© Davide Mauri, Silvano Coriani, Anna Hoffman, Sanjay Mishra, Jovan Popovic 2021
D. Mauri et al.Practical Azure SQL Database for Modern Developershttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6370-9_1

1. A Database for the Modern Developer

Davide Mauri1 , Silvano Coriani2, Anna Hoffman3, Sanjay Mishra1 and Jovan Popovic4
Redmond, WA, USA
Legnano, Milano, Italy
Sherman Oaks, CA, USA
Belgrade, Serbia

The advent of cloud computing has brought a lot of innovation in all fields, and relational databases have been taking advantage of that innovation too. They evolved up to the point that many of them, Azure SQL included, now incorporate features that have traditionally been found in non-relational databases, distributed systems, and analytical platforms. Such evolution provides a great number of options in terms of flexibility and scalability, and yet still offers all the consistency and the guarantees provided by the solid mathematical foundations of relational algebra, so that a developer can have the best of both worlds: well-established technologies along with new and disruptive ideas in just one place.

Why did we write this book?

As you will learn throughout this book, there are a lot of features that you probably won’t expect to see in Azure SQL databases. As you may have guessed already by now, that’s why we felt that a book like the one you are reading is needed. As a developer, you need to know what are the tools and the features that you have at your hand to your job at best, and this book is here to help. Starting from a new, fresh approach to development and data management, the book will go through a shift in mindset, which is needed to deal with an always-evolving environment like the one offered by the cloud, up to the discussion of which role a modern database like Azure SQL can play in today’s modern software architectures, all while explaining, using a very practical approach, all the features that Azure SQL makes available to you and where and how they can be used in modern solutions.

In fact, sooner or later you will have to deal with data, and it doesn’t really matter if it will be a huge amount or just a little of it. The earlier you learn how to do it properly and use it at your advantage, the better. With a good knowledge of Azure SQL, you can simplify your architecture and keep code clean and with a clear separation of concerns (https://aka.ms/seofco), all while improving performance by orders of magnitude just by using the available features, scaling up to almost any possible need you may have now or in the future. Yes, this sounds too good to be true, but it is real. And it’s not magic. Those features are the result of almost 30 years of research and development, mixed with today’s cloud elasticity and scalability.

A relational database, in fact, being completely based on mathematical concepts, is still amazingly good at handling today’s challenges, despite being introduced in the market 50 years ago. Just like the sum operation in math, probably the most ancient operation we know of, it really doesn’t grow old. If the idea behind is solid and mathematically proven, it will always work. What may become old, instead, is how it is used and implemented in available hardware and software. Here’s where evolution and constant improvement come into play: we know that the relational model works and works well. What needs to be pushed far away are the limits imposed by the existing hardware and software constraints.

Azure SQL is a relational database that, especially in its new Hyperscale version, has been renewed and refactored completely to provide the elasticity expected from a cloud service, even though it shows the usual, well-known, programming model and data management features that have been used with so much success since the 1970s.

This dual soul, with roots both in a well-established and mature field on one side – keep in mind that Azure SQL is SQL Server in the Azure cloud – and in new exciting frontiers of scalability and data management on the other, makes Azure SQL a pretty unique, one-of-a-kind database, capable of handling today’s most demanding and scalable workloads.

As a result, it comes loaded with so many features that every developer will find something to love; this also implies that there is a lot to learn for those who have never used it before. This book is here to help.

The growth mindset

In 2006, the psychologist Carol Dweck published a book titled Mindset: The New Psychology of Success where she introduced the idea of the growth mindset . She describes that people who understand that talent and abilities can be developed, acquired, and improved through continuous effort, learning, and persistence, despite failure and setbacks, are more likely to succeed than those who instead have a fixed mindset . People with a fixed mindset work to defend the reached status quo, trying to show no weakness and always showing off like there are no challenges or failures, as they already know a lot, if not everything.

A fixed mindset cannot work in today’s ever-changing world.

On the opposite, the growth mindset idea goes perfectly hand in hand with the Agile methodology and the more general idea that key to success is the ability to embrace changes. The ability to keep learning and to be able to adapt to new situations is at the foundation of the ability of embracing changes. Of course, this doesn’t happen overnight, and failures, and what comes as a learning from them, are part of such a process as much as success is.

