure effort and daunting relentlessness, yet don’t know the power of letting go, creating alliances, and that things sometimes need to build from a natural pace.
People give into you, sometimes, because they are afraid or overwhelmed by your demand or drive or it’s just too much effort to fight you. You bank on that, but why have a fighting stance in the first place? Why not focus on cooperation as much as contention?
Sometimes you don’t know what you want. What really is your deeper desire or truth? Are you doing and fulfilling what you need? You may fight the good fight, but make sure it’s a fight you want good outcomes from. Fighting adrenalizes the system and gives a boost, but is it the energy you are looking for or the result? Don’t stop at your first impulse; keep exploring what you personally want!
You are as insecure and afraid as the next person. Why spend so much time hiding it? It takes more effort. Sure, some people will reject your feelings, but it’s more likely people will see your softer side and like it. They will trust you more and you can relax and not have to be so much in control.
Be open to different ways and options that others may reveal to you. Go with what works more than having to win, control, or be right. Who cares who’s right, when everyone can win? A little compromise can go a long way.

Growth Type

The Growth type of 8 is 2, the Giver/Cheerleader. You are already giving, but this move to the high side of 2 deepens your caring and sensitivity to all people. You see that others are vulnerable and searching, and your heart reaches out to more people. You see past the defenses of manipulation, indirectness, and surface explanations and see that all humanity is suffering. Your heart stretches and connects and your gifts are generous and personal and touch those in need. You are nothing short of magnanimous when you are open and connected. You become personal, let go of the need for power, and are safe to be with.
Your power supports your giving. You see the crooks and the greedy forces that limit giving to those in real need and so you do what you can to oil the conduits and speak the truth, so that the wheels move in the right direction. You understand that even the greedy ones are needy, deep down.
The Buddhist philosophy that all life is suffering is hard for an 8 to accept. 8s think anything can be fixed with will. Yet suffering occurs and 8s need to accept their own suffering, which is part of the human experience.
You fight injustice and the bad in the world, as you develop and use your power wisely. First you lock up the takers and the criminals and then do your best to help them, misguided as they are.

Creativity and Development

You create from pure will. You make things happen and generally accomplish whatever you set out to do. In your own growth balance, you network to create a better world, help others, right wrongs, and serve as an inspiration. Develop your creative side for relaxation, aesthetic pleasure, and for your nurturing. Make sure you have time to draw, paint, sing, or whatever pleases your fancy. 8s can be great at sports, trusting their bodies to guide them. Martial arts, challenging sports such as racing, football, hockey, and basketball are filled with 8s, driven to excel and use their bodies as creative works of expression.

Work and Career

8s are movers and shakers at work. Often in charge of others, you prefer jobs with quick turnarounds and quick results. You hate ambivalence. Long-range outcomes, detailed strategic plans, endless meetings, and fruitless conversations are difficult. Let’s be honest, they are torture! You hate being the follower and don’t like micro-management one iota, unless you are the manager. You’ll leave people alone, if they get the job done, unless you are a major control 8 and then you can’t lay off telling people how to do it right. You value independence, yet struggle with supporting it in others if your beliefs and theirs cross in ways that interfere with business.
One 8 has written several books on advocating for a 30-hour workweek, using solar power, economic equality, protecting the wilderness, and understanding personality types based on the periodic chemistry table!
You do well in outdoor ventures and tend to own, manage, or work in companies related to this—construction, landscaping, firefighting, sports, logging, coaching football, running a moving company, or commercial fishing. You’re drawn to danger and may put yourself in harm’s way in your profession. You like the intensity of facing life head on.


