© Brian Beach, Steven Armentrout, Rodney Bozo, Emmanuel Tsouris 2019
B. Beach et al.Pro PowerShell for Amazon Web Serviceshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4850-8_17

17. Systems Manager: Inventory and Patch Manager

Brian Beach1 , Steven Armentrout2, Rodney Bozo3 and Emmanuel Tsouris4
Raleigh, NC, USA
Mountlake Terrace, WA, USA
Sterling, VA, USA
North Bend, WA, USA

Two AWS Systems Manager features that help manage your fleet at scale are Systems Manager Inventory and Systems Manager Patch Manager. With Systems Manager Inventory, you can specify the type of metadata you want to collect from your instances, which instances to collect it from, and when to collect it. AWS Systems Manager Patch Manager gives you the tools you need to automate the process of scanning or installing patches on your instances.

In this chapter, we’ll first look at how we can use AWS Systems Manager Inventory to collect some information from our instances. Secondly, we’ll run through the basics of configuring and using AWS Systems Manager Patch Manager to keep our instances up to date on a regular schedule. Finally, we’ll end the chapter with two exercises. The first one walks us through configuration of inventory, and the second one focuses on a common patch management scenario.


AWS Systems Manager Inventory and AWS Systems Manager Patch Manager both build on the concepts discussed in earlier chapters, specifically Systems Manager prerequisites and AWS Systems Manager (SSM) documents. These previous chapters covered an important prerequisite, the IAM instance profile. By default, AWS Systems Manager is not able to do anything with your EC2 Instances; so to enable connectivity between the AWS Systems Manager and the Amazon SSM Agent on your EC2 instances, you’ll need that IAM instance profile discussed in those chapters, with the correct IAM role attached.

AWS Systems Manager Inventory

Systems Manager Inventory gives you the ability to define metadata collection rules. Assuming you’ve attached correct IAM instance profile needed by the Amazon SSM Agent, inventory collection will occur based on the rules and schedule you specify. In the next section, we’ll take a look at how we define those both in the console and using PowerShell.

Systems Manager Inventory in the Console

Open up the “AWS Systems Manager Console” at https://console.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager , and you’ll find Inventory listed under the Insights sub-heading. See Figure 17-1.
Figure 17-1

Finding Systems Manager Inventory in the console

Once you click Inventory, you’ll be taken to the AWS Systems Manager Inventory Dashboard, where you can set up inventory or look at data. See Figure 17-2.
Figure 17-2

Systems Manager Inventory Dashboard in the console

Creating an Inventory Association

Assuming you have one or more managed instances already running in a particular region, here’s how you can enable Inventory by creating an Inventory Association. We are going to focus on what’s referred to as a global inventory association, and that means that all instances in a particular region will begin collecting inventory data. We can also specify a specific instance, and we’ll see how to do that in the next few steps.

If you’d like to inventory all of your instances in a particular region, you can create a global inventory association by using New-SSMAssociation and specifying a wildcard for the Instance ID.
$target = @{Key = "InstanceIds"; Values = "*"}
We’ll define a schedule using the rate format.
$schExp = "rate(30 minutes)"
Define parameters that tell SSM what items to inventory (applications, AWS components, etc.).
$params = @{
Then, we create an association for the AWS-GatherSoftwareInventory document, passing the target, schedule, and parameters.
New-SSMAssociation -Name AWS-GatherSoftwareInventory -Target $target -ScheduleExpression $schExp -Parameter $params -Region us-west-2

Inventory Schemas

In order to understand what inventory types are available, we can look at the schemas available to us in a particular region using Get-SSMInventorySchema.
Get-SSMInventorySchema -Region us-west-2
If we want to look at just the type names available in a nice list, we can simply look at the TypeName property.
PS C:> (Get-SSMInventorySchema -Region us-west-2).TypeName
When working with these schemas, we’ll need to know the attributes for each schema type. We can do that by looking ata specific schema’s attributes.
PS C:>(Get-SSMInventorySchema -TypeName "AWS:AWSComponent" -Region us-west-2).Attributes
DataType Name
-------- ----
string   Name
string   ApplicationType
string   Publisher
string   Version
string   InstalledTime
string   Architecture
string   URL
To view the inventory schemas that support the use of an aggregator, we just pass $true to the -Aggregator parameter. An aggregator groups and summarizes larger amounts of inventory data.
Get-SSMInventorySchema -Aggregator $true -Region us-west-2