This approach also brings another important behavior to the table: the ability to constantly check if what we have learned so far, or even our beliefs, are still true and applicable.

As you can now imagine, everything just described, which at first glance may seem completely out of place in a technical book like this, is instead much more profound and interconnected with a developer’s everyday life, as in the cloud changes are constantly happening. The ability to deal with such a high rate of change becomes one of the primary traits of a good developer.

Is not by chance, in fact, that within Microsoft the idea of a “growth mindset” is pervasive: it is needed to evolve, grow, and stay competitive.

It wasn’t until one of the authors joined Microsoft, where he learned about the growth mindset, that he realized while some developers always have this mindset, others don't. And this is especially true for everything that’s related to data and databases. Developers usually don’t like databases that much and simply try to deal with it in the simplest and quickest possible way, if they deal with it at all.

But in the information age, it should be quite clear that data, and then information and then in turn knowledge, are the center of gravity of everything we build and do for a living. The ability to efficiently manipulate data will immediately turn a developer into a better developer.

A growth mindset is a way to start to look at this challenge. But how is that applicable to development? How can anyone be a better developer? Why is this important and, above all, what this has to do with Azure SQL?

Let’s try to give some answers.

Reviewing old beliefs

“The relational model is old and doesn’t scale.” “You need to use some new paradigm to be able to scale at cloud level.” Or even, “You can’t deal with more than a few millions of rows of data in a relational database.” No matter if you’re a new developer born in the cloud or a veteran that has assembled his or her first computer on its own and still know what a nibble is, chances that you have heard the aforementioned sentences are pretty high.

Now, since someone said them, or even wrote books and blogs about it, they must be true. Well, they may have been true at some point in time, something like 40 years ago. Time has passed since then, and so it is time to check if such beliefs and myth are still true.

Well: no. Azure SQL evolved from SQL Server that through the years had so many improvements and upgrades that if you weren’t really focused on the data space, you may have missed them. From a developer point of view, you still deal with tables and columns – and this is already not entirely true to be honest, as you’ll learn in the next chapters – but behind the scenes the database engine has been updated so much that, as the well-known SQL Server guru Bob Ward said, “SQL Server 2019 is not your Grandpa SQL Server” (https://aka.ms/ssnygss).

Just to mention a few of the amazing features that are now available in SQL Server and thus Azure SQL, you can find columnstore tables where data is saved in a highly compressed, column-structured format that enables fast vector computations using AVX and SIMD instructions (yes, the same used by videogames); lock-free structures are also available where locking is not used to keep data consistent, but something much more advanced like Multi-Value Concurrency Control (MVCC) where the same data can exist at the same moment in different versions, depending on how the observer is interacting with it; tables can automatically keep track of all changes that happen on the data they hold, even allowing for “as-of” queries, literally allowing a query to travel back in time; JSON documents and graph models are available and deeply integrated with the query optimizer, a marvel of human engineering, that is able to optimize the execution of any query for you, taking into account how much data there is in a table, what are the resources available, and what are the possible alternatives to reach the best performance goal.

All these features - and more - also come with the ability to run at scale. Cloud scale. Several of the most used websites, online and mobile games and applications, if fact, use Azure SQL every day, scaling to serve millions of users worldwide.

Azure SQL offers a lot of features that you should check out to make sure you are not reinventing the wheel every time.

But this is only half of the picture.

Continuous learning

In another great blog post, this time by Grant Fritchey (Figure 1-1), that you can find here: “Why don’t people use columnstore indexes” (https://aka.ms/wdpuci), the issue – among others – is described extremely well. We were used to learning something once and using what we had learned for many years to come. It was already true long ago that in information technology you were expected to continuously learn and stay updated, but the pace at which innovation was happening was much slower that the pace you see today.
Figure 1-1

Words of wisdom

The need to learn new concepts, technologies, and ideas was something you could easily do every couple of years and sometimes even more. Today the speed at which technology is moving is completely different. In the cloud, new updates are released every month. Azure SQL is constantly updated not only to correct bugs or improve existing features, but entire new features are released so that developers from all around the world can take advantage of them, to create simpler, yet more scalable and powerful solutions.

