© Raul Estrada and Isaac Ruiz 2016

Raul Estrada and Isaac Ruiz, Big Data SMACK, 10.1007/978-1-4842-2175-4_4

4. The Model: Akka

Raul Estrada and Isaac Ruiz1

(1)Mexico City, Mexico

Welcome to the chapter on the SMACK stack model . The A stands for Akka. If the previous chapter’s objective was to develop functional thinking, this chapter’s objective is to develop actor model thinking.

The chapter on Scala was focused on moving your mind from a structured programming paradigm to functional programming thinking. This chapter shifts from the object-oriented paradigm to actors-based programming.

This chapter has three parts:

  • Actor model

  • Actor communication

  • Actor lifecycle

The actor model is fundamental to understanding the SMACK operation. So, by the end of this chapter, we hope that you can model in terms of actors.

The Actor Model

The Sámi people were the first to inhabit northern Scandinavia. Until the Middle Age, its culture and way of life (fishing, hunting, and trading) dominated the north of Sweden, Norway, Finland, and the Kola Peninsula in Russia. In Sámi mythology, the goddess Akka represented beauty and goodness in the world. According to Sámi people, Akka’s representation on Earth is a beautiful mountain in Laponia, located in northern Sweden.

In the platform’s context, the letters A and K stand for actor kernel. It is for this reason that the platform is called Akka and its symbol is the Akka mountain (see Figure 4-1).

Figure 4-1. The original and modern Akka logos, representing the Akka mountain

The actor model is a mathematical model developed by Carl Hewitt, Peter Bishop, and Richard Steiger at MIT in 1973 and presented in a paper called “A Universal Modular Actor Formalism for Artificial Intelligence”.1

So, you may argue that if the actor model is more than 40 years old, why have we been dealing with another paradigm all of this time? The answer is not simple. When the actor model was developed, hardware (and memory) was very expensive. Today, it’s just the opposite: hardware is dirt cheap and programmers are expensive.

To land this idea, consider computer science history. If hardware is very expensive, then to program, you have to optimize and deal with low-level concepts and implementations related to the hardware. So you have to think in terms of interruptions, assembly language, and pointers to (physical) memory locations.

As programming language has a higher level, we can ignore the details related to hardware and start talking in terms that have nothing to do with implementation but with abstraction. Think in concepts as a recursive call, or function composition, which is hard to do if you have to deal with low-level hardware implementations.

Threads and Labyrinths

Between 1980 and 2003, we experienced the rise and dominance of object-oriented languages. These years were the dark ages of functional programming. Functional languages were spoken only in academic and scientific environments, barely related to industry.

An interesting problem arose with object-oriented programming: the implementation of concurrency and parallelism. These two concepts are the Achilles’ heel of structured and object-oriented programming. Imagine an implementation of threads in C ++ or Java; complexity is vast and proneness to error is very large.

Concurrency is not easy; making more than one thing with a program is related to dealing with race conditions, semaphores, mutexes, locks, shared data, and all the stuff related to multithreading. This includes basic issues to determine precisely what a program with several threads is doing, or when a variable is being accessed from multiple threads, or what its value is at a given point in time, or how to know if there are two threads in standby, and if this condition is going to release them (and when) or if it is a deadlock. Unfortunately, thread-based concurrency gives more challenges than solutions.

Today there is a lot of technical debt in the proprietary thread implementations of concurrency issues. No one wants to touch huge systems because the code is complex and the chances of a change breaking everything are very high.

In this context, functional programming experienced rebirth. With the release of Scala in 2003, F# in 2005, Clojure in 2007, and Elixir in 2012, the actor model approach was declared the winner in solving concurrency issues.

Actors 101

Actors are objects. An actor is an object that sends and receives messages. According to the actor specification, the order of the received messages is not relevant; but in Akka, there is an implementation called a mailbox, which is a stack where messages are consumed.

What the actor does with a received message depends on how you solve a specific problem. The actor could handle the message internally, it could send a message to another actor, it could create another actor, or it could take an action with the message. An Akka actor is a high-level abstraction.

The following are the main comparison points between OOP and actors:

  • Unit. In OOP, the smallest processing unit is the object; in the actor model, it is the actor. We already know that in Akka, the actors are objects but an actor is a more bounded representation of reality than an object.