Viewing Inventory Data

Once inventory has completed, we’ll want to look at what’s been collected. We can do that using Get-SSMInventory.
Get-SSMInventory -Region us-west-2
For convenience, let’s assign the result to an array of Inventory Result Entity data types, which helps us work with the data structure.
[Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.Model.InventoryResultEntity[]]$invResults = Get-SSMInventory -Region us-west-2
To keep things simple, let’s look at the first object in the array.
$inventoryResultEntity = $invResults | Select-Object -First 1
Looking at the inventory result entity data structure, we can see two properties. There’s an ID which corresponds to the Instance ID, and a data property.
PS C:> $inventoryResultEntity | Format-List
Data : {[AWS:InstanceInformation, Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.Model.InventoryResultItem]}
Id   : i-1234567890
The Data property contains a key value pair. We can look at this property to see the specific inventory schema data type (key) and inventory data (value). You might see different data types and values depending on the specific inventory data that has been collected in your account.
PS C:>$inventoryResultEntity.Data | Format-List
Key   : AWS:InstanceInformation
Value : Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.Model.InventoryResultItem
Now let’s look at the content stored within the value property.
$inventoryResultItem = ($inventoryResultEntity.Data).Values
$inventoryContent = $inventoryResultItem.Content

When we look at $inventoryContent, we can see various key value pairs which contain our inventory data. For example, the AWS:InstanceInformation data type gives us AgentType, AgentVersion, InstanceStatus, IpAddress, PlatformName, PlatformType, and other relevant properties related to an Amazon EC2 Instance.

To look at a specific data type, for a specific instance, we can use Get-SSMInventoryEntryList.
$instInv = Get-SSMInventoryEntryList -TypeName "AWS:InstanceInformation" -InstanceId i-1234567890 -Region us-west-2
You can also use Get-SSMInventoryEntryList with a filter.
$invFilter = New-Object -TypeName Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.Model.InventoryFilter
To define the filter, simply set its properties which are a key, list of value, and type (which defines how to evaluate the filter).
$invFilter.Key = "AWS:WindowsUpdate.HotFixId"
$invFilter.Values = @("KB4091664")
To set the type, we’ll create a InventoryQueryOperatorType object, which can be set to Equal, NotEqual, BeginWith, LessThan, GreaterThan, or Exists.
$invFilter.Type = [Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.InventoryQueryOperatorType]::Equal
Then, we just pass the type name, filter, instance ID to Get-SSMInventoryEntryList.
$instInv = Get-SSMInventoryEntryList -TypeName "AWS:WindowsUpdate" -Filter $invFilter -InstanceId i-1234567890 -Region us-west-2
We can see the results by looking at the Entries property.
PS C:>$instInv.Entries
Key           Value
---           -----
Description   Update
HotFixId      KB4091664
InstalledTime 2019-01-01T00:00:00Z

Aggregating Inventory Data

Oftentimes, you’ll have a lot of inventory data and need to look at a summary (or aggregate) of that data. We first need to create an InventoryAggregator object.
$inventoryAggregator = New-Object Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.Model.InventoryAggregator
Then, we’ll need to set the expression property to a schema type along with an attribute in the format “SchemaTypeName.Attribute”.
$inventoryAggregator.Expression = "AWS:InstanceInformation.PlatformType"
Now we can pass the aggregator to Get-SSMInventory.
$invAggResults = Get-SSMInventory -Aggregator $inventoryAggregator -Region us-west-2
Let’s look at the values property of the object we get back.
$invAggResultItem = ($invAggResults.Data).Values
Now, look at the content property. If you have multiple Windows and Linux instances that have run inventory, you’ll see a count of those.
PS C:>$invAggResultItem.Content
Key          Value
---          -----
Count        2
PlatformType Linux
Count        18
PlatformType Windows

AWS Systems Manager Patch Manager

Keeping your running instances up to date can be a challenge, especially at scale. Having a systems management solution at your fingertips can not only save you time, but keep your infrastructure and applications secure. AWS Systems Manager Patch Manager helps you automate the actions you’d normally have to take on your Windows and Linux systems to keep them up to date.