It’s clear that the key to becoming a successful developer today is not only the ability to master one language or another. One of the key factors is the ability to learn and keep learning, so that your solution can take advantage of the latest and greatest innovations, leveraging the work done by other hundreds or even thousands of people, allowing you to create solutions that would be impossible otherwise.

You can’t just learn a thing once and hope that’s enough. It is clearly not enough. Not anymore. Challenge yourself, keep learning, keep an eye on what’s new, and do this as part of your job routine. It’s just like creating unit or integration tests for the code you wrote. Years ago, almost no one was doing it. Now it is natural as breathing, and you won’t move forward in your project without some tests in place to give you the guarantee that you’re not introducing bugs or breaking existing code. Continuous learning is the same: no one should ignore the power of what the cloud offers just because you’re too busy writing code. You may be wasting hours and days on something that is already there.

A better developer

Developers that know how to properly take advantage of data and databases are, without any doubt, better developers – better not only because they can use the right tool to process data, but also because, on the cloud, every inefficiency means higher costs. For example, a very chatty application that continuously moves data from the database to a processing service to crunch and elaborate data may need to execute thousands of queries per second. That will require a close placement of the processing service to the database to reduce the network latency at minimum, as some network delay will incur for every query, as data needs to be moved in and out of the database; in addition to that, code will be more complex and will require more CPU resources; at the same time, the database will be used as a dumb storage wasting CPU cycles only to deal with the huge amount of queries sent by just one user, with the result that scalability will be more costly as compute power will be needed more and more as new users will use the service. This chain of issues can be avoided by making a better use of batching techniques via Table-Valued Parameters or Bulk Load. Better developers will know when it makes sense to write code and when they should leverage the database to operate with efficiency on data. It’s just one simple choice but can have an impact with many zeros in a lot of places: from the cloud bill your company will need to pay at the of the month, to the amount of time needed to maintain and evolve the system, through the ability to isolate different parts of the solution to work on them in parallel.

Be a better developer by knowing your tools, being pragmatic, and keeping in mind that “You are not Google” (https://aka.ms/yang); don’t just embrace new and exotic technologies just because the big companies do so. Use the one that better serves your overall needs, considering costs, performances, features, supportability and availability.

Not just a passive container of data

A relational database is much more than a container of data. It doesn’t just offer a way to persist data, as some architects and developers – with very extreme views – may instead think. If you need just a persistence layer, even a text file may be fine, especially today where you can put a text file in an Azure Blob Storage and be pretty much sure it will be high available, secure and globally distributed. But is that enough?

The challenge starts when more than one entity, be it human or a software, needs to access that data. Who is going to make sure that all those who need to access don’t step on each other's feet? And what about making sure that access to parts of stored data is secured so that different entities may only access the data that they are allowed to see? Who is in charge of guaranteeing that such data is handled in the correct way, so that if an application crashes while modifying that data, the modifications done are not left halfway finished?

For sure you can put all this logic somewhere in your solution, if that will be the only one accessing the database. While this sounds amazingly elegant from an architectural point of view, it is also costly to implement and maintain. Again, it’s about deciding if reinventing the wheel makes sense or not. If you are creating a new vehicle to explore Mars, then reinventing the wheel surely makes sense. But in most of the cases, you’re not going to Mars. So it would be much better to focus your development efforts on something that is unique to your business challenge instead of using something that is already available and has been battle-tested for almost half a century. All evolutions are built on the shoulder of who was there before us: it makes sense to follow the same approach in software development too.

Gatekeeper of data

Databases are gatekeepers of data. It would be a beautiful world if all developers were good developers, if no bugs would be created, and if human error or hardware failure were not something we have to deal with. But that’s not the world we live in and, likely, it will never be. Reality is that not all developers are good developers, hardware has failures, and therefore data needs to be protected from any voluntary or involuntary corruption.

Data is the ultimate asset, the one that carries the value as it can be transformed to information and knowledge, and it must be protected at all costs. A database like Azure SQL, among other duties, finds its main purpose in protecting the data from anything – bugs, errors, inconsistencies, and malicious users.