  • Encapsulation. In both models, the smallest processing unit encapsulates state and behavior. In OOP, the state is determined by the value of the attributes in a given time, and behavior is ruled by the class methods. In the actor model, the state is determined by the messages; if there are no messages in the mailbox, the actor will wait indefinitely for messages.

  • Access. In OOP, executing object methods from outside of the object is allowed (but not recommended), as well as access and modify object fields from outside of the object. In the actor model, access to the actor's methods or fields is strictly prohibited; all the communication must be done through messages.

  • Globals. In OOP, for example, there is the Singleton pattern, which is a class with a single instance. Global variables and class variables exist, but they are discouraged. In the actor model, global variables don’t exist. A shared global state doesn’t exist either.

  • Messages. In OOP, the messages between Objects could be mutable. In the actor model, the messages between actors are strictly immutable.

  • Exceptions. In OOP exists the traditional and well-known try-catch approach, which is the most complex way to handle exceptions because you have to manage all the possible values of the variables involved. In the actor model, the “let it crash” approach exists; if something fails, let it fail. The exception scenario could affect only the actor involved, not the complete environment.

  • Concurrency and parallelism. In OPP, the most used approach is the thread model, which is a complex solution to the problem. In the actor model, you don’t have to worry about concurrency and parallelism, because if everything follows the actor convention, there is no problem with parallelism.

The following are the Lightbend recommendations for the actor model:

  • Think of actors as employees. Think of each actor model as a company.

  • Think of the actor’s siblings as people in the same hierarchical level.

  • Think of the actor’s children as the employee's subordinates.

  • An actor has one (and only one) supervisor—the actor who created it.

  • Actor model success is the delegation to subordinates.

The Akka implementation of the actor model has these peculiarities:

  • When you create an actor, Akka provides an ActorRef.

  • Actors run in real Java threads. Some actors could share the same thread.

  • There are three mailbox types: Unbounded, Bounded, and Priority.

  • Actors can scan their mailboxes to look for specific messages.

  • There is a “dead letter” mailbox with all the actors’ terminated messages.

The Lightbend Reactive Platform ( www.lightbend.com ) is a family of five members, described as follows:

  • Scala: The programming language. The Reactive Platform fully supports both Java and Scala, so you can choose what is best for you.

  • Akka: Message-driven runtime. At the center of the Reactive Platform is Akka, a message-driven middleware or runtime with Scala and Java APIs.

  • Spark: Apache Spark, which is written in Scala and Akka, is a fast data engine to fuel Reactive applications.

  • Lagom: Reactive microservices framework. An opinionated framework for building web microservices.

  • Play: Just-hit-reload web framework. The Play Framework is the just-hit-reload web development framework with Scala and Java APIs.

We have always said that Apache Spark is the Scala “killer app.”

In this book, we only cover Scala, Akka, and Spark, but if you are an enthusiastic web service developer or web developer, don’t pass on the opportunity to explore Lagom and Play, respectively, more deeply.

Installing Akka

Well, enough theory , let's get our feet wet.

The first thing you have to do is go to http://akka.io/downloads/ , as shown in Figure 4-2.

Figure 4-2. The Akka download page

Then download the Lightbend Activator according to your platform and operating system. Lightbend is the company behind Akka; it builds and maintains the Akka message-driven runtime. Follow the installation instructions from the web page.

After downloading and extracting the package, go to the directory (in this example, we use version 1.3.10):

%> cd activator-dist-1.3.10/bin

Then, execute the activator shell:

%> activator ui

Now go to . You'll see a web page like the one shown in Figure 4-3.

Figure 4-3. Lightbend Activator main page

Now select the Hello Akka! application and click the “Create app” button, as shown in Figure 4-4.

Figure 4-4. Creating an Akka application from a template

Now open your IDE. In this case, we used the IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition, as shown in Figure 4-5.

Figure 4-5. IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition

Select Open. Enter the directory in which you created the project (see Figure 4-6).

Figure 4-6. IntelliJ IDEA open existing project dialog

We select both modules inside our project (see Figure 4-7).

Figure 4-7. IntelliJ IDEA import SBT project dialog

Now you have a fully functional Hello World! Akka project (see Figure 4-8).