Before we begin, we’ll dive a little deeper into some of the basic concepts of Patch Manager: patch baselines, patch groups, and maintenance windows.

Patch Baselines

There are two sorts of patch baselines with AWS Systems Manager, one is the default baseline, and the other is a custom patch baseline. With the default baseline, you get a set of predefined patch baselines for various operating systems. A custom patch baseline is one that you define, and tell Patch Manager how and what to patch. This can give you the granularity, for example, to make sure a certain operating system patch doesn’t take down your application.

Viewing Existing Patch Baselines

To view the patch baselines available to us in a given region, we can use Get-SSMPatchBaseline, and it will return a list of our baselines in addition to the default ones provided by AWS.
Get-SSMPatchBaseline -Region $region
In the list, we’ll see a number of patch baselines, including the default ones for Windows and Amazon Linux.
BaselineDescription : Default Patch Baseline Provided by AWS.
BaselineId          : arn:aws:ssm:us-west-2:280605243866:patchbaseline/pb-04fb4ae6142167966
BaselineName        : AWS-DefaultPatchBaseline
DefaultBaseline     : True
OperatingSystem     : WINDOWS
BaselineDescription : Default Patch Baseline for Amazon Linux 2 Provided by AWS.
BaselineId          : arn:aws:ssm:us-west-2:280605243866:patchbaseline/pb-0e930e75b392d70da
BaselineName        : AWS-AmazonLinux2DefaultPatchBaseline
DefaultBaseline     : True
OperatingSystem     : AMAZON_LINUX_2

Creating a New Patch Baseline

To create a new custom patch baseline, we’ll need to set up a few variable first to make things a little easier. First, we’ll set up a name, description, and tags for our new patch baseline.
$pbName = "Development-Baseline"
$pbDesc = "My Patch Baseline"
$pbTags = @{Key="Environment";Value="Production"}
Now, we’ll need a couple of patch filters which consist of key/value pairs. For a list of valid options, take a look at the class reference for Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.Model.PatchFilter in the AWS SDK for .Net.
$pFilter1 = New-Object Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.Model.PatchFilter
$pFilter1.Key = "MSRC_SEVERITY"
$pFilter1.Values = @("Critical","Important")
$pFilter2 = New-Object Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.Model.PatchFilter
$pFilter2.Key = "CLASSIFICATION"
$pFilter2.Values = @("SecurityUpdates","Updates","UpdateRollups","CriticalUpdates")
The patch filters will be grouped together in a patch filter group.
$pfGroup = New-Object Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.Model.PatchFilterGroup
$pfGroup.PatchFilters = @($pFilter1,$pFilter2)
Now we can create a patch rule. The Patch Compliance Level property can be set to Critical, High, Medium, Low, Informational, or Unspecified.
$patchRule = New-Object Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.Model.PatchRule
$patchRule.ComplianceLevel = [Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.PatchComplianceLevel]::HIGH
$patchRule.PatchFilterGroup = $pfGroup
$patchRule.ApproveAfterDays = 7
We’ll put the patch rule into an array of rules.
$patchRules = @($patchRule)
Finally, using the New-SSMPatchBaseline cmdlet, we can create our new patch baseline using the variables we’ve just set up.
$pBaseline = New-SSMPatchBaseline -Name $pbName -Description $pbDesc -OperatingSystem WINDOWS -Tags $pbTags -ApprovalRules_PatchRules $patchRules -Region $region

Deleting a Patch Baseline

To remove (or delete) a patch baseline, we simply use the Remove-SSMPatchBaseline cmdlet and pass it a valid baseline ID. If you want to remove the patch baseline without PowerShell prompting you to confirm, simply add the -Force switch.
Remove-SSMPatchBaseline -BaselineId pb-1234567890 -Region $region

Patch Groups

When patching your servers, you may find yourself needing a way to group your instances by some arbitrary grouping strategy.