You are a natural leader. Slowpokes, stalling, and underhanded tactics directed against you have no place in your world. Rules are meant to be broken, unless they are your rules. You like clear definitions, to-the-point conversations, and clarity around differences. You are known for rash actions, many of which work, at least in the short run! You might create enemies along the way though, which could slow down your projects. Best to balance, by teaming up with other power players. You’re honest, yet can deceive (tell only your side of the truth and exaggerate it) to win, particularly if confronted with perceived enemies.
Often CEOs or managers, you build conglomerates and have a bit of the tycoon in you. You are found in the military, police, and other establishments, directing traffic and giving the orders. You quit jobs that irritate you too much or are happy to tell off the boss. If you are the boss, you don’t mind some confrontation, as long as your authority is respected. You prefer to know what’s up! Donald Trump is an excellent 8 example. Winning is fun and firing those who don’t produce is fun, too! No slackers here.
In leadership positions, it’s best to include others in decisions, and be concerned about how you engage in conflicts. You’ll be followed more readily if you do!

Digging Deeper into the Type

8s can show up in many versions. The 8 with the 7 wing is more stereotypical of how many people imagine 8s—strong, loud, and direct. The 8 with the 9 wing is softer and usually more introverted, though with strong reserved energy. Maturity levels in 8s create major differences in this type. 8s often get feedback that causes them to hold back their directness and be more other-centered. You could easily mistype those quieter 8s for other types. Let’s look at the variations.


There are two wings for 8: the 8 with a 7 wing (8/7) and the 8 with a 9 wing (8/9):
8/7: The Power Energizer. This is the most dynamic of all the wing types. With energy to burn, the 8/7 is direct and also geared to fun, play, and adventure. You need projects, exercise, and ventures just to bleed off some energy. You tend to be impulsive, fast, and love to be in charge. You can’t help it! Downside? With all that energy, mischief and conflict are sure to follow.
8/9: The Bull Moose. This wing is softer in tone. Ready to be strong when needed, you are more reserved. You enjoy some downtime and quiet time, and you measure out your energy in doses. You are geared toward truth but also require some peace. You engage less in conflict but take on challenges easily. You like to lead but are more collaborative and surrendering than the 8/7.
Downside? You can go back and forth between strength and ease. This might be hard for some people to read.

Instinctual Subtypes

There are three Instinctual subtypes for the 8:
Self-Preservation subtype: The Territorial Defender. You guard your home and castle; supply it with all the necessities, including emergency supplies, and invite people to share what you’ve earned, though you don’t allow anyone to take advantage of you. You fought hard for your security and you fortify your surroundings in case an enemy intrudes. You are generous to those who respect your boundaries. You have adequate supplies of food, drink, and comforts, and either rough subsistence-type living or surroundings of more wealth suit your style. Downside? Protection could take up too much of your energy.
A female Social subtype 8 was offered a proposal in marriage by a Type 5 male. She said yes, but only if he were okay if a friend in need, even in the middle of the night, would take precedence over everything, including him. Being a 5, he said, “Fine. I like some alone time!”
Social subtype: The Friendship Connection. You have a group of loyal friends you have nurtured over time and will do anything to keep your group together. You test, but deliver your loyalty and bond. You corral social gatherings for your special flock with lots of laughter, food, and good times. You are there for your friends as much as you are for your mate. Downside? If you are a social 8’s mate, be prepared for friends invading your home on a regular basis or your mate being out regularly with a bunch of buddies.
Sexual subtype: Control and Connect. You are driven to both control and connect deeply to your mate or chosen partner. You want to know everything there is to know about your pursued mate, but you expect complete loyalty and devotion. You can be possessive and jealous and are prone to fighting and great sex afterward! You give attention, yet might not listen to the subtle cues of what your partner is looking for. Downside? As an 8 mate, are you up for such intensity and expectations?
The Least You Need to Know
• 8s fight for justice.
• 8s are the strongest-appearing type on the Enneagram, yet have a soft, vulnerable side within.
• 8s are the natural leaders of the Enneagram. You champion causes, fight for the underdog, and take on—with relish—whatever challenges come your way.
• 8s don’t ask for permission to act.
• 8s are highly independent and tend to dominate the situation you’re in, along with the people involved.
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