Figure 4-8. Hello World! Akka project on IntelliJ IDEA

As you can see in Figure 4-9, the Lightbend Activator is a full web IDE.

Figure 4-9. Lightbend Activator, the Typesafe web IDE

You can build, code, run, and test your Akka applications from your browser.

As you can see in Figure 4-10, there are a lot of project templates to play with. The Akka world is vast, and it’s beyond the scope of this book to cover the entire Reactive universe.

Figure 4-10. Lightbend Reactive Platform

Akka Actors

It is essential to recall that before Scala version 2.10, there was a scala.actors package. The Scala actors library was deprecated in March 2013 and replaced by Akka. Scala actor models prior to version 2.10 should no longer be used.


For our first example, we use a multilanguage greeter; that is, we enter a particular language and the program responds by replying “Good day,” in the language specified.

import akka.actor.Actor
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.actor.Props

class GreeterActor extends Actor {
  def receive = {
    case "en" => println("Good day")
    case "es" => println("Buen dia")
    case "fr" => println("Bonjour")
    case "de" => println("Guten Tag")
    case "pt" => println("Bom dia")
    case _ => println(":(")

object Main extends App {

  // build the ActorSystem
  val actorSystem = ActorSystem("MultilangSystem")

  // instantiate the actor
  val greeter = actorSystem.actorOf(Props[GreeterActor], name = "GreeterActor")

  // send the actor some messages
  greeter ! "en"
  greeter ! "es"
  greeter ! "fr"
  greeter ! "de"
  greeter ! "pt"
  greeter ! "zh-CN"

  // shut down the actor system

When we run this program, the output is as follows:

$ sbt run
[info] Running Main
Good day
Buen dia
Guten Tag
Bom dia
Process finished with exit code 0

Here is the step-by-step explanation:

  • When using Akka actors, you need to import the akka.actor._ package. You at least need these classes: Actor, ActorSystem, and Props.

  • You must define a class of type Actor. In this case, we called it GreeterActor . You can use any name that you want.

  • The actor main performance must be defined under the actor receive() method.

  • The structure of the receive()method is typical in functional programming; it is called a match expression. The lines should always go from the most specific case to the most general case. The most specific case is at the top and the more general case is at the bottom.

  • The last line in the match expression should be (as good practice; not required) the default case; it says what to do if the pattern didn’t find a match.

  • Recall that the underscore operator (_) in Scala means whatever. If the message doesn’t find a match, an UnhandledMessage exception is thrown, which represents poor programming practices.

  • You create a Main object that extends a Scala app to give your actor a scenario that displays their histrionic abilities.

  • You first need an actor system. Any name with alphanumeric characters is good; hyphens are allowed but not as the first character.

  • To liven up your actor, invoke the actorOf method in the actor system. The actor will start asynchronously.

  • If you want to interact, send messages with the ! operator.

  • To finish the play, you must call the shutdown method in the actor system.

Actor System

Imagine the actor system as a theater company, an actors union, or a circus:

  • There is a hierarchy; each actor always has a supervisor and an actor can have siblings and children.

  • Actors belonging to the same system of actors share dispatchers, deployments, and addresses.

  • The actor system is the meeting point where the actors are created and searched.

  • Internally, the actor system is a thread controller; the actor system decides when to create threads for an application.

  • If the system does not turn off the actors (with the shutdown method), the application will not end. As long as the actor system is running, the application will continue running.

Actor Reference

Imagine the actor reference as the actor agent; that is, someone who represents them and receives letters from his fans:

  • The actor system’s actorOf method has two main tasks: start the actor asynchronously and return the ActorRef requested.

  • The ActorRef is a handler, so you cannot directly access the actor and break the actor system encapsulation rules.

  • The ActorRef follows the facade pattern over the actor; that is, it serves as a way to communicate with the actor without directly accessing the actor. Thus, you never access actor variables and methods directly, as dictated by the encapsulation principles.

  • The ActorRef is immutable; you cannot change it because it is only a reference.

  • An actor has one (and only one) ActorRef. An ActorRef refers to one (and only one) actor. It is a one-to-one relationship.

  • To comply with the Akka actor model, the ActorRef is serializable and server independent, so you can distribute, copy, and pass references (to the actors’ fans) across the network.