Some common groupings might include
  • Production, Testing, and Development Server Groups

  • Frontend and Backend Server Groups

  • Web and Database Server Groups

  • Windows and Linux Server Groups

Patch groups are simply created with Amazon EC2 tags. If you have spent a lot of time tagging your instances into some logical grouping, this capability gives you the power to use those tags for your patch and update management needs.

Viewing Patch Groups

To see patch groups (or a specific patch group), we use the Get-SSMPatchGroup cmdlet.
Get-SSMPatchGroup -Region $region
If we are looking for a high-level aggregated patch compliance state for a patch group, then we can use the Get-SSMPatchGroupState cmdlet.
Get-SSMPatchGroupState -PatchGroup <patchGroup> -Region $region

Registering a Patch Baseline to a Patch Group

For registering (or associating) a patch baseline to a patch group, we can use the Register-SSMPatchBaselineForPatchGroup cmdlet and pass it the baseline ID, along with a patch group name.
Register-SSMPatchBaselineForPatchGroup -BaselineId $pBaseline -PatchGroup "Production" -Region $region

Viewing Patch Baselines by Patch Group

When we need to find a patch baseline for a given patch group, we can use the Get-SSMPatchBaselineForPatchGroup cmdlet.
Get-SSMPatchBaselineForPatchGroup -PatchGroup "Production" -Region $region

Maintenance Windows

AWS Systems Manager Patch Manager uses maintenance windows to define when software updates should be applied to instances. This allows us to pick a reasonable schedule for any activities which might impact users or business processes. Maintenance windows are defined with a schedule, a maximum duration, registered targets (instances), and tasks. There are four distinct tasks we can use with maintenance windows: Run Command, AWS Systems Manager Automation workflows, AWS Lambda functions, and tasks within AWS Step Functions.

Viewing Maintenance Windows

Listing all of the maintenance windows in a given account for a specific region is done using the Get-SSMMaintenanceWindowList cmdlet.
Get-SSMMaintenanceWindowList -Region $region
Getting information for an existing maintenance window is done using the Get-SSMMaintenanceWindow cmdlet and passing it an existing maintenance window ID.
Get-SSMMaintenanceWindow -WindowId <window ID> -Region $region

Creating Maintenance Windows

When we want to create a maintenance window, we can do so by using the New-SSMMaintenanceWindow cmdlet and passing a cron or rate expression as the schedule, duration in hours, and cutoff which defines the number of hours before the end of a window when SSM should stop scheduling new tasks.
$fridayNights = "cron(0 0 21 ? * FRI *)"
New-SSMMaintenanceWindow -Name "Production-Fridays" -Schedule $fridayNights -Duration 1 -Cutoff 0 -Region $region

Registering Instances with Maintenance Windows

In order for instances to be associated with a maintenance window, we must register them using the Register-SSMTargetWithMaintenanceWindow cmdlet and pass a maintenance window ID, target, owner information, and resource type.

Here, we’ll define a task target using a maintenance window target ID.
$taskTarget = @{Key="WindowTargetIds";Values=$mwTargetWed}
Then, we’ll create a task parameters hashtable that contains instructions for a scan operation.
$taskParameters = @{}
$taskParam = New-Object Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.Model.MaintenanceWindowTaskParameterValueExpression
$taskParam.Values = @("Scan")
$taskParameters.Add("Operation", $taskParam)
Finally, we can register the task with our maintenance window, where $mWinId is our maintenance window ID.
Register-SSMTaskWithMaintenanceWindow -WindowId $mWinId -Target $taskTarget -TaskArn "AWS-ApplyPatchBaseline" -TaskType RUN_COMMAND -MaxConcurrency 2 -MaxError 1 -Priority 1 -TaskParameter $taskParameters -Region $region

Exercise 17.1: Collecting Inventory Data

Oftentimes, you’ll have instances running in your AWS account and will need to know what’s on those instances. In this exercise, we’ll look at enabling inventory for a single Amazon EC2 instance. Once inventory has been collected, we’ll look for some applications and settings using the inventory data.

