People are fascinated by personality differences and personality typing systems. Why are you and I so different? What makes you tick? Who am I? Why is it so hard to change? Why am I attracted to a certain personality type, even when it’s such a challenge?
The Enneagram, a system that explains nine personality types, is such an accurate predictor of personality, motivation, and behaviors that people who discover it often feel they are having a psychic reading. They’ll ask, “How can you know me so well? How can you figure me out and describe me so accurately? Why do you accept me, even with all my baggage?” The answer is the Enneagram. Understanding and relating are so much easier when you understand someone’s motivations.
The Enneagram explains personality in a fun and understandable way. It also challenges you, as it hits on your strengths and weaknesses. It explains why you are attracted to certain people and experiences. It also explains why you hide parts of yourself and avoid certain other experiences. In this book, you’ll have an opportunity to explore yourself in depth.
As we highlight the unique qualities and psychological underpinnings of each of the Enneagram’s nine personality types, you’ll also discover your own! You’ll learn strategies for relating well to each personality style and also what actions to take to grow within and beyond your own type.
You’ll explore how the types show up in everyday life, at work, and in all your relationships. You’ll see how to heal past relationships and learn many new avenues for interacting with each type—whether friends, relatives, lovers, partners, or bosses. Welcome to the power of the Enneagram! Bon voyage!

How to Use This Book

This book is a beginner’s course in understanding the Enneagram. As you read, you’ll gain an understanding of the nine unique personality styles that form the basis of the Enneagram system and learn how to use this knowledge to greatly enhance your life.
Part 1, “The Enneagram: Its History and Benefits,” introduces the system, defines basic Enneagram language, references its history, and explains, through real-life examples, the practical benefits of the Enneagram for your personal and professional life.
Part 2, “The Enneagram Types,” goes into depth about each type’s characteristics and introduces subtypes—positive traits, limiting traits, type traits in childhood and parenting, in growth and relationships, and in decision-making and leadership.
Part 3, “What’s Your Enneagram Type and Others’ Types?” explains the process of typing and provides accurate and respectful ways to type yourself and others. You’ll learn how family and culture have influenced your type.
Part 4, “How to Apply the Enneagram,” focuses on the practical use of the Enneagram in your life, regarding personal growth, romance and relationships, friends and family, and work and career.


Throughout each chapter, you’ll find tidbits of information that will help your understanding of the Enneagram.
You’ll want to check out these cautions, concerns, and corrections regarding the types.
Here you’ll find important tips and advice to enhance your understanding of the Enneagram.
These are definitions and explanations of Enneagram or related language.
Check these out for information, personal stories, and real-life quotes from each type.


I want to acknowledge my personal editor and co-writer, Karen Brees, who spruced up my writing in amazing ways. As I read her rewrites, her creative use of language constantly delighted me. We had a blast writing this book together and getting to know each other through daily e-mails.
I want to thank Paul Dinas, acquisitions editor, who answered innumerable questions regarding this project; and also Lynn Northrup, development editor, who did likewise. I wouldn’t have written this book without my literary agent, Andrea Hurst, who asked if I were interested. I said yes, without a moment’s hesitation. Thank you.
I am very grateful to Melanie Joy, a dear friend who contributed many hours of support, encouragement, brainstorming, ideas, feedback, and discussion about the types. I want to thank Joy Hartwell for her insights; John O’Leary, my Enneagram discussion partner and occasional co-teacher; Walter Ness, Annette Brubaker, Theo and Katja Swartz, Karin Stephan, Ken Jenkins, Cory McCarthy, Rick Charnes, Sheryl Lawrence, Lee Anne Klemyk, Erik Williams, Maureen McConnell, Evan Gorman, Evan Mulvaney, Loretta Betts, Betty and Maryjane Corgnati, Deb Harrison, Jane Laroque, Arnie Rosen, Matt Pallaver, and Donna Cognac for their ideas and interviews; and the many other students and friends I interviewed, who gave me ideas and well wishes.
Thanks to the countless clients, Enneagram students, and workshop attendees, over the last 16 plus years, who contributed greatly to my Enneagram knowledge, enjoyment, and growth. I’ve loved every second and wouldn’t have been able to write this book, without those experiences that enriched my life and my practice.
Helen Palmer and David Daniels, with whom I trained to become an Enneagram teacher, deserve special recognition. Their teacher training and subsequent workshops, along with Helen’s books, have provided guidance for me throughout the years.
Along those same lines, Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson’s training, workshops, and books have been extremely beneficial for both my personal and Enneagram growth. Riso, Hudson, Palmer, and Daniels have contributed immeasurably to developing psychological understanding of the types.
Thanks also to Ruth Duffy and Virginia Sampson, both spiritual directors and my first Enneagram teachers at Campion Renewal Center in Weston, Massachusetts; and Barbara Hastings, a student of Helen Palmer and one of my first Enneagram teachers.
I’m indebted to all those throughout history who developed typing systems, particularly those related to the Enneagram. Among them, George Gurdgieff, Oscar Ichazo, and Claudio Naranjo, who developed much of the original ideas and early writing on the Enneagram.
And lastly, I want to thank my mother, Daisy Pearce, who has so deeply contributed to my life. Both Type 9s, we have had a fairly easy road together. She has been one of my Enneagram students! I also thank my father, David Pearce, my brother, Stephen Pearce, and my sister, Pamela Pearce.


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