Actor Communication

Actor communication is always more easily explained by example. Just remember that to send a message to an actor, you use the ! operator.

The ! operator always works with ActorRefs; never between Actor class instances.

In Akka, when you send a message to an actor with the ! operator, the actor that receives the message also receives a reference to the actor that sent the message; this reference is accessed by the sender variable. And it helps to send the actor invoker response messages. Recall that sender is a reserved word; use it wisely.

import akka.actor._

case object SendANewCat
case object LiveALife
case object BackToHeaven
case object LifeSpended {
  var remaining = 0// a default value

class God(indulged: ActorRef) extends Actor {

  def receive = {
    case SendANewCat =>
      println("GOD: Go!, you have seven lives")
      indulged ! LiveALife
    case LifeSpended =>
      if ( LifeSpended.remaining == 0){
        println("GOD: Time to Return!")
        indulged ! BackToHeaven
      else {
        println("GOD: one live spent, " + LifeSpended.remaining + " remaining.")
        indulged ! LiveALife
    case _ => println("GOD: Sorry, I don't understand")

class Cat extends Actor {
  var lives = 7 // All the cats born with 7 lives

  def receive = {
    case LiveALife =>
      println("CAT: Thanks God, I still have " + lives + " lives")
      lives -= 1
      LifeSpended.remaining = lives
      sender ! LifeSpended
    case BackToHeaven =>
      println("CAT: No more lives, going to Heaven")
    case _ => println("CAT: Sorry, I don't understand")

object CatLife extends App {
  val system = ActorSystem("CatLifeSystem")
  val sylvester = system.actorOf(Props[Cat], name = "Sylvester")
  val catsGod = system.actorOf(Props(new God(sylvester)), name = "CatsGod")

  // God sends a Cat
  catsGod ! SendANewCat


Running our example, we get this output:

GOD: Go!, you have seven lives
CAT: Thanks God, I still have 7 lives
GOD: one live spent, 6 remaining.
CAT: Thanks God, I still have 6 lives
GOD: one live spent, 5 remaining.
CAT: Thanks God, I still have 5 lives
GOD: one live spent, 4 remaining.
CAT: Thanks God, I still have 4 lives
GOD: one live spent, 3 remaining.
CAT: Thanks God, I still have 3 lives
GOD: one live spent, 2 remaining.
CAT: Thanks God, I still have 2 lives
GOD: one live spent, 1 remaining.
CAT: Thanks God, I still have 1 lives
GOD: Time to Return!
CAT: No more lives, going to Heaven
Process finished with exit code 0

Here is an actor communication example analysis:

  • It is always advisable to model messages as classes within your application; in our example, we have four objects that we use as a message:

    • SendANewCat case object

    • LiveALife case object

    • BackToHeaven case object

    • LifeSpended case object

  • CatLife is the application in which we have the main application. The first line creates the actor system and calls it CatLifeSystem.

  • On the next line, we create an ActorRef for the Cat class. An ActorRef to a cat actor is loaded in the sylvester variable.

  • We then create the god actor. Note that the constructor receives a reference to his indulged cat. This was used to show the relationship between the actors; we could have declared a constructor with no arguments, but this was only for demonstration purposes.

  • Then, we send a message to god requesting a new cat.

  • When the god actor receives the message, it starts the cat’s life, until we reach the life limit, then we stop this actor context.

  • The context object is available to all actors in the actor system. It is used to stop the actors together.

  • It is important to recall that cat, god, and indulged are ActorRefs and are not Actor class instances. An actor should never be accessed directly; always through messages.

  • If we access the actors directly, the environment becomes unreliable in making high concurrency and parallelism. The message system and encapsulation always ensure that we are doing a parallelizable and concurrent environment because there are no shared variables or locks. All transactions are ACID.

Actor Lifecycle

In addition to the constructor, an actor has the following lifecycle methods, which are all described in Table 4-1:

  • receive

  • preStart

  • postStop

  • preRestart

  • postRestart

Table 4-1. Actor Lifecycle Methods




Called when a class is instantiated, as in Java.


Called immediately after the actor started.


Called immediately after the actor stopped. Typically for cleaning work.


Called immediately after the actor restarted. Usually, a restart causes an exception. The preRestart receives Throwable and the message as parameters; the old object receives these parameters.