Do We Have Managed Instances Running?

Before we can configure inventory, we’ll need at least one (or more) Amazon EC2 instances. The instances must have an instance profile attached with the correct role. This enables AWS Systems Manager (SSM) to communicate with the agent running on the instance. If you’d prefer to use an EC2 instance you already have running, feel free to do so, but just make sure it has the necessary instance profile attached.

Launch a Windows Instance with SSM Enabled

To begin this exercise, we’ll first define the region we’ll be working in.
$region = "us-west-2"
Next, let’s define the AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store path which will give us the latest Windows Server 2016 AMI.
$parameterPath = "/aws/service/ami-windows-latest/Windows_Server-2016-English-Full-Base"
Using that parameter path, we’ll get the image ID.
$latestImageId = (Get-SSMParameter -Name $parameterPath -Region $region).Value
Now, let’s create a hashtable representing the necessary IAM role policy (we’ll convert it to JSON later).
$assumeRolePolicy = @{}
$assumeRolePolicy['Version'] = "2012-10-17"
$assumeRolePolicy['Statement'] = @{}
$assumeRolePolicy['Statement']['Effect'] = "Allow"
$assumeRolePolicy['Statement']['Principal'] = @{}
$assumeRolePolicy['Statement']['Principal']['Service'] = "ssm.amazonaws.com"
$assumeRolePolicy['Statement']['Action'] = "sts:AssumeRole"
Here’s where we define our new IAM role and give it the policy which is our hashtable converted to JSON.
$role = New-IAMRole -RoleName "MySystemsManagerRole" -AssumeRolePolicyDocument ($assumeRolePolicy | ConvertTo-Json) -Region $region
We’ll need to register the managed SSM policy to our newly created role.
Register-IAMRolePolicy -RoleName $role.RoleName -PolicyArn 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEC2RoleforSSM' -Region $region
With the role created and the AmazonEC2RoleforSSM registered, we can create the instance profile which is what we will attach to our instance.
$instanceProfile = New-IAMInstanceProfile -InstanceProfileName "MyNewInstanceProfile" -Region $region
Our instance profile still doesn’t have a role, so let’s add the role we just created.
Add-IAMRoleToInstanceProfile -InstanceProfileName $instanceProfile.InstanceProfileName -RoleName $role.RoleName -Region $region
Remember, if we want to get the password to our instance, we’ll need to use a key pair. Let’s create one (or you can use an existing one).
(New-EC2KeyPair -KeyName "MyNewKeyPair"  -Region $region).KeyMaterial | Out-File .MyNewKeyPair.pem
Using our latest Windows AMI, we’re now ready to launch an EC2 instance and attach the new instance profile. We’ll do that with New-EC2Instance.
$newInstance = New-EC2Instance -ImageId $latestImageId -InstanceType "t3.medium" -InstanceProfile_Name "MyNewInstanceProfile" -KeyName "MyNewKeyPair" -Region $region
We can see the instance ID by looking at the RunningInstances property of the newly created instance.
$runningInstance = $newInstance.RunningInstance

Configure Inventory by Association

To begin our inventory configuration, we’ll define our target as the instance we just launched using the $runningInstance variable.
$target = @{Key = "InstanceIds"; Values = ($runningInstance.InstanceId)}
Now we’ll define a cron or rate expression for the inventory collection schedule. We’ll use 30 minutes here, but in production work, you’d want to spread the inventory schedule out a little more.
$schExp = “rate(30 minutes)”
Let’s enable a few inventory items.
$params = @{
Now we’ll associate the AWS Systems Manager document, AWS-GatherSoftwareInventory, to our running instance using the parameters we just set.
New-SSMAssociation -Name AWS-GatherSoftwareInventory -Target $target -ScheduleExpression $schExp -Parameter $params -Region $region

Since we configured it to run inventory every 30 minutes, we’ll need to wait at least that long before we can see any inventory data for this instance.

