Aboriginal issues, 92

agenda review, 148, 149–50

agreement for working together, 148, 150–51

AI (appreciative inquiry): applications of, 21

as being appreciative resilience work, 5

critical, 89

description and applications of, 4–5, 20–23

design steps for working on organizational despair, 85–88

examining resilience through, 3–4

focus on asking questions and telling stories in, 4–5

as foundation of the appreciative resilience model, 153

origins and development of, 5

practice of hope as meta-outcome of, 57–58

as search for knowledge and theory of collective action, 22

study of resilience using, 21

used to foster an appreciative climate, 147–48

using a simple question to integrate leadership work into, 37–38

as way to study “life-giving forces”

in systems, 20–21

what participating leaders have to say about, 22–23

AI interlocking circles: appreciative resilience practice illustrated in the, 126

despair in the illustration of the, 76, 155

forgiveness in the illustration of the, 102, 155

hope in the illustration of the, 50, 155

illustration of the entire, 144, 174. See also AI outer circle

AI leadership: as core to practice of appreciative resilience, 43–44

description of, 154

grounded in appreciative inquiry, 40–44

inclusion and the art of questions practices, 42–43

Jeanie’s reflection on, 41–42

Joan on practice of hope and, 55–56

as part of the AI outer circle, 154

practicing hope as part of, 55–56

turning relational capacity to uplift and enable, 41

a willful forgiveness as an act of, 105–8, 112–16

you are invited to explore the possibilities of, 176–77. See also leadership

AI outer circle: AI leadership as part of the, 154

AI principles of the, 20, 26–34, 154

AI processes of the, 20, 23–25, 153

appreciative inquiry (AI) components in the, 20–23, 133

appreciative resilience model’s, 19–20, 174

as bedrock of building resilience and appreciative inquiry, 19–20

being AI practice, 20, 34–40, 154

final notes on the, 44. See also AI interlocking circles

AI principles: anticipatory, 30–31, 34, 129, 154

appreciative resilience practice integrated with, 127–30

constructionist, 27–29, 33, 34, 154

description of, 25, 33–34, 154

outer circle illustration on, 20

poetic, 31–32, 34, 61–62, 154

positive, 32–33, 34, 129, 154

simultaneity, 29–30, 34

wholeness, 26–27, 29, 33, 34, 154

AI processes: 5-Is, 25

description of the, 153

5-Ds, 25

4-D, 22, 23–25, 84–85, 118, 153

grounded in AI principles, 25, 26–34

outer circle illustration on, 20

similar pattern followed by all, 25

SOAR, 25

ALIVE model: applied as part of building resilience in challenging times, 97

appreciate, love, inquire, venture, and evolve components of the, 93–95

used during times of despair, 93

anger: forgiveness for giving up, 105

refusal to forgive by maintaining their, 109–10

willful forgiveness instead of choosing, 113–15

anticipatory principle: applied to resilience and visualizing preferred futures, 31, 34

description of, 30, 154

Harry’s story on his resilience practice integrating the, 129

appreciative beliefs, 34–35

appreciative climate: of an appreciative resilience workshop, 146–52

several processes used to create an, 148–52

understanding the importance of the, 146–47

appreciative climate processes: 1: why—clarifying the purpose, 148, 149

2: what and when—reviewing the agenda, 148, 149–50

3: how—creating agreements for working together, 148, 150–51

4: who—engaging in an activity that helps people see one another for who they are, 148, 151–52

appreciative forgiveness: act of will to practice forgiveness, 105–8, 112–16

appreciative resilience model on, 9

awareness of perspective aspect of, 110–12

of childhood trauma, 117–18

future focus of, 117–19

recognizing the “limits and balance of power” for, 111

reflections on, 121

telling a story on forgiveness as first step in, 110. See also forgiveness

Appreciative Inquiry Handbook, 22

Appreciative Inquiry in Higher Education (Cockell and McArthur-Blair), 88

appreciative intelligence: applied to letting a different future unfold, 37

definition of, 35

persistence element of, 35–36

Appreciative Living: The Principles of Appreciative Inquiry in Personal Life (Kelm), 127