Called immediately after the actor restarted. Usually, a restart causes an exception. The postRestart receives a Throwable as parameter; the new object receives this parameter.

In the following example code, The Hulk (the green superhero) is used to show the lifecycle methods:

import akka.actor._
case object GetAngry

class Hulk extends Actor {
  println("in the Hulk constructor")

  override def preStart {
    println("in the Hulk preStart")

  override def postStop {
    println("in the Hulk postStop")

  override def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]) {
    println("in the Hulk preRestart")
    println(s" preRestart message: ${message.getOrElse("")}")
    println(s" preRestart reason: ${reason.getMessage}")
    super.preRestart(reason, message)

  override def postRestart(reason: Throwable) {
    println("in the Hulk postRestart")
    println(s" postRestart reason: ${reason.getMessage}")

  def receive = {
    case GetAngry => throw new Exception("ROAR!")
    case _ => println("Hulk received a message...")

object LifecycleTest extends App {
  val system = ActorSystem("LifeCycleSystem")
  val hulk = system.actorOf(Props[Hulk], name = "TheHulk")
  println("sending Hulk a message")
  hulk ! "hello Hulk"
  println("making Hulk get angry")
  hulk ! GetAngry
  println("stopping Hulk")
  println("shutting down Hulk system")
  system. terminate()

The following is the output when the program is run:

[info] Running LifecycleTest
sending Hulk a message
in the Hulk constructor
in the Hulk preStart
Hulk received a message...
making Hulk get angry
in the Hulk preRestart
[ERROR] [01/01/2015 01:01:01.964] [LifeCycleSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-6] [akka://LifeCycleSystem/user/TheHulk] ROAR!
java.lang.Exception: ROAR!
        at Hulk$$anonfun$receive$1.applyOrElse(chapter04_03.scala:31)
        at akka.actor.Actor$class.aroundReceive(Actor.scala:480)
        at Hulk.aroundReceive(chapter04_03.scala:6)
        at akka.actor.ActorCell.receiveMessage(ActorCell.scala:525)
        at akka.actor.ActorCell.invoke(ActorCell.scala:494)
        at akka.dispatch.Mailbox.processMailbox(Mailbox.scala:257)
        at akka.dispatch.Mailbox.run(Mailbox.scala:224)
        at akka.dispatch.Mailbox.exec(Mailbox.scala:234)
 preRestart message: GetAngry
 preRestart reason: ROAR!
in the Hulk postStop
in the Hulk constructor
in the Hulk postRestart
 postRestart reason: ROAR!
in the Hulk preStart

As an exercise, make the trace source code vs. the program output.

Starting Actors

You have already seen how to create actors from the actor system . To create actors from another actor, you must use the following context:

class GodWanabe extends Actor {
        val = context.actorOf creature (Props [Creature] name = "Creature")
        // Add the code for its creation ...

Let’s look at the actor lifecycle control between actors with an example based on characters from The Simpsons. Mr. Burns is the boss and has a nuclear power plant. He hires two employees, Homer Simpson and Frank Grimes, but then only fires Frank Grimes.

import akka.actor._

case class Hire(name: String)
case class Name(name: String)

class Boss extends Actor {
  def receive = {
    case Hire(name) =>
      // here the boss hire personnel
      println(s"$name is about to be hired")
      val employee = context.actorOf(Props[Employee], name = s"$name")
      employee ! Name(name)
    case _ => println(s"The Boss can't handle this message.")

class Employee extends Actor {
  var name = "Employee name"

  override def postStop {
    println(s"I'm ($name) and Mr. Burns fired me: ${self.path}")

  def receive = {
    case Name(name) => this.name = name
    case _ => println(s"The Employee $name can't handle this message.")

object StartingActorsDemo extends App {
  val actorSystem = ActorSystem("StartingActorsSystem")
  val mrBurns = actorSystem.actorOf(Props[Boss], name = "MrBurns")

  // here the boss hires people
  mrBurns ! Hire("HomerSimpson")
  mrBurns ! Hire("FrankGrimes")

  // we wait some office cycles

  // we look for Frank and we fire him
  println("Firing Frank Grimes ...")
  val grimes = actorSystem.actorSelection("../user/MrBurns/FrankGrimes")