Checking Inventory Status

We can look at the SSM associations which will include the one we created for inventory collection.
Get-SSMAssociationList -Region $region
By passing the association ID of our association, we can view the status of it.
Get-SSMAssociationExecution -AssociationId <id> -Region $region

Look at Inventory Data

Finally, let’s see what inventory we have.

$instInv = Get-SSMInventoryEntryList -TypeName "AWS:InstanceDetailedInformation" -InstanceId ($runningInstance.InstanceId) -Region $region


You can see now that when inventory is complete, we have some interesting data which can help us manage our instances. Many features within AWS Systems Manager work together to give you a complete systems management solution. Inventory, just like many of the other Systems Manager features, uses documents and associations, one of the foundational concepts of how SSM works.

Exercise 17.2: Patching During a Maintenance Window

Let’s take a look at how we would patch servers using a custom patch baseline, some patch groups, and a maintenance window. Since Microsoft releases patches the second Tuesday of the month, we’ll create two maintenance windows. One will be a recurring Wednesday night scan task, and the other will be a patching task on every Friday night.

Create a Custom Patch Baseline

First, we’ll begin by defining our region.
$region = "us-west-2"
Next, let’s create a name and description for our patch baseline.
$pbName = "Production-Patch-Baseline"
$pbDesc = "My Patch Baseline"
We’ll give our patch baseline a production tag, so we know which environment we’ve created it for.
$pbTags = @{Key="Environment";Value="Production"}
Now, we’ll need a patch filter to define what patches this will be applicable to. Let’s set the first filter to only include Critical and Important patches (as rated by the Microsoft Security Response Center), represented by MSRC_SEVERITY.
$pFilter1 = New-Object Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.Model.PatchFilter
$pFilter1.Key = "MSRC_SEVERITY"
$pFilter1.Values = @("Critical","Important")
The second filter specifies patches that have a classification of Security Updates, Updates, Update Rollups, and Critical Updates.
$pFilter2 = New-Object Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.Model.PatchFilter
$pFilter2.Key = "CLASSIFICATION"
$pFilter2.Values = @("SecurityUpdates","Updates","UpdateRollups","CriticalUpdates")
We’ll add both of these new filters to a patch filter group.
$pfGroup = New-Object Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.Model.PatchFilterGroup
$pfGroup.PatchFilters = @($pFilter1,$pFilter2)
Our new patch group then gets added to a patch rule. The rule will specify how many days should pass before approving the patch and also specify the compliance level.
$patchRule = New-Object Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.Model.PatchRule
$patchRule.ComplianceLevel = [Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.PatchComplianceLevel]::HIGH
$patchRule.PatchFilterGroup = $pfGroup
$patchRule.ApproveAfterDays = 3
The rules need to be in an array, so we’ll add them to one.
$patchRules = @($patchRule)
Now, we can create our new patch baseline and pass all of our parameters we’ve created.
$pBaseline = New-SSMPatchBaseline -Name $pbName -Description $pbDesc -OperatingSystem WINDOWS -Tags $pbTags -ApprovalRules_PatchRules $patchRules -Region $region

Register the Patch Baseline in a Patch Group

We’ll create a patch group named Production Group and register our patch baseline with that group.
Register-SSMPatchBaselineForPatchGroup -BaselineId $pBaseline -PatchGroup "Production" -Region $region

Creating Two Maintenance Windows

Let’s create a tag that will let us know our maintenance windows are for our production environment.
$tags = @{Key="Environment";Value="Production"}
Now, we can create our Wednesday morning maintenance window by creating a cron expression for 9 p.m. every Wednesday. The duration of the maintenance window will be 2 hours after it begins, and we’ll set the cutoff to 0.
$wednesdayMornings = "cron(0 0 21 ? * WED *)"
$mWinWed = New-SSMMaintenanceWindow -Name "Production-Wednesdays" -Schedule $wednesdayMornings -Tags $tags -Duration 3 -Cutoff 1 -AllowUnassociatedTarget $false -Region $region
We’ll do it again, but this time we’re creating a Friday night maintenance window. Since this will be our patching Window, let’s give it 3 hours with a cutoff of 1 hour. The cutoff prevents any new tasks from starting after 11 p.m.
$fridayNights = "cron(0 0 21 ? * FRI *)"
$mWinFri = New-SSMMaintenanceWindow -Name "Production-Fridays" -Schedule $fridayNights -Tags $tags -Duration 3 -Cutoff 1 -AllowUnassociatedTarget $false -Region $region