appreciative questions. See questions

appreciative resilience: description of, 6–7

despair element of, 8–12, 24–25, 26–27, 30, 75–97, 118, 154

leadership grounded in AI is core to practice of, 43–44

uplifting the conversation about despair, 82. See also forgiveness; hope/hopeful view; leadership resilience; resilience

appreciative resilience model: AI (appreciative inquiry) at the core of, 5

AI interlocking circles on the, 50, 76, 102, 126, 144

AI outer circle on the, 19–40, 44, 133, 153, 154

appreciative resilience workshop application of the, 152–55

imagine it as a three-dimensional object to examine, 12

as not being a linear journey, 13

overview of the, 9, 175–76

quick primer on ideas and definitions of, 4–9

appreciative resilience plan: Appreciate Resilience Plan exercise, 165–69

workshop section on the, 164–65

appreciative resilience practice: AI principles integrated into, 127–30

becoming more resilient through, 137–38

finding what works for you, 125–26

focusing on what is working for, 130–32

gratitude practice as part of your, 132–33

Harry’s story on, 138–39

illustrated in the AI circle, 126

reflections on, 139

using intention and questions to prompt AI principles in, 130

wellness practices of the body, heart, mind, 133–37. See also leaders; resilience work

appreciative resilience workshop: appreciative climate of, 146–52

appreciative resilience model used during, 146, 152–55

appreciative resilience plan, 146, 164–69

description of the, 143–45

despair—bowed but not defeated, 146, 159–62

forgiveness—the heart of resilience, 146, 162–64

hope—the generative force, 146, 155–59

important considerations for a productive, 143–44

Isobel’s story during a, 143

uplifting the resilience of others, 146, 169–70

varied format and discussion held in different, 145

appreciative resilience workshop exercises: Appreciate Resilience Plan, 165–69

Despair—Bowed but not Defeated, 160–62

to help people see one another for who they are, 152

Hope—The Generative Force, 156–59

Uplifting the Resilience of Others, 169–70

art of the question practice, 42–43

awareness of perspective, 110–12


beach sand metaphor, 69–70

being AI: applied to leadership work and practice of resilience, 34–39

appreciative beliefs concept of, 34–35

appreciative intelligence concept of, 35–37

appreciative practices of, 37–39

description of, 34, 154

outer circle illustration of, 20

story illustrating, 39–40

“being at my best” picture metaphor, 86

beliefs (appreciative), 34–35

betrayal: despair over, 75–76

leader comments on experiencing despair and, 76–78

leader’s story on forgiveness of, 106–8

willful forgiveness in the face of, 113–14

birthday card story, 135–36

the body wellness practices, 134–35

boilermaker story, 60–61

Bright, David S., 109

Bushe, Gervase, 34


capacity: ALIVE model of appreciative inquiry for building, 93–95, 97

importance of building through despair, 92–95

car accident story, 62–63

change: advocacy by blending hope and love for, 64

appreciative inquiry processes important to, 22

positive principle as momentum for, 32–33

practicing hope during times of, 67–69

simultaneity principle on simultaneity of inquiry and, 29–30, 34. See also systems