  // PoisonPill, an Akka special message
  grimes ! PoisonPill
  println("now Frank Grimes is fired")

The following is the output when we run this program:

[info] Running StartingActorsDemo
HommerSimpson is about to be hired
FrankGrimes is about to be hired
Firing Frank Grimes ...
now Frank Grimes is fired
I'm (FrankGrimes) and Mr. Burns fired me: akka://StartingActorsSystem/user/MrBurns/FrankGrimes
Process finished with exit code -1

Let’s analyze the starting actors example code:

  1. Create and use the Name and Hire utility classes to send messages between actors.

  2. When the employee actor receives the Name message, assigns it to the name variable.

  3. When the boss receives a Hire message, it uses the context.actorOf method to hire new employees.

  4. As usual, the main program creates the actor system.

  5. The main program then creates the boss actor using the actor system reference.

  6. The main program sends the boss two Hire messages, with HomerSimpson and FrankGrimes as names.

  7. After a pause (4 seconds), look for Frank Grimes in the actor system, then send him the PoisonPill message, which is an Akka actor system special message that asynchronously sends the stop signal to an actor. Use the postStop method to print a message after PoisonPill.

Stopping Actors

As you saw previously, there are four ways to stop an actor:

  • Calling system.stop(ActorRef) from the ActorSystem level

  • Calling context.stop(ActorRef) from inside an actor

  • Sending an actor the PoisonPill message

  • Programming a gracefulStop

Table 4-2 summarizes the ways to stop an actor.

Table 4-2. Ways to Stop an Actor




When the stop method is received, the actor processes only the current message (if any). All the messages are discarded: the queued messages in the actor’s mailbox and the newly arriving.


Once the PoisonPill message is received, it is queued in the actor’s mailbox as any normal message. Once the PoisonPill message is processed, the actor stops.


This method allows actors to end gracefully, waiting for the timeout signal. If you need a specific set of instructions before stopping the actor, this is the right way

Some aspects to consider when stopping actors:

  • The stop message is asynchronous. The stop method could return before the actor is actually stopped; use it wisely.

  • The shutdown process has two subprocesses. First, it suspends the actor’s mailbox. Second, it sends the stop message to all the actor children; the father actor has to wait for all its children to stop.

  • When you can’t process any more messages, these messages are sent to the dead letters mailbox. You can access them with the deadLetters method in the actor system.

  • When an actor is stopped, the postStop lifecycle method is invoked. Normally it is used to clean up resources.

Here is an example of code using system.stop:

import akka.actor._

class Scapegoat extends Actor {
  def receive = {
    case s:String => println("Message received: " + s)
    case _ => println("What?")

object StopExample extends App {
  val system = ActorSystem("StopExample")
  val sg = system.actorOf(Props[Scapegoat], name = "ScapeGoat")
  sg ! "ready?"

  // stop our crash dummy

Killing Actors

The following code shows how to kill actors . It is a very violent way; discretion is advised. Normally, if you want to stop an actor gracefully, you use the methods described earlier.

import akka.actor._

class ScapeGoat extends Actor {
  def receive = {
    case s:String => println("Message received: " + s)
    case _ => println("Uh?")

  override def preStart {
    println("In preStart method")

  override def postStop {
    println("In postStop method")

  override def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]) {
    println("In preRestart method")

  override def postRestart(reason: Throwable) {
    println("In postRestart method")

object Abbatoir extends App {
  val system = ActorSystem("Abbatoir")
  val sg = system.actorOf(Props[ScapeGoat], name = "ScapeGoat")
  sg ! "say goodbye"

  // finish him!
  sg ! Kill
  system. terminate()

This is the code output:

In preStart method
Message received: say goodbye
In postStop method
Process finished with exit code 0

Shutting down the Actor System

As you have already seen in the examples, this is the method to shut down the actor system:


Because of its importance, we dedicated this section to this method. Remember, if you don’t call the shutdown method in your application, the program will run indefinitely.