Registering Servers with Our New Maintenance Windows

Now we can register the production servers with our two maintenance windows, using the patch group as the target.
$target = @{Key="tag:Patch Group";Values=@("Production")}
Then, we can register our patch group target to our Wednesday maintenance window.
$mwTargetWed = Register-SSMTargetWithMaintenanceWindow -WindowId $mWinWed -Target $target -OwnerInformation "Production Servers" -ResourceType INSTANCE -Region $region
Next, we’ll register our patch group target to our Friday maintenance window.
$mwTargetFri = Register-SSMTargetWithMaintenanceWindow -WindowId $mWinFri -Target $target -OwnerInformation "Production Servers" -ResourceType INSTANCE -Region $region

Register the Wednesday Scan Task

For our scan task, we’ll run a scan on our production servers every Wednesday night. Let’s define a task target by creating a hashtable where WindowTargetIds is the key and our target registered to our Maintenance Window for Wednesday is the value.
$ttWed = @{Key="WindowTargetIds";Values=$mwTargetWed}
Now, we’ll define a scan task operation.
$scanTasks = @{}
$scanTask = New-Object Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.Model.MaintenanceWindowTaskParameterValueExpression
$scanTask.Values = @("Scan")
$scanTasks.Add("Operation", $scanTask)
Next, we’ll register the scan task with our Wednesday maintenance window.
Register-SSMTaskWithMaintenanceWindow -WindowId $mWinWed -Target $ttWed -TaskArn "AWS-ApplyPatchBaseline" -TaskType RUN_COMMAND -TaskParameter $scanTasks -MaxConcurrency 2 -MaxError 1 -Priority 1 -Region $region

Register the Friday Patch Task

The Friday patch task will be very similar to the task we just created, except we are going to specify our Friday maintenance window target.
$ttFri = @{Key="WindowTargetIds";Values=$mwTargetFri}
Create a patch task operation.
$patchTasks = @{}
$patchTask = New-Object Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.Model.MaintenanceWindowTaskParameterValueExpression
$patchTask.Values = @("Patch")
$patchTasks.Add("Operation", $patchTask)
Then, register our Friday maintenance window with the patch task we just defined.
Register-SSMTaskWithMaintenanceWindow -WindowId $mWinFri -Target $ttFri -TaskArn "AWS-ApplyPatchBaseline" -TaskType RUN_COMMAND -TaskParameter $patchTasks -MaxConcurrency 2 -MaxError 1 -Priority 1 -Region $region
Tag an EC2 Instance to be Included in the Group

Associate an EC2 Instance with Our Patch Group

Since we specified when we created our maintenance window, we’ll need our EC2 instances to have a patch group tag. Let’s tag an instance with Patch Group as the key and Production (our patch group name) as the value.
$tag = New-Object Amazon.EC2.Model.Tag
$tag.Key = "Patch Group"
$tag.Value = "Production"
New-EC2Tag -Resource "i-1234567890" -Tag $tag -Region $region

Get the State of Our Patch Group

We now have scan and patch tasks set up in our maintenance windows. Let’s view the state of our production patch group.
Get-SSMPatchGroupState -PatchGroup "Production" -Region $region

Once our scanning and patch maintenance windows have completed, we’ll be able to look at the state of our patch groups and also be able to tie it into inventory data for a more complete picture of our servers.


In this chapter, we learned about AWS Systems Manager Inventory and Patch Manager, two features you can use to manage your fleet of instances. We went through some steps to configure inventory and query that data. We also took a deep look at patch management and maintenance windows. Using PowerShell, you can automate some of the more complex tasks related to systems management and manage your servers in the cloud. This information coupled with the other chapters on AWS Systems Manager gives you a starting point to building a cloud-based systems management solution for your specific needs.

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