Cherokee Nation, 91

childhood trauma, 117–18

circle. See AI circle

Cockell, Jeanie, 34, 88

compassion, 104–5

conflict: establishing an appreciative climate to avoid or manage, 147

understood as natural occurrence, 147

connected leaders, 135–36

constructionist principle: as being about holding tensions, 28–29

cocreating futures in relation to others, 34

description of, 27–28

positive principle grounding the, 33

Cooperrider, David L., 5, 34, 109

critical appreciative inquiry: description and focus of, 89

leader on working through systemic misogyny through, 89

critical theory, 89


department despair: AI design steps to repair, 86–88

toxic relationships causing, 85

despair: appreciative resilience model on dealing with, 9, 79

building capacity during, 92–95

as “dark night of the soul,” 8

description in context of resilience, 8, 75

final thoughts on journey through, 95–96

4-D process used with teams in, 24–25, 84–85, 118

“An Hour That Changed My Life” on hope, forgiveness, and, 10–12

how it impacts the inner life of leadership, 82–83

illustrated in the AI circle, 76, 154

Joan on her personal journey through, 78–79, 80–81

of living with discrimination and systemic forces, 88–92

as loss of hope, 75, 80, 81–82, 83

questions asked in times of, 30

reflections on, 97

story on AI design steps to forgiveness and hope from, 85–88

story on different experiences of, 80–81

story on traversing in the ordinariness of, 79–80

using your strengths during times of, 95, 96

wholeness principle to work through, 26–27

workshop discussion and exercise on, 159–62

you are invited to know your capabilities when feeling, 177

Despair—Bowed but Not Defeated exercise, 160–62

dialogue and forgiveness, 102

discrimination: despair of living with systemic forces and, 88–92

gender identity issues, 92

Joan on coming out as a lesbian and facing, 90–91, 92

leader comments on rage against systemic misogyny and, 89

leader referring to experiencing racism and, 91–92

of racial profiling, 92

diversity: awareness of perspective in, 112

critical appreciative inquiry to understand, 89

despair of living with systemic discrimination and, 88–91


emotions: anger, 105, 109–10, 113–15

fear, 83–84, 105

love, 93–95, 105

positive, 52, 132–33

empathy, 92

events. See organizational events

evolving: as about the movement through despair, 94–95

ALIVE model component of, 93–95

as unique to each individual, 95

exercises. See appreciative resilience workshop exercises


fanning and tracking practice, 39

fear: forgiveness for giving up, 105

team and organizational despair and, 83–84

First Nations’ leaders, 91–92

5-Ds process, 25

focusing on what is working, 130–32

footballer story, 36

“Forgiveness: The Least Understood Leadership Trait in the Workplace” (Williams), 105

forgiveness: as act of AI leadership, 105–8

the burden of refusing act of, 101, 105, 106–8, 109–10

challenges to cultivate, 8

as decision to see the realistic future possibilities, 103–4, 117–19

description in context of resilience, 8

“An Hour That Changed My Life” on hope, despair, and, 10–12

illustrated in the AI circle, 102, 154

as an inside job, 178

a last note on, 119–20

leader’s story on being betrayed and finding, 106–8

making the decision to move toward, 101–2, 112–16

as means for moving toward hope, 103–4, 105

offering a place where dialogue can begin, 102

questions asked in times of, 30

reflections on, 121

seeking a definition of, 104–8

story on AI design steps from despair to hope and, 85–88

as transcendent in assisting oneself to flourish, 109

as ultimate act of resilience, 108–10

wholeness principle for working through traumatic events to, 26–27

willful, 105–8, 112–16

workshop discussion and exercise on, 162–64

you are invited to practice, 177. See also appreciative forgiveness; appreciative resilience