Actor Monitoring

This code shows how an actor asks to be notified when a child actor dies:

import akka.actor._

class Child extends Actor {
  def receive = {
    case _ => println("Child received a message")

class Dad extends Actor {
  // Dad actor create a child actor
  val child = context.actorOf(Props[Child], name = "Son")

  def receive = {
    case Terminated(child) => println("This will not end here -_-")
    case _ => println("Dad received a message")

object ChildMonitoring extends App {

  val system = ActorSystem("ChildMonitoring")

  // we create a Dad (and it will create the Child)
  val dad = system.actorOf(Props[Dad], name = "Dad")

  // look for child, then we kill it
  val child = system.actorSelection("/user/Dad/Son")

  child ! PoisonPill

  system. terminate()

Running this code produces the following result:

This will not end here
Process finished with exit code 0

Through the watch() method, an actor knows when a subordinate stops. This is very useful because it lets the supervisor handle the situation.

Note that when an exception occurs within an actor, the actor does not kill himself. In Akka, an exception makes an actor restart automatically.

Looking up Actors

In the previous example, you saw how to find a specific actor:

val child = system.actorSelection("/user/Dad/Son")

The actorSelection method is available under the actor system and within each actor instance through the context variable.

You can also look for actors with a relative path; for example, from siblings:

// From an actor brother
val bro = context.actorSelection("../myBrother")

The actorSelection method in the actor system can be used to find actors:

val child = system.actorSelection("akka://MonitoringTest/user/Dad/Son")
val child = system.actorSelection(Sec("user", "Dad", "Son"))

With the actorSelection method, you can also look for a sibling:

val child = system.actorSelection(Sec("..." "Son"))

Actor Code of Conduct

At this point, you have seen everything that you need to write actors. To achieve concurrent programming, it is important to maintain a performance style; that is, a code of ethics among actors. If you keep this code of ethics, the source code will be easy to debug and won’t have typical multithreaded programming problems, such as deadlocks and race conditions. In this section, we present the fundamental principles for a good performance.

Actors Do Not Block Each Other

A written good actor does not block others while processing a message. When an actor blocks another actor, the first actor cannot attend to a request. If the actor is locked while working on the first request, you cannot attend to the second request. The worst case scenario is when actors block each other; this is known as deadlock: the first actor is waiting for the second one to do something and the second one is waiting for the first one to do something.

Rather than block messages, the code of an actor must prioritize messages as they arrive so that a lock is never generated. Normally, when you do not know how to handle a lock, good practices indicate that it is the right time to delegate. You always have to delegate; an actor should not block a message on itself.

Another good practice is to never use Thread.sleep, and to try to avoid the Thread class in your programs. The actor programming replaces any thread operation. If you need an actor to wait to perform a task, ideally the actor should be delegated to another lighter actor the time handling. The use of the Thread class causes more problems than it remedies.

When you need an actor to perform an answer waiting operation, the original actor, let's call it Actor A, must attend requests—that is its primary function. So if it requires a standby condition, you must generate an Actor B to standby for the answer and do nothing more. This way, Actor A is free to meet requests, which is its primary function.

Communication is only via Messages

The key to understanding how the actor model addresses the difficulties of the shared data and lock model is to provide a space where operations are safe. This sequential space is within each option in the receive method. In other words, the actors allow you to program multithreaded programs through single-threaded programs that communicate with each other through asynchronous messages. This multithread abstraction model works as long as the only form of communication among the stakeholders is through sending messages.

For example, let’s say that there are two actors: GoodPerformer and BadPerformer . Suppose that GoodPerformer sends a good and nice message to BadPerformer, and as a courtesy, GoodPerformer sends a reference to himself in the message. Well, suppose that BadPerformer misuses this reference and invokes methods on GoodPerformer instead of sending messages to GoodPerformer through the ! operator. This is where the drama begins, because the invoked methods may read an instance of GoodPerformer being used by another thread. Or worse, the method invoked can modify GoodPerformer’s own variables and decompose its state.

If you continued this lack of privacy, BadPerformer would write synchronization methods on GoodPerformer’s variables, which would become “shared data,” not only between them, but among all who could invoke them. This shared data and locks models have brought ruin to many systems.

On the other hand, if for practical purposes you need to share state—for example, maintain code clarity with other non-functional programmers, you can achieve this state in Scala. The difference between Erlang and Scala is that Erlang never lets you communicate in a way different from sending messages between actors. Scala designers did this to preserve the hybrid state language. We can pass endless hours in discussion on whether this is correct or not.


