Appendix A
affirmations Positive statements or judgments; something declared to be true. Affirmations offer us a method to affirm the future, in order to create that future.
archetype A prototype, the original model or pattern from which all other things of the same type are made. See also mother archetype.
Body types Sometimes called Gut types, these are Types 1, 8, and 9. These tend to be more basic, with no frills—things are what they are. Body types perceive life from body instinct, preferring a direct form of expression and honesty in love.
centering A way to connect to yourself, to go inside, to feel grounded, clear, and unscattered. People often center with practices such as breathing techniques, visualization, and meditation. Simply closing the eyes and connecting more to your individual, higher, or universal self, removed from day-to-day problems.
centers A grouping of three different concentrations, each containing three types. Each center perceives reality, first and foremost, through a similar focus of attention, different from the other 2. These centers are Body or Gut types 1, 8, and 9; Image or Heart types 2, 3, and 4; and Head types 5, 6, and 7.
counterphobic Subcategory of Type 6. The tendency to challenge real or imagined fears. Attacking the fear creates a surge of feeling more secure.
defense mechanisms In psychoanalytic theory, an often unconscious mental process (such as repression, projection, denial) making possible compromise solutions to personal problems or conflicts. The compromise generally involves concealing, from oneself, internal drives or feelings that threaten to lower self-esteem or provoke anxiety.
developmental levels The three levels of maturity within each type. These are a developed version, average or “most of the type” version, and an undeveloped version. Type descriptions change, depending on a person’s level of development. These levels can shift, due to stress or growth.
Enneagram A theory of personality types, the Enneagram describes nine core types, each of which has a filter or lens that deeply flavors one perspective over the others. The lens is both an amazing strength and an amazing limitation.
Growth type A specific type, based on your core type, whose best traits you take on, when you are growing beyond the limitations of your core type.
Gut types See Body types.
Head types Types 5, 6, and 7, perceive life from the mind (mental representation) and like to plan, think, and understand before they act. Cogito ergo sum. I think; therefore, I am.
Heart types See Image types.
Image types Sometimes called Heart types, these are Types 2, 3, and 4. Image types perceive the world from an image they create and project. They want to be seen from that perspective and be rewarded for what they can produce from that projected image.
imprint To create a strong impression; to imitate or take on the qualities of another living entity.
Instinctual subtype A subcategory of three different types within each Enneagram type, each of which correlates to one of three basic survival instincts. Each subtype, with its own unique name and description, is generally more prevalent and a lifetime concern and stress area in a person’s life. There are 27 separate Enneagram subtype descriptions in the Enneagram, three for each type.
integration The organization of the psychological or social traits and tendencies of a personality into a harmonious whole.
mother archetype An archetype that encompasses all the virtues and vices of motherhood.
passive-aggressive Refers to behaviors that are anger-based and that come out in passive, resistant, or indirect ways such as avoidance, withdrawal, delay, or forgetfulness, and expressions such as negative comments, criticism, or negative comparisons.
phobic Subcategory of Type 6. The tendency to suffer from irrational fears.
positive stress Stress that enhances life and keeps life exciting. The thrill of a roller-coaster ride, a fun challenge, a promotion, or getting married—all are examples of positive stress.
projection A defense mechanism by which your own traits and emotions are attributed to someone else.
reformer Someone who wishes to reform something; to change a system to improve it. Reformers improve their environments and overcome moral adversity to make the world a better place.
Self-Preservation subtypes These focus more on issues and concerns regarding basic, personal survival. These issues are related to security, protection, food, the home, comfort, money, planning for the future, and health.
Sexual subtypes These focus on issues relating to the mating instinct and are obsessed and often stressed about sex, romance, relationships, love, rejection, jealousy, and commitment.
shamanism A belief and practice in the existence of spirits and the mediation between the visible and spirit worlds. Can also include the spirits of living objects—trees, plants and animals, as well as inanimate objects, such as rocks. It is also the belief that the vital principle of organic development is immaterial spirit.
Social subtypes These relate to the herd instinct and focus more on issues of social rank, position, prestige, social recognition, causes, group or community inclusion or exclusion, and group or social acknowledgment or appreciation.
Stress type A specific type, other than your core type, whose worst traits you take on when you are undergoing sustained stress.
Sufism A system of mysticism within Islam.
type One of the nine categories of Enneagram personalities.
typing The process of determining the core type of a person.
wing Refers to the two type numbers on either side of your core type. For instance, a Type 2’s wings would be 1 and 3. Wings flavor the way you exist in your core type. Most people have a strong wing. Though less important than your core type, the strong wing has type characteristics that mix as a second strong feature of your core type. A 2 with a 1 wing has a different day-to-day type focus than a 2 with a 3 wing.
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