Forgiveness—The Heart of Resilience, 163–64

4-D process: applications of the, 24

appreciative resilience plan created during workshop using, 164–69

description of, 22, 23

discovery, dream, design, and destiny phases of, 23, 24, 153

engaging people to create positive future, 24

sharing challenges and reframing as forgiveness using the, 118

used to build resilience, 23–25

used with organizations and teams in despair, 24–25, 84–88

Francis, Mayann, 92

Frankl, Viktor, 51

Frederickson, Barbara, 52

Fredrickson, Barbara, 132

Fry, Ronald E., 109

future/futures: ALIVE model on evolving to unfold the, 94–95

anticipatory principle for visualizing preferred, 31, 34

appreciative intelligence applied to letting unfold a different, 37

constructionist principle on cocreating in relation to others the, 34

forgiveness as decision to see realistic possible, 103–4, 117–19

Joan on practicing hope for results in the, 60–61

poetic principle proposing that we can choose what we examine, 31–32

reframing or reinterpreting situation for, 38–39, 62–63


gardener metaphor, 38, 65–67

gender identity, 92

gender interactions, 28

Gergen, Kenneth J., 28

goals: footballer story on achieving his personal, 36

persistence in continuing to pursue a difficult, 35–36

gratitude practice, 132–33

ground rules, 146, 150–51

group norms, 146, 150–51


Harry’s stories: on integrating AI principles into leadership practice, 127–29

on learning to forgive, 138–39

Harry’s story, 127–29, 138–39

Havel, Victor, 59–60

the heart wellness practice, 135–36

holocaust, 51

homophobia, 90–91

hope/hopeful view: anticipatory principle’s relationship to, 31

appreciative resilience model on, 9

description in context of resilience, 7, 55, 59–60

despair as the loss of, 75, 80, 81–82, 83

forgiveness as means for moving toward, 103–4, 105

“An Hour That Changed My Life” on, 10–12

illustrated in the AI circle, 50, 155

irrepressible resilience story and, 37

the nature of resilience and, 50–55

as powerful element of appreciative resilience, 49–50

questions asked in times of, 30

reflection on your resilient leadership and fostering, 71

Signature Strengths Test on, 53

story on AI design steps from despair to forgiveness and, 85–88

workshop discussion and exercise on generative force of, 155–59. See also appreciative resilience; positive emotions; resilience

hope practice: advocacy as intrinsic to, 64

gardener metaphor for the, 38, 65–67

Hope—The Generative Force exercise, 156–59

ideas about intentional, 56–57

importance during times of change, 67–69

Jeanie on finding new pathways to, 57–58

Jeanie on what to focus on for, 62–63

Joan on AI leadership and, 55–56

Joan on challenges of, 59–61

Joan on using the poetic principle for, 61–62

leader comments on their, 52–54, 58, 64–69

leaders finding out what gives people hope for, 63–64

rearranged sand on the beach metaphor of, 69–70

you are invited to expand your, 177

Hope—The Generative Force exercise, 156–59

“An Hour That Changed My Life,” 10–12

humility lesson, 10–12


inclusion practice, 42–43

inner life of leadership, 82–83

inquiring: ALIVE model component of, 93–95

into what small things are possible and celebrating them, 94

“irrepressible resilience,” 37

Isobel’s story, 143


Jeanie’s stories: AI leadership reflection by, 41–42

on finding new pathways to practicing hope, 57–58

on the 4-D process, 24–25, 118–19

her mindfulness practice of yoga, 136–37

on power of using AI to foster an appreciative climate, 147–48

on sharing together challenges and reframing them as forgiveness, 118–19

on traversing in the ordinariness of despair, 79–80

on what to focus on for practicing hope, 62–63. See also stories

Joan’s stories: on AI inclusion and the art of questions practices, 42–43

AI leadership reflection by, 42–43

on awareness of perspective and appreciative forgiveness, 111–12

on being AI, 39–40

on challenges of practicing hope, 59–61

on coming out as a lesbian and facing discrimination, 90–91, 92

o her different experiences of despair, 80–81

on her journey through despair, 78–79, 80–81

on hope and leadership, 55, 56

on practicing gratitude, 133

on woman practicing hope, 51–52. See also stories

journey. See leadership life journey

The Joy of Appreciative Living (Kelm), 55, 132


Kelm, Jacqueline, 34, 55, 127, 132

knowledge search, 22

Kornfield, Jack, 105


labyrinth walking practice, 137

Larson, Christian D., 93

leaders: advocacy as intrinsic part of hope by, 64–65

comments on hope and hopeful view practice by, 52–54, 58, 64–69

finding out what gives people hope, 63–64

focusing on what is working, 130–32

seeing themselves as part of something bigger, 58–59

tracking and fanning practice by, 39

wellness practices of the heart by connected, 135–36

what they have to say about appreciative inquiry, 22–23

who are determined to not forgive, 109–10. See also appreciative resilience practice