We are not saying that you, the reader, should be involved in one of these discussions (of course not, programmers never enter these discussions). Although now you may be vowing to never share status or provoke lock conditions. But, we share this example in case you are involved in an argument with purist programmers.

Imagine that you would need the shared mutable map data structure. That is, it is mutable because you need to insert a pair (key, value) on the map to obtain the value of a given key, get a key set having specific value, and so forth—common operations on a mutable map. The actor model states that you must build a wrapper on the map; that is, an actor contains the map and manages all requests. Only the actor can access the map, no one else, and that actor only receives and responds to messages, nothing more.

Everything is going well so far, but practical programmers will tell you that for this type of challenge, there is the ConcurrentHashMap class on Java Concurrency utilities. One of its benefits is that it allows you to send status change messages to multiple actors (a broadcast), which greatly simplifies life and makes the code more understandable; however, it does not meet the actor model. Another difference is that the responses of actors are an asynchronous model; the ConcurrentHashMap response model is synchronous, simple, and immediate as most understand them.

Messages must be Immutable

Because the Akka actor model provides a single-threaded model, you never need to worry about whether the objects used in the implementation of these methods are thread-safe . In the actor model, this is called the share nothing model; data is confined in a thread instead of being shared by many threads.

But there is one exception to “share nothing,” which is when the message that you send is shared data among several actors; as a result, you have to worry whether messages are thread-safe. In general, they should always be thread-safe.

In all good practices you want to avoid unnecessary complexity. The best and simplest way to ensure that objects in messages are thread-safe is to ensure the use of immutable objects within messages. Instances of any class having only val fields, which themselves only refer to immutable objects, are immutable. Besides val, you can use all the immutable classes offered by Scala, such as tuples, strings, lists, immutable sets, immutable maps, and so on.

Suppose an actor sends a mutable and unsynchronized object as a message (at this point, you could say that it’s like cussing). And after that, this object is never read nor written again. It might work, but you are invoking misfortune, because in the future, some code maintainer could debug and see that this object is shared, and may try to improve scalability, or worse, try to reuse and modify the values for reuse, which could lead to a bug, which can lead to concurrency disaster.

In general, the best way to arrange your data is to keep all unsynchronized, mutable objects fully contained within the actors, and therefore accessed only by the owner actor. Whenever objects are transferred between actors (not messages), you must 100% guarantee what those objects are doing at any point in time and anywhere in the system.

In the actor model, whenever you want to modify a variable that is not your own, you must at least send a message to the variable owner to warn that you are making changes. Moreover, you must wait for confirmation that the values can be modified.

If you still want to continue sending objects between actors but without messages, a good alternative is to send a copy of the object. This at least guarantees that the original object will not be modified by a foreign entity. A very good example is when you have arrays indiscriminately sent among objects; two array methods are really good: arr.clone (to send a copy) and arr.toList (to send a copy as a list, which is also immutable).

Messages must be Self-Contained

When you return the value of a method, the caller has the advantage of knowing what it was doing before invoking this method, and can take the return value and continue what it was doing.

With actors, things are not so simple. When an actor makes a request, the answer may not be immediate; it may take a long time. So as conditions are non-blocking, the actor can continue doing other work while it waits for the response. The problem is that when the answer arrives, how do you know what was the actor doing when it made the invocation?

One commonly used method to simplify the logic of the actors in a program includes sending redundant information in messages. If the request is an immutable object, you can cheaply include a reference to the request in the response. This makes the message larger, but simplifies the actor logic.

Another way to increase redundancy in messages is by building a case class for each type of message. While such a wrapper is not strictly necessary in many cases, it makes actor programs easier to understand. Code with case classes are always easier to understand than code using tuples, for example.


You learned how to build scalable, robust, concurrent programs using the Akka actor model, avoiding the problems of traditional approaches based on synchronized access and shared and mutable states.

You reviewed Akka’s main concepts:

  • Actor model

  • Actor communication

  • Actor lifecycle

You also explored the actor Code of Conduct.

In the following chapters, you will need Scala/Akka power to code SMACK pipeline applications.


1 Carl Hewitt, Peter Bishop, and Richard Steiger, A Universal Modular Actor Formalism for Artificial Intelligence ( http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1624804 ,1973).

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