A database is the last chance to make sure data is correctly modified and served, at scale, and with the expected performance. Moving all these features outside the database would mean creating a new database management system. But then you’ll be exactly at the starting point. Following the same analogy used before, it would be like if the wheel you created to explore Mars can now be used on the Earth too, and on every type of terrain: it is surely more flexible, but has exactly the same pros and cons of existing wheels, with the added complexity that only few know how to correctly use it.

So, better learn how to make good use of existing one.

Where should business rules go?

Business rules: They should go into the application, not in the database. The answer is simple and straightforward. The problem is that the definition of business rules is not that straightforward.

While a deep dive into such discussion is well outside the scope of this book, we need to draw, at least, a line to make clear what should be pushed to the database and whatnot.

Business rules usually act on data. Among other duties, they also process, read, change, and create data. It’s fair to say that all data manipulation should be pushed to the database where data lives. If the creation of a new user, for example, requires the creation of a row in the User table, that statement should be executed within the database itself, not by creating some spaghetti code where data manipulation logic and business logic are intertwined together in a very inelegant and not-so-maintainable code.

An even better example is when aggregation of data is needed, maybe to calculate some complex end-of-month report for monitoring business KPIs. Due to what is known as data gravity, it is much, much easier to move this complex computation to where data already is, instead of moving data into the business layer. Data has a size and thus a weight: moving it can be very challenging a definitely requires a lot of effort.

This is especially true in distributed systems, where each different system may want to access and modify the same data. By having data manipulation logic in each and every one of those systems, some complex – really complex – distributed coordination would be needed. By allowing the database to do its job – orchestrate data access – such complexity can be avoided entirely.

With this line drawn, it is much easier to obtain a clear separation of concerns, bringing clarity and simplicity to the solution that, in turn, will be easier to create and less expensive to maintain and evolve. It will be more Agile.

Tell me about Polyglot persistence

Polyglot persistence came to be known to the world in the last years, where microservice architectures showed all their power and became mainstream. The idea is that every service should use the best database technology (Relational, Key-Value, Graph, Document, etc.) for the task it is doing.

While in theory this seems absolutely correct, there is one big, huge challenge that lies within this approach: how data, living in different systems, can be integrated and kept consistent so it can be trusted to be free of errors and used to make decisions?

Not only that, if using different databases to store data, all of those different technologies need to be known enough so that they can be used appropriately; otherwise, security, consistency and performance issues will quickly arise and become a day-to-day nightmare.

But there is something more. What if, at some point, some data needs to be gathered and then re-distributed to all systems? Integration is a really, really hard problem. In fact, not only will you need a process to just keep data integration going on, but at some point, you’ll also need something where the “golden master” of your data will be stored – somewhere where Business Analytics systems can get data from to allow meaningful forecasts and, nowadays, reliable data to feed machine learning algorithms. You’ll need a system to manage your master data.

As you can see complexity increases at every step, and caching hasn’t been put in the picture yet! Now, if complexity is needed, that’s fine. As long as you’re in control of the architectural decisions, and such complexity is needed (as your business is complex like managing an online word processor for millions of concurrent users), and you are ready to handle it, everything is good. But unfortunately it is very easy to be caught in the unexpected landslide of issues that a complex architecture brings with it, if not well planned and managed, easily becoming more and more complex every day, eating every dollar possible from the IT budget.

Polyglot persistence and high specialization are great choices, but not always and not for every project: sometimes, an integrated solution, which provides all the options but just in one place, is much better. Azure SQL can be that integrated solution.

Batteries included

Keep it simple, as simple as possible. But not simpler! That’s why Azure SQL can help a lot. Just like Python, that is said to be “batteries included” (https://aka.ms/pep0206), we like to use the same definition for Azure SQL. It offers almost everything a developer needs for any project. From relational support to Graph models, from JSON documents to Columnstore indexes, it is possible to take advantage of the same pros that you would find adopting the Polyglot Persistence ideas, with way less complexity and cons.

This book will help you to learn all the features you can use to create modern solutions, using Azure SQL to offload all data manipulation and management to the cloud so that you can just focus on something that no one else can do for you: implementing the business logic and the correct architecture that will be unique for the solution you’re working on.

Is Azure SQL a developer tool?