leadership: being AI applied to resilience and daily work of, 34–40

leader on how the impact of despair on inner life of, 82–83

resilience work on catalytic force of, 5–6

understanding the rhythm of growth and loss within, 65–67. See also AI leadership

leadership life journey: Joan on her personal journey through despair, 78–79

leadership resilience as a continuous, 3

reflection on your, 15

thoughts on despair and your, 95–96

you are invited to expand your, 175–78

leadership resilience: appreciative inquiry used to examine, 3–4

appreciative resilience area of, 6–7

continuous journey toward, 3; “irrepressible resilience” in, 37

primer on key ideas and definitions related to, 4–9. See also appreciative resilience; resilience

life journey. See leadership life journey

love: ALIVE model component of, 93–95

as being about caring for oneself and others, 94

forgiveness allowing us to live in, 105


McArthur-Blair, Joan, 34, 88

Mankiller, Wilma, 91

metaphors: beach sand, 69–70

“being at my best” picture, 86

gardener, 38, 65–67

seeing each other through, 152

Metis issues, 92

Metzker, Carol, 35

mindfulness: definition of, 136

Jeanie’s practice of, 136–37

labyrinth walking as a practice of, 137

the mind wellness practices, 136–37

Mohr, Bernard, 34


nonforgiveness burden, 101, 105, 106–8, 109–10

norms, 28


optimists, 53

Optimist’s Creed, 93

organizational despair: AI design steps for working on, 85–88

causes of, 84

description of, 83; 4-D process used for teams, 24–25, 84–85, 118

has its own rhythm and time frame, 88

leader’s articulation of the problem of, 83–84

story on toxic relations between two departments, 85–88

organizational events: social construction for building a collective understanding of, 28

wholeness principle for working through traumatic, 26–27, 29, 33, 34

organizations: appreciative inquiry to evolve vision of, 22

causes and responses to despair in, 24–29, 83–88, 118

outer circle. See AI outer circle


persistence: as quality of continuing to pursue a difficult goal, 35–36

story on being a footballer against all odds, 36

personal leadership despair: has its own rhythm and time frame, 88

how it impacts the inner life of leadership, 82–83

Jeanie’s story on her own, 79–80

Joan on her journey through, 78–79, 80–81

poetic principle: on focusing on what is working, 34

Joan on practicing hope by using the, 61–62

proposing that we can choose what we examine, 31–32

positive emotions: building resilience through, 52

practicing gratitude for, 132–33. See also hope/hopeful view

positive principle: on asking positive questions, 34

description of the, 32

Harry’s story on his resilience practice integrating the, 129

as momentum for change, 32–33

positive psychology research: on positive emotions enhancing resilience, 132

supporting AI positive principle, 32–33

supporting building resilience through positive emotions, 52

power: appreciative forgiveness by recognizing the limits and balance of, 111

social construction of, 28

powerful questions: AI’s notion of positive and, 22

how they influence leaders’ perspective, 38

reframing through, 38–39, 62–63

simultaneity principle on inquiry centered around, 29–30. See also questions

practice. See appreciative resilience practice

principles (agreement), 146, 150–51

privilege social construction, 28

problems: challenging leaders on a daily basis, 130–31

focusing on what is working instead of only on, 130–32

purpose clarification, 148, 149


questions: AI focus on telling stories and asking, 4–5

AI’s art of the question practice, 42–43

appreciative, 23

asked in times of hope, despair, or forgiveness, 30

integrating AI into leadership work through a simple, 37–38

positive principle on asking positive, 34

prompting AI principles integration into resilience practice, 130

simultaneity principle on change driven by, 29–30, 34. See also powerful questions; stories


race experiences: discrimination component of, 88–92, 89

social construction of, 28

racial profiling, 92

racism, 91–92

Rader, Kae, 41

reflections: on the appreciative inquiry you are already doing, 45

on despair, 97

on fostering hope in your resilient leadership, 71

by Jeanie on AI leadership, 41–42

by Joan on being AI, 39–40

on your leadership life journey, 15

reframing: as about intentionally reinterpreting situations, 38–39

focus in order to practice hope, 62–63

for forgiveness and awareness of perspective, 110–12

sharing together challenges and forgiving by, 118–19

relationships: fanning and tracking to enhance, 39

story on organization despair due to toxic department, 85–86

resilience: agency as key ingredient to having, 108–9

anticipatory principle applied to our personal, 31

appreciative inquiry used to study, 21

definition of, 6

despair element of, 8–12, 24–25, 26–27, 30, 75–97, 118, 154

forgiveness as ultimate act of, 8, 108–10

quality of irrepressible, 37

uplifting others,’ 169–70

you are invited to be curious and practice your, 176, 178. See also appreciative resilience; hope/hopeful view; leadership resilience

resilience work: ALIVE model used for, 93–95, 97

being AI applied to daily leadership work and, 34–40

social construction as core to, 27–29

understanding the necessity and benefits of, 125. See also appreciative resilience practice

respect, 84


Seligman, Martin, 31, 53

sexual orientation discrimination, 90–91, 92

shared understandings, 27–29

Signature Strengths Test, 53

simultaneity principle: description of, 29

on impact of questions generating change, 29–30, 34

SOAR, 25

SOARing, 25

social construction: constructionist principle grounded in theories of, 27–28

description and application of, 28

Stockdale, Admiral, 51

stories: AI focus on asking questions and telling, 4–5

on being AI practice, 39–40

the birthday card, 135–36

on despair due to toxic relations between two departments, 85–88

on despair over betrayal, 76–78

the footballer, 36

“An Hour That Changed My Life,” 10–12

on integrating AI principles into a leadership practice, 127–29

on irrepressible resilience, 37

on Isobel’s appreciative resilience workshop experience, 143

on leading in hope, 55–56

on learning to forgive, 138–39

on personal journey through despair, 78–79

on practicing hope after care accident, 62–63

on practicing hope in times of change, 67–69

on traversing in the ordinariness of despair, 79–80

on woman studying to be boilermaker, 60–61. See also Jeanie’s stories; Joan’s stories; questions

strengths: ALIVE model of appreciative inquiry for building, 93–95, 97

importance of building through despair, 92–95

using during times of despair, 95, 96

systemic misogyny, 89

systems: AI principles applied to different components of, 33–34

appreciative inquiry of “lifegiving forces” in, 20–21

despair relationship to systemic forces of, 88–92

hope as advocacy for what you care deeply about in, 64

uncovering and co-constructing future of, 21

wholeness principle to bring out the best in, 26–27, 29, 34. See also change


team despair: due to lack of mutual respect and trust, 84

due to toxic relationships, 85–88

4-D process used for, 24–25, 84–85, 118

has its own rhythm and time frame, 88

organizational and, 83–88

tensions: AI design steps to repair team despair and ease, 85–88

leadership challenge to hold and work with, 28

social construction as being about holding, 28–29

Thatchenkery, Tojo, 35

tracking and fanning practice, 39

“Trail of Tears” (Cherokee Nation), 91

traumatic events: forgiveness for moving toward realistic expectations of, 103–4

forgiveness of childhood, 117–18

wholeness principle for working through, 26–27, 29, 33, 34

Trosten-Bloom, Amanda, 40, 41

trust, 84


Uplifting the Resilience of Others exercise, 169–70


venturing: as the movement through despair, 94

ALIVE model component of, 93–95

as unique to each individual, 95

Vietnam War POWs, 51


Watkins, Jane Magruder, 34

wellness practices: the body, 134–35

description of the, 133

the heart, 135–36

the mind, 136–37

Whitney, Diana, 40, 41

wholeness principle: description of the, 26

positive principle grounding the, 33

for working through traumatic organizational events, 26–27, 29, 34

Williams, David K., 105

Wulff, Dan, 28–29


yoga, 136–37

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