Many developers would argue that managing a database, and more in general data, is not part of their job. This was probably true 20 or more years ago, but things have changed a lot since then.

In today’s world, where agility and ability to adapt and change is a key factor for success, figures like full-stack developers or back-end developers are more and more common every day. While those figures do not need to have the deep knowledge around data that is expected by a database administrator or a data engineer or a data scientist, their job will ultimately result in manipulating some data too.

Now, this doesn’t mean that you should stop learning C#, Java, Python, or any language you want or need and just go head down learning SQL. What is needed is just to understand that Azure SQL is a tool in your toolset just like any other tool you may have, from Design Patterns to the WeakReference class, just to mention two things that are on the complete opposite side of the knowledge spectrum.

As any other tool, the more you know it, the better you’ll use it.

Keep it super simple

As a developer, you have to know that doesn’t make sense, for example, to create an amazingly sophisticated caching mechanism to improve performance of your solution, if you haven’t correctly designed your database so that it can take advantage of indexes. Let me tell you it loud and clear: there is nothing you can do to gain the same performance improvement that a good indexing strategy can give you. If you try to do something different and cleverer, sooner or later you’ll be ending up by replicating the same solution already available in a database, right inside your application (most likely, some form of b-tree) – just with much higher costs and complexity. It just doesn’t make sense from a professional standpoint. Stories of overengineering like this one aren’t just hypothetical, and told just to scare new junior developers: it happened for real to one of the authors. He was asked to optimize a complex near real-time data processing solution that was using complex multiple caching layers, state-of-the-art microservice architecture, and the greatest and latest hardware, but still was performing badly and with unsustainable costs. After a deep analysis, the proposal was to dismantle a big chunk of the existing architecture and replace it with a couple of indexes on the database – more precisely, Columnstore Indexes. The developers who created the solution didn’t know that they existed as they were still stuck with ideas of features available in SQL Server 2005. After some debate, some struggles, and discussion around growth mindset, the code was refactored and rearchitected, and the reviewed working solution went from using seven virtual machines to host a complex distributed caching solution to one Azure SQL database at one tenth of the cost and much, much better performances.

By using the correct tool, solutions that are complex by nature can be shredded down to smaller pieces, each one simpler to manage with the correct tools. Azure SQL is one of them that usually fits well when it comes to data manipulation. Give it a try even if you think it is not up to the challenge and be prepared to change your mind. That’s how you become a better developer.

Be a generalized specialist

Development is much more about making decisions than writing code. Sure, code is how you bring to the world what you have decided to do in order to solve some business problem or to implement a feature, but the development process started long before in your mind, the moment you started to evaluate what options you have at your hands to realize what you’re asked to work on.

As a developer, one of the most important steps toward the goals one has in mind is the ability to be in control and to decide what is the best architecture and implementation strategy to reach them. By knowing more than one language and more than one data management solution, one can pick, or suggest, the best one for the specific solution being worked on. Sometimes it can be something as complex and flexible as Apache Spark, some other time something simple and easy as Redis. Many times, a modern database like Azure SQL can give, in just one place, an amazing number of features that provide a good balance of options, costs, and performances.

To make the best choice, one needs to know at least a few tools that are on the border of the development space as they will help to deal with everything outside that space. In many cases, “everything” means “data”. The more one knows about it, the better the solution will be. To use the same definition used in the Agile methodology, one needs to become a generalizing specialist (https://aka.ms/swkogs).

Be the master of some skills, but actively seek to learn others.

If you want to know more

This book aims to give you a very practical view of Azure SQL and how it can be helpful in your daily life as developer or architect. Of course, to understand why something described is important or better than some other alternative, a bit of theoretical background is needed. We want you to learn by understanding concepts, not just learning them by memory. This is a foundational mindset as you will be the one asked to make some development or design choices. While we cannot be there to help you, this book can, but only if you understand the details of the explained concepts. We put in this book what we think is enough to get you started and to give you an idea of what you can achieve. It’s more than enough to be in control of your development and design decisions. However, you may want to know more and to go deep into some concepts; after all, the more you know, the more you want to know. So, in every chapter, you’ll find a section with this very same name, where you can find a list of books, articles, or posts as a reference for going deeper into database knowledge. Here’s the list for this chapter:
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